changeset 0 9cfd9a3ee49c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/locationmgmt/networkgateway/test/netprotocoltest/inc/lbsnetgatewayprotocoltestapi.h	Tue Feb 02 01:50:39 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Header file for the api for talking to the stub protocol module.
+#include <e32property.h>
+#include <lbs/lbslocdatasourcegpsbase.h>
+#include <lbs/lbsassistancedatabuilderset.h>
+#include <lbs/lbsnetcommon.h>
+#include <lbs/lbsnetprotocolbase.h>
+#include <lbs/lbsextendedsatellite.h>
+const TUint KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolIndex = 0;
+const TUid KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolUid = { 0x10282250 };
+const TUint KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolIndex2 = 1;
+const TUid KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolUid2 = { 0x10285AB9 };
+const TUint KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolIndex3 = 2;
+const TUid KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolUid3 = { 0x102871C8 }; 
+const TUint KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolIndex4 = 3;
+const TUid KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolUid4 = { 0x102871C9 }; 
+const TUint KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolIndex5 = 4;
+const TUid KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolUid5 = { 0x102871CA }; 
+const TUint KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolIndex6 = 5;
+const TUid KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolUid6 = { 0x102871CB }; 
+const TUint KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolIndex7 = 6;
+const TUid KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolUid7 = { 0x102871CC }; 
+const TUint KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolIndex8 = 7;
+const TUid KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolUid8 = { 0x102871CD }; 
+const TUint KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolIndex9 = 8;
+const TUid KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolUid9 = { 0x102871CE }; 
+const TUint KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolIndex10 = 9;
+const TUid KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolUid10 = { 0x102871CF }; 
+const TUint KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolIndex11 = 10;
+const TUid KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolUid11 = { 0x102871D0 }; 
+//10 PM uids for roaming modules
+const TUint KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolIndex12 = 11;
+const TUid KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolUid12 = { 0x102871D1 }; 
+const TUint KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolIndex13 = 12;
+const TUid KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolUid13 = { 0x102871D2 }; 
+const TUint KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolIndex14 = 13;
+const TUid KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolUid14 = { 0x102871D3 }; 
+const TUint KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolIndex15 = 14;
+const TUid KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolUid15 = { 0x102871D4 }; 
+const TUint KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolIndex16 = 15;
+const TUid KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolUid16 = { 0x102871D5 }; 
+const TUint KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolIndex17 = 16;
+const TUid KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolUid17 = { 0x102871D6 }; 
+const TUint KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolIndex18 = 17;
+const TUid KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolUid18 = { 0x102871D7 }; 
+const TUint KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolIndex19 = 18;
+const TUid KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolUid19 = { 0x102871D8 }; 
+const TUint KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolIndex20 = 19;
+const TUid KTe_LbsNetGatewayTestProtocolUid20 = { 0x102871D9 }; 
+// Base Message Type
+enum TNetGatewayMsgType
+	{
+	ENetMsgUnknown = 0,
+	// Messages coming from test code to PM.
+	ENetMsgProcessPrivacyRequest = 1000,
+	ENetMsgProcessLocationRequest,
+	ENetMsgProcessSessionComplete,
+	ENetMsgProcessAssistanceData,
+	ENetMsgProcessLocationUpdate,
+	ENetMsgGetCurrentCapabilitiesRequest,
+	ENetMsgProcessStatusUpdate,
+	// Messages coming from PM to test code.
+	ENetMsgRespondPrivacyRequest = 2000,
+	ENetMsgRespondLocationRequest,
+	ENetMsgRequestTransmitLocation,
+	ENetMsgCancelTransmitLocation,
+	ENetMsgRequestAssistanceData,
+	ENetMsgRequestSelfLocation,
+	ENetMsgCancelSelfLocation,
+	ENetMsgRequestNetworkLocation,
+	ENetMsgCancelNetworkLocation,
+	ENetMsgGetCurrentCapabilitiesResponse,
+	// Special test message to force the NetGateway to shutdown
+	ENetMsgShutdownNetGateway,
+	ENetMsgCancelExternalLocation=2015
+	};
+/* Base message class used to pass data.
+class TNetGatewayMsg
+	{
+	TNetGatewayMsg() : iType(ENetMsgUnknown) {}
+	TAny* Data() { return reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(iBuffer); }
+	const TAny* Data() const { return reinterpret_cast<const TAny*>(iBuffer); }
+	TNetGatewayMsgType iType;
+	TUint32 iBuffer[1024 - sizeof(TNetGatewayMsgType)];
+	};
+// Channel interface
+/* Definition of keys use for each property
+const TUint KChannelAckOffset = 0x800;
+const TUint KNetProtocolChannelKey = 0x10001000;
+const TUint KNetProtocolChannelAckKey = (KNetProtocolChannelKey + KChannelAckOffset);
+const TUint KTestAppChannelKey = 0x10002000;
+const TUint KTestAppChannelAckKey = (KTestAppChannelKey + KChannelAckOffset);
+const TUint KAgpsDataSetKey = 0x10003000;
+class CNetProtocolMessageListener;
+class CNetProtocolMessageTransmitter;
+/* Obsever for messages arriving.
+class MNetGatewayProtocolTestObserver
+	{
+	virtual void ProcessNetProtocolMessage(const TNetGatewayMsg& aMessage) = 0;
+	};
+/* Interface to the channel.
+class RNetGatewayProtocolTestChannel
+	{
+	IMPORT_C RNetGatewayProtocolTestChannel(TUint aModuleIndex);
+	IMPORT_C RNetGatewayProtocolTestChannel();
+	IMPORT_C static void InitialiseL(TUint aModuleIndex);
+	IMPORT_C static void Shutdown(TUint aModuleIndex);
+	IMPORT_C void OpenL(TUint aTxKey, TUint aRxKey, MNetGatewayProtocolTestObserver& aRxObserver);
+	IMPORT_C void OpenL(TUint aTxKey, TUint aRxKey, MNetGatewayProtocolTestObserver& aRxObserver, TUint aModuleIndex);
+	IMPORT_C void Close();
+	IMPORT_C void SendNetProtocolMessageL(const TNetGatewayMsg& aMessage);
+	CNetProtocolMessageListener* iListener;
+	CNetProtocolMessageTransmitter* iTransmitter;
+	TUint iModuleIndex; 
+	};
+// Message Data Types
+struct SNetMsgProcessPrivacyRequest
+	{
+	TLbsNetSessionId iSessionId;
+	TBool iEmergency;
+	TLbsNetPosRequestPrivacy iPrivacy;
+	TLbsExternalRequestInfo iRequestInfo;
+	};
+struct SNetMsgProcessLocationRequest
+	{
+	TLbsNetSessionId iSessionId;
+	TBool iEmergency;
+	MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::TLbsNetProtocolService iService;
+	TLbsNetPosRequestQuality iQuality;
+	TLbsNetPosRequestMethod iMethod;
+	};
+struct SNetMsgProcessSessionComplete
+	{
+	TLbsNetSessionId iSessionId;
+	TInt iReason;
+	};
+struct SNetMsgProcessAssistanceData
+	{
+	TLbsAssistanceDataGroup iDataMask;
+	TInt iReason;
+	RLbsAssistanceDataBuilderSet iData;
+	};
+struct SNetMsgProcessLocationUpdate
+	{
+	TLbsNetSessionId iSessionId;
+	TPositionExtendedSatelliteInfo iReferenceLocation;
+	};
+struct SNetMsgRespondPrivacyRequest
+	{
+	TLbsNetSessionId iSessionId;
+	CLbsNetworkProtocolBase::TLbsPrivacyResponse iResponse;
+	};
+struct SNetMsgRespondLocationRequest
+	{
+	TLbsNetSessionId iSessionId;
+	TInt iReason;
+	TPositionExtendedSatelliteInfo iPositionInfo;
+	};
+struct SNetMsgRequestTransmitLocation
+	{
+	TLbsNetSessionId iSessionId;
+	TInt iPriority;
+	TBuf<128> iDestination;
+	TLbsNetPosRequestOptionsTechnology iOptions;
+	};
+struct SNetMsgCancelTransmitLocation
+	{
+	TLbsNetSessionId iSessionId;
+	TInt iReason;
+	};
+struct SNetMsgCancelExternalLocation
+	{
+	TLbsNetSessionId iSessionId;
+	TInt iReason;
+	};
+struct SNetMsgRequestAssistanceData
+	{
+	TLbsAssistanceDataGroup iDataRequestMask;	
+	};
+struct SNetMsgRequestSelfLocation
+	{
+	TLbsNetSessionId iSessionId;
+	TBool iNewClient;	
+	TLbsAssistanceDataGroup iDataRequestMask;	
+	};
+struct SNetMsgCancelSelfLocation
+	{
+	TLbsNetSessionId iSessionId;
+	TInt iReason;
+	};
+struct SNetMsgRequestNetworkLocation
+	{
+	TLbsNetSessionId iSessionId;
+	TLbsNetPosRequestQuality iQuality;
+	};
+struct SNetMsgCancelNetworkLocation
+	{
+	TLbsNetSessionId iSessionId;
+	TInt iReason;
+	};
+struct SNetMsgGetCurrentCapabilitiesRequest
+	{
+	};
+struct SNetMsgGetCurrentCapabilitiesResponse
+	{
+	TLbsNetPosCapabilities iCapabilities;
+	};
+struct SNetMsgProcessStatusUpdate
+	{
+	MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::TLbsNetProtocolServiceMask iActiveServiceMask;
+	};