// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include "EPos_TNmeaSentenceParser.h"
const signed int KCoordTokenS = 'S';
const signed int KCoordTokenW = 'W';
const signed int KCoordTokenDot = '.';
const TReal32 KPosUERE = 10.0;
const TNmeaSentence KPosUnknownSentence = 0;
const TNmeaSentence KPosGGASentence = ('G'<<16) + ('G'<<8) + 'A';
const TNmeaSentence KPosGSASentence = ('G'<<16) + ('S'<<8) + 'A';
const TNmeaSentence KPosGSVSentence = ('G'<<16) + ('S'<<8) + 'V';
const TNmeaSentence KPosRMCSentence = ('R'<<16) + ('M'<<8) + 'C';
const TNmeaSentence KPosGLLSentence = ('G'<<16) + ('L'<<8) + 'L';
// PGRMM - propriatary GARMIN sentence
const TNmeaSentence KPosPGRMMSentence = ('G'<<24) + ('R'<<16) + ('M'<<8) + 'M';
const TInt KPosMinSentenceLength = 7;
const TUint KPosNMEASentenceStartToken = '$';
const TInt KPosNofSatelliteSlotsInGSA = 12;
const TReal32 KKnotsToMetrePerSecFactor = 1.852F / 3.6F;
const TInt KMaxSatellitesPerSentence = 4;
// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
TNmeaSentenceParser::TNmeaSentenceParser() :
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TNmeaSentenceParser::ParseSentenceL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt TNmeaSentenceParser::ParseSentence(
const TDesC8& aSentence,
TPositionInfo& aPosInfo, TBool aConst)
if (aSentence.Length() == 0 ||
!(aSentence[0] == KPosNMEASentenceStartToken) ||
// Return KPosErrorNotValidNMEASentence since this
// sentence won't be set as parsed
// and therefore PSY should make another try to get a full fix.
return KPosErrorNotValidNMEASentence;
TNmeaSentence type = SentenceType(aSentence);
// Do not permit duplicate sentences of the types GLL, GGA, GSA and RMC
if (type == KPosGLLSentence && (iProgress & KPosGLLParsed) ||
type == KPosGGASentence && (iProgress & KPosGGAParsed) ||
type == KPosGSASentence && (iProgress & KPosGSAParsed) ||
type == KPosRMCSentence && (iProgress & KPosRMCParsed))
return KPosErrorAlreadyParsed;
if (aPosInfo.PositionClassType() & EPositionGenericInfoClass)
// Store raw NMEA sentence in position info
HPositionGenericInfo& genInfo =
static_cast<HPositionGenericInfo&> (aPosInfo);
AddNmeaSentence(genInfo, aSentence);
switch (type)
case KPosGLLSentence:
iProgress |= KPosGLLParsed;
return KErrNone;
case KPosGGASentence:
return ParseGGA(aSentence, aPosInfo);
case KPosRMCSentence:
return ParseRMC(aSentence, aPosInfo);
case KPosGSASentence:
return ParseGSA(aSentence, aPosInfo);
case KPosGSVSentence:
return ParseGSV(aSentence, aPosInfo, aConst);
case KPosPGRMMSentence:
return ParsePGRMM(aSentence, aPosInfo);
return KErrNone;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TNmeaSentenceParser::Progress
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt TNmeaSentenceParser::Progress()
return iProgress;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TNmeaSentenceParser::Reset
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TNmeaSentenceParser::Reset()
iProgress = KPosNotParsed;
iGSVIndex = 1;
iNumNmeaSentences = 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TNmeaSentenceParser::SentenceType
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TNmeaSentence TNmeaSentenceParser::SentenceType(const TDesC8& aSentence)
if (aSentence.Length() <= KPosMinSentenceLength)
return KPosUnknownSentence;
TInt type = (aSentence[3]<<16) + (aSentence[4]<<8) + aSentence[5];
if (aSentence[1] == 'P')
type += (aSentence[2]<<24);
return type;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TNmeaSentenceParser::ParseGGA
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt TNmeaSentenceParser::ParseGGA(
const TDesC8& aSentence,
TPositionInfo& aPositionInfo)
TDesTokeniser tokeniser(aSentence);
tokeniser.SkipToken(2); // Initial token, timestamp
TPtrC8 latitude = tokeniser.NextToken();
TPtrC8 dLat = tokeniser.NextToken();
TPtrC8 longitude = tokeniser.NextToken();
TPtrC8 dLong = tokeniser.NextToken();
TInt quality = DesToInt(tokeniser.NextToken());
if (quality == 0)
// Return KPosErrorNotValidNMEASentence since this
// sentence won't be set as parsed
// and therefore PSY should make another try to get a full fix.
return KPosErrorNotValidNMEASentence;
TRealX nan;
// Number of tracked satellites, Horizontal dilution
TPtrC8 altitudeC = tokeniser.NextToken(); // // Mean-sea altitude
TReal32 altitude = nan;
if (altitudeC.Length() > 0)
altitude = DesToFloat(altitudeC);
TReal latCoord = nan;
ToCoordinate(latitude, dLat, latCoord);
TReal longCoord = nan;
ToCoordinate(longitude, dLong, longCoord);
tokeniser.SkipToken(); // Unit (meters)
TPtrC8 gsValueC = tokeniser.NextToken(); // Geoidal Separation
TReal32 gsValue = nan;
if (gsValueC.Length() > 0)
gsValue = DesToFloat(gsValueC);
TReal32 wgs84alt = nan;
if (!Math::IsNaN(TRealX(altitude)) && !Math::IsNaN(TRealX(gsValue)))
// Wgs84-altitude = Mean-sea level altitude + Geoidal separation
wgs84alt = altitude + gsValue;
// If there is no altitude, there should not be a vertical accuracy.
TPosition pos;
// Set position
TPosition pos;
pos.SetCoordinate(latCoord, longCoord, wgs84alt);
if (!Math::IsNaN(latCoord) || !Math::IsNaN(longCoord))
// Check if generic info class
if (aPositionInfo.PositionClassType() & EPositionGenericInfoClass)
HPositionGenericInfo& genInfo =
static_cast<HPositionGenericInfo&> (aPositionInfo);
TInt err = KErrNone;
if (genInfo.IsRequestedField(
EPositionFieldSatelliteGeoidalSeparation) &&
err = genInfo.SetValue(EPositionFieldSatelliteGeoidalSeparation,
if (genInfo.IsRequestedField(
EPositionFieldSatelliteSeaLevelAltitude) &&
err = genInfo.SetValue(EPositionFieldSatelliteSeaLevelAltitude,
if (err != KErrNone)
return err;
iProgress |= KPosGGAParsed;
return KErrNone;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TNmeaSentenceParser::ParseRMC
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt TNmeaSentenceParser::ParseRMC(
const TDesC8& aSentence,
TPositionInfo& aPositionInfo)
// Check if generic, course or satellite info class
if (aPositionInfo.PositionClassType() & (EPositionGenericInfoClass |
EPositionCourseInfoClass | EPositionSatelliteInfoClass))
TDesTokeniser tokeniser(aSentence);
tokeniser.SkipToken(); // Initial token
TReal timestamp = DesToReal(tokeniser.NextToken()); // Timestamp
tokeniser.SkipToken(5); // status, latitude * 2, longitude * 2
TRealX nan;
TPtrC8 speedC = tokeniser.NextToken(); // Speed
TReal32 speed = nan;
if (speedC.Length() > 0)
speed = DesToFloat(speedC);
// Speed is in knots. Transform to metres/sec
speed *= KKnotsToMetrePerSecFactor;
TPtrC8 trueCourseC = tokeniser.NextToken(); // True course
TReal32 trueCourse = nan;
if (trueCourseC.Length() > 0)
trueCourse = DesToFloat(trueCourseC);
TInt date = DesToInt(tokeniser.NextToken()); // Date
TPtrC8 magVarC = tokeniser.NextToken(); // Magnetic variation
TReal32 magVar = nan;
if (magVarC.Length() > 0)
magVar = DesToFloat(magVarC);
TPtrC8 dirMagVar = tokeniser.NextToken(); // Magnetic direction
TPtrC8 modeIndicator = tokeniser.NextToken('*'); // Mode indicator
_LIT8(KDataNotValid, "N");
if (modeIndicator.Compare(KDataNotValid) == 0)
return KPosErrorNotValidNMEASentence;
if (dirMagVar.Length() && dirMagVar[0] == 'E' && !Math::IsNaN(TRealX(magVar)))
magVar = -magVar;
TInt hours = static_cast<TInt> (timestamp / 10000);
TInt minutes = (static_cast<TInt> (timestamp / 100)) % 100;
TInt seconds = (static_cast<TInt> (timestamp)) % 100;
TInt microSeconds =
((static_cast<TInt> (timestamp * 100)) % 100) * 10000;
const TInt KInitialYear = 2000;
TInt days = (date / 10000) % 100;
TInt months = (date / 100) % 100;
TInt years = date % 100 + KInitialYear;
if (timestamp < 0 || hours > 23 || minutes > 59 || seconds > 59 ||
date < 0 || days < 1 || days > 31 || months < 1 ||
months > 12 || years > 2099)
return KErrCorrupt;
TDateTime time = TDateTime
(years, static_cast<TMonth> (months - 1), days, hours, minutes,
seconds, microSeconds);
// Check if generic info class
if (aPositionInfo.PositionClassType() & EPositionGenericInfoClass)
HPositionGenericInfo& genInfo =
static_cast<HPositionGenericInfo&> (aPositionInfo);
TInt err = KErrNone;
if (genInfo.IsRequestedField(EPositionFieldTrueCourse) &&
err = genInfo.SetValue(EPositionFieldTrueCourse, trueCourse);
if (genInfo.IsRequestedField(EPositionFieldHorizontalSpeed) &&
err = genInfo.SetValue(EPositionFieldHorizontalSpeed, speed);
if (genInfo.IsRequestedField(EPositionFieldMagneticCourse) &&
!Math::IsNaN(TRealX(magVar)) &&
err = genInfo.SetValue(EPositionFieldMagneticCourse,
magVar + trueCourse);
if (genInfo.IsRequestedField(EPositionFieldSatelliteTime))
err = genInfo.SetValue(EPositionFieldSatelliteTime,
if (err != KErrNone)
return err;
// course info, sat info
TPositionCourseInfo& courseInfo =
static_cast<TPositionCourseInfo&> (aPositionInfo);
TCourse course;
// satellite info
if (aPositionInfo.PositionClassType() &
TPositionSatelliteInfo& satInfo =
static_cast<TPositionSatelliteInfo&> (aPositionInfo);
iProgress |= KPosRMCParsed;
return KErrNone;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TNmeaSentenceParser::ParseGSA
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt TNmeaSentenceParser::ParseGSA(
const TDesC8& aSentence,
TPositionInfo& aPositionInfo)
TDesTokeniser tokeniser(aSentence);
tokeniser.SkipToken(2); // Initial token, Selection
TInt twoDthreeD = DesToInt(tokeniser.NextToken());
if (twoDthreeD == 1)
// Return KPosErrorNotValidNMEASentence since this
// sentence won't be set as parsed
// and therefore PSY should make another try to get a full fix.
return KPosErrorNotValidNMEASentence;
TInt8 numUsedSatellites = 0;
for (TInt i = 0; i < KPosNofSatelliteSlotsInGSA; i++)
// Satelite Id nr used for fix
TPtrC8 satIdNrC = tokeniser.NextToken();
if (satIdNrC.Length() > 0)
// Check if satellite info class
if (aPositionInfo.PositionClassType() &
TPositionSatelliteInfo& satInfo =
static_cast<TPositionSatelliteInfo&> (aPositionInfo);
TSatelliteData satData;
TInt satIndex = 0;
TInt satId = DesToInt(satIdNrC);
TInt err = GetSatelliteListIndex(satInfo, satId, satIndex);
if (err == KErrNotFound)
err = satInfo.AppendSatelliteData(satData);
if (err != KErrNone)
return err;
else // Satellite already exists
satInfo.GetSatelliteData(satIndex, satData);
err = UpdateSatDataInList(satInfo, satData, satIndex);
if (err != KErrNone)
return err;
TRealX nan;
TPtrC8 pdopC = tokeniser.NextToken(); // PDop
TReal32 pdop = nan;
TPtrC8 hdopC = tokeniser.NextToken(); // HDop
TReal32 hdop = nan;
TPtrC8 vdopC = tokeniser.NextToken('*'); // VDop
TReal32 vdop = nan;
if (pdopC.Length() > 0)
pdop = DesToFloat(pdopC);
if (hdopC.Length() > 0)
hdop = DesToFloat(hdopC);
// Set basic info
TPosition pos;
pos.SetHorizontalAccuracy(KPosUERE * hdop);
// Set vertical accuracy, but only if we have altitude, or if we may get
// altitude in later NMEA sentences.
if (twoDthreeD == 3 &&
!((iProgress & KPosGGAParsed) &&
pos.SetVerticalAccuracy(1.5f * KPosUERE * hdop);
if (vdopC.Length() > 0)
vdop = DesToFloat(vdopC);
// Check if generic info class
if (aPositionInfo.PositionClassType() & EPositionGenericInfoClass)
HPositionGenericInfo& genInfo =
static_cast<HPositionGenericInfo&> (aPositionInfo);
TInt err = KErrNone;
if (TRealX(pdop).IsNaN() &&
!TRealX(vdop).IsNaN() &&
TReal trg(pdop);
err = Math::Sqrt(trg, TReal(hdop * hdop + vdop * vdop));
pdop = TReal32(trg);
if (genInfo.IsRequestedField(EPositionFieldSatelliteHorizontalDoP) &&
err = genInfo.SetValue(EPositionFieldSatelliteHorizontalDoP, hdop);
if (genInfo.IsRequestedField(EPositionFieldSatelliteVerticalDoP) &&
err = genInfo.SetValue(EPositionFieldSatelliteVerticalDoP, vdop);
if (genInfo.IsRequestedField(EPositionFieldSatellitePositionDoP) &&
err = genInfo.SetValue(EPositionFieldSatellitePositionDoP, pdop);
if (genInfo.IsRequestedField(EPositionFieldSatelliteNumUsed))
err = genInfo.SetValue(EPositionFieldSatelliteNumUsed,
if (err != KErrNone)
return err;
// satellite info
else if (aPositionInfo.PositionClassType() & EPositionSatelliteInfoClass)
TPositionSatelliteInfo& satInfo =
static_cast<TPositionSatelliteInfo&> (aPositionInfo);
iProgress |= KPosGSAParsed;
return KErrNone;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TNmeaSentenceParser::ParseGSV
// Must be called in sequence for each GSV sentence
// otherwise an error code will be returned.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt TNmeaSentenceParser::ParseGSV(
const TDesC8& aSentence,
TPositionInfo& aPositionInfo,
TBool aConst)
TDesTokeniser tokeniser(aSentence);
tokeniser.SkipToken(2); // Initial token, Number of sentences
TInt sentenceIndex = DesToInt(tokeniser.NextToken()); // Message number
// OK to try to parse a sentence with the wrong index, but progress
// will not be updated.
// Because iGSVIndex is incremented each time function is called with aConst = EFalse
// then to get same result like for previous read we have to temporary decrement
// this value. Then if aConst is ETrue we are decrementing iGSVIndex
TInt tempGSVIndex = iGSVIndex;
if (sentenceIndex != tempGSVIndex)
iGSVIndex = 1;
return KErrNone;
// Number of satellites in view
TInt8 satInView = static_cast<TInt8> (DesToInt(tokeniser.NextToken()));
// Check if generic info class
if (aPositionInfo.PositionClassType() & EPositionGenericInfoClass)
HPositionGenericInfo& genInfo =
static_cast<HPositionGenericInfo&> (aPositionInfo);
TInt err = KErrNone;
if (genInfo.IsRequestedField(EPositionFieldSatelliteNumInView))
err = genInfo.SetValue(EPositionFieldSatelliteNumInView,
if (err != KErrNone)
return err;
// satellite info
else if (aPositionInfo.PositionClassType() & EPositionSatelliteInfoClass)
TPositionSatelliteInfo& satInfo =
static_cast<TPositionSatelliteInfo&> (aPositionInfo);
for (TInt n = 0; n < KMaxSatellitesPerSentence; n++)
TPtrC8 prnPtrC = tokeniser.NextToken(); // PRN
TPtrC8 elevationPtrC = tokeniser.NextToken(); // Elevation
TPtrC8 azimuthPtrC = tokeniser.NextToken(); // Azimuth
if (prnPtrC.Length() > 0)
TPtrC8 signalStrengtPtrC;
// Last satellite in sentence
if (n == (KMaxSatellitesPerSentence - 1))
signalStrengtPtrC.Set(tokeniser.NextToken('*')); // SNR
signalStrengtPtrC.Set(tokeniser.NextToken()); // SNR
TSatelliteData satSata;
TInt satIndex;
TInt satId = DesToInt(prnPtrC);
TInt err = GetSatelliteListIndex(satInfo, satId, satIndex);
if (err == KErrNotFound)
if (elevationPtrC.Length() > 0)
if (azimuthPtrC.Length() > 0)
if (signalStrengtPtrC.Length() > 0)
err = satInfo.AppendSatelliteData(satSata);
if (err != KErrNone)
return err;
else // Satellite already exists
satInfo.GetSatelliteData(satIndex, satSata);
if (elevationPtrC.Length() > 0)
if (azimuthPtrC.Length() > 0)
if (signalStrengtPtrC.Length() > 0)
err = UpdateSatDataInList(satInfo, satSata, satIndex);
if (err != KErrNone)
return err;
return KErrNone;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TNmeaSentenceParser::ParsePGRMM
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt TNmeaSentenceParser::ParsePGRMM(
const TDesC8& aSentence,
TPositionInfo& /*aPositionInfo*/)
_LIT8(KWgs84, "WGS 84");
TDesTokeniser tokeniser(aSentence);
tokeniser.SkipToken(); // initial token
TPtrC8 datum = tokeniser.NextToken('*');
if (datum.Compare(KWgs84) != 0)
return KErrNotSupported;
return KErrNone;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TNmeaSentenceParser::AddNmeaSentence
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt TNmeaSentenceParser::AddNmeaSentence(
HPositionGenericInfo& aPositionGenericInfo,
const TDesC8& aSentence, TBool aConst)
TInt err = KErrNone;
// Check if NMEA data is requested
if (aPositionGenericInfo.IsRequestedField(EPositionFieldNMEASentences))
TUint16 sentenceNumber =
static_cast<TUint16> (EPositionFieldNMEASentencesStart +
err = aPositionGenericInfo.SetValue(sentenceNumber, aSentence);
TUint8 sentences = static_cast<TUint8> (iNumNmeaSentences);
err = aPositionGenericInfo.SetValue(EPositionFieldNMEASentences,
return err;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TNmeaSentenceParser::ToCoordinate
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TNmeaSentenceParser::ToCoordinate(
const TDesC8& aDes,
const TDesC8& aDir,
TReal& aCoordinate)
const TInt KPosMinutesIntegerLength = 2;
const TReal KPosMinutesPerDegree = 60.0;
TInt point = aDes.Locate(KCoordTokenDot);
if (point >= KPosMinutesIntegerLength)
TInt deg = DesToInt(aDes.Left(point - KPosMinutesIntegerLength));
TReal min = DesToReal(aDes.Mid(point - KPosMinutesIntegerLength));
aCoordinate = TReal(deg) + min / KPosMinutesPerDegree;
if (aDir.Length() && (aDir[0] == KCoordTokenS || aDir[0] == KCoordTokenW))
aCoordinate = - aCoordinate;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TNmeaSentenceParser::DesToInt
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt TNmeaSentenceParser::DesToInt(const TPtrC8& aDes)
TLex8 lexer(aDes);
TInt integer;
return integer;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TNmeaSentenceParser::DesToFloat
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TReal32 TNmeaSentenceParser::DesToFloat(const TPtrC8& aDes)
TLex8 lexer(aDes);
TReal32 floatNumber;
lexer.Val(floatNumber, TChar(KCoordTokenDot));
return floatNumber;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TNmeaSentenceParser::DesToReal
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TReal TNmeaSentenceParser::DesToReal(const TPtrC8& aDes)
TLex8 lexer(aDes);
TReal realNumber;
lexer.Val(realNumber, TChar('.'));
return realNumber;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TNmeaSentenceParser::VerifyChecksum
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool TNmeaSentenceParser::VerifyChecksum(const TDesC8& aSentence)
TUint8 checksum = 0;
TInt i;
for (i = 1; i < aSentence.Length() && aSentence[i] != '*'; i++)
checksum ^= aSentence[i];
if (++i + 1 < aSentence.Length())
TUint8 sum = TUint8((CharToNibble(aSentence[i]) << 4) +
if (sum == checksum)
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TNmeaSentenceParser::CharToNibble
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint8 TNmeaSentenceParser::CharToNibble(const TUint8 aChar)
if (aChar <= '9')
return TUint8(aChar - '0');
return TUint8(aChar - 'A' + 10);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TNmeaSentenceParser::GetSatelliteListIndex
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt TNmeaSentenceParser::GetSatelliteListIndex(
const TPositionSatelliteInfo& aSatInfo,
TInt aPrnNumber,
TInt& aIndex)
TSatelliteData satData;
for (TInt i = 0; i < aSatInfo.NumSatellitesInView(); i++)
aSatInfo.GetSatelliteData(i, satData);
if (satData.SatelliteId() == aPrnNumber)
aIndex = i;
return KErrNone;
return KErrNotFound;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TNmeaSentenceParser::UpdateSatDataInList
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt TNmeaSentenceParser::UpdateSatDataInList(
TPositionSatelliteInfo& aSatInfo,
TSatelliteData aSatData,
TInt aIndex)
TInt nrOfSat = aSatInfo.NumSatellitesInView();
RArray<TSatelliteData> satList;
TInt i;
TInt err;
for (i = 0; i < nrOfSat; i++)
TSatelliteData satData;
err = satList.Append(satData);
if (err != KErrNone)
return err;
if (aIndex < nrOfSat)
satList[aIndex] = aSatData;
// Re-create satellite list in SatelliteInfo
for (i = 0; i < satList.Count(); i++)
err = aSatInfo.AppendSatelliteData(satList[i]);
if (err != KErrNone)
return err;
return KErrNone;
// End of File