Re-merge fix for bug 2680.
// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// @file ctlbsroamingstep.h
// This contains the header file for Roaming Tests
// LBS includes.
#include <test/testexecutestepbase.h>
#include <lbs.h>
#include <lbscommon.h>
// LBS test includes.
#include "ctlbsnetsimstep.h"
#include "ctlbsassdataserver.h"
#include "ctlbsassdatamoduledata.h"
#include "ctlbsdoposupdate.h"
#define REFPOS_LAT 2
#define REFPOS_LONG 3
#define REFPOS_ALT 10
// Literals used
_LIT(KLbsRoamingStep, "LbsRoamingStep");
// Callbacks flags.
const TLbsCallbackFlags KLbsCallback_Got_NotifyUpdateAnswer = 0x1000;
const TLbsCallbackFlags KLbsCallback_Got_ModuleGpsModeAnswer = 0x2000;
class CT_LbsRoamingStep : public CT_LbsNetSimStep,
public MT_LbsAssDataModuleDataBusObserver,
public MT_LbsDoPosUpdateObserver
static CT_LbsRoamingStep* New(CT_LbsAssDataServer& aParent);
virtual TVerdict doTestStepL();
// MT_LbsAssDataModuleDataBusObserver - Module out data bus updated.
void HandleDataBusUpdateL(const TModuleDataOut& aModuleDataOut);
// From MT_LbsDoPosUpdateObserver - Position notify update callback.
void MT_LbsDoPosUpdateCallback(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
CT_LbsRoamingStep(CT_LbsAssDataServer& aParent);
void ConstructL();
CT_LbsAssDataServer& iParent;
enum { EModuleResponseWaiting = 0, // Waiting for module response
EModuleResponseGotFirst, // Module response got first time
EModuleResponseGotSecond, // Module Response got second time
EFirstPosUpdate };
/** Current module response status
TInt iModuleResponse;
/** Current test case being executed.
TInt iTestCaseId;
/** Active object wrapper to allow MO-LRs.
CT_LbsDoPosUpdate* iDoPosUpdate;
// To allow changing admin settings.
CLbsAdmin* iLbsAdmin;
/** Test module data bus monitor, to allow the module to return test status to
the test step.
CT_LbsAssDataModuleDataBusMonitor* iModuleDataBusMonitor;
/** Reference position used to setup Net sim */
TPosition iRefPos;
/** passed to NPUD request to hold the position */
TPositionInfo iPositionHolder;
#endif //__CT_LBS_ROAMING_STEP_H__