--- a/networkprotocolmodules/common/suplrrlpasn1/inc/rrlpmessagebase.h Tue Jul 13 12:25:28 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
- @file
- @internalTechnology
-#include "suplpospayload.h"
-#include <lbs/lbsassistancedatabuilderset.h>
-#include <lbs/lbsassistancereferencelocation.h>
-#include <lbs/lbsassistancereferencetime.h>
-#include <lbs/lbsassistancenavigationmodel.h>
-#include <lbs/lbsassistanceionosphericmodel.h>
-#include <lbs/lbsassistanceutcmodel.h>
-#include <lbs/lbsassistancealmanac.h>
-#include <lbs/lbsassistanceaquisitionassistance.h>
-#include <lbs/lbsassistancebadsatlist.h>
-// forward declarations
-class ASN1T_PDU;
-class ASN1C_PDU;
-class ASN1PEREncodeBuffer;
-class ASN1T_ControlHeader;
-class ASN1T_NavModelElement;
-class ASN1T_UncompressedEphemeris;
-class ASN1T_AlmanacElement;
-class ASN1T_AcquisElement;
-Highest valid value for RRLP Reference Number session identifier
-const TInt KMaxRrlpReferenceNumber = 7;
-Constant for adjustment for zero offset differences.
-For ASN1 "CHOICE" types, the ASN1 compiler generates type defines with a +1
-offset to more easily access union elements describing the choice content.
-This is not an issue programatically, however must be adjusted when the CHOICE
-type is directly stored as a datum, for example SatStatus in the Navigation
-Model assistance data element.
-const TInt EZeroOffsetAdjust = 1;
-RRLP Session Reference.
-Extended in RRLP Release 5 to contain optional extension parameters.
-These are populated if and only if the initial message sent by the SLP
-contains the extension parameters.
- {
- public:
- TInt aRefNum; // 0..7
- TBool aRel5EntendedRefPresent;
- TInt aRel5SmlcCode; // 0..63
- TInt aRel5TransactionId; // 0..262143
- };
-RRLP Message Base Class
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CRrlpMessageBase) : public CSuplPosPayload
- {
- CRrlpMessageBase(TSuplPosPayloadType aType, TBool aIsOutgoingMsg);
- void ConstructL();
- virtual ~CRrlpMessageBase();
- /** Set the reference component (for outgoing messages) */
- IMPORT_C TInt SetReference(const TRrlpReference& aRrlpRef);
- /** Populates aRrlpRef with the received reference component (for received messages) */
- IMPORT_C TInt GetReference(TRrlpReference& aRrlpRef);
- /** Encode a populated (outgoing) RRLP message */
- IMPORT_C TInt EncodeToL(TPtr8& aBuf);
- /** Assign decoded ASN1 data, for received messages.
- Not intended for DLL export */
- void SetDecodedData(ASN1T_PDU* aData, ASN1C_PDU* aControl);
- /** Prints the content payload data structure to the logger */
- void LogMessageContent();
- /** Prohibit copy constructor */
- CRrlpMessageBase(const CRrlpMessageBase&);
- /** Prohibit assigment operator */
- CRrlpMessageBase& operator= (const CRrlpMessageBase&);
- /** Methods for delivering received assistance data */
- TInt BuildAssistanceData(TLbsAsistanceDataGroup& aDataMask, RLbsAssistanceDataBuilderSet& aAssistanceDataBuilderSet, ASN1T_ControlHeader& aGpsData);
- void WriteReferenceLocationData(RReferenceLocationBuilder* aReferenceLocationBuilder, ASN1T_ControlHeader& aGpsData);
- void WriteReferenceTimeData(RUEPositioningGpsReferenceTimeBuilder* aReferenceTimeBuilder, ASN1T_ControlHeader& aGpsData);
- void WriteNavigationModelData(RUEPositioningGpsNavigationModelBuilder* aGpsNavigationModelBuilder, ASN1T_ControlHeader& aGpsData);
- void WriteNavigationModelSatInfo(RNavigationModelSatInfoBuilder* aNavigationModelSatInfoBuilder, ASN1T_NavModelElement& aSatInfo);
- void WriteSatInfoEphemeris(RNavigationModelSatInfoBuilder* aNavigationModelSatInfoBuilder, ASN1T_UncompressedEphemeris& aSatEphemeris);
- void WriteIonosphericModelData(RUEPositioningGpsIonosphericModelBuilder* aGpsIonosphericModelBuilder, ASN1T_ControlHeader& aGpsData);
- void WriteUtcModelData(RUEPositioningGpsUtcModelBuilder* aGpsUtcModelBuilder, ASN1T_ControlHeader& aGpsData);
- void WriteAlmanacData(RUEPositioningGpsAlmanacBuilder* aGpsAlmanacBuilder, ASN1T_ControlHeader& aGpsData);
- void WriteAlmanacSatInfo(RAlmanacSatInfoBuilder* aAlmanacSatInfoBuilder, ASN1T_AlmanacElement& aAlmanacElement);
- void WriteAcquisitionAssistanceData(RUEPositioningGpsAcquisitionAssistanceBuilder* aGpsAcquisitionAssistanceBuilder, ASN1T_ControlHeader& aGpsData);
- void WriteAcquisAssistSatInfo(RAcquisitionSatInfoBuilder* aAcquisitionSatInfoBuilder, ASN1T_AcquisElement& aAcquisAssistElement);
- void WriteRealTimeIntegrityData(RBadSatListBuilder* aBadSatListBuilder, ASN1T_ControlHeader& aGpsData);
- /** virtual methods for setting/getting extended reference fields
- Default implementation is empty */
- virtual TInt SetExtendedReference(const TRrlpReference& aRrlpRef);
- virtual TInt GetExtendedReference(TRrlpReference& aRrlpRef);
- /** Checks control structure for error, and leaves if one has occurred */
- void LeaveIfAllocErrorL();
- /** Translates errors returned by the ASN1 runtime library */
- TInt ProcessAsn1Error(TInt aError);
- /** Message data content */
- ASN1T_PDU* iData;
- ASN1C_PDU* iControl;
- // Buffer management object for encoding ASN.1 PER data stream
- ASN1PEREncodeBuffer* iEncodeBuffer;
- };