--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lbstest/lbstestproduct/lbsconflict/inc/ctlbsconflictstep.h Tue Feb 02 01:50:39 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// @file ctlbsconflictstep.h
+// This contains the header file for LBS Conflict Test Step Base
+// EPOC includes.
+#include <test/testexecutestepbase.h>
+// LBS test includes.
+#include <lbs/test/lbsnetsimtest.h>
+#include <lbs/test/lbsnetsimtestobserver.h>
+#include "ctlbsconflictserver.h"
+#include <lbs/test/ctlbstimerutils.h>
+const TInt KLbsKeepAlivePeriod = 10000;
+const TUint KLbsAbortPeriod = 10000000; // The test case should finish before 10 seconds, use different value if not in test step code.
+const TInt KKeepAliveTimerId = 0;
+const TInt KAbortTimerId = 1;
+// X3P helper items.
+_LIT(KTransmitPushDestination, "02");
+_LIT(KTransmitMenuDestination, "08");
+_LIT(KTransmitTimerDestination, "10");
+_LIT(KTransmitPush2Destination, "02");
+_LIT(KTransmitMenu2Destination, "08");
+const TUint KTransmitPushPriority = 0x02;
+const TUint KTransmitMenuPriority = 0x08;
+const TUint KTransmitTimerPriority = 0x10;
+const TUint KTransmitPush2Priority = 0x02;
+const TUint KTransmitMenu2Priority = 0x08;
+const TInt KLbsConflictX3PPushId = 0x02;
+const TInt KLbsConflictX3PMenuId = 0x08;
+const TInt KLbsConflictX3PTimerId = 0x10;
+const TInt KLbsConflictX3PPush2Id = 0x022;
+const TInt KLbsConflictX3PMenu2Id = 0x088;
+class CT_LbsConflictStep :
+ public CTestStep,
+ public MT_LbsTimerUtilsObserver,
+ public MLbsNetSimTestObserver
+ virtual ~CT_LbsConflictStep();
+ virtual TVerdict doTestStepPreambleL();
+ virtual TVerdict doTestStepPostambleL();
+ // From MLbsNetSimTestObserver.
+ virtual void Connected();
+ virtual void Disconnected();
+ virtual void NotifyRegisterLcsMoLr(const TDesC& aData);
+ virtual void NotifyReleaseLcsMoLr(TInt aReason);
+ virtual void NotifyMeasurementControlLocation(const TPositionInfo& aPosition, const RLbsAssistanceDataBuilderSet& aData, const TLbsNetPosRequestQuality& aQuality);
+ virtual void NotifyReleaseLcsLocationNotification(const CLbsNetworkProtocolBase::TLbsPrivacyResponse& aResult);
+ virtual void NotifyFacilityLcsMoLrResult(TInt aReason, const TPositionInfo& aPosition);
+ virtual void NotifyMeasurementReportLocation(const TPositionInfo& aPosition);
+ virtual void NotifyMeasurementReportRequestMoreAssistanceData(const TLbsAssistanceDataGroup& aFilter);
+ virtual void NotifyMeasurementReportControlFailure(TInt aReason);
+ virtual void NotifyError(MLbsNetSimTestObserver::EFunction aFunction, int aError);
+ virtual void ProcessMeasurementControlLocationError(TInt aError);
+ CT_LbsConflictStep(CT_LbsConflictServer& aParent);
+ void ConstructL();
+ TInt OpenNetSim(MLbsNetSimTestObserver* aObserver);
+ void CloseNetSim();
+ void EnterEmergencyState();
+ void ExitEmergencyState();
+ void StartNetworkPrivacyRequest();
+ void SetVerifySeqEvent(TInt aSeqEventId);
+ void SetVerifyAdhocEvent(TInt aAdhocEventId);
+ void SetCurrentSeqEvent(TInt aSeqEventId);
+ TBool VerifySeqEvents();
+ // From MT_LbsTimerUtilsObserver - keep alive timer to ensure we recvice all callbacks.
+ virtual void HandleTimerL(TInt aTimerId, const TTime& aTargetTime);
+enum {
+ // Self Locate.
+ ESelf_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyRegisterLcsMoLr = 0x0010, // --> TO NET
+ ESelf_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyReleaseLcsMoLr, // <-- FROM NET
+ ESelf_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyMeasurementControlLocation, // <-- FROM NET
+ ESelf_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyReleaseLcsLocationNotification, // ?? consider removing
+ ESelf_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyFacilityLcsMoLrResult, // <-- FROM NET
+ ESelf_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyMeasurementReportLocation, // --> TO NET
+ ESelf_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyMeasurementReportRequestMoreAssistanceData, // --> TO NET
+ ESelf_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyMeasurementReportControlFailure,
+ ESelf_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyError,
+ ESelf_MOLR_NetSim_Got_ProcessMeasurementControlLocationError,
+ EClient_Got_PosUpdate_Complete,
+ // X3P MENU.
+ EX3P_MENU_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyRegisterLcsMoLr = 0x0020,
+ EX3P_MENU_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyReleaseLcsMoLr,
+ EX3P_MENU_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyMeasurementControlLocation,
+ EX3P_MENU_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyFacilityLcsMoLrResult,
+ EX3P_MENU_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyMeasurementReportLocation,
+ EX3P_MENU_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyMeasurementReportRequestMoreAssistanceData,
+ EX3P_MENU_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyMeasurementReportControlFailure,
+ EX3P_MENU_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyError,
+ EX3P_MENU_MOLR_NetSim_Got_ProcessMeasurementControlLocationError,
+ // X3P TIMER.
+ EX3P_TIMER_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyRegisterLcsMoLr = 0x0030,
+ EX3P_TIMER_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyReleaseLcsMoLr,
+ EX3P_TIMER_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyMeasurementControlLocation,
+ EX3P_TIMER_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyFacilityLcsMoLrResult,
+ EX3P_TIMER_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyMeasurementReportLocation,
+ EX3P_TIMER_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyMeasurementReportRequestMoreAssistanceData,
+ EX3P_TIMER_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyMeasurementReportControlFailure,
+ EX3P_TIMER_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyError,
+ EX3P_TIMER_MOLR_NetSim_Got_ProcessMeasurementControlLocationError,
+ // X3P PUSH.
+ EX3P_PUSH_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyRegisterLcsMoLr = 0x0040,
+ EX3P_PUSH_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyReleaseLcsMoLr,
+ EX3P_PUSH_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyMeasurementControlLocation,
+ EX3P_PUSH_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyFacilityLcsMoLrResult,
+ EX3P_PUSH_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyMeasurementReportLocation,
+ EX3P_PUSH_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyMeasurementReportRequestMoreAssistanceData,
+ EX3P_PUSH_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyMeasurementReportControlFailure,
+ EX3P_PUSH_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyError,
+ EX3P_PUSH_MOLR_NetSim_Got_ProcessMeasurementControlLocationError,
+ EClient_Got_X3P_Complete,
+ // MTLR.
+ EMTLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyReleaseLcsLocationNotification = 0x0050, // --> TO NET ?
+ EMTLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyMeasurementControlLocation, // <-- FROM NET
+ EMTLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyMeasurementReportLocation, // --> TO NET
+ EMTLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyMeasurementReportRequestMoreAssistanceData,
+ EMTLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyMeasurementReportControlFailure,
+ EMTLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyError,
+ EMTLR_NetSim_Got_ProcessMeasurementControlLocationError,
+ EClient_Priv_Got_ProcessNetworkLocationRequest,
+ EClient_Priv_Got_ProcessNetworkPositionUpdate,
+ EClient_Priv_Got_ProcessRequestComplete,
+ EX3P_MENU2_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyRegisterLcsMoLr = 0x0060,
+ EX3P_MENU2_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyReleaseLcsMoLr,
+ EX3P_MENU2_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyMeasurementControlLocation,
+ EX3P_MENU2_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyFacilityLcsMoLrResult,
+ EX3P_MENU2_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyMeasurementReportLocation,
+ EX3P_MENU2_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyMeasurementReportRequestMoreAssistanceData,
+ EX3P_MENU2_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyMeasurementReportControlFailure,
+ EX3P_MENU2_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyError,
+ EX3P_MENU2_MOLR_NetSim_Got_ProcessMeasurementControlLocationError,
+ EX3P_PUSH2_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyRegisterLcsMoLr = 0x0070,
+ EX3P_PUSH2_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyReleaseLcsMoLr,
+ EX3P_PUSH2_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyMeasurementControlLocation,
+ EX3P_PUSH2_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyFacilityLcsMoLrResult,
+ EX3P_PUSH2_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyMeasurementReportLocation,
+ EX3P_PUSH2_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyMeasurementReportRequestMoreAssistanceData,
+ EX3P_PUSH2_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyMeasurementReportControlFailure,
+ EX3P_PUSH2_MOLR_NetSim_Got_NotifyError,
+ EX3P_PUSH2_MOLR_NetSim_Got_ProcessMeasurementControlLocationError
+ };
+ enum { EConnecting = 0, /** Waiting for the Net Sim to connect to the protocol module. */
+ EWaiting, /** Waiting for all the callbacks to be fired. */
+ EAborted, /** Abort timer has fired before all callbacks fired */
+ EDone, /** All the correct callbacks have been fired (and extended timer, if any, has fired), the test can end. */
+ ELast}; /** Used to allow extension of enums in derived classes - do not use! */
+ /** Network Simulator, to allow MT-LRs and to monitor network messages.
+ */
+ RLbsNetSimTest iNetSim;
+ /** State machine variable for the test step.
+ */
+ TInt iState;
+ /** Verify sequence array of expected events (callbacks) for a test.
+ */
+ RArray<TInt> iVerifySeqArr;
+ /** Verify adhoc array of expected events (callbacks) for a test.
+ */
+ RArray<TInt> iVerifyAdhocArr;
+ /** Current sequence array of actual events which were generated during the test.
+ */
+ RArray<TInt> iCurrentSeqArr;
+ /** Reference position used to setup Net sim and later verification. */
+ TPosition iRefPos;
+ /** Timer used to ensure the test step keeps processing until all the required callbacks
+ have been called. Otherwise we would execute the test step calls and return from the
+ doTestStepL function and miss the callbacks being fired.
+ */
+ CT_LbsTimerUtils* iKeepAliveTimer;
+ /** Timer used to abort the test step if all callbacks have not fired. Individual test
+ cases can start this time with appropriate time.
+ */
+ CT_LbsTimerUtils* iAbortTimer;
+ /** Gives access to server member variables.
+ */
+ CT_LbsConflictServer& iParent;
+#endif // __CT_LBS_CONFLICT_STEP_H__