changeset 0 9cfd9a3ee49c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/networkprotocolmodules/suplprotocolmodule/SuplProtocol/src/suplconflictmanager.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:50:39 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// This file provides the implementation of the class that manages
+// conflict control of SUPL Protocol Module.
+ @file
+ @internalTechnology
+ @deprecated
+#include <centralrepository.h>
+#include "suplconflictmanager.h"
+#include "supldevloggermacros.h"
+/** Static constructor.
+@return A new instance of the CSuplConflictManager class
+CSuplConflictManager* CSuplConflictManager::NewL()
+	{
+	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplConflictManager::NewL() Begin\n");
+	CSuplConflictManager* self = new (ELeave) CSuplConflictManager();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplConflictManager::NewL() End\n");
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;
+	}
+/** Standard constructor.
+	{
+	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplConflictManager::CSuplConflictManager() Begin\n");
+	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplConflictManager::CSuplConflictManager() End\n");
+	}
+/** Standard destructor.
+	{
+	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplConflictManager::~CSuplConflictManager() Begin\n");
+	iDecisionTable.Close();
+	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplConflictManager::~CSuplConflictManager() End\n");
+	}
+/** Private second-stage constructor.
+void CSuplConflictManager::ConstructL()
+	{
+	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplConflictManager::ConstructL() Begin\n");
+	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplConflictManager::ConstructL() End\n");
+	}
+/** Get conflict decision.
+Generates a conflict decision based on the nature of a current operation,
+and the nature of a new operation.
+The conflict rules are as follow:
+- Only procedure, either MO-LR or MT-LR is allowed to be active at a time.
+- A new SUPL INIT is ignored and discarded if either MO-LR or MT-LR are in progress.
+- SelfLocateRequest when MT-LR is in progress terminates MT-LR and starts MO-LR.
+- SelfLocateRequest(sessId2) when MO-LR (sessId1) is in progress, the second request is rejected
+@param aActiveServiceMask Services currently in progress in the Protocol Module (MoLr, MtLr,...)
+@param aNewOperation The new service for which a decision is required
+@param aNewOperationOptions Options about aNewOperation that affect the conflict decision (mode, new client,...)
+@param aIsAssistanceDataNeeded Boolean that is 'true' when the new service needs assistance data from the network.
+@return TConflictDecision The conflict decision:
+	EConflictNone				- This implies there is no current operation
+								  and the new operation is simply started
+	EConflictRejectNew			- The new operation is rejected and any
+								  current operation proceeds unaffected
+	EConflictCancelCurrent		- The current operation is cancelled and
+								  the new operation is started
+	EConflictAdoptNewSessionId	- The current self location operation proceeds
+								  but it adopts the session Id of the new operation.
+CSuplConflictManager::TConflictResult CSuplConflictManager::ConflictDecision(const MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::TLbsNetProtocolServiceMask& aActiveServiceMask,
+									 const MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::TLbsNetProtocolService& aNewOperation,
+									 const TLbsNetPosRequestOptionsBase& /*aNewOperationOptions*/) const
+	{
+	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplConflictManager::ConflictDecision() Begin\n");
+	TConflictResult result = EConflictNone;
+	switch (aNewOperation)
+		{
+		case MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::EServiceMobileTerminated:
+			// reject new MTLR request if any other procedure is in progress
+			if (MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::EServiceNone != aActiveServiceMask)
+				result =  EConflictRejectNew;
+			break;
+		case MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::EServiceNetworkLocation:
+		case MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::EServiceSelfLocation:
+			if (aNewOperation & aActiveServiceMask)
+				{
+				// Reject the new session.
+				result = EConflictRejectNew;
+				}
+				else if (MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::EServiceMobileTerminated & aActiveServiceMask)
+				{
+				// terminate the MTLR before starting the new procedure
+				result = EConflictCancelCurrent;
+				}
+		}
+	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplConflictManager::ConflictDecision() End\n");
+	return result;
+	}