changeset 0 40261b775718
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:40261b775718
     1 // Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // source\server\mmfswcodecplaydatapath.cpp
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 #include "mmfSwCodecPlayDataPath.h"
    19 #include <mmf/server/mmfswcodecwrapper.h>
    20 #include <mmf/server/mmfswcodecwrappercustominterfacesuids.hrh>
    21 #include <mmf/common/mmfpaniccodes.h>
    22 #include "mmfSwCodecUtility.h"
    24 const TInt KBytesPerSample = 2;
    25 const TInt KMaxBytesInSec = 192000; //considering maximum samplerate 96KHz
    26 CMMFSwCodecPlayDataPath* CMMFSwCodecPlayDataPath::NewL()
    27 	{
    28 	CMMFSwCodecPlayDataPath* self = new(ELeave) CMMFSwCodecPlayDataPath;
    29 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    30 	self->ConstructL();
    31 	CleanupStack::Pop();
    32 	return self;
    33 	}
    36 void CMMFSwCodecPlayDataPath::ConstructL()
    37 	{
    38 	iAudioPlayer = new (ELeave) CDataPathPlayer(*this,CActive::EPriorityUserInput);
    39 	iSoundDeviceErrorReceiver = new (ELeave) CSoundDevPlayErrorReceiver(*this, CActive::EPriorityUserInput);
    40 	iUtility = CMMFSwCodecUtility::NewL();
    41 	iVbrFlag = EFalse;
    42 	}
    45 CMMFSwCodecPlayDataPath::~CMMFSwCodecPlayDataPath()
    46 	{
    47 	delete iAudioPlayer;
    48 	delete iSoundDeviceErrorReceiver;
    49 	delete iUtility;
    51 	iSoundDevice.Close();
    53 	if (iCodec)
    54 		{
    55 		delete iSourceBuffer;
    56 		if (!iCodec->IsNullCodec()) 
    57 			{
    58 			delete iSoundDeviceBuffer;
    59 			}
    60 		}
    63 	delete iTransferWindow;
    65 	if(iTransferBuffer)
    66 		{
    67 		iTransferBuffer->Close();
    68 		delete iTransferBuffer;
    69 		}
    70 #endif
    72 #ifdef __USE_MMF_PTRBUFFERS__
    73 	delete iPtrBufferMemoryBlock;
    74 #endif
    75 	}
    78 TInt CMMFSwCodecPlayDataPath::SetObserver(MMMFHwDeviceObserver& aObserver)
    79 	{
    80 	TInt error;
    81 	if (iHwDeviceObserver)
    82 		{
    83 		error =  KErrAlreadyExists;
    84 		}
    85 	else
    86 		{
    87 		iHwDeviceObserver = &aObserver;
    88 		error  = KErrNone;
    89 		}
    90 	return error;
    91 	}
    94 TInt CMMFSwCodecPlayDataPath::AddCodec(CMMFSwCodec& aCodec)
    95 	{
    96 	if (iCodec)
    97 		return KErrNotSupported; //doesn't support multiple codecs
    99 	TInt err = KErrNone;
   101 	iCodec = &aCodec;
   103 	// Allocate data buffer
   104 	iSourceBufferSize = iCodec->SourceBufferSize();
   105 	iSoundDevBufferSize = iCodec->SinkBufferSize();
   107 	if ((!iSourceBufferSize)||(!iSoundDevBufferSize))
   108 		err = KErrArgument; //codec plugin has not specified buffer size
   110 	if (err == KErrNone)
   111 		{
   113 		TRAP(err,iSourceBuffer = CreateTransferBufferL(iSourceBufferSize, static_cast<CMMFTransferBuffer*>(iSourceBuffer)));
   114 #endif
   115 #ifdef __USE_MMF_PTRBUFFERS__
   116 		TRAP(err,iSourceBuffer = CreatePtrBufferL(iSourceBufferSize));
   117 #else
   118 		TRAP(err,iSourceBuffer = CMMFDataBuffer::NewL(iSourceBufferSize));
   119 #endif
   120 		}
   122 	if (err == KErrNone)
   123 		{
   124 		if (iCodec->IsNullCodec())
   125 			{//use source buffer for sound device buffer	
   126 			iSoundDeviceBuffer = NULL;
   127 			}
   128 		else
   129 			{//codec needs separate source and sound device buffers
   130 			TRAP(err,iSoundDeviceBuffer = CMMFDataBuffer::NewL(iSoundDevBufferSize));
   131 			}
   132 		}
   133 	return err;
   134 	}
   137 TInt CMMFSwCodecPlayDataPath::Start()
   138 	{
   139 	TInt startError = KErrNone;
   141 	if (!iCodec) 
   142 		{//check that a codec has been added
   143 		startError = KErrNotReady;
   144 		}
   145 	if ((!iSoundDevice.Handle())&&(!startError))
   146     	{//check that the sound drivers can be opened
   147    		startError = iSoundDevice.Open();
   148 		}
   150 	if (iState == EPaused)
   151 		{//we are paused so need to resume play
   152 		if (!startError)
   153 			{
   154 #ifdef _SCW_DEBUG
   155 			RDebug::Print(_L("CMMFSwCodecPlayDataPath::Start-Resume"));
   156 #endif
   157 			iAudioPlayer->ResumePlaying();
   158 			iState = EPlaying;
   159 			}
   160 		}
   161 	else if (!startError)
   162 		{
   163 #ifdef _SCW_DEBUG
   164 		RDebug::Print(_L("CMMFSwCodecPlayDataPath::Start-Normal"));
   165 #endif
   166 		// get sample rate and channels from RMdaDevSound
   167 		RMdaDevSound::TCurrentSoundFormatBuf format;
   168 		iSoundDevice.GetPlayFormat(format);
   169 		iSampleRate = format().iRate;
   170 		iChannels = format().iChannels;
   172 		iNoMoreSourceData = EFalse;
   173 		iNoMoreSoundDeviceData = EFalse;
   174 		iSourceBuffer->SetLastBuffer(EFalse);
   175 		iBytesPlayed = 0;
   176 		iState = EPlaying;
   177 		iSoundDeviceErrorReceiver->Start();
   178 		TRAP(startError,FillSourceBufferL()); //get initial buffer of audio data
   179 		if (startError == KErrNone)
   180 			{
   181 			// Start the player objects
   182 			iAudioPlayer->Start();
   183 			}
   184 		else
   185 			{//failed to start up correctly go back to stopped state
   186 			iState = EStopped;
   187 			iSoundDeviceErrorReceiver->Stop();
   188 			}
   189    		}
   190 	return startError;
   191 	}
   194 // *** Main Play Loop ***
   196 void CMMFSwCodecPlayDataPath::FillSourceBufferL()
   197 	{//asks observer to fill the source buffer          
   198     // Ask immediately for data from the observer
   199 #ifdef __CYCLE_MMF_DATABUFFERS__
   200 	// Create a new buffer to replicate INC021405 Play-EOF-Play on HwAccelerated solution Panics
   201 	// If the creation fails, we carry on regardless as the original buffer will not have been 
   202 	// destroyed. Must do this as alloc fail tests will not run.
   203 	if(iSourceBuffer)
   204 		{
   205 		iSourceBuffer = CycleAudioBuffer(iSourceBuffer);
   206 		}
   207 #endif // __CYCLE_MMF_DATABUFFERS__	
   208 	User::LeaveIfError(iHwDeviceObserver->FillThisHwBuffer(*iSourceBuffer));
   210 	}
   213 void CMMFSwCodecPlayDataPath::BufferFilledL(CMMFDataBuffer& aBuffer)
   214 	{//call back from observer to indicate buffer has been filled
   215 	if (iState == EStopped)
   216 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);//ok if paused?
   218 	iSourceBuffer = &aBuffer;
   219 	iSourceBuffer->SetStatus(EFull);
   220 #ifdef _SCW_DEBUG
   221 	RDebug::Print(_L("CMMFSwCodecPlayDataPath::BufferFilledL"));
   222 #endif
   224 	//need to check that the buffer size is not 0 - if so assume we've reached the end of the data
   225 	if (!iSourceBuffer->BufferSize())
   226 		{//no buffer  - could be end of source or could be that the source has no data??
   227 		iNoMoreSourceData = ETrue;
   228 #ifdef _SCW_DEBUG
   229 		RDebug::Print(_L("CMMFSwCodecPlayDataPath::BufferFilledL-NoMoreSourceData"));
   230 #endif
   231 		}
   232 	//even if the buffer size is 0 we still 
   233 	//need to perform the following to get the sound device callback
   234 	FillSoundDeviceBufferL(); //get buffer in pcm16 format for sound device	
   236     /* iVbrFlag is added to datapath to avail the alternative dataflow wherein datapath makes sure that 
   237     destinationbuffer is filled to its maximum length before sending it to the sound driver. 
   238     Sending the buffer directly to the device causes underflow incase of Vorbis codecs.*/
   239     if (iVbrFlag)
   240     	{
   241     	/*There are two cases we need to deal here
   242       	1. When the output of the codec is 0 for header data.
   243            in that case, repeat till actual decoding of ogg packets and pages.
   244         2. When destination buffer is not filled even to its half length, get next source buffer
   245            and decode it. This is to avoid underflows when ever we receive little pcm for a 
   246            a given source buffer.
   247            */
   248 	    if (iSoundDeviceBuffer->Data().Length() < iSoundDeviceBuffer->Data().MaxLength()/2 && !(iSoundDeviceBuffer->LastBuffer()))
   249 			{
   250 	    	iSourceBuffer->SetStatus(EAvailable); //source buffer is now available
   251 	    	iSoundDeviceBuffer->SetPosition(iSoundDeviceBuffer->Data().Length());//this indicates the available space in the buffer to the codec
   252 	    	FillSourceBufferL();	
   253 	    	return;
   254 	    	}
   255 		else //data is sufficient to avoid underflows
   256 			{
   257 			iSoundDeviceBuffer->SetPosition(0);
   258 			if(iSoundDeviceBuffer->Data().Length()==0 && iSoundDeviceBuffer->LastBuffer())
   259 				{
   260 				iNoMoreSoundDeviceData = ETrue;
   261 				}
   262 			}	
   263     	}
   265     // attenuate the amplitude of the samples if volume ramping has been changed
   266 	// and is non-zero
   267 	if (iCustomInterface)
   268 		{
   269 		TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds volumeRamp = iCustomInterface->VolumeRamp();
   270 		if (volumeRamp != iVolumeRamp)
   271 			{
   272 			iVolumeRamp = volumeRamp;
   273 			if (iVolumeRamp.Int64() != 0)
   274 				{
   275 				iUtility->ConfigAudioRamper(
   276 					iVolumeRamp.Int64(), 
   277 					iSampleRate, 
   278 					iChannels);
   279 				iRampAudioSample = ETrue;
   280 				}
   281 			else
   282 				{
   283 				iRampAudioSample = EFalse;
   284 				}
   286 			}
   287 			if (iRampAudioSample)
   288 				iRampAudioSample = iUtility->RampAudio(iSoundDeviceBuffer);
   289 		}
   291 	iAudioPlayer->PlayData(*iSoundDeviceBuffer); //play data to sound drivers
   293 	if (iSourceBuffer->LastBuffer())//check last buffer flag
   294 		{
   295 		iNoMoreSourceData = ETrue;
   296 #ifdef _SCW_DEBUG
   297 		RDebug::Print(_L("CMMFSwCodecPlayDataPath::BufferFilledL-LBNoMoreSourceData"));
   298 #endif
   299 		}
   300 	}
   303 void CMMFSwCodecPlayDataPath::FillSoundDeviceBufferL()
   304 	{//use CMMFSwCodec to fill the sound device buffer
   306 	CMMFSwCodec::TCodecProcessResult codecProcessResult;
   308 	if (iCodec->IsNullCodec())
   309 		{//no codec so data can be sent direct to sink
   310 		iSoundDeviceBuffer = iSourceBuffer;
   311 		iSoundDeviceBuffer->SetStatus(EFull);	//sink buffer is full
   312 		}	
   313 	else 
   314 		{	
   315 		//pass buffer to codec for processing
   316 		codecProcessResult = iCodec->ProcessL(*iSourceBuffer, *iSoundDeviceBuffer);
   318 		if (iSourceBuffer->LastBuffer()) //if source is last buffer so is sound dev
   319 			iSoundDeviceBuffer->SetLastBuffer(ETrue);
   320 		if ((!iSoundDeviceBuffer->BufferSize())&&(codecProcessResult.iDstBytesAdded))
   321 			{//the codec has added data but not set the buffer length
   322 			iSoundDeviceBuffer->Data().SetLength(codecProcessResult.iDstBytesAdded);
   323 			}
   324 		//only supports EProcessComplete
   325 		switch (codecProcessResult.iCodecProcessStatus)
   326 			{
   327 		case CMMFSwCodec::TCodecProcessResult::EProcessComplete:
   328 		//finished procesing source data - all data in sink buffer
   329 			{
   330 			iSoundDeviceBuffer->SetStatus(EFull);	//sink buffer is full	
   331 			}
   332 		break;
   334 		case CMMFSwCodec::TCodecProcessResult::EProcessIncomplete:
   335 		//finished procesing source data - all data in sink buffer
   336 			{
   337 			iSoundDeviceBuffer->SetStatus(EFull);	//sink buffer is full	
   338 			}
   339 		break;
   340 #endif
   341 		case CMMFSwCodec::TCodecProcessResult::EDstNotFilled:
   342 		//could be the last buffer in which case dst might not get filled
   343 			{
   344 			iSoundDeviceBuffer->SetStatus(EFull);	//sink buffer is full	
   345 			}
   346 		break;
   347 		case CMMFSwCodec::TCodecProcessResult::EEndOfData:
   348 			//no more data - send what we've got to the sink
   349 			//note we can't always rely on this  - in many cases the codec will not know when
   350 			//it has reached the end of data.
   351 			{
   352 			iSoundDeviceBuffer->SetStatus(EFull);//sink buffer may not really be 'full' but its as full as it going to get
   353 			iNoMoreSourceData = ETrue;
   354 			//doesn't matter if sink buffer is not full
   355 			}
   356 		break;
   357 		default:
   358 			Panic(EMMFSwCodecWrapperBadCodec); //should never get here - bad codec
   359 			}
   360 		}
   361 	}
   364 void CMMFSwCodecPlayDataPath::BufferEmptiedL(const CMMFDataBuffer& aBuffer)
   365 	{//call back from CDataPathPlayer when the sound device buffer has been emptied
   366 	if (&aBuffer != iSoundDeviceBuffer) 
   367 		Panic(EMMFSwCodecWrapperBadBuffer);
   368 	if(iVbrFlag && (iSourceBuffer->Status() == EUnAvailable || iNoMoreSourceData))
   369 		{//No more source data. Play rest of the decoded data.Inform codec not to consider the source buffer
   370 		if(iSourceBuffer->Status()!=EUnAvailable)
   371 			{
   372 			iSourceBuffer->SetStatus(EUnAvailable);
   373 			}
   374 		FillSoundDeviceBufferL();
   375 		if(iSoundDeviceBuffer->BufferSize() > 0)
   376 			{
   377 			// attenuate the amplitude of the samples if volume ramping has been changed
   378 			// and is non-zero
   379 			if (iCustomInterface)
   380 				{
   381 				TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds volumeRamp = iCustomInterface->VolumeRamp();
   382 				if (volumeRamp != iVolumeRamp)
   383 					{
   384 					iVolumeRamp = volumeRamp;
   385 					if (iVolumeRamp.Int64() != 0)
   386 						{
   387 						iUtility->ConfigAudioRamper(iVolumeRamp.Int64(), iSampleRate, iChannels);
   388 						iRampAudioSample = ETrue;
   389 						}
   390 					else
   391 						{
   392 						iRampAudioSample = EFalse;
   393 						}
   395 					}
   396 				if (iRampAudioSample)
   397 					{
   398 					iRampAudioSample = iUtility->RampAudio(iSoundDeviceBuffer);
   399 					}
   401 				}
   402 			iAudioPlayer->PlayData(*iSoundDeviceBuffer); //play data to sound drivers
   403 			return;
   404 			}
   405 		else
   406 			{
   407 			if(iNoMoreSourceData)
   408 				{
   409 				iNoMoreSoundDeviceData = ETrue;
   410 				}
   411 			iSourceBuffer->SetStatus(EAvailable);
   412 			}
   413 		}
   414 	if (!iNoMoreSourceData) 
   415 		FillSourceBufferL();
   416 	}
   418 //*** End of Main Play Loop ***
   421 void CMMFSwCodecPlayDataPath::Stop()
   422 	{
   423 	iAudioPlayer->Cancel();
   424 	iSoundDeviceErrorReceiver->Cancel();
   425     iSoundDevice.Close();
   427 #ifdef __CYCLE_MMF_DATABUFFERS__
   428 	// Create a new buffer to replicate INC021405 Play-EOF-Play on HwAccelerated solution Panics
   429 	// If the creation fails, we carry on regardless as the original buffer will not have been 
   430 	// destroyed. Must do this as alloc fail tests will not run.
   431 	if(iSourceBuffer)
   432 		{
   433 		iSourceBuffer = CycleAudioBuffer(iSourceBuffer);
   434 		}
   435 #endif // __CYCLE_MMF_DATABUFFERS__	
   437 	iState = EStopped;
   438 	}
   441 void CMMFSwCodecPlayDataPath::Pause()
   442 	{
   443 	//since a pause can happen anyway in the datatransfer -need to set to a known 
   444 	//state so that when play is resumed the behaviour is predictable
   445 	if (iSoundDevice.Handle())
   446 		{
   447 		iSoundDevice.PausePlayBuffer(); //needs new LDD
   448 		iState = EPaused;
   449 #ifdef _SCW_DEBUG
   450 		RDebug::Print(_L("Pause"));
   451 #endif
   452 		}
   453 	else
   454 		{//an error must have occured 
   455 		iState = EStopped;
   456 		}
   457 	}
   460 TInt CMMFSwCodecPlayDataPath::EmptyBuffers()
   461 	{
   462 	TInt error = KErrNone;
   463 	if (iSoundDevice.Handle() == 0)
   464 		{
   465 		error = KErrNotReady;
   466 		}
   467 	else
   468 		{ 
   469 		iAudioPlayer->Cancel();
   470 		iSoundDevice.CancelPlayData();
   471 		iSoundDeviceErrorReceiver->Stop();
   472 		iState = EStopped;
   473 		}
   474 	return error;
   475 	}	
   478 RMdaDevSound& CMMFSwCodecPlayDataPath::Device()
   479 	{
   480 	return iSoundDevice;
   481 	}
   484 void CMMFSwCodecPlayDataPath::SoundDeviceException(TInt aError)
   485 	{
   486 	if(iIgnoreUnderflow)
   487 		{
   488 		if(!iVbrFlag && aError==KErrUnderflow && !iNoMoreSourceData)
   489 			{
   490 			//ignore underflow
   491 			return;
   492 			}
   493 		//for VBR codec data,no more source does not mean that no more sounddevice data
   494 		//so ignore underflows till the last buffer is played from the codec
   495 		else if(iVbrFlag && aError==KErrUnderflow && !iNoMoreSoundDeviceData)
   496 			{
   497 			//ignore underflow
   498 			return;
   499 			}	
   500 		}
   502 	//this sends a request to the hw device observer usually Devsound
   503 	//to update the bytes played
   504 	//it is done here so that the sound driver can be closed prior to
   505 	//updating the plicy and sending the error back
   506 	TUid uidUpdateBytesPlayed;
   507 	uidUpdateBytesPlayed.iUid = KMmfHwDeviceObserverUpdateBytesPlayed;
   508 	TPtrC8 dummy(0,0);
   509 	iHwDeviceObserver->MsgFromHwDevice(uidUpdateBytesPlayed,dummy);
   511 	//this closes RMdaDevSound.
   512 	Stop(); 
   514 	//inform devsound so it can update policy
   515 	iHwDeviceObserver->Stopped(); 
   517 	// Inform the observer of the exception condition
   518 	// We inform the hw device observer after the policy has been
   519 	// updated incase the observer relied on the error to assume
   520 	// the policy has been updated
   521 	iHwDeviceObserver->Error(aError);
   522 	}
   525 void CMMFSwCodecPlayDataPath::SetPlayCustomInterface(MPlayCustomInterface& aCustomInterface)
   526 	{
   527 	iCustomInterface = &aCustomInterface;
   528 	}
   530 /**
   531 Retrieves a custom interface to the device.
   532 The reference CMMFSwCodecWrapper supports two  custom interfaces,
   533 MEmptyBuffersCustomInterface and MSetVbrFlagCustomInterface
   535 @param	aInterface
   536 		Interface UID, defined with the custom interface.
   537 		aInterface = KMmfUidEmptyBuffersCustomInterface for MEmptyBuffersCustomInterface,
   538 					 KSetVbrFlagCustomInterfaceTypeUid for MSetVbrFlagCustomInterface
   540 @return A pointer to the interface implementation, or NULL if the device can not
   541 		implement the interface requested. The return value must be cast to the
   542 		correct type by the user.
   543 */
   544 TAny* CMMFSwCodecPlayDataPath::CustomInterface(TUid aInterface)
   545 	{
   546 	TAny* ret = NULL;
   547 	if (aInterface.iUid == KMmfUidEmptyBuffersCustomInterface)
   548 		{
   549 		MEmptyBuffersCustomInterface* result = static_cast<MEmptyBuffersCustomInterface*> (this);
   550 		ret = static_cast<TAny*>(result);
   551 		}
   552 	else if(aInterface.iUid == KSetVbrFlagCustomInterfaceTypeUid)
   553 		{
   554 		SetVbrFlag();
   555 		}
   556 	if (aInterface == KTimePlayedCustomInterfaceTypeUid)
   557 		{
   558 		MTimePlayedCustomInterface* result = static_cast<MTimePlayedCustomInterface*> (this);
   559 		ret = static_cast<TAny*>(result);
   560 		}
   561 	if (aInterface == KIgnoreUnderflowCustomInterfaceTypeUid)
   562 		{
   563 		MIgnoreUnderflowEventsCustomInterface* result = static_cast<MIgnoreUnderflowEventsCustomInterface*> (this);
   564 		ret = static_cast<TAny*>(result);
   565 		}
   566 	return ret;
   567 	}
   569 /**
   570 Used to set iVbrFlag on the datapath.
   572 This method is used to set the iVbrFlag in datapath. This flag is added to datapath to avail the 
   573 alternative dataflow wherein datapath makes sure that destinationbuffer is filled to its maximum length
   574 before sending it to the sound driver. Sending the buffer directly to the device causes underflow incase of VBR codecs.
   575 */		
   576 void CMMFSwCodecPlayDataPath::SetVbrFlag()
   577 	{
   578 	iVbrFlag = ETrue;
   579 	}
   581 TInt CMMFSwCodecPlayDataPath::GetTimePlayed(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTime)
   582 	{
   583 	if(iSoundDevice.Handle())
   584 		{
   585 		TInt bytes = iSoundDevice.BytesPlayed();
   586 		//Work around for overflow of bytes played from driver.
   587 		//This code will be removed when Base provides the TimePlayed() API which returns the play time
   588 		//Assuming GetTimePlayed() gets called in an interval not more than 3 secs, reset driver's bytes played when it is near KMaxInt
   589 		if(bytes > (KMaxTInt - 3*KMaxBytesInSec))
   590 			{
   591 			iBytesPlayed = iBytesPlayed+bytes;
   592 			iSoundDevice.ResetBytesPlayed();
   593 			bytes = 0;
   594 			}
   595 		TInt64 samplesPlayed = (iBytesPlayed+bytes)/(KBytesPerSample*iChannels);
   596 		aTime = (samplesPlayed*1000000)/iSampleRate;
   597 		}
   598 	else
   599 		{
   600 		aTime = 0;
   601 		}
   603 	return KErrNone;
   604 	}
   606 void CMMFSwCodecPlayDataPath::IgnoreUnderflowEvents()
   607 	{
   608 	iIgnoreUnderflow = ETrue;
   609 	}
   610 /************************************************************************
   611  *				CDataPathPlayer											*
   612  ************************************************************************/
   614 CDataPathPlayer::CDataPathPlayer(CMMFSwCodecPlayDataPath& aParent, TInt aPriority)
   615 : CActive(aPriority), iParent(aParent)
   616 	{
   617 	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
   618 	}
   621 CDataPathPlayer::~CDataPathPlayer()
   622 	{
   623 	Cancel();
   624 	}
   627 void CDataPathPlayer::Start()
   628 	{
   629 	// No implementation
   630 	}
   633 void CDataPathPlayer::ResumePlaying()
   634 	{
   635 	if (iParent.Device().Handle())
   636 		{
   637 		//should be ok to call this even if we are active
   638 		iParent.Device().ResumePlaying(); 
   639 		iResumePlaying = ETrue;
   640 		}
   641 #ifdef _SCW_DEBUG
   642 	RDebug::Print(_L("Playing Resumed"));
   643 #endif
   644 	}
   647 void CDataPathPlayer::PlayData(const CMMFDataBuffer& aData)
   648 	{
   649 	iDataFromSource = &aData;
   650 	if (!IsActive())
   651 		{
   652 #ifdef _SCW_DEBUG
   653 		RDebug::Print(_L("CDataPathPlayer::PlayData"));
   654 #endif
   655 		iParent.Device().PlayData(iStatus,(STATIC_CAST(const CMMFDataBuffer*, iDataFromSource))->Data());
   656 		SetActive();
   657 		}
   658 	}
   661 void CDataPathPlayer::Stop()
   662 	{
   663 	if (!IsActive())	
   664 		iParent.Device().FlushPlayBuffer(); // Otherwise won't be flushed
   665 	Cancel();
   666 	iParent.SoundDeviceException(KErrCancel);
   667 	}
   670 void CDataPathPlayer::RunL()
   671 	{
   672 #ifdef _SCW_DEBUG
   673 	RDebug::Print(_L("CDataPathPlayer::RunL error[%d]"), iStatus.Int());
   674 #endif
   675 	if (iStatus.Int()!=KErrNone)
   676 		{ 	
   677 		iParent.SoundDeviceException(iStatus.Int());
   678 		}
   679 	else
   680 		{
   681 		iParent.BufferEmptiedL(static_cast<const CMMFDataBuffer&>(*iDataFromSource));
   682 		iResumePlaying = EFalse;
   683 		}
   684 	}
   687 TInt CDataPathPlayer::RunError(TInt aError)
   688 	{
   689 	Error(aError);
   690 	return KErrNone;
   691 	}
   694 void CDataPathPlayer::DoCancel()
   695 	{
   696 	if (iParent.Device().Handle())
   697 		{
   698 		iParent.Device().CancelPlayData();
   699 		iParent.Device().FlushPlayBuffer();
   700 		}
   701 	}
   704 void CDataPathPlayer::Error(TInt aError)
   705 	{ 
   706 	iParent.SoundDeviceException(aError);
   707 	}
   710 /************************************************************************
   711  *				CSoundDevPlayErrorReceiver											*
   712  ************************************************************************/
   714 CSoundDevPlayErrorReceiver::CSoundDevPlayErrorReceiver(CMMFSwCodecPlayDataPath& aParent, TInt aPriority)
   715 : CActive(aPriority), iParent(aParent)
   716 	{
   717 	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
   718 	}
   720 CSoundDevPlayErrorReceiver::~CSoundDevPlayErrorReceiver()
   721 	{
   722 	Cancel();
   723 	}
   725 void CSoundDevPlayErrorReceiver::Start()
   726 	{
   727 	iParent.Device().NotifyPlayError(iStatus);
   728 	SetActive();
   729 	}
   731 void CSoundDevPlayErrorReceiver::Stop()
   732 	{
   733 	Cancel();
   734 	}
   736 void CSoundDevPlayErrorReceiver::RunL()
   737 	{
   738 	TInt reason = iStatus.Int();
   739 	Start();
   740 	// An error has been returned
   741 #ifdef _SCW_DEBUG
   742 	RDebug::Print(_L("CSoundDevPlayErrorReceiver::RunL[%d]"), reason);
   743 #endif
   744 	iParent.SoundDeviceException(reason);
   745 	}
   747 void CSoundDevPlayErrorReceiver::DoCancel()
   748 	{
   749 	iParent.Device().CancelNotifyPlayError();
   750 	}