changeset 24 2672ba96448e
equal deleted inserted replaced
21:1c0a769d0cc5 24:2672ba96448e
     1 # Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 # All rights reserved.
     3 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 # under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 # at the URL "".
     7 #
     8 # Initial Contributors:
     9 # Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 #
    11 # Contributors:
    12 #
    13 # Description:
    14 #
    16 use strict;
    17 use LWP::Simple;
    18 use TestScriptResults;
    19 use Getopt::Std;
    20 use File::Find;
    22 # Mistral tags the result files from test scripts in a particular format, depending on the test harness used to execute them. 
    23 # We use these names to identify which files are results files.
    24 my $KMistralCoreConfFileName = "-coreconf-";
    25 my $KMistralTEFFileName = "-testexecute-";
    26 my $KMistralTestFrameworkFileName = "-testframework"; # No trailing hyphen due to different security variants
    28 #  It appears that Mistral uses a completely different file format for results from HW runs
    29 my $KMistrealTEFFileNameHW = "testexecute";
    30 my $KMistrealTFFileNameHW1 = "testframework";
    31 my $KMistrealTFFileNameHW2 = "testframeworkmmddcap";
    32 my $KMistrealTFFileNameHW3 = "testframeworkuecap";
    33 my $KMistrealTFFileNameHW4 = "testframeworknone";
    35 # Work in progress script outputs.
    36 my $iKnownFails;
    37 my $iUnknownFailsButKnownInRef;
    38 my $iUnknownFailsButKnownInOtherCodelines;
    39 my $iUnknownFails;
    40 my $iMissingTests; 	
    42 my $iVerbose;
    44 ###############################################
    45 ##	Source test domain specific functionality
    46 ###############################################
    47 # Scans the test results summary page from the Mistral build and compiles a collection of the 
    48 # URL paths for the log files.
    49 # param1 - the URL to the Test Results HTML Summary page of the Mistral build
    50 # returns - the array of logs' URLS
    51 sub GetResultFilesFromMistral
    52 	{
    53 	my $aMistralTestResultsSummaryUrl = shift;
    55 	my @fileNames;
    56 	my $nextFileNamesIndex = 0;
    58 	my $summaryContents = get "$aMistralTestResultsSummaryUrl"; # Returns undef if failure
    59 	unless ($summaryContents)
    60 		{
    61 		print "\nERROR: Unable to retrieve source summary file from $aMistralTestResultsSummaryUrl\n";
    62 		exit;
    63 		}
    65 	#Could add an optimisation to this to search for the <td class="error"> tag BUT doesn't take into account the crashed tests and would need to check here the pass/fail count
    66 	#In addition this might lead to migration problems with Sirroco and certainly isn't appliable to developer's personal builds where we must scan each file
    67 	#So it's simpler to do the brute force approach and keep all implementations alike, it doesn't take long anyway
    68 	while ($summaryContents =~ s/href="(.*?($KMistralCoreConfFileName|$KMistralTEFFileName|$KMistralTestFrameworkFileName).*?\.html?)"//i)
    69 		{
    70 		$fileNames[$nextFileNamesIndex] = $1;
    71 		$nextFileNamesIndex++;
    72 		}
    74 	# Scan this second so we don't accidentally cut off the filenames if they are matched against Winscw runs
    75 	while ($summaryContents =~ s/href="(.*?($KMistrealTEFFileNameHW|$KMistrealTFFileNameHW1|$KMistrealTFFileNameHW2|$KMistrealTFFileNameHW3|$KMistrealTFFileNameHW4).*?\.html?)"//i)
    76 		{
    77 		$fileNames[$nextFileNamesIndex] = $1;
    78 		$nextFileNamesIndex++;
    79 		}
    81 	unless ($fileNames[0])
    82 		{
    83 		print "\nERROR: No test result log files found, please ensure the -s parameter points to Mistral's TestResults.html summary page\n";	
    84 		exit;
    85 		}
    87 	return @fileNames;
    88 	}
    90 # Parse the Mistral test results summary page and generate an array of TestScriptResults
    91 # objects which contain all the required information such as script names, test counts
    92 # and failures.
    93 # param1 - the URL of the Test Results HTML Summary page for the Mistral build 
    94 # returns - the array of parsed log data
    95 sub PopulateResultsArrayFromMistral
    96 	{
    97 	my $aTestResultsSummaryPageUrl = shift;
    98 	my @aResultsArray = ();
    99 	my $nextFreeIndexInResultsArray = 0;
   101 	my @fileNames = GetResultFilesFromMistral($aTestResultsSummaryPageUrl);
   102 	foreach my $fileName (@fileNames)
   103 		{
   104 		my $testFileContents = get "$fileName";
   105 		unless ($testFileContents)
   106 			{
   107 			print "\nERROR: Unable to open logfile $fileName\n";
   108 			next;
   109 			}
   111 		my $scriptResults = TestScriptResults->TestScriptResults();
   112 		$scriptResults->SetFilePath($fileName);		
   113 		if (($fileName =~ m/.*?$KMistralTEFFileName(.*?)\.html?/i) || ($fileName =~ m/.*?$KMistrealTEFFileNameHW(.*?)\.html?/i))
   114 			{
   115 			$scriptResults->SetScriptName($1);
   116 			if (!($testFileContents =~ m/TEST CASE SUMMARY:/i) && ($testFileContents =~ m/SUMMARY:/i))
   117 				{
   118 				# One of the old MM TEF tests which didn't use testcases
   119 				$scriptResults->TEFNoTestcasesTest();
   120 				$aResultsArray[$nextFreeIndexInResultsArray] = ScanTEFLogFileForFailures($scriptResults, \$testFileContents, 0);
   121 				}
   122 			else
   123 				{
   124 				$scriptResults->TEFTest();
   125 				$aResultsArray[$nextFreeIndexInResultsArray] = ScanTEFLogFileForFailures($scriptResults, \$testFileContents, 1);
   126 				}	
   127 			}
   128 		elsif ($fileName =~ m/.*?$KMistralCoreConfFileName(.*?)\.txt\.html?/i)
   129 			{
   130 			$scriptResults->SetScriptName($1);
   131 			$scriptResults->CoreConfTest();
   132 			$aResultsArray[$nextFreeIndexInResultsArray] = ScanCoreConfLogFileForFailures($scriptResults, \$testFileContents);
   133 			}
   134 		elsif (($fileName =~ m/.*?$KMistralTestFrameworkFileName[^\-]*?\-(.*?)\.html?/i) || ($fileName =~ m/.*?$KMistrealTFFileNameHW2(.*?)\.html?/i) || ($fileName =~ m/.*?$KMistrealTFFileNameHW3(.*?)\.html?/i) || ($fileName =~ m/.*?$KMistrealTFFileNameHW4(.*?)\.html?/i) || ($fileName =~ m/.*?$KMistrealTFFileNameHW1(.*?)\.html?/i))
   135 			{
   136 			$scriptResults->SetScriptName($1);
   137 			$scriptResults->TestFrameworkTest();
   139 			$aResultsArray[$nextFreeIndexInResultsArray] = ScanTestFrameworkLogFileForFailures($scriptResults, \$testFileContents);
   140 			}
   141 		else
   142 			{
   143 			print "\nWARNING: Results file has unrecognised format - $fileName.\n";			
   144 			}
   145 		$nextFreeIndexInResultsArray++;	
   146 		}
   148 	return \@aResultsArray;
   149 	}
   152 # Walk the file path provided by the developer for his local machine, parse test logs
   153 #  and generate an array of TestScriptResults objects which contain all the required 
   154 # information such as script names, test counts and failures.
   155 # param1 - the pathname of a folder containing the test results
   156 # returns - the array of parsed log data
   157 sub PopulateResultsArrayFromLocalMachine
   158 	{
   159 	my $aTestResultsPath = shift;
   160 	my @aResultsArray = ();
   161 	my $nextFreeIndexInResultsArray = 0;
   163 	my @directories = ("$aTestResultsPath");
   164 	my @fileNames;
   165 	find( sub { push @fileNames, $File::Find::name if /\.html?$/ }, @directories );
   167 	foreach my $fileName (@fileNames)
   168 		{
   169 		my $testFileContents = do { local $/; open(I,"$fileName"); <I> };
   170 		my $scriptResults = TestScriptResults->TestScriptResults();
   171 		$scriptResults->SetFilePath($fileName);
   172 		$fileName =~ m/([^\\\/\.]*)\.[^\\\/]*\Z/;
   173 		$scriptResults->SetScriptName($1);
   175 		if ($testFileContents =~ m/Core Loader Conformance Suite/)
   176 			{
   177 			$scriptResults->CoreConfTest();
   178 			$aResultsArray[$nextFreeIndexInResultsArray] = ScanCoreConfLogFileForFailures($scriptResults, \$testFileContents);
   179 			}
   180 		elsif ($testFileContents =~ m/TestFrameworkMain.cpp/)
   181 			{
   182 			$scriptResults->TestFrameworkTest();
   183 			$aResultsArray[$nextFreeIndexInResultsArray] = ScanTestFrameworkLogFileForFailures($scriptResults, \$testFileContents);
   184 			}
   185 		elsif ($testFileContents =~ m/TEF Version/)
   186 			{
   187 			if ($testFileContents =~ m/TEST CASE SUMMARY:/i)
   188 				{
   189 				$scriptResults->TEFTest();
   190 				$aResultsArray[$nextFreeIndexInResultsArray] = ScanTEFLogFileForFailures($scriptResults, \$testFileContents, 1);
   191 				}
   192 			else
   193 				{
   194 				# One of the old MM TEF tests which didn't use testcases
   195 				$scriptResults->TEFNoTestcasesTest();
   196 				$aResultsArray[$nextFreeIndexInResultsArray] = ScanTEFLogFileForFailures($scriptResults, \$testFileContents, 0);
   197 				}			
   198 			}
   199 		else
   200 			{
   201 			print "\nWARNING: Results file has unrecognised format - $fileName.\n";	
   202 			}
   204 		$nextFreeIndexInResultsArray++;	
   205 		}
   207 	return \@aResultsArray;
   208 	}
   210 ###############################################
   211 ##	Test harness specific functionality
   212 ###############################################	
   214 # Parses a TF log file for failures, inconclusives and crashes
   215 # param1 - the TestScriptResults object to populate
   216 # param2 - reference to the contents of the log file
   217 # returns - the TestScriptResults object containing the parsed data
   218 sub ScanTestFrameworkLogFileForFailures
   219 	{
   220 	my ($aScriptResults, $aLogFileContents) = @_;
   222 	my $testFileContents = $$aLogFileContents;
   223 	my $numberOfTests = 0;
   224 	# Search for test case results, which take the following form:
   225 	#04/09/2002 15:51:39:772    V   Log.cpp 736 Test Result for TSI_ICL_BTRANS_01:MM_ICL_BTRANS_I_0202_CP is PASS
   226 	while ($testFileContents =~ s/Test[\s]+Result[\s]+for[\s]+[\S]+:([\_|\-|\S]+)[\s]+is[\s]+([\_|\-|\S]+)[\s]*\<\/font\>//)
   227 		{
   228 		my $testId  = $1;
   229 	    my $result = $2;
   230 	    $numberOfTests++;
   231 		if ($result =~ /PASS/)
   232 			{
   233 			# Do nothing
   234 			}
   235 		elsif ($result =~ /INCONCLUSIVE/)
   236 			{
   237 			$aScriptResults->AddInconclusiveResult($testId);
   238 			}
   239 		else
   240 			{
   241 			# Treat all other results as failure
   242 			$aScriptResults->AddFailureResult($testId);
   243 			}
   244 		}
   245 	$aScriptResults->SetTotalTestCount($numberOfTests);
   247 	unless ($testFileContents =~ m/Test Results Summary/)
   248 		{
   249 		# Test file summary not in the log file - the test has crashed
   250 		$aScriptResults->TestCrashed();
   251 		}
   253 	return $aScriptResults;
   254 	}
   256 # Parses a TEF log file for failures, inconclusives and crashes
   257 # param1 - the TestScriptResults object to populate
   258 # param2 - reference to the contents of the log file
   259 # param3 - boolean whether the test is using testcases (older MM tests didn't, in which case we use the test steps)
   260 # returns - the TestScriptResults object containing the parsed data
   261 sub ScanTEFLogFileForFailures
   262 	{
   263 	my ($aScriptResults, $aLogFileContents, $aTestcasesInUse) = @_;
   265 	my $testFileContents = $$aLogFileContents;
   266 	my $numberOfTests = 0;
   268 	# Search for test case results, which take the following form:
   269 	# 02:56:42:145 c:\mm\tsu_3gp_compose_api_te.script Line = 58 Command = END_TESTCASE MM-3GP-COMP-U-0003-CP ***TestCaseResult = PASS 
   270 	# Or if testcases not in use in this script file test step results, which take the following form:
   271 	# 14:20:51:459 c:\mm\tsu_mmf_aclnt_securedrmtestdata.script Line = 36 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 1000 RTAUtils ImportDrmArchive c:\mm\tsu_mmf_aclnt_securedrmtestdata.ini ImportSmallWavDrmArchiveAudio ***Result = UNEXECUTED 
   272 	while (($testFileContents =~ s/Command[\s]+=[\s]+END\_TESTCASE[\s]+([\_|\-|\S]+)[\s]+\*\*\*TestCaseResult[\s]+=[\s]+([\_|\-|\S]+)[\s]*\<\/font\>//)
   273 			|| (!$aTestcasesInUse && ($testFileContents =~ s/Command[\s]+=[\s]+RUN\_TEST\_STEP[\s]+\d*[\s]+.*?[\s]+([\_|\-|\S]+)[\s]+.*?\*\*\*Result[\s]+=[\s]+([\_|\-|\S]+)[\s]*\<\/font\>//)))
   274 		{
   275 		my $testId  = $1;
   276 	    my $result = $2;
   277 	    $numberOfTests++;
   278 		if ($result =~ /PASS/)
   279 			{
   280 			# Do nothing
   281 			}
   282 		elsif ($result =~ /INCONCLUSIVE/)
   283 			{
   284 			$aScriptResults->AddInconclusiveResult($testId);
   285 			}
   286 		else
   287 			{
   288 			# Treat all other results as failure
   289 			$aScriptResults->AddFailureResult($testId);
   290 			}
   291 		}
   292 	$aScriptResults->SetTotalTestCount($numberOfTests);
   294 	# Testcase scripts use TEST CASE SUMMARY, non-testcase scripts just use SUMMARY
   295 	unless ($testFileContents =~ m/SUMMARY:/)
   296 		{
   297 		# Test file summary not in the log file - the test has crashed
   298 		$aScriptResults->TestCrashed();
   299 		}
   301 	return $aScriptResults;	
   302 	}
   304 # Parses a CoreConf log file for failures, inconclusives and crashes
   305 # param1 - the TestScriptResults object to populate
   306 # param2 - reference to the contents of the log file
   307 # returns - the TestScriptResults object containing the parsed data	
   308 sub ScanCoreConfLogFileForFailures
   309 	{
   310 	my ($aScriptResults, $aLogFileContents) = @_;
   311 	my $testFileContents = $$aLogFileContents;
   313 	if ($testFileContents =~ s/\*\*\*\s*?Summary of tests executed(.*\n)*//)
   314 		{
   315 		my $numberOfTests = 0;
   317 		# Parse the summary listings
   318 		while($testFileContents =~ s/\*\*\*\s*?Passed tests:((.*\n)*?)\*\*\*\s*?Failed tests:.*\n((\*\*\*.*\n)*)//)
   319 			{
   320 			my $passingTests = $1;
   321 			my $failingTests = $3;
   323 			# Passing tests
   324 			while ($passingTests =~ s/\*\*\*[\s]*?\S+[\s]*\n//)
   325 				{
   326 				$numberOfTests++;
   327 				}
   329 			# Failing tests
   330 			while ($failingTests =~ s/\*\*\*[\s]*?(\S+)[\s]*\n//)
   331 				{
   332 				$aScriptResults->AddFailureResult($1);
   333 				$numberOfTests++;
   334 				}			
   335 			}
   337 		$aScriptResults->SetTotalTestCount($numberOfTests);		
   338 		}
   339 	else
   340 		{
   341 		# Test file summary not in the log file - the test has crashed
   342 		$aScriptResults->TestCrashed();		
   343 		}
   345 	return $aScriptResults;		
   346 	}
   348 # Gets the test case count from a Test Execute Framework log file
   349 # param1 - a reference to the contents of the TEF log file
   350 #returns - The number of test cases in the script or -1 if the summary could not be found
   351 sub GetTEFTestCount
   352 	{
   353 	my $aReferenceLogContents = shift;
   354 	my $refContents = $$aReferenceLogContents;
   356 	if ($refContents =~ m/TEST CASE SUMMARY:(.*\n)*?.*?PASS =\s*(\d*)(.*\n)*?.*?FAIL =\s*(\d*)(.*\n)*?.*?INCONCLUSIVE =\s*(\d*)/)
   357 		{
   358 		my $result = $2 + $4 + $6;
   359 		return $result;
   360 		}
   362 	if ($refContents =~ m/SUMMARY:(.*\n)*?.*?PASS =\s*(\d*)(.*\n)*?.*?FAIL =\s*(\d*)(.*\n)*?.*?ABORT =\s*(\d*)(.*\n)*?.*?PANIC =\s*(\d*)(.*\n)*?.*?INCONCLUSIVE =\s*(\d*)(.*\n)*?.*?UNKNOWN =\s*(\d*)(.*\n)*?.*?UNEXECUTED =\s*(\d*)/)	
   363 		{
   364 		# One of the MM tests that doesn't use testcases
   365 		my $result = $2 + $4 + $6 + $8 + $10 + $12 + $14;
   366 		return $result;
   367 		}									
   369 	# Summary not found, we crashed
   370 	return -1;
   371 	}
   373 # Gets the test count from a Test Framework log file
   374 # param1 - a reference to the contents of the Test Framework log file
   375 #returns - The number of test cases in the script or -1 if the summary could not be found	
   376 sub GetTestFrameworkTestCount
   377 	{
   378 	my $aReferenceLogContents = shift;
   379 	my $refContents = $$aReferenceLogContents;
   381 	unless ($refContents =~ m/Test Results Summary(.*\n)*?.*?Total\s*:(\d*)\s*\n/)
   382 		{
   383 		# Summary not found, we crashed
   384 		return -1;
   385 		}
   386 	return $2;
   387 	}
   389 # Gets the test count from an OpenMAX IL Core Conformance log file
   390 # param1 - a reference to the contents of the Core Conformance log file
   391 #returns - The number of test cases in the script or -1 if the summary could not be found	
   392 sub GetCoreConfTestCount
   393 	{
   394 	my $aReferenceLogContents = shift;
   395 	my $refContents = $$aReferenceLogContents;
   397 	unless ($refContents =~ m/\*\*\*\s*Summary of tests executed(.*\n)*?\*\*\*\s*Total :\s*(\d*)\s*\n/)
   398 		{
   399 		# Summary not found, we crashed
   400 		return -1;
   401 		}
   402 	return $2;
   403 	}
   405 # Scans a TEF log looking for the test specified and checks if it returned inconclusive
   406 # param1 - the test name
   407 # param2 - reference to the contents of the log file, the test case result is removed from the argument if passed by ref
   408 # param3 - whether the TEF script uses testcases
   409 # returns - 1 if it returned inconclusive, 0 otherwise	
   410 sub MatchingTEFInconclusiveResult	
   411 	{
   412 	my $aInconclusive = shift;
   413 	my $aReferenceLogContents = shift;
   414 	my $aTestcasesInUse = shift;
   415 	my $refContents = $$aReferenceLogContents;
   416 	if ($aTestcasesInUse)
   417 		{
   418 		if ($refContents =~ s/Command[\s]+=[\s]+END\_TESTCASE[\s]+$aInconclusive[\s]+\*\*\*TestCaseResult[\s]+=[\s]+([\_|\-|\S]+)[\s]*\<\/font\>//)
   419 			{
   420 			if ($1 eq "INCONCLUSIVE")
   421 				{
   422 				return 1;
   423 				}
   424 			}
   425 		}
   426 	else
   427 		{
   428 		if ($refContents =~ s/Command[\s]+=[\s]+RUN\_TEST\_STEP[\s]+\d*[\s]+.*?[\s]+$aInconclusive[\s]+.*?\*\*\*Result[\s]+=[\s]+([\_|\-|\S]+)[\s]*\<\/font\>//)
   429 			{
   430 			if ($1 eq "INCONCLUSIVE")
   431 				{
   432 				return 1;
   433 				}
   434 			}
   435 		}
   436 	return 0;
   437 	}
   439 # Scans a TestFramework log looking for the test specified and checks if it returned inconclusive
   440 # param1 - the test name
   441 # param2 - reference to the contents of the log file, the test case result is removed from the argument if passed by ref
   442 # returns - 1 if it returned inconclusive, 0 otherwise		
   443 sub MatchingTFInconclusiveResult 
   444 	{
   445 	my $aInconclusive = shift;
   446 	my $aReferenceLogContents = shift;
   447 	my $refContents = $$aReferenceLogContents;
   448 	if ($refContents =~ s/Test[\s]+Result[\s]+for[\s]+[\S]+:$aInconclusive[\s]+is[\s]+([\_|\-|\S]+)[\s]*\<\/font\>//)
   449 		{
   450 		if ($1 eq "INCONCLUSIVE")
   451 			{
   452 			return 1;
   453 			}
   454 		}
   455 	return 0;
   456 	}
   458 # Scans a TEF log looking for the test specified and checks if it returned an error
   459 # param1 - the test name
   460 # param2 - reference to the contents of the log file, the test case result is removed from the argument if passed by ref
   461 # param3 - whether the TEF script uses testcases
   462 # returns - 1 if it returned an error, 0 otherwise		
   463 sub MatchingTEFErrorResult 
   464 	{
   465 	my $aFail = shift;
   466 	my $aReferenceLogContents = shift;
   467 	my $aTestcasesInUse = shift;
   468 	my $refContents = $$aReferenceLogContents;
   470 	if ($aTestcasesInUse)
   471 		{
   472 		if (not $refContents =~ s/Command[\s]+=[\s]+END\_TESTCASE[\s]+$aFail[\s]+\*\*\*TestCaseResult[\s]+=[\s]+([\_|\-|\S]+)[\s]*\<\/font\>//)
   473 			{
   474 			return 0;
   475 			}
   477 		if (($1 eq "PASS") || ($1 eq "INCONCLUSIVE"))
   478 			{
   479 			return 0;
   480 			}
   481 		}
   482 	else
   483 		{
   484 		if (not $refContents =~ s/Command[\s]+=[\s]+RUN\_TEST\_STEP[\s]+\d*[\s]+.*?[\s]+$aFail[\s]+.*?\*\*\*Result[\s]+=[\s]+([\_|\-|\S]+)[\s]*\<\/font\>//)
   485 			{
   486 			return 0;
   487 			}
   489 		if (($1 eq "PASS") || ($1 eq "INCONCLUSIVE"))
   490 			{
   491 			return 0;
   492 			}
   493 		}
   495 	return 1;
   496 	}	
   498 # Scans a TestFramework log looking for the test specified and checks if it returned an error
   499 # param1 - the test name
   500 # param2 - reference to the contents of the log file, the test case result is removed from the argument if passed by ref
   501 # returns - 1 if it returned an error, 0 otherwise		
   502 sub MatchingTFErrorResult 
   503 	{
   504 	my $aFail = shift;
   505 	my $aReferenceLogContents = shift;
   506 	my $refContents = $$aReferenceLogContents;
   507 	if (not $refContents =~ s/Test[\s]+Result[\s]+for[\s]+[\S]+:$aFail[\s]+is[\s]+([\_|\-|\S]+)[\s]*\<\/font\>//)
   508 		{
   509 		return 0;
   510 		}
   512 	if (($1 eq "PASS") || ($1 eq "INCONCLUSIVE"))
   513 		{
   514 		return 0;
   515 		}
   517 	return 1;
   518 	}	
   520 # N.B. VERY IMPORTANT that the log file is passed by reference.  Core conf scripts can include numerous
   521 # different tests that use the same test name so to avoid false positives from this function the 
   522 # substitution done in the comparison MUST affect the caller's copy of the log file.
   523 sub MatchingCoreConfErrorResult
   524 	{	
   525 	my $aFail = shift;
   526 	my $aReferenceLogContents = shift;
   527 	my $refContents = $$aReferenceLogContents;
   529 	if ($refContents =~ s/\*\*\*[\s]*$aFail[\s]*FAILED//)
   530 		{
   531 		return 1;
   532 		}
   534 	return 0;	
   535 	}
   537 ###############################################		
   538 ##	Failure comparison functions
   539 ###############################################		
   541 # The analysis takes an array of TestScriptResults, each storing the results of a test script's log file.
   542 # It processes this list in stages looking for any scripts with errors and trying to match them against
   543 # entries in a Known Failure sheet and/or comparison reference build.  Whenever a match is found
   544 # the error is removed from the TestScriptResults object, these essentially act as an object containing
   545 # unresolved errors.  When errors are matched their details are added to the corresponding text 
   546 # variables at the top of this file (e.g. iKnownFails).
   547 sub AnalyseFailures
   548 	{
   549 	my ($aKFSheetLocation, $aReferenceMistralURL, $aIgnoreFailsNotInRef, $aResultsRef, $aKfPlatforms) = @_;
   551 	my @results = @$aResultsRef;
   553 	my $refContents = undef;
   554 	if ($aReferenceMistralURL)
   555 		{
   556 		$refContents = get "$aReferenceMistralURL"; # Returns undef if failure
   557 		unless ($refContents)
   558 			{
   559 			print "\nERROR: Unable to retrieve reference summary file from $aReferenceMistralURL\n";
   560 			exit;
   561 			}		
   562 		}
   564 	my $kfSheetContents = undef;
   565 	if ($aKFSheetLocation)
   566 		{
   567 		unless ($aKFSheetLocation =~ m/\.xml\Z/i)
   568 			{
   569 			print "\nERROR: KF sheet ($aKFSheetLocation) does not appear to be in XML format, you should save the Excel worksheet as XML Spreadsheet 2003 format for input to this script.\n";	
   570 			exit;
   571 			}		
   572 		$kfSheetContents = do { local $/; open(I,"$aKFSheetLocation"); <I> };
   573 		unless ($kfSheetContents)
   574 			{
   575 			print "\nERROR: Unable to open KF sheet at $aKFSheetLocation\n";	
   576 			exit;			
   577 			}
   578 		}
   580 	foreach my $scriptResults (@results)
   581 		{
   582 		my $scriptName = $scriptResults->ScriptName();
   584 		my $referenceResults = undef;
   586 		# If a reference build was provided, find the corresponding log file
   587 		if ($refContents)
   588 			{
   589 			# We use substitution here because some of the coreconf test scripts
   590 			# have the same script name.  This ensures we don't keep referencing
   591 			# against the same copy.  We cannot do the comparison on the script 
   592 			# path because this isn't resilient to adding new tests or cross domain 
   593 			# comparisons.
   594 			# N.B. This assumes the test list ordering remains the same.
   595 			# N.B. The optional .txt is for Core Conf tests
   596 			$refContents =~ s/href="(.*?$scriptName(\.txt)?(\.script)?\.html?)"//;
   597 			my $file = $1;
   598 			if ($file eq undef)
   599 				{
   600 				if ($aIgnoreFailsNotInRef)
   601 					{
   602 					next;
   603 					}
   604 				print "\nWARNING: Unable to find $scriptName in Reference Build\n";	
   605 				}
   606 			else
   607 				{
   608 				$referenceResults = get "$file";	# returns undef on failure
   609 				unless ($referenceResults)
   610 					{
   611 					print "\nWARNING: Unable to open $scriptName ($file) in Reference Build\n";			
   612 					}
   613 				}
   614 			}
   616 		my $refTestCrashed;
   617 		# Check the test count hasn't decreased
   618 		if ($referenceResults)
   619 			{
   620 			$refTestCrashed = CheckTestCount($scriptResults, \$referenceResults);
   621 			}
   623 		if (not $scriptResults->AnyFailures())
   624 			{
   625 			# No errors so move onto the next
   626 			next;
   627 			}
   629 		if ($kfSheetContents)
   630 			{
   631 			ResolveFailuresAgainstKFSheet($scriptResults, \$kfSheetContents, $aKfPlatforms); 
   633 			if (not $scriptResults->AnyFailures())
   634 				{
   635 				# All errors resolved against KF sheet so move onto the next
   636 				next;
   637 				}
   638 			}	
   640 		if ($referenceResults)
   641 			{
   642 			ResolveFailuresAgainstReferenceRun($scriptResults, $refTestCrashed, \$referenceResults);
   644 			if (not $scriptResults->AnyFailures())
   645 				{
   646 				# All errors resolved against reference run so move onto the next
   647 				next;
   648 				}			
   649 			}
   651 		# Unknown failures
   652 		$iUnknownFails = $iUnknownFails . "\n$scriptName\n";
   654 		my $inconText;
   655 		my @inconclusives = $scriptResults->Inconclusives();
   656 		foreach my $inconclusive (@inconclusives)
   657 			{
   658 			$inconText = $inconText . "$inconclusive\n";
   659 			}
   660 		my $failText;
   661 		my @failures = $scriptResults->Failures();
   662 		foreach my $failure (@failures)
   663 			{
   664 			$failText = $failText . "$failure\n";
   665 			}	
   667 		if ($inconText)
   668 			{
   669 			$iUnknownFails = $iUnknownFails . "INCONCLUSIVES:\n$inconText";
   670 			}
   671 		if ($failText)
   672 			{
   673 			$iUnknownFails = $iUnknownFails . "FAILS:\n$failText";
   674 			}
   675 		if ($scriptResults->DidItCrash())	
   676 			{
   677 			$iUnknownFails = $iUnknownFails . "CRASHED\n";
   678 			}
   679 		}	
   681 	}
   683 # Will compare the test count of the test in question against the equivalent result from a reference build's log
   684 # to detect if there has been a reduction in the total number of tests run as part of the script, unless that script 
   685 # has crashed.  As a side effect the return value indicates whether the test in question crashed or not (saves
   686 # having to scan it twice).
   687 # param1 - the log results to compare against the reference build's run
   688 # param2 - the contents of the reference build's corresponding test log
   689 # returns = 1 if the reference script crashed and we were unable to compare the counts, 0 otherwise
   690 sub CheckTestCount
   691 	{
   692 	my ($aTestResultsObject, $aReferenceLogContents) = @_;
   694 	my $testHarness = $aTestResultsObject->TestHarness();
   695 	my $refTestCount;
   696 	if (($testHarness eq $TestScriptResults::KTEFTest) || ($testHarness eq $TestScriptResults::KTEFNoTestcasesTest))
   697 		{
   698 		$refTestCount = GetTEFTestCount($aReferenceLogContents);
   699 		}
   700 	elsif ($testHarness eq $TestScriptResults::KTestFrameworkTest)
   701 		{
   702 		$refTestCount = GetTestFrameworkTestCount($aReferenceLogContents);
   703 		}
   704 	else
   705 		{
   706 		$refTestCount = GetCoreConfTestCount($aReferenceLogContents);
   707 		}
   709 	if ($refTestCount < 0)
   710 		{
   711 		# Reference test crashed
   712 		unless ($aTestResultsObject->DidItCrash())
   713 			{
   714 			my $scriptName = $aTestResultsObject->ScriptName();
   715 			print "\nWARNING: $scriptName crashed in the reference build, unable to compare test counts\n";
   716 			}
   717 		return 1;
   718 		}
   720 	my $testCount = $aTestResultsObject->TotalTestCount;
   721 	if ($testCount < $refTestCount)
   722 		{
   723 		unless ($aTestResultsObject->DidItCrash())
   724 			{
   725 			my $testName = $aTestResultsObject->ScriptName();
   726 			$iMissingTests = $iMissingTests . "$testName  Previous = $refTestCount, Current = $testCount\n"; 	
   727 			}
   728 		}
   729 	return 0;	
   730 	}	
   732 # Will scan the Known Failure sheet for any entries indicating if the failures,inconclusives and/or crash
   733 # witnessed in the script in question are already known. If so these will be appended to the known failures list
   734 # and removed from the TestScriptResults object in question. If matching entries were found but existed for
   735 # other codelines then this information is stored but the failures are not removed from the TestScriptResults 
   736 # object.
   737 # param1 - TestScriptResults object for the script with failures
   738 # param2 - the contents of the known failure sheet
   739 # param3 - the array of platform entries in the known failure sheet that are applicable to this run
   740 sub ResolveFailuresAgainstKFSheet
   741 	{
   742 	my ($aScriptWithProblems, $aKfSheetContents, $aKfPlatforms) = @_;
   743 	my $kfSheetContents = $$aKfSheetContents;
   744 	my $scriptName = $aScriptWithProblems->ScriptName();
   746 	my @kFApplicablePlatforms;
   747 	if ($aKfPlatforms)
   748 		{
   749 		# Will error if undef
   750 		@kFApplicablePlatforms = @$aKfPlatforms;
   751 		}
   753 	# Modified version of the KF Sheet contents, at the end of this function it will contain the Rows from the KF Sheet with any that correspond to the current test script stripped out.
   754 	# This is a by product of the fact that we inspect each row one at a time looking for any that are relevant, trying to do a global search results in potentially error prone and difficult to maintain
   755 	# regexs.  And in reality underneath Perl shouldn't be doing that much in the way of optimisation versus this approach.
   756 	my $wipKfSheet;
   757 	my $candidatesForOtherPlatforms;
   758 	my $foundSamePlatFails;
   759 	my $foundSamePlatInconcs;
   760 	my $foundSamePlatCrash;
   761 	while ($kfSheetContents =~ s/<Row((.|\n)*?>)((.|\n)*?)<\/Row>//i)
   762 		{
   763 		my $row = $3;
   764 		# Optimisation
   765 		unless ($row =~ m/$scriptName/i)
   766 			{
   767 			$wipKfSheet = $wipKfSheet . "<Row>$row<\/Row>";
   768 			next;
   769 			}
   771 		# None of the cells prior to the 'Scriptname' named cell are of any interest, now verify this row is actually for 
   772 		# this test script and we didn't pick the hit up off the entries for one of the other fields, e.g. Remarks
   773 		my $applicable;
   774 		while ($row =~ s/(<Cell(.|\n)*?<\/Cell>)//i)
   775 			{
   776 			my $cell = $1;
   777 			if ($cell =~ m/<NamedCell\s*\n?\s*ss:Name="Scriptname\d*"\//i)
   778 				{
   779 				# Named field we're looking for
   780 				if ($cell =~ m/$scriptName/i)
   781 					{
   782 					$applicable = 1;
   783 					last;
   784 					}
   785 				else
   786 					{
   787 					$wipKfSheet = $wipKfSheet . "<Row>$cell\n$row<\/Row>";	# This entry isn't applicable to us, reinsert it into the KF sheet
   788 					last;
   789 					}
   790 				}
   791 			}
   792 		unless ($applicable)
   793 			{
   794 			next;
   795 			}
   797 		# We are now dealing with a Row corresponding to the script in question
   798 		# So pull out the relevant named cells contents
   799 		my $crash;
   800 		my $fails;
   801 		my $inconclusives;
   802 		my $targets;
   803 		while ($row =~ s/(<Cell(.|\n)*?<\/Cell>)//i)
   804 			{
   805 			my $cell = $1;
   806 			if ($cell =~ m/<NamedCell\s*\n?\s*ss:Name="CrashedStatus\d*"\//i)
   807 				{
   808 				$crash = $cell;
   809 				}
   810 			elsif ($cell =~ m/<NamedCell\s*\n?\s*ss:Name="Fails\d*"\//i)
   811 				{
   812 				$fails = $cell;			
   813 				}
   814 			elsif ($cell =~ m/<NamedCell\s*\n?\s*ss:Name="Inconclusives\d*"\//i)
   815 				{
   816 				$inconclusives = $cell;			
   817 				}
   818 			elsif ($cell =~ m/<NamedCell\s*\n?\s*ss:Name="Platforms\d*"\//i)
   819 				{
   820 				$targets = $cell;			
   821 				}				
   822 			}
   824 		my $platformMatched;
   825 		foreach my $platform (@kFApplicablePlatforms)
   826 			{
   827 			unless (($targets =~ m/$platform&#10;/i) || ($targets =~ m/$platform<\/Data>/i))	# To ensure for example that All isn't picked up by an All Winscw entry
   828 				{
   829 				next;	# Platform not found in the entry
   830 				}		
   831 			$platformMatched = 1;
   833 			if (($aScriptWithProblems->DidItCrash()) && ($crash =~ m/Crashed/i))
   834 				{
   835 				$foundSamePlatCrash = 1;
   836 				$aScriptWithProblems->ResetCrashed();
   837 				}
   839 			if ($fails)
   840 				{
   841 				my @failures = $aScriptWithProblems->Failures();
   842 				$aScriptWithProblems->ResetFailures();
   843 				foreach my $failure (@failures)
   844 					{
   845 					if (($fails =~ m/$failure/i) || ($fails =~ m/>ALL<\/Data>/))
   846 						{
   847 						$foundSamePlatFails = $foundSamePlatFails . "$failure\n";
   848 						}
   849 					else
   850 						{
   852 						$aScriptWithProblems->AddFailureResult($failure);
   853 						}
   854 					}
   855 				}
   857 			if ($inconclusives)
   858 				{
   859 				my @incons = $aScriptWithProblems->Inconclusives();
   860 				$aScriptWithProblems->ResetInconclusives();
   861 				foreach my $incon (@incons)
   862 					{
   863 					if (($inconclusives =~ m/$incon/i) || ($inconclusives =~ m/>ALL<\/Data>/))
   864 						{
   865 						$foundSamePlatInconcs = $foundSamePlatInconcs . "$incon\n";
   866 						}
   867 					else
   868 						{
   869 						$aScriptWithProblems->AddInconclusiveResult($incon);
   870 						}
   871 					}
   872 				}
   873 			}	# End of platform matching loop
   875 		unless ($platformMatched)
   876 			{
   877 			# The row entry did not match any of the applicable platforms.  We need to keep checking for more appropriate rows.
   878 			# However, if after the KF Sheet has been parsed we still have unknown errors, we need to compare against these rows as well
   879 			# in case the issue has been seen on other platforms.
   881 			$candidatesForOtherPlatforms = $candidatesForOtherPlatforms . "<Row>$crash$fails$inconclusives<\/Row>";
   882 			}
   884 		}	# End of row scanning
   887 	my $foundOtherPlatFails;
   888 	my $foundOtherPlatInconcs;
   889 	my $foundOtherPlatCrash;	
   890 	if ($aScriptWithProblems->AnyFailures())	
   891 		{
   892 		# Failures remain, potentially matched against the rows for other platforms
   894 		while ($candidatesForOtherPlatforms =~ s/<Row>((.|\n)*?)<\/Row>//i)
   895 			{
   896 			my $row = $1;
   897 			my $crash;
   898 			my $fails;
   899 			my $inconclusives;
   900 			while ($row =~ s/(<Cell(.|\n)*?<\/Cell>)//i)
   901 				{
   902 				my $cell = $1;
   903 				if ($cell =~ m/<NamedCell\s*\n?\s*ss:Name="CrashedStatus\d*"\//i)
   904 					{
   905 					$crash = $cell;
   906 					}
   907 				elsif ($cell =~ m/<NamedCell\s*\n?\s*ss:Name="Fails\d*"\//i)
   908 					{
   909 					$fails = $cell;
   910 					}
   911 				elsif ($cell =~ m/<NamedCell\s*\n?\s*ss:Name="Inconclusives\d*"\//i)
   912 					{
   913 					$inconclusives = $cell;
   914 					}					
   915 				}	# End of stripping out content details
   917 			if (($aScriptWithProblems->DidItCrash()) && ($crash =~ m/Crashed<\/Data>/i))
   918 				{
   919 				$foundOtherPlatCrash = 1;
   920 				}
   922 			if ($fails)
   923 				{
   924 				my @failures = $aScriptWithProblems->Failures();
   925 				foreach my $failure (@failures)
   926 					{
   927 					if (($fails =~ m/$failure/i) || ($fails =~ m/>ALL<\/Data>/))
   928 						{
   929 						$foundOtherPlatFails = $foundOtherPlatFails . "$failure\n";
   930 						}
   931 					}
   932 				}
   934 			if ($inconclusives)
   935 				{
   936 				my @incons = $aScriptWithProblems->Inconclusives();
   937 				foreach my $incon (@incons)
   938 					{
   939 					if (($inconclusives =~ m/$incon/i) || ($inconclusives =~ m/>ALL<\/Data>/))
   940 						{
   941 						$foundOtherPlatInconcs = $foundOtherPlatInconcs . "$incon\n";
   942 						}
   943 					}
   944 				}
   946 			}	# End of cross-platform candidate matchine
   947 		}	# End of dealing with potential cross-platform matches
   949 	# Output known failures
   950 	if ($foundSamePlatFails || $foundSamePlatInconcs || $foundSamePlatCrash)
   951 		{
   952 		$iKnownFails = $iKnownFails . "\n$scriptName\n";
   953 		}
   954 	if ($foundSamePlatInconcs)
   955 		{
   956 		$iKnownFails = $iKnownFails . "INCONCLUSIVES:\n$foundSamePlatInconcs";
   957 		}
   958 	if ($foundSamePlatFails)
   959 		{
   960 		$iKnownFails = $iKnownFails . "FAILS:\n$foundSamePlatFails";
   961 		}
   962 	if ($foundSamePlatCrash)
   963 		{
   964 		$iKnownFails = $iKnownFails . "CRASHED\n";
   965 		}		
   967 	# Output matches found only in other test platforms
   968 	if ($foundOtherPlatFails || $foundOtherPlatInconcs || $foundOtherPlatCrash)
   969 		{
   970 		$iUnknownFailsButKnownInOtherCodelines = $iUnknownFailsButKnownInOtherCodelines .  "\n$scriptName\n";
   971 		}
   972 	if ($foundOtherPlatInconcs)
   973 		{
   974 		$iUnknownFailsButKnownInOtherCodelines = $iUnknownFailsButKnownInOtherCodelines . "INCONCLUSIVES:\n$foundOtherPlatInconcs";
   975 		}
   976 	if ($foundOtherPlatFails)
   977 		{
   978 		$iUnknownFailsButKnownInOtherCodelines = $iUnknownFailsButKnownInOtherCodelines . "FAILS:\n$foundOtherPlatFails";
   979 		}
   980 	if ($foundOtherPlatCrash)
   981 		{
   982 		$iUnknownFailsButKnownInOtherCodelines = $iUnknownFailsButKnownInOtherCodelines . "CRASHED\n";
   983 		}
   985 	$aKfSheetContents = $wipKfSheet;
   986 	}
   989 # Takes the corresponding log file from the reference build and test for a failing script and
   990 # compare it to see if the failures match.  If so this information is stored and the matching
   991 # failures removed from the TestScriptResults object.
   992 # param1 - TestScriptResults object for the script with failures
   993 # param2 - boolean whether the test crashed in the reference build and test
   994 # param3 - the contents of the corresponding log file from the reference build
   995 sub ResolveFailuresAgainstReferenceRun
   996 	{
   997 	my $aReferenceTestResults = shift;
   998 	my $aRefTestCrashed = shift;
   999 	my $aReferenceLogContents = shift;
  1000 	my $refContents = $$aReferenceLogContents;	
  1002 	my $scriptName = $aReferenceTestResults->ScriptName();
  1003 	my $testHarness = $aReferenceTestResults->TestHarness();
  1005 	my $inconText;
  1006 	my @inconclusives = $aReferenceTestResults->Inconclusives();
  1007 	$aReferenceTestResults->ResetInconclusives();
  1008 	foreach my $inconclusive (@inconclusives)
  1009 		{
  1010 		if (($testHarness eq $TestScriptResults::KTEFTest) || ($testHarness eq $TestScriptResults::KTEFNoTestcasesTest))
  1011 			{
  1012 			my $testcasesInUse = 0;
  1013 			if ($testHarness eq $TestScriptResults::KTEFTest)
  1014 				{
  1015 				$testcasesInUse = 1;
  1016 				}
  1017 			if (MatchingTEFInconclusiveResult($inconclusive, \$refContents, $testcasesInUse))
  1018 				{
  1019 				$inconText = $inconText . "$inconclusive\n";
  1020 				}
  1021 			else
  1022 				{
  1023 				$aReferenceTestResults->AddInconclusiveResult($inconclusive);
  1024 				}
  1025 			}
  1026 		elsif ($testHarness eq $TestScriptResults::KTestFrameworkTest)
  1027 			{
  1028 			if (MatchingTFInconclusiveResult($inconclusive, \$refContents))
  1029 				{
  1030 				$inconText = $inconText . "$inconclusive\n";
  1031 				}
  1032 			else
  1033 				{
  1034 				$aReferenceTestResults->AddInconclusiveResult($inconclusive);			
  1035 				}			
  1036 			}
  1037 		# Core Conf tests have no comprehension of inconclusive
  1038 		}
  1040 	my $failText;
  1041 	my @failures = $aReferenceTestResults->Failures();
  1042 	$aReferenceTestResults->ResetFailures();
  1043 	foreach my $failure (@failures)
  1044 		{
  1045 		if (($testHarness eq $TestScriptResults::KTEFTest) || ($testHarness eq $TestScriptResults::KTEFNoTestcasesTest))
  1046 			{
  1047 			my $testcasesInUse = 0;
  1048 			if ($testHarness eq $TestScriptResults::KTEFTest)
  1049 				{
  1050 				$testcasesInUse = 1;
  1051 				}
  1052 			if (MatchingTEFErrorResult($failure, \$refContents, $testcasesInUse))
  1053 				{
  1054 				$failText = $failText . "$failure\n";
  1055 				}
  1056 			else
  1057 				{
  1058 				$aReferenceTestResults->AddFailureResult($failure);
  1059 				}
  1060 			}
  1061 		elsif ($testHarness eq $TestScriptResults::KTestFrameworkTest)
  1062 			{
  1063 			if (MatchingTFErrorResult($failure, \$refContents))
  1064 				{
  1065 				$failText = $failText . "$failure\n";
  1066 				}
  1067 			else
  1068 				{
  1069 				$aReferenceTestResults->AddFailureResult($failure);
  1070 				}			
  1071 			}
  1072 		else
  1073 			{
  1074 			# Core Conf 
  1075 			if (MatchingCoreConfErrorResult($failure, \$refContents))
  1076 				{
  1077 				$failText = $failText . "$failure\n";
  1078 				}
  1079 			else
  1080 				{
  1081 				$aReferenceTestResults->AddFailureResult($failure);
  1082 				}			
  1083 			}
  1084 		}
  1086 	my $bothCrashed;
  1087 	if (($aReferenceTestResults->DidItCrash()) && $aRefTestCrashed)
  1088 		{
  1089 		$bothCrashed = 1;
  1090 		$aReferenceTestResults->ResetCrashed();
  1091 		}
  1093 	if ($inconText || $failText || $bothCrashed)
  1094 		{
  1095 		$iUnknownFailsButKnownInRef = $iUnknownFailsButKnownInRef . "\n$scriptName\n";
  1096 		}
  1098 	if 	($inconText)
  1099 		{
  1100 		$iUnknownFailsButKnownInRef = $iUnknownFailsButKnownInRef . "INCONCLUSIVES:\n$inconText";
  1101 		}
  1102 	if ($failText)
  1103 		{
  1104 		$iUnknownFailsButKnownInRef = $iUnknownFailsButKnownInRef . "FAILS:\n$failText";
  1105 		}
  1106 	if ($bothCrashed)
  1107 		{
  1108 		$iUnknownFailsButKnownInRef = $iUnknownFailsButKnownInRef . "CRASHED\n";
  1109 		}
  1110 	}
  1112 ###############################################
  1113 ##	Utility functions
  1114 ###############################################	
  1116 sub PrintHelp
  1117 	{
  1118 	print "\n\ -m Mode -s Results_source [-k Known_failure_sheet_path -c Codeline -p Platform] [-r Mistral_comparison_job_url] [-i] [-v]\n\n";
  1119 	print "  -m = Mode of operation, specify the source of the results that you are\n";
  1120 	print "    comparing. Currently supported modes: Mistral, Local\n\n";
  1121 	print "  -s = Source of the results, mode dependant:\n";
  1122 	print "      (i) Mistral = The URL of the test results HTML summary page\n";
  1123 	print "      (ii) Local = The pathname of a folder containing the test log files\n\n";
  1124 	print "  -k = Pathname of the KF sheet, this should be exported as an XML spreadsheet\n";
  1125 	print "    from Excel\n\n";
  1126 	print "  -r = Reference Mistral build, the URL of the test results HTML summary page.\n";
  1127 	print "    This can be used in addition or in place of the Known Failure sheet\n\n";
  1128 	print "  -i = Ignore test failures in scripts not found in the Reference Mistral build\n\n";
  1129 	print "  -c = An index indicating the codeline used in the test run, only used in\n";
  1130 	print "    conjunction with a KF sheet. Possible values: TB92, TB101, TB102\n\n";	
  1131 	print "  -p = An index indicating the platform the test run is from, only used in\n";
  1132 	print "    conjunction with a KF sheet. Possible values: Winscw, H6, H4 WDP,\n";
  1133 	print "    NaviEngine\n\n";
  1134 	print "  -v = Verbose output\n\n";
  1135 	}
  1137 ###############################################
  1138 ##	Main processing loop
  1139 ###############################################		
  1141 # Read in parameters
  1142 my %aParams;
  1143 getopts('ihvm:s:k:r:c:p:', \%aParams);
  1144 if ($aParams{h})
  1145 	{
  1146 	PrintHelp();
  1147 	exit;
  1148 	}
  1150 $iVerbose = $aParams{v};
  1152 # The mode affects where we get the source files from and nothing else.
  1153 my @runResults;
  1154 if ($aParams{m} =~ m/\AMistral\Z/i)
  1155 	{
  1156 	@runResults = @{PopulateResultsArrayFromMistral($aParams{s})};	
  1157 	}
  1158 elsif ($aParams{m} =~ m/\ALocal\Z/i)
  1159 	{
  1160 	@runResults = @{PopulateResultsArrayFromLocalMachine($aParams{s})};	
  1161 	}
  1162 else
  1163 	{
  1164 	print "\nERROR: Operation mode absent or not recognised.\n";
  1165 	PrintHelp();
  1166 	exit;
  1167 	}
  1169 my @kfPlatforms;
  1170 if ($aParams{k})
  1171 	{
  1172 	$kfPlatforms[0] = "All";
  1174 	# KF sheet in use, codeline and platform arguments are required in order to search for matching failures
  1175 	my $codeline = $aParams{c};
  1176 	my $platform = $aParams{p};
  1177 	unless (($codeline eq "TB92") || ($codeline eq "TB101") || ($codeline eq "TB102"))
  1178 		{
  1179 		print "\nERROR: The codeline specified was not recognised, supported options: TB92, TB101, TB102.\n";
  1180 		exit;		
  1181 		}
  1183 	if ($platform eq "Winscw")
  1184 		{
  1185 		$kfPlatforms[1] = "All Winscw";
  1186 		}
  1187 	elsif (($platform eq "H6") || ($platform eq "H4 WDP") || ($platform eq "NaviEngine"))
  1188 		{
  1189 		$kfPlatforms[1] = "All HW";
  1190 		}
  1191 	else
  1192 		{
  1193 		print "\nERROR: The platform specified was not recognised, supported options: Winscw, H6, H4 WDP, NaviEngine.\n";
  1194 		exit;		
  1195 		}
  1197 	$kfPlatforms[2] = "$codeline $platform";
  1198 	}
  1200 if ($iVerbose)
  1201 	{
  1202 	print "\nLog files found:\n";
  1203 	foreach my $file (@runResults)
  1204 		{
  1205 		my $scriptName = $file->ScriptName();
  1206 		print "$scriptName\n";
  1207 		}
  1208 	}
  1210 AnalyseFailures($aParams{k}, $aParams{r}, $aParams{i}, \@runResults, \@kfPlatforms);
  1212 print "\n\nKnown failures:\n";
  1213 print "------------------\n";
  1214 print "$iKnownFails\n\n";
  1216 print "Unknown failures but found in the reference build:\n";
  1217 print "----------------------------------------------------\n";
  1218 print "$iUnknownFailsButKnownInRef\n\n";
  1220 print "Unknown failures but known in other codelines:\n";
  1221 print "------------------------------------------------\n";
  1222 print "$iUnknownFailsButKnownInOtherCodelines\n\n";
  1224 print "Unknown failures:\n";
  1225 print "-------------------\n";
  1226 print "$iUnknownFails\n\n";
  1228 print "Tests with reduced test counts:\n";
  1229 print "---------------------------------\n";
  1230 print "$iMissingTests\n\n";