--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/networkprotocolmodules/networkprotocolmodule/LbsProtocolModule/src/cnetlocstatemachine.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:50:39 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// This file provides the implementation of the class for
+// the NETLOC protocol state machine.
+ @file
+ @internalTechnology
+ @released
+#include "cnetlocstatemachine.h"
+#include "cnetlocstatehandler.h"
+#include "lbsdevloggermacros.h"
+/** KNetLocReqIssuedTimerEvent
+Identity of timer for when Network Based Location request issued to network
+const TInt KNetLocReqIssuedTimerEvent = 0x800;
+/** KNetLocReqIssuedTimerDurationInSec
+Timer duration for when Network Based Location request issued to network
+const TInt KNetLocReqIssuedTimerDurationInSec = 20;
+/** KLocRespTimerEvent
+Identity of timer for when location response expected by network
+const TInt KLocRespTimerEvent = 0x900;
+/** KLocRespTimerDurationInSec
+Timer duration for when location response expected by network
+const TInt KLocRespTimerDurationInSec = 64;
+/** KMaxQueueEntry
+Maximum entries in this state machine request queue.
+const TInt KMaxQueueEntry = 5;
+/** Static constructor.
+@param aObserver Reference to state machine observer.
+@return A new instance of the CNetLocStateMachine class
+CNetLocStateMachine* CNetLocStateMachine::NewL(MStateMachineObserver& aObserver)
+ {
+ CNetLocStateMachine* self = new (ELeave) CNetLocStateMachine(aObserver);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+/** Standard constructor.
+@param aObserver Reference to state machine observer.
+CNetLocStateMachine::CNetLocStateMachine(MStateMachineObserver& aObserver)
+: CStateMachineBase(aObserver)
+ {
+ iLocReqType = MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::EServiceNetworkLocation;
+ }
+/** Standard destructor.
+ {
+ delete iLocRespTimer;
+ delete iNetLocReqIssuedTimer;
+ }
+/** Private second-stage constructor.
+void CNetLocStateMachine::ConstructL()
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+ // Create state handler
+ iStateHandler = CNetLocStateHandler::NewL(*this);
+ // Create timers used during Network Based Location protocol procedure
+ iNetLocReqIssuedTimer = CLbsCallbackTimer::NewL(*this);
+ iLocRespTimer = CLbsCallbackTimer::NewL(*this);
+ iAssistDataTimer = CLbsCallbackTimer::NewL(*this);
+ // Create request queue
+ iQueue = CStateQueue::NewL(KMaxQueueEntry);
+ }
+/** Retrieve current Network Based Location state
+@return TNetLocState Current Network Based Location state
+CNetLocStateMachine::TNetLocState CNetLocStateMachine::CurrentState()
+ {
+ return iCurrentState;
+ }
+/** Start Network Based Location request timer
+The state handler calls this when it has issued an Network Based Location request
+to the network and it requires a response before the timer expires.
+void CNetLocStateMachine::StartNetLocReqTimer()
+ {
+ if(iNetLocReqIssuedTimer->IsActive())
+ {
+ iNetLocReqIssuedTimer->Cancel();
+ }
+ iNetLocReqIssuedTimer->EventAfter(TTimeIntervalSeconds(KNetLocReqIssuedTimerDurationInSec), KNetLocReqIssuedTimerEvent);
+ }
+/** Start location response timer
+The state handler calls this when it has sent a location request
+to the client and requires a response before the timer expires.
+void CNetLocStateMachine::StartLocRespTimer()
+ {
+ if(iLocRespTimer->IsActive())
+ {
+ iLocRespTimer->Cancel();
+ }
+ iLocRespTimer->EventAfter(TTimeIntervalSeconds(KLocRespTimerDurationInSec), KLocRespTimerEvent);
+ }
+/** Initialise internal state attributes.
+This is used when new Network Based Location procedure commences.
+void CNetLocStateMachine::InitialiseProcedure()
+ {
+ // Initialise state machine
+ InitialiseMachineBase();
+ ASSERT(iStateHandler != NULL);
+ iStateHandler->Initialise();
+ }
+/** Prepare state transition.
+void CNetLocStateMachine::PreStateTransition()
+ {
+ }
+/** State transition.
+This method determines the next state to be adopted by the state machine.
+void CNetLocStateMachine::StateTransition()
+ {
+ if (CancelPending())
+ {
+ LBSLOG(ELogP2, "CNetLocStateMachine::StateTransition() ---> EStateCancelling \n");
+ SetMachineAsCancelling();
+ iCurrentState = EStateCancelling;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Set new state
+ switch (iCurrentState)
+ {
+ case EStateNull:
+ LBSLOG(ELogP2, "CNetLocStateMachine: EStateNull ---> EStateClientReqRecvd\n");
+ iCurrentState = EStateClientReqRecvd;
+ break;
+ case EStateClientReqRecvd:
+ LBSLOG(ELogP2, "CNetLocStateMachine: ---> EStateNetSessStarted\n");
+ iCurrentState = EStateNetSessStarted;
+ break;
+ case EStateNetSessStarted:
+ LBSLOG(ELogP2, "CNetLocStateMachine: EStateNetSessStarted ---> EStateMeasureDataRecvd\n");
+ iCurrentState = EStateMeasureDataRecvd;
+ break;
+ case EStateMeasureDataRecvd:
+ LBSLOG(ELogP2, "CNetLocStateMachine: EStateMeasureDataRecvd ---> EStateNetBasedLocSent\n");
+ iCurrentState = EStateNetBasedLocSent;
+ break;
+ case EStateNetBasedLocSent:
+ LBSLOG(ELogP2, "CNetLocStateMachine: EStateNetBasedLocSent ---> EStateLocReqByNet\n");
+ iIsMeasureControlHandled = ETrue;
+ iCurrentState = EStateLocReqByNet;
+ break;
+ case EStateLocReqByNet:
+ LBSLOG(ELogP2, "CNetLocStateMachine: EStateLocReqByNet ---> EStateLocRespRecvd\n");
+ iCurrentState = EStateLocRespRecvd;
+ break;
+ case EStateLocRespRecvd:
+ LBSLOG(ELogP2, "CNetLocStateMachine: EStateLocRespRecvd ---> EStateLocSentToNet\n");
+ iCurrentState = EStateLocSentToNet;
+ break;
+ case EStateLocSentToNet:
+ LBSLOG(ELogP2, "CNetLocStateMachine: EStateLocSentToNet ---> EStateNetSessToClose\n");
+ iCurrentState = EStateNetSessToClose;
+ break;
+ case EStateNetSessToClose:
+ LBSLOG(ELogP2, "CNetLocStateMachine: EStateNetSessToClose ---> EStateClientSessToClose\n");
+ iCurrentState = EStateClientSessToClose;
+ break;
+ case EStateClientSessToClose:
+ LBSLOG(ELogP2, "CNetLocStateMachine: EStateClientSessToClose ---> EStateSessionsClosed\n");
+ iCurrentState = EStateSessionsClosed;
+ break;
+ case EStateSessionsClosed:
+ LBSLOG(ELogP2, "CNetLocStateMachine: EStateSessionsClosed --> Procedure has completed\n");
+ // Procedure has completed
+ CompleteProcedure();
+ break;
+ case EStateCancelling:
+ LBSLOG(ELogP2, "CNetLocStateMachine: EStateCancelling ---> EStateNetSessToClose\n");
+ iCurrentState = EStateNetSessToClose;
+ break;
+ default:
+ User::Panic(KProtocolModulePanic, EProtocolModuleNetLocState);
+ break;
+ };
+ }
+ }
+/** Complete the procedure.
+void CNetLocStateMachine::CompleteProcedure()
+ {
+ LBSLOG(ELogP2, "CNetLocStateMachine::CompleteProcedure\n");
+ iCurrentState = EStateNull;
+ // Complete state machine
+ CompleteMachineBase();
+ }
+/** Complete a state transition.
+This is called by the base class when a state transition has
+concluded and it provides an opportunity for the state machine
+to perform actions required immediately after this transition.
+The method can also initiate a further change of state. This is
+relevant when the state machine is required to perform an autonomous
+transition from one state to another e.g. this occurs when several
+interactions are required arising from a single external trigger.
+void CNetLocStateMachine::PostStateTransition()
+ {
+ // Some states are transitory i.e. they require
+ // an automatic transition to the next state
+ if ( CancelPending() ||
+ (EStateClientReqRecvd == iCurrentState) ||
+ (EStateMeasureDataRecvd == iCurrentState) ||
+ (EStateNetBasedLocSent == iCurrentState) ||
+ (EStateLocRespRecvd == iCurrentState) ||
+ (EStateLocSentToNet == iCurrentState) ||
+ (EStateNetSessToClose == iCurrentState) ||
+ (EStateClientSessToClose == iCurrentState) ||
+ (EStateSessionsClosed == iCurrentState) ||
+ (EStateCancelling == iCurrentState)
+ )
+ {
+ // Perform a state transition
+ PerformStateTransition();
+ }
+ }
+/** Do actions required for a queued request.
+This currently only initiates another state change but it
+has the scope for further actions to be carried out according
+to the nature of a queued request.
+void CNetLocStateMachine::DoQueuedRequest(TInt aRequest)
+ {
+ LBSLOG(ELogP2, "CNetLocStateMachine::DoQueuedRequest\n");
+ switch (aRequest)
+ {
+ case EQueueLocResponse:
+ case EQueueMeasurementControl:
+ case EQueueNetworkResult:
+ // Perform a state transition
+ PerformStateTransition();
+ break;
+ default:
+ User::Panic(KProtocolModulePanic, EProtocolModuleQueueRequestId);
+ break;
+ };
+ }
+/** Cancel the active procedure
+void CNetLocStateMachine::CancelProcedure()
+ {
+ LBSLOG(ELogP2, "CNetLocStateMachine::CancelProcedure()\n");
+ // Kill all timers
+ iNetLocReqIssuedTimer->Cancel();
+ iLocRespTimer->Cancel();
+ iAssistDataTimer->Cancel();
+ }
+/** Timer expired callback.
+This is called by a CStateTimer object when the timer
+has expired - the event is identified by aEvent parameter.
+@param aTimerId The timer event identifier.
+void CNetLocStateMachine::OnTimerEventL(TInt aTimerId)
+ {
+ // Perform relevant action for the expired timer
+ switch (aTimerId)
+ {
+ // Network Based Location request timer
+ case KNetLocReqIssuedTimerEvent:
+ LBSLOG(ELogP2, "CNetLocStateMachine::OnTimerEventL(KNetLocReqIssuedTimerEvent)\n");
+ // Inform protocol manager
+ Observer().MeasurementControlTimeout();
+ break;
+ // Additional assistance data timer
+ case KAssistDataTimerEvent:
+ LBSLOG(ELogP2, "CNetLocStateMachine::OnTimerEventL(KAssistDataTimerEvent)\n");
+ // Ensure assistance data action is performed upon cancellation
+ iAssistanceDataActionRequired = ETrue;
+ iLocRespReason = KErrTimedOut;
+ // Inform protocol manager
+ Observer().MeasurementControlTimeout();
+ break;
+ // Location response timer
+ case KLocRespTimerEvent:
+ LBSLOG(ELogP2, "CNetLocStateMachine::OnTimerEventL(KLocRespTimerEvent)\n");
+ iLocRespReason = KErrTimedOut;
+ CancelMachine(ECancelClientTimeout);
+ break;
+ // Ignore unknown timer events
+ default:
+ break;
+ };
+ }
+/** Timer callback error handler.
+This is called if the timer expiry callback leaves.
+@see CNetLocStateMachine::OnTimerEventL()
+@param aTimerId The timer event identifier.
+@param aError Error value.
+TInt CNetLocStateMachine::OnTimerError(TInt /*aTimerId*/, TInt aError)
+ {
+ LBSLOG(ELogP2, "CNetLocStateMachine::OnTimerError()\n");
+ return aError;
+ }
+/** Handle Measurement Control timeout
+void CNetLocStateMachine::MeasurementControlTimeout()
+ {
+ LBSLOG(ELogP2, "CNetLocStateMachine::MeasurementControlTimeout()\n");
+ // Cancel procedure
+ CancelMachine(ECancelNetworkTimeout, KErrTimedOut);
+ }
+/** Handle LBS request for Network Based Location
+@param aSessionId Session ID provided by LBS
+void CNetLocStateMachine::NetLocReq(const TLbsNetSessionId& aSessionId)
+ {
+ LBSLOG2(ELogP2, "CNetLocStateMachine::NetLocReq() SessionId %d\n", aSessionId.SessionNum());
+ // Store the supplied ID information
+ SessionId(aSessionId);
+ // Initialise the new procedure
+ InitialiseProcedure();
+ // Perform a state transition
+ PerformStateTransition();
+ }
+/** Queue an LBS request for Network Based Location
+@param aSessionId Session ID provided by LBS
+void CNetLocStateMachine::QueueNetLocReq(const TLbsNetSessionId& aSessionId)
+ {
+ LBSLOG(ELogP2, "CNetLocStateMachine::QueueNetLocReq()\n");
+ QueueSessionId(aSessionId);
+ CStateMachineBase::SetMachineAsQueued();
+ }
+/** Start a previously queued state machine.
+void CNetLocStateMachine::StartQueuedMachine()
+ {
+ LBSLOG(ELogP2, "CNetLocStateMachine::StartQueuedMachine()\n");
+ NetLocReq(iQueueSessionId);
+ }
+/** Handle LBS Location response
+@param aReason Location response error reason.
+@param aPosInfo The location information response from LBS.
+void CNetLocStateMachine::LocationResp(TInt aReason, const TPositionInfoBase& aPosInfo)
+ {
+ LBSLOG(ELogP2, "CNetLocStateMachine::LocationResp()\n");
+ // Store location response data
+ StoreLocationResp(aReason, aPosInfo);
+ // Kill the timer related to location response expected by network
+ iLocRespTimer->Cancel();
+ // Is the state machine inactive?
+ if (!IsActive())
+ {
+ // Perform a state transition
+ PerformStateTransition();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Queue the request
+ iQueue->AddRequest(EQueueLocResponse);
+ }
+ }
+/** Handle Network Measurement Control indication.
+A measurement control indication has been received from the network.
+Note: At this stage the assistance data has already been stored by the
+protocol manager and is thus not passed into this method.
+@param aPosInfo Reference location information provided in the measurement control
+@param aQuality Location request quality specified in the measuerment control
+void CNetLocStateMachine::MeasurementControlInd(const TPositionInfoBase& aPosInfo,
+ const TLbsNetPosRequestQuality& aQuality, const TLbsNetPosRequestMethod& aPosMethod)
+ {
+ LBSLOG(ELogP2, "CNetLocStateMachine::MeasurementControlInd()\n");
+ // Kill timer related to the Network Based Location request
+ iNetLocReqIssuedTimer->Cancel();
+ // Perform base class actions
+ CStateMachineBase::MeasurementControlInd(aPosInfo, aQuality, aPosMethod);
+ // Is the state machine inactive?
+ if (!IsActive())
+ {
+ // Perform a state transition
+ PerformStateTransition();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Queue the request
+ iQueue->AddRequest(EQueueMeasurementControl);
+ }
+ }
+/** Handle Network Measurement Control Error indication
+This is called by the protocol manager durinq an active NETLOC when
+a measurement control error is received from the network.
+void CNetLocStateMachine::MeasurementControlErrorInd(TInt aReason)
+ {
+ LBSLOG(ELogP2, "CNetLocStateMachine::MeasurementControlErrorInd()\n");
+ TBool cancelRequired = EFalse;
+ TBool assistActionRequired = ETrue;
+ // If there is no outstanding assistance data request then
+ // inhibit assistance data error responses.
+ if (!iAssistDataTimer->IsActive())
+ {
+ assistActionRequired = EFalse;
+ }
+ // If this is the first measurement control received
+ // Then we shall need to cancel the state machine
+ if (!IsLocReqReceived() || (KErrCancel == aReason))
+ {
+ // Kill timer related to the Network Based Location request
+ iNetLocReqIssuedTimer->Cancel();
+ cancelRequired = ETrue;
+ }
+ // Perform base class actions
+ CStateMachineBase::HandleMeasureControlError(cancelRequired, aReason);
+ // Ensure assistance data action only happens if necessary
+ iAssistanceDataActionRequired = assistActionRequired;
+ }
+/** Handle a network error indication.
+void CNetLocStateMachine::NetworkErrorInd()
+ {
+ LBSLOG(ELogP2, "CNetLocStateMachine::NetworkErrorInd()\n");
+ // Do we need to report assistance data errors?
+ if (!IsLocReqReceived())
+ {
+ iAssistanceDataActionRequired = ETrue;
+ }
+ // Perform base class actions
+ CStateMachineBase::NetworkErrorInd();
+ }