changeset 0 40261b775718
child 11 d5f04de580b7
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:40261b775718
     1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    19 #include "mmfdevsoundproxy.h"
    20 #include "mmfdevsoundcallbackhandler.h"
    23 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ==============================
    25 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    26 // CMsgQueueHandler::NewL
    27 // Two-phased constructor.
    28 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    29 //
    30 CMsgQueueHandler* CMsgQueueHandler::NewL(
    31 						RMMFDevSoundProxy* aDevSoundProxy,
    32 						MDevSoundObserver& aDevSoundObserver,
    33 						RMsgQueue<TMMFDevSoundQueueItem>* aMsgQueue,
    34 						MMMFDevSoundCustomInterfaceObserver& aDevSoundCIObserver)
    35 	{
    36 	CMsgQueueHandler* self = new(ELeave) CMsgQueueHandler(aDevSoundProxy,
    37 														aDevSoundObserver,
    38 														aMsgQueue,
    39 														aDevSoundCIObserver);
    40 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    41 	self->ConstructL();
    42 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    43 	return self;
    44 	}
    46 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    47 // CMsgQueueHandler::CMsgQueueHandler
    48 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that might leave.
    49 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    50 //
    51 CMsgQueueHandler::CMsgQueueHandler (RMMFDevSoundProxy* aDevSoundProxy,
    52 									MDevSoundObserver& aDevSoundObserver,
    53 									RMsgQueue<TMMFDevSoundQueueItem>* aMsgQueue,
    54 									MMMFDevSoundCustomInterfaceObserver& aDevSoundCIObserver)
    55 :	CActive(EPriorityStandard),
    56 	iDevSoundProxy(aDevSoundProxy),
    57 	iDevSoundObserver(aDevSoundObserver),
    58 	iMsgQueue(aMsgQueue),
    59 	iChunkDataPtr(0, 0, 0),
    60 	iDevSoundCIObserver(aDevSoundCIObserver)
    61 	{
    62 	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
    63 	}
    65 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    66 // CMsgQueueHandler::ConstructL
    67 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
    68 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    69 //
    70 void CMsgQueueHandler::ConstructL()
    71 	{
    72 	iEmptyBuffer = CMMFDescriptorBuffer::NewL(0);
    73 	iAsyncQueueFinish = new (ELeave) CAsyncCallBack(CActive::EPriorityStandard);
    74 	TCallBack asyncCallback(AsyncQueueFinishCallback, this);
    75 	iAsyncQueueFinish->Set(asyncCallback);
    76 	}
    78 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    79 // CMsgQueueHandler::~CMsgQueueHandler
    80 // Destructor.
    81 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    82 //
    83 CMsgQueueHandler::~CMsgQueueHandler()
    84 	{
    85 	Cancel();
    86 	if ( iMsgQueue )
    87 		{
    88 		iMsgQueue->Close();
    89 		}
    90 	iChunk.Close();
    92 	delete iDataBuffer;
    93 	delete iEmptyBuffer;
    94 	delete iAsyncQueueFinish;
    95 	}
    97 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    98 // CMsgQueueHandler::ReceiveEvents
    99 // Subscribes for Play Error event from the DevSound server.
   100 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   101 //
   102 void CMsgQueueHandler::ReceiveEvents()
   103 	{
   104 	if (!IsActive())
   105 		{
   106 		iMsgQueue->NotifyDataAvailable(iStatus);
   107 		SetActive();
   108 		}
   109 	}
   111 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   112 // CMsgQueueHandler::RunL
   113 // Handles active object’s request completion event.
   114 //
   115 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   116 //
   117 void CMsgQueueHandler::RunL()
   118 	{
   119 	TInt err = iMsgQueue->Receive(iCurrentItem);
   121 	if (err == KErrNone || err == KErrUnderflow)
   122 		{
   123 		// Signal that we're ready to process the next message
   124 		ReceiveEvents();
   125 		}
   127 	if (err == KErrNone)
   128 		{
   129 		switch (iCurrentItem.iRequest)
   130 			{
   131 			case EMMFDevSoundProxyICEvent:
   132 				{
   133 				DoInitComplete();
   134 				break;
   135 				}
   136 			case EMMFDevSoundProxyBTBFEvent:
   137 				{
   138 				iAsyncQueueFinish->Cancel(); // if still active, means previous cycle did not Finish(). Cancel.
   139 				TRAP(err, DoBTBFCompleteL());
   140 				if (err)
   141 					{
   142 					iAsyncQueueFinish->CallBack(); // async call to Finish()
   143 					iDevSoundObserver.PlayError(err);
   144 					}
   145 				}
   146 				break;
   147 			case EMMFDevSoundProxyBTBEEvent:
   148 				{
   149 				iAsyncQueueFinish->Cancel(); // if still active, means previous cycle did not Finish(). Cancel.
   150 				TRAP(err, DoBTBECompleteL());
   151 				if (err)
   152 					{
   153 					iAsyncQueueFinish->CallBack(); // async call to Finish()
   154 					iDevSoundObserver.RecordError(err);
   155 					}
   156 				}
   157 				break;
   158 			case EMMFDevSoundProxyPEEvent:
   159 				{
   160 				if (iCurrentItem.iErrorCode == KErrDied ||
   161 					iCurrentItem.iErrorCode == KErrNotReady)
   162 					{ 
   163 					DoPlayErrorComplete();
   164 					// "this" pointer is no longer valid here as the associated
   165 					// instance of the DevSound has been deleted along with this
   166 					// CMsgQueueHandler object. So, we can only return here.
   167 					return;
   168 					}
   169 				else
   170 					{
   171 					DoPlayErrorComplete();
   172 					break;
   173 					}
   174 				}
   175 			case EMMFDevSoundProxyREEvent:
   176 				{
   177 				DoRecordErrorComplete();
   178 				break;
   179 				}
   180 			case EMMFDevSoundProxyTFEvent:
   181 				{
   182 				DoToneFinishedComplete();
   183 				break;
   184 				}
   185 			case EMMFDevSoundProxySETCEvent:
   186 				{
   187 				DoSendEventToClientComplete();
   188 				break;
   189 				}
   190 			case EMMFDevSoundCustomCommandCloseMuxDemuxPair:
   191 				{
   192 				TMMFEvent pckgevent = iCurrentItem.iEventPckg();
   193 				TInt handle = pckgevent.iEventType.iUid;
   194 				iDevSoundCIObserver.CloseCustomInterface(handle);
   195 				break;
   196 				}
   197 			case EMMFDevSoundProxyPausedRecordCompleteEvent:
   198 				{
   199 				DoPausedRecordComplete();
   200 				break;
   201 				}
   202 			default:
   203 				{
   204 				break;
   205 				}
   206 			}
   207 		}
   208 	}
   210 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   211 // CMsgQueueHandler::RunError
   212 // Called by CActive object framework if RunL leaves.
   213 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   214 //
   215 TInt CMsgQueueHandler::RunError(TInt aError)
   216 	{
   217 	TMMFEvent event;
   218 	event.iErrorCode = aError;
   219 	iDevSoundObserver.SendEventToClient(event);
   220 	return KErrNone;
   221 	}
   223 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   224 // CMsgQueueHandler::DoCancel
   225 // Called when client cancels the wait for a completion of an outstanding
   226 // request.
   227 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   228 //
   229 void CMsgQueueHandler::DoCancel()
   230 	{
   231 	iMsgQueue->CancelDataAvailable();
   232 	}
   234 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   235 // CMsgQueueHandler::DoInitComplete
   236 // Handles initialization completion event.
   237 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   238 //
   239 void CMsgQueueHandler::DoInitComplete()
   240 	{
   241 	iDevSoundObserver.InitializeComplete(iCurrentItem.iErrorCode);
   242 	}
   244 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   245 // CMsgQueueHandler::DoPlayErrorComplete
   246 // Handles play completion or cancel event.
   247 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   248 //
   249 void CMsgQueueHandler::DoPlayErrorComplete()
   250 	{
   251 	iAsyncQueueFinish->CallBack(); // async call to Finish()
   252 	iDevSoundObserver.PlayError(iCurrentItem.iErrorCode);
   253 	}
   255 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   256 // CMsgQueueHandler::DoBTBFCompleteL
   257 // Handles CMMFDevSound object's data request event to supply CMMFDevSound
   258 // with the buffer that it needs to play.
   259 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   260 //
   261 void CMsgQueueHandler::DoBTBFCompleteL()
   262 	{
   263 	// Returns either chunk handle or NULL
   264 	// any error is assumed to be due to a pending PlayError(), so the error here is ignored - the PlayError() call will ensure the client remains lively
   265 	// the chunk has been closed by the server. No action should be taken.
   266 	TBool requestChunk = iDataBuffer==NULL; // if we have no buffer, tell server we need a chunk handle
   267 	TInt handle = iDevSoundProxy->BufferToBeFilledData(requestChunk, iSetPckg);
   268 	if(handle >= KErrNone)
   269 		{
   270 		if ( iSetPckg().iChunkOp == EOpen )
   271 			{
   272 			AssignDataBufferToChunkL(handle);
   273 			}
   274 		else
   275 			{
   276 			UpdateDataBufferL();
   277 			}
   278 		iDataBuffer->SetStatus(EAvailable);
   280 		// Let the MMF fill the buffer with data
   282 		iDevSoundObserver.BufferToBeFilled(iDataBuffer);
   283 		}
   284 	}
   286 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   287 // CMsgQueueHandler::DoBTBECompleteL
   288 // Handles CMMFDevSound object's data request event to supply CMMFDevSound
   289 // with the buffer that it needs to record.
   290 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   291 //
   292 void CMsgQueueHandler::DoBTBECompleteL()
   293 	{
   294 	// Returns either chunk handle or NULL
   295 	// any error is assumed to be due to a pending RecordError(), so the error here is ignored - the RecordError() call will ensure the client remains lively
   296 	// the chunk has been closed by the server. No action should be taken.
   297 	TInt handle = iDevSoundProxy->BufferToBeEmptiedData(iSetPckg);
   298 	if(handle >= KErrNone)
   299 		{
   300 		if ( iSetPckg().iChunkOp == EOpen )
   301 			{
   302 			AssignDataBufferToChunkL(handle);
   303 			}
   304 		iDataBuffer->SetStatus(EFull);	
   305 		iDataBuffer->Data().SetLength(iSetPckg().iRequestSize);
   306 		iDevSoundObserver.BufferToBeEmptied(iDataBuffer);
   307 		}
   308 	}
   310 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   311 // CMsgQueueHandler::DoRecordErrorComplete
   312 // Handles record completion or cancel event.
   313 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   314 //
   315 void CMsgQueueHandler::DoRecordErrorComplete()
   316 	{
   317 	iAsyncQueueFinish->CallBack(); // async call to Finish()
   318 	iDevSoundObserver.RecordError(iCurrentItem.iErrorCode);
   319 	}
   321 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   322 // CMsgQueueHandler::DoToneFinishedComplete
   323 // Handles tone play completion event.
   324 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   325 //
   326 void CMsgQueueHandler::DoToneFinishedComplete()
   327 	{
   328 	iDevSoundObserver.ToneFinished(iCurrentItem.iErrorCode);
   329 	}
   331 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   332 // CMsgQueueHandler::DoSendEventToClientComplete
   333 // Sends DevSound server event completion notification to the client.
   334 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   335 //
   336 void CMsgQueueHandler::DoSendEventToClientComplete()
   337 	{
   338 	iDevSoundObserver.SendEventToClient(iCurrentItem.iEventPckg());
   339 	}
   341 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   342 // CMsgQueueHandler::DoPausedRecordComplete
   343 // Handles CMMFDevSound object's data request event to supply CMMFDevSound
   344 // with the last buffer that it needs to record.
   345 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   346 //
   347 void CMsgQueueHandler::DoPausedRecordComplete()
   348 	{
   349 	ASSERT(iEmptyBuffer);
   350 	iEmptyBuffer->SetLastBuffer(ETrue);
   351 	iDevSoundObserver.BufferToBeEmptied(iEmptyBuffer);
   352 	}
   354 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   355 // CMsgQueueHandler::AssignDataBufferToChunkL
   356 // Updates chunk handle.
   357 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   358 //
   359 void CMsgQueueHandler::AssignDataBufferToChunkL(TInt aHandle)
   360 	{
   361 	if ( iChunk.Handle() )
   362 		{
   363 		iChunk.Close();
   364 		}
   365 	User::LeaveIfError(iChunk.SetReturnedHandle(aHandle));
   366 	// Adjust ptr to map only requested size
   367 	// The existing clients should handle TPtr with length zero and max length
   368 	// iSetPckg().iBufferSize.
   369 	// When we make sure every client handles it, replace second parameter with
   370 	// zero.
   371 	//iChunkDataPtr.Set(iChunk.Base(), 0, iSetPckg().iBufferSize);
   372 	iChunkDataPtr.Set(iChunk.Base(), iSetPckg().iBufferSize, iSetPckg().iBufferSize);
   373 	if (!iDataBuffer)
   374 		{
   375 		iDataBuffer = CMMFPtrBuffer::NewL();	
   376 		}
   377 	UpdateDataBufferL(); 
   378 	}
   380 void CMsgQueueHandler::UpdateDataBufferL()
   381 	{
   382 	ASSERT(iDataBuffer); // to get here, we should have a data buffer
   383 	iDataBuffer->SetPtr(iChunkDataPtr);
   384 	iDataBuffer->SetRequestSizeL(iSetPckg().iRequestSize);
   385 	iDataBuffer->SetLastBuffer(EFalse);	
   386 	}
   388 void CMsgQueueHandler::Finish()
   389 	{
   390 	if (iDataBuffer)
   391 		{
   392 		delete iDataBuffer;
   393 		iDataBuffer = NULL;
   394 		}
   395 	if (iChunk.Handle())
   396 		{
   397 		iChunk.Close();
   398 		}
   399 	}
   401 // 	AsyncQueueStartCallback
   404 TInt CMsgQueueHandler::AsyncQueueFinishCallback(TAny* aPtr)
   405 	{
   406 	CMsgQueueHandler* self = static_cast<CMsgQueueHandler*>(aPtr);
   407 	self->DoAsyncQueueFinishCallback();
   408 	return KErrNone;
   409 	}
   411 void CMsgQueueHandler::DoAsyncQueueFinishCallback()
   412 	{
   413 	Finish();
   414 	}
   417 // End of File