// lbsclientlastknownposarearesources.txt
// Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Software Ltd. All rights reserved.
// sim.tsy config used for simulating only the network registration
// status
//! This config is used for all last known pos area tests that require only one cellid
// Original name file: lbsclientlastknownposarearesources.txt
# PhoneId = <manufacturer>,<model>,<revision>, <serialnumber>, <error>
PhoneId = Generic, 123, 1.1, 1234567890
#SubscriberId = <Id>, <err>
SubscriberId = 56789012345678
# multiple
# Current Network Name
# NetworkInfo= <CountryCode>, <NetworkId>, <DisplayTag>, <NetworkShortName>, <NetworkLongName> , <NetworkAccess> "
NetworkInfo = 234, 15, Vodafone, Voda, Vodafone_UK, 0
# multiple
# <NetworkIndex> is one of above
# RegStatus = <Duration>, <RegStatus>, <NetworkIndex>
RegStatus = 5000, 5, 0
# LocationArea = <AreaKnown>, <LocationAreaCode>, <CellId> . Where <AreaKnown> is -1 for true and 0 for false?!
LocationArea = -1, 1911, 36464
# ONStore= <max number of entries>, <max size of telephone number>, <max text length>
ONStore= 5, 50, 60
# ONStoreEntry= <index>, <telephone number>, <TMobileTON type of number>, <TMobileService service type>, <Number Plan>,<name>
ONStoreEntry = 1, 447511699393, 2, 0, 8, OwnNumber1
# <Timeout> is time in sec while this status is valid. The last record lasts until shutdown.
# <NetworkMode> - the set here has no effect. Please use NetworkInfo records instead.
# <CellId> set here applies only to GetCellInfo/NotifyCellInfoChanges calls, which are not used.
# for getting CellId by our code. We use LocationArea records and GetCurrentNetwork/NotifyCurrentNetworkChange instead.
# <CellInfoStatus> - The status of cell info. Look at TCellInfoStatus for the list of values.
# CellInfo = <Timeout>, <NetworkMode>, <CellId>, <TimingAdvance>, <CellInfoStatus> .
CellInfo = 0, 2, 0, 0, 2