changeset 45 15a2125aa2f3
parent 40 18280709ae43
child 49 5f20f71a57a3
child 51 95c570bf4a05
--- a/networkprotocolmodules/common/suplrrlpasn1/src/suplmessagebase.cpp	Fri Jun 11 15:06:31 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1186 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
- @file
- @internalTechnology
-#include "ULP.h"
-#include "suplmessagebase.h"
-#include "suplpos.h"
-#include "supldevloggermacros.h" 
-#include "suplrrlpasn1common.h"
-#include <lbssatellite.h>
-#include <lbs/lbsgpsmeasurement.h>
-#include <lbs/lbsnetcommon.h>
-#include <lbspositioninfo.h>
-#include <lbsposition.h>
-#include <reent.h>
-Default constructor
-CSuplMessageBase::CSuplMessageBase(TSuplMessageType aType, TBool aIsOutgoingMessage)
- : iSuplMessageType(aType), iIsOutgoingMessage(aIsOutgoingMessage)
-	{
-	}
-	{
-	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::~CSuplMessageBase() Begin\n");
-	delete iControl;
-	delete iData;
-	delete iEncodeBuffer;
-	// release the STDLIB resources associated with this thread
-	CloseSTDLIB();
-	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::~CSuplMessageBase() End\n");
-	}
-Second stage constructor 
-Outgoing messages: constructs the data encapsulation and control objects.
-Incoming message: no action
-void CSuplMessageBase::ConstructL()
-	{
-	if (iIsOutgoingMessage)
-		{
-		iData    = new (ELeave) ASN1T_ULP_PDU();
-		ASN1Context* context = new (ELeave) ASN1Context;
-		CleanupDeletePushL(context);
-		iControl = new (ELeave) ASN1C_ULP_PDU(*context, *iData);
-		// construction of iControl successful, pop context off the cleanup stack
-		CleanupStack::Pop(context);
-		// set the version parameter of the outgoing message
-		iData->version.maj = 1;
-		iData->version.min = 0;
-		iData->version.servind = 0;
-		}
-	}
-Encode a populated outgoing message to the specified buffer.
-@param  aBuf buffer pointer 
-@return error indication, KErrNone otherwise
-EXPORT_C TInt CSuplMessageBase::EncodeToL(TPtr8& aBuf)
-	{
-	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::EncodeToL() Begin\n");
-	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iIsOutgoingMessage, User::Invariant());
-	TInt retval = KErrNone;
-	// buffer pointer, fixed max length
-	TUint8* msgBuf = (TUint8*)aBuf.Ptr();
-	TInt maxLength = aBuf.MaxLength();
-	// Log the un-encoded SUPL values
-	//LogMessageContent();
-	// if the message is a SUPL POS, encode the payload
-	if (iData->message.t == T_UlpMessage_msSUPLPOS)
-		{
-		CSuplPos* suplPos = reinterpret_cast <CSuplPos*>(this);
-		retval = suplPos->EncodePosPayloadL();
-		if (retval != KErrNone)
-			{
-			SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::EncodeToL() Error encoding Positioning Payload\n");
-			return retval;
-			}
-		}
-	// construct the encode buffer control object
-	iEncodeBuffer = new (ELeave) ASN1PEREncodeBuffer (msgBuf, (unsigned int)maxLength, FALSE, (OSRTContext*)iControl->getContext());
-	// Encode the message to the buffer
-	TInt stat = iControl->EncodeTo(*iEncodeBuffer);
-	if (stat == 0)
-		{
-		// Set the length according to reported buffer length
-		TInt len = iEncodeBuffer->getMsgLen ();
-		iData->length = len;
-		aBuf.SetLength(len);
-		// clear the encoded length field
-		msgBuf[0] = 0;
-		msgBuf[1] = 0;
-		// set the encoded length field
-      	msgBuf[0] |= (TUint8)( len >> 8 );
-		msgBuf[1] |= (TUint8)( len );
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		retval = ProcessAsn1Error(stat);
-		}
-	// finished with encode buffer object
-	delete iEncodeBuffer;
-	iEncodeBuffer = NULL;
-	// Log the encoded ASN1	
-	SUPLLOGHEX(ELogP8, aBuf.Ptr(), aBuf.Length());
-	SUPLLOG2(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::EncodeToL() End (retval = %d)\n", retval);
-	return retval;
-	}
-Assign decoded ASN1 data, for received messages.
-Takes ownership of passed objects.
-@param aData    data structure containing decoded message parameters
-@param aControl control structure associated with decoded data structure.
-void CSuplMessageBase::SetDecodedData(ASN1T_ULP_PDU* aData, ASN1C_ULP_PDU* aControl)
-	{
-	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::SetDecodedData() Begin\n");
-	__ASSERT_DEBUG(!iIsOutgoingMessage, User::Invariant());
-	iData = aData;
-	iControl = aControl;
-	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::SetDecodedData() End\n");
-	}
-Set the SUPL version used 
-@param aVersion SUPL version in use
-EXPORT_C void CSuplMessageBase::SetVersion(CSuplVersion& aVersion)
-	{
-	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::SetVersion() Begin\n");
-	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iIsOutgoingMessage, User::Invariant());
-	SUPLLOG2(ELogP1, "    - TInt iMaj = %d\n", aVersion.iMaj);
-	SUPLLOG2(ELogP1, "    - TInt iMin = %d\n", aVersion.iMin);
-	SUPLLOG2(ELogP1, "    - TInt iServind = %d\n", aVersion.iServind);
-	iData->version.maj = aVersion.iMaj;
-	iData->version.min = aVersion.iMin;
-	iData->version.servind =  aVersion.iServind;
-	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::SetVersion() End\n");
-	}
-Set the SUPL Session ID
-@param aSessionId session identifier
-EXPORT_C TInt CSuplMessageBase::SetSessionId(CSuplSessionId& aSessionId)
-	{
-	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::SetSessionId() Begin\n");
-	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iIsOutgoingMessage, User::Invariant());
-	// local reference to context object
-	OSCTXT* pctxt = iControl->getCtxtPtr();
-	// populate SET Session ID, if present
-	// note this should always be present as this method is for building 
-	// outgoing messages.
-	if (aSessionId.iSetSessionIdPresent)
-		{
-		iData->sessionID.m.setSessionIDPresent = 1;
-		// SET Session ID / Session ID
-		iData->sessionID.setSessionID.sessionId = aSessionId.iSetSessionId->iSessionId;
-		// SET Session ID / SET ID
-		ASN1T_SETId& setId = iData->sessionID.setSessionID.setId;
-		switch (aSessionId.iSetSessionId->iSetId->iSetIdType)
-			{	
-		  	case ESuplSetIdTypeIPAddress:
-		  		{
-		  		// ID is based on IP Address
-	  			setId.t =  T_SETId_iPAddress;
-				setId.u.iPAddress = (ASN1T_IPAddress*)rtxMemAllocZ(pctxt, sizeof(ASN1T_IPAddress));
-				if (iControl->getStatus() != 0)
-					{
-					SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::SetSessionId() Error, out of memory\n");
-					return KErrNoMemory;
-					}				
-				if (aSessionId.iSetSessionId->iSetId->iIpAddress->iIpAddressType == ESuplIpAddressTypeV6)
-					{
-					setId.u.iPAddress->t =  T_IPAddress_ipv6Address;
-					setId.u.iPAddress->u.ipv6Address = (ASN1T_IPAddress_ipv6Address*)rtxMemAllocZ(pctxt, sizeof(ASN1T_IPAddress_ipv6Address));
-					if (iControl->getStatus() != 0)
-						{
-						SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::SetSessionId() Error, out of memory\n");
-						return KErrNoMemory;
-						}					
-					TInt len = aSessionId.iSetSessionId->iSetId->iIpAddress->iIpAddress.Length();
-					void* data = (void*)aSessionId.iSetSessionId->iSetId->iIpAddress->iIpAddress.Ptr();
-					memcpy ((void*)setId.u.iPAddress->u.ipv6Address->data, data, len);
-					setId.u.iPAddress->u.ipv6Address->numocts = len;
-					}
-				else
-					{
-					setId.u.iPAddress->t =  T_IPAddress_ipv4Address;
-					setId.u.iPAddress->u.ipv4Address = (ASN1T_IPAddress_ipv4Address*)rtxMemAllocZ(pctxt, sizeof(ASN1T_IPAddress_ipv4Address));
-					if (iControl->getStatus() != 0)
-						{
-						SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::SetSessionId() Error, out of memory\n");
-						return KErrNoMemory;
-						}					
-					TInt len = aSessionId.iSetSessionId->iSetId->iIpAddress->iIpAddress.Length();
-					void* data = (void*)aSessionId.iSetSessionId->iSetId->iIpAddress->iIpAddress.Ptr();
-					memcpy ((void*)setId.u.iPAddress->u.ipv4Address->data, data, len);
-					setId.u.iPAddress->u.ipv4Address->numocts = len;
-					}
-				break;
-		  		}
-			case ESuplSetIdTypeMsisdn:
-				{
-				setId.t = T_SETId_msisdn;
-				setId.u.msisdn = (ASN1T_SETId_msisdn*)rtxMemAllocZ(pctxt, sizeof(ASN1T_SETId_msisdn));
-				if (iControl->getStatus() != 0)
-					{
-					SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::SetSessionId() Error, out of memory\n");
-					return KErrNoMemory;
-					}				
-				TInt len = aSessionId.iSetSessionId->iSetId->iSetId.Length();
-				void* data = (void*)aSessionId.iSetSessionId->iSetId->iSetId.Ptr();
-				memcpy ((void*)setId.u.msisdn->data, data, len);
-				setId.u.msisdn->numocts = len;
-				break;
-				}
-		  	case ESuplSetIdTypeMdn:
-		  		{
-				setId.t = T_SETId_mdn;
-				setId.u.mdn = (ASN1T_SETId_mdn*)rtxMemAllocZ(pctxt, sizeof(ASN1T_SETId_mdn));
-				if (iControl->getStatus() != 0)
-					{
-					SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::SetSessionId() Error, out of memory\n");
-					return KErrNoMemory;
-					}				
-				TInt len = aSessionId.iSetSessionId->iSetId->iSetId.Length();
-				void* data = (void*)aSessionId.iSetSessionId->iSetId->iSetId.Ptr();
-				memcpy ((void*)setId.u.mdn->data, data, len);
-				setId.u.mdn->numocts = len;
-				break;
-				}
-		  	case ESuplSetIdTypeMin:
-		  		{
-				setId.t = T_SETId_min;
-				setId.u.min = (ASN1T_SETId_min*)rtxMemAllocZ(pctxt, sizeof(ASN1T_SETId_min));
-				if (iControl->getStatus() != 0)
-					{
-					SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::SetSessionId() Error, out of memory\n");
-					return KErrNoMemory;
-					}				
-				TInt len = aSessionId.iSetSessionId->iSetId->iSetId.Length();
-				void* data = (void*)aSessionId.iSetSessionId->iSetId->iSetId.Ptr();
-				memcpy ((void*)setId.u.min->data, data, len);
-				setId.u.min->numbits = len*8;
-				break;
-				}
-		  	case ESuplSetIdTypeImsi:
-		  		{
-				setId.t = T_SETId_imsi;
-				setId.u.imsi = (ASN1T_SETId_imsi*)rtxMemAllocZ(pctxt, sizeof(ASN1T_SETId_imsi));
-				if (iControl->getStatus() != 0)
-					{
-					SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::SetSessionId() Error, out of memory\n");
-					return KErrNoMemory;
-					}				
-				TInt len = aSessionId.iSetSessionId->iSetId->iSetId.Length();
-				void* data = (void*)aSessionId.iSetSessionId->iSetId->iSetId.Ptr();
-				memcpy ((void*)setId.u.imsi->data, data, len);
-				setId.u.imsi->numocts = len;
-				break;
-				}
-		  	case ESuplSetIdTypeNai:
-		  	default:
-		  		{
-		  		__ASSERT_DEBUG(0, User::Invariant());
-		  		return KErrNotSupported;
-		  		}
-			}
-		}
-	// populate SLP Session ID, if present
-	// note this may not be present if building an outgoing SUPL START message,
-	// as it is specified by the first incoming message from the SLP.
-	if (aSessionId.iSlpSessionIdPresent)
-		{
-		iData->sessionID.m.slpSessionIDPresent = 1;
-		// SLP Session ID / Session ID
-		TInt len = aSessionId.iSlpSessionId->iSessionId.Length();
-		void* data = (void*)aSessionId.iSlpSessionId->iSessionId.Ptr();
-		memcpy ((void*)iData->, data, len);
-		iData->sessionID.slpSessionID.sessionID.numocts = len;
-		// SLP Session ID / SLP ID
-		if (aSessionId.iSlpSessionId->iSlpAddress->iSlpAddressType == ESuplSlpAddressTypeFqdn)
-			{
-			iData->sessionID.slpSessionID.slpId.t = T_SLPAddress_fQDN;
-			TInt len = aSessionId.iSlpSessionId->iSlpAddress->iFqdn->iFqdn.Length();
-			// allocate memory for the FQDN string			
-			char* tmpstr = (char*) rtxMemAlloc (pctxt, len+1);
-			if (tmpstr == NULL)
-				{
-				SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::SetSessionId() Error, out of memory\n");
-				return KErrNoMemory;
-				}
-			void* source = (void*)aSessionId.iSlpSessionId->iSlpAddress->iFqdn->iFqdn.Ptr();
-			memcpy ((void*)tmpstr, source, len);
-			tmpstr[len] = '\0';  // add null-terminator
-			iData->sessionID.slpSessionID.slpId.u.fQDN = tmpstr;
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			// SLP ID is an IP address
-			iData->sessionID.slpSessionID.slpId.t = T_SLPAddress_iPAddress;
-			iData->sessionID.slpSessionID.slpId.u.iPAddress = (ASN1T_IPAddress*)rtxMemAllocZ(pctxt, sizeof(ASN1T_IPAddress));
-			if (iControl->getStatus() != 0)
-				{
-				SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::SetSessionId() Error, out of memory\n");
-				return KErrNoMemory;
-				}
-			if (aSessionId.iSlpSessionId->iSlpAddress->iIpAddress->iIpAddressType == ESuplIpAddressTypeV6)
-				{ // IPv6
-				iData->sessionID.slpSessionID.slpId.u.iPAddress->t =  T_IPAddress_ipv6Address;
-				iData->sessionID.slpSessionID.slpId.u.iPAddress->u.ipv6Address = (ASN1T_IPAddress_ipv6Address*)rtxMemAllocZ(pctxt, sizeof(ASN1T_IPAddress_ipv6Address));
-				if (iControl->getStatus() != 0)
-					{
-					SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::SetSessionId() Error, out of memory\n");
-					return KErrNoMemory;
-					}
-				TInt len = aSessionId.iSlpSessionId->iSlpAddress->iIpAddress->iIpAddress.Length();
-				void* data = (void*)aSessionId.iSlpSessionId->iSlpAddress->iIpAddress->iIpAddress.Ptr();
-				memcpy ((void*)iData->sessionID.slpSessionID.slpId.u.iPAddress->u.ipv6Address->data, data, len);
-				iData->sessionID.slpSessionID.slpId.u.iPAddress->u.ipv6Address->numocts = len;
-				}
-			else
-				{ // IPv4
-				iData->sessionID.slpSessionID.slpId.u.iPAddress->t =  T_IPAddress_ipv4Address;
-				iData->sessionID.slpSessionID.slpId.u.iPAddress->u.ipv4Address = (ASN1T_IPAddress_ipv4Address*)rtxMemAllocZ(pctxt, sizeof(ASN1T_IPAddress_ipv4Address));
-				if (iControl->getStatus() != 0)
-					{
-					SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::SetSessionId() Error, out of memory\n");
-					return KErrNoMemory;
-					}				
-				TInt len = aSessionId.iSlpSessionId->iSlpAddress->iIpAddress->iIpAddress.Length();
-				void* data = (void*)aSessionId.iSlpSessionId->iSlpAddress->iIpAddress->iIpAddress.Ptr();
-				memcpy ((void*)iData->sessionID.slpSessionID.slpId.u.iPAddress->u.ipv4Address->data, data, len);
-				iData->sessionID.slpSessionID.slpId.u.iPAddress->u.ipv4Address->numocts = len;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::SetSessionId() End\n");
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-Returns the message type 
-@return message type (set at construction)
-EXPORT_C CSuplMessageBase::TSuplMessageType CSuplMessageBase::MessageType()
-	{
-	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::MessageType() Begin\n");
-	SUPLLOG2(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::MessageType() End (message type = %d)\n", iSuplMessageType);
-	return iSuplMessageType;
-	}
-Populates aVersion with the SUPL version
-@param aVersion on return, populated with version of received SUPL message
-EXPORT_C TInt CSuplMessageBase::GetVersion(CSuplVersion& aVersion)
-	{
-	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::Version() Begin\n");
-	__ASSERT_DEBUG(!iIsOutgoingMessage, User::Invariant());
-	aVersion.iMaj = iData->version.maj;
-	aVersion.iMin = iData->version.min;
-	aVersion.iServind = iData->version.servind;
-	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::Version() End\n");
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-Populates aSessionId with the SUPL Session ID
-@param aSessionId on return, populated with session ID of received SUPL message
-EXPORT_C TInt CSuplMessageBase::GetSessionId(CSuplSessionId& aSessionId)
-	{
-	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::SessionId() Begin\n");
-	__ASSERT_DEBUG(!iIsOutgoingMessage, User::Invariant());
-	// populate SET Session ID, if present
-	// note in the case of a received SUPL INIT message, the 
-	// SET Session ID is not present.
-	if (iData->sessionID.m.setSessionIDPresent != 0)
-		{
-		aSessionId.iSetSessionIdPresent = ETrue;
-		aSessionId.iSetSessionId->iSessionId = iData->sessionID.setSessionID.sessionId;
-		ASN1T_SETId& setId = iData->sessionID.setSessionID.setId;
-		switch (setId.t)
-			{
-			case T_SETId_iPAddress:
-				{
-				aSessionId.iSetSessionId->iSetId->iSetIdType = ESuplSetIdTypeIPAddress;
-				// Pointer to the address data buffer
-				TBuf8<16>& ipAddress = aSessionId.iSetSessionId->iSetId->iIpAddress->iIpAddress;
-				// IPv4 or IPv6 address?
-				if (setId.u.iPAddress->t == T_IPAddress_ipv6Address)
-					{
-					aSessionId.iSetSessionId->iSetId->iIpAddress->iIpAddressType = ESuplIpAddressTypeV6;
-					TInt len = setId.u.iPAddress->u.ipv6Address->numocts;
-					TUint8* data = setId.u.iPAddress->u.ipv6Address->data;
-					ipAddress.Copy(data, len);
-					}
-				else
-					{
-					aSessionId.iSetSessionId->iSetId->iIpAddress->iIpAddressType = ESuplIpAddressTypeV4;
-					TInt len = setId.u.iPAddress->u.ipv4Address->numocts;
-					TUint8* data = setId.u.iPAddress->u.ipv4Address->data;
-					ipAddress.Copy(data, len);
-					}
-				break;
-				}
-			case T_SETId_msisdn:
-				{
-				aSessionId.iSetSessionId->iSetId->iSetIdType = ESuplSetIdTypeMsisdn;
-				TBuf8<16>& targetSetId = aSessionId.iSetSessionId->iSetId->iSetId;
-				TInt len = setId.u.msisdn->numocts;
-				TUint8* data = setId.u.msisdn->data;
-				targetSetId.Copy(data, len);
-				break;
-				}
-			case T_SETId_mdn:
-				{
-				aSessionId.iSetSessionId->iSetId->iSetIdType = ESuplSetIdTypeMdn;
-				TBuf8<16>& targetSetId = aSessionId.iSetSessionId->iSetId->iSetId;
-				TInt len = setId.u.mdn->numocts;
-				TUint8* data = setId.u.mdn->data;
-				targetSetId.Copy(data, len);
-				break;
-				}
-			case T_SETId_min:
-				{
-				aSessionId.iSetSessionId->iSetId->iSetIdType = ESuplSetIdTypeMin;
-				TBuf8<16>& targetSetId = aSessionId.iSetSessionId->iSetId->iSetId;
-				TInt len = 5; // min is limited to 5 bytes (34 bits). Copy it all.
-				TUint8* data = setId.u.min->data;
-				targetSetId.Copy(data, len);
-				break;
-				}
-			case T_SETId_imsi:
-				{
-				aSessionId.iSetSessionId->iSetId->iSetIdType = ESuplSetIdTypeImsi;
-				TBuf8<16>& targetSetId = aSessionId.iSetSessionId->iSetId->iSetId;
-				TInt len = setId.u.imsi->numocts;
-				TUint8* data = setId.u.imsi->data;
-				targetSetId.Copy(data, len);
-				break;
-				}
-			case T_SETId_nai:
-				{
-				// we should not receive SET IDs of these types, as we will never 
-				// have set them in the first outgoing message.
-				__ASSERT_DEBUG(0, User::Invariant());
-				return KErrNotSupported;
-				}
-			case T_SETId_extElem1:
-			default:
-				{
-				__ASSERT_DEBUG(0, User::Invariant());
-				return KErrCorrupt;
-				}
-			}
-		} // end of SET Session ID handling
-	// populate SLP Session ID, if present
-	// note this should always be present as this method is intended for the 
-	// decoding of received messages.
-	if (iData->sessionID.m.slpSessionIDPresent != 0)
-		{
-		aSessionId.iSlpSessionIdPresent = ETrue;
-		TUint8* dataSource = iData->;
-		TInt len = iData->sessionID.slpSessionID.sessionID.numocts;
-		aSessionId.iSlpSessionId->iSessionId.Copy(dataSource, len);
-		if (iData->sessionID.slpSessionID.slpId.t == T_SLPAddress_fQDN)
-			{
-			// FQDN is a NULL terminated string, length 1..255
-			aSessionId.iSlpSessionId->iSlpAddress->iSlpAddressType = ESuplSlpAddressTypeFqdn;
-			// find the length of the FQDN (NULL terminated)
-			const TUint8* tmp = (const TUint8*)iData->sessionID.slpSessionID.slpId.u.fQDN;
-			TPtrC8 source = TPtrC8(tmp, 256);
-			_LIT8(KNull,"\0");
-			TInt fqdnLength = source.Find(KNull);
-			if (fqdnLength > 0 && fqdnLength <256)
-				{
-				// copy to the container
-				source.Set(tmp, fqdnLength);
-				TBuf8<256>& fqdn = aSessionId.iSlpSessionId->iSlpAddress->iFqdn->iFqdn;
-				fqdn.Copy(source);
-				fqdn.SetLength(fqdnLength);
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				// fqdn length is corrupt
-				__ASSERT_DEBUG(0, User::Invariant());
-				return KErrCorrupt;
-				}
-			}
-		else if (iData->sessionID.slpSessionID.slpId.t == T_SLPAddress_iPAddress)
-			{
-			// SLP ID is an IP Address
-			aSessionId.iSlpSessionId->iSlpAddress->iSlpAddressType = ESuplSlpAddressTypeIp;
-			// Pointer to the address data buffer
-			TBuf8<16>& ipAddress = aSessionId.iSlpSessionId->iSlpAddress->iIpAddress->iIpAddress;
-			// IPv4 or IPv6 address?
-			if (iData->sessionID.slpSessionID.slpId.u.iPAddress->t == T_IPAddress_ipv6Address)
-				{
-				aSessionId.iSlpSessionId->iSlpAddress->iIpAddress->iIpAddressType = ESuplIpAddressTypeV6;
-				TInt len = iData->sessionID.slpSessionID.slpId.u.iPAddress->u.ipv6Address->numocts;
-				TUint8* data = iData->sessionID.slpSessionID.slpId.u.iPAddress->u.ipv6Address->data;
-				ipAddress.Copy(data, len);
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				aSessionId.iSlpSessionId->iSlpAddress->iIpAddress->iIpAddressType = ESuplIpAddressTypeV4;
-				TInt len = iData->sessionID.slpSessionID.slpId.u.iPAddress->u.ipv4Address->numocts;
-				TUint8* data = iData->sessionID.slpSessionID.slpId.u.iPAddress->u.ipv4Address->data;
-				ipAddress.Copy(data, len);
-				}
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			// SLP ID Type is corrupt
-			__ASSERT_DEBUG(0, User::Invariant());
-			SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::SessionId() End (unexpected SLP ID type)\n");
-			return KErrCorrupt;
-			}
-		} // end of SLP Session ID handling
-	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::SessionId() End\n");
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-Populates the data container specifying the content of the SET CAPABILITIES 
-componenet according to the passed LBS capabilities.
-Note that the Preferred Method parameter is set to the method identified
-LAST in the array of capable methods. It is acceptable if this method is 
-repeated elsewhere in the passed array.
-@param  aCapsSource Capabilities Source
-@param  aCapsTarget outgoing capabilities data object
-@return error indication, KErrNone otherwise
-TInt CSuplMessageBase::PopulateSetCapabilities(const TLbsNetPosCapabilities& aCapsSource, ASN1T_SETCapabilities& aCapsTarget)
-	{
-	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::PopulateSetCapabilities() Begin\n");
-	// Specify supported positioning protocols. This implementation supports only RRLP
-	aCapsTarget.posProtocol.rrlp = ETrue;
-	// the preferred method is the last identified in the array.
-	TInt prefMethod = PrefMethod::noPreference;
-	// specify supported positioning methods
-	TLbsNetPosMethod posMethod;
-	for (TInt i=0 ; i<aCapsSource.NumPosMethods() ; ++i)
-		{
-		if (aCapsSource.GetPosMethod(i, posMethod) == KErrNone)
-			{
-			TUid means = posMethod.PosMeans();
-			if (means == KLbsPositioningMeansGps)
-				{
-				// GPS positioning means
-				if (posMethod.PosMode() == TPositionModuleInfo::ETechnologyTerminal ||
-					posMethod.PosMode() == TPositionModuleInfo::ETechnologyUnknown)
-					{
-					aCapsTarget.posTechnology.autonomousGPS = ETrue;
-					}
-				else if (posMethod.PosMode() == (TPositionModuleInfo::ETechnologyTerminal | TPositionModuleInfo::ETechnologyAssisted))
-					{
-					aCapsTarget.posTechnology.agpsSETBased = ETrue;
-					prefMethod = PrefMethod::agpsSETBasedPreferred;
-					}
-				else if (posMethod.PosMode() == (TPositionModuleInfo::ETechnologyNetwork | TPositionModuleInfo::ETechnologyAssisted))
-					{
-					aCapsTarget.posTechnology.agpsSETassisted = ETrue;
-					prefMethod = PrefMethod::agpsSETassistedPreferred;
-					}
-				}
-			else if (means == KLbsPositioningMeansCell)
-				{
-				// Cell positioning means
-				aCapsTarget.posTechnology.eCID = ETrue;
-				}
-			else if (means == KLbsPositioningMeansEotd)
-				{
-				// EOTD positioning means
-				aCapsTarget.posTechnology.eOTD = ETrue;
-				}
-			else if (means == KLbsPositioningMeansOtdoa)
-				{
-				// OTDOA positioning means
-				aCapsTarget.posTechnology.oTDOA = ETrue;
-				}
-			else if (means == KLbsPositioningMeansAflt)
-				{
-				// AFLT positioning means
-				aCapsTarget.posTechnology.aFLT = ETrue;
-				}
-			else 
-				{
-				// unknown/corrupt positioning means
-				__ASSERT_DEBUG(0, User::Invariant());
-				return KErrCorrupt;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	// specify the preferred GPS mode
-	aCapsTarget.prefMethod = prefMethod;
-	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::PopulateSetCapabilities() End\n");
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-Populates the data container specifying the content of the LOCATION ID
-componenet according to the passed LBS location details.
-@param  aLocSource LocationID Source
-@param  aLocTarget outgoing LocationID data object
-@return error indication, KErrNone otherwise
-TInt CSuplMessageBase::PopulateLocationId(const CSuplLocationId& aLocSource, ASN1T_LocationId& aLocTarget)
-	{
-	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::PopulateLocationId() Begin\n");
-	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aLocSource.iType<ESuplLocationTypeLimit, User::Invariant());
-	// pointer to context object
-	OSCTXT* pctxt = iControl->getCtxtPtr();
-	// Cell information status
-	aLocTarget.status = aLocSource.iStatus;
-	// Cell information is carrier type dependant
-	if (aLocSource.iType == ESuplLocationTypeGsm)
-		{
-		aLocTarget.cellInfo.t = T_CellInfo_gsmCell;
-		aLocTarget.cellInfo.u.gsmCell = (ASN1T_GsmCellInformation*)rtxMemAllocZ(pctxt, sizeof(ASN1T_GsmCellInformation));
-		if (iControl->getStatus() != 0)
-			{
-			SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::PopulateLocationId() Error, out of memory\n");
-			return KErrNoMemory;
-			}
-		// populate the cell information
-		CSuplGsmCellInfo* gsmInfo = aLocSource.iGsmCellInfo;
-		aLocTarget.cellInfo.u.gsmCell->refMCC = gsmInfo->iRefMCC;
-		aLocTarget.cellInfo.u.gsmCell->refMNC = gsmInfo->iRefMNC;
-		aLocTarget.cellInfo.u.gsmCell->refLAC = gsmInfo->iRefLAC;
-		aLocTarget.cellInfo.u.gsmCell->refCI  = gsmInfo->iRefCI;
-		// NMR is optional
-		if (gsmInfo->iNMR > 0)
-			{
-			aLocTarget.cellInfo.u.gsmCell->m.nMRPresent = 1;
-			// initialise the NMR list
-			ASN1C_NMR list (*iControl, aLocTarget.cellInfo.u.gsmCell->nMR);
-			list.init();
-			// populate the array
-			for (TInt i = 0; i < gsmInfo->iNMR; ++i)
-				{
-				ASN1T_NMRelement* nmrElement;
-				nmrElement = list.NewElement();
-				if (nmrElement == NULL)
-					{
-					SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::PopulateLocationId() Error, out of memory\n");
-					return KErrNoMemory;
-					}
-				nmrElement->aRFCN = gsmInfo->iNmrElements[i].iARFCN;
-				nmrElement->bSIC  = gsmInfo->iNmrElements[i].iBSIC;
-				nmrElement->rxLev = gsmInfo->iNmrElements[i].iRxLev;
-				list.Append(nmrElement);
-				}			
-			} // NMR
-		// TA is optional
-		if (gsmInfo->iTA >= 0)
-			{
-			aLocTarget.cellInfo.u.gsmCell->m.tAPresent = 1;
-			aLocTarget.cellInfo.u.gsmCell->tA = gsmInfo->iTA;
-			}
-		}
-	else if (aLocSource.iType == ESuplLocationTypeCdma)
-		{
-		iData->message.u.msSUPLSTART->locationId.cellInfo.t = T_CellInfo_cdmaCell;
-		aLocTarget.cellInfo.u.cdmaCell = (ASN1T_CdmaCellInformation*)rtxMemAllocZ(pctxt, sizeof(ASN1T_CdmaCellInformation));
-		if (iControl->getStatus() != 0)
-			{
-			SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::PopulateLocationId() Error, out of memory\n");
-			return KErrNoMemory;
-			}
-		// populate the cell information
-		CSuplCdmaCellInfo* cdmaInfo = aLocSource.iCdmaCellInfo;
-	   	aLocTarget.cellInfo.u.cdmaCell->refNID        = cdmaInfo->iRefNID;
-		aLocTarget.cellInfo.u.cdmaCell->refSID        = cdmaInfo->iRefSID;
-   		aLocTarget.cellInfo.u.cdmaCell->refBASEID     = cdmaInfo->iRefBASEID;
-   		aLocTarget.cellInfo.u.cdmaCell->refBASELAT    = cdmaInfo->iRefBASELAT;
-   		aLocTarget.cellInfo.u.cdmaCell->reBASELONG    = cdmaInfo->iReBASELONG;
-   		aLocTarget.cellInfo.u.cdmaCell->refREFPN      = cdmaInfo->iRefREFPN;
-   		aLocTarget.cellInfo.u.cdmaCell->refWeekNumber = cdmaInfo->iRefWeekNumber;
-   		aLocTarget.cellInfo.u.cdmaCell->refSeconds    = cdmaInfo->iRefSeconds;
-		}
-	else if (aLocSource.iType == ESuplLocationTypeWcdma)
-		{
-		aLocTarget.cellInfo.t = T_CellInfo_wcdmaCell;
-		aLocTarget.cellInfo.u.wcdmaCell = (ASN1T_WcdmaCellInformation*)rtxMemAllocZ(pctxt, sizeof(ASN1T_WcdmaCellInformation));
-		if (iControl->getStatus() != 0)
-			{
-			SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::PopulateLocationId() Error, out of memory\n");
-			return KErrNoMemory;
-			}
-		// populate the cell information
-		CSuplWcdmaCellInfo* wcdmaInfo = aLocSource.iWcdmaCellInfo;
-		aLocTarget.cellInfo.u.wcdmaCell->refMCC = wcdmaInfo->iRefMCC;
-		aLocTarget.cellInfo.u.wcdmaCell->refMNC = wcdmaInfo->iRefMNC;
-		aLocTarget.cellInfo.u.wcdmaCell->refUC  = wcdmaInfo->iRefUC;
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::PopulateLocationId() Error, unexpected location source type\n");
-		return KErrArgument;
-		}
-	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::PopulateLocationId() End\n");
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-Populates the outgoing position element, used in POS INIT and END messages.
-Timestamp is encoded in UTC format YYMMDDhhmmssZ
-Latitude is encoded as an integer N (0..2^23-1) from the actual latitude X 
-in degrees, where   N <= 2^23 * X/90 < N+1
-Longitude is encoded as an integer N (-2^23..2^23-1) from the actual 
-longitude X in degrees, where   N <= 2^24 * X/360 < N+1
-Horizontal Uncertainty is encoded as per 3GPP GAD, ie describing an 
-ellipse with semi-major and semi-minor axis measurements and orientation.
-With only one value for horizontal accuracy available, the circle 
-described is encoded as an ellipse with semi-major = semi-minor axis and
-0 degree orientation. The uncertainty is encoded to 7 bits, thus:
-	r = C( (1+x)^k - 1 )
-where r = distance in meters, C = 10, x = 0.1 and K is the encoded constant.
-Confidence information is not available in this implementation and is omitted
-Altitude, if data is available, is encoded as a 15 bit binary encoded number.
-Altitude uncertainty is encoded as a distance above or below the WGS84
-ellipsoid, using the same formula as for horizontal uncertainty, but where
-C = 45, x = 0.025. Encoded value K is limited to 7 bits.
-If the passed TPositionInfoBase object is a TPositionCourseInfo, then the
-optional velocity element is populated with data from the course info object.
-Velocity information is encoded as per 3GPP TS 23.032, and the "horizontal
-velocity with uncertainty" format is used.
-@param  aPosSource Position source data from LBS
-@param  aPosTarget outgoing Position message data object
-@return error indication, KErrNone otherwise
-TInt CSuplMessageBase::PopulatePosition(const TPositionInfoBase& aPosSource, ASN1T_Position& aPosTarget)
-	{
-	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::PopulatePosition() Begin\n");
-	// access to source position data
-	TPosition position;
-	if ((aPosSource.PositionClassType() & EPositionInfoClass) != 0)
-		{
-		TPositionInfo posSource = reinterpret_cast <const TPositionInfo&> (aPosSource);
-		posSource.GetPosition(position);
-		// TIMESTAMP (mandatory)
-		// Convert timestamp to UTC format: YYMMDDhhmmssZ
-		TDateTime dateTime = position.Time().DateTime();
-		iUtcTime.SetLength(iUtcTime.MaxLength());
-		iUtcTime[0]=(((dateTime.Year() % 1000) % 100) / 10) + 48; // second last number in the year
-		iUtcTime[1]=(((dateTime.Year() % 1000) % 100) % 10) + 48; // last number in the year
-		iUtcTime[2]=((dateTime.Month() + 1) / 10) + 48;
-		iUtcTime[3]=((dateTime.Month() + 1) % 10) + 48;
-		iUtcTime[4]=((dateTime.Day()) / 10) + 48;
-		iUtcTime[5]=((dateTime.Day()) % 10) + 48;
-		iUtcTime[6]=(dateTime.Hour() / 10) + 48;
-		iUtcTime[7]=(dateTime.Hour() % 10) + 48;
-		iUtcTime[8]=(dateTime.Minute() / 10) + 48;
-		iUtcTime[9]=(dateTime.Minute() % 10) + 48;
-		iUtcTime[10]=(dateTime.Second() / 10) + 48;
-		iUtcTime[11]=(dateTime.Second() % 10) + 48;
-		iUtcTime[12]= 0x5A; // ASCII for "Z"
-		aPosTarget.timestamp = (const char*) &iUtcTime[0];
-		// POSITION ESTIMATE (mandatory)
-		// -- latitude/longitude (mandatory)
-		aPosTarget.positionEstimate.latitudeSign = PositionEstimate_latitudeSign::north;
-		TReal64 latitude  = position.Latitude();
-		TReal64 longitude = position.Longitude();
-		if (latitude < 0)
-			{
-			aPosTarget.positionEstimate.latitudeSign = PositionEstimate_latitudeSign::south;
-			latitude *= -1;
-			}
-		aPosTarget.positionEstimate.latitude  = latitude  * KLbsLatitudeConst; 
-		aPosTarget.positionEstimate.longitude = longitude * KLbsLongitudeConst;
-		// -- uncertainty (optional)
-		if (position.HorizontalAccuracy() != 0)
-			{
-			TInt uncert = Uncertainty(position.HorizontalAccuracy());
-			aPosTarget.positionEstimate.m.uncertaintyPresent = 1;
-			aPosTarget.positionEstimate.uncertainty.uncertaintySemiMajor = uncert;
-			aPosTarget.positionEstimate.uncertainty.uncertaintySemiMinor = uncert;
-			aPosTarget.positionEstimate.uncertainty.orientationMajorAxis = 0;
-			}
-		// -- confidence (optional)
-		// this information is not available, omitted.
-		aPosTarget.positionEstimate.m.confidencePresent = 0;
-		aPosTarget.positionEstimate.confidence = 0;
-		// -- altitude information (optional)
-		if (position.Altitude() != 0)
-			{
-			aPosTarget.positionEstimate.m.altitudeInfoPresent = 1;
-			TReal32 altitude = position.Altitude();
-			aPosTarget.positionEstimate.altitudeInfo.altitudeDirection = AltitudeInfo_altitudeDirection::height;
-			if (altitude < 0)
-				{
-				aPosTarget.positionEstimate.altitudeInfo.altitudeDirection = AltitudeInfo_altitudeDirection::depth;
-				altitude *= -1;
-				}
-			aPosTarget.positionEstimate.altitudeInfo.altitude = EncodeAltitude(altitude);
-			aPosTarget.positionEstimate.altitudeInfo.altUncertainty = UncertaintyAltitude(position.VerticalAccuracy());
-			}
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::PopulatePosition() Error, position class is not EPositionInfoClass type\n");
-		return KErrNotSupported;
-		}
-	// handle velocity (TCourse) information
-	if ((aPosSource.PositionClassType() & EPositionCourseInfoClass) != 0)
-		{
-		TPositionCourseInfo posSource = reinterpret_cast <const TPositionCourseInfo&> (aPosSource);
-		TCourse course;
-		posSource.GetCourse(course);
-		// -- velocity
-		aPosTarget.m.velocityPresent = 1;
-		TInt velErr = PopulateVelocity(course, aPosTarget.velocity);
-		if (velErr != KErrNone)
-			{
-			return velErr;
-			}
-		}
-	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::PopulatePosition() End\n");
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-Populates the outgoing velocity sub-element with velocity information from 
-an LBS TCourse object.
-@param  aVelSource course/velocity source data from LBS
-@param  aVelTarget outgoing velocity message data object
-@return error indication, KErrNone otherwise
-TInt CSuplMessageBase::PopulateVelocity(const TCourse& aCourse, ASN1T_Velocity& aVelTarget)
-	{
-	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::PopulateVelocity() Begin\n");
-	aVelTarget.t = T_Velocity_horveluncert;
-	aVelTarget.u.horveluncert = (ASN1T_Horveluncert*)rtxMemAllocZ(iControl->getCtxtPtr(), sizeof(ASN1T_Horveluncert));
-	if (iControl->getStatus() != 0)
-		{
-		SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::PopulateVelocity() Error, out of memory\n");
-		return KErrNoMemory;
-		}
-	// ---- bearing
-	TUint bearing  = (TUint)aCourse.Heading();
-	aVelTarget.u.horveluncert->bearing.numbits = 9;
-	aVelTarget.u.horveluncert->[0] = bearing >> 1; // the first 8 of 9 bits
-	aVelTarget.u.horveluncert->[1] = bearing << 7; // just the 9th bit, in msb
-	// ---- horizontal speed. Convert meters per second -> kilomteres per hour
-	TReal32 horSpeed = aCourse.Speed() * KLbsMpsKmphConstant;
-	//      adjust for GAD encoding and lose decimal precision
-	horSpeed += 0.5;
-	TUint horSpeedInt = (TUint)horSpeed;
-	//      limit to 2^16-1
-	if (horSpeedInt > 65535)
-		{
-		horSpeedInt = 65535;
-		}
-	aVelTarget.u.horveluncert->horspeed.numbits = 16;
-	aVelTarget.u.horveluncert->[0] = horSpeedInt >> 8;
-	aVelTarget.u.horveluncert->[1] = horSpeedInt;
-	// ---- horizontal speed. Convert meters per second -> kilomteres per hour
-	TUint uncertSpeed  = (TUint)(aCourse.SpeedAccuracy() * KLbsMpsKmphConstant);
-	if (uncertSpeed > 255)
-		{
-		uncertSpeed = 255;
-		}
-	aVelTarget.u.horveluncert->uncertspeed.numbits = 8;
-	aVelTarget.u.horveluncert->[0] = uncertSpeed;
-	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::PopulateVelocity() End\n");
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-Calls User::Leave(<error code>) if a memory allocation has failed.
-void CSuplMessageBase::LeaveIfAllocErrorL()
-	{
-	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::LeaveIfAllocErrorL() Begin\n");
-	if (iControl->getStatus() == RTERR_NOMEM)
-		{
-		SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::LeaveIfAllocErrorL() End (out of memory error)\n");
-		User::Leave(KErrNoMemory);
-		}
-	else if (iControl->getStatus() != RT_OK)
-		{
-		SUPLLOG2(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::LeaveIfAllocErrorL() End (ASN1 runtime error, %d)\n", iControl->getStatus());
-		User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
-		}
-	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::LeaveIfAllocErrorL() End\n");
-	}
-Converts a minumum accuracy value in meters to an uncertainty value K as 
-described in 3GPP 23.032 (Universal Geographical Area Description) section 6.2.
-r = C((1+x)^K - 1)
-where r = distance in meters
-      C = 10
-      x = 0.1
-      K = uncertainty value
-hence K = ln(r/C + 1) / ln(1.1)
-@param aDistance - distance measurement in meters
-@return uncertainty value K
-TInt CSuplMessageBase::Uncertainty(const TReal32& aDistance)
-	{
-	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::Uncertainty() Begin\n");
-	TReal uncert;
-	Math::Ln(uncert,  (aDistance/10) + 1 );
-	uncert /= KLbsLogOnePointOne;
-	if (uncert>KLbsMaxUncert)
-		{
-		uncert = KLbsMaxUncert;
-		}
-	// round to nearest whole number
-	TReal uncertRounded;
-	Math::Round(uncertRounded, uncert, 0);
-	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::Uncertainty() End\n");
-	return (TInt)uncertRounded;
-	}
-Converts a minumum accuracy value in meters to an uncertainty altitude value K as 
-described in 3GPP 23.032 (Universal Geographical Area Description) section 6.4.
-r = C((1+x)^K - 1)
-where r = distance in meters
-      C = 45
-      x = 0.1
-      K = uncertainty value
-hence K = ln(r/C + 1) / ln(1.1)
-@param aDistance - altitude accuracy in meters
-@return uncertainty altitude value K
-TInt CSuplMessageBase::UncertaintyAltitude(const TReal32& aDistance)
-	{
-	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::UncertaintyAltitude() Begin\n");
-	TReal uncert;
-	Math::Ln(uncert,  (aDistance/45) + 1 );
-	uncert /= KLbsLogOnePointZeroTwoFive;
-	if (uncert>KLbsMaxUncert)
-		{
-		uncert = KLbsMaxUncert;
-		}
-	// round to nearest whole number
-	TReal uncertRounded;
-	Math::Round(uncertRounded, uncert, 0);
-	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::UncertaintyAltitude() End\n");
-	return (TInt)uncertRounded;
-	}
-Converts an value for altiutude to an 15 bit binary coded number N
-@param aAltitude - altitude in meters
-@return uncertainty altitude value K
-TInt CSuplMessageBase::EncodeAltitude(const TReal32& aAltitude)
-	{
-	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::EncodeAltitude() Begin\n");
-	TInt altEncoded = (TInt)aAltitude;
-	if (altEncoded>KLbsMaxAltitude)
-		{
-		altEncoded = KLbsMaxAltitude;
-		}
-	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::EncodeAltitude() End\n");
-	return altEncoded;
-	}
-Translates error codes returned by the ASN1 runtime library to distinguish
-from Symbian global error codes.
-Errors are simply translated to positive error codes. They maintain their
-meaning as described in rtxErrCodes.h and asn1ErrCodes.h.
-  RTERR_NOMEM is translated to global error code KErrNoMemory
-@see rtxErrCodes.h
-@see asn1ErrCodes.h
-TInt CSuplMessageBase::ProcessAsn1Error(TInt aError)
-	{
-	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::ProcessAsn1Error() Begin\n");
-	if (aError == RTERR_NOMEM)
-		{
-		SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::ProcessAsn1Error() End (Out Of Memory)\n");
-		return KErrNoMemory;
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		SUPLLOG2(ELogP1, "CSuplMessageBase::ProcessAsn1Error() End (ASN1 Runtime Error %d)\n", aError);
-		return aError * -1;
-		}
-	}
-Prints the content of the data structure to the logger 
-EXPORT_C void CSuplMessageBase::LogMessageContent()
-	{
-	//SUPLLOG_PDU(iControl);
-	if (MessageType() == ESuplPos)
-		{
-		CSuplPos* suplPos = reinterpret_cast <CSuplPos*>(this);
-		suplPos->LogPayload();
-		}
-	}