changeset 0 9cfd9a3ee49c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/locationmgmt/networklocationmgr/t_lbsDummygateway/src/netgateway.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:50:39 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Client API to the LBS Network Simulator for 
+// the (test) LBS protocol module.
+ @file
+ @internalTechnology
+ @released
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <e32debug.h>
+#include <ecom/ecom.h>
+#include <lbs/lbsadmin.h>
+#include "lbsdevloggermacros.h"
+#include "csecureprocessasbase.h"
+#include "netgateway.h"
+#include "lbsngnlmint.h"
+// moved from the netgatewaymain.cpp file to maintain neutrality of that file.
+CBase* CSecureProcessASBase::CreateRootObjectL()
+	{	
+	CNetworkGateway* server = CNetworkGateway::NewL();	
+	return server;
+	}
+TInt CSecureProcessASBase::EntryPointL(CBase* /*aBaseObj*/)
+	{
+	// EntryPointL not used by CNetGateway
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+void CSecureProcessASBase::Final()
+	{
+	}
+// CNetworkGateway
+CNetworkGateway* CNetworkGateway::NewL()
+	{
+	CNetworkGateway* self = new (ELeave) CNetworkGateway;
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;	
+	}
+CNetworkGateway::CNetworkGateway() :
+	iCurrentNetLocReqId(KInvalidNetSessionId),
+	iNetLocReqLocReqReceived(EFalse)
+	{
+	}
+	{
+	delete iNetworkLocationChannel;
+	delete iCloseDownRequestDetector;
+	REComSession::FinalClose();
+	}
+void CNetworkGateway::ConstructL()
+	{
+	iCloseDownRequestDetector = CLbsCloseDownRequestDetector::NewL(this, KLbsNetLocManagerUid);	
+	iNetworkLocationChannel = CNetworkLocationChannel::NewL(*this);
+	}
+void CNetworkGateway::GetCurrentCapabilities(TLbsNetPosCapabilities& /*aCapabilities*/) const
+	{
+	}
+void CNetworkGateway::ProcessStatusUpdate(TLbsNetProtocolServiceMask /*aActiveServiceMask*/)
+	{
+	}
+void CNetworkGateway::ProcessPrivacyRequest(const TLbsNetSessionId& /*aSessionId*/,
+										    TBool /*aEmergency*/, 
+										    const TLbsNetPosRequestPrivacy& /*aPrivacy*/,
+										    const TLbsExternalRequestInfo& /*aRequestInfo*/)
+	{
+	}
+void CNetworkGateway::ProcessLocationRequest(const TLbsNetSessionId& /*aSessionId*/,
+											 TBool /*aEmergency*/,
+											 TLbsNetProtocolService /*aService*/, 
+											 const TLbsNetPosRequestQuality& /*aQuality*/,
+											 const TLbsNetPosRequestMethod& /*aMethod*/)
+	{
+	}
+void CNetworkGateway::ProcessSessionComplete(const TLbsNetSessionId& /*aSessionId*/,
+											 TInt  /*aReason*/)
+	{
+	}
+void CNetworkGateway::ProcessAssistanceData(TLbsAsistanceDataGroup /*aDataMask*/,
+											const RLbsAssistanceDataBuilderSet& /*aData*/,
+						   					TInt /*aReason*/)
+	{
+	}
+void CNetworkGateway::ProcessNetworkBasedLocation(const TPositionInfoBase& /*aPosInfo*/)
+	{
+	}
+void CNetworkGateway::ProcessLocationUpdate(const TLbsNetSessionId& /*aSessionId*/,
+										const TPositionInfoBase& /*aPosInfo*/)
+	{
+	}
+void CNetworkGateway::ProcessNetworkLocationMessage(const TLbsNetLocMsgBase& aMessage)
+	{
+	LBSLOG(ELogP2, "CNetworkGateway::ProcessNetworkLocationMessage:");
+	LBSLOG2(ELogP3, "Type : %d", aMessage.Type());
+	switch (aMessage.Type())
+		{
+		case TLbsNetLocMsgBase::ENetLocMsgNetworkLocationRequest:
+			{
+			TInt reason = KErrNone;
+			const TLbsNetLocNetworkLocationRequestMsg& req = static_cast<const TLbsNetLocNetworkLocationRequestMsg&>(aMessage);
+			iCurrentNetLocReqId = req.SessionId();
+			if (req.Quality().MaxFixTime() == 0)//answer req with incorrect session id
+				{		
+				iCurrentNetLocReqId.SetSessionNum(999);
+				TLbsNetLocNetworkLocationCompleteMsg msg(iCurrentNetLocReqId, reason);	
+				iNetworkLocationChannel->SendNetworkLocationMessage(msg);
+				}
+			else if (req.Quality().MaxFixTime() == 1)//answer req with unknown response type
+				{		
+				TLbsNetLocNetworkLocationCancelMsg msg(iCurrentNetLocReqId, reason);
+				iNetworkLocationChannel->SendNetworkLocationMessage(msg);
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				TLbsNetLocNetworkLocationCompleteMsg msg(iCurrentNetLocReqId, reason);	
+				iNetworkLocationChannel->SendNetworkLocationMessage(msg);
+				}
+			// for testing return a fixed test location
+			TPositionCourseInfo posInfo;
+			TPosition pos;
+			pos.SetCoordinate(50, 80);
+			posInfo.SetPosition(pos);
+			TCourse course;
+            course.SetSpeed(10.0);
+            course.SetVerticalSpeed(20.0);
+            course.SetHeading(30.0);
+            course.SetSpeedAccuracy(1.0);
+            course.SetVerticalSpeedAccuracy(2.0);
+            course.SetHeadingAccuracy(3.0);
+            course.SetCourse(40.0);
+            course.SetCourseAccuracy(4.0);
+            posInfo.SetCourse(course);
+			iNetworkLocationChannel->SetReferencePosition(iCurrentNetLocReqId, posInfo);
+			break;
+			}
+		case TLbsNetLocMsgBase::ENetLocMsgNetworkLocationCancel:
+			{
+			const TLbsNetLocNetworkLocationCancelMsg& cancel = static_cast<const TLbsNetLocNetworkLocationCancelMsg&>(aMessage);
+			// for test netlocmanager, return the location info directly without sending request to network protocol
+			iCurrentNetLocReqId = cancel.SessionId();
+			TInt reason = KErrNone;
+			TLbsNetLocNetworkLocationCompleteMsg msg(iCurrentNetLocReqId, reason);
+			iNetworkLocationChannel->SendNetworkLocationMessage(msg);
+			break;
+			}
+		case TLbsNetLocMsgBase::ENetLocMsgNetworkLocationComplete:
+		default:
+			{
+			break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void CNetworkGateway::ProcessAssistanceDataRequest(TLbsAsistanceDataGroup /*aDataMask*/)
+	{
+	}
+void CNetworkGateway::ProcessNetRequestMessage(const TLbsNetInternalMsgBase& /*aMessage*/)
+	{
+	}
+/* Observer that is called when LbsRoot has requested the Network Gateway to shutdown.
+void CNetworkGateway::OnProcessCloseDown()
+	{
+	// For now, simply close down as soon as possible.
+	// In future the close down may need to be asynchronous,
+	// to allow the buffers in CAgpsChannel and CNetRequestChannel
+	// to be processed normally.
+	iNetworkLocationChannel->Cancel();
+	CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+	}