// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <ecom/ecom.h>
#include <lbscommon.h>
#include <lbspositioninfo.h>
#include <lbs/epos_cposmodules.h>
#include <lbs/epos_cposmoduleidlist.h>
#include <lbs/epos_cpositioner.h>
#include <lbssatellite.h>
#include "epos_mposmodulestatusmanager.h"
#include "EPos_CPosRequestController.h"
#include "epos_cposrequestor.h"
#include "epos_defaultproxycommon.h"
#include "epos_cpospsylisthandler.h"
#include "epos_cpospsyfixstatemanager.h"
#include "epos_cposconstmanager.h"
#include "epos_cposexternalgpsmonitor.h"
#include "epos_posgenericinfouser.h"
// ================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS =======================
// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
CPosDefaultPositioner& aDefaultPositioner,
MPosModuleStatusManager& aModuleStatusManager)
iDefaultPositioner( aDefaultPositioner ),
iModuleStatusManager( aModuleStatusManager ),
iCurrentPsy( KErrNotFound )
// EPOC default constructor can leave.
void CPosRequestController::ConstructL(
MPosModuleSettingsManager& aSettingsManager )
TRACESTRING( "CPosRequestController::ConstructL start... " )
iPsyListHandler = CPosPsyListHandler::GetInstanceL();
aSettingsManager );
iPsyListHandler->AddListenerL( this );
iPsyFixStateManager = CPosPsyFixStateManager::GetInstanceL();
iPsyFixStateManager->AddListenerL( this );
iConstManager = CPosConstManager::GetInstanceL();
iExtGpsPsyMonitor = CPosExternalGpsMonitor::GetInstanceL(
iModuleStatusManager );
//Construct cleanup timer
iCleanupTimer = CPeriodic::NewL( CActive::EPriorityStandard );
TRACESTRING( "CPosRequestController::ConstructL end " )
// Two-phased constructor.
CPosRequestController* CPosRequestController::NewL(
CPosDefaultPositioner& aDefaultPositioner,
MPosModuleSettingsManager& aSettingsManager,
MPosModuleStatusManager& aModuleStatusManager )
CPosRequestController* self = new (ELeave)
aModuleStatusManager );
aSettingsManager );
return self;
// Destructor
TRACESTRING( "CPosRequestController::destructor start... " )
if ( iPsyFixStateManager )
iPsyFixStateManager->RemoveListener( this );
if ( iPsyListHandler )
iPsyListHandler->RemoveListener( this );
if ( iConstManager )
if ( iExtGpsPsyMonitor )
iDefaultPositioner );
// Close all requestors
//Close PSY List
// Cleanup timer
delete iCleanupTimer;
TRACESTRING( "CPosRequestController::destructor end... " )
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosRequestController::NotifyPositionUpdate
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPosRequestController::NotifyPositionUpdate(
TPositionInfoBase& aPosInfo,
TRequestStatus& aStatus)
TRACESTRING( "CPosRequestController::NotifyPositionUpdate start... " )
//Default Proxy can't handle simultaneous location request.
iPosRequestStatus == NULL,
DefaultProxyPanic( EDefaultProxyPanic_SimualtaneousLR ) );
aStatus = KRequestPending;
iPosRequestStatus = &aStatus;
iPosInfo = &aPosInfo;
//When location request received, clear cleanup timer
TRAPD( err, StartPositionUpdateL() );
if( err != KErrNone )
TRACESTRING( "CPosRequestController::NotifyPositionUpdate end " )
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosRequestController::CancelNotifyPositionUpdate
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPosRequestController::CancelNotifyPositionUpdate(TInt aCancelReason)
TRACESTRING( "CPosRequestController::CancelNotifyPositionUpdate(TInt) start... " )
//Cancel location request with error to all loaded requestor
TInt loadedRequestorCount = iRequestorArray.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < loadedRequestorCount; i++ )
CancelRequest( i, aCancelReason );
TRACESTRING( "CPosRequestController::CancelNotifyPositionUpdate(TInt) end " )
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosRequestController::CancelNotifyPositionUpdate
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPosRequestController::CancelNotifyPositionUpdate()
TRACESTRING( "CPosRequestController::CancelNotifyPositionUpdate start... " )
// This is a real user cancel
TRACESTRING( "CPosRequestController::CancelNotifyPositionUpdate end " )
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosRequestController::CancelRequest
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPosRequestController::CancelRequest( TInt aIndex, TInt aCancelReason )
TInt count = iRequestorArray.Count();
if ( aIndex < count )
CPosRequestor* requestor = iRequestorArray[aIndex];
if ( requestor->IsActive() )
//Notify external GPS PSY monitor that this PSY is not used.
iExtGpsPsyMonitor->PsyNotUsed( requestor->ModuleId() );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosRequestController::CancelRequest
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPosRequestController::CancelRequest( TPositionModuleId aPsyId )
TInt count = iRequestorArray.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
CPosRequestor* requestor = iRequestorArray[i];
if ( requestor->ModuleId() == aPsyId &&
requestor->IsActive() )
//Notify external GPS PSY monitor that this PSY is not used.
iExtGpsPsyMonitor->PsyNotUsed( requestor->ModuleId() );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosRequestController::StartTrackingL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPosRequestController::StartTracking(
const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& /*aInterval*/)
//This function does nothing. Tracking will be started
//to any specific PSY only if this PSY will be used by
//Default Proxy.
TRACESTRING( "CPosRequestController::StartTracking" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosRequestController::StopTracking
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPosRequestController::StopTracking()
TRACESTRING( "CPosRequestController::StopTracking start..." )
//Stop tracking to all loaded PSYs
TInt loadedRequestorCount = iRequestorArray.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < loadedRequestorCount; i++ )
TRACESTRING( "CPosRequestController::StopTracking end" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosRequestController::StartPositionUpdateL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPosRequestController::StartPositionUpdateL()
TRACESTRING( "CPosRequestController::StartPositionUpdateL start..." )
//Rebuid PSY list if neccessary
if ( !iPsyListValid )
iPsyListHandler->GetPsyListL( iPsyList );
iPsyListValid = ETrue;
iFirstResult = KErrNotFound; // as if no enabled psys found
iCurrentPsy = KErrNotFound; // start from first module
if ( !IsLocationRequestOnGoing() )
CompleteRequest( iFirstResult );
TRACESTRING( "CPosRequestController::StartPositionUpdateL end" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosRequestController::TryNextPositioner
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPosRequestController::TryNextPositioner()
TRACESTRING( "CPosRequestController::TryNextPositioner start..." )
// Find next enabled plugin we should try with
TInt count = iPsyList.Count();
while ( ++iCurrentPsy < count )
TPositionModuleId currentPsyId = iPsyList[iCurrentPsy];
TRACESTRING2( "PSY: %x", currentPsyId )
TUint32 classType = iPosInfo->PositionClassType();
if ( !iPsyListHandler->IsClassSupported(
currentPsyId ) )
//if the requested class is not supported, then we try next PSY
//in the PSY list
if ( iCurrentPsy == 0 )
//Error code fromt the first PSY
iFirstResult = KErrArgument;
TRAPD( err, TryPositionerL( currentPsyId ) );
TRACESTRING2( "Try PSY completion code = %d", err )
if( err == KErrNone )
//Location request is made to currentPsy. Check the fix state of
//current PSY, if current PSY can't give a fix, we load next PSY
if ( iPsyFixStateManager->GetPsyFixState( currentPsyId )
!= CPosPsyFixStateManager::EPsyFixStateNo )
//break from here. Othsewise, try next PSY
//In error case, we store the error code if needed and try next PSY
if ( iCurrentPsy == 0 )
//Error code fromt the first PSY
iFirstResult = err;
TRACESTRING( "CPosRequestController::TryNextPositioner end" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosRequestController::TryPositionerL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPosRequestController::TryPositionerL( TPositionModuleId aPsyId )
CPosRequestor* currentRequestor = NULL;
//Check device status of the PSY. If it's in error status,
//it will not be used at all.
TPositionModuleStatus moduleStatus;
moduleStatus );
if ( moduleStatus.DeviceStatus() == TPositionModuleStatus::EDeviceError )
TRACESTRING2( "PSY %x device error", aPsyId )
User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
//Find if the PSY is already loaded
TInt requestorCount = iRequestorArray.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < requestorCount; i++ )
if ( iRequestorArray[i]->ModuleId() == aPsyId )
currentRequestor = iRequestorArray[i];
if ( currentRequestor == NULL )
//PSY has not been loaded before, load it now
TRACESTRING2( "Loading Positioner: %x", aPsyId )
currentRequestor =
iModuleStatusManager );
CleanupStack::PushL( currentRequestor );
//Notify fix state manager that a PSY is loaded
iPsyFixStateManager->PsyLoadedL( aPsyId );
//Add this requestor to requestor array
User::LeaveIfError( iRequestorArray.Append(
currentRequestor ) );
CleanupStack::Pop( currentRequestor );
//Start tracking if needed
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds interval = iDefaultPositioner.TrackingInterval();
if (interval.Int64() != 0 )
currentRequestor->StartTrackingL( interval );
//Make location request to current positioner
currentRequestor->MakeLocationRequestL( *iPosInfo );
//Notify external GPS PSY monitor that a PSY is used
iExtGpsPsyMonitor->PsyUsed( aPsyId );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosRequestController::LocationRequestCompleted
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPosRequestController::LocationRequestCompleted(
TPositionModuleId aModuleId,
TInt aErr,
const TPositionInfoBase& aPosInfo,
TBool aIsPosInfoUpToDate )
TRACESTRING( "CPosRequestController::LocationRequestCompleted start..." )
TRACESTRING2( "PSY: %x", aModuleId )
TRACESTRING2( "Err: %d", aErr )
TRACESTRING2( "Is PosInfo Updated: %d", aIsPosInfoUpToDate )
//Notify the external GPS PSY monitor that a PSY in not used
iExtGpsPsyMonitor->PsyNotUsed( aModuleId );
TInt err = aErr;
if ( aErr == KPositionPartialUpdate && IsLocationRequestOnGoingOnNetworkPsy() )
//Partial update is returned when Network PSY is used.
//partial update is not forwarded to system. Instead, location
//request is made to the loaded PSY again.
TInt ignore;
TRAP( ignore, TryPositionerL( aModuleId ) );
else if ( aErr == KErrNone ||
aErr == KErrPositionBufferOverflow ||
aErr == KPositionPartialUpdate )
//Location request succeed or
//buffer over flow is returned from a PSY or
//partial update is returned when only GPS PSY is used
//Copy request info, and complete LR
if ( aIsPosInfoUpToDate )
aPosInfo.PositionClassSize() == iPosInfo->PositionClassSize(),
DefaultProxyPanic( EDefaultProxyPanic_PosInfoSizeMismatch ) );
Mem::Copy( iPosInfo, &aPosInfo, iPosInfo->PositionClassSize() );
TInt cpErr = CopyPosInfoClass( aPosInfo , *iPosInfo );
if ( cpErr != KErrNone && err == KErrNone )
err = cpErr;
if ( iPosInfo->ModuleId() != aModuleId )
err = KErrGeneral;
CompleteRequest( err );
if ( aModuleId == iPsyList[0] )
//Store the result from first PSY
iFirstResult = aErr;
//Store module ID of first positioner
iPosInfo->SetModuleId( aModuleId );
//This will cause the state change notification and generate fallback
//if it's a error case.
iPsyFixStateManager->SetPsyFixState( aModuleId, aErr );
if ( !IsLocationRequestOnGoing() )
CompleteRequest( iFirstResult );
TRACESTRING( "CPosRequestController::LocationRequestCompleted end" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosRequestController::IsLocationRequestOnGoing
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CPosRequestController::IsLocationRequestOnGoing() const
TInt count = iRequestorArray.Count();
for ( TInt i=0; i < count; i++ )
const CPosRequestor& requestor = *(iRequestorArray[i]);
if ( requestor.IsActive() )
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosRequestController::IsLocationRequestOnGoingOnNetworkPsy
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CPosRequestController::IsLocationRequestOnGoingOnNetworkPsy() const
TInt count = iRequestorArray.Count();
for ( TInt i=0; i < count; i++ )
const CPosRequestor& requestor = *(iRequestorArray[i]);
if ( requestor.IsActive() &&
requestor.ModuleId() ) )
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosRequestController::PsyFixStateChanged
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPosRequestController::PsyFixStateChanged(
TPositionModuleId aModuleId,
CPosPsyFixStateManager::TPsyFixState aFixState )
TRACESTRING( "CPosRequestController::PsyFixStateChanged start..." )
TRACESTRING2( "PSY: %x", aModuleId )
TRACESTRING2( "Fix state: %d", aFixState )
//If there is location request on going and
//current can't give a fix, we try next PSY
if( iPosRequestStatus && iCurrentPsy<iPsyList.Count() )
if ( aFixState == CPosPsyFixStateManager::EPsyFixStateNo &&
iPsyList[iCurrentPsy] == aModuleId )
TRACESTRING( "CPosRequestController::PsyFixStateChanged end" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosRequestController::CompleteRequest
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPosRequestController::CompleteRequest(TInt aCompleteCode)
TRACESTRING( "CPosRequestController::CompleteRequest start..." )
TRACESTRING2( "Completion code: %d", aCompleteCode )
TRACESTRING2( "Module Id: %x", iPosInfo->ModuleId() )
if (iPosRequestStatus)
User::RequestComplete(iPosRequestStatus, aCompleteCode);
iPosRequestStatus = NULL;
//Clear all location request if this is not
//a partial update
if ( aCompleteCode != KPositionPartialUpdate )
//If there is still location request ongoing to other PSYs,
//start cleanup timer
TInt count = iRequestorArray.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
if ( iRequestorArray[i]->IsActive() )
if ( !iCleanupTimer->IsActive() )
TCallBack( CleanupTimeoutCallback, this )
TRACESTRING( "CPosRequestController::CompleteRequest end" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosRequestController::ClearLocationRequests
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPosRequestController::ClearLocationRequests()
TInt count = iRequestorArray.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
CancelRequest( i, KErrCancel);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosRequestController::PsyListChanged
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPosRequestController::PsyListChanged(
const TPosPsyListChangeEvent& aEvent )
TRACESTRING( "CPosRequestController::PsyListChanged start..." )
TRACESTRING2( "Event type: %d", aEvent.iType )
TRACESTRING2( "PSY: %x", aEvent.iPsyId )
switch ( aEvent.iType )
case EPosPsyListChangeEventPsyDeleted:
//Cancel location request to this PSY
CancelRequest( aEvent.iPsyId );
if ( iCurrentPsy >= 0 && iCurrentPsy < iPsyList.Count() )
//If there is location request on going
if ( aEvent.iPsyId == iPsyList[iCurrentPsy] )
//fallback to next PSY
//Delete this PSY from the list
TInt index = iPsyList.Find( aEvent.iPsyId );
if ( index != KErrNotFound )
iPsyList.Remove( index );
//Unload this PSY
UnloadRequestor( aEvent.iPsyId );
case EPosPsyListChangeEventListRebuild:
//Rebuild the list
iPsyListValid = EFalse;
TRACESTRING( "CPosRequestController::PsyListChanged end" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosRequestController::GetRequestor
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CPosRequestor* CPosRequestController::GetRequestor(
TPositionModuleId aPsyId )
TInt count = iRequestorArray.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
if ( iRequestorArray[i]->ModuleId() == aPsyId )
return iRequestorArray[i];
return NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosRequestController::UnloadRequestor
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPosRequestController::UnloadRequestor( TPositionModuleId aPsyId )
TRACESTRING( "CPosRequestController::UnloadRequestor" )
TRACESTRING2( "PSY: %x", aPsyId )
TInt count = iRequestorArray.Count();
for ( TInt i = count-1; i >= 0; i-- )
if ( iRequestorArray[i]->ModuleId() == aPsyId )
delete iRequestorArray[i];
iRequestorArray.Remove( i );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosRequestController::CopyPosInfoClass
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CPosRequestController::CopyPosInfoClass(
const TPositionInfoBase& aSrc,
TPositionInfoBase& aDst )
TInt err = KErrNone;
TUint32 srcClasses = aSrc.PositionClassType();
TUint32 dstClasses = aDst.PositionClassType();
//Handle TPositionInfoBase
aDst.SetModuleId( aSrc.ModuleId() );
aDst.SetUpdateType( aSrc.UpdateType() );
//Handle TPositionInfo
if ( ( srcClasses & EPositionInfoClass ) &&
( dstClasses & EPositionInfoClass ) )
TPosition pos;
static_cast < const TPositionInfo& > ( aSrc ).GetPosition( pos );
static_cast < TPositionInfo& > ( aDst ).SetPosition( pos );
//Handle TPositionCourseInfo
if ( ( srcClasses & EPositionCourseInfoClass ) &&
( dstClasses & EPositionCourseInfoClass ) )
TCourse course;
static_cast < const TPositionCourseInfo& > ( aSrc ).GetCourse( course );
static_cast < TPositionCourseInfo& > ( aDst ).SetCourse( course );
//Handle TPositionSatelliteInfo
if ( ( srcClasses & EPositionSatelliteInfoClass ) &&
( dstClasses & EPositionSatelliteInfoClass ) )
const TPositionSatelliteInfo& srcSat =
static_cast < const TPositionSatelliteInfo& > ( aSrc );
TPositionSatelliteInfo& dstSat =
static_cast < TPositionSatelliteInfo& > ( aDst );
dstSat.SetSatelliteTime( srcSat.SatelliteTime() );
dstSat.SetHorizontalDoP( srcSat.HorizontalDoP() );
dstSat.SetTimeDoP( srcSat.TimeDoP() );
dstSat.SetVerticalDoP( srcSat.VerticalDoP() );
TInt numSatData = srcSat.NumSatellitesInView();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < numSatData; i++ )
TSatelliteData satData;
srcSat.GetSatelliteData( i, satData );
err = dstSat.AppendSatelliteData( satData );
if ( err != KErrNone )
return KErrNone;
//Handle HPositionGenericInfo
if ( ( srcClasses & EPositionGenericInfoClass ) &&
( dstClasses & EPositionGenericInfoClass ) )
const HPositionGenericInfo& srcGen =
static_cast < const HPositionGenericInfo& > ( aSrc );
HPositionGenericInfo& dstGen =
static_cast < HPositionGenericInfo& > ( aDst );
err = PosGenericInfoUser::CopyHGenericInfo( srcGen, dstGen );
return err;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosRequestController::CleanupTimeoutCallback
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CPosRequestController::CleanupTimeoutCallback( TAny* aAny )
reinterpret_cast< CPosRequestController* > ( aAny ) ->
return KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosRequestController::CleanupTimeout
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPosRequestController::CleanupTimeout()
//Cleanup all outstanding location requests
// End of file