Updated version of the Location Monitor supporting the new New GeoConversion interfaces.
Also includes API help information
* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Definition of Movement Detection API
#include <e32base.h>
#include <commdb.h>
#include <lbs/lbslocinfoconverterpluginbase.h>
#include <lbs/lbslocinfoconverterpluginclasstypes.h>
#include <lbs/lbslocinfoconverterplugincommon.h>
#include <lbs/lbslocationinfoconvertercommon.h>
#include <lbs/lbslocationclasstypes.h>
#include <lbs/lbslocationcommon.h>
#include <lbs/lbslocationposinfo.h>
#include <lbs/lbslocationgsminfo.h>
#include <lbs/lbslocationgsmneighbourinfo.h>
#include <lbs/lbslocationinfo.h>
#include <lbs/lbslocationwcdmainfo.h>
#include <lbs/lbslocationwcdmaneighbourinfo.h>
#include <lbs/lbslocationwlaninfo.h>
* CExampleLocationConverter is an ECom plugin that implements CLbsLocInfoConversionPluginBase.
* This class is responsible for monitering movement of mobile based on
* GSM information available to mobile at any instant.
* @lib movementdetector.lib
* @since S60 v4.0
class CExampleLocationConverter : public CLbsLocInfoConverterPluginBase
* Loads a location info conveter and initalises it.
* @param[in] aObserver An observer for location conversion event.
* @param[in] aPluginArgs Agruements sent to conversion plugin.
* return Pointer to the new loation info converter.If module id is not specified
* default plug in will be loaded.
static CExampleLocationConverter* NewL( TLbsLocInfoConverterPluginParams& aPluginParams );
* Unloads this movement detector.
* @since S60 TACO
virtual ~CExampleLocationConverter();
// From CLbsLocInfoConversionPluginBase
* Converts the area informations of a group of geographical locations
* to its corresponding position information.
* @param[in] aLocationInfoArray Array of location informations corresponding
* to geographical locations are passed and on successful completion of this
* method,position information corresponding to the loation informations are
* updated in each area info object.
* @param[in] aConversionPrefs Conversion preferences suggested by client.
* @leave KErrArgument If the location info array is empty.
virtual void ConvertLocationInfoL(
RLbsLocationInfoArray& aLocationInfoArray,
const TLbsConversionPrefs aConversionPrefs,
const TLbsConversionOutputInfoMask aRequestedInfo );
* Cancels get location info operation.
virtual void CancelConvertLocationInfo();
virtual void ValidateClient( const TSecureId& aSecureId,
const TVendorId& aVendorId,
const TLbsConversionOutputInfoMask aRequestedInfo );
virtual void CancelValidateClient();
virtual void ConversionPluginPreferences(
TLbsConversionPluginInfo& aPluginInfo );
void ConstructL(TLbsLocInfoConverterPluginParams& aPluginParams);
* Default C++ Constructor
CExampleLocationConverter(TLbsLocInfoConverterPluginParams& aParams);
private: // data
MLbsLocInfoConverterPluginObserver &iObserver;
TBool iRetainLocalityInCache;