changeset 0 9cfd9a3ee49c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/locationmgmt/networklocationmgr/src/lbsnetlocmanlogic.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:50:39 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Includes
+// System
+#include <e32cons.h>
+// Lbs
+#include "lbsdevloggermacros.h"
+// Component
+#include "lbsnetlocmanlogic.h"
+// Class CNetLocManLogic
+/** Static constructor.
+CNetLocManLogic* CNetLocManLogic::NewL()
+	{
+	CNetLocManLogic* self = new(ELeave) CNetLocManLogic;
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;
+	};
+/** Constructor.
+	{
+	}
+/** Second phase constructor.
+void CNetLocManLogic::ConstructL()
+	{
+	iCurrentId.SetSessionOwner(KLbsNetLocManagerUid);
+	iCurrentId.SetSessionNum(0);
+	// create the monitor to handle the close down request signal from root process
+	iCloseDownRequestDetector = CLbsCloseDownRequestDetector::NewL(this, KLbsNetLocManagerUid);
+	// open the property for position update and module status
+	iPositionUpdates.OpenL(KLbsNetLocManagerUid);
+	// Set the initial device status, network location manager can only be EDeviceReady or EDeviceActive
+	iModuleStatus.OpenL(KLbsNetLocManagerUid);
+	iPreviousReportedModuleStatus.SetDeviceStatus(TPositionModuleStatus::EDeviceReady);
+	iPreviousReportedModuleStatus.SetDataQualityStatus(TPositionModuleStatus::EDataQualityNormal);
+	TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::TModuleEvent occurredEventsSinceLastSet = 
+		TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::EEventDeviceStatus | TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::EEventDataQualityStatus;
+	iModuleStatus.SetModuleStatus(&iPreviousReportedModuleStatus,sizeof(iPreviousReportedModuleStatus),occurredEventsSinceLastSet);
+	const RLbsPositionUpdateRequests::TChannelIdentifer KChannelIdentifierLS = 
+		{
+			{KLbsNetLocManagerUidValue},{KLbsLocServerUidValue}
+		};
+	// create netloc request handler and start the active object
+	iLocSvrLocationRequestHandler = CNetLocManRequestHandler::NewL(KChannelIdentifierLS, *this); 
+	iLocSvrLocationRequestHandler->StartGettingRequests();
+	// create netloc response handler and start the active object
+	iNetLocationResponseHandler = CNetLocManResponseHandler::NewL(*this); 
+	iNetLocationResponseHandler->StartGettingRequests();
+	}
+/** Destructor.
+	{
+	delete iNetLocationResponseHandler;
+	iNetLocationResponseHandler = NULL;
+	delete iLocSvrLocationRequestHandler;
+	iLocSvrLocationRequestHandler = NULL;
+	delete iCloseDownRequestDetector;
+	iCloseDownRequestDetector = NULL;
+	}
+/** Process version
+TVersion CNetLocManLogic::Version()
+	{
+	return TVersion(1,0,0);
+	}
+/** Retrieve the current session id for the component
+@param aSessionId A session id to return current id through
+void CNetLocManLogic::GetSessionId(TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId)
+	{
+	aSessionId = iCurrentId;
+	}
+/** Increment the current session
+void CNetLocManLogic::IncrementSessionId()
+	{
+	iCurrentId.IncrSession();
+	}
+/** Publish a position on the position request bus
+This function is called from the response handler when it has
+received a response from the NetworkGateway. If aStatus is different
+from KErrNone an error has ocurred and the NetworkGateway has not
+a valid position to the response handler and the information passed
+in the other parameters is therefore disregarded. In any other case
+the position info received is published.
+@param aStatus An errorcode
+@param aPosInfoArray A position array
+@param aTargetTime The position target time
+@see CNetLocManResponseHandler::RunL
+void CNetLocManLogic::UpdateLocation(TInt aStatus, TPositionInfoBase& aPosition, 
+										 const TTime& aTargetTime)
+	{
+	// Module Id and update type
+	TPositionModuleId id = {KLbsNetLocManagerUidValue};
+	TPositionModuleInfo::TTechnologyType type = TPositionModuleInfo::ETechnologyNetwork;
+	aPosition.SetModuleId(id);
+	aPosition.SetUpdateType(EPositionUpdateGeneral);
+	aPosition.SetPositionMode(type);
+	aPosition.SetPositionModeReason(EPositionModeReasonNone);
+	TInt size = aPosition.PositionClassSize();
+	if ((aStatus == KErrServerBusy) || (aStatus == KErrPositionHighPriorityReceive))
+		{
+		iPositionUpdates.SetPositionInfo(aStatus, ETrue, &aPosition,size,0, 0);
+		}
+	else if (aStatus != KErrNone)
+		{
+		iPositionUpdates.SetPositionInfo(aStatus, EFalse, &aPosition,size,0, 0);		
+		}
+	else
+		{ 
+		TTime timeNow;
+		timeNow.UniversalTime();
+		// always publish new update regardless
+		TInt size = aPosition.PositionClassSize();
+		iPositionUpdates.SetPositionInfo(aStatus, EFalse, &aPosition,size,aTargetTime, timeNow);
+		}
+	// Request has been dealt with... We can say we're 'ready' again.
+	UpdateDeviceStatus(TPositionModuleStatus::EDeviceReady);
+	}
+/** Process close down callback
+@see MLbsCloseDownObserver
+void CNetLocManLogic::OnProcessCloseDown()
+	{
+	iLocSvrLocationRequestHandler->Cancel();
+	iNetLocationResponseHandler->Cancel();
+	CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+	}
+void CNetLocManLogic::UpdateDeviceStatus(TPositionModuleStatus::TDeviceStatus aDeviceStatus)
+	{
+	iPreviousReportedModuleStatus.SetDeviceStatus(aDeviceStatus);
+	TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::TModuleEvent occurredEventsSinceLastSet = 
+		TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::EEventDeviceStatus;
+	iModuleStatus.SetModuleStatus(&iPreviousReportedModuleStatus,sizeof(TPositionModuleStatus),occurredEventsSinceLastSet);
+	}