changeset 0 40261b775718
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:40261b775718
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:   Class definition of plugin implementing devsound client
    15 *                custom interface extension.
    16 *
    17 */
    21 // Include files
    22 #include "ciextnclientplugin.h"
    23 #include "citraces.h"
    24 #include <ecom.h>
    25 #include <cifactoryintfc.h>
    26 #include <cifactoryintfc.hrh>
    27 #include <mmf/common/mmfcontrollerpluginresolver.h>
    29 #define RET_ERR_IF_ERR(s) if(s!=KErrNone) return s
    31 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    32 // Constructs and returns an application object.
    33 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    34 //
    35 MDevSoundCIClientExtension* CCIExtnClientPlugin::NewL()
    36     {
    37     DEB_TRACE0(_L("*CI* CCIExtnClientPlugin::NewL"));
    38     CCIExtnClientPlugin* self = new (ELeave)CCIExtnClientPlugin;
    39     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    40     self->ConstructL();
    41     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    42     MDevSoundCIClientExtension* ptr = static_cast<MDevSoundCIClientExtension*>(self);
    43     return ptr;
    44     }
    46 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    47 // Destructor
    48 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    49 //
    50 CCIExtnClientPlugin::~CCIExtnClientPlugin()
    51     {
    52     iMCIFactoryIntfcList.Close();
    53     DEB_TRACE0(_L("*CI* CCIExtnClientPlugin::~CCIExtnClientPlugin"));
    54     }
    56 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    57 // Called by framework when plugin is constructed
    58 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    59 //
    60 TInt CCIExtnClientPlugin::Setup( MCustomCommand& aCustomCommand )
    61     {
    62     DEB_TRACE0(_L("*CI* CCIExtnClientPlugin::Setup"));
    63     TInt status(KErrNone);
    64     iMCustomCommand = &aCustomCommand;
    65     TRAP_IGNORE(InitializeFactoryPluginsL());
    66     return status;
    67     }
    69 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    70 // Called by framework forwarding request to create a custom interface
    71 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    72 //
    73 TInt CCIExtnClientPlugin::CustomInterfaceExtension( TUid aUid, TAny*& aInterface )
    74     {
    75     DEB_TRACE1(_L("*CI* CCIExtnClientPlugin::CustomInterfaceExtension 0x%x"), aUid.iUid);
    77     TInt status(KErrNotFound);
    78     aInterface = NULL;
    80     // Forward request to each factory plugin in the list,
    81     for ( TInt index = 0; index < iMCIFactoryIntfcList.Count(); index++ )
    82         {
    83         status = iMCIFactoryIntfcList[index]->CreateInterface( aUid, aInterface );
    84         // The factory tried creating custom interface successfully or otherwise.
    85         // stop forwarding the request to other factory plugins in the list.
    86         // If the factory does not support a custom interface with aUid, it will
    87         // return KErrNotFound
    88         if ( status != KErrNotFound )
    89             {
    90             break;
    91             }
    92         }
    93     return status;
    94     }
    96 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    97 // Called by framework when plugin is to be deleted
    98 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    99 //
   100 void CCIExtnClientPlugin::Release()
   101     {
   102     DEB_TRACE0(_L("*CI* CCIExtnClientPlugin::Release"));
   104     for ( TInt index = 0; index < iMCIFactoryIntfcList.Count(); index++ )
   105         {
   106         iMCIFactoryIntfcList[index]->Close();
   107         }
   109     iMCIFactoryIntfcList.Reset();
   110     iMCIFactoryIntfcList.Close();
   112     REComSession::DestroyedImplementation(iDestructorKey);
   114     delete this;
   115     }
   117 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   118 // Called by framework after plugin is created
   119 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   120 //
   121 void CCIExtnClientPlugin::PassDestructorKey( TUid aDestructorKey )
   122     {
   123     iDestructorKey = aDestructorKey;
   124     }
   126 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   127 // Constructor
   128 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   129 //
   130 CCIExtnClientPlugin::CCIExtnClientPlugin()
   131     {
   132     // No impl
   133     }
   135 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   136 // Second phase constructor.
   137 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   138 //
   139 void CCIExtnClientPlugin::ConstructL()
   140     {
   141     // No impl
   142     }
   144 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   145 // Initializes factory plugins list.
   146 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   147 //
   148 void CCIExtnClientPlugin::InitializeFactoryPluginsL()
   149     {
   150     // 1. Query the implementation ids of plugins implementing
   151     //    KUidCIFactoryIntfcInterface
   152     // 2. Instantiate it and add it to the list of factories
   154     DEB_TRACE0(_L("*CI* CCIExtnClientPlugin::InitializeFactoryPluginsL"));
   156     iMCIFactoryIntfcList.Reset();
   158     RImplInfoPtrArray factoryEComUids;
   159     CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL(factoryEComUids);
   161     // List all the factory plugins
   162     TUid factoryPluginInterfaceUid = {KUidCIFactoryIntfcInterface};
   163     TEComResolverParams resParams;
   164     REComSession::ListImplementationsL( factoryPluginInterfaceUid,  resParams, 
   165                                         KRomOnlyResolverUid, factoryEComUids );
   167     // Instantiate and add it to the list of factories
   168     TUid destructorKey;
   169     MCIFactoryIntfc* factoryPlugin(NULL);
   170     TInt status(KErrNone);
   171     for ( TInt index = 0; index < factoryEComUids.Count(); index++)
   172         {
   173         //<415-4087> TN: created with ImplementationUid - KRomOnlyResolverUid not used
   174         TRAP( status ,
   175               factoryPlugin = static_cast<MCIFactoryIntfc*>
   176                                     (REComSession::CreateImplementationL(
   177                                                         factoryEComUids[index]->ImplementationUid(),
   178                                                         destructorKey ) ) );
   179         // If there was problem instantiating factory plugin, continue trying
   180         // next one.
   181         if ( status != KErrNone)
   182             {
   183             DEB_TRACE1(_L("*CI* CCIExtnClientPlugin::InitializeFactoryPluginsL create failed status=%d"), status);
   184             continue;
   185             }
   187         // Initialize the factory plugin
   188         if ( factoryPlugin->Initialize( *iMCustomCommand, destructorKey ) == KErrNone )
   189             {
   190             status = iMCIFactoryIntfcList.Append(factoryPlugin);
   191             if ( status != KErrNone )
   192                 {// There was problem adding plugin to list, there was a system
   193                  // wide error. Stop trying and return error code.
   194                 factoryPlugin->Close();
   195                 User::Leave( status );
   196                 }
   197             }
   198         else
   199             {// There was problem initializing the factory plugin instance, close
   200              // it and continue instantiating the rest
   201             factoryPlugin->Close();
   202             }
   203         }
   204     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&factoryEComUids);
   205     }