// config.txt
// Copyright (c) 2006 Symbian Software Ltd. All rights reserved.
// sim.tsy config used for simulating only the network registration
// status
# PhoneId = <manufacturer>,<model>,<revision>, <serialnumber>, <error>
PhoneId = Generic, 123, 1.1, 1234567890
#SubscriberId= = <Id>, <err>
SubscriberId= 56789012345678
# Current Network Name
NetworkInfo= ABCD, Network0, Vodafone, Voda, Vodafone_UK, 2
# Network Registration Status
#RegStatus= <Duration>, <RegStatus>, <NetworkIndex>
RegStatus= 0,5,0
# ONStore= <max number of entries>, <max size of telephone number>, <max text length>
ONStore= 5, 50, 60
# ONStoreEntry= <index>, <telephone number>, <TMobileTON type of number>, <TMobileService service type>, <Number Plan>, <name>
ONStoreEntry= 1, 07747012341, 2, 0, 8, OwnNumber1