changeset 0 9cfd9a3ee49c
child 27 aadfb18aaac1
child 48 81c9bee26a45
child 52 29dbbeac905d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/locationrequestmgmt/locationserver/src/EPos_CPosServer.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:50:39 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <e32svr.h>
+#include <ecom/ecom.h>
+#include <connect/sbdefs.h>
+//#include <LbsIpc.h>
+//#include <StartPosServer.h>
+#include <lbsipc.h>
+#include "lbslocservermessageenums.h"
+#include "EPos_CPosResourceReader.h"
+#include <eposserver.rsg>
+#include <lbs/epos_mposmodulesobserver.h>
+	#include <featdiscovery.h>
+	#include <featureuids.h>
+#include "epos_cposmodulessettings.h"
+#include "EPos_CPosServer.h"
+#include "EPos_ServerPanic.h"
+#include "EPos_CPosSession.h"
+#include "EPos_CPosServerDelayedShutdown.h"
+#include "EPos_CPosModulesStatus.h"
+#include "EPos_CPosLocMonitorReqHandlerHub.h"
+#include "EPos_Global.h"
+_LIT(KPosResourceFile, "\\private\\101F97B2\\eposserver.rsc");
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+_LIT(KTraceFileName, "EPos_CPosServer.cpp");
+// ================= SERVER'S POLICY =======================
+//Definition of the ranges of IPC numbers
+const TInt eposServerPolicyRanges[] = 
+    {
+	0,
+	ELbsServerCancelAsyncRequest,
+	ELbsGetDefaultModuleId,
+	ELbsEmptyLastKnownPositionStore,
+	ELbsServerLastMessageId,
+	ELbsPositionerCancelAsyncRequest,
+	ELbsPositionerOpen,
+	ELbsPositionerClose,
+	ELbsSetSingleRequestor,
+	ELbsPositionerLastMessageId,
+	ELbsPositionCustomCodesFirst
+    }; 
+// Total number of ranges
+const TUint eposServerPolicyRangeCount = 
+    sizeof(eposServerPolicyRanges) / sizeof(TInt);
+// Types of Policies
+enum TPolicies
+    {
+    EPolicyLocationNeeded = 0,
+    EPolicyWriteUserDataNeeded,
+    };
+// Specific capability checks
+const CPolicyServer::TPolicyElement eposServerPolicyElements[] = 
+    {
+    // policy EPolicyLocationNeeded - fail call if Location not present
+    {_INIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C1(ECapabilityLocation), CPolicyServer::EFailClient},
+    // policy EPolicyWriteUserDataNeeded - fail call if WriteUserData capability not present
+    {_INIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C1(ECapabilityWriteUserData), CPolicyServer::EFailClient}
+    };
+//Policy to implement for each of the above ranges        
+const TUint8 eposServerPolicyElementsIndex[eposServerPolicyRangeCount] = 
+    {
+    CPolicyServer::ENotSupported,
+    CPolicyServer::EAlwaysPass,	            // server cancel
+    EPolicyLocationNeeded,                  // GetDefModId -> NotifyModStatusEv
+    EPolicyWriteUserDataNeeded,				// Empty Last Known position store 
+    CPolicyServer::ENotSupported,           // reserved server's codes
+    CPolicyServer::EAlwaysPass,	            // positioner cancel
+    CPolicyServer::EAlwaysPass,	            // open methods
+    CPolicyServer::EAlwaysPass,	            // close positioner
+    EPolicyLocationNeeded,                  // SetSingReq -> GetLastKnownPositionArea
+    CPolicyServer::ENotSupported,           // reserved positioner's codes
+    CPolicyServer::ECustomCheck             // custom requests
+    };
+//Package all the above together into a policy
+const CPolicyServer::TPolicy eposServerPolicy =
+    {
+    CPolicyServer::EAlwaysPass,             // onConnect
+    eposServerPolicyRangeCount,	            // number of ranges                                   
+    eposServerPolicyRanges,	                // ranges array
+    eposServerPolicyElementsIndex,	        // elements<->ranges index
+    eposServerPolicyElements,		        // array of elements
+    };
+// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
+ * C++ constructor.
+ *
+ * @param aPriority Priority at which to run the server active object.
+ * @param aPolicy Reference to a policy object describing the security 
+ *                checks required for each message type.
+ * @param aServerType Sharable or non-sharable sessions.
+ */
+CPosServer::CPosServer(TInt aPriority, const TPolicy &aPolicy, TServerType aServerType)
+        : CPolicyServer(aPriority, aPolicy, aServerType)
+    {
+    }
+ * Symbian default constructor.
+ */
+void CPosServer::ConstructL() 
+    {
+    TBool LocationManagementSupported = EFalse;
+	LocationManagementSupported = CFeatureDiscovery::IsFeatureSupportedL(NFeature::KLocationManagement);
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(EFalse, User::Invariant());	// Would happen on older versions of symbian OS if this code ever backported
+    // make sure that root process is running 
+    if(LocationManagementSupported && !FindRootProcess())
+    	{
+    	User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
+    	}
+    // Backup listener
+    DEBUG_TRACE("Checking for backup or restore...", __LINE__)
+    iBackupListener = CPosBackupListener::NewL();
+    if (iBackupListener->IsBackupOperationOngoing())
+        {
+        User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
+        }
+    iBackupListener->Start(*this);
+    // Settings and last position handler
+    CPosResourceReader* resources = CPosResourceReader::NewLC(KPosResourceFile);
+    iServerShutdownDelay = resources->ReadInt32L(R_POS_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_DELAY);
+    TInt dumpInterval = resources->ReadInt32L(R_POS_SERVER_DUMP_INTERVAL);
+    //DEBUG_TRACE("Reading last known position...", __LINE__)
+    //    HBufC* lastKnownPositionFileName = resources->ReadHBufCL(R_LAST_KNOWN_POSITION_FILENAME);
+    //    CleanupStack::PushL(lastKnownPositionFileName);
+    iLocMonitorReqHandlerHub = CPosLocMonitorReqHandlerHub::NewL(); 
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(resources);
+    // Shutdown timer
+    iShutdown = CPosServerDelayedShutdown::NewL();
+    DEBUG_TRACE("Opening Location Settings...", __LINE__)
+    // Location Settings
+    iModuleSettings = CPosModuleSettings::NewL();
+    iModulesStatus = CPosModulesStatus::NewL(iModuleSettings->PosModules());
+    DEBUG_TRACE("Setting Location Settings observer...", __LINE__)
+    iModuleSettings->AddListenerL(*this);
+    DEBUG_TRACE("Starting server active object...", __LINE__)
+    StartL(KPositionServerName);
+    }
+ * Two-phased constructor.
+ */
+CPosServer* CPosServer::NewL()
+    {
+    CPosServer* self = new (ELeave) CPosServer(EPriority, eposServerPolicy);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+    return self;
+    }
+ * Destructor.
+ */
+    {
+    delete iLocMonitorReqHandlerHub;
+    delete iShutdown;
+    delete iModulesStatus;
+    delete iModuleSettings;
+    delete iBackupListener;
+    // This is needed because CPositioner might have used ECom (PSYs)
+    REComSession::FinalClose();
+    }
+ * From MPosModuleSettingsListener.
+ *
+ * Called when a change has been detected in the modules database.
+ * @param aEvent Event information
+ */
+void CPosServer::HandleModuleSettingsChangedL(TPosModulesEvent aEvent)
+    {
+    // Notify iModuleStatus
+    iModulesStatus->HandleSettingsChangeL(aEvent);
+    // For all sessions, call HandleSettingsChangeL()
+    iSessionIter.SetToFirst();
+    CPosSession* session = static_cast <CPosSession*> (iSessionIter++);
+    while (session)
+        {
+        session->HandleSettingsChangeL(aEvent);
+        session = static_cast <CPosSession*> (iSessionIter++);
+        }
+    }
+ * From MPosBackupEventCallback
+ *
+ * Called by iBackupListener when a backup or restore 
+ * operation either starts. Shuts down the server.
+ */
+void CPosServer::HandleBackupOperationEventL()
+    {
+    DEBUG_TRACE("HandleBackupOperationEventL", __LINE__)
+    conn::TBURPartType state = conn::EBURUnset;
+    conn::TBackupIncType type = conn::ENoBackup;
+    iBackupListener->GetCurrentValue(state, type);
+    // At the moment it just shuts down if backup/restore is in progress
+    if ((state != conn::EBURUnset) && (state != conn::EBURNormal))
+        {
+        iSessionIter.SetToFirst();
+        CPosSession* session = static_cast <CPosSession*> (iSessionIter++);
+        while (session)
+            {
+            session->NotifyServerShutdown();
+            session = static_cast <CPosSession*> (iSessionIter++);
+            }
+        // Shutdown the server by shutting down the active scheduler.
+        CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iBackupListener->Start(*this); // continue listening
+        }
+    }
+ * From CServer2
+ */
+CSession2* CPosServer::NewSessionL(const TVersion& aVersion, const RMessage2& /*aMessage*/) const
+    {
+    // Check we're the right version
+    TVersion version(KPosMajorVersionNumber,
+                     KPosMinorVersionNumber,
+                     KPosBuildVersionNumber);
+    if (!User::QueryVersionSupported(version, aVersion))
+        {
+        User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+        }
+    // Make new session
+    CPosSession* newSession = 
+        CPosSession::NewL(
+            *(const_cast<CPosServer*>(this)), 
+            *iModuleSettings,
+            *iModulesStatus, 
+            *iLocMonitorReqHandlerHub);
+    return newSession;
+    }
+ * From CPolicyServer
+ */
+CPolicyServer::TCustomResult CPosServer::CustomSecurityCheckL(const RMessage2& /*aMsg*/, TInt& /*aAction*/,TSecurityInfo& /*aMissing*/)
+    {
+    DEBUG_TRACE("CustomSecurityCheck", __LINE__)
+    return CPolicyServer::EFail;
+    }
+ * Increment number of sessions
+ */
+void CPosServer::IncrementSessions()
+    {
+    DEBUG_TRACE("IncrementSessions", __LINE__)
+    iNumSessions++;
+    iShutdown->Cancel();
+    }
+ * Decrement number of sessions
+ */
+void CPosServer::DecrementSessions()
+    {    
+    DEBUG_TRACE("DecrementSessions", __LINE__)
+    // This panic handles an internal error.
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG(iNumSessions > 0,
+        DebugPanic(EPosServerPanicSessionsCountInconsistency));
+    if (--iNumSessions == 0)
+        {
+        iShutdown->Start(iServerShutdownDelay);
+        }
+    }
+TBool CPosServer::FindRootProcess()
+	{
+	_LIT(KLbsRootProcessName, "lbsroot.exe*");
+	TInt err(KErrNotFound);
+	TFullName fullName;			
+	TFindProcess processFinder(KLbsRootProcessName);
+	while (err = processFinder.Next(fullName), err == KErrNone)
+		{
+		RProcess process;
+		TInt processOpenErr = process.Open(processFinder);
+		if (processOpenErr == KErrNone)
+			{
+			TExitType exitType = process.ExitType();
+			if (exitType == EExitPending)
+				{
+				// Found a running instance of lbsroot.exe,
+				return ETrue;
+				}
+			}
+		process.Close();		
+		}
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+//  End of File