changeset 0 9cfd9a3ee49c
child 57 3267d9ea3e98
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lbstest/lbstestproduct/lbsclient/src/ctlbsclientstepupdateoptions.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:50:39 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1275 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// @file ctlbsclientstep_UpdateOptions.cpp
+// This is the class implementation for the UpdateOptions Tests
+#include "ctlbsclientstepupdateoptions.h"
+#include <lbs.h>
+#include <lbssatellite.h>
+#include <lbs/test/tlbsutils.h>
+#include <lbs/test/ctlbsasyncwaiter.h>
+const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds KTimestampMargin = 500000; //+/-0.5s
+ */
+TBool CT_LbsClientStep_UpdateOptions::VerifyFirstPosTime(const TTime& aTimeRequested, const TPositionInfo& aPosInfo, const TPositionUpdateOptions& aUpdateOpts)
+	{
+	TTime timeReceived, timeStamp;
+	TPosition pos;
+    TInt64 maxtime;
+    maxtime = aUpdateOpts.UpdateTimeOut().Int64();
+	if(!maxtime)	
+		{
+		#pragma message("TO DO: CT_LbsClientStep_UpdateOptions::VerifyFirstPosTime - Update when moduleinfo supported")	
+		const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds ttff = 90*1000000;	// TO DO - this should be retrieved from the module info (currently hardcoded in locserver too)
+		maxtime = ttff.Int64();
+		}
+	// get current time
+	timeReceived.UniversalTime();
+	// get the position data:
+	aPosInfo.GetPosition(pos);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("First position received at: "));	
+	INFO_PRINTF4(_L("%d/%d/%d"), timeReceived.DateTime().Day() + 1, timeReceived.DateTime().Month() + 1, timeReceived.DateTime().Year());
+	INFO_PRINTF5(_L("at %d :%d :%d :%d"), timeReceived.DateTime().Hour(), timeReceived.DateTime().Minute(), timeReceived.DateTime().Second(), timeReceived.DateTime().MicroSecond());
+	timeStamp = pos.Time();
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("First position timeStamp: "));
+	INFO_PRINTF4(_L("%d/%d/%d"), timeStamp.DateTime().Day() + 1, timeStamp.DateTime().Month() + 1, timeStamp.DateTime().Year());
+	INFO_PRINTF5(_L("at %d :%d :%d :%d"), timeStamp.DateTime().Hour(), timeStamp.DateTime().Minute(), timeStamp.DateTime().Second(), timeStamp.DateTime().MicroSecond());	
+	TInt64 timediff;
+	timediff = timeReceived.Int64() - aTimeRequested.Int64();
+	// *first* position received can arrive 'immediately' and up to timeout, or maxtimetofirstfix if timeout not specified
+	if(timediff > maxtime)
+		{
+		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed: First Position received outside time range"));
+		return FALSE;									
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		return TRUE;
+		}
+	}
+ aPosCount - which position in a set of periodic positions this is (first position = 0)
+ */
+TBool CT_LbsClientStep_UpdateOptions::VerifyPosTime(const TTime& aTimeFirstPosStamped, const TPositionUpdateOptions& aUpdateOpts, TPositionInfo& aPosInfo, TInt aPosCount)
+	{
+	TTime timeReceived, timeStamp;
+	TPosition pos;
+    TInt64 interval = aUpdateOpts.UpdateInterval().Int64();	
+    TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds timeout;
+    timeout = aUpdateOpts.UpdateTimeOut().Int64();
+    // should call different function for first position:		
+    __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aPosCount > 0, User::Panic(_L("Update options test"), KErrArgument));				
+	// get current time
+	timeReceived.UniversalTime();
+	// get the position data:
+	aPosInfo.GetPosition(pos);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Position received at: "));	
+	INFO_PRINTF4(_L("%d/%d/%d"), timeReceived.DateTime().Day() + 1, timeReceived.DateTime().Month() + 1, timeReceived.DateTime().Year());
+	INFO_PRINTF5(_L("at %d :%d :%d :%d"), timeReceived.DateTime().Hour(), timeReceived.DateTime().Minute(), timeReceived.DateTime().Second(), timeReceived.DateTime().MicroSecond());
+	timeStamp = pos.Time();
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Position timeStamp: "));
+	INFO_PRINTF4(_L("%d/%d/%d"), timeStamp.DateTime().Day() + 1, timeStamp.DateTime().Month() + 1, timeStamp.DateTime().Year());
+	INFO_PRINTF5(_L("at %d :%d :%d :%d"), timeStamp.DateTime().Hour(), timeStamp.DateTime().Minute(), timeStamp.DateTime().Second(), timeStamp.DateTime().MicroSecond());
+	TTime windowstart = aTimeFirstPosStamped + static_cast<TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds>(aPosCount * interval) - KTimestampMargin;
+	TTime windowend = windowstart + timeout + KTimestampMargin;
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("valid window start: "));	
+	INFO_PRINTF4(_L("%d/%d/%d"), windowstart.DateTime().Day() + 1, windowstart.DateTime().Month() + 1, windowstart.DateTime().Year());
+	INFO_PRINTF5(_L("at %d :%d :%d :%d"), windowstart.DateTime().Hour(), windowstart.DateTime().Minute(), windowstart.DateTime().Second(), windowstart.DateTime().MicroSecond());
+	if(timeStamp < windowstart)
+		{
+		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed: Position received outside time range"));
+		return FALSE;
+		}
+	if(timeout.Int64() && (timeStamp > windowend))
+		{
+		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("valid window end: "));	
+		INFO_PRINTF4(_L("%d/%d/%d"), windowend.DateTime().Day() + 1, windowend.DateTime().Month() + 1, windowend.DateTime().Year());
+		INFO_PRINTF5(_L("at %d :%d :%d :%d"), windowend.DateTime().Hour(), windowend.DateTime().Minute(), windowend.DateTime().Second(), windowend.DateTime().MicroSecond());
+		return FALSE;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		return TRUE;
+		}
+	}
+// constant definitions
+_LIT(KLbsClientStepUpdateOptions, "LbsClientStepUpdateOptions");
+ *	Sets a Requestor for now - TO DO will be removed with new location server?
+ */
+void CT_LbsClientStep_UpdateOptions::TempSetRequestorL()
+ 	{	
+	User::LeaveIfError(iPositioner.SetRequestor(	CRequestor::ERequestorService,
+												CRequestor::EFormatApplication,
+												_L("Tom Tom")));
+ 	}
+ * Destructor
+ */
+	{
+	delete 	iLbsAdmin;	
+	}
+ * Constructor
+ */
+CT_LbsClientStep_UpdateOptions::CT_LbsClientStep_UpdateOptions(CT_LbsClientServer& aParent) : CT_LbsClientStep(aParent), iLbsAdmin(NULL), iRequestedAssData(FALSE), iReceivedAssData(FALSE)
+	{
+	SetTestStepName(KLbsClientStep_UpdateOptions);
+	}
+Static Constructor
+CT_LbsClientStep_UpdateOptions* CT_LbsClientStep_UpdateOptions::New(CT_LbsClientServer& aParent)
+	{
+	return new CT_LbsClientStep_UpdateOptions(aParent);
+	// Note the lack of ELeave.
+	// This means that having insufficient memory will return NULL;
+	}	
+Compare UpdateOptions
+TBool CT_LbsClientStep_UpdateOptions::CompareUpdateOptions(TPositionUpdateOptions aPosA, TPositionUpdateOptions aPosB)
+	{
+	TBool isEqual = ETrue;
+	if(aPosA.AcceptPartialUpdates() != aPosB.AcceptPartialUpdates()) 
+		{
+			return EFalse;
+		}
+	if(aPosA.MaxUpdateAge() != aPosB.MaxUpdateAge())
+		{
+			return EFalse;
+		}
+	if(aPosA.PositionClassSize() != aPosB.PositionClassSize())
+		{
+			return EFalse;
+		}
+	if(aPosA.PositionClassType() != aPosB.PositionClassType())
+		{
+			return EFalse;
+		}
+	if(aPosA.UpdateInterval() != aPosB.UpdateInterval())
+		{
+			return EFalse;
+		}
+	if(aPosA.UpdateTimeOut() != aPosB.UpdateTimeOut())
+		{
+			return EFalse;
+		}
+	return isEqual;
+	}
+ * @return - TVerdict code
+ * Override of base class pure virtual
+ * Our implementation only gets called if the base class doTestStepPreambleL() did
+ * not leave. That being the case, the current test result value will be EPass.
+ */
+TVerdict CT_LbsClientStep_UpdateOptions::doTestStepL()
+	{
+	// Generic test step used to test the LBS SetUpdateOptions API.
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("&gt;&gt;CT_LbsClientStep_UpdateOptions::doTestStepL()"));
+	if (TestStepResult()==EPass) 
+		{
+		TInt err = KErrNone;
+		// Connect to self locate server.
+		User::LeaveIfError(iServer.Connect());
+		CleanupClosePushL(iServer);
+		// Carryout unique test actions.
+		TInt testCaseId;
+		if (GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(), KTestCaseId, testCaseId))
+			{
+				switch (testCaseId)
+				{
+				// Test case LBS-UpdateOptions-001
+				case 1:
+					{
+					// Open positioner.
+					User::LeaveIfError(iPositioner.Open(iServer));
+					CleanupClosePushL(iPositioner);
+					TPositionUpdateOptions optsA;
+					TPositionUpdateOptions optsB;
+					iPositioner.SetUpdateOptions(optsA);
+					iPositioner.GetUpdateOptions(optsB);
+					if (!CompareUpdateOptions(optsA, optsB))
+						{
+						SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+						}
+					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iPositioner);
+					break;
+					}
+				// Test case LBS-UpdateOptions-002
+				case 2:
+					{
+					// Open positioner.
+					User::LeaveIfError(iPositioner.Open(iServer));
+					CleanupClosePushL(iPositioner);
+					//(aInterval, aTimeOut, aMaxAge, TBool aAcceptPartialUpdates=EFalse)
+					TPositionUpdateOptions optsA(-1, 0, 0, EFalse);
+					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iPositioner);
+					break;
+					}
+				// Test case LBS-UpdateOptions-003
+				case 3:
+					{
+					// Open positioner.
+					User::LeaveIfError(iPositioner.Open(iServer));
+					CleanupClosePushL(iPositioner);
+					TPositionUpdateOptions optsA(0, -1, 0, EFalse);
+					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iPositioner);
+					break;
+					}	
+				// Test case LBS-UpdateOptions-004
+				case 4:
+					{
+					// Open positioner.
+					User::LeaveIfError(iPositioner.Open(iServer));
+					CleanupClosePushL(iPositioner);
+					TPositionUpdateOptions optsA(0, 0, -1, EFalse);
+					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iPositioner);
+					break;
+					}	
+				// Test case LBS-UpdateOptions-005
+				case 5:
+					{
+					// Open positioner.
+					User::LeaveIfError(iPositioner.Open(iServer));
+					CleanupClosePushL(iPositioner);
+					TPositionUpdateOptions& updateOpts = iParent.iSharedData->iVerifyUpdateOpts;
+					iPositioner.SetUpdateOptions(updateOpts);
+					// Create a posinfo and store in our shared array for later verification.
+					RPointerArray<TAny>& posInfoArr = iParent.iSharedData->iCurrentPosInfoArr;
+					TPositionInfo* posInfo = new(ELeave) TPositionInfo();
+					T_LbsUtils utils;
+					utils.ResetAndDestroy_PosInfoArr(posInfoArr);	// Clear previous entries before new entry is appended.
+					posInfoArr.Append(posInfo);
+					TTime timeRequested;
+					timeRequested.UniversalTime();
+					INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Position requested at: "));	
+					INFO_PRINTF4(_L("%d/%d/%d"), timeRequested.DateTime().Day() + 1, timeRequested.DateTime().Month() + 1, timeRequested.DateTime().Year());
+					INFO_PRINTF5(_L("at %d :%d :%d :%d"), timeRequested.DateTime().Hour(), timeRequested.DateTime().Minute(), timeRequested.DateTime().Second(), timeRequested.DateTime().MicroSecond());
+					// Get the actual position
+					err = DoNotifyUpdateL(*posInfo);
+					if (KErrNone != err || !VerifyFirstPosTime(timeRequested, *posInfo, updateOpts))
+						{
+						SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+						}
+					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iPositioner);
+					break;
+					}
+				// Test case LBS-UpdateOptions-006
+				case 6:
+					{
+					// Open positioner.
+					User::LeaveIfError(iPositioner.Open(iServer));
+					CleanupClosePushL(iPositioner);
+					RPointerArray<TAny>& posInfoArr = iParent.iSharedData->iCurrentPosInfoArr;
+					T_LbsUtils utils;
+					utils.ResetAndDestroy_PosInfoArr(posInfoArr);	// Clear previous entries before new entry is appended.
+					// Create a posinfo and store in our shared array for later verification.
+					TPositionInfo* posInfo = new(ELeave) TPositionInfo();
+					posInfoArr.Append(posInfo);					
+					TRequestStatus status;
+					TPositionUpdateOptions tempOpts;
+					// set a fairly long interval (1 minute) to ensure the 2nd request doesn't complete too quicky:
+					tempOpts.SetUpdateInterval(60*1000000);
+					tempOpts.SetUpdateTimeOut(300*1000000);
+					iPositioner.SetUpdateOptions(tempOpts);
+					iPositioner.GetUpdateOptions(tempOpts);			
+					TempSetRequestorL();
+					TTime timeRequested;					
+					TTime timeFirstStamped;							
+					INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Requesting position (current interval set to %d): "),tempOpts.UpdateInterval().Int64() );
+					timeRequested.UniversalTime();
+					err = DoNotifyUpdateL(*posInfo);
+					if (KErrNone != err)
+						{
+						INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed: Position Update failed with %d"), err);
+						SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+						}
+					else
+						{
+						TPosition pos;
+						posInfo->GetPosition(pos);
+						// need to remember the time we received this one:		
+						timeFirstStamped = pos.Time();		
+						if(!VerifyFirstPosTime(timeRequested, *posInfo, tempOpts))
+							{
+							SetTestStepResult(EFail);									
+							}
+						}
+					// Create another posinfo and store in our shared array for later verification.						
+					posInfo = new(ELeave) TPositionInfo();
+					posInfoArr.Append(posInfo);					
+					INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Requesting position (current interval set to %d): "), tempOpts.UpdateInterval().Int64());
+					// this should complete after original interval (1 min), despite setting a new interval while it's outstanding:
+					iPositioner.NotifyPositionUpdate(*posInfo, status);	
+					// set configured update options while update still outstanding:
+					TPositionUpdateOptions& updateOpts = iParent.iSharedData->iVerifyUpdateOpts;					
+					iPositioner.SetUpdateOptions(updateOpts);
+					iPositioner.GetUpdateOptions(updateOpts);
+					INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Interval now set to %d microseconds"), updateOpts.UpdateInterval().Int64());
+					User::WaitForRequest(status);
+					// verify time for 'outstanding when interval changed' position										
+					if(!VerifyPosTime(timeFirstStamped, tempOpts, *posInfo, 1))
+						{
+						INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CT_LbsClientStep_UpdateOptions::doTestStepL() Failed: Time received outside valid range"));
+						SetTestStepResult(EFail);									
+						}
+					else
+						{
+						TInt numOfPosInfos = iParent.iSharedData->iVerifyPosInfoArr.Count() - 2;	// -2 because first 2 positions used above
+						for(TInt i = 0 ; i < numOfPosInfos ; i++)
+							{
+							// get current time
+							timeRequested.UniversalTime();
+							INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Position requested at: "));	
+							INFO_PRINTF4(_L("%d/%d/%d"), timeRequested.DateTime().Day() + 1, timeRequested.DateTime().Month() + 1, timeRequested.DateTime().Year());
+							INFO_PRINTF5(_L("at %d :%d :%d :%d"), timeRequested.DateTime().Hour(), timeRequested.DateTime().Minute(), timeRequested.DateTime().Second(), timeRequested.DateTime().MicroSecond());
+							//Do request to position update
+							posInfo = new(ELeave) TPositionInfo();
+							posInfoArr.Append(posInfo);					
+							err = DoNotifyUpdateL(*posInfo);
+							if (KErrNone != err)
+								{
+								INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed: Position Update failed with %d"), err);
+								SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+								}
+							else
+								{	
+								if(i > 0)
+									{							
+									if(!VerifyPosTime(timeFirstStamped, updateOpts, *posInfo, i))
+										{
+										INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed: Position received outside time range"));
+										SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+										}
+									}
+								else	// first position
+									{
+									TPosition pos;
+									posInfo->GetPosition(pos);
+									// need to remember the time we received this one:		
+									timeFirstStamped = pos.Time();		
+									if(!VerifyFirstPosTime(timeRequested, *posInfo, updateOpts))
+										{
+										SetTestStepResult(EFail);									
+										}
+									}		
+								}	
+							}
+						}
+					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iPositioner);
+					break;
+					}
+				// Test case LBS-UpdateOptions-007
+				case 7:
+				case 107:
+					{
+					// Open positioner.
+					User::LeaveIfError(iPositioner.Open(iServer));
+					CleanupClosePushL(iPositioner);
+					// For this test an additional reference position will be returned.
+					if (testCaseId == 107)
+						{
+						// Setup netsim.
+						User::LeaveIfError(OpenNetSim());
+						// Request notify for the expected reference position.
+						TPositionInfo actualRefPosInfo;
+						err = DoNotifyUpdateL(actualRefPosInfo);
+						if (err)
+							{
+							INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed test, reference position request returned err %d."), err);
+							SetTestStepResult(EFail);							
+							}
+						// Verify reference position.
+						T_LbsUtils utils;
+						TPositionInfo verifyRefPosInfo;
+						verifyRefPosInfo.SetPosition(iRefPos);
+						if (!utils.Compare_PosInfo(verifyRefPosInfo, actualRefPosInfo))
+							{
+							INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, reference position incorrect."));
+							SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+							}
+						}
+					TPositionUpdateOptions& updateOpts = iParent.iSharedData->iVerifyUpdateOpts;
+					iPositioner.SetUpdateOptions(updateOpts);
+					// verify that the set worked:
+					ASSERT(updateOpts.UpdateInterval() == iParent.iSharedData->iVerifyUpdateOpts.UpdateInterval());
+					// Create a posinfo and store in our shared array for later verification.
+					RPointerArray<TAny>& posInfoArr = iParent.iSharedData->iCurrentPosInfoArr;
+					T_LbsUtils utils;
+					utils.ResetAndDestroy_PosInfoArr(posInfoArr);	// Clear previous entries before new entry is appended.
+					TPositionInfo* posInfo;
+					TTime timeRequested;
+					iPositioner.GetUpdateOptions(updateOpts);
+					TInt  numOfPosInfos = iParent.iSharedData->iVerifyPosInfoArr.Count();
+					TTime timeFirstStamped;
+					for(TInt i = 0 ; i < numOfPosInfos ; i++)
+						{
+						// get current time
+						timeRequested.UniversalTime();
+						INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Position requested at: "));	
+						INFO_PRINTF4(_L("%d/%d/%d"), timeRequested.DateTime().Day() + 1, timeRequested.DateTime().Month() + 1, timeRequested.DateTime().Year());
+						INFO_PRINTF5(_L("at %d :%d :%d :%d"), timeRequested.DateTime().Hour(), timeRequested.DateTime().Minute(), timeRequested.DateTime().Second(), timeRequested.DateTime().MicroSecond());
+						//Do request to position update
+						posInfo = new(ELeave) TPositionInfo();
+						posInfoArr.Append(posInfo);
+						err = DoNotifyUpdateL(*posInfo);
+						if (KErrNone != err)
+							{
+							INFO_PRINTF2(_L("NotifyUpdate failed with %d "), err);	
+							SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+							}
+						else
+							{
+							if(i > 0)
+								{							
+								if(!VerifyPosTime(timeFirstStamped, updateOpts, *posInfo, i))
+									{
+									INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed: Position received outside time range"));
+									SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+									}
+								}
+							else	// first position
+								{
+								TPosition pos;
+								posInfo->GetPosition(pos);
+								// need to remember the time we received this one:		
+								timeFirstStamped = pos.Time();		
+								if(!VerifyFirstPosTime(timeRequested, *posInfo, updateOpts))
+									{
+									SetTestStepResult(EFail);									
+									}
+								}				
+							}
+						}
+					// Clean up.						
+					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iPositioner);
+					if (testCaseId == 107)
+						{
+						CloseNetSim();
+						}
+					break;
+					}
+				// Test case LBS-UpdateOptions-008
+				case 8:
+					{
+					// Open positioner.
+					User::LeaveIfError(iPositioner.Open(iServer));
+					CleanupClosePushL(iPositioner);
+					//2 second interval
+					TPositionUpdateOptions optsA(2000000, 0, 0, EFalse);
+					optsA.SetUpdateInterval(-1);
+					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iPositioner);
+					break;
+					}
+				// Test case LBS-UpdateOptions-009
+				case 9:
+					{
+					// Open positioner.
+					User::LeaveIfError(iPositioner.Open(iServer));
+					CleanupClosePushL(iPositioner);
+					//10 second interval
+					TPositionUpdateOptions posUpdateOptsA(10000000, 0, 0, EFalse);
+					TPositionUpdateOptions posUpdateOptsB; 
+					iPositioner.SetUpdateOptions(posUpdateOptsA);
+					iPositioner.GetUpdateOptions(posUpdateOptsB);
+					if(!CompareUpdateOptions(posUpdateOptsA, posUpdateOptsB))
+						{
+						INFO_PRINTF1(_L("SetUpdate and GetUpdate comparison didn't match"));
+						SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+						}	
+					//5 second timeout
+					posUpdateOptsA.SetUpdateTimeOut(5000000);
+					iPositioner.SetUpdateOptions(posUpdateOptsA);
+					iPositioner.GetUpdateOptions(posUpdateOptsB);
+					if(!CompareUpdateOptions(posUpdateOptsA, posUpdateOptsB))
+						{
+						INFO_PRINTF1(_L("SetUpdate and GetUpdate comparison didn't match"));
+						SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+						}
+					TPositionInfo posInfo;
+					// TO DO - is this sufficient, or should we really be testing how long it takes to timeout?
+					// Get the actual position, should time out on AGPS side
+					// ** Configure test gps module to cause a timeout
+					err = DoNotifyUpdateL(posInfo);
+					if (KErrTimedOut != err)
+						{
+						INFO_PRINTF1(_L("<FONT><B>AGPS module didn't timeout as expected.</B></FONT>"));
+						SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+						}						
+					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iPositioner);
+					break;
+					}
+				// Test case LBS-UpdateOptions-010
+				case 10:
+					{
+					// Open positioner.
+					User::LeaveIfError(iPositioner.Open(iServer));
+					CleanupClosePushL(iPositioner);
+					TPositionUpdateOptions optsA;
+					optsA.SetUpdateTimeOut(-1);
+					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iPositioner);
+					break;
+					}
+				// Test case LBS-UpdateOptions-011
+				case 11:
+					{
+					// Open positioner with
+					// configured required quality
+					TPositionCriteria	criteria;
+					TPositionQuality    quality;
+					// set up the required accuracy
+					quality.SetHorizontalAccuracy(EXPECTED_GPS_ACCURACY_HORIZONTAL);
+					quality.SetVerticalAccuracy(EXPECTED_GPS_ACCURACY_VERTICAL);
+					criteria.SetRequiredQuality(quality);
+					User::LeaveIfError(iPositioner.Open(iServer, criteria));
+					CleanupClosePushL(iPositioner);
+					//Configure partial Updates
+					TPositionUpdateOptions optsA;
+					optsA.SetAcceptPartialUpdates(EFalse);
+					if(EFalse != optsA.AcceptPartialUpdates())
+						{
+						INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Partial Updates not set."));
+						SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+						}	
+					iPositioner.SetUpdateOptions(optsA);
+					// NOTE:
+					// -Expect to call NPU once, and have module return 2 partial updates
+					//  before finally returning the complete update.
+					// -We need a way to inform the module that it nedes to return partial updates
+					//  When we have AcceptPartialUpdates SwitchedOff.
+					// ** Test AGPS manager must already be configured to return partial location info
+					// ** We should only see the full location info to required accuracy etc
+					TPositionInfo positionInfo;
+					TPositionInfo positionInfoTemp = reinterpret_cast<TPositionInfo&>(iParent.iSharedData->iVerifyPosInfoArr[2]);
+					// Get the actual position
+					err = DoNotifyUpdateL(positionInfo);
+					if (KErrNone != err)
+						{
+						SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+						}
+					else
+						{
+						//Compare posInfo with Moduledata 3
+						T_LbsUtils utils;
+						if(!utils.Compare_PosInfo(positionInfo, positionInfoTemp))
+							{
+							INFO_PRINTF1(_L("<FONT><B>We didn't recieve complete update.</B></FONT>"));
+							SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+							}
+						}
+					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iPositioner);
+					break;
+					}
+				// Test case LBS-UpdateOptions-012
+				case 12:
+					{
+					// Open positioner with
+					// configured required quality
+					TPositionCriteria	criteria;
+					TPositionQuality    quality;
+					// set up the required accuracy
+					quality.SetHorizontalAccuracy(EXPECTED_GPS_ACCURACY_HORIZONTAL);
+					quality.SetVerticalAccuracy(EXPECTED_GPS_ACCURACY_VERTICAL);
+					criteria.SetRequiredQuality(quality);
+					err = iPositioner.Open(iServer, criteria);
+					User::LeaveIfError(err);
+					CleanupClosePushL(iPositioner);
+					//Configure partial Updates
+					TPositionUpdateOptions optsA;
+					optsA.SetAcceptPartialUpdates(ETrue);
+					if(!optsA.AcceptPartialUpdates())
+						{
+						INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Partial Updates not set."));
+						SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+						}	
+					err = iPositioner.SetUpdateOptions(optsA);
+					User::LeaveIfError(err);
+					// NOTE:
+					// -Expect to call NPU repeatedly to recieve each partial update
+					// -We need a way to inform the module that it nedes to return partial updates
+					//  When we have AcceptPartialUpdates SwitchedOff.
+					// ** Test AGPS manager must already be configured to return partial location info
+					// ** We should only see the full location info to required accuracy etc
+					// Create a posinfo and store in our shared array for later verification.
+					RPointerArray<TAny>& posInfoArr = iParent.iSharedData->iCurrentPosInfoArr;
+					T_LbsUtils utils;
+					utils.ResetAndDestroy_PosInfoArr(posInfoArr);	// Clear previous entries before new entry is appended.
+					TInt loopCount = iParent.iSharedData->iCurrentPosInfoArr.Count()-1;
+					// Get the actual position
+					for(int i = 0 ; i < loopCount ; i++ )
+						{
+						TPositionInfo* positionInfo = new(ELeave) TPositionInfo();
+						posInfoArr.Append(positionInfo);
+						err = DoNotifyUpdateL(*positionInfo);
+						if (KErrNone != err)
+							{
+							SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+							}	
+						}
+					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iPositioner);
+					break;
+					}
+				// Test case LBS-UpdateOptions-013
+				case 13:
+					{
+					// Open positioner.
+					User::LeaveIfError(iPositioner.Open(iServer));
+					CleanupClosePushL(iPositioner);					
+					TPositionInfo posInfo;
+					TPositionInfo posInfob;
+					// This call to NPU puts a location in cache
+					err = DoNotifyUpdateL(posInfo);
+					if (KErrNone != err)
+						{
+						SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+						}
+					// TO DO - read these from config?
+					TPositionUpdateOptions posOpts;
+					posOpts.SetMaxUpdateAge(1*1000000);
+					posOpts.SetUpdateInterval(5*1000000);
+					if((posOpts.MaxUpdateAge() != 1000000) || (posOpts.UpdateInterval() != 5000000))
+						{
+						SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+						}
+					iPositioner.SetUpdateOptions(posOpts);
+					//Retrieve cached location with second call to NPU
+					err = DoNotifyUpdateL(posInfob);
+					if (KErrNone != err)
+						{
+						SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+						}
+					//Make sure we've retrieved the cached location						
+					T_LbsUtils utils;
+					if(!utils.Compare_PosInfo(posInfo, posInfob))
+						{
+						SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+						}
+					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iPositioner);
+					break;
+					}	
+				// Test case LBS-UpdateOptions-014
+				case 14:
+					{
+					T_LbsUtils utils;
+					TPositionModuleId networkModId = utils.GetNetworkModuleIdL(iServer);
+					// Open positioners.
+					User::LeaveIfError(iPositioner.Open(iServer, networkModId));
+					CleanupClosePushL(iPositioner);
+					RPositionServer server2;
+					RPositioner positioner2;
+					// Connect to self locate servers.
+					User::LeaveIfError(server2.Connect());
+					CleanupClosePushL(server2);
+					TPositionModuleId aGpsModId = utils.GetAGpsModuleIdL(server2);			
+					User::LeaveIfError(positioner2.Open(server2, aGpsModId));
+					CleanupClosePushL(positioner2);
+					TPositionUpdateOptions optsA; 
+					TPositionUpdateOptions optsB;
+					optsA.SetMaxUpdateAge(10000000);
+					optsA.SetUpdateInterval(5000000);
+					optsB.SetMaxUpdateAge(0);
+					optsB.SetUpdateInterval(2000000);
+					TPositionInfo posInfo;
+					TPositionInfo posInfob;
+					// Get the actual position
+					err = DoNotifyUpdateL(posInfo);
+					if (KErrNone != err)
+						{
+						SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+						}
+					err = DoNotifyUpdateL(posInfob);
+					if (KErrNone != err)
+						{
+						SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+						}
+					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&positioner2);
+					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&server2);
+					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iPositioner);
+					break;
+					}
+				// Test case LBS-UpdateOptions-015
+				case 15:
+					{
+					T_LbsUtils utils;
+					TPositionModuleId networkModId = utils.GetNetworkModuleIdL(iServer);
+					// Open positioners.
+					User::LeaveIfError(iPositioner.Open(iServer, networkModId));
+					CleanupClosePushL(iPositioner);
+					RPositionServer server2;
+					RPositioner positioner2;
+					// Connect to self locate servers.
+					User::LeaveIfError(server2.Connect());
+					CleanupClosePushL(server2);
+					User::LeaveIfError(positioner2.Open(server2, networkModId));
+					CleanupClosePushL(positioner2);
+					TPositionUpdateOptions optsA; 
+					TPositionUpdateOptions optsB;
+					optsA.SetMaxUpdateAge(10000000);
+					optsA.SetUpdateInterval(5000000);
+					optsB.SetMaxUpdateAge(0);
+					optsB.SetUpdateInterval(2000000);
+					TPositionInfo posInfo;
+					TPositionInfo posInfob;
+					// Get the actual position
+					err = DoNotifyUpdateL(posInfo);
+					if (KErrNone != err)
+						{
+						SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+						}
+					// Loop? Keep calling until full info recieved.
+					err = DoNotifyUpdateL(posInfob);
+					if (KErrNone != err)
+						{
+						SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+						}
+					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&positioner2);
+					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&server2);
+					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iPositioner);
+					break;
+					}
+				// Test case LBS-UpdateOptions-016
+				case 16:
+					{
+					T_LbsUtils utils;
+					TPositionModuleId networkModId = utils.GetNetworkModuleIdL(iServer);
+					// Open positioners.
+					User::LeaveIfError(iPositioner.Open(iServer, networkModId));
+					CleanupClosePushL(iPositioner);
+					RPositionServer server2;
+					RPositioner positioner2;
+					//Connect to self locate server
+					TPositionModuleId aGpsModId = utils.GetAGpsModuleIdL(server2);	
+					User::LeaveIfError(positioner2.Open(iServer, aGpsModId));
+					CleanupClosePushL(positioner2);
+					TPositionUpdateOptions optsA; 
+					TPositionUpdateOptions optsB;
+					optsA.SetMaxUpdateAge(10000000);
+					optsA.SetUpdateInterval(5000000);
+					optsB.SetMaxUpdateAge(0);
+					optsB.SetUpdateInterval(2000000);
+					TPositionInfo posInfo;
+					TPositionInfo posInfob;
+					// Get the actual position
+					err = DoNotifyUpdateL(posInfo);
+					if (KErrNone != err)
+						{
+						SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+						}
+					// Loop? Keep calling until full info recieved.
+					err = DoNotifyUpdateL(posInfob);
+					if (KErrNone != err)
+						{
+						SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+						}
+					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&positioner2);
+					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&server2);
+					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iPositioner);
+					break;
+					}
+				// Test case LBS-UpdateOptions-017
+				case 17:
+					{
+					// Open positioner.
+					User::LeaveIfError(iPositioner.Open(iServer));
+					CleanupClosePushL(iPositioner);
+					TPositionUpdateOptions optsA;
+					optsA.SetUpdateInterval(1000000);
+					optsA.SetMaxUpdateAge(5000000);
+					if((optsA.MaxUpdateAge() != 5000000) || (optsA.UpdateInterval() != 1000000))
+						{
+						SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+						}
+					iPositioner.SetUpdateOptions(optsA);
+					// Test AGPS manager must already be configured to return partial location info
+					TPositionInfo posInfo;
+					// This call to NPU puts a location in cache
+					err = DoNotifyUpdateL(posInfo);
+					if (KErrNone != err)
+						{
+						SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+						}
+					/*
+						MaxUpdateAge () returns the current age limit for 
+						information returned by NotifyPositionUpdate(). 
+						Zero is returned when there is no acceptable age limit.
+					*/
+					if(optsA.MaxUpdateAge() != 0)
+						{
+						SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+						}
+					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iPositioner);
+					break;
+					}
+				// Test case LBS-UpdateOptions-018
+				case 18:
+					{
+					// Open positioner.
+					User::LeaveIfError(iPositioner.Open(iServer));
+					CleanupClosePushL(iPositioner);
+					TPositionUpdateOptions optsA;
+					optsA.SetMaxUpdateAge(-1);
+					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iPositioner);
+					break;
+					}
+				// Test case LBS-UpdateOptions-019
+				case 19:
+					{
+					// Open positioner.
+					User::LeaveIfError(iPositioner.Open(iServer));
+					CleanupClosePushL(iPositioner);
+					//MaxUpdateAge comparision replacede by verify data step
+					TPositionUpdateOptions& updateOpts = iParent.iSharedData->iVerifyUpdateOpts;
+					TPositionInfo posInfoA, posInfoB;
+					//Get fresh location and have it in cache
+					err = DoNotifyUpdateL(posInfoA);
+					if (KErrNone != err)
+						{
+						SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+						}
+					//Second call to NPU should have maxupdateage set.
+					iPositioner.SetUpdateOptions(updateOpts);
+					err = DoNotifyUpdateL(posInfoB);
+					if (KErrNone != err)
+						{
+						SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+						}
+					T_LbsUtils utils;
+					if(!utils.Compare_PosInfo(posInfoA, posInfoB))
+							{
+							//Cached copy doesnt match retrieved copy.
+							SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+							}
+					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iPositioner);
+					break;
+					}
+				// Test case LBS-UpdateOptions-020
+				case 20:
+					{
+					// Open positioner.
+					User::LeaveIfError(iPositioner.Open(iServer));
+					CleanupClosePushL(iPositioner);
+					TPositionInfo cachedInfo, firstposInfo, secondposInfo;
+  					TPositionUpdateOptions& updateOpts = iParent.iSharedData->iVerifyUpdateOpts;
+					updateOpts.SetUpdateInterval(0);
+					updateOpts.SetMaxUpdateAge(0);
+					//Second call to NPU should have maxupdateage set.
+					iPositioner.SetUpdateOptions(updateOpts);
+					// Get fresh location and have it in cache
+					err = DoNotifyUpdateL(cachedInfo);
+					if (KErrNone != err)
+						{
+						SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+						}
+					// Change the max fix time
+					updateOpts.SetMaxUpdateAge(5000000);
+					iPositioner.SetUpdateOptions(updateOpts);
+					// Wait 4 seconds
+					User::After(4000000);
+					// Get a position should be the same as in the cache
+					err = DoNotifyUpdateL(firstposInfo);
+					if (KErrNone != err)
+						{
+						SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+						}
+					// Wait 2 seconds
+					User::After(2000000);
+					// Get a position should not be the same as the cache
+					err = DoNotifyUpdateL(secondposInfo);
+					if (KErrNone != err)
+						{
+						SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+						}
+					T_LbsUtils utils;
+					TBool a = utils.Compare_PosInfo(cachedInfo, firstposInfo);
+					TBool b = utils.Compare_PosInfo(firstposInfo, secondposInfo);
+					if(!a || b)
+						{
+						//Cached copy doesnt match retrieved copy.
+						SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+						}
+					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iPositioner);
+					break;
+					}
+					// Test case LBS-UpdateOptions-101 (for DEF118183)
+					case 101:
+						{
+						// Open positioner.
+						User::LeaveIfError(iPositioner.Open(iServer));
+						CleanupClosePushL(iPositioner);					
+						TPositionInfo posInfoa;
+						TPositionInfo posInfob;
+						TPositionInfo posInfoc;
+						// This call to NPU puts a location in cache
+						err = DoNotifyUpdateL(posInfoa);
+						if (KErrNone != err)
+							{
+							INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed: During first call to NPU err is %d"), err);
+							SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+							}
+						TPositionUpdateOptions posOpts;
+						posOpts.SetMaxUpdateAge(1*1000000);
+						posOpts.SetUpdateInterval(5*1000000);
+						if((posOpts.MaxUpdateAge() != 1000000) || (posOpts.UpdateInterval() != 5000000))
+							{
+							INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed: During check of options values"));
+							SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+							}
+						iPositioner.SetUpdateOptions(posOpts);
+						//Retrieve cached location with second call to NPU
+						err = DoNotifyUpdateL(posInfob);
+						if (KErrNone != err)
+							{
+							INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed: During NPU 2 value is %d"), err);
+							SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+							}
+						//Make sure we've retrieved the cached location						
+						T_LbsUtils utils;
+						if(!utils.Compare_PosInfo(posInfoa, posInfob))
+							{
+							INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed: During comparison of pos info values"));
+							SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+							}
+						// Make 3rd call to NPU - this one to be cancelled
+						TRequestStatus status;
+						iPositioner.NotifyPositionUpdate(posInfoc, status);	
+						// Wait 2 seconds and then cancel
+						User::After(2000000);
+						err = iPositioner.CancelRequest(EPositionerNotifyPositionUpdate);
+						if (KErrNone != err)
+							{
+							// Pre-DefectFix code would return -1 at this point since there would have been no request to cancel
+							INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed: Cancel request was rejected with error %d"), err);
+							SetTestStepResult(EFail);						
+							}
+						User::WaitForRequest(status);
+						if (KErrCancel != status.Int())
+							{
+							// Pre-DefectFix code would return 0 at this point to indicate a successfully returned position
+							INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed: Expected NPU to complete with KErrCancel but actual value is %d"), status.Int());
+							SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+							}
+						CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iPositioner);
+						break;
+						}
+				default:
+					User::Panic(KLbsClientStepUpdateOptions, KErrUnknown);					
+					}
+				}
+		// All done, clean up.
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iServer);		
+		}
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("&lt;&lt;CT_LbsClientStep_UpdateOptions::doTestStepL()"));
+	return TestStepResult();
+	}