DEADHEAD: Fixes for bug 2680 seem to be obsolete
- no remaining references to the empty bld.inf files
- networkprotocolmodules/suplprotocolmodule/sfgroup/bld.inf has been deleted
// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// @file ctlbsclockstepmain.h
// This contains the header file for Clock Tests
// EPOC includes.
#include <e32base.h>
// LBS includes.
#include <lbs.h>
#include <lbscommon.h>
#include <lbs/lbsadmin.h>
// LBS test includes.
#include <lbs/test/tlbsutils.h>
#include <lbs/test/ctlbstimerutils.h>
#include "ctlbsclockstep.h"
#include "ctlbsclockserver.h"
#include "ctlbsclockplugindata.h"
// Literals used
_LIT(KLbsClockStep_Main, "LbsClockStep_Main");
/** Callback flags held as bits in a 32 bit word.
typedef TUint32 TLbsClockCallbackFlags;
const TLbsClockCallbackFlags KLbsClockCallback_Got_AdjustClock_Stage1 = 0x0001;
const TLbsClockCallbackFlags KLbsClockCallback_Got_AdjustClock_Stage2 = 0x0002;
const TLbsClockCallbackFlags KLbsClockCallback_Got_TimerNotification = 0x0004;
const TLbsClockCallbackFlags KLbsClockCallback_Got_AdminNotification = 0x0008;
const TLbsClockCallbackFlags KLbsClockCallback_Got_ClockPluginInUse = 0x0010; /** Clock Plugin was used to carry out clock adjust. */
class CT_LbsClockStep_Main : public CT_LbsClockStep,
public CActive,
public MLbsAdminObserver,
public MT_LbsTimerUtilsObserver,
public MT_LbsClockPluginDataBusObserver
static CT_LbsClockStep_Main* New(CT_LbsClockServer& aParent);
virtual TVerdict doTestStepL();
//Function from MT_LbsDoPosUpdateObserver - Module out data bus updated.
// void HandleDataBusUpdateL(const TModuleDataOut& aModuleDataOut);
// Functions from CActive.
virtual void DoCancel();
virtual void RunL();
virtual TInt RunError(TInt aError);
// Function from MLbsAdminObserver.
virtual void OnSettingUpdateEvent(TInt aError, const TLbsAdminSetting& aSetting);
// Function from MT_LbsTimerUtilsObserver.
virtual void HandleTimerL(TInt aTimerId, const TTime& aTargetTime);
// Function from MT_lbsClockpluginDataBusObserver.
virtual void HandleDataBusUpdateL(const TClockPluginDataOut& aClockPluginDataOut);
CT_LbsClockStep_Main(CT_LbsClockServer& aParent);
void ConstructL();
void SetCallbackFlag(TLbsClockCallbackFlags aCallbackFlag);
void SetTimeOffsetL();
void SetModuleTimeoutL(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aTimeout);
void SetAutoAdjustOnL();
void DetermineModuleTimeToFirstFixL();
void CheckForTestHalt();
void StartAutoAdjustTesting();
void AdjustClock(TBool aUseTimeout, TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aTimeoutValue);
TBool CompareTimes(T_LbsUtils::TComparisonAccuracyType aCmpAccuracy);
void SetClientTimeout();
TBool ValidateTimeout(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aTimeoutValue);
enum {
/** State machine variable for the test step.
TInt iState;
/** Used to keep a record off all the callback events.
TLbsClockCallbackFlags iCallbackFlags;
/** Expected callback flags at test end.
TLbsClockCallbackFlags iFlagsToHaltOn;
/** Current test case being executed.
TInt iTestCaseId;
/** Plugin data bus monitor, to allow the plugin to inform the test harness it was called.
CT_LbsClockPluginDataBusMonitor* iPluginDataBusMonitor;
/** The AGPS mode used by the AGPS module. Set to ETrue for prefered terminal, EFalse for
all others.
TBool iUseGpsPreferTerminalBased;
/** Self locate server - used to invoke the automatic clock adjust.
RPositionServer iServer;
RPositioner iPositioner;
/** Admin data base.
CLbsAdmin* iAdmin;
/** Network reference position.
Used for auto adjust tests when AGPS module is request assistance data, which will
result in an additional position be returned when calling NoiftyPositionUpdate.
TPositionInfo iRefPosInfo;
CT_LbsTimerUtils* iVerifyTimer;
TTime iVerifyTime;
/** The offset to alter the current time by.
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iTimeStampOffset;
/** The current system time when the client adjust clock was called.
Used to allow timeout verification.
TTime iAdjustClockCallTime;
/** The client timeout value to used when calling adjust clock.
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iClientTimeout;
/** Time to first fix of the A-GPS module.
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iGpsTimeToFirstFix;