DEADHEAD: Fixes for bug 2680 seem to be obsolete
- no remaining references to the empty bld.inf files
- networkprotocolmodules/suplprotocolmodule/sfgroup/bld.inf has been deleted
// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include "ULP.h"
#include "ASN1TTime.h"
#include <lbssatellite.h>
#include <lbs/lbsgpsmeasurement.h>
#include "suplend.h"
#include "supldevloggermacros.h"
Static factor constructor
EXPORT_C CSuplEnd* CSuplEnd::NewL(TBool aIsOutgoingMessage)
SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplEnd::NewL() Begin\n");
CSuplEnd* self = CSuplEnd::NewLC(aIsOutgoingMessage);
SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplEnd::NewL() End\n");
return self;
EXPORT_C CSuplEnd* CSuplEnd::NewLC(TBool aIsOutgoingMessage)
SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplEnd::NewLC() Begin\n");
CSuplEnd* self = new (ELeave) CSuplEnd(aIsOutgoingMessage);
SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplEnd::NewLC() End\n");
return self;
CSuplEnd::CSuplEnd(TBool aIsOutgoingMessage)
: CSuplMessageBase::CSuplMessageBase(ESuplEnd, aIsOutgoingMessage)
Second stage constructor
void CSuplEnd::ConstructL()
// call the base class ConstructL() to create common data structures
// message specific structures for outgoing messages.
if (iIsOutgoingMessage)
// local reference to context object
OSCTXT* pctxt = iControl->getCtxtPtr();
// create the SUPL POS specific data structures
iData->message.t = T_UlpMessage_msSUPLEND;
iData->message.u.msSUPLEND = (ASN1T_SUPLEND*)rtxMemAllocZ(pctxt, sizeof(ASN1T_SUPLEND));
SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplEnd::~CSuplEnd() Begin\n");
SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplEnd::~CSuplEnd() End\n");
Set the Position parameter
@param aPosInfo, position info as provided by LBS subsystem
@return error indication, KErrNone otherwise
EXPORT_C TInt CSuplEnd::SetPosition(const TPositionInfoBase& aPosInfo)
SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplEnd::SetPosition() Begin\n");
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iIsOutgoingMessage, User::Invariant());
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iData->message.u.msSUPLEND != NULL, User::Invariant());
// flag that the optional position parameter is present
iData->message.u.msSUPLEND->m.positionPresent = 1;
SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplEnd::SetPosition() End (Calling PopulatePosition())\n");
return PopulatePosition(aPosInfo, iData->message.u.msSUPLEND->position);
Set the SUPL Status Code
@param aStatusCode, the status code for session termination
@return error indication, KErrNone otherwise
EXPORT_C TInt CSuplEnd::SetStatusCode(TSuplStatusCode& aStatusCode)
SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplEnd::SetStatusCode() Begin\n");
SUPLLOG2(ELogP1, " - TSuplStatusCode aStatusCode = %d\n", aStatusCode);
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iIsOutgoingMessage, User::Invariant());
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iData->message.u.msSUPLEND != NULL, User::Invariant());
// flag that the optional status code parameter is present and set param
iData->message.u.msSUPLEND->m.statusCodePresent = 1;
iData->message.u.msSUPLEND->statusCode = aStatusCode;
SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplEnd::SetStatusCode() End\n");
return KErrNone;
Sets the Ver parameter, a hash of the received SUPL INIT message of the
outgoing message
@param aVer, pointer to buffer containing the hash of the SUPL INIT message
@return error indication, KErrNone otherwise
EXPORT_C TInt CSuplEnd::SetVer(const TDesC8& aVer)
SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplEnd::SetVer() Begin\n");
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iData->message.u.msSUPLEND != NULL, User::Invariant());
ASN1T_SUPLEND& suplEnd = *iData->message.u.msSUPLEND;
suplEnd.m.verPresent = 1;
suplEnd.ver.numbits = 64;
TPtr8 target(, 8);
SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplEnd::SetVer() End\n");
return KErrNone;
@return ETrue if the position parameter is present
EXPORT_C TBool CSuplEnd::PositionPresent()
SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplEnd::PositionPresent() Begin\n");
__ASSERT_DEBUG(!iIsOutgoingMessage, User::Invariant());
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iData->message.u.msSUPLEND != NULL, User::Invariant());
if (iData->message.u.msSUPLEND->m.positionPresent != 0)
SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplEnd::PositionPresent(ETrue) End\n");
return ETrue;
SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplEnd::PositionPresent(EFalse) End\n");
return EFalse;
Retrieve the received position information.
@param aPosition, on return populated with the received position information
@return error indication, KErrNone otherwise
EXPORT_C TInt CSuplEnd::GetPosition(TPosition& aPosition)
SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplEnd::Position() Begin\n");
__ASSERT_DEBUG(!iIsOutgoingMessage, User::Invariant());
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iData->message.u.msSUPLEND != NULL, User::Invariant());
if (iData->message.u.msSUPLEND->m.positionPresent != 0)
ASN1T_Position& receivedPos = iData->message.u.msSUPLEND->position;
TTime time(0);
TInt err = DecodeTime((TUint8*)receivedPos.timestamp, time);
TReal64 latitude = receivedPos.positionEstimate.latitude;
latitude *= 90;
latitude /= 8388608; // 2^23
if (receivedPos.positionEstimate.latitudeSign == PositionEstimate_latitudeSign::south)
latitude *= -1;
TReal64 longitude = receivedPos.positionEstimate.longitude;
longitude *= 360;
longitude /= 16777216;
aPosition.SetCoordinate(latitude, longitude);
// horizontal uncertainty
// from 3gpp ts 23.032: uncert = C( (1+x)^k - 1 ), C = 10, x = 0.1
if (receivedPos.positionEstimate.m.uncertaintyPresent != 0)
TUint k = receivedPos.positionEstimate.uncertainty.uncertaintySemiMajor;
TReal uncert;
Math::Pow(uncert, 1.1, k);
uncert -= 1;
uncert *= 10;
// vertical position
if (receivedPos.positionEstimate.m.altitudeInfoPresent != 0)
// actual altitude in meters
TReal32 altitude = receivedPos.positionEstimate.altitudeInfo.altitude;
// direction
if (receivedPos.positionEstimate.altitudeInfo.altitudeDirection == AltitudeInfo_altitudeDirection::depth)
altitude *= -1;
aPosition.SetCoordinate(latitude, longitude, altitude);
// altitude uncertainty
// from 3gpp ts 23.032: altUncert = C( (1+x)^k - 1 ), C = 45, x = 0.025
TUint kAlt = receivedPos.positionEstimate.altitudeInfo.altUncertainty;
TReal altUncert;
Math::Pow(altUncert, 1.025, kAlt);
altUncert -= 1;
altUncert *= 45;
return KErrNotFound;
SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplEnd::Position() End\n");
return KErrNone;
@return ETrue if the status code parameter is present
EXPORT_C TBool CSuplEnd::StatusCodePresent()
SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplEnd::StatusCodePresent() Begin\n");
if (iData->message.u.msSUPLEND->m.statusCodePresent != 0)
SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplEnd::StatusCodePresent(ETrue) End\n");
return ETrue;
SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplEnd::StatusCodePresent(EFalse) End\n");
return EFalse;
@return the SUPL status code
EXPORT_C TSuplStatusCode CSuplEnd::StatusCode()
SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplEnd::StatusCode() Begin\n");
__ASSERT_DEBUG(!iIsOutgoingMessage, User::Invariant());
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iData->message.u.msSUPLEND != NULL, User::Invariant());
if (iData->message.u.msSUPLEND->m.statusCodePresent != 0)
SUPLLOG2(ELogP1, "CSuplEnd::StatusCode() End (Status Code == %d\n", iData->message.u.msSUPLEND->statusCode);
return (TSuplStatusCode)iData->message.u.msSUPLEND->statusCode;
SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplEnd::StatusCode() End (Status Code not present)\n");
return ESuplStatusUnspecified;
TInt CSuplEnd::DecodeTime(const TUint8* aTimeString, TTime& aTimeOut)
SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplEnd::DecodeTime() Begin\n");
TInt err = KErrNone;
err = t.parseString((const char*)aTimeString);
if (err != KErrNone)
return err;
TInt month = t.getMonth();
TMonth monthEnum;
switch (month)
case 1: monthEnum = EJanuary; break;
case 2: monthEnum = EFebruary; break;
case 3: monthEnum = EMarch; break;
case 4: monthEnum = EApril; break;
case 5: monthEnum = EMay; break;
case 6: monthEnum = EJune; break;
case 7: monthEnum = EJuly; break;
case 8: monthEnum = EAugust; break;
case 9: monthEnum = ESeptember; break;
case 10: monthEnum = EOctober; break;
case 11: monthEnum = ENovember; break;
case 12: monthEnum = EDecember; break;
__ASSERT_DEBUG(0, User::Invariant());
return KErrArgument;
//Get the day value, subtract 1 from it to convert to internal day values (0-...)
TInt day = t.getDay() - 1;
TDateTime dateTime(t.getYear(), monthEnum, day, t.getHour(), t.getMinute(), t.getSecond(), 0);
aTimeOut = dateTime;
SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplEnd::DecodeTime() End\n");
return KErrNone;