changeset 0 40261b775718
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:40261b775718
     1 // Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 /**
    17  @file
    18  @publishedAll
    19  @released
    20 */
    22 #include <ecam/mcameraoverlay.h>
    24 #include <ecam/cameraoverlayconst.h>
    25 #endif
    26 #include "ecamversion.h"
    28 const TUint KBaselinedOverlayModeMask = (CCamera::CCameraOverlay::EModeVideo << 1) - 1;
    29 const TUint KOverlayGlobalStillMode = (CCamera::CCameraOverlay::EModeStillImageContinuous 
    30 									 | CCamera::CCameraOverlay::EModeStillImageBracket 
    31 									 | CCamera::CCameraOverlay::EModeStillImageBracketMerge 
    32 									 | CCamera::CCameraOverlay::EModeStillImageTimed 
    33 									 | CCamera::CCameraOverlay::EModeStillImageTimeLapse 
    34 									 | CCamera::CCameraOverlay::EModeStillImageBurst);
    35 /**
    36 Factory function that creates a new camera overlay object on the heap.
    38 @param	aCamera
    39 		A reference to the camera object for which a camera overlay object is to be created.
    41 @leave  KErrNoMemory if out of memory; also any system wide error.
    43 @return A pointer to the newly created camera overlay object.
    45 @note  Clients using MCameraObserver are not recommended to use this extension class since they cannot handle events.
    46 */
    48 EXPORT_C CCamera::CCameraOverlay* CCamera::CCameraOverlay::NewL(CCamera& aCamera)
    49 	{
    50 	CCamera::CCameraOverlay* self = new (ELeave) CCamera::CCameraOverlay(aCamera);
    51 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    52 	self->ConstructL();
    53 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    55 	return self; 
    56 	}
    58 /**
    59 CCameraOverlay second phase constructor. 
    61 This function used to initialise internal state of the object.
    62 It uses reference to the camera to retrieve overlay interface pointer.
    64 @leave KErrNotSupported if this functionality is not supported; also any system wide error.
    65 */ 
    66 void CCamera::CCameraOverlay::ConstructL()
    67 	{
    68 	iImpl = static_cast<MCameraOverlay*>(iOwner.CustomInterface(KECamMCameraOverlayUid));
    70 	if (iImpl == NULL)
    71 		{
    72 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
    73 		}
    75 	iImpl2 = static_cast<MCameraOverlay2*>(iOwner.CustomInterface(KECamMCameraOverlay2Uid));
    76 	}
    78 /**
    79 Constructor for the CCamera::CCameraOverlay class.
    81 @param aOwner
    82 		A reference to the camera object for which a camera overlay object is to be created.
    83 */
    84 CCamera::CCameraOverlay::CCameraOverlay(CCamera& aOwner):iOwner(aOwner), iImpl(NULL), iImpl2(NULL)
    85 	{
    86 	}
    88 /**
    89 Destructor for the CCamera::CCameraOverlay class.
    90 */
    91 EXPORT_C CCamera::CCameraOverlay::~CCameraOverlay()
    92 	{
    93 	if (iImpl != NULL)
    94 		{
    95 		iImpl->Release();	
    96 		}
    97 	if (iImpl2 != NULL)
    98 		{
    99 		iImpl2->Release();	
   100 		}
   101 	}
   103 /**
   104 Creates an image overlay object on the ECam implementation, returning a handle to the newly created object.
   106 @param	aParameters
   107 		The parameters characterizing the overlay to be created. 
   108 @param	aBitmap
   109 		The image that is to become the overlay.
   110 		By default this is set to NULL, allowing the client to provide the image at some point after 
   111 		the overlay object has been created, by using SetOverlayBitmapL().
   113 @leave	KErrNoMemory if out of memory; also any system wide error.		
   115 @leave  KErrArgument if the member variables in TOverlayParameters are such that they create mutual exclusion.
   117 @return The overlay handle.
   118 */
   119 EXPORT_C TUint CCamera::CCameraOverlay::CreateOverlayL(const TOverlayParameters& aParameters, CFbsBitmap* aBitmap)
   120 	{
   121 	CCamera::CCameraOverlay::TOverlayParameters overlayParameters = aParameters;
   122 	if (aParameters.iCurrentModes & EModeViewfinder)
   123 		{
   124 		overlayParameters.iCurrentModes |= EModeClientViewfinder;
   125 		overlayParameters.iCurrentModes |= EModeDirectViewfinder;
   126 		}
   127 	if (aParameters.iCurrentModes & EModeStillImage)
   128 		{
   129 		overlayParameters.iCurrentModes |= KOverlayGlobalStillMode;
   130 		}
   131 	return iImpl->CreateOverlayL(overlayParameters, aBitmap);
   132 	}
   134 /**
   135 Allows the overlay image data to be changed for a specified overlay.
   136 Use this function to set the overlay image data if it was not specified when the overlay
   137 was created using CreateOverlayL().
   139 @param	aOverlayHandle
   140 		The handle of the overlay whose overlay image data is to be changed.
   141 @param	aBitmap
   142 		The new image data for the overlay.
   144 @leave	KErrArgument if aOverlayHandle is out of range; also any system wide error.
   146 @note   Once this method is called, overlay size should not be changed for the given overlay. Hence, SetOverlayParametersL 
   147 		should not be called after this method. 
   148 */
   149 EXPORT_C void CCamera::CCameraOverlay::SetOverlayBitmapL(TUint aOverlayHandle, const CFbsBitmap* aBitmap)
   150 	{
   151 	iImpl->SetOverlayBitmapL(aOverlayHandle, aBitmap);
   152 	}
   154 /**
   155 @publishedPartner
   156 @prototype
   158 Allows the overlay image data to be changed for a specified overlay. Ownership of the bitmap is passed to the 
   159 implementation.
   160 Use this function to set the overlay image data if it was not specified when the overlay was created using 
   161 CreateOverlayL().
   163 @param	aOverlayHandle
   164 		The handle of the overlay whose overlay image data is to be changed.
   165 @param	aBitmap
   166 		The new image data for the overlay.
   168 @leave  May leave with any error code.
   170 @note   If required, implementation is free to modify the overlay bitmap passed to it.
   172 @note   SetOverlayParametersL should not be called after this method for the given overlay since it may change the overlay
   173 		parameters considerably. In such a case, SetOverlayParametersL may leave with error KErrArgument. 
   174 */
   175 EXPORT_C void CCamera::CCameraOverlay::SetModifiableOverlayBitmapL(TUint aOverlayHandle, CFbsBitmap* aBitmap)
   176 	{
   177 	if(iImpl2 != NULL)
   178 		{
   179 		iImpl2->SetModifiableOverlayBitmapL(aOverlayHandle, aBitmap);	
   180 		}
   181 	else
   182 		{
   183 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);	
   184 		}	
   185 	}
   187 /**
   188 Gets the overlay image data for a specified overlay.
   190 @param	aOverlayHandle
   191 		The handle of the overlay whose overlay image data is to be obtained.
   192 @param	aBitmap
   193 		A CFbsBitmap that will receive the returned image data for the overlay.
   195 @leave	KErrArgument if aOverlayHandle is out of range; also any system wide error.
   197 @leave  KErrNotSupported if a sharing client (which did not create the given overlay) tries to retrieve the overlay bitmap
   198 		and the implementation may not be interested in providing the overlay.
   200 @note   The ECam implementation will transfer the ownership of the aBitmap to the client.
   201 */
   202 EXPORT_C void CCamera::CCameraOverlay::GetOverlayBitmapL(TUint aOverlayHandle, CFbsBitmap* aBitmap)
   203 	{
   204 	iImpl->GetOverlayBitmapL(aOverlayHandle, aBitmap);
   205 	}
   207 /**
   208 Gets the parameters that characterize a given overlay. 
   210 @param	aOverlayHandle
   211 		The handle of the overlay whose parameters are required.
   212 @param	aInfo
   213 		Reference to TOverlayParameters object that will contain the returned overlay parameters.
   215 @leave	KErrArgument if aOverlayHandle is out of range; also any system wide error.
   216 */
   217 EXPORT_C void CCamera::CCameraOverlay::GetOverlayParametersL(TUint aOverlayHandle, TOverlayParameters& aInfo)
   218 	{
   219 	iImpl->GetOverlayParametersL(aOverlayHandle, aInfo);
   221 	// for clients not using CCamera::New2L() turn new overlay modes into old ones
   222     if (iOwner.CameraVersion() == KCameraDefaultVersion)
   223 	    {
   224         // specific viewfinder modes into "old" EModeViewfinder
   225 	    if (aInfo.iCurrentModes & (EModeClientViewfinder | EModeDirectViewfinder))
   226 	        {
   227 	        aInfo.iCurrentModes |= EModeViewfinder;
   228 	        }
   229 	    // turn different drive modes into "old" EModeStillImage
   230 	    if (aInfo.iCurrentModes & ( EModeStillImageContinuous | EModeStillImageBracket | 
   231 	                                EModeStillImageBracketMerge | EModeStillImageTimed |
   232 	                                EModeStillImageTimeLapse | EModeStillImageBurst
   233 	                                )
   234 	            )
   235 	        {
   236 	        aInfo.iCurrentModes |= EModeStillImage;
   237 	        }
   238 	    // for old clients we present only old set of features
   239 	    aInfo.iCurrentModes &= KBaselinedOverlayModeMask;
   240 	    }
   241 	 else
   242 	 	{
   243 	 	if (aInfo.iCurrentModes & EModeViewfinder)
   244 			{
   245 			aInfo.iCurrentModes |= EModeClientViewfinder;
   246 			aInfo.iCurrentModes |= EModeDirectViewfinder;
   247 			}
   248 		if (aInfo.iCurrentModes & EModeStillImage)
   249 			{
   250 			aInfo.iCurrentModes |= KOverlayGlobalStillMode;
   251 			}
   252 	 	}	
   253 	}
   255 /**
   256 Sets new parameters that characterize a given overlay.
   258 @param	aOverlayHandle
   259 		The handle of the overlay whose parameters are to be changed.
   260 @param	aParameters
   261 		The new overlay parameters.
   263 @leave	KErrNotSupported if TOverlayCameraMode passed in TOverlayParameters is not supported; 
   264 		also any system wide error.
   266 @leave  KErrArgument if the member variables in TOverlayParameters are such that they create mutual exclusion.
   267 */
   268 EXPORT_C void CCamera::CCameraOverlay::SetOverlayParametersL(TUint aOverlayHandle, const TOverlayParameters& aParameters)
   269 	{
   270 	CCamera::CCameraOverlay::TOverlayParameters overlayParameters = aParameters;
   271 	if (aParameters.iCurrentModes & EModeViewfinder)
   272 		{
   273 		overlayParameters.iCurrentModes |= EModeClientViewfinder;
   274 		overlayParameters.iCurrentModes |= EModeDirectViewfinder;
   275 		}
   276 	if (aParameters.iCurrentModes & EModeStillImage)
   277 		{
   278 		overlayParameters.iCurrentModes |= KOverlayGlobalStillMode;
   279 		}	
   281 	iImpl->SetOverlayParametersL(aOverlayHandle, overlayParameters);
   282 	}
   284 /**
   285 Releases the specified overlay handle.
   287 @note 	If the handle specified in aOverlayHandle is invalid (out of range) the function 
   288 		call is ignored and no error is reported.
   290 @param	aOverlayHandle	
   291 		The handle of the overlay that is to be released.
   292 */
   293 EXPORT_C void CCamera::CCameraOverlay::ReleaseOverlay(TUint aOverlayHandle)
   294 	{
   295 	iImpl->ReleaseOverlay(aOverlayHandle);
   296 	}
   298 /**
   299 Gets information on the overlay functionality supported by the ECam implementation.
   301 @param	aInfo
   302 		A reference to a TOverlaySupportInfo object that will receive the overlay support information.
   303 */
   304 EXPORT_C void CCamera::CCameraOverlay::GetOverlaySupport(TOverlaySupportInfo& aInfo)
   305 	{
   306 	iImpl->GetOverlaySupport(aInfo);
   307 	// we hide new overlay modes for clients not using New2L()/NewDuplicate2L()
   308     if (iOwner.CameraVersion() == KCameraDefaultVersion)
   309 	    {
   310 	    aInfo.iSupportedModes &= KBaselinedOverlayModeMask;
   311 	    }
   312 	else
   313 		{
   314 		if (aInfo.iSupportedModes & EModeViewfinder)
   315 			{
   316 			aInfo.iSupportedModes |= EModeClientViewfinder;
   317 			aInfo.iSupportedModes |= EModeDirectViewfinder;
   318 			}
   319 		if (aInfo.iSupportedModes & EModeStillImage)
   320 			{
   321 			aInfo.iSupportedModes |= KOverlayGlobalStillMode;
   322 			}
   323 		}
   324 	}
   326 /**
   327 Gets all the overlay handles maintained by the ECam implementation, in order of their Z-Value.
   329 @param 	aOverlayHandles
   330 		Returned list, in Z-Value order, of all the overlay handles maintained on the ECam implementation.
   331 		The topmost overlay is the first element of the array. 
   333 @leave	KErrNoMemory if out of memory; also any system wide error.	
   335 @note 	Implementation shall give preference to the sequence in which the client has passed the overlay handles in case of 
   336 		any mis-match with the 'z-order' of each such overlay. Implementation shall amend the 'z-order' of the overlays if
   337 		required to remove any ambiguity.
   338 */
   339 EXPORT_C void CCamera::CCameraOverlay::GetAllOverlaysInZOrderL(RArray<TUint>& aOverlayHandles)
   340 	{
   341 	iImpl->GetAllOverlaysInZOrderL(aOverlayHandles);
   342 	}
   344 /**
   345 Sets the Z-Order of all the overlay handles known by this CCameraOverlay object.
   347 @param 	aOverlayHandles
   348 		The overlay handles in aOverlayHandles array. This must be the complete current set 
   349 		of handles known to this CCameraOverlay object. The client specifies the desired 
   350 		order by placing the topmost overlay in the first element of the array.
   352 @leave	KErrNoMemory if out of memory; also any system wide error.	
   354 @note 	Implementation shall give preference to the sequence in which the client has passed the overlay handles in case of 
   355 		any mis-match with the 'z-order' of each such overlay. Implementation shall amend the 'z-order' of the overlays if
   356 		required to remove any ambiguity.	
   357 */
   358 EXPORT_C void CCamera::CCameraOverlay::SetAllOverlaysInZOrderL(const RArray<TUint>& aOverlayHandles)
   359 	{
   360 	iImpl->SetAllOverlaysInZOrderL(aOverlayHandles);
   361 	}
   363 /**
   364 Constructor for the TOverlaySupportInfo class.
   365 */
   366 EXPORT_C CCamera::CCameraOverlay::TOverlaySupportInfo::TOverlaySupportInfo()
   367 	{
   368 	iDesiredCameraMode = CCamera::CCameraOverlay::EModeNone;
   369 	iViewFinderHandle = KECamOverlayInvalidViewFinderHandle;
   370 	}
   372 /** 
   373 Returns the size of the class. Used for extensibility by deriving from this base class and adding new member variables.
   374 Intended to be used for implementation of methods where this class reference is passed as function arguments. 
   375 Implementation of such methods can find out the whether the actual class passed is base or the derived one. So, if a new application 
   376 is made to run on an old implementation, an error may occur once the old implementation detects this by getting 
   377 the size information of the T class passed. Also, if an old application is made to run on a new implementation, this can be 
   378 corrrectly handled if the derived class variables handling is done in a proper 'if-else' statement. 
   380 @return The size of the class.
   382 @note The size will be modified when the T-class gets updated.
   383 */
   384 EXPORT_C TUint CCamera::CCameraOverlay::TOverlaySupportInfo::Size() const
   385 	{
   386 	return sizeof(CCamera::CCameraOverlay::TOverlaySupportInfo);
   387 	}
   389 /**	
   390 Returns the version of the class. Used for extensibility specially when the class members are not added but the Reserved 
   391 members get used at a later stage.
   393 @return The version of the class.
   395 @note The version will be modified when the T-class gets updated.
   396 */
   397 EXPORT_C TUint CCamera::CCameraOverlay::TOverlaySupportInfo::Version() const
   398 	{
   399 	return KECamOverlaySupportInfoCurrentVersion;
   400 	}
   402 /**
   403 Constructor for the TOverlayParameters class.
   404 */	
   405 EXPORT_C CCamera::CCameraOverlay::TOverlayParameters::TOverlayParameters()
   406 	{
   407 	iViewFinderHandle = KECamOverlayInvalidViewFinderHandle;
   408 	}
   410 /** 
   411 Returns the size of the class. Used for extensibility by deriving from this base class and adding new member variables.
   412 Intended to be used for implementation of methods where this class reference is passed as function arguments. 
   413 Implementation of such methods can find out the whether the actual class passed is base or the derived one. So, if a new application 
   414 is made to run on an old implementation, an error may occur once the old implementation detects this by getting 
   415 the size information of the T class passed. Also, if an old application is made to run on a new implementation, this can be 
   416 corrrectly handled if the derived class variables handling is done in a proper 'if-else' statement. 
   418 @return The size of the class.
   420 @note The size will be modified when the T-class gets updated.
   421 */
   422 EXPORT_C TUint CCamera::CCameraOverlay::TOverlayParameters::Size() const
   423 	{
   424 	return sizeof(CCamera::CCameraOverlay::TOverlayParameters);
   425 	}
   427 /**	
   428 Returns the version of the class. Used for extensibility specially when the class members are not added but the Reserved 
   429 members get used at a later stage.
   431 @return The version of the class.
   433 @note The version will be modified when the T-class gets updated.
   434 */
   435 EXPORT_C TUint CCamera::CCameraOverlay::TOverlayParameters::Version() const
   436 	{
   437 	return KECamOverlayParametersCurrentVersion;
   438 	}
   440 /**
   441 @publishedPartner
   442 @prototype
   444 Gets all the overlay handles maintained by the ECam implementation, in order of their z-value, for a particular camera mode.
   445 If for viewfinder, then the handle number is used to get the z-value for the viewfinder whose handle number is passed.
   447 @param  aOverlayCameraMode
   448 		The specific camera mode whose overlays' z-value information is required.
   450 @param  aViewFinderHandle
   451 		The specific viewfinder handle, if overlays' z-value information is required for viewfinder camera mode.
   453 @param 	aOverlayHandles
   454 		Returned list, in z-value order, of all the overlay handles maintained on the ECam implementation.
   455 		The topmost overlay is the first element of the array. 
   457 @leave  May leave with any error code.
   459 @note 	Implementation shall give preference to the sequence in which the client has passed the overlay handles in case of 
   460 		any mis-match with the 'z-order' of each such overlay. Implementation shall amend the 'z-order' of the overlays if
   461 		required to remove any ambiguity.
   462 */
   463 EXPORT_C void CCamera::CCameraOverlay::GetAllOverlaysInZOrderL(CCamera::CCameraOverlay::TOverlayCameraMode aOverlayCameraMode, TInt aViewFinderHandle, RArray<TUint>& aOverlayHandles) const
   464 	{
   465 	if(iImpl2 != NULL)
   466 		{
   467 		iImpl2->GetAllOverlaysInZOrderL(aOverlayCameraMode, aViewFinderHandle, aOverlayHandles);	
   468 		}
   469 	else
   470 		{
   471 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);	
   472 		}	
   473 	}
   475 /**
   476 @publishedPartner
   477 @prototype
   479 Sets all the overlay handles maintained by the ECam implementation, in order of their z-value for a particular camera mode.
   480 If for viewfinder, then the handle number is used to set the z-value for the viewfinder whose handle number is passed.
   482 @param  aOverlayCameraMode
   483 		The specific camera mode whose overlays' z-value is to be set.
   485 @param  aViewFinderHandle
   486 		The specific viewfinder handle, if overlays' z-value is required to be set for viewfinder camera mode.
   488 @param 	aOverlayHandles
   489 		The overlay handles in aOverlayHandles array. This must be the complete current set 
   490 		of handles known to this CCameraOverlay object for the given camera mode (and for the given viewfinder, if applicable). 
   491 		The client specifies the desired order by placing the topmost overlay in the first element of the array.
   493 @leave  May leave with any error code.
   495 @note 	Implementation shall give preference to the sequence in which the client has passed the overlay handles in case of 
   496 		any mis-match with the 'z-order' of each such overlay. Implementation shall amend the 'z-order' of the overlays if
   497 		required to remove any ambiguity.
   498 */
   499 EXPORT_C void CCamera::CCameraOverlay::SetAllOverlaysInZOrderL(CCamera::CCameraOverlay::TOverlayCameraMode aOverlayCameraMode, TInt aViewFinderHandle, const RArray<TUint>& aOverlayHandles)
   500 	{
   501 	if(iImpl2 != NULL)
   502 		{
   503 		iImpl2->SetAllOverlaysInZOrderL(aOverlayCameraMode, aViewFinderHandle, aOverlayHandles);	
   504 		}
   505 	else
   506 		{
   507 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);	
   508 		}
   509 	}