DEADHEAD: Fixes for bug 2680 seem to be obsolete
- no remaining references to the empty bld.inf files
- networkprotocolmodules/suplprotocolmodule/sfgroup/bld.inf has been deleted
// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
LOAD_SUITE LbsConflictTestServer -SharedData
PRINT Run LbsConflictTestServer
// Before we start LBS, select the test A-GPS integration module to use.
MkDir c:\private\10282253\
MkDir c:\private\10282253\lbs\
MkDir c:\private\10282253\lbs\locmods\
CopyFile c:\testdata\configs\xtestmodule.ini c:\private\10282253\lbs\locmods\agpsintegmodule.ini
CopyFile c:\testdata\configs\lbstestconfig.txt c:\config.txt
// Re-select the profile ini
DeleteFile c:\private\10282253\lbs\lbsprofile.ini
// Reset admin (reset will give us the EGpsPreferTerminalBased).
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_ResetDefaultAdmin
// Select MTLR privacy controller.
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_SetPrivacyHandler c:\testdata\configs\lbsconflict.ini LBS-Conflict
RUN_TEST_STEP 030 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_StartLbs
//!@SYMTestCaseID LBS-Conflict-0001
//!@SYMTestCaseDesc Tests the behaviour when a self locate requests is pre-empted
//! by a X3P request (which has higher priority). The self locate request should
//! be terminated with a KErrPositionHighPriorityReceived and the X3P
//! request should succeed with KErrNone and a return a valid postion.
//!@SYMTestActions 1. Client (the test) does a self locate request using NotifyPositionUpdate
//! 2. When the RegisterLcsMoLr has started(i.e. in netsim's NotifyRegisterLcsMoLr
//! callback) the client (test) requests using
//! TransmitPosition with priority=2 (PUSH), address= "01233567456".
//! 3. Check that a ReleaseLcsMoLr is sent to netsim with error
//! KErrPositionHighPriorityReceived.
//! 4. Check RegisterLcsMoLr is sent to netsim. Also check that it contains
//! the correct destination, "01233567456".
//! 5. Check MeasurementControlLocation is received from netsim
//! 6. Check MeasurementReportLocation sent to netsim with a valid position
//! 7. Check FacilityLcsMoLrResult is received from netsim with a valid position
//! 8. Check ReleaseLcsMoLr sent to netsim
//! At end of the test check that the following (9 and 10) have occurred (in any order!).
//! 9. Check self locate client request has completed with KErrPositionHighPriorityReceived
//! and lat and long is set to NaN in returned in the position
//! 10. Check X3P client request has completed with KErrNone and that the
//! position is correct.
//! Client:NotifyPositionUpdate ->LBS
//! RegisterLcsMoLr("01233567456") ->NET
//! Client:TransmitPosition(PUSH) ->LBS
//! ReleaseLcsMoLr(KEPHPR) ->NET
//! RegisterLcsMoLr ->NET
//! ProcessMeasurementControlLocation <-NET
//! MeasurementReportLocation ->NET
//! FacilityLcsMoLrResult <-NET
//! ReleaseLcsMoLr ->NET
//! Client:RunL(NotifyPositionUpdate(pos,KEPHPR)) <-LBS
//! Client:RunL(TransmitPosition(pos,KErrNone)) <-LBS
//! KEPHPR=KErrPositionHighPriorityReceived
//! Above, Client:RunL(NotifyPositionUpdate(pos,KerrNone indicates the completion of the asynchronous
//! NotifyPositionUpdate request ans "pos" is the returned postion.
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults Verify the positions and return codes and netsim callbacks occur in correct order.
//!@SYMREQ REQ163.5975
//!@SYMTestType CIT
//!@SYMTestPriority 1
//!@SYMTestStatus Implemented.
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_InstallScheduler
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_CreateVerifyPosInfos c:\testdata\configs\lbsconflict.ini LBS-Conflict
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsConflictTestServer LbsConflictStep_selflocatex3ppush
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_VerifyLogInfo
END_TESTCASE LBS-Conflict-0001
//!@SYMTestCaseID LBS-Conflict-0002
//!@SYMTestCaseDesc Tests the behaviour when X3P with priority 2 (PUSH) request is interrupted
//! by a self locate request. The X3P request should not be pre-empted and should
//! complete with KErrNone and a valid position shouild be sent.
//! A self locate request should not be made and the client's request should
//! be rejected with a KErrServerBusy.
//!@SYMTestActions 1. Client (the test) does a X3P request using TransmitPosition (PUSH)
//! 2. After the MO-LR has been sent out by netsim (i.e. in NotifyRegisterLcsMoLr
//! callback) the client (test) requests a self location using NotifyPositionUpdate.
//! 3. Check MeasurementControlLocation received from network
//! 4. Check MeasurementReportLocation sent to network
//! 5. Check FacilityLcsMoLrResult is received from netsim with a valid position
//! 6. Check ReleaseLcsMoLr sent to network
//! At end of the test check that the following (7 and 8) has ocurred:
//! 7. Check self locate client request kas completed with KErrServerBusy
//! and lat long is NaN is returned in the postion
//! 8. Check X3P client request has completed with KErrNone and that returned
//! position is correct.
//! Client:TransmitPosition(PUSH) ->LBS
//! RegisterLcsMoLr("89089089") ->NET
//! Client:NotifyPositionUpdate ->LBS
//! MeasurementControlLocation <-NET
//! MeasurementReportLocation ->NET
//! FacilityLcsMoLrResult <-NET
//! ReleaseLcsMoLr ->NET
//! Client:RunL(NotifyPositionUpdate(pos,KErrServerBusy)) ->LBS
//! Client:RunL(TransmitPosition(PUSH,pos,KErrNone)) ->LBS
//! Note:"KEPHPR"is short hand for "KErrPositionHighPriorityReceived"
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults Verify the positions and return codes and netsim callbacks occur in correct order.
//!@SYMREQ REQ163.5975
//!@SYMTestType CIT
//!@SYMTestPriority 1
//!@SYMTestStatus Implemented.
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_InstallScheduler
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_CreateVerifyPosInfos c:\testdata\configs\lbsconflict.ini LBS-Conflict
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsConflictTestServer LbsConflictStepx3ppushselflocate
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_VerifyLogInfo
END_TESTCASE LBS-Conflict-0002
//!@SYMTestCaseID LBS-Conflict-0003
//!@SYMTestCaseDesc Tests the behaviour when X3P with priority 0 (MENU) request is interrupted
//! by a X3P with priority 2 (PUSH). The X3P MENU request should be pre-empted and should
//! complete with KErrPositionHighPriority.and a valid position should not be sent.
//! The X3P PUSH request shoulsd complete with KerrNone and a valid position should be sent.
//!@SYMTestActions 1. Client (the test) does a X3P request using TransmitPosition (MENU,"12121212")
//! 2. After the MO-LR has been sent out by netsim (i.e. in NotifyRegisterLcsMoLr
//! callback) the client (test) requests a X3P (PUSH,"45454545") using TransmitPosition
//! (using a new RLbsTransmitPosition subsession).
//! 3 Check that a ReleaseLcsMoLr is sent to netsimwith error
//! KErrPositionHighPriorityReceived.
//! 4. Check RegisterLcsMoLr sent to network (using netsim callback check
//! destination ="12121212")
//! 3. Check MeasurementControlLocation received from network
//! 4. Check MeasurementReportLocation sent to network
//! 5. Check FacilityLcsMoLrResult is received from netsim with a valid position
//! 6. Check ReleaseLcsMoLr sent to network
//! At end of the test check that the following (7 and 8) have ocurred:
//! 7. Check X3P MENU has completed with KErrPositionHighPriorityReceived
//! and lat long is NaN is returned in the position.
//! 8. Check X3P PUSH client request has completes with KErrNone after X3P MENU request
//! completes and that the returned position is correct.
//! Client:TransmitPosition(MENU) ->LBS
//! RegisterLcsMoLr ->NET
//! Client:TransmitPosition(PUSH) ->LBS
//! ReleaseLcsMoLR(KEPHPR) ->NET
//! RegisterLcsMoLr ->NET
//! MeasurementControlLocation <-NET
//! MeasurementReportLocation ->NET
//! FacilityLcsMoLrResult <-NET
//! ReleaseLcsMoLr ->NET
//! Client:RunL(TransmitPosition(MENU,pos,KEPHPR)) ->LBS
//! Client:RunL(TransmitPosition(PUSH,pos,KErrNone)) ->LBS
//! KEPHPR=KErrPositionHighPriorityReceived
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults Verify the correct positions and netsim callbacks.
//!@SYMREQ REQ163.5975
//!@SYMTestType CIT
//!@SYMTestPriority 1
//!@SYMTestStatus Implemented.
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_InstallScheduler
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_CreateVerifyPosInfos c:\testdata\configs\lbsconflict.ini LBS-Conflict
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsConflictTestServer LbsConflictStep_X3PMenuPush
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_VerifyLogInfo
END_TESTCASE LBS-Conflict-0003
//!@SYMTestCaseID LBS-Conflict-0004
//!@SYMTestCaseDesc Tests the behaviour when an ongoing Emergency MT-LR is interrupted
//! by a X3P with priority 2 (PUSH). The Emergency MT-LR should NOT be aborted
//! and should complete OK. The X3P PUSH request should be rejected with KErrServerBusy.
//! 1. Use RLbsNetSimTest::SetEmergenyStatus() to set state to emergency
//! 2. Using netsim, call StartNetworkLocationRequest to start a privacy request.
//! 3. When the LbsPrivacyCntroller callback MLbsPrivacyObserver::ProcessNetworkLocationRequest
//! is called request a X3P (PUSH,"45454545") using TransmitPosition
//! then respond to the privacy request using
//! CLbsPrivacyController::RespondNetworkLocationRequest(ERequestAccepted)
//! 4. Using netsim callback check correct ReleaseLcsLocationNotification is sent
//! 5. Check MeasurementReportLocation sent to network - check position OK.
//! 6. Check that X3P PUSH client request completes (is rejected)with KErrServerBusy.
//! Client:SetEmergenyStatus(EMERGENCY) ->LBS
//! StartNetworkLocationRequest ->NET
//! ProcessNetworkLocationRequest <-NET
//! Client:TransmitPosition(PUSH) ->LBS
//! Client:RespondNetworkLocationRequest(accept) ->LBS
//! ReleaseLcsLocationNotification ->NET
//! ProcessMeasurementControlLocation <-NET
//! MeasurementReportLocation ->NET
//! Client:RunL(TransmitPosition(PUSH,pos,KErrServerBusy)) ->LBS
//! Client:SetEmergenyStatus(NOT EMERGENCY) ->LBS
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults Verify the correct positions and netsim callbacks.
//!@SYMREQ REQ436.5997
//!@SYMTestType CIT
//!@SYMTestPriority 1
//!@SYMTestStatus Implemented.
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_InstallScheduler
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_CreateVerifyPosInfos c:\testdata\configs\lbsconflict.ini LBS-Conflict
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsConflictTestServer LbsConflictStep_MTLRX3PPush
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_VerifyLogInfo
END_TESTCASE LBS-Conflict-0004
//!@SYMTestCaseID LBS-Conflict-0005
//!@SYMTestCaseDesc Tests the behaviour when X3P with priority 2 (PUSH) request is interrupted
//! by a X3P with priority 1 (TIMER). The X3P PUSH request should be completed
//! with KErrNone a valid position should be expected.
//! The X3P TIMER request should be queued and it should complete with KerrNone
//! after the X3P PUSH request completes, and a valid position is expected.
//!@SYMTestActions 1. Client (the test) does a X3P request using TransmitPosition (PUSH, "01223 123456").
//! 2. After the MO-LR has been sent out by netsim (i.e. in NotifyRegisterLcsMoLr
//! callback) the client (test) requests a X3P (TIMER) using TransmitPosition
//! (note a new RLbsTransmitPosition subsession is used).
//! 3. Check MeasurementControlLocation for X3P(PUSH) received from network
//! 4. Check MeasurementReportLocation for X3P(PUSH) sent to network
//! 5. Check FacilityLcsMoLrResult for X3P(PUSH) is received from netsim with the expected vposition
//! 6. Check ReleaseLcsMoLr for X3P(PUSH) sent to network
//! 7. Check RegisterLcsMoLr for X3P(TIMER) sent to network (using netsim callback check destination ="9876543")
//! 8. Check MeasurementControlLocation for X3P(TIMER) received from network
//! 9. Check MeasurementReportLocation for X3P(TIMER) sent to network
//! 10. Check FacilityLcsMoLrResult for X3P(TIMER) is received from netsim with a valid position
//! 11. Check ReleaseLcsMoLr for X3P(TIMER) sent to network
//! At end of the test check that the following (12 and 13) have ocurred:
//! 12. Check X3P PUSH client request completes with KErrNone and that returned
//! position is correct. Checks that it completes before X3P TIMER request.
//! 13. Check X3P TIMER has completed with KErrNone and that returned
//! position is correct.
//! Client:TransmitPosition(PUSH) ->LBS
//! RegisterLcsMoLr ->NET
//! Client:TransmitPosition(TIMER) ->LBS
//! MeasurementControlLocation <-NET
//! MeasurementReportLocation ->NET
//! FacilityLcsMoLrResult <-NET
//! ReleaseLcsMoLr ->NET
//! RegisterLcsMoLr ->NET
//! MeasurementControlLocation <-NET
//! MeasurementReportLocation ->NET
//! FacilityLcsMoLrResult <-NET
//! ReleaseLcsMoLr ->NET
//! Client:RunL(TransmitPosition(PUSH,pos,KErrNone)) ->LBS
//! Client:RunL(NotifyPositionUpdate(TIMER,pos,KErrNone)) ->LBS
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults Verify the correct positions and netsim callbacks.
//!@SYMREQ REQ163.5975
//!@SYMTestType CIT
//!@SYMTestPriority 1
//!@SYMTestStatus Implemented.
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_InstallScheduler
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_CreateVerifyPosInfos c:\testdata\configs\lbsconflict.ini LBS-Conflict
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsConflictTestServer LbsConflictStep_X3PPushTimer
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_VerifyLogInfo
END_TESTCASE LBS-Conflict-0005
//!@SYMTestCaseID LBS-Conflict-0006
//!@SYMTestCaseDesc Tests the behaviour when X3P with priority (TIMER=1) request is interrupted
//! by a X3P with priority (PUSH=2). The X3P (TIMER) request should be pre-empted and should
//! and queued. The X3P PUSH request should completeD with KErrNone and then the
//! queued X3P (TIMER) request should be taken off the queue and be done.
//! It also should complete with KErrNone.
//!@SYMTestActions 1. Client (the test) does a X3P(TIMER) request using TransmitPosition (TIMER,"12121212")
//! 2. After the MO-LR has been sent out by netsim (i.e. in netsim's
//! NotifyRegisterLcsMoLr callback) the client (test) requests a X3P (PUSH,"45454545")
//! using TransmitPosition - using a new RLbsTransmitPosition subsession.
//! 3.Check that a ReleaseLcsMoLr is sent to netsimwith error
//! KErrPositionHighPriorityReceived.
//! 4.Check RegisterLcsMoLr sent to network (using netsim callback check
//! the destination is that of the PUSH, "45454545")
//! 5.Check MeasurementControlLocation received from network
//! 6.Check MeasurementReportLocation sent to network
//! 7.Check FacilityLcsMoLrResult is received from netsim with a valid position
//! 8.Check ReleaseLcsMoLr sent to network
//! 9.Check client X3P (PUSH) request is satisfied and that the position is correct.
//! 10.Check RegisterLcsMoLr sent and that destination = "12121212.
//! 11.Check MeasurementControlLocation received from network
//! 12.Check MeasurementReportLocation sent to network
//! 13.Check FacilityLcsMoLrResult is received from netsim with a valid position
//! 14.Check ReleaseLcsMoLr sent to network
//! 15.Check client X3P (TIMER) request is satisfied and that the position is correct.
//! Client:TransmitPosition(TIMER) ->LBS
//! RegisterLcsMoLr("12121212") ->NET
//! Client:TransmitPosition(PUSH) ->LBS
//! MeasurementControlLocation <-NET
//! ReleaseLcsMoLr(KErrPositionHighPriorityReceived) ->NET
//! //or ABOVEarrives here:MeasurementControlLocation <-NET
//! RegisterLcsMoLr ->NET
//! MeasurementControlLocation <-NET
//! MeasurementReportLocation ->NET
//! FacilityLcsMoLrResult <-NET
//! ReleaseLcsMoLr ->NET
//! Client:RunL(TransmitPosition(PUSH,pos,KErrNone))->LBS
//! RegisterLcsMoLr ->NET
//! MeasurementControlLocation <-NET
//! MeasurementReportLocation ->NET
//! FacilityLcsMoLrResult <-NET
//! ReleaseLcsMoLr ->NET
//! Client:RunL(TransmitPosition(TIMER,pos,KErrNone))->LBS
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults Verify the correct positions and netsim callbacks.
//!@SYMREQ REQ163.5975
//!@SYMTestType CIT
//!@SYMTestPriority 1
//!@SYMTestStatus Implemented.
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_InstallScheduler
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_CreateVerifyPosInfos c:\testdata\configs\lbsconflict.ini LBS-Conflict
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsConflictTestServer LbsConflictStep_X3PTimerPush
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_VerifyLogInfo
END_TESTCASE LBS-Conflict-0006
//!@SYMTestCaseID LBS-Conflict-0007
//! Test 0007 is the same as spy 0001 execept for step 1a. Which
//! ensures that the client is tracking by SetUpdateInterval(60).
//! This tests the behaviour when a tracking self locate request
//! (the first in the sequence)
//! is pre-empted by a X3P request (which has higher priority).
//! The self locate request should
//! be terminated with a KErrPositionHighPriorityReceived and the X3P
//! request should succeed with KErrNone and a return a valid postion.
//!@SYMTestActions 1. Client (the test) does a self locate request using NotifyPositionUpdate
//! 2. When the RegisterLcsMoLr has started
//! (i.e. in netsim's NotifyRegisterLcsMoLr callback)
//! the client (test) requests using X3PTransmitPosition (say, priority=2 (PUSH).
//! 3.Check that a ReleaseLcsMoLr is sent to netsim.
//! with error KErrPositionHighPriorityReceived.
//! 4.Check RegisterLcsMoLr (X3P MoLr has a valid telephone number)
//! is sent to netsim
//! 5.Check MeasurementControlLocation is received from netsim
//! 6.Check MeasurementReportLocation sent to netsim with a valid position
//! 7.Check FacilityLcsMoLrResult is received from netsim with a valid position
//! 8.Check ReleaseLcsMoLr sent to netsim
//! At end of the test check that the following (9 and 10) has ocurred:
//! 9.Check self locate client request kas completed with KErrPositionHighPriorityReceived
//! and lat long is NaN is returned in the postion
//! 10.Check X3P client request has completed with KErrNone and that returned
//! position is correct.
//! Client:SetUpdateInterval(interval=60 seconds) ->LBS
//! Client:NotifyPositionUpdate->LBS
//! RegisterLcsMoLr ->NET
//! Client:TransmitPosition(PUSH) ->LBS
//! ReleaseLcsMoLr(KErrPositionHighPriorityReceived)->NET
//! RegisterLcsMoLr ->NET
//! ProcessMeasurementControlLocation <-NET
//! MeasurementReportLocation ->NET
//! FacilityLcsMoLrResult <-NET
//! ReleaseLcsMoLr ->NET
//! Client:RunL(NotifyPositionUpdate(pos,KEPHPR)) <-LBS
//! Client:RunL(TransmitPosition(pos,KErrNone)) <-LBS
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults Verify the correct positions and netsim callbacks.
//!@SYMREQ REQ163.5975
//!@SYMCR CR0946
//!@SYMTestType CIT
//!@SYMTestPriority 1
//!@SYMTestStatus Implemented.
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_InstallScheduler
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_CreateVerifyPosInfos c:\testdata\configs\lbsconflict.ini LBS-Conflict
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsConflictTestServer LbsConflictStep_selflocatex3ppush c:\testdata\configs\lbsconflict.ini LBS-Conflict-0007
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_VerifyLogInfo
END_TESTCASE LBS-Conflict-0007
//START_TESTCASE LBS-Conflict-0008
// Obsolete after QAT86/69
//!@SYMTestCaseID LBS-Conflict-0008
//! Tests that LBS tracking state correctly changes to "not tracking"
//! when a sole tracking client cancels tracking by cancelling a tracking
//! NotifyPositionUpdate request.
//! To test the state a X3P(TIMER) request is made. The test checks that the
//! X3P completes with KErrNone..
//! Note that whist in the tracking state a X3P(TIMER) would be rejected
//! with KErrServerBusy.
//! Note these three tests can all be implemented in the same .cpp file.
//! They differ only in the way tracking is stopped.
//! See "// this action causes end of tracking" in the three tests below.
//! 1. Client sets update interval say, to 30 seconds - thus tracking is enabled.
//! 2. Client (the test) does a self locate request using NotifyPositionUpdate
//! 4. Client waits for request to complete (with KerrNone and a valid position).
//! 5 Client does a second self locate request (using NotifyPositionUpdate)
//! 6. Client cancels the request
//! 7 Client waits for the request to be cancelled
//! 8. Client does a X3P (TIMER) request.
//! 9. Client waits for X3P request to complete with KErrNone
//! Client:SetUpdateOptions(interval=30 seconds) ->LBS
//! Client:NotifyPositionUpdate ->LBS
//! Client:RunL(NotifyPositionUpdate(KErrNone)) <-LBS // when it completes
//! Client:NotifyPositionUpdate ->LBS
//! Client:RPositioner::Cancel() <-LBS // this action causes end of tracking
//! Client:RunL(NotifyPositionUpdate(KErrCancel)) <-LBS // when it completes
//! Client:TransmitPosition(TIMER) ->LBS
//! Client:RunL(TransmitPosition(PUSH,pos,KErrNone)) ->LBS
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults Verify the correct positions and netsim callbacks.
//!@SYMCR CR0946
//!@SYMTestType CIT
//!@SYMTestPriority 1
//!@SYMTestStatus Implemented.
//RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_InstallScheduler
//RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_CreateVerifyPosInfos c:\testdata\configs\lbsconflict.ini LBS-Conflict
//RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsConflictTestServer LbsConflictStep_canceltracking c:\testdata\configs\lbsconflict.ini LBS-Conflict-0010
//RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_VerifyLogInfo
//END_TESTCASE LBS-Conflict-0008
//!@SYMTestCaseID LBS-Conflict-0008
//! Tests that LBS tracking state correctly changes to "not tracking".
//! when a sole tracking client cancels tracking by calling
//! SetUpdateOptions(interval=0)
//! To test the state a X3P(TIMER) request is made. The test checks that the
//! X3P completes with KErrNone..
//! Note that whist in the tracking state a X3P(TIMER) would be rejected
//! with KErrServerBusy.
//! 1. Client sets update interval say, to 30 seconds - thus tracking is enabled.
//! 2. Client (the test) does a self locate request using NotifyPositionUpdate
//! 3. Client waits for request to complete (with KerrNone and a valid position).
//! 4. Client sets update options. Interval=0. This stops tracking
//! 8. Client does a X3P (TIMER) request.
//! 9. Client waits for X3P request to complete with KErrNone
//! Client:SetUpdateOptions(interval=30 seconds) ->LBS
//! Client:NotifyPositionUpdate ->LBS
//! Client:RunL(NotifyPositionUpdate(KErrNone)) <-LBS // when it completes
//! Client:NotifyPositionUpdate ->LBS
//! Client:RPositioner::SetUpdateOptions(interval=0) <-LBS // this action causes end of tracking
//! Client:TransmitPosition(TIMER) ->LBS
//! Client:RunL(TransmitPosition(PUSH,pos,KErrNone)) ->LBS // checks that tracking is stopped
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults Verify the correct positions and netsim callbacks.
//!@SYMCR CR0946
//!@SYMTestType CIT
//!@SYMTestPriority 1
//!@SYMTestStatus Implemented.
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_InstallScheduler
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_CreateVerifyPosInfos c:\testdata\configs\lbsconflict.ini LBS-Conflict
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsConflictTestServer LbsConflictStep_canceltracking c:\testdata\configs\lbsconflict.ini LBS-Conflict-0011
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_VerifyLogInfo
END_TESTCASE LBS-Conflict-0008
//!@SYMTestCaseID LBS-Conflict-0009
//! Tests that LBS tracking state correctly changes to "not tracking".
//! when a sole tracking client cancels tracking by closing the subsession
//! To test the state a X3P(TIMER) request is made. The test checks that the
//! X3P completes with KErrNone..
//! Note that whist in the tracking state a X3P(TIMER) would be rejected
//! with KErrServerBusy.
//! 1. Client sets update interval say, to 30 seconds - thus tracking is enabled.
//! 2. Client (the test) does a self locate request using NotifyPositionUpdate
//! 3. Client waits for request to complete (with KerrNone and a valid position).
//! 4. Client closes subsession. This stops tracking
//! 5. Client does a X3P (TIMER) request.
//! 6. Client waits for X3P request to complete with KErrNone
//! Client:SetUpdateOptions(interval=30 seconds) ->LBS
//! Client:NotifyPositionUpdate ->LBS
//! Client:RunL(NotifyPositionUpdate(KErrNone)) <-LBS
//! Client:RPositioner::Close <-LBS // this action causes end of tracking
//! Client:TransmitPosition(TIMER) ->LBS
//! Client:RunL(TransmitPosition(PUSH,pos,KErrNone)) ->LBS // checks that tracking is stopped
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults Verify the correct positions and netsim callbacks.
//!@SYMCR CR0946
//!@SYMTestType CIT
//!@SYMTestPriority 1
//!@SYMTestStatus Implemented.
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_InstallScheduler
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_CreateVerifyPosInfos c:\testdata\configs\lbsconflict.ini LBS-Conflict
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsConflictTestServer LbsConflictStep_canceltracking c:\testdata\configs\lbsconflict.ini LBS-Conflict-0012
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_VerifyLogInfo
END_TESTCASE LBS-Conflict-0009
//!@SYMTestCaseID LBS-Conflict-0010
//! Tests that LBS tracking state correctly changes to "not tracking".
//! after a conflict.
//! The tracking self locate request is terminated by a X3P push conflict.
//! A X3P occurs whilst tracking with a self locate request currently active.
//! cf Test 0014 where a NPUD request is NOT outstanding when the X3P happens.
//! To test the state a X3P(TIMER) request is made. The test checks that the
//! X3P completes with KErrNone and not KErrServerBusy.
//! Note that whist in the tracking state a X3P(TIMER) would be rejected
//! with KErrServerBusy.
//! 1. Client sets update interval say, to 4 seconds - thus tracking is enabled.
//! 2. Client (the test) does a self locate request using NotifyPositionUpdate
//! 4. Client waits for request to complete (RunL() with KerrNone
//! and a valid position).
//! 5 In the MoLr release of the first NPUD the client does a second
//! self locate request and then issues a X3P (PUSH) request
//! 6 Client waits for self X3P (PUSH)request to complete with KErrNone
//! 7. In RunL of above request completing client does a X3P (TIMER)
//! request.
//! 8. Client waits for X3P (TIMER)request to complete with KErrNone
//! Client:SetUpdateOptions(interval=4 seconds) ->LBS
//! Client:NotifyPositionUpdate ->LBS
//! Client:RunL(NotifyPositionUpdate(KErrNone)) <-LBS // when it completes
//! Client:NotifyPositionUpdate ->LBS // request now outstanding!
//! The next steps replaces original test 0009!
//! Client:TransmitPosition(PUSH) ->LBS
//! Client:RunL(NotifyPositionUpdate(KErrHighPriorityRec)) <-LBS // conflict! // this action causes end of tracking
//! Client:RunL(TransmitPosition(PUSH,pos,KErrNone)) ->LBS
//! Client:TransmitPosition(TIMER) ->LBS
//! Client:RunL(TransmitPosition(PUSH,pos,KErrNone)) ->LBS // checks that tracking is stopped
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults Verify the correct positions and netsim callbacks.
//!@SYMCR CR0946
//!@SYMTestType CIT
//!@SYMTestPriority 1
//!@SYMTestStatus Implemented.
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_InstallScheduler
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_CreateVerifyPosInfos c:\testdata\configs\lbsconflict.ini LBS-Conflict
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsConflictTestServer LbsConflictStep_canceltrackingconflict c:\testdata\configs\lbsconflict.ini LBS-Conflict-0013
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_VerifyLogInfo
END_TESTCASE LBS-Conflict-0010
//!@SYMTestCaseID LBS-Conflict-0011
//! Tests that LBS tracking state correctly changes to "not tracking".
//! after a conflict.
//! The tracking self locate request is terminated by a X3P push conflict.
//! A X3P occurs whilst a self locate tracking request is not
//! currently active. cf Test 0013 where a NPUD request is outstanding.
//! To test the state a X3P(TIMER) request is made. The test checks that the
//! X3P completes with KErrNone..
//! Note that whist in the tracking state a X3P(TIMER) would be rejected
//! with KErrServerBusy.
//! 1. Client sets update interval say, to 4 seconds - thus tracking is enabled.
//! 2. Client (the test) does a self locate request using NotifyPositionUpdate
//! 3. Client waits for request to complete (with KerrNone and a valid position).
//! 4 Client issues a X3P (PUSH) request (in MoLr release callback) then does a
//! second tracking NPDU - conflict!
//! 5 Client waits for second self locate request to complete with KErrServerBusy
//! 6 Client waits for X3P (PUSH) to complete with KErrNone
//! 7. Client does a X3P (TIMER) request in RunL of X3P (PUSH).
//! 8. Client waits for X3P (TIMER) request to complete with KErrNone
//! Client:SetUpdateOptions(interval=4 seconds) ->LBS
//! Client:NotifyPositionUpdate ->LBS
//! Client:RunL(NotifyPositionUpdate(KErrNone)) <-LBS // when it completes
//! Client:NotifyPositionUpdate ->LBS // no request currently outstanding!
//! The next steps replaces original test 0008!
//! Client:TransmitPosition(PUSH) ->LBS
//! Client:RunL(NotifyPositionUpdate(KErrHighPriorityRec)) <-LBS // conflict! this action causes end of tracking
//! Client:RunL(TransmitPosition(PUSH,pos,KErrNone)) ->LBS
//! Client:TransmitPosition(TIMER) ->LBS
//! Client:RunL(TransmitPosition(PUSH,pos,KErrNone)) ->LBS // checks that tracking is stopped
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults Verify the correct positions and netsim callbacks.
//!@SYMCR CR0946
//!@SYMTestType CIT
//!@SYMTestPriority 1
//!@SYMTestStatus Implemented.
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_InstallScheduler
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_CreateVerifyPosInfos c:\testdata\configs\lbsconflict.ini LBS-Conflict
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsConflictTestServer LbsConflictStep_canceltrackingconflictb c:\testdata\configs\lbsconflict.ini LBS-Conflict-0014
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_VerifyLogInfo
END_TESTCASE LBS-Conflict-0011
//!@SYMTestCaseID LBS-Conflict-0012
//!@SYMTestCaseDesc Tests the behaviour when X3P with priority 2 (PUSH) request is interrupted
//! by a X3P with priority 8 (MENU). The X3P PUSH request should be completed
//! with KErrNone a valid position should be expected.
//! The X3P MENU request should be queued and it should complete with KerrNone
//! after the X3P PUSH request completes, and a valid position is expected.
//!@SYMTestActions 1. Client (the test) does a X3P request using TransmitPosition (PUSH, "01223 123456").
//! 2. After the MO-LR has been sent out by netsim (i.e. in NotifyRegisterLcsMoLr
//! callback) the client (test) requests a X3P (MENU) using TransmitPosition
//! (note a new RLbsTransmitPosition subsession is used).
//! 3. Check MeasurementControlLocation for X3P(PUSH) received from network
//! 4. Check MeasurementReportLocation for X3P(PUSH) sent to network
//! 5. Check FacilityLcsMoLrResult for X3P(PUSH) is received from netsim with the expected vposition
//! 6. Check ReleaseLcsMoLr for X3P(PUSH) sent to network
//! 7. Check RegisterLcsMoLr for X3P(MENU) sent to network (using netsim callback check destination ="9876543")
//! 8. Check MeasurementControlLocation for X3P(MENU) received from network
//! 9. Check MeasurementReportLocation for X3P(MENU) sent to network
//! 10. Check FacilityLcsMoLrResult for X3P(MENU) is received from netsim with a valid position
//! 11. Check ReleaseLcsMoLr for X3P(MENU) sent to network
//! At end of the test check that the following (12 and 13) have ocurred:
//! 12. Check X3P PUSH client request completes with KErrNone and that returned
//! position is correct. Checks that it completes before X3P MENU request.
//! 13. Check X3P MENU has completed with KErrNone and that returned
//! position is correct.
//! Client:TransmitPosition(PUSH) ->LBS
//! RegisterLcsMoLr ->NET
//! Client:TransmitPosition(MENU) ->LBS
//! MeasurementControlLocation <-NET
//! MeasurementReportLocation ->NET
//! FacilityLcsMoLrResult <-NET
//! ReleaseLcsMoLr ->NET
//! RegisterLcsMoLr ->NET
//! MeasurementControlLocation <-NET
//! MeasurementReportLocation ->NET
//! FacilityLcsMoLrResult <-NET
//! ReleaseLcsMoLr ->NET
//! Client:RunL(TransmitPosition(PUSH,pos,KErrNone)) ->LBS
//! Client:RunL(NotifyPositionUpdate(MENU,pos,KErrNone)) ->LBS
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults Verify the correct positions and netsim callbacks.
//!@SYMREQ REQ163.5975
//!@SYMTestType CIT
//!@SYMTestPriority 1
//!@SYMTestStatus Implemented.
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_InstallScheduler
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_CreateVerifyPosInfos c:\testdata\configs\lbsconflict.ini LBS-Conflict
RUN_TEST_STEP 060 LbsConflictTestServer LbsConflictStep_X3PPushMenu
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_VerifyLogInfo
END_TESTCASE LBS-Conflict-0012
//!@SYMTestCaseID LBS-Conflict-0013
//!@SYMTestCaseDesc Tests the behaviour when X3P with priority 2 (PUSH) request is interrupted
//! by a X3P with priority 2 (PUSH). The first X3P PUSH request should be completed
//! with KErrNone a valid position should be expected.
//! The second X3P PUSH request should be queued and it should complete with KerrNone
//! after the first X3P PUSH request completes, and a valid position is expected.
//!@SYMTestActions 1. Client (the test) does a X3P request using TransmitPosition (PUSH, "01223 123456").
//! 2. After the MO-LR has been sent out by netsim (i.e. in NotifyRegisterLcsMoLr
//! callback) the client (test) requests another X3P (PUSH) using TransmitPosition
//! (note a new RLbsTransmitPosition subsession is used).
//! 3. Check MeasurementControlLocation for X3P(PUSH) received from network
//! 4. Check MeasurementReportLocation for X3P(PUSH) sent to network
//! 5. Check FacilityLcsMoLrResult for X3P(PUSH) is received from netsim with the expected vposition
//! 6. Check ReleaseLcsMoLr for X3P(PUSH) sent to network
//! 7. Check RegisterLcsMoLr for X3P(PUSH2) sent to network (using netsim callback check destination ="9876543")
//! 8. Check MeasurementControlLocation for X3P(PUSH2) received from network
//! 9. Check MeasurementReportLocation for X3P(PUSH2) sent to network
//! 10. Check FacilityLcsMoLrResult for X3P(PUSH2) is received from netsim with a valid position
//! 11. Check ReleaseLcsMoLr for X3P(PUSH2) sent to network
//! At end of the test check that the following (12 and 13) have ocurred:
//! 12. Check X3P PUSH client request completes with KErrNone and that returned
//! position is correct. Checks that it completes before X3P TIMER request.
//! 13. Check X3P PUSH2 has completed with KErrNone and that returned
//! position is correct.
//! Client:TransmitPosition(PUSH) ->LBS
//! RegisterLcsMoLr ->NET
//! Client:TransmitPosition(PUSH2) ->LBS
//! MeasurementControlLocation <-NET
//! MeasurementReportLocation ->NET
//! FacilityLcsMoLrResult <-NET
//! ReleaseLcsMoLr ->NET
//! RegisterLcsMoLr ->NET
//! MeasurementControlLocation <-NET
//! MeasurementReportLocation ->NET
//! FacilityLcsMoLrResult <-NET
//! ReleaseLcsMoLr ->NET
//! Client:RunL(TransmitPosition(PUSH,pos,KErrNone)) ->LBS
//! Client:RunL(NotifyPositionUpdate(PUSH2,pos,KErrNone)) ->LBS
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults Verify the correct positions and netsim callbacks.
//!@SYMREQ REQ163.5975
//!@SYMTestType CIT
//!@SYMTestPriority 1
//!@SYMTestStatus Implemented.
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_InstallScheduler
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_CreateVerifyPosInfos c:\testdata\configs\lbsconflict.ini LBS-Conflict
RUN_TEST_STEP 060 LbsConflictTestServer LbsConflictStep_X3PPushPush
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_VerifyLogInfo
END_TESTCASE LBS-Conflict-0013
//!@SYMTestCaseID LBS-Conflict-0014
//!@SYMTestCaseDesc Tests the behaviour when X3P with priority 8 (MENU) request is interrupted
//! by another X3P with same priority 8 (MENU). The first X3P(MENU) request should be completed
//! with KErrNone a valid position should be expected.
//! The second X3P MENU request should be queued and it should complete with KerrNone
//! after the X3P MENU request completes, and a valid position is expected.
//!@SYMTestActions 1. Client (the test) does a X3P request using TransmitPosition (MENU, "01223 123456").
//! 2. After the MO-LR has been sent out by netsim (i.e. in NotifyRegisterLcsMoLr
//! callback) the client (test) requests another X3P (MENU) using TransmitPosition
//! (note a new RLbsTransmitPosition subsession is used).
//! 3. Check MeasurementControlLocation for X3P(MENU) received from network
//! 4. Check MeasurementReportLocation for X3P(MENU) sent to network
//! 5. Check FacilityLcsMoLrResult for X3P(MENU) is received from netsim with the expected vposition
//! 6. Check ReleaseLcsMoLr for X3P(MENU) sent to network
//! 7. Check RegisterLcsMoLr for X3P(MENU2) sent to network (using netsim callback check destination ="9876543")
//! 8. Check MeasurementControlLocation for X3P(MENU2) received from network
//! 9. Check MeasurementReportLocation for X3P(MENU2) sent to network
//! 10. Check FacilityLcsMoLrResult for X3P(MENU2) is received from netsim with a valid position
//! 11. Check ReleaseLcsMoLr for X3P(MENU2) sent to network
//! At end of the test check that the following (12 and 13) have ocurred:
//! 12. Check X3P MENU client request completes with KErrNone and that returned
//! position is correct. Checks that it completes before X3P TIMER request.
//! 13. Check X3P MENU2 has completed with KErrNone and that returned
//! position is correct.
//! Client:TransmitPosition(MENU) ->LBS
//! RegisterLcsMoLr ->NET
//! Client:TransmitPosition(MENU2) ->LBS
//! MeasurementControlLocation <-NET
//! MeasurementReportLocation ->NET
//! FacilityLcsMoLrResult <-NET
//! ReleaseLcsMoLr ->NET
//! RegisterLcsMoLr ->NET
//! MeasurementControlLocation <-NET
//! MeasurementReportLocation ->NET
//! FacilityLcsMoLrResult <-NET
//! ReleaseLcsMoLr ->NET
//! Client:RunL(TransmitPosition(MENU,pos,KErrNone)) ->LBS
//! Client:RunL(NotifyPositionUpdate(MENU2,pos,KErrNone)) ->LBS
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults Verify the correct positions and netsim callbacks.
//!@SYMREQ REQ163.5975
//!@SYMTestType CIT
//!@SYMTestPriority 1
//!@SYMTestStatus Implemented.
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_InstallScheduler
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_CreateVerifyPosInfos c:\testdata\configs\lbsconflict.ini LBS-Conflict
RUN_TEST_STEP 060 LbsConflictTestServer LbsConflictStep_X3PMenuMenu
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_VerifyLogInfo
END_TESTCASE LBS-Conflict-0014
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_ResetDefaultAdmin
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsConflictTestServer LbsStep_StopLbs
// Re-select the real A-GPS integration module.
RUN_UTILS DeleteFile c:\private\10282253\lbs\locmods\agpsintegmodule.ini