changeset 0 40261b775718
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     1 // Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include "mmfpcmS16topcmU16Codec.h"
    18 /**
    19  *
    20  *	Returns the created hw device for passing audio through audio.
    21  *  for the wins implementation this would always be pcm16 although
    22  *  this is effectively a null hw device that will pass any datatype through
    23  *	@return	"CMMFPcm16ToPcmU16BEHwDevice"
    24  *
    25  */
    26 CMMFPcm16ToPcmU16HwDevice* CMMFPcm16ToPcmU16HwDevice::NewL()
    27 	{
    28     CMMFPcm16ToPcmU16HwDevice* self = new (ELeave) CMMFPcm16ToPcmU16HwDevice();
    29 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    30 	self->ConstructL();
    31 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    32 	return self;
    33 	}
    35 /**
    36 *
    37 * ~CMMFPcm16ToPcmU16HwDevice
    38 *
    39 */
    40 CMMFPcm16ToPcmU16HwDevice::~CMMFPcm16ToPcmU16HwDevice()
    41 	{
    42 	}
    44 /**
    45 *
    46 * ConstructL
    47 *
    48 */
    49 void CMMFPcm16ToPcmU16HwDevice::ConstructL()
    50 	{
    51 	iCodec = new (ELeave) CMMFPcm16ToPcmU16CodecCodec();
    52 	}
    54 /**
    55 *
    56 * Codec
    57 * @return 'CMMFSwCodec&'
    58 *
    59 */
    60 CMMFSwCodec& CMMFPcm16ToPcmU16HwDevice::Codec()
    61 	{
    62 	return *iCodec;
    63 	}
    65 /**
    66 *
    67 * ProcessL
    68 * @param aSrc
    69 * @param aDst
    70 * @return 'CMMFSwCodec::TCodecProcessResult'
    71 * this codec has a does not expand or shrink destination data
    72 */
    73 CMMFSwCodec::TCodecProcessResult CMMFPcm16ToPcmU16CodecCodec::ProcessL(const CMMFBuffer& aSrc, CMMFBuffer& aDst)
    74 	{
    75 	TCodecProcessResult result;
    76 	result.iCodecProcessStatus = TCodecProcessResult::EProcessComplete;
    78 	//convert from generic CMMFBuffer to CMMFDataBuffer
    79 	const CMMFDataBuffer* src = STATIC_CAST(const CMMFDataBuffer*, &aSrc);
    80 	CMMFDataBuffer* dst = STATIC_CAST(CMMFDataBuffer*, &aDst);
    82 	//[Check Preconditions]
    83 	if( !CheckPreconditions( src, dst ))
    84 		{
    85 		//[ precondition violation ]
    86 		User::Leave( KErrArgument );
    87 		}
    89 	//we need to cast away CONST even on the source, as the TClass needs a TUint8*
    90 	TUint8* pSrc = CONST_CAST(TUint8*,src->Data().Ptr());
    91 	TUint8* pDst = CONST_CAST(TUint8*,dst->Data().Ptr());
    93 	TInt srcUse = src->Data().Length();
    95 	TInt noSamples = srcUse/2;
    96 	iAudioPcm16ToPcmU16.Convert(pSrc, pDst, noSamples);
    98 	result.iCodecProcessStatus = TCodecProcessResult::EProcessComplete;
    99 	result.iSrcBytesProcessed  = srcUse;
   100 	result.iDstBytesAdded      = srcUse;
   102 	dst->Data().SetLength(srcUse);
   104 	//[ post conditions
   105     // srcbytes/2 == destbytes added
   106 	// pos src == 0
   107 	// pos dest == 0
   108 	// src data length is even
   109 	// dst data length is even ie pcm16 samples ]
   110 	__ASSERT_DEBUG( (src->Position() == 0), TMmfAudioCodecPanicsNameSpace::Panic( 	TMmfAudioCodecPanicsNameSpace::EPostConditionViolation ));
   111 	__ASSERT_DEBUG( (dst->Position() == 0), TMmfAudioCodecPanicsNameSpace::Panic( 	TMmfAudioCodecPanicsNameSpace::EPostConditionViolation ));
   112 	__ASSERT_DEBUG( src->Data().Length() == dst->Data().Length(), TMmfAudioCodecPanicsNameSpace::Panic( 	TMmfAudioCodecPanicsNameSpace::EPostConditionViolation ));
   113 	__ASSERT_DEBUG( dst->Data().Length() % 2 == 0, TMmfAudioCodecPanicsNameSpace::Panic( 	TMmfAudioCodecPanicsNameSpace::EPostConditionViolation ));
   114 	__ASSERT_DEBUG( src->Data().Length() % 2 == 0, TMmfAudioCodecPanicsNameSpace::Panic( 	TMmfAudioCodecPanicsNameSpace::EPostConditionViolation ));
   116 	return result;
   117 	}
   119 /**
   120 *
   121 * Preconditions
   122 * This methos tests the preconditions of the ProcessL method
   123 * @return TBool ETrue for sucess and EFalse for failure of the preconditions
   124 *
   125 **/
   126 TBool CMMFPcm16ToPcmU16CodecCodec::CheckPreconditions( const CMMFDataBuffer* aSrcBuffer, CMMFDataBuffer* aDestBuffer )
   127 	{
   128 	TBool result = EFalse;
   130 	if(! aSrcBuffer )
   131 		{
   132 		return result;
   133 		}
   135 	if( ! aDestBuffer )
   136 		{
   137 		return result;
   138 		}
   140 	// Check position of src and dest are 0
   141 	if( aSrcBuffer->Position() )
   142 		{
   143 		return result;
   144 		}
   146 	// Check position of src and dest are 0
   147 	if( aDestBuffer->Position() )
   148 		{
   149 		return result;
   150 		}
   152 	// check there are sufficient bytes in the output to consume the input
   153 	if( ( aSrcBuffer->Data().Length() > aDestBuffer->Data().MaxLength() ) ||
   154 		( aSrcBuffer->Data().Length() % 2 != 0 ) ) // must have pcm16 samples on input
   155 		{
   156 		return result;
   157 		}
   159 	result = ETrue;  // preconditions have been satisfied
   161 	return result;
   162 	}