--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/locationrequestmgmt/networkrequesthandler/src/agpsinterfacehandler.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:50:39 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1159 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @internalTechnology
+ @released
+#include "lbsdevloggermacros.h"
+#include "agpsinterfacehandler.h"
+#include "nrhpanic.h"
+#include "lbsnetregstatusint.h"
+// Pre-defined technology types for common positioning modes.
+const TPositionModuleInfo::TTechnologyType KTerminalAssistedMode =
+ (TPositionModuleInfo::ETechnologyNetwork |
+ TPositionModuleInfo::ETechnologyAssisted);
+const TPositionModuleInfo::TTechnologyType KTerminalBasedMode =
+ (TPositionModuleInfo::ETechnologyTerminal |
+ TPositionModuleInfo::ETechnologyAssisted);
+const TPositionModuleInfo::TTechnologyType KAutonomousMode =
+ (TPositionModuleInfo::ETechnologyTerminal);
+/** Constructor.
+ MAgpsInterfaceHandlerObserver& aObserver,
+ CLbsAdmin& aAdmin,
+ RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus& aNetRegStatus) :
+ iObserver(aObserver),
+ iAdmin(aAdmin),
+ iNetRegStatus(aNetRegStatus),
+ iX3pStatus(EX3pStatusIdle),
+ iCombinedPowerModeAdvice(TLbsPositionUpdateRequestBase::EPowerAdviceOff),
+ iCombinedRequestGpsMode(EGpsRequestModeUnknown)
+ {
+ }
+/** Destructor.
+ {
+ iRequests.Close();
+ delete iMeasurementUpdateMonitor;
+ delete iLocationUpdateMonitor;
+ }
+CAgpsInterfaceHandler* CAgpsInterfaceHandler::NewL(
+ MAgpsInterfaceHandlerObserver& aObserver,
+ CLbsAdmin& aAdmin,
+ RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus& aNetRegStatus)
+ {
+ CAgpsInterfaceHandler* self = new (ELeave) CAgpsInterfaceHandler(aObserver, aAdmin, aNetRegStatus);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+const TInt KLbsDefaultMaxNumLocationRequests = 4;
+void CAgpsInterfaceHandler::ConstructL()
+ {
+ iLocationUpdateMonitor = CLbsLocUpdateMonitor::NewL(*this);
+ iMeasurementUpdateMonitor = CLbsMeasurementInfoMonitor::NewL(*this);
+ TInt err = iAdmin.Get(KLbsSettingMaximumExternalLocateRequests, iMaxNumLocationRequests);
+ if (err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ iMaxNumLocationRequests = KLbsDefaultMaxNumLocationRequests;
+ }
+ iRequests.ReserveL(iMaxNumLocationRequests+1); // +1 for processing emergencies
+ // Get the A-GPS device mode capabilities:
+ err = LbsModuleInfo::GetDeviceCapabilities(KLbsGpsLocManagerUid, iDeviceGpsModeCaps);
+ if(err != KErrNone || (iDeviceGpsModeCaps==TPositionModuleInfoExtended::EDeviceGpsModeNone))
+ {
+ // Assume module supports hybrid if it has not reported its capabilities in module info file
+ iDeviceGpsModeCaps = TPositionModuleInfoExtended::EDeviceGpsModeSimultaneousTATB;
+ }
+ }
+/** Called to initialise a location request.
+This is used to tell the AGPS Interface that a GPS location request
+is goind to happen 'soon'. Usually, this means we should update the
+power mode advice to at least 'standby', to give the GPS hardware
+as much time as possible to warm up.
+@param aSessionId Session Id of the request that is started.
+@return KErrNone if no problems, or one of the standard Symbian
+ error codes if there was a problem storing the new request.
+TInt CAgpsInterfaceHandler::PreStartPositioning(
+ const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId, TBool aEmergency)
+ {
+ // Add the request to the array
+ TAgpsRequest newRequest;
+ newRequest.iSessionId = &aSessionId;
+ newRequest.iState = EAgpsRequestStateIdle;
+ TInt err = AddOrUpdateRequest(newRequest, aEmergency);
+ if (err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ return err;
+ }
+ // Update the GPS power mode advice to the AGPS Manager
+ TLbsPositionUpdateRequestBase::TPowerAdvice newPowerAdvice;
+ CalculateCombinedPowerModeAdvice(newPowerAdvice);
+ if (newPowerAdvice != iCombinedPowerModeAdvice)
+ {
+ iCombinedPowerModeAdvice = newPowerAdvice;
+ iLocationUpdateMonitor->SendPowerAdviceRequest(iCombinedPowerModeAdvice);
+ }
+ return err;
+ }
+/** Called to start a location request.
+This is used when the CLbsPrivLocFsm actually wants to send
+a location request to the AGPS Manager.
+This function must combine the new request with any existing
+request(s) - this includes quality params and GPS mode, before
+sending a request to the AGPS Manager.
+@param aSessionId Session Id of the request that is started.
+@param aMethod GPS mode(s) to use, as set by the network.
+@param aQuality quality params to use, as set by the network.
+@return KErrNone if no problems, or one of the standard Symbian
+ error codes if there was a problem storing the new request.
+TInt CAgpsInterfaceHandler::StartPositioning(
+ const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId,
+ const TLbsNetPosRequestMethodInt& aMethod,
+ const TLbsNetPosRequestQualityInt& aQuality,
+ TBool aEmergency)
+ {
+ // Check that the new request GPS mode is valid
+ TGpsRequestMode newRequestGpsMode = ConvertPosMethodToGpsRequestMode(aMethod);
+ TGpsRequestMode newCombinedGpsMode;
+ TInt err = CalculateNewCombinedRequestMethod(
+ iCombinedRequestGpsMode,
+ newRequestGpsMode,
+ newCombinedGpsMode,
+ aEmergency);
+ if (err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ RemoveRequest(aSessionId);
+ return err;
+ }
+ // Add (or update) the request to the buffer
+ TAgpsRequest newRequest;
+ newRequest.iSessionId = &aSessionId;
+ newRequest.iState = EAgpsRequestStateActive;
+ newRequest.iGpsMode = newRequestGpsMode;
+ newRequest.iPosQuality = &aQuality;
+ TTime now;
+ now.UniversalTime();
+ newRequest.iEndTime = (now + aQuality.MaxFixTime());
+ newRequest.iGpsTimingOfCellFramesRequested = aMethod.GpsTimingOfCellFramesRequested();
+ err = AddOrUpdateRequest(newRequest, aEmergency);
+ if (err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ return err;
+ }
+ // Use the new combined GPS mode
+ iCombinedRequestGpsMode = newCombinedGpsMode;
+ // Combine Quality.
+ CalculateCombinedRequestQuality();
+ // Send the new combined request to the AGPS manager.
+ SendCombinedLocationRequest();
+ return err;
+ }
+/** Temporarily stop an existing location request.
+This function is used when a location request has finished,
+but the session it belongs to hasn't finished yet. For example,
+in terminal assisted or hybrid mode, there is more than one location
+request within a session, so the it should not be removed from the
+list until it has completely finished.
+void CAgpsInterfaceHandler::HoldPositioning(
+ const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId,
+ TInt /*aReason*/)
+ {
+ // Find a matching request.
+ TInt index = iRequests.Find(aSessionId, IsSessionIdEqual);
+ if (index == KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ // If can't find one, just ignore it (but LBSLOG_ERR)?
+ LBSLOG_ERR2(ELogP3, "Failed to find a match for sessionId %d.", aSessionId.SessionNum());
+ return;
+ }
+ // Set the request to 'hold'.
+ iRequests[index].iState = EAgpsRequestStateHold;
+ }
+/** Stop and remove a location request.
+This function is used when a session has finished, and
+the location request can be removed from the list.
+void CAgpsInterfaceHandler::StopPositioning(
+ const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId)
+ {
+ // Remove request from iRequests.
+ RemoveRequest(aSessionId);
+ if (IsAnyRequestState(EAgpsRequestStateActive))
+ {
+ // If there are any other active requests, combine them and send
+ // a new location request.
+ // Combine quality
+ CalculateCombinedRequestQuality();
+ // Send the new combined request to the AGPS manager.
+ SendCombinedLocationRequest();
+ }
+ else if (!IsAnyRequestState(EAgpsRequestStateHold)
+ && iLocationRequestActive)
+ {
+ // There are no requests that are either active or on hold, so send
+ // a cancel message to the AGPS manager.
+ CalculateCombinedPowerModeAdvice(iCombinedPowerModeAdvice);
+ iLocationUpdateMonitor->SendCancelRequest(iCombinedPowerModeAdvice);
+ iLocationRequestActive = EFalse;
+ // Also reset the combined request parameters
+ iCombinedRequestGpsMode = EGpsRequestModeUnknown;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Update the GPS power mode advice to the AGPS Manager
+ TLbsPositionUpdateRequestBase::TPowerAdvice newPowerAdvice;
+ CalculateCombinedPowerModeAdvice(newPowerAdvice);
+ if (newPowerAdvice != iCombinedPowerModeAdvice)
+ {
+ iCombinedPowerModeAdvice = newPowerAdvice;
+ iLocationUpdateMonitor->SendPowerAdviceRequest(iCombinedPowerModeAdvice);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/** Check that it is ok to send the position update to state machine(s).
+Some position updates should be ignored by the NRH, these are:
+1) Conflict control updates (aConflictControl = ETrue), only the
+ LocServer is interested in these.
+2) In hybrid, if the params are 'invalid'. Some licensees use special
+ values in the position update to flag that it should not be used,
+ e.g. if the horizontal accuracy is 0.
+TBool CAgpsInterfaceHandler::CheckPositionUpdateIsValid(
+ TBool aConflictControl,
+ TInt aReason,
+ const TPositionExtendedSatelliteInfo& aPosInfo,
+ const TTime& /*aActualTime*/)
+ {
+ // Some updates are only meant for the LocServer - they
+ // have aConflictControl == ETrue. We shouldn't send these
+ // to the PrivLocHandler.
+ if (aConflictControl)
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ // For hybrid position, first check whether the data is valid. If any of
+ // longitude, latitude, or horizontal accuracy is missing, or horizontal
+ // accuracy is zero, then it's not valid, so there's no point going any
+ // further.
+ if ((iCombinedRequestGpsMode == EGpsRequestModeHybrid) && (aReason == KErrNone))
+ {
+ TPosition pos;
+ aPosInfo.GetPosition(pos);
+ if (Math::IsNaN(pos.Latitude()) ||
+ Math::IsNaN(pos.Longitude()) ||
+ Math::IsNaN(pos.HorizontalAccuracy()) ||
+ (pos.HorizontalAccuracy() == 0))
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+/** Get the latest update value from the GPS position bus.
+Note: Some updates are intended only for the LocServer, these
+all have conflictControl == ETrue, so in this case we return
+KErrNotFound to tell the caller it shouldn't be used.
+@param aReason Reason code for the update. Set by the AGPS manager.
+@param aPosInfo Position data for the update.
+@param aTimeStamp Time the update arrived in the LBS system.
+@return KErrNone usually, but KErrNotFound if the update is invalid.
+TInt CAgpsInterfaceHandler::GetPosition(
+ TInt& aReason,
+ TPositionExtendedSatelliteInfo& aPosInfo,
+ TTime& aTimeStamp)
+ {
+ TBool conflictControl;
+ iLocationUpdateMonitor->GetPosition(
+ conflictControl,
+ aReason,
+ aPosInfo,
+ aTimeStamp);
+ if (CheckPositionUpdateIsValid(conflictControl,
+ aReason,
+ aPosInfo,
+ aTimeStamp))
+ {
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return KErrNotFound;
+ }
+ }
+/** Get the latest update from the GPS measurement results bus.
+void CAgpsInterfaceHandler::GetMeasurement(
+ TInt& aReason,
+ TPositionGpsMeasurementInfo& aPosInfo,
+ TTime& aTimeStamp)
+ {
+ iMeasurementUpdateMonitor->GetMeasurement(aReason, aPosInfo, aTimeStamp);
+ }
+/** Callback for when a GPS update is sent by the AGPS manager.
+void CAgpsInterfaceHandler::OnPositionUpdate(
+ TBool aConflictControl,
+ TInt aReason,
+ const TPositionExtendedSatelliteInfo& aPosInfo,
+ const TTime& aActualTime)
+ {
+ LBSLOG(ELogP1, "CAgpsInterfaceHandler::OnPositionUpdate");
+ if (CheckPositionUpdateIsValid(aConflictControl,
+ aReason,
+ aPosInfo,
+ aActualTime))
+ {
+ // Send the update to the PrivLocHandler
+ iObserver.OnAgpsPositionUpdate(aReason, aPosInfo, aActualTime);
+ }
+ }
+/** Callback for when a GPS Measured Results update is sent by the AGPS manager.
+void CAgpsInterfaceHandler::OnMeasurementInfoUpdate(
+ TInt aReason,
+ const TPositionGpsMeasurementInfo& aMeasurementResults,
+ const TTime& aActualTime)
+ {
+ // Send result to observer
+ iObserver.OnAgpsMeasurementUpdate(aReason, aMeasurementResults, aActualTime);
+ }
+/** Combines the quality parameters of all the active requests.
+Note: Only requests which are 'active' should be considered when
+combining the quality params.
+void CAgpsInterfaceHandler::CalculateCombinedRequestQuality()
+ {
+ // Set the initial values to start from
+ TReal32 minHorizAcc(10000000000000000.0);
+ TReal32 minVertAcc(10000000000000000.0);
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds maxMaxFixTime(0);
+ TTime now;
+ now.UniversalTime();
+ // Combine each request in turn but only if it is 'active'.
+ const TInt count = iRequests.Count();
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ if (iRequests[i].iState == EAgpsRequestStateActive)
+ {
+ // Horizontal accuracy = strictest accuracy.
+ minHorizAcc = Min(minHorizAcc,
+ iRequests[i].iPosQuality->MinHorizontalAccuracy());
+ // Vertical accuracy = strictest accuracy.
+ minVertAcc = Min(minVertAcc,
+ iRequests[i].iPosQuality->MinVerticalAccuracy());
+ // Max fix time = greatest/longest time.
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds maxFixTime = (iRequests[i].iEndTime.Int64() - now.Int64());
+ maxMaxFixTime = Max(maxMaxFixTime, maxFixTime);
+ }
+ }
+ // Set the combined accuracy
+ iCombinedRequestQuality.SetMinHorizontalAccuracy(minHorizAcc);
+ iCombinedRequestQuality.SetMinVerticalAccuracy(minVertAcc);
+ iCombinedRequestQuality.SetMaxFixTime(maxMaxFixTime);
+ }
+/** Calculates the power mode advice to send to the AGPS manager.
+Use the state of the X3P handler and the combined state of the current
+requests to calculate the power mode advice to send to the AGPS
+void CAgpsInterfaceHandler::CalculateCombinedPowerModeAdvice(
+ TLbsPositionUpdateRequestBase::TPowerAdvice& aCombinedPowerAdvice)
+ {
+ // Calculate combined state for all requests
+ TAgpsRequestState combinedState(EAgpsRequestStateUnknown);
+ if (IsAnyRequestState(EAgpsRequestStateActive))
+ {
+ combinedState = EAgpsRequestStateActive;
+ }
+ else if (IsAnyRequestState(EAgpsRequestStateHold))
+ {
+ combinedState = EAgpsRequestStateHold;
+ }
+ else if (IsAnyRequestState(EAgpsRequestStateIdle))
+ {
+ combinedState = EAgpsRequestStateIdle;
+ }
+ // Select the power advice to send to the AGPS manager by using
+ // a look-up table.
+ //
+ // The look-up table below is described in the NRH design document,
+ // so if it is changed, the design doc should also be updated to
+ // keep it in sync.
+ const TInt KNumX3pStates = 3;
+ const TInt KNumLocRequestStates = 4;
+ static const TLbsPositionUpdateRequestBase::TPowerAdvice KPowerAdviceTable[KNumX3pStates][KNumLocRequestStates] =
+ {
+ { TLbsPositionUpdateRequestBase::EPowerAdviceOff,
+ TLbsPositionUpdateRequestBase::EPowerAdviceOn,
+ TLbsPositionUpdateRequestBase::EPowerAdviceOn,
+ TLbsPositionUpdateRequestBase::EPowerAdviceOn },
+ { TLbsPositionUpdateRequestBase::EPowerAdviceStandby,
+ TLbsPositionUpdateRequestBase::EPowerAdviceOn,
+ TLbsPositionUpdateRequestBase::EPowerAdviceOn,
+ TLbsPositionUpdateRequestBase::EPowerAdviceOn },
+ { TLbsPositionUpdateRequestBase::EPowerAdviceOn,
+ TLbsPositionUpdateRequestBase::EPowerAdviceOn,
+ TLbsPositionUpdateRequestBase::EPowerAdviceOn,
+ TLbsPositionUpdateRequestBase::EPowerAdviceOn }
+ };
+ // Note: Because this table uses the enum values directly as indices,
+ // if either enum changes, you need to re-do the table above as well.
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iX3pStatus < KNumX3pStates, Panic(ENrhPanicInvalidPowerModeAdviceIndex));
+ aCombinedPowerAdvice = KPowerAdviceTable[iX3pStatus][combinedState];
+ }
+ Goes through all requests and decides if the timing of cell frames is requested or not
+ @return ETrue if the timing of cell frames is requested
+ */
+TBool CAgpsInterfaceHandler::CalculateCombinedTimingOfCellFramesRequested()
+ {
+ TBool timingOfCellFramesRequested(EFalse);
+ // Combine each request in turn but only if it is 'active'.
+ const TInt count = iRequests.Count();
+ // Make the flag to be ETrue if there are any requests active or on hold that have the flag
+ // set to ETrue
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ if((iRequests[i].iState == EAgpsRequestStateActive ||
+ iRequests[i].iState == EAgpsRequestStateHold) &&
+ iRequests[i].iGpsTimingOfCellFramesRequested)
+ {
+ timingOfCellFramesRequested = ETrue;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return timingOfCellFramesRequested;
+ }
+/** Performs the common actions for sending a location request to the AGPS manager.
+This function does common tasks such as calculating the power mode to send,
+starting or stopping the needed monitors and actually sending the combined
+Note: Combining the quality params and/or GPS mode params is done differently
+ depending on whether a request is being started, stopped or put on hold,
+ so that is not done in this function.
+void CAgpsInterfaceHandler::SendCombinedLocationRequest()
+ {
+ // Always start the GPS position update monitor, even in TA mode,
+ // because we use this update bus to listen for error codes,
+ // e.g. KPositionEarlyComplete.
+ iLocationUpdateMonitor->StartMonitor();
+ // Start measurement monitor if combined request has GPS mode
+ // with Terminal-Assisted or hybrid:
+ if (iCombinedRequestGpsMode == EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted
+ || iCombinedRequestGpsMode == EGpsRequestModeHybrid)
+ {
+ iMeasurementUpdateMonitor->StartMonitor();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iMeasurementUpdateMonitor->StopMonitor();
+ }
+ // Convert the TGpsRequestMode into TLbsNetPosRequestMethodInt
+ TLbsNetPosRequestMethodInt posMethod;
+ posMethod.SetGpsTimingOfCellFramesRequested(CalculateCombinedTimingOfCellFramesRequested());
+ ConvertGpsRequestModeToPosMethod(iCombinedRequestGpsMode, posMethod);
+ // Calculate the current power advice.
+ CalculateCombinedPowerModeAdvice(iCombinedPowerModeAdvice);
+ // Send combined location request.
+ iLocationUpdateMonitor->SendLocationRequest(
+ iCombinedPowerModeAdvice,
+ posMethod,
+ iCombinedRequestQuality);
+ iLocationRequestActive = ETrue;
+ }
+/** Called by CX3pHandler tp update the state of X3P requests.
+For X3P, if there is a client connected to the NRH server, we assume that
+there will a request soon, so we can send 'standby' power mode advice, to
+allow the GPS hardware to prepare for a location request before the request
+has actually arrived.
+void CAgpsInterfaceHandler::SetX3pStatus(MX3pStatusHandler::TX3pStatus aStatus)
+ {
+ // Only send a power advice if the X3P status has actually changed.
+ if (aStatus != iX3pStatus)
+ {
+ iX3pStatus = aStatus;
+ TLbsPositionUpdateRequestBase::TPowerAdvice newPowerAdvice;
+ CalculateCombinedPowerModeAdvice(newPowerAdvice);
+ if (newPowerAdvice != iCombinedPowerModeAdvice)
+ {
+ iCombinedPowerModeAdvice = newPowerAdvice;
+ iLocationUpdateMonitor->SendPowerAdviceRequest(iCombinedPowerModeAdvice);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/** Comparison function for use with RArray::Find()
+@return ETrue if session Ids match, EFalse otherwise.
+TBool CAgpsInterfaceHandler::IsSessionIdEqual(
+ const TLbsNetSessionIdInt* aSessionId,
+ const TAgpsRequest& aRequest)
+ {
+ return (*aSessionId == *aRequest.iSessionId);
+ }
+/** Comparison function for use with RArray::Find()
+@return ETrue if states match, EFalse otherwise.
+TBool CAgpsInterfaceHandler::IsRequestStateEqual(
+ const TAgpsRequestState* aState,
+ const TAgpsRequest& aRequest)
+ {
+ return (*aState == aRequest.iState);
+ }
+/** Add or update a location request in the buffer.
+If the request already exists on the list then its parameters are updated.
+If it doesn't exist then the request is appended to the list.
+For emergencies we haveone reserved slot used just for the emergency location request
+TInt CAgpsInterfaceHandler::AddOrUpdateRequest(const TAgpsRequest& aRequest, TBool aEmergency)
+ {
+ TInt err(KErrNone);
+ TInt index = iRequests.Find(*aRequest.iSessionId, IsSessionIdEqual);
+ if (index >= 0)
+ {
+ // Update params of existing request
+ iRequests[index] = aRequest;
+ }
+ else if (aEmergency)
+ {
+ // Note that we can guarantee at least ONE free slot. See below.
+ // add emergency request to list
+ err = iRequests.Append(aRequest);
+ }
+ else if (iRequests.Count() <= iMaxNumLocationRequests)
+ {
+ // Add new request to iRequests. Note, only allocate up to
+ // iMaxNumLocationRequests slots and leave at least one free for use for emergency
+ err = iRequests.Append(aRequest);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Exceeded the max number of requests, reject it!
+ "CAgpsInterfaceHandler::AddOrUpdateRequest: Can't add new request, active requests (%d), limit (%d)",
+ iRequests.Count(),
+ iMaxNumLocationRequests);
+ return KErrInUse;
+ }
+ return err;
+ }
+/** Remove a request from the buffer.
+@param aSessionId SessionId of the request to remove.
+void CAgpsInterfaceHandler::RemoveRequest(const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId)
+ {
+ TInt index = iRequests.Find(aSessionId, IsSessionIdEqual);
+ if (index >= 0)
+ {
+ iRequests.Remove(index);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LBSLOG_WARN2(ELogP3, "CAgpsInterfaceHandler::RemoveRequest: Failed to find match for sessionId %d.", aSessionId.SessionNum());
+ }
+ }
+/** Search to find if any requests' state matches the given state.
+@param aState Request state to compare to.
+@return ETrue if any state has a matching state. EFalse otherwise.
+TBool CAgpsInterfaceHandler::IsAnyRequestState(
+ TAgpsRequestState aState)
+ {
+ TInt index = iRequests.Find(aState, IsRequestStateEqual);
+ return (index >= 0);
+ }
+/** Convert a TLbsNetPosRequestMethodInt into a TGpsRequestMode enum.
+TGpsRequestMode CAgpsInterfaceHandler::ConvertPosMethodToGpsRequestMode(
+ const TLbsNetPosRequestMethodInt& aPosMethod)
+ {
+ TGpsRequestMode gpsMode(EGpsRequestModeUnknown);
+ const TInt count = aPosMethod.NumPosMethods();
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ TLbsNetPosMethodInt method;
+ aPosMethod.GetPosMethod(i, method);
+ switch (method.PosMode())
+ {
+ case KAutonomousMode:
+ {
+ if (gpsMode == EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted)
+ {
+ gpsMode = EGpsRequestModeHybrid;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gpsMode = EGpsRequestModeAutonomous;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case KTerminalBasedMode:
+ {
+ if (gpsMode == EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted)
+ {
+ gpsMode = EGpsRequestModeHybrid;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gpsMode = EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case KTerminalAssistedMode:
+ {
+ if (gpsMode == EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased
+ || gpsMode == EGpsRequestModeAutonomous)
+ {
+ gpsMode = EGpsRequestModeHybrid;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gpsMode = EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return gpsMode;
+ }
+/** Convert a TGpsRequestMode enum into a TLbsNetPosRequestMethodInt.
+void CAgpsInterfaceHandler::ConvertGpsRequestModeToPosMethod(
+ TGpsRequestMode aMode,
+ TLbsNetPosRequestMethodInt& aPosMethod)
+ {
+ TLbsNetPosMethodInt methods[2];
+ switch (aMode)
+ {
+ case EGpsRequestModeAutonomous:
+ {
+ methods[0].SetPosMethod(KLbsPositioningMeansGpsInt, KAutonomousMode);
+ aPosMethod.SetPosMethods(methods, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased:
+ {
+ methods[0].SetPosMethod(KLbsPositioningMeansGpsInt, KTerminalBasedMode);
+ aPosMethod.SetPosMethods(methods, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted:
+ {
+ methods[0].SetPosMethod(KLbsPositioningMeansGpsInt, KTerminalAssistedMode);
+ aPosMethod.SetPosMethods(methods, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EGpsRequestModeHybrid:
+ {
+ methods[0].SetPosMethod(KLbsPositioningMeansGpsInt, KTerminalBasedMode);
+ methods[1].SetPosMethod(KLbsPositioningMeansGpsInt, KTerminalAssistedMode);
+ aPosMethod.SetPosMethods(methods, 2);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EGpsRequestModeUnknown:
+ default:
+ {
+ GetDefaultPosMethod(aPosMethod);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/** Calculate the new combined GPS mode when a new request is added.
+The new combined GPS mode depends on a combination of:
+1) The GPS mode(s) the module supports.
+2) The current combined GPS mode.
+3) The GPS mode of the new request.
+@param aCurrentPosMethod [In] The GPS mode of the current combined request.
+@param aNewRequestPosMethod [In] The GPS mode of the new request.
+@param aCurrentPosMethod [Out] The GPS mode of the newly combined requests.
+@return KErrNone if the GPS mode was combined successfully, KErrNotSupported
+ if the GPS mode of the new request is not supported by the GPS module,
+ KErrInUse if the new request GPS mode clashes with the current combined
+ request GPS mode, e.g. if the module supports either TA or TB, but not
+ both and the new request is TB but the current request is TA.
+TInt CAgpsInterfaceHandler::CalculateNewCombinedRequestMethod(
+ TGpsRequestMode aCurrentGpsMode,
+ TGpsRequestMode aNewRequestGpsMode,
+ TGpsRequestMode& aCombinedGpsMode,
+ TBool aEmergency)
+ {
+ // Table entry
+ struct TGpsModeTableEntry
+ {
+ TGpsRequestMode iCurrentGpsMode;
+ TGpsRequestMode iNewRequestGpsMode;
+ TGpsRequestMode iCombinedGpsMode;
+ TInt iErrorCode;
+ };
+ // Each of the tables below are taken directly from the
+ // NRH design document. If any of them are changed (e.g.
+ // for a defect fix), the table in the design doc should
+ // also be updated to match.
+ // Module supports Terminal-Based only.
+ static const TGpsModeTableEntry KGpsModeCombinationTableTB[] =
+ {
+ // Current request mode // New request mode // Newly combined request mode // Error
+ {EGpsRequestModeUnknown, EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeUnknown, EGpsRequestModeHybrid, EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeUnknown, EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted,EGpsRequestModeUnknown, KErrNotSupported},
+ {EGpsRequestModeUnknown, EGpsRequestModeAutonomous, EGpsRequestModeAutonomous, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeAutonomous, EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeAutonomous, EGpsRequestModeHybrid, EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeAutonomous, EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted,EGpsRequestModeUnknown, KErrNotSupported},
+ {EGpsRequestModeAutonomous, EGpsRequestModeAutonomous, EGpsRequestModeAutonomous, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, EGpsRequestModeHybrid, EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted,EGpsRequestModeUnknown, KErrNotSupported},
+ {EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, EGpsRequestModeAutonomous, EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, KErrNone}
+ };
+ static const TInt KGpsModeCombinationTableTBCount(sizeof(KGpsModeCombinationTableTB)
+ / sizeof(TGpsModeTableEntry));
+ // Module supports Terminal-Assisted only.
+ static const TGpsModeTableEntry KGpsModeCombinationTableTA[] =
+ {
+ {EGpsRequestModeUnknown, EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, EGpsRequestModeUnknown, KErrNotSupported},
+ {EGpsRequestModeUnknown, EGpsRequestModeHybrid, EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted,KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeUnknown, EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted,EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted,KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeUnknown, EGpsRequestModeAutonomous, EGpsRequestModeUnknown, KErrNotSupported},
+ {EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted, EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, EGpsRequestModeUnknown, KErrNotSupported},
+ {EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted, EGpsRequestModeHybrid, EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted,KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted, EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted,EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted,KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted, EGpsRequestModeAutonomous, EGpsRequestModeUnknown, KErrNotSupported}
+ };
+ static const TInt KGpsModeCombinationTableTACount(sizeof(KGpsModeCombinationTableTA)
+ / sizeof(TGpsModeTableEntry));
+ // Module supports either Terminal-Assisted or Terminal-Based (but not both at the same time).
+ static const TGpsModeTableEntry KGpsModeCombinationTableTBOrTA[] =
+ {
+ {EGpsRequestModeUnknown, EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeUnknown, EGpsRequestModeHybrid, EGpsSpecialTreatmentForHybrid, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeUnknown, EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted,EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted,KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeUnknown, EGpsRequestModeAutonomous, EGpsRequestModeAutonomous, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeAutonomous, EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeAutonomous, EGpsRequestModeHybrid, EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeAutonomous, EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted,EGpsRequestModeUnknown, KErrInUse},
+ {EGpsRequestModeAutonomous, EGpsRequestModeAutonomous, EGpsRequestModeAutonomous, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, EGpsRequestModeHybrid, EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted,EGpsRequestModeUnknown, KErrInUse},
+ {EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, EGpsRequestModeAutonomous, EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted, EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, EGpsRequestModeUnknown, KErrInUse},
+ {EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted, EGpsRequestModeHybrid, EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted,KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted, EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted,EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted,KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted, EGpsRequestModeAutonomous, EGpsRequestModeUnknown, KErrInUse}
+ };
+ static const TInt KGpsModeCombinationTableTBOrTACount(sizeof(KGpsModeCombinationTableTBOrTA)
+ / sizeof(TGpsModeTableEntry));
+ // Module supports Terminal-Assisted and Terminal-Base simultaneously.
+ static const TGpsModeTableEntry KGpsModeCombinationTableTBAndTA[] =
+ {
+ {EGpsRequestModeUnknown, EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeUnknown, EGpsRequestModeHybrid, EGpsRequestModeHybrid, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeUnknown, EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted,EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted,KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeUnknown, EGpsRequestModeAutonomous, EGpsRequestModeAutonomous, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeAutonomous, EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeAutonomous, EGpsRequestModeHybrid, EGpsRequestModeHybrid, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeAutonomous, EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted,EGpsRequestModeHybrid, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeAutonomous, EGpsRequestModeAutonomous, EGpsRequestModeAutonomous, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, EGpsRequestModeHybrid, EGpsRequestModeHybrid, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted,EGpsRequestModeHybrid, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, EGpsRequestModeAutonomous, EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted, EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, EGpsRequestModeHybrid, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted, EGpsRequestModeHybrid, EGpsRequestModeHybrid, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted, EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted,EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted,KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted, EGpsRequestModeAutonomous, EGpsRequestModeHybrid, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeHybrid, EGpsRequestModeTerminalBased, EGpsRequestModeHybrid, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeHybrid, EGpsRequestModeHybrid, EGpsRequestModeHybrid, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeHybrid, EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted,EGpsRequestModeHybrid, KErrNone},
+ {EGpsRequestModeHybrid, EGpsRequestModeAutonomous, EGpsRequestModeHybrid, KErrNone}
+ };
+ static const TInt KGpsModeCombinationTableTBAndTACount(sizeof(KGpsModeCombinationTableTBAndTA)
+ / sizeof(TGpsModeTableEntry));
+ // Decide which table to use
+ const TGpsModeTableEntry* modeTable(NULL);
+ TInt modeEntryCount(0);
+ switch (iDeviceGpsModeCaps)
+ {
+ case TPositionModuleInfoExtended::EDeviceGpsModeTerminalBased:
+ {
+ modeTable = KGpsModeCombinationTableTB;
+ modeEntryCount = KGpsModeCombinationTableTBCount;
+ break;
+ }
+ case TPositionModuleInfoExtended::EDeviceGpsModeTerminalAssisted:
+ {
+ modeTable = KGpsModeCombinationTableTA;
+ modeEntryCount = KGpsModeCombinationTableTACount;
+ break;
+ }
+ case (TPositionModuleInfoExtended::EDeviceGpsModeTerminalBased
+ | TPositionModuleInfoExtended::EDeviceGpsModeTerminalAssisted):
+ {
+ modeTable = KGpsModeCombinationTableTBOrTA;
+ modeEntryCount = KGpsModeCombinationTableTBOrTACount;
+ break;
+ }
+ case TPositionModuleInfoExtended::EDeviceGpsModeSimultaneousTATB:
+ {
+ modeTable = KGpsModeCombinationTableTBAndTA;
+ modeEntryCount = KGpsModeCombinationTableTBAndTACount;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Search the table to find a matching entry and get the new combined mode
+ aCombinedGpsMode = EGpsRequestModeUnknown;
+ TInt combinedReason(KErrNotSupported);
+ if (modeTable)
+ {
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < modeEntryCount; i++)
+ {
+ if (modeTable->iCurrentGpsMode == aCurrentGpsMode
+ && modeTable->iNewRequestGpsMode == aNewRequestGpsMode)
+ {
+ aCombinedGpsMode = modeTable->iCombinedGpsMode;
+ combinedReason = modeTable->iErrorCode;
+ break;
+ }
+ modeTable++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (aEmergency && (combinedReason == KErrInUse))
+ {
+ combinedReason = KErrNone;
+ aCombinedGpsMode = aNewRequestGpsMode;
+ }
+ else if (combinedReason == KErrNone && aCombinedGpsMode == EGpsSpecialTreatmentForHybrid)
+ {
+ TLbsNetPosRequestMethodInt posMethod;
+ GetPosSpecialTeatmentForHybrid(posMethod);
+ aCombinedGpsMode = ConvertPosMethodToGpsRequestMode(posMethod);
+ }
+ else if (combinedReason == KErrNone && aCombinedGpsMode == EGpsRequestModeUnknown)
+ {
+ // If the new combined mode is not set but there was no error,
+ // it means we should use the default mode from the admin settings.
+ TLbsNetPosRequestMethodInt posMethod;
+ GetDefaultPosMethod(posMethod);
+ aCombinedGpsMode = ConvertPosMethodToGpsRequestMode(posMethod);
+ }
+ return combinedReason;
+ }
+/** Get GPS positioning mode based on admin settings for the case
+ * when the capabiliies are TA or TB but a hybrid request has arrived.
+@param aPosMethod The default positioning method is written in to this parameter.
+@return KErrNone usually, but one of the standard Symbian OS error codes if there
+ was an error obtaining the positioning method.
+void CAgpsInterfaceHandler::GetPosSpecialTeatmentForHybrid(TLbsNetPosRequestMethodInt& aPosMethod)
+ {
+ // Get the current network registration status.
+ RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus::TLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus status;
+ TLbsAdminSetting setting;
+ TInt err = iNetRegStatus.GetNetworkRegistrationStatus(status);
+ if (KErrNone != err)
+ {
+ "CAgpsInterfaceHandler::GetDefaultPosMethod: Failed to read network registration status, using RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus::ENetworkRegistrationUnknown");
+ status = RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus::ENetworkRegistrationUnknown;
+ }
+ switch (status)
+ {
+ case RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus::ERegisteredHomeNetwork:
+ {
+ setting = KLbsSettingHomeGpsMode;
+ break;
+ }
+ case RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus::ERegisteredRoamingNetwork:
+ case RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus::ENotRegistered:
+ case RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus::ENetworkRegistrationUnknown:
+ default:
+ {
+ setting = KLbsSettingRoamingGpsMode;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Get the default mode from admin settings.
+ CLbsAdmin::TGpsMode gpsMode;
+ err = iAdmin.Get(setting, gpsMode);
+ if (KErrNone != err)
+ {
+ "CAgpsInterfaceHandler::GetDefaultPosMethod: Failed to read admin setting: 0x%x, using CLbsAdmin::EGpsModeUnknown",
+ setting);
+ gpsMode = CLbsAdmin::EGpsModeUnknown;
+ }
+ switch (gpsMode)
+ {
+ case CLbsAdmin::EGpsAutonomous:
+ case CLbsAdmin::EGpsPreferTerminalBased:
+ case CLbsAdmin::EGpsAlwaysTerminalBased:
+ {
+ TLbsNetPosMethodInt methodTB;
+ methodTB.SetPosMethod(KLbsPositioningMeansGps, KTerminalBasedMode);
+ aPosMethod.SetPosMethods(&methodTB, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ case CLbsAdmin::EGpsPreferTerminalAssisted:
+ case CLbsAdmin::EGpsAlwaysTerminalAssisted:
+ {
+ TLbsNetPosMethodInt methodTA;
+ methodTA.SetPosMethod(KLbsPositioningMeansGps, KTerminalAssistedMode);
+ aPosMethod.SetPosMethods(&methodTA, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ // Default to terminal based mode.
+ TLbsNetPosMethodInt methodTB;
+ methodTB.SetPosMethod(KLbsPositioningMeansGps, KTerminalBasedMode);
+ aPosMethod.SetPosMethods(&methodTB, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/** Get the default GPS positioning mode, based on admin settings, etc.
+@param aPosMethod The default positioning method is written in to this parameter.
+@return KErrNone usually, but one of the standard Symbian OS error codes if there
+ was an error obtaining the default positioning method.
+void CAgpsInterfaceHandler::GetDefaultPosMethod(TLbsNetPosRequestMethodInt& aPosMethod)
+ {
+ // Get the current network registration status.
+ RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus::TLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus status;
+ TLbsAdminSetting setting;
+ TInt err = iNetRegStatus.GetNetworkRegistrationStatus(status);
+ if (KErrNone != err)
+ {
+ "CAgpsInterfaceHandler::GetDefaultPosMethod: Failed to read network registration status, using RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus::ENetworkRegistrationUnknown");
+ status = RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus::ENetworkRegistrationUnknown;
+ }
+ switch (status)
+ {
+ case RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus::ERegisteredHomeNetwork:
+ {
+ setting = KLbsSettingHomeGpsMode;
+ break;
+ }
+ case RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus::ERegisteredRoamingNetwork:
+ case RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus::ENotRegistered:
+ case RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus::ENetworkRegistrationUnknown:
+ default:
+ {
+ setting = KLbsSettingRoamingGpsMode;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Get the default mode from admin settings.
+ CLbsAdmin::TGpsMode gpsMode;
+ err = iAdmin.Get(setting, gpsMode);
+ if (KErrNone != err)
+ {
+ "CAgpsInterfaceHandler::GetDefaultPosMethod: Failed to read admin setting: 0x%x, using CLbsAdmin::EGpsModeUnknown",
+ setting);
+ gpsMode = CLbsAdmin::EGpsModeUnknown;
+ }
+ switch (gpsMode)
+ {
+ case CLbsAdmin::EGpsPreferTerminalBased:
+ case CLbsAdmin::EGpsAlwaysTerminalBased:
+ {
+ TLbsNetPosMethodInt methodTB;
+ methodTB.SetPosMethod(KLbsPositioningMeansGpsInt, KTerminalBasedMode);
+ aPosMethod.SetPosMethods(&methodTB, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ case CLbsAdmin::EGpsPreferTerminalAssisted:
+ case CLbsAdmin::EGpsAlwaysTerminalAssisted:
+ {
+ TLbsNetPosMethodInt methodTA;
+ methodTA.SetPosMethod(KLbsPositioningMeansGpsInt, KTerminalAssistedMode);
+ aPosMethod.SetPosMethods(&methodTA, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ case CLbsAdmin::EGpsAutonomous:
+ {
+ TLbsNetPosMethodInt methodA;
+ methodA.SetPosMethod(KLbsPositioningMeansGpsInt, KAutonomousMode);
+ aPosMethod.SetPosMethods(&methodA, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ // Default to terminal based mode.
+ TLbsNetPosMethodInt methodTB;
+ methodTB.SetPosMethod(KLbsPositioningMeansGpsInt, KTerminalBasedMode);
+ aPosMethod.SetPosMethods(&methodTB, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }