changeset 0 40261b775718
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:40261b775718
     1 // Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #ifndef SBCENCODERCI_H
    17 #define SBCENCODERCI_H
    19 #include <e32base.h>
    20 #include <mmf/common/mmfipc.h>
    22 #include <mmf/common/mmfipcserver.h>
    23 #endif
    24 #include <mmf/server/mmfdevsoundcustominterface.h>
    25 #include <mmf/server/mmfdevsoundcustomcommands.h>
    26 #include <mmf/server/devsoundstandardcustominterfaces.h>
    27 #include <mmf/plugin/mmfdevsoundcustominterface.hrh>
    29 /**
    30  Enum to represent the methods called by this custom interface
    31  @internalComponent
    32  @prototype
    33  @file
    34  */
    35 enum TMMFDevSoundCISbcEncoderCommands
    36 	{
    37 	EMMFDevSoundCISbcEncoderGetSupportedSamplingFrequenciesCount = 0,
    38 	EMMFDevSoundCISbcEncoderGetSupportedSamplingFrequenciesArray,
    39 	EMMFDevSoundCISbcEncoderGetSupportedChannelModesCount,
    40 	EMMFDevSoundCISbcEncoderGetSupportedChannelModesArray,
    41 	EMMFDevSoundCISbcEncoderGetSupportedSubbandsCount,
    42 	EMMFDevSoundCISbcEncoderGetSupportedSubbandsArray,
    43 	EMMFDevSoundCISbcEncoderGetSupportedAllocationMethodsCount,
    44 	EMMFDevSoundCISbcEncoderGetSupportedAllocationMethodsArray,
    45 	EMMFDevSoundCISbcEncoderGetSupportedBlocksCount,
    46 	EMMFDevSoundCISbcEncoderGetSupportedBlocksArray,
    47 	EMMFDevSoundCISbcEncoderGetSupportedBitpoolRange,
    48 	EMMFDevSoundCISbcEncoderSetSamplingFrequency,
    49 	EMMFDevSoundCISbcEncoderSetChannelMode,
    50 	EMMFDevSoundCISbcEncoderSetSubbands,
    51 	EMMFDevSoundCISbcEncoderSetBlocks,
    52 	EMMFDevSoundCISbcEncoderSetAllocationMethod,
    53 	EMMFDevSoundCISbcEncoderSetBitpoolSize,
    54 	EMMFDevSoundCISbcEncoderApplyConfig,
    55 	EMMFDevSoundCISbcEncoderGetSamplingFrequency,	
    56 	EMMFDevSoundCISbcEncoderGetChannelMode,
    57 	EMMFDevSoundCISbcEncoderGetSubbands,
    58 	EMMFDevSoundCISbcEncoderGetBlocks,
    59 	EMMFDevSoundCISbcEncoderGetAllocationMethod,
    60 	EMMFDevSoundCISbcEncoderGetBitpoolSize
    61 	};
    64 /**
    65  CMMFSbcEncoderMux implementation of the SBC encoder custom interface pair
    66  @internalComponent
    67  @prototype
    68  @file
    69  */
    70 class CMMFSbcEncoderMux : public CBase,
    71 						  public MMMFDevSoundCustomInterfaceMuxPlugin,
    72 						  public MSbcEncoderIntfc
    73 	{
    74 public:
    76 	// from MMMFDevSoundCustomInterfaceMuxPlugin
    77 	/**
    78 	Attempt to open the interface.
    79 	@param aInterfaceId
    80 		   The UID of the interface to open.
    81 	@return One of the system wide error codes
    82 	*/
    83 	virtual TInt OpenInterface(TUid aInterfaceId);
    85 	/**
    86 	Equivalent to destructor.  Called to destroy plugin.
    87 	*/
    88 	virtual void Release();
    90 	/**
    91 	Pass destructor key.
    92 	Called on construction so plugin takes responsibility to call REComSession::DestroyedImplementation()
    93 	@param aDestructorKey
    94 	       The Uid returned by REComSession::CreateImplementationL() or similar
    95 	*/
    96 	virtual void PassDestructorKey(TUid aDestructorKey);
    98 	/**
    99 	Complete construction.
   100 	Pass additional values from the construction phase, used subsequently by the plugin.
   101 	@param aCustomUtility
   102 	       The custom interface utility used by the plugin to communicate with the remote
   103 		   server side DeMux plugin
   104 	@leave This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes.
   105 	*/
   106 	virtual void CompleteConstructL(MMMFDevSoundCustomInterfaceMuxUtility* aCustomUtility);
   108 	/** 
   109 	Return the custom interface
   110 	@param aInterfaceId
   111 		   The UID of the required custom interface
   112 	@return The custom interface supported by this plugin
   113 	*/
   114 	virtual TAny* CustomInterface(TUid aInterfaceId);
   116 	/**
   117 	Instantiate a CI Mux class
   118 	@leave This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes.
   119 	@return The pointer to the new class, cast to the Mux plugin mixin
   120 	*/
   121 	static MMMFDevSoundCustomInterfaceMuxPlugin* NewL();
   123 	// from MSbcEncoderIntfc
   124 	/** 
   125 	@see MSbcEncoderIntfc
   126 	*/
   127 	virtual TInt GetSupportedSamplingFrequencies(RArray<TUint>& aSamplingFrequencies);
   129 	/** 
   130 	@see MSbcEncoderIntfc
   131 	*/
   132 	virtual TInt GetSupportedChannelModes(RArray<TSbcChannelMode>& aChannelModes);
   134 	/** 
   135 	@see MSbcEncoderIntfc
   136 	*/
   137 	virtual TInt GetSupportedNumOfSubbands(RArray<TUint>& aNumOfSubbands); 
   139 	/** 
   140 	@see MSbcEncoderIntfc
   141 	*/
   142 	virtual TInt GetSupportedAllocationMethods(RArray<TSbcAllocationMethod>& aAllocationMethods);
   144 	/** 
   145 	@see MSbcEncoderIntfc
   146 	*/
   147 	virtual TInt GetSupportedNumOfBlocks(RArray<TUint>& aNumOfBlocks);
   149 	/** 
   150 	@see MSbcEncoderIntfc
   151 	*/
   152 	virtual TInt GetSupportedBitpoolRange(TUint& aMinSupportedBitpoolSize, TUint& aMaxSupportedBitpoolSize);
   154 	/** 
   155 	@see MSbcEncoderIntfc
   156 	*/
   157 	virtual void SetSamplingFrequency(TUint aSamplingFrequency);
   159 	/** 
   160 	@see MSbcEncoderIntfc
   161 	*/	
   162 	virtual void SetChannelMode(TSbcChannelMode aChannelMode);
   164 	/** 
   165 	@see MSbcEncoderIntfc
   166 	*/	
   167 	virtual void SetNumOfSubbands(TUint aNumOfSubbands);
   169 	/** 
   170 	@see MSbcEncoderIntfc
   171 	*/	
   172 	virtual void SetNumOfBlocks(TUint aNumOfBlocks);
   174 	/** 
   175 	@see MSbcEncoderIntfc
   176 	*/	
   177 	virtual void SetAllocationMethod(TSbcAllocationMethod aAllocationMethod);
   179 	/** 
   180 	@see MSbcEncoderIntfc
   181 	*/	
   182 	virtual void SetBitpoolSize(TUint aBitpoolSize);
   184 	/** 
   185 	@see MSbcEncoderIntfc
   186 	*/	
   187 	virtual TInt ApplyConfig();
   189 	/**
   190 	@see MSbcEncoderIntfc
   191 	*/	
   192 	virtual TInt GetSamplingFrequency(TUint& aSamplingFrequency);
   194 	/** 
   195 	@see MSbcEncoderIntfc
   196 	*/	
   197 	virtual TInt GetChannelMode(TSbcChannelMode& aChannelMode);
   199 	/** 
   200 	@see MSbcEncoderIntfc
   201 	*/	
   202 	virtual TInt GetNumOfSubbands(TUint& aNumOfSubbands);
   204 	/** 
   205 	@see MSbcEncoderIntfc
   206 	*/	
   207 	virtual TInt GetNumOfBlocks(TUint& aNumOfBlocks);
   209 	/** 
   210 	@see MSbcEncoderIntfc
   211 	*/
   212 	virtual TInt GetAllocationMethod(TSbcAllocationMethod& aAllocationMethod);
   214 	/** 
   215 	@see MSbcEncoderIntfc
   216 	*/	
   217 	virtual TInt GetBitpoolSize(TUint& aBitpoolSize);
   219 protected:
   220 	CMMFSbcEncoderMux();
   221 	~CMMFSbcEncoderMux();
   223 private:
   224 	void DoGetTUintArrayL(RArray<TUint>& aArray, TInt aCount, TMMFDevSoundCISbcEncoderCommands aCommand);
   225 	void DoGetChannelModesArrayL(RArray<TSbcChannelMode>& aChannelModes, TInt aCount);
   226 	void DoGetAllocMethodsArrayL(RArray<TSbcAllocationMethod>& aAllocationMethods, TInt aCount);
   227 	void DoWriteArrayToClientL(const RMmfIpcMessage& aMessage);
   229 protected:
   230 	TUid iDestructorKey;
   231 	TInt iRemoteHandle;
   232 	MMMFDevSoundCustomInterfaceMuxUtility* iUtility;
   233 	};
   235 /**
   236  CMMFSbcEncoderDeMux - DeMux side of pair
   237  @internalComponent
   238  @prototype
   239  @file
   240  */
   241 class CMMFSbcEncoderDeMux : public CBase,
   242 							public MMMFDevSoundCustomInterfaceDeMuxPlugin
   243 	{
   244 public:
   245 	/**
   246 	Instantiate a CMMFSbcEncoderDeMux class
   247 	@leave This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes.
   248 	@return A pointer to the new class cast to the DeMux plugin mixin
   249 	*/
   250 	static MMMFDevSoundCustomInterfaceDeMuxPlugin* NewL();
   252 	/**
   253 	Attempt to open the interface.
   254 	@param aInterfaceId
   255 		   The UID of the interface to open.
   256 	@return a handle to the remote plugin
   257 	*/
   258 	virtual TInt OpenInterface(TUid aInterfaceId);
   260 	/**
   261 	Equivalent to destructor.  Called to destroy plugin.
   262 	*/
   263 	virtual void Release();
   265 	/**
   266 	Pass destructor key.
   267 	Called on construction so plugin takes responsibility to call REComSession::DestroyedImplementation()
   268 	@param aDestructorKey
   269 	       The Uid returned by REComSession::CreateImplementationL() or similar
   270 	*/
   271 	virtual void PassDestructorKey(TUid aDestructorKey);
   273 	/**
   274 	Set the target of the custom interface call
   275 	@param aTarget
   276 	       The DevSound to call the custom interface on.
   277 	*/
   278 	virtual void SetInterfaceTarget(MMMFDevSoundCustomInterfaceTarget* aTarget);
   280 	/**
   281 	Complete construction.
   282 	@param aUtility
   283 	       The DeMux utility to use
   284 	@leave This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes.
   285 	*/
   286 	virtual void CompleteConstructL(MMMFDevSoundCustomInterfaceDeMuxUtility* aUtility);
   288 	/**
   289 	Refresh the current custom interface connections
   290 	@leave This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes.
   291 	*/
   292 	virtual void RefreshL();
   294 	// from MMMFDevSoundCustomInterfaceDeMuxPlugin
   295 	/**
   296 	Open the slave
   297 	@param aInterface
   298 		   The UID of the requested interface
   299 	@param aPackageBuf
   300 		   A package of data that can be supplied for initialisation
   301 	@leave This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes.
   302 	@return The result of the operation
   303 	*/
   304 	virtual TInt DoOpenSlaveL(TUid aInterface, const TDesC8& aPackageBuf);
   306 	/** 
   307 	Close the slave
   308 	@param aHandle
   309 		   The handle of the slave plugin
   310 	@leave This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes.
   311 	*/
   312 	virtual void DoCloseSlaveL(TInt aHandle);
   314 	// original RMessage is supplied so that remote demux plugin can extract necessary details
   315 	// using DeMux utility
   317 	/**
   318 	Relay the synchronous custom command onto the slave
   319 	@param aMessage
   320 		   The IPC message to be sent to the slave
   321 	@leave This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes.
   322 	@return The result of the operation
   323 	*/
   324 	virtual TInt DoSendSlaveSyncCommandL(const RMmfIpcMessage& aMessage);
   326 	/**
   327 	Relay the synchronous custom command onto the slave and obtain a result
   328 	@param aMessage
   329 		   The IPC message to be sent to the slave
   330 	@leave This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes.
   331 	@return The result of the operation
   332 	*/
   333 	virtual TInt DoSendSlaveSyncCommandResultL(const RMmfIpcMessage& aMessage);
   335 	/**
   336 	Relay an asynchronous command onto the slave
   337 	@param aMessage
   338 		   The IPC message to be sent to the slave
   339 	@leave This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes.
   340 	*/
   341 	virtual void DoSendSlaveAsyncCommandL(const RMmfIpcMessage& aMessage);
   343 	/**
   344 	Relay an asynchronous command onto the slave and obtain a result
   345 	@param aMessage
   346 		   The IPC message to be sent to the slave@param aMessage
   347 	@leave This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes.
   348 	*/
   349 	virtual void DoSendSlaveAsyncCommandResultL(const RMmfIpcMessage& aMessage);
   351 protected:
   352 	~CMMFSbcEncoderDeMux();
   353 	CMMFSbcEncoderDeMux();
   355 	// mirrors MSbcEncoderIntfc methods.
   356 	TInt DoGetSupportedSamplingFrequencies (RArray<TUint>& aSamplingFrequencies );
   357 	TInt DoGetSupportedChannelModes (RArray<MSbcEncoderIntfc::TSbcChannelMode>& aChannelModes );
   358 	TInt DoGetSupportedNumOfSubbands (RArray<TUint>& aNumOfSubbands ); 
   359 	TInt DoGetSupportedAllocationMethods (RArray<MSbcEncoderIntfc::TSbcAllocationMethod>& aAllocationMethods );
   360 	TInt DoGetSupportedNumOfBlocks (RArray<TUint>& aNumOfBlocks );
   361 	TInt DoGetSupportedBitpoolRange (TUint& aMinSupportedBitpoolSize, TUint& aMaxSupportedBitpoolSize);
   362 	void DoSetSamplingFrequency (TUint aSamplingFrequency );	
   363 	void DoSetChannelMode (MSbcEncoderIntfc::TSbcChannelMode aChannelMode );
   364 	void DoSetNumOfSubbands (TUint aNumOfSubbands );
   365 	void DoSetNumOfBlocks (TUint aNumOfBlocks );
   366 	void DoSetAllocationMethod (MSbcEncoderIntfc::TSbcAllocationMethod aAllocationMethod );
   367 	void DoSetBitpoolSize (TUint aBitpoolSize );
   368 	TInt DoApplyConfig();
   369 	TInt DoGetSamplingFrequency (TUint& aSamplingFrequency );
   370 	TInt DoGetChannelMode (MSbcEncoderIntfc::TSbcChannelMode& aChannelMode );
   371 	TInt DoGetNumOfSubbands (TUint& aNumOfSubbands );
   372 	TInt DoGetNumOfBlocks (TUint& aNumOfBlocks );
   373 	TInt DoGetAllocationMethod (MSbcEncoderIntfc::TSbcAllocationMethod& aAllocationMethod );
   374 	TInt DoGetBitpoolSize (TUint& aBitpoolSize );
   376 private:
   377 	void DoWriteArrayToClientL(const RMmfIpcMessage& aMessage, RArray<TUint>& aArray);
   378 	void DoWriteArrayToClientL(const RMmfIpcMessage& aMessage, TBool aWriteChannelModeArray);
   380 protected:
   381 	MMMFDevSoundCustomInterfaceDeMuxUtility* iUtility;
   382 	MMMFDevSoundCustomInterfaceTarget* iTarget;
   383 	TUid iDestructorKey;
   384 	MSbcEncoderIntfc* iInterfaceSbcEncoder;
   386 private:
   387 	RArray<TUint> iSamplingFrequencies;
   388 	RArray<TUint> iNumOfSubbands;
   389 	RArray<TUint> iNumOfBlocks;
   390 	RArray<MSbcEncoderIntfc::TSbcAllocationMethod> iAllocationMethods;
   391 	RArray<MSbcEncoderIntfc::TSbcChannelMode> iChannelModes;
   392 	};
   394 #endif // SBCENCODERCI_H