changeset 0 9cfd9a3ee49c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/datasourcemodules/bluetoothgpspositioningmodule/btgpsconfig/src/lbsbtgpsconfiginternal.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:50:39 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// LBS Bluetooth GPS Configuration API: Internal version
+#include "lbsbtgpsconfiginternal.h"
+#include "lbsbtgpsconfigimpl.h"
+#include "lbsbtgpsdevicerecord.h"
+/** Static constructor (without observer)
+Creates an instance of the LBS Bluetooth GPS Configuration API.
+This version is for clients that do not require configuration update notifications.
+@return A newly constructed CLbsBtGpsConfig object.
+@leave KErrPermissionDenied Client does not have the required capabilities.
+@capability LocalServices
+@see CLbsBtGpsConfig
+EXPORT_C CLbsBtGpsConfigInternal* CLbsBtGpsConfigInternal::NewL()
+	{
+	CLbsBtGpsConfigInternal* self = new (ELeave) CLbsBtGpsConfigInternal();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+    self->ConstructL(NULL);
+    CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+    return self;
+	}
+/** Static constructor (with observer)
+Creates an instance of the LBS Bluetooth GPS Configuration API, specifying a callback
+to recieve update notifications.
+@param aObserver [IN] Observer which will recieve update notifications.
+@return A newly constructed CLbsBtGpsConfig object.
+@leave KErrPermissionDenied Client does not have the required capabilities.
+@capability LocalServices
+@see CLbsBtGpsConfig
+EXPORT_C CLbsBtGpsConfigInternal* CLbsBtGpsConfigInternal::NewL(MLbsBtGpsConfigObserver& aObserver)
+	{
+	CLbsBtGpsConfigInternal* self = new (ELeave) CLbsBtGpsConfigInternal();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+    self->ConstructL(&aObserver);
+    CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+    return self;
+	}
+/** Destructor 
+EXPORT_C CLbsBtGpsConfigInternal::~CLbsBtGpsConfigInternal()
+	{
+	}
+/** Updates the device information for a device in the list
+@param aDeviceInfo [In] The updated device information. The key should identify an existing device in the list.
+@return KErrNone if the operation completed succesfully.
+		KErrNotFound if the specified device is not present in the list.
+		KErrPermissionDenied if the client does not have the required capabilities.
+@capability LocalServices
+@capability WriteDeviceData
+EXPORT_C TInt CLbsBtGpsConfigInternal::UpdateDevice(const TLbsBtGpsDeviceRecord& aDeviceRecord)
+	{
+	return iImpl->UpdateDevice(aDeviceRecord);
+	}
+/** Retrieves the list of device records
+@param aList [Out] Reference to an empty RPointerArray to populate with device records from the list.
+@leave KErrPermissionDenied if the client does not have the required capabilities.
+@capability LocalServices
+EXPORT_C void CLbsBtGpsConfigInternal::GetDeviceRecordListL(RPointerArray<TLbsBtGpsDeviceRecord>& aRecordList)
+	{
+	iImpl->GetDeviceRecordListL(aRecordList);
+	}
+/** Class constructor 
+	{
+	}
+/** Second phase constructor 
+@param aObserver [IN] Optional observer, which will recieve update notifications.
+void CLbsBtGpsConfigInternal::ConstructL(MLbsBtGpsConfigObserver* aObserver)
+	{
+	CLbsBtGpsConfig::ConstructL(aObserver);
+	}