author Billy Gibson <>
Wed, 05 May 2010 12:51:17 +0100
changeset 24 dbf7d0760deb
parent 0 9cfd9a3ee49c
child 52 29dbbeac905d
permissions -rw-r--r--
In-source HTML documentation for draft lbslocator API

// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:

#include "epos_cpospsylisthandler.h"
#include "epos_cpossingletonmanager.h"
#include "epos_cpospsyfixstatemanager.h"
#include "epos_defaultproxyprivatecrkeys.h"
#include "epos_cposconstmanager.h"
#include "epos_defaultproxycommon.h"

#include <lbs/epos_cposmodules.h>
#include <lbs/epos_cposmoduleidlist.h>
#include <centralrepository.h>

// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================

// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.

// EPOC default constructor can leave.
void CPosPsyListHandler::ConstructL()
    TRACESTRING( "CPosPsyListHandler::ConstructL start... " )

    iFixStateManager = CPosPsyFixStateManager::GetInstanceL();
    iFixStateManager->AddListenerL( this );
    iConstManager = CPosConstManager::GetInstanceL();

    TRACESTRING( "CPosPsyListHandler::ConstructL end " )

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosPsyListHandler::GetInstanceL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CPosPsyListHandler* CPosPsyListHandler::GetInstanceL()
    CPosPsyListHandler* self = reinterpret_cast < CPosPsyListHandler* > 
        ( CPosSingletonManager::GetObject( 
            EPosSigletonObjectIdPsyListHandlerId ) );
    if ( !self )
        //Construct a new object and store it to CPosSingletonManager
        self = new ( ELeave ) CPosPsyListHandler;
            EPosSigletonObjectIdPsyListHandlerId );
    return self;

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosPsyListHandler::ReleaseInstance
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPosPsyListHandler::ReleaseInstance()
    if ( iRefCount == 0 )
        //We shall delete the instance
            EPosSigletonObjectIdPsyListHandlerId );

// Destructor
    TRACESTRING( "CPosPsyListHandler::destructor start... " )

    if ( iConstManager )
    if ( iFixStateManager )
        iFixStateManager->RemoveListener( this );
    if ( iModulesSettings )
        iModulesSettings->RemoveListener( *this );

    TRACESTRING( "CPosPsyListHandler::destructor end" )

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosPsyListHandler::SetModuleSettingsManagerL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPosPsyListHandler::SetModuleSettingsManagerL(
            MPosModuleSettingsManager& aManager )
    if ( iModulesSettings == NULL )
        iModulesSettings = &aManager;
        iModulesSettings->AddListenerL( *this );


        //Move last working GPS PSY to the front of the list
        MovePsyToTop( iConstManager->GetLastWorkingGpsPsyId() );

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosPsyListHandler::AddListenerL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPosPsyListHandler::AddListenerL(
            MPosPsyListListener* aListener )
    User::LeaveIfError( iListenerArray.Append( aListener ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosPsyListHandler::RemoveListener
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPosPsyListHandler::RemoveListener(
            MPosPsyListListener* aListener )
    TInt count = iListenerArray.Count();
    for ( TInt i = count -1; i >= 0; i-- )
        if ( iListenerArray[i] == aListener )
            iListenerArray.Remove( i );

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosPsyListHandler::GetPsyListL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPosPsyListHandler::GetPsyListL(
            RArray< TPositionModuleId >& aPsyList )
    TRACESTRING( "CPosPsyListHandler::GetPsyListL" )

    TBool integratedGpsAdded = EFalse;
    TInt count = iModuleInfoArray.Count();
    for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        const TPositionModuleInfo& moduleInfo = iModuleInfoArray[i];
        if( moduleInfo.IsAvailable() )
            if ( IsGpsTechnology( moduleInfo ) && 
                moduleInfo.DeviceLocation() == TPositionModuleInfo::EDeviceInternal )
                if ( !integratedGpsAdded )
                    TRACESTRING2( "PSY: %x", moduleInfo.ModuleId() )
                    aPsyList.Append( moduleInfo.ModuleId() );
                    integratedGpsAdded = ETrue;
                TRACESTRING2( "PSY: %x", moduleInfo.ModuleId() )
                aPsyList.Append( moduleInfo.ModuleId() );

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosPsyListHandler::GetExtGpsPsyListL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPosPsyListHandler::GetExtGpsPsyListL(
        RArray< TPositionModuleId >& aPsyList )
    TRACESTRING( "CPosPsyListHandler::GetExtGpsPsyListL" )

    TInt count = iModuleInfoArray.Count();
    for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        const TPositionModuleInfo& moduleInfo = iModuleInfoArray[i];
        if( moduleInfo.IsAvailable() && 
            IsGpsTechnology( moduleInfo ) && 
            moduleInfo.DeviceLocation() == TPositionModuleInfo::EDeviceExternal )
            TRACESTRING2( "PSY: %x", moduleInfo.ModuleId() )
            aPsyList.Append( moduleInfo.ModuleId() );

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosPsyListHandler::IsClassSupported
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CPosPsyListHandler::IsClassSupported(
            TUint32 aClassType,
            TPositionModuleId aModuleId ) const
    TInt index = ModuleIndex( aModuleId );
    if ( index != KErrNotFound )
        const TPositionModuleInfo& moduleInfo = iModuleInfoArray[index];
        TUint32 classesSupported =

        return ( aClassType == ( aClassType & classesSupported ) ) &&
                        ( aClassType & EPositionInfoClass );
    return EFalse;

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosPsyListHandler::PsyFixStateChanged
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPosPsyListHandler::PsyFixStateChanged( 
            TPositionModuleId aModuleId,
            CPosPsyFixStateManager::TPsyFixState aFixState )
    TRACESTRING( "CPosPsyListHandler::PsyFixStateChanged start..." )
    TRACESTRING2( "PSY: %x", aModuleId )
    TRACESTRING2( "Fix state: %d", aFixState )

    TInt index = ModuleIndex( aModuleId );
    if ( index != KErrNotFound )
    	TPositionModuleInfo moduleInfo = iModuleInfoArray[index];
	    if ( IsGpsTechnology( moduleInfo ) && 
	        aFixState == CPosPsyFixStateManager::EPsyFixStateYes )
	        //Move this one to the top of the list if it's not 
	        //already on top
	        TBool isListModified = MovePsyToTop( aModuleId );
	        //If the list is modified, notify listeners
	        if ( isListModified )
	            //Write last working GPS PSY UID to CenRep
	            iConstManager->SetLastWorkingGpsPsyId( aModuleId );
	            TPosPsyListChangeEvent event;
	            event.iType = EPosPsyListChangeEventPriorityChanged;
	            NotifyListeners( event );

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosPsyListHandler::HandleModuleSettingsChangedL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPosPsyListHandler::HandleModuleSettingsChangedL(
            TPosModulesEvent aEvent )
    TRACESTRING( "CPosPsyListHandler::HandleModuleSettingsChagnedL start..." )
    TRACESTRING2( "Event type: %x", aEvent.iType )
    TRACESTRING2( "PSY: %x", aEvent.iModuleId )

    TInt index = ModuleIndex(aEvent.iModuleId);
    TPosPsyListChangeEvent event;

    switch (aEvent.iType)
        case EPosModulesEventModuleRemoved:
            //Remove module from the array
            if ( index != KErrNotFound )
                iModuleInfoArray.Remove( index );
                //notify listener module removed
                event.iType = EPosPsyListChangeEventPsyDeleted;
                event.iPsyId = aEvent.iModuleId;
                NotifyListeners( event );
        case EPosModulesEventAvailabilityChanged:
            //Get new module info
            TPositionModuleInfo moduleInfo;
                moduleInfo );
            TBool isModuleAvailable = moduleInfo.IsAvailable();
            //Update the list
            if ( !isModuleAvailable )
                //Module is disabled. 
                //notify listener module removed
                event.iType = EPosPsyListChangeEventPsyDeleted;
                event.iPsyId = aEvent.iModuleId;
                NotifyListeners( event );
                //If module is enabled. Current location request
                //will not be affected. We only notify listeners
                //to rebuild the PSY list
                event.iType = EPosPsyListChangeEventListRebuild;
                event.iPsyId = aEvent.iModuleId;
                NotifyListeners( event );
        case EPosModulesEventVisibilityChanged:
            TBool isModuleVisible = iModulesSettings->IsModuleVisibleL(
                aEvent.iModuleId );

            //Update the list
            if ( !isModuleVisible )
                //Module is becoming invisible. 
                //notify listener module removed
                event.iType = EPosPsyListChangeEventPsyDeleted;
                event.iPsyId = aEvent.iModuleId;
                NotifyListeners( event );
                //If module is becoming visible. Current location request
                //will not be affected. We only notify listeners
                //to rebuild the PSY list
                event.iType = EPosPsyListChangeEventListRebuild;
                event.iPsyId = aEvent.iModuleId;
                NotifyListeners( event );
        case EPosModulesEventPrioritiesChanged:
        case EPosModulesEventModuleInstalled:
        case EPosModulesEventUnspecified:
            event.iType = EPosPsyListChangeEventListRebuild;
            NotifyListeners( event );
            //Other change has no effect on default proxy

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosPsyListHandler::UpdateModuleListL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPosPsyListHandler::UpdateModuleListL()
    TRACESTRING( "CPosPsyListHandler::UpdateModuleListL start..." )

    TInt index;
    // Read Module Info from settings and fill array
    CPosModuleIdList* idList = iModulesSettings->ModuleIdListL();
    CleanupStack::PushL( idList );

    TInt count = idList->Count();
    for ( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
        TPositionModuleInfo moduleInfo;

        iModulesSettings->GetModuleInfoL( ( *idList )[index], moduleInfo );

        User::LeaveIfError( iModuleInfoArray.Append( moduleInfo ) );
        TRACESTRING2( "PSY: %x", moduleInfo.ModuleId() )


    TInt index;
    // Read Module Info from settings and fill array
    CPosModuleIdList* idList = iModulesSettings->ModuleIdListL();
    CleanupStack::PushL( idList );

    TInt count = idList->Count();
    TBool integratedGpsAdded = EFalse;
    for ( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
        TPositionModuleInfo moduleInfo;

        iModulesSettings->GetModuleInfoL( ( *idList )[index], moduleInfo );

        //only one internal GPS PSY sppears in the list
        if ( IsGpsTechnology( moduleInfo ) && 
            moduleInfo.DeviceLocation() == TPositionModuleInfo::EDeviceInternal )
            if ( !integratedGpsAdded )
                User::LeaveIfError( iModuleInfoArray.Append( moduleInfo ) );
                integratedGpsAdded = ETrue;
                TRACESTRING2( "PSY: %x", moduleInfo.ModuleId() )
            User::LeaveIfError( iModuleInfoArray.Append( moduleInfo ) );
            TRACESTRING2( "PSY: %x", moduleInfo.ModuleId() )


// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosPsyListHandler::ModuleIndex
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CPosPsyListHandler::ModuleIndex( TPositionModuleId aModuleId ) const
    TInt count = iModuleInfoArray.Count();
    for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        const TPositionModuleInfo& moduleInfo = iModuleInfoArray[i];
        if( moduleInfo.ModuleId() == aModuleId )
            return i;
    return KErrNotFound;

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosPsyListHandler::NotifyListeners
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPosPsyListHandler::NotifyListeners( 
            const TPosPsyListChangeEvent& aEvent )
    TInt count = iListenerArray.Count();
    for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        iListenerArray[i]->PsyListChanged( aEvent );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosPsyListHandler::GetTtffAndTtnf
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CPosPsyListHandler::GetTtffAndTtnf(
            TPositionModuleId aModuleId,
            TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTtff,
            TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTtnf ) const
    TInt index = ModuleIndex( aModuleId );
    if ( index != KErrNotFound )
        const TPositionModuleInfo& moduleInfo = iModuleInfoArray[index];
        TPositionQuality quality;
        moduleInfo.GetPositionQuality( quality );
        aTtff = quality.TimeToFirstFix();
        aTtnf = quality.TimeToNextFix();

        TRACESTRING2( "Module Id: %x", aModuleId )
        TRACESTRING2( "TTFF: %d", aTtff.Int64() )
        TRACESTRING2( "TTNF: %d", aTtnf.Int64() )

        return KErrNone;
    return KErrNotFound;

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosPsyListHandler::IsGpsTechnology
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CPosPsyListHandler::IsGpsTechnology( 
            const TPositionModuleInfo& aModuleInfo ) const
    //When the module support satellite info, it is a type GPS technolgy
    TUint32 classesSupported =

    return ( classesSupported & EPositionSatelliteInfoClass );

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosPsyListHandler::IsFirstGpsPsyExternal
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CPosPsyListHandler::IsFirstGpsPsyExternal() const
    TInt count = iModuleInfoArray.Count();
    for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        const TPositionModuleInfo& moduleInfo = iModuleInfoArray[i];
        if( moduleInfo.IsAvailable() && 
            IsGpsTechnology( moduleInfo ) )
            if ( moduleInfo.DeviceLocation() == TPositionModuleInfo::EDeviceExternal )
                return ETrue;
                return EFalse;
    return ETrue;

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosPsyListHandler::IsModuleNetworkBased
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CPosPsyListHandler::IsModuleNetworkBased(
    TPositionModuleId aModuleId ) const
    TInt index = ModuleIndex( aModuleId );
    if ( index != KErrNotFound )
        const TPositionModuleInfo& moduleInfo = iModuleInfoArray[index];
        return ( moduleInfo.TechnologyType() & 
            TPositionModuleInfo::ETechnologyNetwork );
    return EFalse;

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPosPsyListHandler::MovePsyToTop
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CPosPsyListHandler::MovePsyToTop( TPositionModuleId aId )
    if ( aId == KPositionNullModuleId )
        return EFalse;
    TInt index = ModuleIndex( aId );
    if ( index == KErrNotFound )
        return EFalse;
    TRACESTRING2( "MovePsyToTop: Id: %x", aId)
    TPositionModuleInfo moduleInfo = iModuleInfoArray[index];
    TBool isFirstSwitch = ETrue;
    TInt count = iModuleInfoArray.Count();
    for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        TPositionModuleInfo info = iModuleInfoArray[i];
        if ( IsGpsTechnology( info ) )
            if ( isFirstSwitch )
                if( info.ModuleId() == aId || 
                    ( moduleInfo.DeviceLocation() == 
                        TPositionModuleInfo::EDeviceInternal &&
                      info.DeviceLocation() == 
                        TPositionModuleInfo::EDeviceExternal &&
                         info.ModuleId() ) == 
                         CPosPsyFixStateManager::EPsyFixStateYes ) )
                    //We dont move in this case.
                    return EFalse;
            iModuleInfoArray[i] = moduleInfo;
            moduleInfo = info;
            isFirstSwitch = EFalse;
            if( moduleInfo.ModuleId() == aId )
                return ETrue;
    return ETrue;

//  End of File