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     2 // MmfDevSoundCustomInterfaceSupport.h
     4 // Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     5 // All rights reserved.
     6 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     7 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     8 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     9 // at the URL "".
    10 //
    11 // Initial Contributors:
    12 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    13 //
    14 // Contributors:
    15 //
    16 // Description:
    17 //
    19 /**
    20  @publishedPartner
    21  @released
    22  @file
    23 */
    28 const TUid KMmfUidDevSoundAudioResourceCustomInterface = {0x101FD9F3};
    29 const TUid KMmfUidDevSoundEmptyBuffersCustomInterface = {0x1027379c};
    30 const TUid KMmfUidDevSoundCancelInitializeCustomInterface = {0x102834D3};
    31 const TUid KMmfUidDevSoundAudioClientThreadInfoCustomInterface = {0x102834A7};
    34 /**
    35 Custom Interface class providing support for emptying the play buffers.
    36 */
    37 class MMMFDevSoundEmptyBuffers
    38 	{	
    39 public:
    41 	/**
    42 	Empties the play buffers below DevSound without causing the codec to be deleted.
    44 	@return An error code indicating if the function call was successful. KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported 
    45 			if called in record mode, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
    46 	*/
    47 	virtual TInt EmptyBuffers() = 0;
    48 	};	
    50 /**
    51 Custom Interface class providing support for canceling initialization.
    52 */
    53 class MMMFDevSoundCancelInitialize
    54 	{	
    55 public:
    57 	/** Cancels the initialization process of a CMMFDevSound object
    59 	@return An error code indicating if the function call was successful. 
    60 			KErrNone on success,
    61 			KerrNotReady if this is called before InitializeL() call or after      
    62 			the object has been initialized, 
    63 	*/
    64 	virtual TInt CancelInitialize() = 0;
    65 	};	
    67 /**
    68 Custom Interface class providing support for setting the client thread info for devsound.
    69 */
    70 class MAudioClientThreadInfo
    71 	{	
    72 public:
    73 	/**
    74 	Set client thread info for devsound if plugin implementation requires this info
    76 	@param  aTid the required thread Id
    77 	@return An error code indicating if the function call was successful.
    79 	@capability MultimediaDD
    80 		A process requires MultimediaDD capability to make this call. 
    81 	*/
    82 	virtual TInt SetClientThreadInfo(TThreadId aTid) = 0;
    83 	};	
    85 /*****************************************************************************/
    86 /**
    87 UID associated with the Custom interface MMMFDevSoundGetTimePlayed
    88 */
    89 const TUid KMmfUidDevSoundTimePlayedCustomInterface = {0x10285CE4};
    91 /**
    92 This class provides an interface to querying current play time from DevSound.
    93 */	
    94 class MMMFDevSoundTimePlayed
    95 	{
    96 public:
    97 	/** Retrieves the current play time from the audio renderer.
    98 	@param  aTime
    99 	        A reference to TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds object which will be filled with the current play time by this function.
   100 	@return An error code indicating if the function call was successful. 
   101 			KErrNone on success,
   102 			KErrNotSupported if the underlying HwDevice does not support this custominterface
   103 	*/
   104 	virtual TInt GetTimePlayed(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTime) = 0;
   105 	};
   107 /*****************************************************************************/
   108 /**
   109 UID associated with the Custom interface MMMFDevSoundQueryIgnoresUnderflow
   110 */
   111 const TUid KMmfUidDevSoundQueryIgnoresUnderflowCustomInterface = {0x10285E7B};
   113 /**
   114 This class provides an interface for querying DevSound whether it ignores the underflow errors from the sound driver.
   115 */	
   116 class MMMFDevSoundQueryIgnoresUnderflow
   117 	{
   118 public:
   119 	/** Queries the devsound whether it ignores the underflow errors from the sound driver
   120 	@return ETrue 	if the devsound ignores all the underflow errors from the sound driver except for the last buffer. That means DevSound
   121 					propagates the underflow error from sound driver to its clients only when client sets the last buffer flag on the CMMFBuffer type buffer.
   122 			EFalse 	if devsound propagates the underflow errors from the sound driver in all the cases
   123 	*/
   124 	virtual TBool QueryIgnoresUnderflow() = 0;
   125 	};
   128 const TUid KMmfUidDevSoundTruePauseCustomInterface = {0x1028643E};
   130 /**
   131 This class provides an interface to be able to Resume from DevSound.
   132 @publishedPartner
   133 @released
   134 */	
   135 class MMMFDevSoundTruePause
   136 	{
   137 public:
   138 	/** Queries the devsound whether it supports True Pause or not
   139 	This call is only valid when DevSound is initialized
   140 	@return ETrue if the current DevSound configuration does support this feature
   141 			EFalse otherwise
   142 	*/
   143 	virtual TBool IsResumeSupported() = 0;
   145 	/** Resume the playback, recording or tone playing that was paused
   146 	@return An error code indicating if the function call was successful. 
   147 			KErrNone on success,
   148 			KErrNotReady when is DevSound is not in pause
   149 			KErrNotSupported if the DevSound configuration does support this feature
   150 	*/
   151 	virtual TInt Resume() = 0;
   152 	};