changeset 0 9cfd9a3ee49c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/locationrequestmgmt/networkrequesthandler/inc/privacyhandler.h	Tue Feb 02 01:50:39 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#ifndef __PRIVACYHANDLER_H__ 
+#include <lbs/lbsloccommon.h>         // For TLbsExternalRequestInfo
+#include <lbs/lbsprivacycontroller.h> // For MLbsSessionObserver
+#include "privacyhandlerobserver.h"
+#include "lbsprivacynotifier.h"
+#include "lbstimer.h"
+#include "lbsprivacycontrollerdata.h"
+#include "lbsnetregstatusint.h"
+#include <lbs/lbsadmin.h>
+class CLbsPrivacyNotifier;
+class CPrivacyRequest;
+class CLbsAdmin;
+class MLbsSessionObserver
+    {
+    virtual void ProcessNetworkLocationRequest(TLbsNetSessionIdInt aRequestId,
+       										   const TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsNetProtocolServiceInt aSessionType,
+											   const TLbsExternalRequestInfo& aRequestInfo,
+											   const TLbsNetPosRequestPrivacyInt& aNetPosRequestPrivacy,
+											   TBool aIsEmergency) = 0;
+    virtual void ProcessNetworkPositionUpdate(TLbsNetSessionIdInt aRequestId, 
+                              				  const TPositionInfo& aPosInfo) = 0;
+    virtual void ProcessRequestComplete(TLbsNetSessionIdInt aRequestId, 
+                                        TInt aReason) = 0;
+    };
+/** Abstract base class for all privacy request handlers.
+Each privacy request handler for a specific API/interface
+must derive from this class and implement the pure virtual 
+ */
+class CPrivacyHandler : public CActive, 
+						public MLbsSessionObserver, 
+						public MPrivacyHandlerObserver
+    {
+	enum TRequiredPrivacyAction
+		{
+		ERequiredPrivacyActionNone,
+		ERequiredPrivacyActionNotify,
+		ERequiredPrivacyActionVerify
+		};
+	static CPrivacyHandler* CreateL(MPrivacyHandlerObserver* aObserver, 
+									CLbsAdmin& aLbsAdmin,
+									RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus& aNetRegStatus);
+    CPrivacyHandler(CLbsAdmin& aLbsAdmin,
+					RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus& aNetRegStatus);
+	// From CActive
+    virtual void RunL() = 0;
+    virtual void DoCancel() = 0;
+    virtual void GetPrivacyTimeoutAction(
+    		TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsPrivacyResponseInt& aResponse, 
+    		const TLbsNetPosRequestPrivacyInt& aRequestPrivacy);
+	void GetExternalLocateAdminSetting(const TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsNetProtocolServiceInt aSessionType,
+    		CLbsAdmin::TExternalLocateService& aExternalLocateService);
+	CLbsAdmin& iLbsAdmin;
+	RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus& iNetRegStatus;
+    MPrivacyHandlerObserver* iObserver;
+    virtual void RegisterObserver(MPrivacyHandlerObserver* aObserver) = 0;
+    };
+// CPrivacyRequest
+/* Class that holds the data for a single privacy request.
+class CPrivacyRequest : public CBase
+	{
+	/* Privacy request states.
+	The state is needed to keep track of what has happened to this 
+	request so far. For example, it can be used to guard against
+	multiple responses from the privacy controller application
+	(or privacy notifier or Q&N Notifier).
+	 */
+	enum TPrivReqState
+		{
+		/* 'Undefined' state. */
+		EPrivReqStateUnknown = 0,
+		/* Privacy request sent to user; waiting for response. */
+		EPrivReqStateWaitPrivacyResponse,
+		/* Privacy response received and sent into NRH. */
+		EPrivReqStateResponseSent,
+		/* Privacy request complete message received from NRH. */
+		EPrivReqStateCompleted
+		};
+	static CPrivacyRequest* NewL();
+	~CPrivacyRequest();
+	TPrivReqState State() const;
+	void SetState(TPrivReqState aState);
+	const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& SessionId() const;
+	void SetSessionId(const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId);
+	const TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsNetProtocolServiceInt& SessionType() const;
+	void SetSessionType(const TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsNetProtocolServiceInt& aSessionType);
+	const TLbsExternalRequestInfo& RequestInfo() const;
+	void SetRequestInfo(const TLbsExternalRequestInfo& aRequestInfo);
+	const TLbsNetPosRequestPrivacyInt& RequestPrivacy() const;
+	void SetRequestPrivacy(const TLbsNetPosRequestPrivacyInt& aRequestPrivacy);
+	TBool IsEmergency() const;
+	void SetIsEmergency(TBool aIsEmergency);
+	TTime StartTime() const;
+	void SetStartTime();
+	static TBool IsSessionIdEqual(
+			const TLbsNetSessionIdInt* aSessionId,
+			const CPrivacyRequest& aItem);
+	CPrivacyRequest();
+	CPrivacyRequest(const CPrivacyRequest&);
+	void ConstructL();
+	TPrivReqState iState;
+	TLbsNetSessionIdInt iSessionId;
+	TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsNetProtocolServiceInt iSessionType;
+	TBool iIsEmergency;
+	TTime iStartTime;
+	TLbsNetPosRequestPrivacyInt iRequestPrivacy;
+	TLbsExternalRequestInfo2 iRequestInfo;
+	};
+// CPrivacyNotifierHandler
+class CPrivacyNotifierHandler : public CPrivacyHandler, 
+								public MLbsPrivacyNotifierObserver, 
+								public MLbsCallbackTimerObserver
+	{
+	static CPrivacyNotifierHandler* NewL(CLbsAdmin& aLbsAdmin,
+										 RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus& aNetRegStatus);
+	~CPrivacyNotifierHandler();
+public: // From MLbsSessionObserver
+	void ProcessNetworkLocationRequest(TLbsNetSessionIdInt aRequestId, 
+							const TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsNetProtocolServiceInt aSessionType,
+							const TLbsExternalRequestInfo& aRequestInfo, 
+							const TLbsNetPosRequestPrivacyInt& aNetPosRequestPrivacy,
+							TBool aIsEmergency);
+	void ProcessNetworkPositionUpdate(TLbsNetSessionIdInt aRequestId, 
+                              const TPositionInfo& aPosInfo);
+	void ProcessRequestComplete(TLbsNetSessionIdInt aRequestId, 
+                                TInt aReason);
+public: // From MLbsPrivacyNotifierObserver
+	void OnNotificationDialogResponse(TInt aErr, 
+	const TLbsPrivacyNotifierResponse& aResponse);
+public: // From MLbsCallbackTimerObserver
+	void OnTimerEventL(TInt aTimerId);
+	TInt OnTimerError(TInt aTimerId, TInt aError);
+public: // From MPrivacyHandlerObserver
+	void SetServerObserver(MLbsSessionObserver* aNrhPrivacyServer);
+    void OnRespondNetworkLocationRequest(const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aRequestId, 
+                            TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsPrivacyResponseInt aRequestResult,
+                            TInt aReason);
+    void OnCancelNetworkLocationRequest(const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aRequestId);
+protected: // From CActive
+	void RunL();
+	void DoCancel();
+	CPrivacyNotifierHandler(CLbsAdmin& aLbsAdmin,
+							RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus& aNetRegStatus);
+	void RegisterObserver(MPrivacyHandlerObserver* aObserver);
+	void ConstructL();
+	TBool IsPrivacyRequestActive();
+	void SendNextPrivacyRequest();
+	void SendPrivacyResponse();
+    void WaitForPrivacyResponse();
+	TInt BufferPrivacyRequest(
+		const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId,
+		const TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsNetProtocolServiceInt aSessionType,
+		const TLbsExternalRequestInfo& aRequestInfo,
+		const TLbsNetPosRequestPrivacyInt& aRequestPrivacy,
+		TBool aIsEmergency);
+	void RemovePrivacyRequestFromBuffer(
+		const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId);
+	void GetRequiredNotificationAction(
+		TBool aIsEmergency,
+		CLbsAdmin::TExternalLocateService aExternalLocate,
+		TRequiredPrivacyAction& aPrivacyAction, 
+		TBool& aTimeoutRequired,
+		TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsPrivacyResponseInt& aResponse,
+		TLbsNetPosRequestPrivacyInt& aPrivacy);
+	CLbsCallbackTimer* iPrivacyResponseTimer;
+	TRequiredPrivacyAction		iNotifierAction;
+	CLbsPrivacyNotifier*		iNotifier;
+	RPointerArray<CPrivacyRequest> iRequestBuffer;
+	TBool						iPrivacyResponseOutstanding;
+	};
+// CPrivacyControllerHandler
+class CPrivacyControllerHandler :	public CPrivacyHandler, 
+									public MLbsCallbackTimerObserver
+	{
+	static CPrivacyControllerHandler* NewL(CLbsAdmin& aLbsAdmin,
+										   RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus& aNetRegStatus);
+	~CPrivacyControllerHandler();
+public: // From MLbsSessionObserver
+	void ProcessNetworkLocationRequest(TLbsNetSessionIdInt aRequestId, 
+							const TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsNetProtocolServiceInt aSessionType,
+							const TLbsExternalRequestInfo& aRequestInfo, 
+							const TLbsNetPosRequestPrivacyInt& aNetPosRequestPrivacy,
+							TBool aIsEmergency);
+	void ProcessNetworkPositionUpdate(TLbsNetSessionIdInt aRequestId, 
+                              const TPositionInfo& aPosInfo);
+	void ProcessRequestComplete(TLbsNetSessionIdInt aRequestId, 
+                                TInt aReason);
+public: // From MPrivacyHandlerObserver
+	void SetServerObserver(MLbsSessionObserver* aNrhPrivacyServer);
+    void OnRespondNetworkLocationRequest(const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aRequestId, 
+                            TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsPrivacyResponseInt aRequestResult,
+                            TInt aResponseReason);
+    void OnCancelNetworkLocationRequest(const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aRequestId);
+public: // From MLbsCallbackTimerObserver
+	void OnTimerEventL(TInt aTimerId);
+	TInt OnTimerError(TInt aTimerId, TInt aError);
+	CPrivacyControllerHandler(CLbsAdmin& aLbsAdmin,
+							  RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus& aNetRegStatus);
+	void ConstructL();
+	// From CActive
+	void RunL();
+	void DoCancel();
+	void GetPrivacyTimeoutAction(
+			TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsPrivacyResponseInt& aResponse, 
+			const TLbsNetPosRequestPrivacyInt& aRequestPrivacy);	
+	void RegisterObserver(MPrivacyHandlerObserver* aObserver);
+	void StartResponseTimer();
+	void CancelResponseTimer();
+	static TBool IsSessionIdMatch(const CPrivacyRequest& aReq1, const CPrivacyRequest& aReq2);
+	CPrivacyRequest* FindPrivacyRequest(
+			const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId,
+			TBool aRemoveRequest);
+	MLbsSessionObserver* iNrhServer;
+	CLbsCallbackTimer* iPrivacyResponseTimer;
+	RPointerArray<CPrivacyRequest> iRequestBuffer;
+	CPrivacyRequest* iEmergencyPrivReq;
+	TBool iSessionActive;
+	TBool iRefPosReported;
+	TBool iIsEmergency;
+	CLbsAdmin::TLbsBehaviourMode iLbsBehaviourMode;	
+	TBool iAlwaysVerify;	
+	};
+#endif // __PRIVACYHANDLER_H__