changeset 0 40261b775718
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:40261b775718
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    21 /**
    22  @file
    23  @publishedPartner
    24  @released
    25 */
    28 #ifndef MAUDIOCONTEXT_H
    29 #define MAUDIOCONTEXT_H
    31 #include <e32base.h>
    33 #include <a3f/a3fbase.h>
    35 class MAudioStream;
    36 class MAudioProcessingUnit;
    37 class MAudioContextObserver;
    39 /**
    40  * An interface to an audio context.
    41  *
    42  * Audio context is a container for a set of logically related audio streams and audio processing units.
    43  * All streams and processing units are created into a context.
    44  * A new context can be created using an instance of CAudioContextFactory.
    45  * When the context is no longer needed, it must be removed using CAudioContextFactory::DeleteAudioContext().
    46  */
    47 class MAudioContext
    48 	{
    49 public:
    51 	/**
    52 	 * Returns the context identifier.
    53 	 *
    54 	 * @return return the context identifier
    55 	 */
    56 	virtual TAudioContextId ContextId() const = 0;
    58 	/**
    59 	 * Creates a new audio stream into this context. 
    60 	 *
    61 	 * The stream must be removed using DeleteAudioStream() when it is no longer needed.
    62 	 *
    63 	 * @param aStream on return contains a pointer to the created stream.
    64 	 * @return an error code. KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
    65 	 */
    66 	virtual TInt CreateAudioStream(MAudioStream*& aStream)=0;
    68 	/**
    69 	 * Deletes an audio stream from this context.
    70 	 *
    71 	 * After removing the stream all references to it will become invalid and must not be used.
    72 	 * At the end of the call, aStream will have been set to NULL. 
    73 	 * Calling DeleteAudioStream() with a parameter whose value is NULL is itself a null operation.
    74 	 * @param aStream a pointer to the stream to Delete.
    75 	 * @return an error code. KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
    76 	 */
    77 	virtual void DeleteAudioStream(MAudioStream*& aStream)=0;
    79 	/**
    80  	 * Creates a new audio processing unit into this context.
    81 	 *
    82  	 * The processing unit must be removed using DeleteProcessingUnit() when it is no longer needed.
    83 	 *
    84 	 * @param aType the type of the processing unit.
    85 	 * @param aProcessingUnit on return contains a pointer to the created processing unit.
    86 	 * @return an error code. KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
    87 	 */
    88 	virtual TInt CreateAudioProcessingUnit(TUid aTypeId, MAudioProcessingUnit*& aProcessingUnit)=0;
    90 	/**
    91 	 * Deletes the audio processing unit from this context.
    92 	 *
    93 	 * After removing the processing unit all references to it will become invalid and must not be used.
    94 	 * At the end of the call, aProcessingUnit will have been set to NULL. 
    95 	 * Calling DeleteAudioProcessingUnit() with a parameter whose value is NULL is itself a null operation.
    96 	 * @param aProcessingUnit a pointer to the processing unit to remove.
    97 	 * @return an error code. KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
    98 	 */
    99 	virtual void DeleteAudioProcessingUnit(MAudioProcessingUnit*& aProcessingUnit)=0;
   101 	/**
   102 	 * Apply changes made to audio components associated with this context. 
   103 	 *
   104 	 * A state change applied to an Audio Stream should be considered "pending" until Commit() is called, 
   105 	 * in that the adaptation merely records that the state setting has been requested and does not seek 
   106 	 * to implement the state change until Commit().
   107 	 *
   108 	 * Commit() can be thought of as an asynchronous call, and completion is signalled by the appropriate 
   109 	 * ContextEvent() callback of MAudioContextObserver.
   110 	 * @return An error code. KErrNone on success. KErrNotReady if SetClientSettings() has not been called.
   111 	 */
   112 	virtual TInt Commit()=0;
   114 	/**
   115 	 * Forget any pending, requested changes made to this context or its components. 
   116 	 *
   117 	 * Typically called where the client has started to request changes, has yet to call Commit() and changes its mind.
   118 	 *
   119  	 * @return A system wide error code. KErrNone on success. KErrNotReady if called during Commit() cycle.
   120 	 */
   121 	virtual TInt Reset()=0;
   123 	/**
   124 	 * Sets the client information used by the underlying MMRC. 
   125 	 *
   126 	 * This must be called before any call to Commit(). The client context contains information about the client application 
   127 	 * which is utilising the audio functionality, since this will typically be a different process than is calling A3F.
   128   	 *
   129 	 * @param aSettings Essentially the process Id of the client application, 
   130 	 * the one whose details are used to determine capabilities and policy.
   131 	 * @return an error code. KErrNone for success, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.	
   132 	 */
   133 	virtual TInt SetClientSettings(const TClientContextSettings& aSettings)=0;
   135 	/**
   136 	 * A mechanism to obtain extensions to the Context API.
   137   	 *
   138 	 * @param aType Uid that denotes the type of the interface.
   139 	 * @return the pointer to the specified interface, or NULL if it does not exist. 
   140 	 * Must be cast to correct type by the user.
   141 	 */
   142 	virtual TAny* Interface(TUid aType)=0;
   144 	/**
   145 	 * Registers an audio context observer.
   146 	 *
   147 	 * The observer will be notified about context state changes.
   148 	 *
   149 	 * @param aObserver the observer reference to register.
   150 	 * @return An error code. KErrNone on success, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
   151 	 */
   152 	virtual TInt RegisterAudioContextObserver(MAudioContextObserver& aObserver) = 0;
   154 	/**
   155 	 * Unregisters an audio context observer.
   156 	 *
   157 	 * @param aObserver the observer reference to unregister.
   158   	 * @return An error code. KErrNone on success, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
   159 	 */
   160 	virtual void UnregisterAudioContextObserver(MAudioContextObserver& aObserver) = 0;
   161 	};
   163 #endif // MAUDIOCONTEXT_H