--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/locationrequestmgmt/networkrequesthandler/inc/agpsinterfacehandler.h Tue Feb 02 01:50:39 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @internalTechnology
+ @released
+#include "lbscommoninternaldatatypes.h"
+#include <lbs/lbsnetprotocolbase.h>
+#include <lbs/lbslocdatasourcegpsbase.h>
+#include "locationupdatemonitor.h"
+#include "measurementinfomonitor.h"
+#include "lbsnetinternalapi.h"
+class RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus;
+/** Represents TLbsNetPosRequestMethod in a single enum value.
+This enum is used to summarise the positioning methods contained
+in a TLbsNetPosRequestMethod into a single enum value, to make it
+easier to compare, etc.
+typedef TUint TGpsRequestMode;
+enum _TGpsRequestMode
+ {
+ // Unkown/undefined request mode
+ EGpsRequestModeUnknown = 0,
+ // Autonomous (basic GPS) mode.
+ EGpsRequestModeAutonomous,
+ // Terminal-based (Assisted GPS) mode.
+ EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased,
+ // Terminal-assisted (Assisted GPS) mode.
+ EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted,
+ // Simultaneous TA and TB (hybrid GPS) mode.
+ EGpsRequestModeHybrid,
+ // Special case where the capabilites are TA or TB and hybrid mode has arrived (when no request active)
+ // and we look at the admin AGPS setting to decide whther to us TA or TB mode.
+ // if admin says A or PTB then choose TB
+ // if admin says PTA or ATA then choose TA
+ EGpsSpecialTreatmentForHybrid
+ };
+/** States that a location request can be in.
+Note: This enum is used as an index into the power mode
+ advice look-up table in
+ CAgpsInterfaceHandler::CalculateCombinedPowerModeAdvice(),
+ so if any values are added or removed from this, be
+ careful to also update the look-up table or
+ it will be out of sync with the enum values.
+typedef TUint TAgpsRequestState;
+enum _TAgpsRequestState
+ {
+ // Unknown/undefined request state.
+ EAgpsRequestStateUnknown = 0,
+ // Idle state - exists but not sent to the AGPS manager.
+ EAgpsRequestStateIdle,
+ // Location request is on hold, got a response but waiting to be stopped.
+ EAgpsRequestStateHold,
+ // Location request has been sent to the AGPS manager.
+ EAgpsRequestStateActive
+ };
+/** Small data class that records the parameters for a location request.
+Most of the params are stored as pointers, to save memory. They
+should point to the actual data within the CLbsPrivLocFsm that
+made the location request.
+class TAgpsRequest
+ {
+ TAgpsRequest() :
+ iSessionId(0),
+ iState(EAgpsRequestStateIdle),
+ iPosQuality(0),
+ iGpsMode(EGpsRequestModeUnknown),
+ iEndTime(0),
+ iGpsTimingOfCellFramesRequested(EFalse)
+ {}
+ const TLbsNetSessionIdInt* iSessionId;
+ TAgpsRequestState iState;
+ const TLbsNetPosRequestQualityInt* iPosQuality;
+ TGpsRequestMode iGpsMode;
+ TTime iEndTime;
+ TBool iGpsTimingOfCellFramesRequested;
+ };
+/** Observer interface for the privacy and location handler to use.
+The callbacks in this class pass data back from the AGPS interface
+back to the privacy and location handler, e.g. location updates,
+measurement data updates.
+class MAgpsInterfaceHandlerObserver
+ {
+ /** Called when a valid AGPS position update arrives.
+ */
+ virtual void OnAgpsPositionUpdate(
+ TInt aReason,
+ const TPositionExtendedSatelliteInfo& aPosInfo,
+ const TTime& aTimeStamp) = 0;
+ /** Called when a measurement results update arrives.
+ */
+ virtual void OnAgpsMeasurementUpdate(
+ TInt aReason,
+ const TPositionGpsMeasurementInfo& aPosInfo,
+ const TTime& aTimeStamp) = 0;
+ };
+/** Describes the interface for setting the current X3P handler status.
+The X3P handler needs to tell the AGPS interface handler what state it
+is in, so that the correct power advice can be sent to the AGPS manager.
+It uses SetX3pStatus() to do that.
+class MX3pStatusHandler
+ {
+ /** The current state of the X3P handler.
+ Note: This enum is used as an index into the power mode
+ advice look-up table in
+ CAgpsInterfaceHandler::CalculateCombinedPowerModeAdvice(),
+ so if any values are added or removed from this, be
+ careful to also update the look-up table or
+ it will be out of sync with the enum values.
+ */
+ typedef TUint TX3pStatus;
+ enum _TX3pStatus
+ {
+ // No active X3P requests and no connected clients.
+ EX3pStatusIdle = 0,
+ // No active X3P requests but at least one connected client.
+ EX3pStatusConnected,
+ // One or more active X3P request(s).
+ EX3pStatusActive
+ };
+ /** Set the current X3P handler status.
+ */
+ virtual void SetX3pStatus(MX3pStatusHandler::TX3pStatus aStatus) = 0;
+ };
+/** Handles the connection to the AGPS manager.
+This class is responsible for sending location requests,
+location cancels and power mode advice to the AGPS manager.
+In response, it handles listening for and reporting location
+updates and measurement results to the privacy and location
+Part of the task of sending location requests is having to
+merge requests from multiple simultaneous sessions into a
+single request for the AGPS manager. Currently, 3 simultaneous
+requests would be the maximum - one each of MO-LR, X3P, MT-LR/NI-LR.
+When calculating the current power mode advice, the status
+of the X3P handler is merged with the status of any current
+location requests.
+class CAgpsInterfaceHandler : public CBase,
+ public MLbsLocUpdateObserver,
+ public MLbsMeasurementInfoObserver,
+ public MX3pStatusHandler
+ {
+ static CAgpsInterfaceHandler* NewL(MAgpsInterfaceHandlerObserver& aObserver,
+ CLbsAdmin& aAdmin,
+ RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus& aNetRegStatus);
+ ~CAgpsInterfaceHandler();
+ TInt PreStartPositioning(const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId,TBool aEmergency);
+ TInt StartPositioning(const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId,
+ const TLbsNetPosRequestMethodInt& aMethod,
+ const TLbsNetPosRequestQualityInt& aQuality,
+ TBool aEmergency);
+ void HoldPositioning(const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId,
+ TInt aReason);
+ void StopPositioning(const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId);
+ TInt GetPosition(TInt& aReason,
+ TPositionExtendedSatelliteInfo& aPosInfo,
+ TTime& aTimeStamp);
+ void GetMeasurement(TInt& aReason,
+ TPositionGpsMeasurementInfo& aPosInfo,
+ TTime& aTimeStamp);
+ void GetDefaultPosMethod(TLbsNetPosRequestMethodInt& aPosMethod);
+ void GetPosSpecialTeatmentForHybrid(TLbsNetPosRequestMethodInt& aPosMethod);
+ TGpsRequestMode ConvertPosMethodToGpsRequestMode(const TLbsNetPosRequestMethodInt& aPosMethod);
+public: // from MX3pStatusHandler
+ void SetX3pStatus(MX3pStatusHandler::TX3pStatus aStatus);
+ // from MLbsLocUpdateObserver
+ void OnPositionUpdate(
+ TBool aConflictControl,
+ TInt aReason,
+ const TPositionExtendedSatelliteInfo& aPosInfo,
+ const TTime& aActualTime);
+ // from MLbsMeasurementInfoObserver
+ void OnMeasurementInfoUpdate(
+ TInt aReason,
+ const TPositionGpsMeasurementInfo& aMeasurementResults,
+ const TTime& aActualTime);
+ CAgpsInterfaceHandler(MAgpsInterfaceHandlerObserver& aObserver,
+ CLbsAdmin& aAdmin,
+ RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus& aNetRegStatus);
+ CAgpsInterfaceHandler();
+ void ConstructL();
+ void CalculateCombinedRequestQuality();
+ void ConvertGpsRequestModeToPosMethod(TGpsRequestMode aMode, TLbsNetPosRequestMethodInt& aPosMethod);
+ TInt CalculateNewCombinedRequestMethod(TGpsRequestMode aCurrentGpsMode,
+ TGpsRequestMode aNewRequestGpsMode,
+ TGpsRequestMode& aCombinedGpsMode,
+ TBool aEmergency);
+ void CalculateCombinedPowerModeAdvice(
+ TLbsPositionUpdateRequestBase::TPowerAdvice& aCombinedPowerAdvice);
+ TBool CalculateCombinedTimingOfCellFramesRequested();
+ void SendCombinedLocationRequest();
+ TBool CheckPositionUpdateIsValid(
+ TBool aConflictControl,
+ TInt aReason,
+ const TPositionExtendedSatelliteInfo& aPosInfo,
+ const TTime& aActualTime);
+ static TBool IsSessionIdEqual(
+ const TLbsNetSessionIdInt* aSessionId,
+ const TAgpsRequest& aRequest);
+ static TBool IsRequestStateEqual(
+ const TAgpsRequestState* aState,
+ const TAgpsRequest& aRequest);
+ TInt AddOrUpdateRequest(const TAgpsRequest& aRequest, TBool aEmergency);
+ void RemoveRequest(const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId);
+ TBool IsAnyRequestState(TAgpsRequestState aState);
+ MAgpsInterfaceHandlerObserver& iObserver;
+ CLbsAdmin& iAdmin;
+ RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus& iNetRegStatus;
+ CLbsLocUpdateMonitor* iLocationUpdateMonitor;
+ CLbsMeasurementInfoMonitor* iMeasurementUpdateMonitor;
+ MX3pStatusHandler::TX3pStatus iX3pStatus;
+ /** This is the A-GPS mode(s) supported by the plug-in A-GPS module. */
+ TPositionModuleInfoExtended::TDeviceGpsModeCapabilities iDeviceGpsModeCaps;
+ /** Records whether we have sent a location request and are currently waiting for a response. */
+ TBool iLocationRequestActive;
+ TLbsPositionUpdateRequestBase::TPowerAdvice iCombinedPowerModeAdvice;
+ TGpsRequestMode iCombinedRequestGpsMode;
+ TLbsLocRequestQualityInt iCombinedRequestQuality;
+ TUint iMaxNumLocationRequests;
+ RArray<TAgpsRequest> iRequests;
+ };