changeset 0 40261b775718
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:40261b775718
     1 // Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 /**
    17  @file
    18  @publishedPartner
    19  @released
    20 */
    25 #include <ecamadvsettings.h>
    26 #include <ecam/ecamimageprocessingintf.h>
    27 #include <ecam/ecamadvsettingsintfuids.hrh>
    29 /** This is the UID which is used to obtain the interface MCameraPresets, via the 
    30 CCamera::CustomInterface() call, which provides implementation of the M-class interface.
    31  */   
    32 static const TUid KECamMCameraPresetsUid 			=  {KECamMCameraPresetsUidValue};
    34 /** 
    35 This is the UID which is used to obtain the interface MCameraPresets2, via the 
    36 CCamera::CustomInterface() call, which provides implementation of the M-class interface. 
    37 @publishedPartner
    38 @prototype 
    39 */   
    40 static const TUid KECamMCameraPresets2Uid 			=  {KECamMCameraPresets2UidValue};
    42 /** This is the UID which is used to obtain the interface MCameraAdvancedSettings, via the 
    43 CCamera::CustomInterface() call, which provides implementation of the M-class interface. */   
    44 static const TUid KECamMCameraAdvancedSettingsUid 	=  {KECamMCameraAdvancedSettingsUidValue};
    46 /** This is the UID which is used to obtain the interface MCameraAdvancedSettings2, via the 
    47 CCamera::CustomInterface() call, which provides implementation of the M-class interface. */   
    48 static const TUid KECamMCameraAdvancedSettings2Uid 	=  {KECamMCameraAdvancedSettings2UidValue};
    50 /** 
    51 This is the UID which is used to obtain the interface MCameraAdvancedSettings3, via the 
    52 CCamera::CustomInterface() call, which provides implementation of the M-class interface.
    53 */   
    54 static const TUid KECamMCameraAdvancedSettings3Uid 	=  {KECamMCameraAdvancedSettings3UidValue};
    56 /** 
    57 This is the UID which is used to obtain the interface MCameraAdvancedSettings4, via the 
    58 CCamera::CustomInterface() call, which provides implementation of the M-class interface.
    59 @publishedPartner
    60 @prototype 
    61 */   
    62 static const TUid KECamMCameraAdvancedSettings4Uid 	=  {KECamMCameraAdvancedSettings4UidValue};
    64 /** 
    65 This is the UID which is used to obtain the interface MCameraContinuousZoom, via the 
    66 CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::CreateContinuousZoomImpl() call, which provides 
    67 implementation of the M-class interface.
    68 @internalTechnology
    69 @prototype 
    70 */   
    71 static const TUid KECamMCameraContinuousZoomUid 	=  {KECamMCameraContinuousZoomUidValue};
    73 /** 
    74 Mixin class for implementation by providers of the Advanced Settings Camera Extension API.
    75 CCamera advanced settings class exposes an API for controlling individually 
    76 digital camera advanced settings. These settings directly relate to the 
    77 image acquisition phase both for still images and video.
    79 @publishedPartner
    80 @released 	
    81 */	
    82 class MCameraAdvancedSettings
    83 	{
    85 public:
    87 	/** 
    88 	Releases the interface. 
    89 	*/
    90 	virtual void Release()=0;
    92    	/** 
    93 	Gets the type of this camera. 
    94 	@see TCameraType
    96 	@return a TCameraType value. 
    97 	*/
    98   	virtual CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TCameraType CameraType() const=0;
   100   	/** 
   101 	Get the type of a specific  camera denoted by its index. A pluggable camera
   102 	may not necessarily be physically present. The type denotes whether the slot allocated
   103 	to that index is for pluggable or onboard camera. 
   105     @param aCameraIndex
   106            An integer in the range of [0: CCamera::CamerasAvailable()-1].
   108 	@return the TCameraType value for the specific camera. 
   109 	        If the index is out of range, the return value is ECameraUnknown.
   110 	*/
   111 	virtual CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TCameraType CameraType(TInt aCameraIndex) const=0;
   113    	/** 
   114 	Checks whether the current camera is present.
   116 	@return Whether the camera is currently present. 
   117 			ETrue if camera is present, EFalse otherwise. 
   118 			For example ECameraOnBoard (built-in) cameras are always present.   
   119 	*/	
   120 	virtual TBool IsCameraPresent() const=0;
   122 	/** 
   123 	Checks whether the camera, denoted by its index, is currently present.
   124 	The index uniquely identifies the camera on the device.
   126     @param aCameraIndex
   127            An integer in the range of [0:CCamera::CamerasAvailable()-1] specifying the
   128 	       camera device to use
   130 	@return Whether the camera is currently present. 
   131 			ETrue if camera is present, EFalse otherwise. 
   132 			For example built-in (ECameraOnBoard) cameras 
   133 			are always present. 
   134 	*/	
   135    	virtual TBool IsCameraPresent(TInt aCameraIndex) const=0;
   137     /**
   138     Gets current camera index. The index uniquely identifies the camera on the device.
   140 	@return camera index in the inclusive range of [0:CCamera::CamerasAvailable() - 1].
   141     */
   142   	virtual TInt CameraIndex() const=0;	
   144     /** 
   145 	Gets all of the supported stabilization modes on the device. The result is a bitfield
   146 	of the valid TStabilizationMode flags. 
   148 	@return a bitfield of all supported stabilization modes. 
   149 	*/
   150     virtual TInt SupportedStabilizationModes() const=0;
   152     /** 
   153 	Gets current stabilization mode on the device. 
   154 	The result is a valid TStabilizationMode value. 
   156 	@return current stabilization mode of type TStabilizationMode. 
   157 	*/
   158     virtual CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TStabilizationMode StabilizationMode() const=0;
   160     /** 
   161 	Sets a specific stabilization mode on the device.
   163 	Stabilization mode change fires a KUidECamEventCameraSettingStabilizationMode
   164 	event to all MCameraObserver2 clients of this specific camera.
   166 	@param aStabilizationMode
   167 	       new stabilization mode of TStabilizationMode type.
   168 	*/
   169     virtual void SetStabilizationMode(CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TStabilizationMode aStabilizationMode)=0;
   171     /** 
   172 	Gets all of the supported focus modes on the device. The result is a bitfield
   173 	of the valid TFocusMode flags. 
   175 	@return a bitfield of all supported focus modes. 
   176 	*/
   177     virtual TInt SupportedFocusModes() const=0;
   179     /** 
   180 	Gets current focus mode on the device. 
   181 	The result is a valid TFocusMode value. 
   183 	@return current focus mode. 
   184 	*/
   185     virtual CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TFocusMode FocusMode() const=0;
   187     /** 
   188 	Sets a specific focus mode on the device.
   189 	Focus mode change fires a KUidECamEventCameraSettingFocusMode event
   190 	to all MCameraObserver2 clients of the camera.
   192 	@param aFocusMode 
   193 	       new focus mode of TFocusMode type.
   194 	*/
   195     virtual void SetFocusMode(CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TFocusMode aFocusMode)=0;
   197 	/** 
   198 	Gets all supported focus ranges on the device.
   200 	@return an integer - a bitfield of all supported TFocusRange values. 
   201 	*/
   202     virtual TInt SupportedFocusRanges() const=0;
   204     /** 
   205 	Gets current focus range on the device.
   207 	@return the current TFocusRange value. 
   208 	*/
   209     virtual CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TFocusRange FocusRange() const=0;
   211     /** 
   212 	Sets a specific focus range on the device.
   213 	The focus range change fires both, KUidECamEventCameraSettingFocusRange and 
   214 	KUidECamEventCameraSettingFocusRange2 event	to all MCameraObserver2 clients of the camera.
   215 	@see KUidECamEventCameraSettingFocusRange
   217     @param aFocusRange
   218            newly selected focus range.
   219 	*/
   220     virtual void SetFocusRange(CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TFocusRange aFocusRange)=0;
   222     /** 
   223 	Gets all supported auto focus types on the device.
   225 	@return an integer - a bitfield of all supported TAutoFocusType values. 
   226 	*/
   227     virtual TInt SupportedAutoFocusTypes() const=0;
   229     /** 
   230 	Gets current auto focus type on the device.
   232 	@return a CCamera::TAutoFocusType value. 
   233 	*/
   234     virtual CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TAutoFocusType AutoFocusType() const=0;
   236     /** 
   237 	Sets a specific auto focus type on the device.
   238 	The focus type change fires both, KUidECamEventCameraSettingAutoFocusType and 
   239 	KUidECamEventCameraSettingAutoFocusType2 event to all MCameraObserver2 clients of the camera.
   240 	@see KUidECamEventCameraSettingAutoFocusType
   242 	@param aAutoFocusType
   243 	       Autofocus selection.
   244     */
   245     virtual void SetAutoFocusType(CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TAutoFocusType aAutoFocusType)=0;
   247     /** 
   248 	Gets all supported auto focus areas on the device.
   250 	@return an integer - a bitfield of al supported TAutoFocusArea values. 
   251 	*/
   252     virtual TInt SupportedAutoFocusAreas() const=0;
   254     /** 
   255 	Gets current chosen auto focus area on the device.
   257 	@return a CCamera::TAutoFocusArea value. 
   258 	*/
   259     virtual CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TAutoFocusArea AutoFocusArea() const=0;
   261     /** 
   262 	Sets a specific auto focus area on the device.
   263 	Focus area change fires a KUidECamEventCameraSettingAutoFocusArea event
   264 	to all MCameraObserver2 clients of the camera.
   266 	@param aAutoFocusArea
   267 	       Autofocus area selection.
   268     */
   269     virtual void SetAutoFocusArea(CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TAutoFocusArea aAutoFocusArea)=0;
   271     /**
   272     Get focus distance in millimetres.
   274     @return the current focus distance in millimetres, directly from user setting of lenses.
   275     */
   276 	virtual TInt FocusDistance() const=0;
   278 	/**
   279     Set focus distance in millimetres. Focus distance change fires a KUidECamEventCameraSettingFocusDistance event
   280     to all MCameraObserver2 clients of the camera.
   282     @param aDistance 
   283     		the current value in millimetres, directly from user setting of lenses.
   284     */
   285 	virtual void SetFocusDistance(TInt aDistance)=0;
   287 	/**
   288     Get minimum focus distance in millimetres. 
   290     @return the minimum (35 camera equivalent) focal length of a device. 
   291     @note Current Focal length is calculated as 
   292      		focalLength =  opticalZoom * minFocalLength;  
   293     */
   294 	virtual TInt GetMinFocalLength() const=0;
   296 	/**
   297     Gets the set of camera supported ISO rates.
   299     @param aSupportedIsoRates
   300            an array of integers which gets filled in with the supported ISO rates. 
   302     @note  When camera device is incapable of revealing the ISO rates supported, it has to be assumed that 
   303 		   camera will work only on the parmanently set value. If this value is not known, empty array should be 
   304 		   returned, and the corresponding getter/setters for this feature for this feature should not be used. 
   305     */
   306     virtual void GetSupportedIsoRatesL(RArray<TInt>& aSupportedIsoRates) const=0;
   308     /**
   309     Gets current ISO rate.
   311     @return current ISO rate as a TInt value.
   313     @note  In case there is an error, a negative error value from system wide error should be returned.
   314     */
   315     virtual TInt IsoRate() const=0;
   317     /**
   318     Set current ISO rate for the camera.
   319     Triggers a KUidECamEventCameraSettingIsoRate event to all MCameraObserver2 clients of the camera.
   321     @param aRate
   322     	   required new ISO rate.
   323     */
   324     virtual void SetIsoRate(TInt aRate)=0;
   326 	/** 
   327 	Gets the current discrete aperture steps (F-stops) supported by the device.
   329 	@param  aFStops
   330 	        A reference to an empty array of TInt which would be populated by the implementation with 
   331 	        the specific supported values. If the array is empty on return, 
   332 	        the camera supports all integer values in the aperture range. Each value is multiplied by 
   333 	        a factor of KECamFineResolutionFactor.
   335 	@param  aInfo 
   336 	        a reference to TValueInfo, which establishes the type of the returned data.     
   338 	@leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory.
   340 	@note  When camera device is incapable of revealing the aperture openings supported, it has to be assumed that 
   341 		   camera will work only on the parmanently set value. If this value is not known, empty array should be 
   342 		   returned and TValueInfo should be ENotActive, and the corresponding getter/setters for this feature should not be used.
   343  	*/
   344     virtual void GetAperturesL(RArray<TInt>& aFStops, TValueInfo& aInfo) const=0;
   346     /** 
   347     Get current aperture value.
   348     The default aperture value is ECAM implementation specific and could be either auto aperture or any other supported value.
   350     @return Current aperture value as an integer, multiplied by KECamFineResolutionFactor. 
   351     	    For example the function will return 280 for the actual aperture of F2.8.
   353     @note  In case there is an error, a negative error value from system wide error should be returned. 
   354     */
   355     virtual TInt Aperture() const=0; 
   357     /** 
   358     Set a new aperture value. 
   359     All MCameraObserver2 clients of the camera receive a KUidECamEventCameraSettingAperture 
   360     event notification when aperture value is changed.
   362     @note The aperture parameter value is an integer, multiplied by KECamFineResolutionFactor. 
   363     	  For example to set an aperture of F2.8, call SetAperture(280).
   365     @param aFStop 
   366     	   a new aperture value in the supported by the device range.       
   367     */
   368     virtual void SetAperture(TInt aFStop)=0; 
   370 	/**
   371 	Gets the set of supported shutter speeds
   373 	@param aShutterSpeeds
   374 			a reference to an RArray of TInt representing the discrete shutter speeds supported 
   375 			currently by the device.
   377 	@param  aInfo 
   378 			a reference to TValueInfo, which establishes the type of the returned data.     
   380 	@return the populated array with all shutter speeds in microseconds. 
   382 	@leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory.
   384 	@note  When camera device is incapable of revealing the shutter speeds supported, it has to be assumed that 
   385 		   camera will work only on the parmanently set value. If this value is not known, empty array should be 
   386 		   returned and TValueInfo should be ENotActive, and the corresponding getter/setters for this feature should not be used.
   387 	*/
   388 	virtual void GetShutterSpeedsL(RArray<TInt>& aShutterSpeeds, TValueInfo& aInfo) const=0; 
   390 	/**
   391 	Gets the current shutter speed
   393 	@return the current shutter speed in microseconds. 
   395 	@note  In case there is an error, a negative error value from system wide error should be returned.
   396 	*/
   397     virtual TInt ShutterSpeed() const=0; 
   399     /**
   400 	Sets the current shutter speed. When set, all MCameraObserver2 clients of the camera
   401 	receive a KUidECamEventCameraSettingShutterSpeed event
   403 	@param aShutterSpeed
   404 	       the required shutter speed in microseconds.
   406 	*/
   407     virtual void SetShutterSpeed(TInt aShutterSpeed)=0; 
   409 	/**
   410 	Get all supported metering modes on this device represented as bitfield of type TMeteringMode.
   412 	@return the set of supported metering modes.
   413 	*/
   414     virtual TInt SupportedMeteringModes() const=0;
   416     /**
   417     Get current metering mode.
   419     @return a value of type TMeteringMode.
   420     */
   421     virtual CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TMeteringMode MeteringMode() const=0;
   423     /**
   424     Set the current metering mode. When set, all MCameraObserver2 clients are notified 
   425     with a KUidECamEventCameraSettingMeteringMode event.
   427     @param aMeteringMode
   428     		a new selection for metering mode of type TMeteringMode.
   429     */
   430     virtual void SetMeteringMode(CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TMeteringMode aMeteringMode)=0;
   432     /** 
   433     Get all supported drive modes as bitfields of TDriveMode type. 
   435     @return the set of supported drive modes.
   436     */
   437     virtual TInt SupportedDriveModes() const=0;
   439     /** 
   440     Gets currently active drive mode.
   442     @return current drive mode.
   443     */
   444     virtual CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TDriveMode DriveMode() const=0;
   446     /**
   447     Set the current metering mode. When set all MCameraObserver2 clients are notified with a
   448     KUidECamEventCameraSettingDriveMode event. 
   450     @param aDriveMode
   451     		new selection for drive mode value of type TDriveMode.
   453     @note  Unless reduced Latency scheme is not used (ie CaptureImageL(TInt aSequenceNumber) or PerformantStopVideoCaptureL())
   454 	   	   if an image/video capture is still outstanding, this method may report error KErrInUse.
   455     */
   456     virtual void SetDriveMode(CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TDriveMode aDriveMode)=0;
   458 	/**
   459 	Get all supported bracket modes as bitfields.
   461 	@return the set of all supported bracket modes.
   462 	*/
   463     virtual TInt SupportedBracketModes() const=0;
   465     /**
   466 	Get current bracket mode.
   468 	@return the current bracket mode TBracketMode.
   469 	*/
   470     virtual CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TBracketMode BracketMode() const=0;
   472     /**
   473     Set new bracket mode. All MCameraObserver2 clients are notified with a
   474     KUidECamEventCameraSettingBracketMode event. 
   476     @param aBracketMode
   477     		new selection for bracket mode of type TBracketMode.
   478     */
   479     virtual void SetBracketMode(CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TBracketMode aBracketMode)=0;
   481  	/**
   482 	Get all supported bracket parameters as bitfields.
   484 	@return the set of all currently supported bracket modes.
   485 	*/
   486     virtual TInt SupportedBracketParameters() const=0;
   488     /**
   489 	Get current bracket parameter.
   491 	@return the current bracket mode TBracketParameter.
   492 	*/
   493     virtual CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TBracketParameter BracketParameter() const=0;
   495     /**
   496     Set new bracket parameter
   497     When set all clients are notified with a
   498     KUidECamEventCameraSettingBracketParameter event. 
   500     @param aBracketParameter
   501     		new selection for parameter type of type TBracketParameter.
   502     */
   503     virtual void SetBracketParameter(CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TBracketParameter aBracketParameter)=0;
   505 	/**
   506 	Get all supported bracket steps as bitfields.
   508 	@return the set of all supported bracket modes.
   509 	*/
   510     virtual TInt SupportedBracketSteps() const=0;
   512     /**
   513 	Get current bracket step.
   515 	@return the current bracket mode TBracketStep.
   516 	*/
   517     virtual CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TBracketStep BracketStep() const=0;
   519     /**
   520     Set new bracket step. All MCameraObserver2 clients are notified with 
   521     KUidECamEventCameraSettingBracketStep. 
   523     @param aBracketStep
   524     		new selection for step of type TBracketStep.
   525     */
   526     virtual void SetBracketStep(CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TBracketStep aBracketStep)=0;
   528     /** 
   529 	Gets the settings for which frames to merge. Valid only in EDriveModeBracketMerge mode. 
   530 	@note there must be at least two images to merge. All are assumed to form a sequence and 
   531 		are identified using the first frame index and number of frames e.g. to  merge two frames - one 
   532 		on and one +1, when in EBracketMode3Image, one sets the start index to 1 and frames to two.
   533 	@note It is very much TBracketMode setting dependent. 
   535 	@param  aStartIndex
   536 			the index of the start frame, starts from 0.
   538 	@param  aFrames
   539 			the number of frames to be merged.		
   540 	*/
   541 	virtual void GetBracketMerge(TInt& aStartIndex, TInt& aFrames) const=0;
   543 	/** 
   544 	Sets the settings for which frames to merge. Valid only in EDriveModeBracketMerge mode. 
   545 	@note there must be at least two images to merge. All are assumed to form a sequence and 
   546 		are identified using the first frame index and number of frames e.g. to  merge two frames - one 
   547 		on and one +1, when in EBracketMode3Image, one sets the start index to 1 and frames to 2.
   548 		MCameraObserver2 clients are notified with a KUidECamEventBracketMerge event.
   550 	@note It is very TBracketMode setting dependent. 
   552 	@param  aStartIndex
   553 			the index of the start frame, starts from 0.
   555 	@param  aFrames
   556 			the number of frames to be merged.		
   557 	*/
   558 	virtual void SetBracketMerge(TInt aStartIndex, TInt aFrames)=0;
   560     /**
   561     Get camera all supported flash modes CCamera::TFlash
   563     @return the set of all supported flash modes as bitfields in an integer.
   564     */
   565     virtual TInt SupportedFlashModes() const=0;
   567     /** 
   568 	Gets the currently set flash mode.
   570 	@return  The currently set flash mode. 
   571 	*/
   572 	virtual CCamera::TFlash FlashMode() const=0;
   574     /** 
   575 	Sets the flash mode.
   577     Triggers a KUidECamEventCameraSettingFlashMode event to all camera 
   578     MCameraObserver2 clients.
   580 	@param  aMode
   581 	        The required flash mode. 
   582 	*/
   583 	virtual void SetFlashMode(CCamera::TFlash aMode)=0;
   585     /** 
   586 	Gets whether the flash red eye reduction is switched on.
   588 	@return The present state - ETrue for switched on and EFalse for switched off. 
   589 	*/
   590     virtual TBool RedEyeReduceOn() const=0;
   592     /** 
   593 	Sets the flash red eye reduction on or off.
   595     Triggers a KUidECamEventCameraSettingFlashRedEyeReduce event to all camera 
   596     MCameraObserver2 clients.
   598 	@param  aState
   599 	        The required state ETrue for switching it on and EFalse for switching it off. 
   600 	*/
   601     virtual void SetRedEyeReduceOn(TBool aState)=0;
   603 	/** 
   604 	Get flash compensation steps as integers multiplied by KECamFineResolutionFactor.
   605 	For example 0.5 EV is 50. 
   607 	@param aFlashCompensationSteps
   608 	       an RArray of integers which is populated on return to reflect the supported 
   609 	       flash compensation steps.
   611    	@param aInfo 
   612    	       an TValueInfo reference, which establishes the organization of the returned data. 
   614    	@see TValueInfo   
   616 	@leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory. 
   618 	@note  When camera device doesn't support this, empty array should be returned and TValueInfo should be ENotActive, 
   619 		   and the corresponding getter/setters for this feature should not be used. 
   620 		   When camera device is incapable of revealing the flash compensation steps supported, 
   621 		   it has to be assumed that camera will work only on the parmanently set value. If this value is not known, empty 
   622 		   array should be returned and TValueInfo should be ENotActive, and the corresponding getter/setters for this feature should not be used.
   623 	*/
   624 	virtual void GetFlashCompensationStepsL(RArray<TInt>& aFlashCompensationSteps, TValueInfo& aInfo) const=0; 
   626 	/**
   627 	@deprecated Use TInt GetFlashCompensationStep(TInt& aFlashCompensationStep);
   629 	Get current flash power compensation step.
   631 	@return current flash compensation step.
   632 	*/
   633 	virtual TInt FlashCompensationStep() const=0;
   635 	/** 
   636 	Get current flash power compensation step.
   638 	@param aFlashCompensationStep
   639 		   Reference to the current flash power compensation step.	
   641 	@return system wide error code.
   642 	*/
   643 	virtual TInt GetFlashCompensationStep(TInt& aFlashCompensationStep) const=0;
   645     /** 
   646 	Set current flash compensation step as an integer multiplied by KECamFineResolutionFactor.
   647 	For example to set a compensation of -0.3 EV, one should use a parameter with value -30.  
   648 	All clients receive a KUidECamEventCameraSettingFlashCompensationStep event, when the value has changed. 
   650 	@param aFlashCompensationStep
   651 	       a new value for the flash compensation step.
   652 	*/
   653 	virtual void SetFlashCompensationStep(TInt aFlashCompensationStep)=0;
   655 	/**
   656 	Get current flash power compensation range measured in a already selected compensation step.
   657 	@note This range may change if a different compensation step is selected. 
   658 	For example if flash compensation range is in the range -1EV 1.5EV and the selected flash compensation 
   659 	step is selected to be 0.3 EV, the result of this call will be 
   660 	aNegativeCompensation = -3 and aPositiveCompensation = 5.
   661 	as there can be only three full steps for negative compensation (1/0.3) and five for flash power boost (1.5/0.3).
   662     In this way developers, having pre-selected a step value from the supported set, would need to provide 
   663     just the multplier (in steps) and the direction (the sign). Steps are always assumed integers.	
   665 	@param  aNegativeCompensation
   666 	        reference to an integer returning the maximum number of steps available for negative compensation.
   668 	@param aPositiveCompensation
   669 	        reference to an integer returning the maximum number of steps available for positive compensation.     
   670 	*/
   671 	virtual void GetFlashCompensationRangeInSteps(TInt& aNegativeCompensation, TInt& aPositiveCompensation) const=0;
   673 	/** 
   674 	@deprecated Use TInt GetFlashCompensation(TInt& aFlashCompensation);
   676 	Get the current flash compensation value as integer steps. Positive values boost flash power,
   677 	negative reduce flash power. The change is not cumulative i.e. the change is stateless.
   678 	Each call assumes no previous compensation has been performed i.e. that there is a zero compensation.
   680 	@note if returned value is 2 (compensation steps) and the current flash compensation step is 0.3 EV, 
   681 	then the actual compensation effect will be 0.6 EV. 
   683 	@return  the current number compensation steps as an integer.
   684 	*/
   685 	virtual TInt FlashCompensation() const=0;
   687 	/** 
   688 	Get the current flash compensation value as integer steps. Positive values boost flash power,
   689 	negative reduce flash power. The change is not cumulative i.e. the change is stateless.
   690 	Each call assumes no previous compensation has been performed i.e. that there is a zero compensation.
   692 	@note if retrieved value is 2 (compensation steps) and the current flash compensation step is 0.3 EV, 
   693 	then the actual compensation effect will be 0.6 EV. 
   695 	@param   aFlashCompensation
   696 			 Reference to the current number of compensation steps as an integer.
   698 	@return  system wide error code.
   699 	*/
   700 	virtual TInt GetFlashCompensation(TInt& aFlashCompensation) const=0;
   702 	/** 
   703 	Set the current flash compensation value as integer steps. 
   704 	Positive values increase power, negative reduce power. The change is not cumulative i.e. the change is stateless.
   705 	Each call assumes no previous compensation has been performed i.e. that there is a zero compensation.
   706 	Triggers a KUidECamEventCameraSettingFlashCompensation event.
   708 	@param 	aFlashCompensationSteps  
   709 	        a required compensation steps - negative value reduce the flash power
   710 	        positive boosts up the flash power. 
   711 	*/
   712 	virtual void SetFlashCompensation(TInt aFlashCompensationSteps)=0;
   714 	/**
   715 	Check whether there is an external flash source.
   717 	@return ETrue if an external flash source is present, EFalse otherwise  
   718 	*/ 
   719 	virtual TBool IsExternalFlashPresent() const=0;
   721 	/** 
   722 	Gets the current discrete manual flash power levels supported by the device in range 0-100 
   723 	as a percentage of maximum power level.
   725 	@param  aManualFlashPowerLevels
   726 	        An empty array of TInt which would be populated by the implementation with 
   727 	        the specific supported values. If the array is empty on return, 
   728 	        the camera does not support this functionality.
   729 	@param  aInfo 
   730 	        a reference to TValueInfo, which establishes the type of the returned data.             
   732 	@leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory. 
   734 	@note  When camera device doesn't support this, empty array should be returned and TValueInfo should be ENotActive,
   735 		   and the corresponding getter/setters for this feature should not be used. 
   736 		   When camera device is incapable of revealing the manual flash power levels supported, 
   737 		   it has to be assumed that camera will work only on the parmanently set value. If this value is not known, empty 
   738 		   array should be returned and TValueInfo should be ENotActive, and the corresponding getter/setters for this feature should not be used.
   739 	*/
   740     virtual void GetManualFlashPowerLevelsL(RArray<TInt>& aManualFlashPowerLevels, TValueInfo& aInfo) const=0;
   742     /**
   743     Gets the current manual flash power level on the device.
   745 	@return the current manual flash power level as a value in the range [0:100]. 
   747 	@note  In case there is an error, a negative error value from system wide error should be returned.
   748 	*/
   749     virtual TInt ManualFlashPowerLevel() const=0;
   751     /**
   752     Sets the current manual flash power level on the device.
   753     Triggers a KUidECamEventCameraSettingFlashManualPower event to all MCameraObserver2 clients.
   755 	@param  aManualFlashPowerLevel
   756 	        one of the values returned in GetManualFlashPowerLevelsL(). 
   757 	*/
   758     virtual void SetManualFlashPowerLevel(TInt aManualFlashPowerLevel)=0;
   760 	/**
   761 	Get Supported exposure modes - bitfields of CCamera::TExposure
   763 	@return the set of supported exposure modes.  
   764 	*/
   765 	virtual TInt SupportedExposureModes() const=0;
   767 	/** 
   768 	Gets the currently set exposure setting value.
   770 	@return  The currently set exposure setting value. 
   771 	*/
   772 	virtual CCamera::TExposure ExposureMode() const=0;
   774 	/** 
   775 	Sets the exposure mode of the device.
   777 	Triggers a KUidECamEventCameraSettingExposureMode event to all MCameraObserver2 clients.
   779 	@param  aExposureMode
   780 	        The required exposure adjustment. 	        
   781 	*/
   782 	virtual void SetExposureMode(CCamera::TExposure aExposureMode)=0;
   784 	/** 
   785 	Get exposure compensation steps as integers multiplied by KECamFineResolutionFactor.
   786 	For example 0.3 EV is 30.
   788 	@param aExposureCompensationSteps
   789 	       an RArray of integers which is populated to reflect the supported 
   790 	       exposure compensation steps, all values have been multiplied by KECamFineResolutionFactor before 
   791 	       truncated to integers.
   793 	@param aInfo 
   794 		   a reference to TValueInfo, which establishes the type of the returned data.            
   796 	@leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory. May also leave as a result of other system errors.
   798 	@note  When camera device doesn't support this, empty array should be returned and TValueInfo should be ENotActive,
   799 		   and the corresponding getter/setters for this feature should not be used.
   800 		   When camera device is incapable of revealing the exposure compensation steps supported, 
   801 		   it has to be assumed that camera will work only on the parmanently set value. If this value is not known, empty 
   802 		   array should be returned and TValueInfo should be ENotActive, and the corresponding getter/setters for this feature should not be used.
   803 	*/
   804 	virtual void GetExposureCompensationStepsL(RArray<TInt>& aExposureCompensationSteps, TValueInfo& aInfo) const=0; 
   806 	/** 
   807 	@deprecated Use TInt GetExposureCompensationStep(TInt& aExposureCompensationStep);
   809 	Get current exposure compensation step.
   811 	@return current exposure compensation step.
   812 	*/
   813 	virtual TInt ExposureCompensationStep() const=0;
   815 	/** 
   816 	Get current exposure compensation step.
   818 	@param aExposureCompensationStep
   819 		   Reference to the current exposure compensation step.
   821 	@return system wide error code.
   822 	*/
   823 	virtual TInt GetExposureCompensationStep(TInt& aExposureCompensationStep) const=0;
   825 	/** 
   826 	Set current exposure compensation step as an integer multiplied by KECamFineResolutionFactor.
   827 	All MCameraObserver2 clients receive a KUidECamEventCameraSettingExposureCompensationStep event,  
   828 	when the value has changed. 
   830 	@param aExposureCompensationStep
   831 	       a new value for the exposure compensation step.
   832 	*/
   833 	virtual void SetExposureCompensationStep(TInt aExposureCompensationStep)=0;
   835 	/**
   836 	Get current exposure compensation range in steps. It depends on the previously 
   837 	selected exposure compensation step. 
   839 	@param  aNegativeCompensation
   840 	        reference to an integer returning the maximum number of steps 
   841 	        available for negative compensation.
   843 	@param aPositiveCompensation
   844 	        reference to an integer returning the maximum number of steps 
   845 	        available for positive compensation. 
   847 	@see GetFlashCompensationRangeInSteps()
   848 	*/
   849 	virtual void GetExposureCompensationRangeInSteps(TInt& aNegativeCompensation, TInt& aPositiveCompensation) const=0;
   851 	/** 
   852 	@deprecated Use TInt GetExposureCompensation(TInt& aExposureCompensation);
   854 	Get the current exposure compensation value as integer steps. Positive values increase exposure times, 
   855 	negative reduce exposure times. The change is not cumulative i.e. the change is stateless.
   856 	Each call assumes no previous compensation has been performed i.e. that there is a zero compensation.
   858 	@note if returned value is 2 (compensation steps) and the current exposure compensation step is 0.3 EV, 
   859 	then the actual compensation effect will be 0.6 EV. 
   861 	@return  current number compensation steps as an integer.
   862 	*/
   863 	virtual TInt ExposureCompensation() const=0;
   865 	/** 
   866 	Get the current exposure compensation value as integer steps. Positive values increase exposure times, 
   867 	negative reduce exposure times. The change is not cumulative i.e. the change is stateless.
   868 	Each call assumes no previous compensation has been performed i.e. that there is a zero compensation.
   870 	@note if retrieved value is 2 (compensation steps) and the current exposure compensation step is 0.3 EV, 
   871 	then the actual compensation effect will be 0.6 EV. 
   873 	@param aExposureCompensation
   874 		   Reference to the current number of compensation steps as an integer.
   876 	@return  system wide error code.
   877 	*/
   878 	virtual TInt GetExposureCompensation(TInt& aExposureCompensation) const=0;
   880 	/** 
   881 	Set the current exposure compensation value as integer steps.
   882 	Triggers a KUidECamEventCameraSettingExposureCompensation event to all MCameraObserver2 clients.
   884 	@param 	aExposureCompensationSteps  
   885 	        a required compensation value negative value reduce the exposure time
   886 	        positive increases the exposure time. 
   888 	*/
   889 	virtual void SetExposureCompensation(TInt aExposureCompensationSteps)=0;
   891     /**
   892     Gets camera supported set of white balance adjustments.
   894     @return bitfield of all supported CCamera::TWhiteBalance values.  
   895     */
   896 	virtual TInt SupportedWhiteBalanceModes() const=0;
   898 	/** 
   899 	Gets the current white balance value.
   901 	@return  The current white balance value.
   902 	*/
   903 	virtual CCamera::TWhiteBalance WhiteBalanceMode() const=0;
   905 	/** 
   906 	Sets the white balance adjustment of the device.
   908 	No effect if this is not supported, see TCameraInfo::iWhiteBalanceModesSupported.
   909 	Triggers a KUidECamEventCameraSettingWhiteBalanceMode event to all MCameraObserver2 clients.
   911 	@param  aWhiteBalanceMode
   912 	        The required white balance mode.
   913 	*/
   914 	virtual void SetWhiteBalanceMode(CCamera::TWhiteBalance aWhiteBalanceMode)=0;
   916     /** 
   917     Gets the current state for aperture and exposure lock.
   919     @return ETrue if aperture and exposure values are locked together, 
   920            EFalse if these are not locked. 
   921     */
   922 	virtual TBool ApertureExposureLockOn() const=0;
   924 	/** 
   925     Sets the current state for aperture and exposure lock.
   926     Triggers a KUidECamEventAELock event to all MCameraObserver2 clients.
   928     @param aAELock
   929            a value whether to lock exposure and aperture together.
   930     */
   931 	virtual void SetApertureExposureLockOn(TBool aAELock)=0;
   933 	/**
   934 	Gets the current state for button clicking sound effect.
   936 	@return  boolean, ETrue to switch clicking sound on, EFalse sound off  
   937 	*/
   938 	virtual TBool ShootClickOn() const=0;
   940 	/**
   941 	Sets the button clicking sound effect on /off. Triggers a KUidECamEventSoundClick event 
   942 	to all MCameraObserver2 clients. 
   944 	@param aShootClickOn
   945 	       boolean, ETrue to switch clicking sound on, EFalse sound is switched off.  
   946 	*/
   947 	virtual void SetShootClickOn(TBool aShootClickOn)=0;
   949 	/**
   950 	Get camera supported timer values. Active only when drive mode EDriveModeTimed.
   951 	Time is in microseconds. As time interval is expected to be relatively short, 
   952 	integer value is considered sufficient. 
   954 	@param aTimerIntervals 
   955 	       an RArray of integers which is populated to reflect the supported 
   956 	       timer interval steps.
   958  	@param aInfo 
   959  	       an TValueInfo reference, which establishes the organization of 
   960    		   the returned data. 
   962    	@see TValueInfo  
   964    	@note  When camera device doesn't support this, empty array should be returned and TValueInfo should be ENotActive,
   965    		   and the corresponding getter/setters for this feature should not be used. 
   966 	*/
   967 	virtual void GetTimerIntervalsL(RArray<TInt>& aTimerIntervals, TValueInfo& aInfo) const=0;
   969 	/**
   970 	Get current timer value. Active only when drive mode is EDriveModeTimed.
   971 	Timer resolution is in microseconds. 
   973 	@return current time interval value. 
   975 	@note  In case there is an error, a negative error value from system wide error should be returned.
   976 	*/
   977     virtual TInt TimerInterval() const=0;  
   979     /**
   980 	Set current timer value. Active only when drive mode EDriveModeTimed.
   981 	This is the time interval (delay) in microseconds between user pressing the button and image is taken.  
   982 	The setting of the value triggers a KUidECamEventCameraSettingTimerInterval event 
   983 	to all MCameraObserver2 clients. 
   985 	@param aTimerInterval
   986 	       The selected timer interval in microseconds        
   987 	*/
   988     virtual void SetTimerInterval(TInt aTimerInterval)=0; 
   990 	/**
   991 	Get camera supported time lapse period range. Active only when drive mode EDriveModeTimeLapse.
   992 	The time lapse is denoted as the uniform time period between consecutive frames.
   994 	@param aTimeLapseMin
   995 	       The minimum time value. 
   997 	@param aTimeLapseMax
   998 	       The maximum time value.
   999 	*/
  1000 	virtual void GetTimeLapsePeriodRange(TTime& aTimeLapseMin, TTime& aTimeLapseMax) const=0;
  1002 	/**
  1003 	Get current time lapse value. Active only when drive mode EDriveModeTimeLapse.
  1004 	The time lapse is denoted as the uniform time period 
  1005 	between consecutive frames and operation is configurable by its start, end and a fixed interval.
  1006 	@param aStart
  1007 			the start of the  timelapse period
  1008 	@param aEnd
  1009 			the end of the  timelapse period; start < end.
  1010 	@param aInterval
  1011 			the set parameter between two successive snapshots.		
  1012 	*/
  1013     virtual void GetTimeLapse(TTime& aStart, TTime& aEnd, TTime& aInterval) const=0;  
  1015     /**
  1016 	Set current time lapse value. Active only when drive mode EDriveModeTimeLapse.
  1017 	The time lapse is denoted as the uniform time period between consecutive frames. 
  1018 	Setting triggers a KUidECamEventCameraSettingTimeLapse event to all MCameraObserver2 camera clients.
  1020 	@param aStart
  1021 			the start of the timelapse period.
  1022 	@param aEnd
  1023 			the end of the timelapse period; start < end.
  1024 	@param aInterval
  1025 			the set parameter between two successive snapshots.	
  1026 	*/
  1027     virtual void SetTimeLapse(const TTime& aStart, const TTime& aEnd, const TTime& aInterval)=0; 
  1029 	/**
  1030 	Get current picture orientation.
  1032 	@return a TPictureOrientation value.
  1033 	*/
  1034     virtual CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TPictureOrientation PictureOrientation() const=0;
  1036     /**
  1037     Set a new picture orientation
  1038     This triggers a KUidECamEventCameraSettingPictureOrientation event to all MCameraObserver2 clients.
  1040     @param aOrientation
  1041            a value of TPictureOrientation denoting the new orientation.
  1042     */
  1043     virtual void SetPictureOrientation(CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TPictureOrientation aOrientation)=0; 
  1045     /**
  1046 	Get supported pixel aspect ratio.
  1048 	@return a bitfield of all supported TPixelAspectRatio values.
  1049 	*/
  1050     virtual TInt SupportedPixelAspectRatios() const=0;
  1051 	/**
  1052 	Get current pixel aspect ratio.
  1054 	@return a TPixelAspectRatio value.
  1055 	*/
  1056     virtual CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TPixelAspectRatio PixelAspectRatio() const=0;
  1058     /**
  1059     Set a new pixel aspect ratio.
  1060     This triggers a KUidECamEventPixelAspectRatio event to all MCameraObserver2 clients.
  1062     @param aPixelAspectRatio
  1063            a value of TPixelAspectRatio denoting the new pixel aspect ratio.
  1064     */
  1065     virtual void SetPixelAspectRatio(CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TPixelAspectRatio aPixelAspectRatio)=0; 
  1067 	/**
  1068 	Get supported YUV ranges.
  1070 	@return a bitfileld of all supported TYuvRange values.
  1071 	*/
  1072     virtual TInt SupportedYuvRanges() const=0;
  1074 	/**
  1075 	Get the current YUV range.
  1077 	@return a TYuvRange value.
  1078 	*/
  1079     virtual CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TYuvRange YuvRange() const=0;
  1081     /**
  1082     Set a new YUV range.
  1083     This triggers a KUidECamEventYuvRange event to all MCameraObserver2 clients.
  1085     @param aYuvRange
  1086            a value of TYuvRange denoting the new YUV range.
  1087     */
  1088     virtual void SetYuvRange(CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TYuvRange aYuvRange)=0;
  1090 	/**
  1091 	Get the number of images captured normally under EDriveModeBurst condition.
  1092 	@note: due to memory or image size limitations the actual number may be less. 
  1094 	@return the number of images set to capture in burst mode. 
  1095 	*/
  1096     virtual TInt BurstImages() const=0;
  1098     /**
  1099     Set the number of images captured normally under EDriveModeBurst condition.
  1100     Triggers a KUidECamEventBurstImages event to all MCameraObserver2 clients.
  1101 	@note: due to memory or image size limitations the actual number may be less. 
  1103 	@param aImages
  1104 		   the number of images set to capture in burst mode. 
  1106 	@note  Unless reduced Latency scheme is not used (ie CaptureImageL(TInt aSequenceNumber) or PerformantStopVideoCaptureL())
  1107 	   	   if an image/video capture is still outstanding, this method may report error KErrInUse.
  1108     */
  1109     virtual void SetBurstImages(TInt aImages)=0;	
  1111     /** 
  1112 	Gets the optical zoom levels.
  1114 	@param  aOpticalZoomSteps
  1115 	        Array to hold optical zoom values multiplied by KECamFineResolutionFactor to retain precision. 
  1116 	        So that if zoom is not supported the array will return a single element of value 
  1117 	        KECamFineResolutionFactor.
  1119 	@param  aInfo 
  1120 			a reference to TValueInfo, which establishes the type of the returned data.     
  1122 	@note   Such approach allows for support for both linear and non-linear zoom steps.
  1123 			When camera device doesn't support this, empty array should be returned and TValueInfo should be ENotActive, 
  1124 			and the corresponding getter/setters for this feature should not be used.
  1126 	@leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory. May also leave as a result of other system errors. 
  1127 	*/
  1128 	virtual void GetOpticalZoomStepsL(RArray<TInt>& aOpticalZoomSteps, TValueInfo& aInfo) const=0;
  1130 	/** 
  1131 	Gets the currently set zoom value.
  1133 	@return  The currently set optical zoom value. The value is multiplied by 
  1134 			 KECamFineResolutionFactor to retain precision.
  1136 	@note  In case there is an error, a negative error value from system wide error should be returned. 
  1137 	*/
  1138 	virtual TInt OpticalZoom() const=0;
  1140 	/** 
  1141 	Sets the zoom using a specific value. Triggers a KUidECamEventCameraSettingOpticalZoom 
  1142 	event to all MCameraObserver2 clients.
  1144 	@param aOpticalZoom 
  1145 	       Required zoom value.
  1146 	*/
  1147 	virtual void SetOpticalZoom(TInt aOpticalZoom)=0;
  1149 	/** 
  1150 	Gets the digital zoom levels.
  1152 	@param  aDigitalZoomSteps
  1153 	        Array to hold digital zoom values multiplied by KECamFineResolutionFactor to retain precision. 
  1154 	        So that if zoom is not supported the array will return a single element of value 
  1155 	        KECamFineResolutionFactor.
  1157 	@param  aInfo 
  1158 			a reference to TValueInfo, which establishes the type of the returned data.
  1160 	@note   Such approach allows for support for both linear and non-linear zoom steps.
  1161 			When camera device doesn't support this, empty array should be returned and TValueInfo should be ENotActive
  1162 			and the corresponding getter/setters for this feature should not be used.
  1164 	@leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory. May also leave as a result of other system errors.
  1165 	*/
  1166 	virtual void GetDigitalZoomStepsL(RArray<TInt>& aDigitalZoomSteps, TValueInfo& aInfo) const=0;
  1168 	/** 
  1169 	Gets the currently set digital zoom value.
  1171 	@return  The currently set digital zoom value. The value is multiplied by 
  1172 			 KECamFineResolutionFactor to retain precision. 
  1174 	@note  In case there is an error, a negative error value from system wide error should be returned.
  1175 	*/
  1176 	virtual TInt DigitalZoom() const=0;
  1178 	/** 
  1179 	Sets the digital zoom value. Triggers a KUidECamEventCameraSettingDigitalZoom event
  1180 	 to all MCameraObserver2 clients.
  1182 	@param aDigitalZoom 
  1183 	       Required zoom value.
  1185 	*/
  1186 	virtual void SetDigitalZoom(TInt aDigitalZoom)=0;
  1188 	/** 
  1189 	Checks whether exposure value is locked or not.
  1191 	@return whether exposure value is locked or not. 
  1192 			ETrue if locked, EFalse otherwise. 
  1193 	*/
  1194 	virtual TBool ExposureLockOn() const=0;
  1196 	/** 
  1197 	Sets exposure lock state. Triggers a KUidECamEventCameraSettingExposureLock event
  1198 	 to all MCameraObserver2 clients.
  1200 	@param aState 
  1201 	       Required new state.
  1202 	*/
  1203 	virtual void SetExposureLockOn(TBool aState)=0;
  1205 	/** 
  1206 	Checks whether AutoFocus value is locked or not.
  1208 	@return whether AutoFocus value is locked or not. 
  1209 			ETrue if locked, EFalse otherwise. 
  1210 	*/
  1211 	virtual TBool AutoFocusLockOn() const=0;
  1213 	/** 
  1214 	Sets autofocus lock state. Triggers a KUidECamEventCameraSettingAutoFocusLock event
  1215 	to all MCameraObserver2 clients.
  1217 	@param aState 
  1218 	       Required new state.
  1219 	*/
  1220 	virtual void SetAutoFocusLockOn(TBool aState)=0;
  1222 	/** 
  1223 	Gets an array of all the advanced settings parameters supported by the device. 
  1224 	These are identified by UIDs and relate to the set or subset of it of all defined settings UIDs. 
  1226 	@param  aSettings
  1227 	        An empty array of TUids which would be populated by the implementation with 
  1228 	        the UIDs of the supported parameters. If the array is empty on return, 
  1229 	        the camera does not support any settings.  
  1231 	@leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory. May also leave as a result of other system errors.
  1232 	*/
  1233     virtual void GetSupportedSettingsL(RArray<TUid>& aSettings) const=0;
  1235     /** 
  1236 	Gets an array of all the advanced settings parameters currently active on the device. 
  1237 	These are identified by UIDs and relate to the set or subset of it of all supported
  1238 	settings UIDs. 
  1240 	@param  aActiveSettings
  1241 	        An empty array of TUids which would be populated by the implementation with 
  1242 	        the active setting UIDs. If the array is empty on return, 
  1243 	        the camera does not support any settings.  
  1245 	@leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory. May also leave as a result of other system errors. 
  1246 	*/
  1247     virtual void GetActiveSettingsL(RArray<TUid>& aActiveSettings) const=0;
  1249     /** 
  1250 	Gets an array of all the advanced settings parameters currently disabled on the device. 
  1251 	These are identified by UIDs and relate to the set or subset of it of all supported
  1252 	settings UIDs. 
  1254 	@param  aDisabledSettings
  1255 	        An empty array of TUids which would be populated by the implementation with 
  1256 	        the disabled setting UIDs. If the array is empty on return, 
  1257 	        the camera does not support any settings.  
  1259 	@leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory. May also leave as a result of other system errors. 
  1260 	*/
  1261     virtual void GetDisabledSettingsL(RArray<TUid>& aDisabledSettings) const=0;
  1263 	/** 
  1264 	Retrieves the state for automatic size selection option. Default value is EFalse.
  1266 	@return ETrue if the automatic selection is switched on. Default value is EFalse.
  1267 	*/
  1268 	virtual TBool AutomaticSizeSelectionChangeOn() const=0;	
  1270 	/** 
  1271 	Allow camera to proactively change image size due external factors. 
  1272 	Default value is EFalse. Triggers a KUidECamEventCameraSettingAutomaticSizeSelection event notification.
  1273 	@param aSetOn
  1274 	       whether the option should be switched on
  1275 	 */     
  1276 	virtual void SetAutomaticSizeSelectionChangeOn(TBool aSetOn)=0;	
  1278     /** 
  1279     Retrieves the timeout values camera supported by the camera when in continuous auto focus mode. 
  1280     Timeouts are in microseconds.
  1282    	@param  aTimeouts
  1283 	        An empty array to hold timeout values.
  1285 	@param  aInfo 
  1286 			a reference to TValueInfo, which establishes the type of the returned data.
  1288 	@leave  KErrNoMemory Out of memory. May also leave as a result of other system errors.
  1290 	@note   When camera device doesn't support this, empty array should be returned and TValueInfo should be ENotActive
  1291 			and the corresponding getter/setters for this feature should not be used.
  1292     */
  1293     virtual void GetSupportedContinuousAutoFocusTimeoutsL(RArray<TInt>& aTimeouts, TValueInfo& aInfo) const=0;
  1295     /**
  1296     Gets the current value for continuous autofocus timeout. Timeouts are in microseconds.
  1298     @return  the timeout value in microseconds. 
  1300     @note  In case there is an error, a negative error value from system wide error should be returned.
  1301     */
  1302     virtual TInt ContinuousAutoFocusTimeout() const=0; 
  1304     /**
  1305     Sets new value for continuous autofocus timeout. Timeouts are in microseconds.
  1306     All MCameraObserver2 clients of the camera receive a 
  1307     KUidECamEventCameraSettingsContinuousAutoFocusTimeout 
  1308     event notification when timeout value is changed.
  1310     @param  aTimeout
  1311 	        a new timeout value in microseconds. 
  1312     */
  1313     virtual void SetContinuousAutoFocusTimeout(TInt aTimeout)=0;
  1315     /**
  1316     Gets all supported stabilization effects on the device.
  1318     @return an integer - a bitfield of all supported TStabilizationEffect values. 
  1319     */
  1320 	virtual TInt SupportedStabilizationEffects() const=0;
  1322     /**
  1323     Gets current active stabilization effect on the device.
  1325     @return a TStabilizationEffect value.
  1326     */
  1327 	virtual CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TStabilizationEffect StabilizationEffect() const=0;
  1329     /**
  1330     Sets a specific stabilization effect on the device. 
  1331     When a value is set, MCameraObserver2 clients for that camera will receive a 
  1332     KUidECamEventCameraSettingsStabilizationEffect event notification.
  1334     @param aEffect
  1335            stabilization effect selection of type TStabilizationEffect.
  1336     */
  1337     virtual void SetStabilizationEffect(CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TStabilizationEffect aEffect)=0;
  1339     /**
  1340     Gets all supported stabilization algorithm values on the device.
  1342     @return an integer - a bitfield of all supported TStabilizationAlgorithmComplexity values. 
  1343     */
  1344 	virtual TInt SupportedStabilizationComplexityValues() const=0;
  1346     /**
  1347     Gets current active stabilization algorithm selection on the device.
  1349     @return a TStabilizationAlgorithmComplexity value.
  1350     */
  1351 	virtual CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TStabilizationAlgorithmComplexity StabilizationComplexity() const=0;
  1353     /**
  1354     Sets a specific stabilization algorithm on the device. 
  1355     When a value is set, MCameraObserver2 clients for that camera will receive a 
  1356     KUidECamEventSettingsStabilizationAlgorithmComplexity event notification.
  1358     @param aComplexity
  1359            stabilization effect selection of type TStabilizationAlgorithmComplexity.
  1360     */
  1361 	virtual void SetStabilizationComplexity(CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TStabilizationAlgorithmComplexity aComplexity)=0;
  1363     /**
  1364     Gets the units in which the white balance is measured on the device. The methods used to get 
  1365     or set these differ depending on the supported unit type.  
  1366     It is expected that a device will support only a single type or none.
  1368     @return a value of TWBUnits type.   
  1369     */
  1370     virtual CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TWBUnits SupportedWBUnits() const=0;
  1372     /**
  1373     Get white balance value represented as a RGB triplet (TRgb)
  1375     @param aValue
  1376     	   a reference to TRgb object which will contain the current white balance.
  1377     */
  1378 	virtual void GetWBRgbValue(TRgb& aValue) const=0;
  1380     /**
  1381     Set white balance value using a RGB triplet (TRgb). 
  1382     Change in value causes an event notification KUidECamEventCameraSettingsWBValue 
  1383     to be sent to all MCameraObserver2 clients of this camera. 
  1385     @param aValue
  1386     	   a const reference to TRgb object, which contains the new white balance.
  1387     */
  1388     virtual void SetWBRgbValue(const TRgb& aValue)=0;
  1390     /**
  1391     Get the white balance values, as temperature measured in Kelvin, supported on the device.
  1393 	@param  aWBColorTemperatures
  1394         	A reference to an empty array of TInt which would be populated by the implementation with 
  1395         	the specific supported values. 
  1397 	@param  aInfo 
  1398 	        a reference to TValueInfo, which establishes the type of the returned data.     
  1400 	@note   When camera device doesn't support this, empty array should be returned and TValueInfo should be ENotActive,
  1401 			and the corresponding getter/setters for this feature should not be used.
  1402     */
  1403 	virtual void GetWBSupportedColorTemperaturesL(RArray<TInt>& aWBColorTemperatures, TValueInfo& aInfo) const=0;
  1405     /**
  1406     Get the white balance as a temperature in Kelvin.
  1408     @return current white balance value as a temperature in Kelvins.
  1410     @note  In case there is an error, a negative error value from system wide error should be returned.
  1411     */
  1412  	virtual TInt WBColorTemperature() const=0;   
  1414  	/**
  1415     Set white balance value using a temperature, measured in Kelvin. 
  1416     Change in value causes an event notification KUidECamEventCameraSettingsWBValue 
  1417     to be sent to all MCameraObserver2 clients of this camera. 
  1419     @param aWBColorTemperature
  1420     	   the new white balance value in Kelvin.
  1421     */
  1422 	virtual void SetWBColorTemperature(TInt aWBColorTemperature)=0;
  1423 	};
  1426 /** 
  1427 Mixin class for implementation by providers of some enhanced functionalities of the 
  1428 Advanced Settings Camera Extension API.
  1430 @publishedPartner
  1431 @released	
  1432 */	
  1433 class MCameraAdvancedSettings2
  1434 	{
  1436 public:
  1437 	/** 
  1438 	Releases the interface. 
  1439 	*/
  1440 	virtual void Release()=0;
  1442 	/** 
  1443  	Checks whether the flash is ready.
  1445     @param 	aReady
  1446     		A reference to a boolean set by the implementation to ETrue if the flash is ready, 
  1447     		EFalse otherwise.
  1449  	@return KErrNotSupported if the implementation of this method is not supported.
  1450  	*/	
  1451  	virtual TInt IsFlashReady(TBool& aReady) const=0;
  1453  	/**
  1454     Get the number of focus steps for current focus mode.
  1456  	@param  aFocusModeSteps
  1457          	A reference to an empty array of TInt which would be populated by the implementation with 
  1458          	the specific supported values. 
  1460  	@param  aInfo 
  1461  	        a reference to TValueInfo, which establishes the type of the returned data. 
  1463  	@leave  KErrNotSupported if the implementation of this method is not supported. May also leave as a result of other system errors.
  1465     @note   When camera device doesn't support this, empty array should be returned and TValueInfo should be ENotActive, 
  1466             and the corresponding getter/setters for this feature should not be used.
  1467     */
  1468  	virtual void GetCurrentFocusModeStepsL(RArray<TInt>& aFocusModeSteps, TValueInfo& aInfo) const=0;
  1469 	};
  1471 /** 
  1472 Mixin class for implementation by providers of 'some of the enhanced functionalities' of the 
  1473 Advanced Settings Camera Extension API.
  1475 @publishedPartner
  1476 @released	
  1477 */	
  1478 class MCameraAdvancedSettings3
  1479 	{
  1481 public:
  1482 	/** 
  1483 	Releases the interface. 
  1484 	*/
  1485 	virtual void Release()=0;
  1487 	/**
  1488  	Gets all supported ISO types on the device.
  1490  	@param  aSupportedISORateTypes 
  1491  			A reference to an integer which is a bitfield of all supported TISORateType values. 
  1492  			EISONone means feature is not supported.
  1494   	@leave  May leave as a result of some error. 
  1495   	*/	
  1496 	virtual void GetSupportedISORateTypeL(TInt& aSupportedISORateTypes) const=0;
  1498 	/** 
  1499 	Set the type of ISO rate and the exposure parameter or value specified.
  1501 	@param 	aISORateType
  1502 			The type of ISO rate to be set.
  1504 	@param  aParam
  1505 			Depending on the value of aISORateType, possible values of aParam are one of the following:-
  1506 			The value of ISO rate to be used in case of manual type of ISO rate (EISOManual). 
  1507 			OR
  1508 			Redundant parameter in case of unprioritised type of auto ISO (EISOAutoUnPrioritised). It is left to the camera hardware/firmware 
  1509 			to decide how the ISO rate is selected. No priority regarding exposure is specified.
  1510 			OR
  1511 			Highest ISO rate to be picked by the camera while deciding for the best exposure in case of ISO prioritised 
  1512 			type of auto ISO (EISOAutoISOPrioritised). ISO rate closest to this (and lower) may be used so that best possible exposure is achieved.
  1513 			OR
  1514 			Slowest shutter speed to be picked by the camera while deciding for the best exposure in case of shutter speed 
  1515 			prioritised type of auto ISO (EISOAutoShutterSpeedPrioritised). After using this shutter speed, ISO rate is chosen by the camera to achieve 
  1516 			proper exposure. Shutter speed closest to this (and faster) may be used so that best possible exposure is achieved.
  1517 			OR
  1518 			Minimum aperture opening (deepest depth of field) to be picked by the camera while deciding 
  1519 			for the best exposure in case of aperture prioritised type of auto ISO (EISOAutoAperturePrioritised). After using this aperture opening, ISO
  1520 			rate is chosen by the camera to achieve proper exposure. Aperture opening closest to this (and wider) may be 
  1521 			used to achieve best possible exposure.
  1523 	@note   Triggers KUidECamEventCameraSettingIsoRateType to all MCameraObserver2 clients of the camera. 
  1524 			Uses HandleEvent to report the result or any possible error. 
  1525 	*/	
  1526 	virtual void SetISORate(CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TISORateType aISORateType, TInt aParam)=0;
  1528 	/** 
  1529  	Get the type of ISO rate, exposure parameter and value set.
  1531 	@param 	aISORateType
  1532 			A reference to the type of ISO rate set. EISONone means feature is not supported.
  1534 	@param  aParam
  1535 			Depending on the value of aISORateType, possible values of aParam are one of the following:-
  1536 			A reference to the redundant parameter in case of manual type of ISO rate(EISOManual) 
  1537 			OR
  1538 			A reference to the redundant parameter in case of unprioritised type of auto ISO(EISOAutoUnPrioritised)
  1539 			OR
  1540     		A reference to the highest ISO rate that may be picked up in case of ISO prioritised type of auto ISO(EISOAutoISOPrioritised) 
  1541     		OR
  1542 			A reference to the slowest shutter speed that may be picked up in case of shutter speed prioritised type of auto ISO(EISOAutoShutterSpeedPrioritised) 
  1543 			OR
  1544 			A reference to the minimum aperture opening that may be picked up in case of aperture prioritised type of auto ISO(EISOAutoAperturePrioritised)
  1546 	@param  aISORate   
  1547 			A reference to the value of ISO rate currently being used, if camera device is capable of doing that. 
  1548 			Otherwise KErrNotFound should be retrieved indicating the incapability of camera.
  1550 	@leave  May leave as a result of some other error.
  1552 	@note   Since camera hardware may be incapable of providing the actual ISO value when one of the auto ISO type has 
  1553 			been set, then, in these cases, the 3rd argument should be retrieved as KErrNotFound.    
  1554 	*/	
  1555 	virtual void GetISORateL(CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TISORateType& aISORateType, TInt& aParam, TInt& aISORate) const=0;
  1557 	/**
  1558 	Provide reference screen for orientation information.
  1560 	@param  aScreenDevice
  1561 			A reference to the screen device.
  1563 	@note	For consistency, when DSA view finder runs, it also provides a screen device. So, the DSA view finder's internal implementation 
  1564 			should call this method with the screen device passed ( 2nd argument to DSA view finder) to avoid disparity in knowing the refeence screen.
  1565 			Triggers KUidECamEventCameraSettingReferenceScreen to all MCameraObserver2 clients of the camera. 
  1566 			Uses HandleEvent to report the result or any possible error. 
  1567 	*/	
  1568 	virtual void SetReferenceScreen(CWsScreenDevice& aScreenDevice)=0;
  1570 	/**
  1571 	Get the digital zoom steps for the still image when a particular image format and size are specified.
  1573 	@param  aDigitalZoomSteps
  1574 			A reference to an empty array of TInt to hold digital zoom step values for still image and multiplied by 
  1575 			KECamFineResolutionFactor to retain precision. If list returned is empty, this means feature is not supported.
  1577 	@param  aInfo
  1578 			A reference to TValueInfo, which establishes the type of the returned data.
  1580 	@param  aSizeIndex
  1581 			A value providing the size index which must be in the range 0 to TCameraInfo::iNumImageSizesSupported-1
  1582 			inclusive.
  1584 	@param  aFormat
  1585 			A value providing the image format which must be one of the formats supported. (see 
  1586 			TCameraInfo::iImageFormatsSupported)
  1588 	@param  aIsInfluencePossible
  1589 			If True, signals that digital zoom step values may be influenced by some hardware factor like stabilization etc.
  1590 			If False, no influence possible.
  1592 	@leave  KErrNoMemory Out of memory. May leave with any other error code.
  1594 	@note   This method retrieves the supported digital zoom steps irrespective of any stabilization influence. 
  1595 			In case of stabilization etc. influence, the setting function should set the best possible digital zoom value 
  1596 			and return error KErrECamDigitalZoomLimited along with dedicated event.
  1598 	@note	When camera device doesn't support this feature, empty array should be returned and TValueInfo should be ENotActive,
  1599 			and the corresponding getter/setters for this feature should not be used.
  1601 	@note	Implementation recommendation for old methods which are used to retrieve the supported digital zoom values, is
  1602 			to provide only safe values suitable in every cases.
  1603 	*/
  1604 	virtual void GetDigitalZoomStepsForStillL(RArray<TInt>& aDigitalZoomSteps, TValueInfo& aInfo, TInt aSizeIndex, 
  1605 					CCamera::TFormat aFormat, TBool& aIsInfluencePossible) const=0;
  1607 	/**
  1608 	Get the digital zoom steps for the video when a particular video frame format, size and rate are specified.
  1610 	@param  aDigitalZoomSteps
  1611 			A reference to an empty array of TInt to hold digital zoom step values for video and multiplied by 
  1612 			KECamFineResolutionFactor to retain precision. If list returned is empty, this means feature is not supported.
  1614 	@param  aInfo
  1615 			A reference to TValueInfo, which establishes the type of the returned data.
  1617 	@param  aFrameRateIndex
  1618 			A value providing the rate index must be in the range 0 to TCameraInfo::iNumVideoFrameRatesSupported-1
  1619 	        inclusive.
  1621 	@param  aSizeIndex
  1622 			A value providing the size index which must be in the range 0 to TCameraInfo::iNumVideoFrameSizesSupported-1
  1623 			inclusive.
  1625 	@param  aFormat
  1626 			A value providing the format which must be one of the video frame formats supported. (see
  1627 	        TCameraInfo::iVideoFrameFormatsSupported)
  1629 	@param  aIsInfluencePossible
  1630 			If True, signals that digital zoom step values may be influenced by some hardware factor like stabilization etc.
  1631 			If False, no influence possible.
  1633 	@param  aExposure
  1634 			The exposure mode.
  1636 	@leave  KErrNoMemory Out of memory. May leave with any other error code.
  1638 	@note   This method retrieves the supported digital zoom steps irrespective of any stabilization influence. 
  1639 			In case of stabilization etc. influence, the setting function should set the best possible digital zoom value 
  1640 			and return error KErrECamDigitalZoomLimited along with dedicated event.
  1642 	@note	When camera device doesn't support this, empty array should be returned and TValueInfo should be ENotActive,
  1643 			and the corresponding getter/setters for this feature should not be used.
  1645 	@note	Implementation recommendation for old methods which are used to retrieve the supported digital zoom values, is
  1646 			to provide only safe values suitable in every cases.
  1647 	*/
  1648 	virtual void GetDigitalZoomStepsForVideoL(RArray<TInt>& aDigitalZoomSteps, TValueInfo& aInfo, TInt aFrameRateIndex, 
  1649 					TInt aSizeIndex, CCamera::TFormat aFormat, TBool& aIsInfluencePossible, CCamera::TExposure aExposure) const=0;
  1650 	/**
  1651 	Retrieves the pre capture warnings supported for a given camera mode
  1653 	@param  aCameraMode
  1654 			Desired camera mode for which the supported pre capture warnings may be retrieved.
  1656 	@param 	aPreCaptureWarningSupported
  1657 			A bitfield of all supported TPreCaptureWarning to be issued in the given camera mode. 
  1658 			If no pre capture warning supported for the given camera mode, EPCWNone is retrieved.
  1660 	@leave  May leave with any error. 
  1661 	*/
  1662 	virtual void GetPreCaptureWarningSupportedL(CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TCameraMode aCameraMode, TInt& aPreCaptureWarningSupported) const=0;
  1664 	/**
  1665 	Subscribe in order to receive event which indicates warnings on occurrence of some specific unfavourable 
  1666 	conditions before image/video capture.
  1668 	@param  aPreCaptureWarning
  1669 			A bitfield specifying all the TPreCaptureWarning types to be subscribed for. 
  1671 	@note	When any of the subscribed warnings (represented by aPreCaptureWarning) get generated by the camera device, 
  1672 			event KUidECamEventCameraSettingPreCaptureWarning is issued. TECAMEvent2 class should be used in order to 
  1673 			provide the status of every PreCaptureWarning. 
  1675 	@leave  May leave with any error.
  1676 	*/
  1677 	virtual void SubscribeToPreCaptureWarningL(TInt aPreCaptureWarning)=0;
  1679 	/**
  1680 	Unsubscribe so that further events are not received when warnings get issued.
  1682 	@leave  May leave with any error.
  1683 	*/
  1684 	virtual void UnSubscribePreCaptureWarningL()=0;
  1686 	/**
  1687 	Get the status of every warnings defined.
  1689 	@param  aPreCaptureWarning
  1690 			A reference to the integer - bitfield  representing all the TPreCaptureWarning types issued.
  1692 	@leave  May leave with any error.
  1694 	@note   This method may be called after receiving the event KUidECamEventCameraSettingPreCaptureWarning OR
  1695 			user may also opt for polling on this.
  1696 	*/
  1697 	virtual void GetPreCaptureWarningL(TInt& aPreCaptureWarning) const=0;
  1699 	/**
  1700 	Retrieve the different supported AF assistant light. 
  1702 	@param  aSupportedAFAssistantLight
  1703 	        A reference to integer - bitfield indicating the supported AF assistant light.
  1704 		    If EAFAssistantLightOff, this means AF assistant light is not supported. 
  1705 		    If EAFAssistantLightManualOn, then manual AF assistant light is supported.  
  1706 		    If EAFAssistantLightAuto, auto assistant light is supported. 
  1707 		    If combination of EAFAssistantLightManualOn||EAFAssistantLightAuto , then both manual and Auto assistant light are supported.
  1709 	@leave  May leave with any error.
  1710 	*/
  1711 	virtual void GetSupportedAFAssistantLightL(TInt& aSupportedAFAssistantLight) const=0;
  1713 	/**
  1714 	Get the type ( and state) of AF assistant light currently set.
  1716 	@param  aAFAssistantLight
  1717 			A reference to AF assistant light.
  1718 			If EAFAssistantLightOff, then manual and auto assistant light are switched off.
  1719 			If EAFAssistantLightManualOn, manual assistant light is switched on. 
  1720 			If EAFAssistantLightAuto, AF assistant light is set to auto.
  1722 	@leave  May leave with any error. 
  1723 	*/
  1724 	virtual void GetAFAssistantLightL(CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TAFAssistantLight& aAFAssistantLight) const=0;
  1726 	/**
  1727 	Set a particular type ( and state) of AF assistant light.
  1729 	@param  aAFAssistantLight
  1730 			Type of AF assistant light to be set.
  1731 			If EAFAssistantLightOff, switch off the manual or auto assistant light.
  1732 			If EAFAssistantLightManualOn, manually switch on the assistant light. 
  1733 			If EAFAssistantLightAuto, camera will automatically switch it on/off as per the conditions.
  1735 	@note   Triggers KUidECamEventCameraSettingAFAssistantLight to all MCameraObserver2 clients of the camera. 
  1736 			Uses HandleEvent to report the result or any possible error.
  1737 	*/	
  1738 	virtual void SetAFAssistantLight(CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TAFAssistantLight aAFAssistantLight)=0; 
  1739 	};
  1741 /** 
  1742 Mixin class for implementation by providers of 'advanced camera feature extensions' of the 
  1743 Advanced Settings Camera Extension API.
  1745 @publishedPartner
  1746 @prototype	
  1747 */	
  1748 class MCameraAdvancedSettings4
  1749 	{
  1751 public:
  1752 	/** 
  1753 	Releases the interface. 
  1754 	*/
  1755 	virtual void Release()=0;
  1757 	/**
  1758 	Retrieves the supported continuous zoom types.
  1760 	@param  aSupportedContinuousZoomType
  1761 			Retrieves a bitfield of TUint which indicates the supported continuous zoom type as given by 
  1762 			CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TContinuousZoomType
  1764 	@leave  May leave with any error code.
  1765 	*/
  1766 	virtual void GetSupportedContinuousZoomTypeL(TUint& aSupportedContinuousZoomType) const=0;
  1768 	/**
  1769 	Retrieves the minimum, current and maximum focal length in millimeters. This information is useful to find out 
  1770 	which zoom directions can be used on the fly.
  1772 	@param  aMinFocalLength
  1773 			Minimum focal length if positive. 
  1774 			Error value if negative (for example, KErrNotFound if information not available).
  1776 	@param  aCurrentFocalLength
  1777 			Current focal length if positive. 
  1778 			Error value if negative (for example, KErrNotFound if information not available).
  1780 	@param  aMaxFocalLength
  1781 			Maximum focal length if positive. 
  1782 			Error value if negative (for example, KErrNotFound if information not available).
  1784 	@leave  May leave with any error code.
  1785 	*/	
  1786 	virtual void GetFocalLengthInfoL(TInt& aMinFocalLength, TInt& aCurrentFocalLength, TInt& aMaxFocalLength) const=0;
  1788 	/**
  1789 	Retrieves the total number of operation preferences supported by the implementation. Operation preferences are 
  1790 	specified in terms of performance vectors, that is, speed, quality, low memory consumption and low power consumption.
  1792 	@param  aNumOperationPreferenceSupported
  1793 			Retrieves the number of operation preferences supported.
  1795 	@leave  May leave with any error code.
  1796 	*/
  1797 	virtual void GetNumOperationPreferenceL(TUint& aNumOperationPreferenceSupported) const=0;
  1799 	/**
  1800 	Enumerate the available operation preferences.
  1802 	@param  aOperationPreferenceIndex
  1803 			A particular index which represents an operation preference. The level of different performance vectors may be known 
  1804 			through other arguments. This varies from 0 to n-1, where n is given by GetNumOperationPreferenceL(n).
  1806 	@param  aSpeedLevel
  1807 			A TPerformanceLevel which specifies the speed level related to the index aOperationPreferenceIndex.
  1809 	@param  aQualityLevel
  1810 			A TPerformanceLevel which specifies the quality level related to the index aOperationPreferenceIndex.
  1812 	@param  aLowMemoryConsumptionLevel
  1813 			A TPerformanceLevel which specifies the low memory consumption level related to the index aOperationPreferenceIndex.
  1814 			The lower the memory consumption, the higher the level.
  1816 	@param  aLowPowerConsumptionLevel
  1817 			A TPerformanceLevel which specifies the low power consumption level related to the index aOperationPreferenceIndex.
  1818 			The lower the power consumption, the higher the level.
  1820 	@note   It is up to the implementation how the performance levels are achieved. For example, shutter opening, JPEQ quality 
  1821 			and parallel buffering in case of streamed image output can be controlled in order to provide the desired 
  1822 			performance.
  1824 	@leave  May leave with any error code.
  1825 	*/
  1826 	virtual void EnumerateOperationPreferenceL(TUint aOperationPreferenceIndex, CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::
  1827 						TPerformanceLevel& aSpeedLevel, CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TPerformanceLevel& aQualityLevel, 
  1828 						CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TPerformanceLevel& aLowMemoryConsumptionLevel, 
  1829 						CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TPerformanceLevel& aLowPowerConsumptionLevel) const=0;
  1831 	/**
  1832 	Set a particular operation preference.
  1834 	@param  aOperationPreferenceIndex
  1835 			An index which reveals a set of levels to be used for performance vectors, that is, speed, quality, low memory 
  1836 			consumption and low power consumption.
  1838 	@note   Event KUidECamEventCameraSettingOperationPreference is used to notify clients about setting an operation preference.
  1839 	*/										
  1840 	virtual void SetOperationPreference(TUint aOperationPreferenceIndex)=0;
  1842 	/**
  1843 	Get the current operation preference being used.
  1845 	@param  aOperationPreferenceIndex
  1846 			Currently used operation preference index.
  1848 	@leave  May leave with any error code. 
  1849 	*/
  1850 	virtual void GetOperationPreferenceL(TInt& aOperationPreferenceIndex) const=0;
  1852 	/**
  1853 	Retrieves the event uids which the underlying implementation supports. The client may use these events notifications as
  1854 	milestones in their application.
  1856 	@param  aSupportedEvents
  1857 			Retrieves as array of TUid. Every member of the array represents a supported event uid. These events are ECAM 
  1858 			component wide. 
  1860 	@leave  May leave with any error code.
  1862 	@note   This method may retrieve unrecognized events which may be introduced later on.
  1863 	*/	
  1864 	virtual void GetSupportedEventsL(RArray<TUid>& aSupportedEvents) const=0;
  1866 	/**
  1867 	Retrieves the indirect feature changes which occur because of a particular requested feature change.
  1868 	Since the camera setting operation is asynchronous in nature, changing a particular camera feature, in certain cases, 
  1869 	involves indirectly changing another feature. In order to notify the ECam client about this indirect feature change, 
  1870 	event KUidECamEvent2IndirectFeatureChange is issued. After this notification, the client may use this method to retrieve 
  1871 	the	full list of indirect feature changes.
  1873 	@param  aRequestedSetting
  1874 			The actual requested feature change. This uid is supposed to be ECAM component wide and not restricted to 
  1875 			advanced camera settings.
  1877 	@param  aIndirectFeatureChanges
  1878 			An array of uids which retrieves the indirect feature changes. These uids are supposed to be ECAM component wide 
  1879 			and not restricted to advanced camera settings.
  1881 	@leave  May leave with any error code.
  1882 	*/
  1883 	virtual void GetIndirectFeatureChangesL(TUid aRequestedSetting, RArray<TUid>& aIndirectFeatureChanges) const=0;
  1885 	/**
  1886 	Retrieves the concrete factory handle for the continuous zoom implementation.
  1888 	@param  aImplFactoryPtr
  1889 		    The concrete factory handle for the continuous zoom implementation.
  1891 	@leave  May leave with any error code.
  1892 	*/
  1893 	virtual void CreateContinuousZoomImplFactoryL(MImplementationFactory*& aImplFactoryPtr) const=0;
  1894 	};
  1896 /** 
  1897 Mixin class for implementation by providers of the Presets Camera Extension API.
  1899 This API is used to simplify user - camera interaction by allowing simultaneous
  1900 setting of various advanced camera hardware settings using a single parameter.
  1902 A preset is identified by a single UID and relates to a known predefined outcome. 
  1903 For example the 'Night' Preset is used to set the camera into a night mode 
  1904 so that the user can take photos in dark conditions. 
  1906 The settings associated with a particular preset and their specific values and ranges 
  1907 are specific to each type of camera hardware and are therefore not defined by the API. 
  1909 @publishedPartner
  1910 @released 	
  1911 */
  1912 class MCameraPresets 
  1913 	{
  1915 public:
  1917 	/** 
  1918 	Releases the interface. 
  1919 	*/
  1920     virtual void Release()=0; 
  1922 	/** 
  1923 	Gets the presets supported by the device. These are identified by UIDs 
  1924 	and relate to a known expected outcome.
  1925 	The settings associated with a particular preset and their specific values and ranges are 
  1926 	specific to each type of camera hardware and are therefore not defined by the API. 
  1928 	@param  aPresets
  1929 	        An empty array of TUids which the API implementation must populate with the specific supported preset values. If the array is empty on return, 
  1930         	the camera does not support presets.   
  1932 	@leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory. May also leave as a result of other system errors.
  1933 	*/
  1934     virtual void GetSupportedPresetsL(RArray<TUid>& aPresets) const=0;
  1936     /** 
  1937 	Sets a specific preset supported by the camera.  
  1938 	All clients, implementing the MCameraObserver2 interface will receive a notification 
  1939 	with the UID of the specific preset, signalling a new preset has been selected.
  1941 	@param  aPreset 
  1942 	        The UID of the new requested preset.
  1944 	@note A particular preset is only active if it was established (through a call to 
  1945 	MCameraPresets ::SetPreset()) as the most recent operation affecting camera settings. 
  1946 	If some other camera setting is changed after calling MCameraPresets ::SetPreset() 
  1947 	then the preset is no longer active. 
  1948 	*/
  1949     virtual void SetPreset(TUid aPreset)=0;
  1951     /** 
  1952 	Gets the preset that was established by the last call to MCameraPresets ::SetPreset()
  1954 	@return  The UID of the preset. If there is no active preset then the 
  1955 	         returned value is KNullUid.
  1957 	@note A particular preset is only active if it was established (through a call to 
  1958 	MCameraPresets ::SetPreset()) as the most recent operation affecting camera settings. 
  1959 	If some other camera setting is changed after calling MCameraPresets ::SetPreset() 
  1960 	then the preset is no longer active. 
  1961 	*/
  1962     virtual TUid Preset() const=0;
  1964     /**
  1965     Gets all settings affected by the current preset. All settings that are related to 
  1966     the preset in question will be included in the list, including any whose values 
  1967     have not changed as a result of applying the preset.
  1969     @param  aSettings
  1970 	        An empty array of TUids which the API implementation must populate with the specific settings.
  1972 	@leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory. May also leave as a result of other system errors.
  1973 	*/
  1974     virtual void GetAffectedSettingsL(RArray<TUid>& aSettings) const=0;
  1976     /**
  1977     Gets all settings associated with a specific preset. This function does not require a preset to have been set prior the call as in 
  1978     GetAffectedSettingsL() function.
  1979     The returned array will contain the UIDs of all settings which are associated and 
  1980     potentially affected by that particular preset.
  1982     @param  aPreset 
  1983             the UID of the preset in question.
  1985     @param  aSettings
  1986 	        An empty array of TUids which would be populated by the implementation with 
  1987 	        the UIDs of the settings associated with that preset. 
  1989 	@leave KErrArgument if the preset UID is not recognised 
  1990 	@leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory. May also leave as a result of other system errors.
  1991 	*/
  1992     virtual void GetAssociatedSettingsL(TUid aPreset, RArray<TUid>& aSettings) const=0;
  1993 	};
  1995 /**
  1996 Mixin class for implementation of extra methods of the Presets Camera Extension API.
  1998 @publishedPartner
  1999 @prototype
  2000 */
  2001 class MCameraPresets2 
  2002 	{
  2004 public:
  2006 	/** 
  2007 	Releases the interface. 
  2008 	*/
  2009     virtual void Release()=0; 
  2011     /**
  2012     Retrieves those settings for which ranges have been restricted in order to let the camera work in a given preset mode.
  2013     The client will be notified of range restrictions through uid KUidECamEventRangeRestricted. After receiving this 
  2014     notification, the client may use this method to retrieve those settings whose ranges have been restricted.
  2016     @param  aRangeRestrictedSettings
  2017     		An array of uid which represents those settings whose ranges have been restricted. These settings are ECam 
  2018     		component wide. For each of the settings, the client can query about the restricted range as per the usual way.
  2020     @leave  May leave with any error code.
  2021     */
  2022     virtual void GetRangeRestrictedSettingsL(RArray<TUid>& aRangeRestrictedSettings) const=0;
  2024     /**
  2025     Retrieves those settings which have been restricted (settings no longer supported) in order to let the camera work in a given preset mode.
  2026     The client will be notified of feature restrictions through uid KUidECamEventFeatureRestricted. After receiving this 
  2027     notification, the client may use this method to retrieve these settings.
  2029     @param  aFeatureRestrictedSettings
  2030     		An array of uid which represents those settings which have been restricted. These settings are ECam 
  2031     		component wide.
  2033     @leave  May leave with any error code.
  2034     */
  2035     virtual void GetFeatureRestrictedSettingsL(RArray<TUid>& aFeatureRestrictedSettings) const=0;
  2037     /**
  2038     Retrieves information about whether the preset unlock feature is supported or not. Unlocking the preset helps in making some 
  2039     further changes in the setting after the camera works in a particular preset mode
  2041     @param  aUnlockSupported
  2042     		ETrue indicates preset unlock feature is supported.
  2043     		EFalse indicates preset lock feature is not supported.
  2045     @leave  May leave with any error code.
  2046     */
  2047     virtual void IsPresetUnlockSupportedL(TBool& aUnlockSupported) const=0;
  2049 	/**
  2050 	Locks the preset for any further setting changes.
  2052 	@note   Event KUidECamEventPresetLocked is used to notify clients that the preset has been locked.
  2053 	*/
  2054 	virtual void LockPreset()=0;
  2056 	/**
  2057 	Unlocks the preset to apply further setting changes.
  2059 	@note   Event KUidECamEventPresetUnlocked is used to notify clients that the preset has been unlocked.
  2060 	*/
  2061 	virtual void UnlockPreset()=0;
  2062 	};
  2064 /**
  2065 Mixin class for implementation of extra methods of the Continuous Zoom API.
  2067 @internalTechnology
  2068 @prototype
  2069 */
  2070 class MCameraContinuousZoom
  2071 	{
  2072 public:
  2074 	/**
  2075 	Passes both the continuous zoom observer and pointer to the continuous zoom class to the implementation so callbacks 
  2076 	can be sent to the client along with the continuous zoom handle.
  2078 	@param  aObserver
  2079 			The reference to the continuous zoom observer.
  2081 	@param  aContinuousZoomHandle
  2082 			The pointer to the continuous zoom class object.
  2084 	@see    MContinuousZoomObserver
  2085 	*/
  2086 	virtual void SetContinuousZoomObserverAndHandle(MContinuousZoomObserver& aObserver, CCamera::CCameraContinuousZoom* aContinuousZoomHandle)=0;
  2088 	/**
  2089 	Starts the continuous zoom operation. Clients will receive MContinuousZoomObserver::ContinuousZoomProgress() callback for intermediate zoom factors
  2090 	achieved. It is up to the implementation to choose the zoom factors for which it will issue this callback. Implementation will not use this callback to notify
  2091 	reaching the target zoom factor. This will be done via MContinuousZoomObserver::ContinuousZoomComplete() callback.
  2093 	@param  aContinuousZoomParameters
  2094 			The desired parameters to be used for the continuous zoom operation.
  2096 	@note  If the implementation does not support re-configuring of zoom parameters whilst an existing continuous zoom operation is active then
  2097 		   StartContinuousZoomL() will leave with KErrInUse.
  2099 	@note  If client has selected EDirectionTele zoom direction and the current zoom factor is greater than the target zoom factor, StartContinuousZoomL()
  2100 		   will leave with KErrArgument. Similarly, StartContinuousZoomL() will also leave with KErrArgument if client has selected EDirectionWide zoom
  2101 		   direction and current zoom factor is less than target zoom factor.
  2103 	@leave  May leave with any error code.
  2104 	*/
  2105 	virtual void StartContinuousZoomL(CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TContinuousZoomParameters aContinuousZoomParameters)=0;
  2107 	/**
  2108 	Stop any exisiting continuous zoom operation.
  2109 	Since this method is synchronous, no callback shall be issued for the concerned continuous zoom operation.
  2110 	*/
  2111 	virtual void StopContinuousZoom()=0;
  2113 	/**
  2114 	Retrieves information about the supported settings related to continuous zoom support.
  2116 	@param  aContinuousZoomInfo
  2117 			The information of supported continuous zoom functionality.
  2119 	@leave  May leave with any error code.
  2120 	*/
  2121 	virtual void GetContinuousZoomSupportInfoL(CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TContinuousZoomSupportInfo& aContinuousZoomInfo) const=0;
  2123 	/**
  2124 	Retrieves the unique id of the continuous zoom object.
  2125 	This is used to identify the continuous zoom handle returned to clients via the MContinuousZoomObserver callback.
  2127 	@param  aZoomId
  2128 			The unique id of this Continuous Zoom object.
  2129 	*/
  2130 	virtual void GetContinuousZoomId(TInt& aZoomId) const=0;
  2132 	/** 
  2133 	Releases the interface. 
  2134 	*/
  2135 	virtual void Release()=0;
  2136 	};