--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/locationrequestmgmt/locationserver/src/EPos_CPosLastKnownPosHandler.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:50:39 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: This class inherits the common functionalities for requests to the
+* Location Monitor from EPos_CPosLocMonitorReqHandlerBase.h and also
+* implements the functions specific to Last Known Position request.
+#include "EPos_CPosLastKnownPosHandler.h"
+#include "EPos_CPosCallbackTimer.h"
+// ============================ CONSTANTS ===========================================================
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+_LIT(KTraceFileName, "EPos_CPosLastKnownPosHandler.cpp");
+// ============================== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===================================================
+CPosLastKnownPosHandler* CPosLastKnownPosHandler::NewL()
+ {
+ CPosLastKnownPosHandler* self = new( ELeave ) CPosLastKnownPosHandler();
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+ return self;
+ }
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+ }
+void CPosLastKnownPosHandler::ConstructL()
+ {
+ TCallBack timeoutCallBack(HandleTimeOut, this);
+ iTimeoutTimer = CPosCallbackTimer::NewL(timeoutCallBack);
+ }
+ {
+ if (iStatus==KRequestPending)
+ {
+ // Cancel the request sent to the location monitor
+ Cancel();
+ }
+ if (iLocMonPositioner.SubSessionHandle())
+ {
+ iLocMonPositioner.Close();
+ }
+ delete iTimeoutTimer;
+ // The requests on the queue are completed by the base class destructor
+ }
+ * GetLastKnownPosL
+ * >> Initiate a new request with the location monitor if the request queue is empty.
+ * Otherwise, check if the session and subsession id of any request on the queue matches that of the
+ * new request [ie. a duplicate request from the client]. If it matches panic the client.
+ * If not add the new request to the queue.
+ *
+ * @param aLocMonSession - The handle to the session with the location monitor passed on from
+ * CPosLocMonitorReqHandlerHub.
+ * @param aMessage - The new request from the client
+ */
+void CPosLastKnownPosHandler::GetLastKnownPosL(RLbsLocMonitorSession& aLocMonSession, const RMessage2& aMessage)
+ {
+ DEBUG_TRACE("CPosLastKnownPosHandler::RequestPosL", __LINE__)
+ if ( !(aLocMonSession.Handle()) )
+ {
+ // Session with the location monitor is not found
+ RequestComplete(aMessage, KErrCouldNotConnect);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( !(iLocMonPositioner.SubSessionHandle()) )
+ {
+ iLocMonPositioner.OpenL(aLocMonSession);
+ }
+ CheckAndAddReqToQueueL(EReqOnSubSession, aMessage);
+ if ((iLocMonitorReqQ.Count()>0) && !IsActive())
+ {
+ // Initiate a new last known position request with the location monitor
+ iLocMonPositioner.GetLastKnownPosition(iPositionInfo, iStatus);
+ SetActive();
+ // Start timer if necessary
+ if (KLastKnownPosTimeOut.Int64()>0)
+ {
+ DEBUG_TRACE("CPosLastKnownPosHandler::GetLastKnownPosL() Start Timeout Timer", __LINE__)
+ iTimeoutTimer->StartTimer(KLastKnownPosTimeOut);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * CancelGetLastKnownPosL
+ * >> Cancel the outstanding request with the location monitor if there is only one request on the queue.
+ * >> Otherwise just complete the cancel request with KErrNone, remove the original request from the queue
+ * and complete it with KErrCancel.
+ * @param aMessage - The cancel request from the client
+ */
+void CPosLastKnownPosHandler::CancelGetLastKnownPosL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+ {
+ DEBUG_TRACE("CPosLastKnownPosHandler::CancelGetLastKnownPosL", __LINE__)
+ if ( iLocMonPositioner.SubSessionHandle() )
+ {
+ // Call CancelRequest inherited from the baseclass
+ CancelRequest(EReqOnSubSession, aMessage);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // The subsession with the location monitor is not found
+ RequestComplete(aMessage, KErrCouldNotConnect); //TODO - KErrCouldNotConnect ?
+ }
+ }
+ * RunL
+ * >> Complete all the requests on the queue.
+ */
+void CPosLastKnownPosHandler::RunL()
+ {
+ // Cancel the timeout timer
+ iTimeoutTimer->Cancel();
+ // Serving all the outstanding requests based on the current update
+ // from the Location Monitor
+ while (iLocMonitorReqQ.Count()>0)
+ {
+ // Retrieve the next request to be serviced
+ TInt numReqs = iLocMonitorReqQ.Count()-1;
+ if (iStatus.Int()==KErrNone)
+ {
+ // |TPositionClassTypeBase|TPositionInfoBase|TPositionInfo|...
+ // No matter what the type of the class derived from TPositionInfo, the location monitor
+ // just returns TPositionInfo and we write only the part |TPositionInfoBase|TPositionInfo|
+ // skipping the TPositionClassTypeBase as it contains the position class type and size
+ // that should not be corrupted.
+ const TUint8* startAddress = reinterpret_cast <const TUint8*>(&iPositionInfo)+sizeof(TPositionClassTypeBase);
+ TInt chunkSize = sizeof(TPositionInfo)-sizeof(TPositionClassTypeBase);
+ TPtr8 copyFromDesc(const_cast<TUint8*>(startAddress),chunkSize,chunkSize);
+ TInt err = iLocMonitorReqQ[numReqs].Write(0,copyFromDesc,sizeof(TPositionClassTypeBase));
+ RequestComplete(iLocMonitorReqQ[numReqs], err);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Complete the client request with aReason
+ RequestComplete(iLocMonitorReqQ[numReqs],iStatus.Int());
+ }
+ // Remove the request that has just been serviced [last element]
+ iLocMonitorReqQ.Remove(numReqs);
+ }
+ // Close the subsession with the location monitor when we receive the last known position from it
+ iLocMonPositioner.Close();
+ }
+TInt CPosLastKnownPosHandler::RunError(TInt aError)
+ {
+ return aError;
+ }
+ * DoCancel
+ * >> Cancel the active object.
+ */
+void CPosLastKnownPosHandler::DoCancel()
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((iLocMonPositioner.SubSessionHandle())!=NULL, DebugPanic(EPosServerPanicPositionerNotInitialized));
+ // Cancel the timer as the request with the location monitor is going to be cancelled
+ iTimeoutTimer->Cancel();
+ DEBUG_TRACE("calling RLbsAreaPositioner::CancelGetLastKnownPosition()", __LINE__)
+ TInt err = iLocMonPositioner.CancelGetLastKnownPosition();
+ // As the cancel request is immediately completed, this return value
+ // is not useful.
+ }
+ * NotifyOnEmptyLastKnownPosStoreReq
+ * >> Cancel the outstanding get last known position area requests with KErrCancel
+ * >> as an empty last known position store request has been issued.
+ */
+void CPosLastKnownPosHandler::NotifyOnEmptyLastKnownPosStoreReq()
+ {
+ // Complete all the requests on the queue with KErrCancel
+ QRequestsComplete(KErrCancel);
+ if (iStatus==KRequestPending)
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ }
+ }
+ * HandleTimeOut
+ * >> Complete all the requests on the queue with KErrTimedOut.
+ * @param aRequestHandler - self pointer used to call the appropriate timeout handling method
+ */
+TInt CPosLastKnownPosHandler::HandleTimeOut(TAny* aRequestHandler)
+ {
+ DEBUG_TRACE("CPosLastKnownPosHandler::HandleTimeOut()", __LINE__)
+ CPosLastKnownPosHandler* self = reinterpret_cast<CPosLastKnownPosHandler*>(aRequestHandler);
+ // The request with the location monitor has timed out. So complete all the outstanding
+ // requests with KErrTimedOut
+ self->QRequestsComplete(KErrTimedOut);
+ // Cancel the pending request with the location monitor
+ self->Cancel();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }