--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/networkprotocolmodules/suplprotocolmodule/SuplProtocol/src/suplstatehandlerbase.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:50:39 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// This file provides the implementation of the base class for
+// protocol states used in the SUPL Protocol Module.
+ @file
+ @internalTechnology
+ @deprecated
+#include "suplstatehandlerbase.h"
+#include "supldevloggermacros.h"
+#include "suplend.h"
+#include "suplgatewayinterface.h"
+/** Standard constructor.
+@param aMachine A reference to the parent state machine.
+CSuplStateHandlerBase::CSuplStateHandlerBase(CSuplFsmSessionBase& aMachine)
+: iMachine(aMachine)
+ {
+ SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplStateHandlerBase::CSuplStateHandlerBase() Begin\n");
+ SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplStateHandlerBase::CSuplStateHandlerBase() End\n");
+ }
+/** Standard destructor.
+ {
+ SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplStateHandlerBase::~CSuplStateHandlerBase() Begin\n");
+ SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplStateHandlerBase::~CSuplStateHandlerBase() End\n");
+ }
+Utility method to retrieve the location Id in from the store
+@param Pointer to the location Id. Caller owns the heap object created.
+TBool CSuplStateHandlerBase::BuildLocationIdL(CSuplLocationId*& aLocationId)
+ SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplStateHandlerBase::BuildLocationIdL() Begin\n");
+ TBool ret = EFalse;
+ CSuplLocationId* ptr = NULL;
+ // Location ID is constructed with network information
+ // stored by the state machine.
+ RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV1 networkInfo;
+ RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLocationAreaV1 locationArea;
+ if(iMachine.IsNetworkInfoAvailable())
+ {
+ iMachine.RetrieveStoredNetworkInfo(networkInfo, locationArea);
+ switch(networkInfo.iMode)
+ {
+ case RMobilePhone::ENetworkModeGsm:
+ {
+ RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCellInfoV9 cellInfo;
+ ptr = CSuplLocationId::NewL(ESuplLocationTypeGsm);
+ aLocationId = ptr;
+ TLex(networkInfo.iCountryCode).Val(aLocationId->iGsmCellInfo->iRefMCC);
+ TLex(networkInfo.iNetworkId).Val(aLocationId->iGsmCellInfo->iRefMNC);
+ aLocationId->iGsmCellInfo->iRefLAC = locationArea.iAreaKnown?locationArea.iLocationAreaCode:0;
+ aLocationId->iGsmCellInfo->iRefCI = locationArea.iCellId;
+ if(iMachine.RetrieveStoredCellInfo(cellInfo))
+ {
+ aLocationId->iGsmCellInfo->iTA = cellInfo.iTimingAdvance;
+ }
+ ret = ETrue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case RMobilePhone::ENetworkModeWcdma:
+ ptr = CSuplLocationId::NewL(ESuplLocationTypeWcdma);
+ aLocationId = ptr;
+ TLex(networkInfo.iCountryCode).Val(aLocationId->iWcdmaCellInfo->iRefMCC);
+ TLex(networkInfo.iNetworkId).Val(aLocationId->iWcdmaCellInfo->iRefMNC);
+ aLocationId->iWcdmaCellInfo->iRefUC = locationArea.iCellId;
+ ret = ETrue;
+ break;
+ default: // only GSM and WCDMA networks are supported
+ ret = EFalse;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(ptr != NULL)
+ {
+ RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCellInfoV9 cellInfo;
+ if(iMachine.RetrieveStoredCellInfo(cellInfo))
+ {
+ switch(cellInfo.iStatus)
+ {
+ case RMobilePhone::ECellInfoStatusNotCurrent:
+ ptr->iStatus = ESuplLocStatusStale;
+ break;
+ case RMobilePhone::ECellInfoStatusCurrent:
+ ptr->iStatus = ESuplLocStatusCurrent;
+ break;
+ default:
+ case RMobilePhone::ECellInfoStatusUnknown:
+ ptr->iStatus = ESuplLocStatusUnknown;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ptr->iStatus = ESuplLocStatusCurrent;
+ }
+ }
+ SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplStateHandlerBase::BuildLocationIdL() End\n");
+ return ret;
+/** Actions on entering state EStatePositioningInProgress
+Events conductive to (re)entering this state are a SUPL POS
+message received from the SLP or a request from the positioning
+state machine for sending a SUPL POS with a positining protocol
+TBool CSuplStateHandlerBase::EntryActionsFromPositioningInProgressStateL()
+ {
+ SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplStateHandlerBase::EntryActionsFromPositioningInProgressStateL() Begin\n");
+ TBool actionsTaken = EFalse;
+ // Check first if a positioning payload is available in the event
+ // store for sending out
+ const CSuplPosPayload* constPosPayload = iMachine.RetrievePosPayload();
+ CSuplPosPayload* posPayload = const_cast <CSuplPosPayload*> (constPosPayload);
+ if (posPayload)
+ {
+ ASSERT(iMachine.IsSessionConnected());
+ // Set payload in a SUPL POS
+ CSuplPos* suplPos = CSuplPos::NewLC(ETrue);
+ suplPos->SetPosPayload(posPayload);
+ CSuplSessionId* msgId = iMachine.MessageSessionId();
+ suplPos->SetSessionId(*msgId);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(suplPos);
+ // Ask the Connection Manager to send the SUPL POS message
+ iMachine.Observer().ConnectionManager().SendMessage(suplPos, iMachine.SessionId().SessionNum());
+ // If this was the last of the SUPL POS messages (positioning state machine
+ // has terminated), start the SUPL END timer.
+ if (iMachine.RetrievePositioningSessionEnded())
+ {
+ iMachine.StartSuplEndTimer();
+ }
+ actionsTaken = ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // There must be a SUPL POS in the event store
+ CSuplMessageBase* suplMessage = const_cast <CSuplMessageBase*> (iMachine.RetrieveSuplMessage());
+ ASSERT(suplMessage != NULL);
+ ASSERT(CSuplMessageBase::ESuplPos == suplMessage->MessageType());
+ if ((suplMessage != NULL) && (CSuplMessageBase::ESuplPos == suplMessage->MessageType()))
+ {
+ CSuplPos* suplPosMessage = static_cast <CSuplPos*>(suplMessage);
+ // make sure the session id matches the one received in earlier messages
+ CSuplSessionId *sessId = CSuplSessionId::NewLC();
+ suplPosMessage->GetSessionId(*sessId);
+ if (! ((*(iMachine.MessageSessionId())) == (*sessId)))
+ {
+ iMachine.CancelMachine(CSuplFsmSessionBase::ECancelSuplProt,CSuplFsmSessionBase::EReasonInvalidSessId);
+ // Store received session Id for sending later in SUPL END as per SUPL specification
+ CleanupStack::Pop(sessId);
+ iMachine.SetMessageSessionId(sessId); // ownership transferred
+ delete suplPosMessage;
+ SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplStateHandlerBase::EntryActionsFromPositioningInProgressStateL() End\n");
+ return actionsTaken;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(sessId);
+ }
+ // Extract the payload
+ posPayload = suplPosMessage->PosPayload();
+ ASSERT(posPayload != NULL);
+ if (posPayload)
+ {
+ // send the payload to the positioning fsm
+ iMachine.PositioningFsm()->ProcessPositioningMessage(posPayload);
+ }
+ // Delete the SUPL POS message
+ delete suplPosMessage;
+ actionsTaken = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplStateHandlerBase::EntryActionsFromPositioningInProgressStateL() End\n");
+ return actionsTaken;
+ }
+/** Actions on entering state EStatePositionReceived
+This method extracts a position from a SUPL END message and
+sends it to LBS.
+TBool CSuplStateHandlerBase::EntryActionsFromPositionReceivedStateL()
+ {
+ SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplStateHandlerBase::EntryActionsFromPositionReceivedStateL() Begin\n");
+ TBool actionsTaken = EFalse;
+ // Extract the position from the SUPL END in the event store and send to
+ // LBS in a ProcessLocationUpdate method
+ TPosition position;
+ // There must be a SUPL END in the store
+ CSuplMessageBase* suplMessage = const_cast <CSuplMessageBase*> (iMachine.RetrieveSuplMessage());
+ ASSERT(suplMessage != NULL);
+ ASSERT(CSuplMessageBase::ESuplEnd == suplMessage->MessageType());
+ if ((suplMessage != NULL) && (CSuplMessageBase::ESuplEnd == suplMessage->MessageType()))
+ {
+ CSuplEnd* suplEndPtr = static_cast <CSuplEnd*>(suplMessage);
+ // make sure the session id matches the one received in earlier messages
+ CSuplSessionId *sessId = CSuplSessionId::NewLC();
+ suplEndPtr->GetSessionId(*sessId);
+ // Compare only the SET session ID as this may be the first message we get from
+ // the SLP and the SLP session ID is not yet known.
+ CSuplSetSessionId* receivedSetSessId = (*(iMachine.MessageSessionId())).iSetSessionId;
+ CSuplSetSessionId* storedSetSessId = (*sessId).iSetSessionId;
+ if (! ((*receivedSetSessId)== (*storedSetSessId)))
+ {
+ iMachine.CancelMachine(CSuplFsmSessionBase::ECancelSuplProt,CSuplFsmSessionBase::EReasonInvalidSessId);
+ // Store received session Id for sending later in SUPL END as per SUPL specification
+ CleanupStack::Pop(sessId);
+ iMachine.SetMessageSessionId(sessId); // ownership transferred
+ delete suplEndPtr;
+ SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplStateHandlerBase::EntryActionsFromPositionReceivedStateL() End\n");
+ return actionsTaken;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(sessId);
+ }
+ // There must be a position in the SUPL END
+ ASSERT(suplEndPtr->PositionPresent());
+ if (suplEndPtr->PositionPresent())
+ {
+ suplEndPtr->GetPosition(position);
+ // Use position to build a TPositionInfo object
+ // and send it to LBS
+ TPositionInfo pos;
+ pos.SetPosition(position);
+ const TPositionModuleId id = {KSuplv1UidValue};
+ pos.SetModuleId(id);
+ pos.SetUpdateType(EPositionUpdateGeneral);
+ pos.SetPositionModeReason(EPositionModeReasonNone);
+ // If the position has been received and no positioning session
+ // has taken place, then the position is the reference location
+ // calculated based on cell-id.
+ if (!iMachine.PosSessionConducted())
+ {
+ pos.SetPositionMode(TPositionModuleInfo::ETechnologyNetwork);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Position calculated in Terminal Assisted mode unless the
+ // SUPL END has an error code, in which case the position is
+ // the reference location.
+ if(suplEndPtr->StatusCodePresent())
+ {
+ pos.SetPositionMode(TPositionModuleInfo::ETechnologyNetwork);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pos.SetPositionMode(TPositionModuleInfo::ETechnologyNetwork | TPositionModuleInfo::ETechnologyAssisted);
+ }
+ }
+ iMachine.Observer().Gateway().NetworkLocationInd(iMachine.LbsSessionId(), pos);
+ actionsTaken = ETrue;
+ }
+ // SUPL POS message no longer needed
+ delete suplEndPtr;
+ }
+ SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplStateHandlerBase::EntryActionsFromPositionReceivedStateL() End\n");
+ return actionsTaken;
+ }
+/** Actions on entering state EStateSuplSessionEnded
+Send a SUPL END message to the SUPL server. This state is reached
+after the state machine was cancelled for some reason.
+TBool CSuplStateHandlerBase::EntryActionsFromSuplSessionEndedStateL()
+ {
+ SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplStateHandlerBase::EntryActionsFromSuplSessionEndedStateL() Begin\n");
+ TBool verRequired = EFalse;
+ TBool statusCodeRequired = ETrue;
+ // Send a SUPL END to the SLP. Most likely reason to be here is
+ // that the machine is cancelling due to explicit client cancel, a
+ // client privacy rejection, an error or a timeout. If so, the
+ // cancel source and reason can be taken from the event store.
+ //
+ // The only other use case where we end up in here is for MTLRs
+ // where the SUPL INIT has specified "no Position".
+ // Take cancel source and reason from the event store
+ CSuplFsmSessionBase::TCancelSource source;
+ CSuplFsmSessionBase::TCancelReason reason;
+ iMachine.RetrieveCancelInfo(source,reason);
+ // work out the reason code to set in a SUPL END
+ TSuplStatusCode statusCode = ESuplStatusUnspecified;
+ switch (source)
+ {
+ case CSuplFsmSessionBase::ECancelNone:
+ // Not here after a cancel...assuming
+ // there has been a SUPL INIT with "no position"
+ // and we are here to send a SUPL END with privacy
+ // acceptance.
+ verRequired = ETrue;
+ statusCodeRequired = ETrue;
+ statusCode = ESuplStatusConsentGrantedByUser;
+ break;
+ case CSuplFsmSessionBase::ECancelNetwork:
+ switch (reason)
+ {
+ case CSuplFsmSessionBase::EReasonInsuficcientSecurity:
+ // no matching supl status code
+ statusCode = ESuplStatusUnspecified;
+ break;
+ // Since the connection manager performs the decoding
+ // of received SUPL messages, all of the errors in decoding
+ // show as having ECancelNetwork source, hence:
+ case CSuplFsmSessionBase::EReasonParsingError:
+ statusCode = ESuplStatusProtocolError;
+ break;
+ case CSuplFsmSessionBase::EReasonDataMissing:
+ statusCode = ESuplStatusDataMissing;
+ break;
+ case CSuplFsmSessionBase::EReasonUnexpectedDataValue:
+ statusCode = ESuplStatusUnexpectedDataValue;
+ break;
+ default:
+ statusCode = ESuplStatusUnspecified;
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case CSuplFsmSessionBase::ECancelPosProt:
+ statusCode = ESuplStatusPosMethodFailure;
+ break;
+ case CSuplFsmSessionBase::ECancelSuplProt:
+ switch (reason)
+ {
+ case CSuplFsmSessionBase::EReasonMethodMismatch:
+ statusCode = ESuplStatusPosMethodMismatch;
+ break;
+ case CSuplFsmSessionBase::EReasonInvalidSessId:
+ statusCode = ESuplStatusInvalidSessionId;
+ break;
+ case CSuplFsmSessionBase::EReasonUnexpectedMessage:
+ statusCode = ESuplStatusUnexpectedMessage;
+ break;
+ default:
+ statusCode = ESuplStatusUnspecified;
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case CSuplFsmSessionBase::ECancelClient:
+ // no matching status code in SUPL
+ if (CSuplFsmSessionBase:: EReasonPrivacyRejected == reason)
+ {
+ statusCode = ESuplStatusConsentDeniedByUser;
+ verRequired = ETrue;
+ }
+ else if (CSuplFsmSessionBase::EReasonFutilePosCalc == reason)
+ {
+ statusCode = ESuplStatusPosMethodFailure;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ statusCode = ESuplStatusUnspecified;
+ }
+ break;
+ case CSuplFsmSessionBase::ECancelClosing:
+ default:
+ //No other source of cancel should result in this method being called
+ ASSERT(EFalse);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Build and send a SUPL END
+ CSuplEnd* suplEndPtr = CSuplEnd::NewLC(ETrue);
+ if (statusCodeRequired)
+ {
+ suplEndPtr->SetStatusCode(statusCode);
+ }
+ if (verRequired)
+ {
+ // Set the Ver field in SUPL END
+ TBuf8<8> ver;
+ iMachine.RetrieveVer(ver);
+ User::LeaveIfError(suplEndPtr->SetVer(ver));
+ }
+ // Set the session Id
+ CSuplSessionId* msgId = iMachine.MessageSessionId();
+ suplEndPtr->SetSessionId(*msgId);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(suplEndPtr);
+ iMachine.Observer().ConnectionManager().SendMessage(suplEndPtr, iMachine.SessionId().SessionNum());
+ SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplStateHandlerBase::EntryActionsFromSuplSessionEndedStateL() End\n");
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+/** Actions on entering state EStateLbsSessionEnded
+This method informs LBS that the session has ended.
+TBool CSuplStateHandlerBase::EntryActionsFromLbsSessionEndedStateL()
+ {
+ SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplStateHandlerBase::EntryActionsFromLbsSessionEndedStateL() Begin\n");
+ TBool actionsTaken = EFalse;
+ TInt sessionCompletionReason = KErrNone; // reason sent to LBS
+ // Check the event store to see in the completion reason
+ // has to be different from KErrNone
+ // Take cancel source and reason from the event store.
+ //
+ CSuplFsmSessionBase::TCancelSource cancelSource;
+ CSuplFsmSessionBase::TCancelReason cancelReason;
+ iMachine.RetrieveCancelInfo(cancelSource,cancelReason);
+ if (cancelSource != CSuplFsmSessionBase::ECancelNone)
+ {
+ // Session was cancelled. Error code is KErrCancel
+ // except if network connection is down (KErrDisconnected).
+ if ((cancelSource == CSuplFsmSessionBase::ECancelNetwork)
+ && (cancelReason == CSuplFsmSessionBase::EReasonDisconnected))
+ {
+ sessionCompletionReason = KErrDisconnected;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sessionCompletionReason = KErrCancel;
+ }
+ actionsTaken = ETrue;
+ }
+ // Check if the session was terminated after an unexpected
+ // SUPL END or a SUPL END with reason code indicating an error
+ else if (iMachine.IsUnexpectedSuplEndStored())
+ {
+ // Complete with KErrPositionProtocolErr
+ sessionCompletionReason = KErrPositionProtocolErr;
+ actionsTaken = ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If the session has not been cancelled, there could be a
+ // SUPL END message in the store (there won't be one if the
+ // SUPL END carried position information as it is dealt with
+ // in a previous state).
+ const CSuplMessageBase* suplEnd = iMachine.RetrieveSuplMessage();
+ if ((suplEnd != NULL) && (CSuplMessageBase::ESuplEnd == (const_cast <CSuplMessageBase*>(suplEnd))->MessageType()))
+ {
+ delete suplEnd;
+ }
+ sessionCompletionReason = KErrNone;
+ actionsTaken = ETrue;
+ }
+ if (actionsTaken)
+ {
+ iMachine.Observer().Gateway().SessionCompleteInd(iMachine.LbsSessionId(), sessionCompletionReason);
+ }
+ iMachine.SetSessionInProgress(EFalse);
+ SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplStateHandlerBase::EntryActionsFromLbsSessionEndedStateL() End\n");
+ return actionsTaken;
+ }
+/** Utility method to convert a numeric string to Binary Coded Decimal string
+Taken from section 8.3 of the OMA SUPL document UserPlane Location Protocol OMA-TS-ULP-V1-0-20070615-A
+The BCD string is stored in an 8 octet buffer with 2 digits per octet.
+Each digit is encoded 0000 to 1001 ( 0 to 9).
+Bits 8765 of octet n encoding digit 2n
+Bits 4321 of octet n encoding digit 2(n-1)+1
+Unused digits in the string are filled with 0xFF
+void CSuplStateHandlerBase::ConvertToBcd(TDes8& aBcdString)
+ {
+ const TUint8 KMaxBcdStringLength = 8;
+ const TUint8 fillBuffer[KMaxBcdStringLength] = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF};
+ TBool LeastSignificantNibble(ETrue);
+ TInt OctetCount = 0;
+ TChar nextChar;
+ TUint8 nextOctet = 0;
+ TLex lexString(*iMachine.Msisdn());
+ aBcdString.Zero();
+ while (!lexString.Eos())
+ {
+ nextChar = lexString.Get();
+ if (nextChar.IsDigit()) // ignore any non-numeric characters
+ {
+ if (LeastSignificantNibble)
+ {
+ nextOctet = nextChar.GetNumericValue(); //store digit in L.S. nibble
+ LeastSignificantNibble = EFalse;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nextOctet |= (nextChar.GetNumericValue()<<4); //store digit in M.S. nibble
+ aBcdString.Append(nextOctet);
+ OctetCount++;
+ LeastSignificantNibble = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // All of the decimal string has been converted - deal with an half filled octet
+ if (!LeastSignificantNibble)
+ {
+ nextOctet |= 0xF0;
+ aBcdString.Append(nextOctet);
+ OctetCount++;
+ }
+ // Fill remainder of string with 0xFF values
+ aBcdString.Append(fillBuffer, (KMaxBcdStringLength-OctetCount));
+ }