// This ini file contains a list of all the different extended hybrid Protocol modules.
// Each section contains the UID for the PM and the RProperty Key values that should
// be used by the GetAFixUtils. Since multiple PM's can be loaded at the same time the
// GetAFixUtils pipe (used for communicating between the test and the PM) needs to be unique
// for each PM. Both the NetProtocol Proxy and the PM Stub code use this ini file to match
// This ini file is owned (i.e. Built) by the stub extended hybrid PM code, and is used by:
// - Stub PM Code (Used to identify RProperty Key Values)
// - Net Protocol Proxy Code (Used to identify RProperty Key Values)
// - The Hybrid Multiple test code (Used to specify which PM should be used)
// NOTE: To help simplify the searching in the stub PM code, the PM UID is listed twice. The
// first entry (UID = ) is used by the test code. The second entry (which puts the PM UID on
// the lhs) is used by the PM Stub code to identify which section to use for the key values.
// Listing the UID like this helps reduce the complexity of the code in the PM stub.
// So when adding a new PM, ensure both UID entries are added. (If the PM testdata id is 1
// (i.e. [PM1]), then the second entry should be (uidvalue = 1). The UID value on the lhs
// should also be all in lower case.
//Extended Hybrid PM1 (extendedhybridprotocolmodule.dll)
UID = 10285AB7
10285ab7 = 1
ResponsePipeKey = 07897651
ResponseFlowKey = 07897652
ActionPipeKey = 07897653
ActionFlowKey = 07897654
//Extended Hybrid PM2 (extendedhybridprotocolmodule2.dll)
UID = 102869ED
102869ed = 2
ResponsePipeKey = 07897655
ResponseFlowKey = 07897656
ActionPipeKey = 07897657
ActionFlowKey = 07897658