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     1 // Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include "ImageDisplay.h"
    17 #include "ImageDisplayFramework.h"
    18 #include "ImageDisplayMain.h"
    20 /**
    21 Constructs a CImageDisplay object.
    23 @param	aFs
    24         A reference to a file server session for the display API to use.
    25 @param	aCallback
    26         A reference to a Image Display observer object which would recieve status notifications
    27 @return	A pointer to a fully constructed CImageDisplay.
    29 */
    30 EXPORT_C CImageDisplay* CImageDisplay::NewL(MIclImageDisplayObserver& aCallback, RFs& aFs)
    31 	{
    32 	CImageDisplay* self = new(ELeave) CImageDisplay();
    33 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    34 	self->ConstructL(aCallback, aFs);
    35 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    36 	return self;
    37 	}
    39 /**
    40 Constructor for this class.
    41 */
    42 CImageDisplay::CImageDisplay()
    43 	{
    44 	}
    47 /**
    48 Performs second phase of construction
    50 @param	aCallback
    51 		A reference to an observer interface implementation
    53 @param	aFs
    54         A reference to a file server session for the display API to use.
    55 */
    56 void CImageDisplay::ConstructL(MIclImageDisplayObserver& aCallback, RFs& aFs)
    57 	{
    58 	iBody = CImageDisplayFramework::NewL(*this, aCallback, aFs);
    59 	}
    62 /**
    63 This is the destructor for this class
    64 and is responsible for deallocating all resources
    65 */
    67 EXPORT_C CImageDisplay::~CImageDisplay()
    68 	{
    69 	delete iBody;
    70 	}
    72 /**
    73 Specifies the UID of the image display plugin to load
    75 @param	aPluginUid
    76         The plugin's implementation UID
    78 @panic ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence Raised when a plugin is already loaded 
    79 */
    80 EXPORT_C void CImageDisplay::SetPluginUid(TUid aPluginUid)
    81 	{
    82 	ASSERT(iBody);
    83 	iBody->SetPluginUid(aPluginUid);
    84 	}
    86 /**
    87 Specifies the source of the image to display
    89 @param	aSource
    90         The data source container. Note that the framework doesn't take a copy of actual data/filename etc.
    91 		and they must persist during decoding
    92 @return KErrNone if the given source type is supported, otherwise KErrNotSupported
    93 @panic ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence Raised if the function was called during decoding stage
    94 */
    95 EXPORT_C TInt CImageDisplay::SetImageSource(const TMMSource& aSource)
    96 	{
    97 	ASSERT(iBody);
    98 	return iBody->SetImageSource(aSource);
    99 	}
   101 /**
   102 Specifies the MIME type of the source image.
   104 @param	aMIMEType
   105         The MIME type of the source image 
   107 @panic ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence Raised if the function was called during decoding stage
   108 */
   109 EXPORT_C void CImageDisplay::SetSourceMimeType(const TDesC8& aMIMEType)
   110 	{
   111 	ASSERT(iBody);
   112 	iBody->SetSourceMimeType(aMIMEType);
   113 	}
   115 /**
   116 Specifies the source image's type and (optionally) its subtype
   118 @param	aImageType
   119         The UID of the source image's type
   120 @param	aImageSubType
   121         The UID of the source image's subtype
   123 @panic ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence Raised if the function was called during decoding stage or
   124 		a plugin is not loaded yet
   125 */
   126 EXPORT_C void CImageDisplay::SetSourceImageType(TUid aImageType, TUid aImageSubType)
   127 	{
   128 	ASSERT(iBody);
   129 	iBody->SetSourceImageType(aImageType, aImageSubType);
   130 	}
   132 /**
   133 Defines a clipping region. Only the specified region will be processed.
   135 @param	aRect
   136         The coordinates of the clipping region
   138 @panic ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence Raised if the function was called during decoding stage or
   139 		a plugin is not loaded yet
   140 */
   141 EXPORT_C void CImageDisplay::SetSourceRect(const TRect& aRect)
   142 	{
   143 	ASSERT(iBody);
   144 	iBody->SetSourceRect(aRect);
   145 	}
   147 /**
   148 Clears settings for the clipping region, but not the image region
   150 @panic ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence Raised if the function was called during decoding stage or
   151 		a plugin is not loaded yet
   152 */
   153 EXPORT_C void CImageDisplay::ResetSourceRect()
   154 	{
   155 	ASSERT(iBody);
   156 	iBody->ResetSourceRect();
   157 	}
   159 /**
   160 Specifies the requested image size. 
   162 @param	aDestinationSize
   163 		The requested size of the image in pixels
   164 @param	aMaintainAspectRatio
   165 		Requests that the aspect ratio be maintained as far as possible
   166 		Defaults to true
   168 @panic ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence Raised if the function was called during decoding stage or
   169 		a plugin is not loaded yet
   170 */
   171 EXPORT_C void CImageDisplay::SetSizeInPixels(const TSize& aDestinationSize, TBool aMaintainAspectRatio)
   172 	{
   173 	ASSERT(iBody);
   174 	iBody->SetSizeInPixels(aDestinationSize, aMaintainAspectRatio);
   175 	}
   177 /**
   178 Specifies the requested image display mode. 
   180 @param	aDisplayMode
   181 		The requested display mode
   183 @panic ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence Raised if the function was called during decoding stage or
   184 		a plugin is not loaded yet
   186 */
   187 EXPORT_C void CImageDisplay::SetDisplayMode(TDisplayMode aDisplayMode)
   188 	{
   189 	ASSERT(iBody);
   190 	iBody->SetDisplayMode(aDisplayMode);
   191 	}
   193 /**
   194 Defines how the image is to be displayed. 
   196 Note that all plugins support EOptionMainImage, whereas the availability of the other options depends on 
   197 the image display plugin loaded.
   199 @param	aOptions - image type selected using the TImageOptions flag set
   201 @return KErrArgument on wrong combination of options, especially if the rotate and 
   202 		mirror options aren't set together with EOptionThumbnail or EOptionMainImage.
   204 @panic ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence Raised if the function was called during decoding stage or
   205 		a plugin is not loaded yet
   206 */
   207 EXPORT_C TInt CImageDisplay::SetOptions(TUint aOptions)
   208 	{
   209 	ASSERT(iBody);
   210 	return iBody->SetOptions(aOptions);
   211 	}
   213 /**
   214 Requests that a suitable plugin be selected and instantiated. 
   215 Leaves with KErrNotFound if no suitable plugin found or if the framework 
   216 or plugin finds any error in any of the preceeding SetXXX() calls
   218 @leave	KErrNotFound
   219 		No suitable plugin was found
   220 @leave	KErrArgument
   221 		One of the previously supplied parameters (image size, mime type etc.) is invalid
   223 @panic ImageDisplay 2 EUndefinedSourceType Raised when image source is not defined yet
   225 */
   226 EXPORT_C void CImageDisplay::SetupL()
   227 	{
   228 	ASSERT(iBody);
   229 	iBody->SetupL();
   230 	}
   232 /**
   233 Initiates an image display operation. 
   234 The framework will panic if no plugin has been instantiated already.
   235 Note: That a plugin may perform some asynchronous operations within the 
   236 current thread, so yielding to the Active Scheduler after calling this
   237 function is almost mandatory
   239 @panic	ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence
   240 		No plugin loaded.
   242 @panic ImageDisplay 3 EUndefinedDestSize 
   243 		Raised when destination image size is not defined yet
   244 */
   245 EXPORT_C void CImageDisplay::Play()
   246 	{
   247 	ASSERT(iBody);
   248 	iBody->Play();
   249 	}
   251 /**
   252 Instructs a plug-in to pause its operation. An operation can be resumed
   253 by calling the Play()
   254 The framework will panic if no plugin has been instantiated already and
   255 Play() has not been called yet.
   257 @panic	ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence
   258 		No plugin loaded.
   260 */
   261 EXPORT_C void CImageDisplay::Pause()
   262 	{
   263 	ASSERT(iBody);
   264 	iBody->Pause();
   265 	}
   267 /**
   268 Cancels any image display operation currently in progress.
   270 @panic	ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence Raised when no plugin loaded yet.
   271 */
   272 EXPORT_C void CImageDisplay::StopPlay()
   273 	{
   274 	ASSERT(iBody);
   275 	iBody->StopPlay();
   276 	}
   278 /**
   279 Resets all SetXXX() calls so that the state is the same as that immediately 
   280 after a call to NewL(). Deletes the plugin if one is loaded.
   281 */
   282 EXPORT_C void CImageDisplay::Reset()
   283 	{
   284 	ASSERT(iBody);
   285 	iBody->Reset();
   286 	}
   288 /**
   289 Gets a pointer to a plugin extension
   290 @param  aIFaceUid
   291 		 Requested extension interface Uid
   292 @param  aIFacePtr
   293 		 Reference to pointer which would have interface pointer on sucessful completion, otherwise NULL
   294 @return	KErrNotSupported if given extension interface is not supported
   295 		or other system-wide error code
   296 @panic	ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence
   297 		No plugin loaded.
   298 */
   299 EXPORT_C TInt CImageDisplay::ExtensionInterface(TUid aIFaceUid, TAny*& aIFacePtr)
   300 	{
   301 	ASSERT(iBody);
   302 	return iBody->ExtensionInterface(aIFaceUid, aIFacePtr);
   303 	}
   305 /**
   306 Gets a reference to the current bitmap and mask
   308 @param  aBitmap
   309 		 Reference to pointer which would have current frame bitmap address.
   310 @param	aMask
   311 		 Reference to pointer which would have current frame mask address.  This is NULL if no mask
   312 		 is available or if aBitmap has a display mode of EColor16MA (see SetDisplayMode()).
   314 @panic	ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence
   315 		No plugin loaded or decoding was not started
   317 @see	SetDisplayMode
   318 */
   319 EXPORT_C void CImageDisplay::GetBitmap(const CFbsBitmap*& aBitmap, const CFbsBitmap*& aMask) const
   320 	{
   321 	ASSERT(iBody);
   322 	iBody->GetBitmap(aBitmap, aMask);
   323 	}
   325 /**
   326 Check to see if the current frame can be displayed now
   328 @return ETrue 
   329 		The current bitmap contains a valid image. It will return ETrue only when it is called in between the ImageReady() callback 
   330 		and a subsequent call to Play().
   332 @panic	ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence
   333 		No plugin loaded or decoding was not started
   334 */
   335 EXPORT_C TBool CImageDisplay::ValidBitmap() const
   336 	{
   337 	ASSERT(iBody);
   338 	return iBody->ValidBitmap();		
   339 	}
   341 /**
   342 Returns an array of recommended image sizes i.e. sizes which would be processed faster 
   343 @return a reference to the array of recommended image sizes
   345 @panic	ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence
   346 		No plugin loaded.
   347 */
   348 EXPORT_C const RArray<TSize>& CImageDisplay::RecommendedImageSizes() const
   349 	{
   350 	ASSERT(iBody);
   351 	return iBody->RecommendedImageSizes();
   352 	}
   354 /**
   355 returns an integer, corresponding to the current image status (if known), the value will be comprised of elements of the TImageStatus bit field
   356 @return a combination TImageStatus flags
   358 @panic	ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence
   359 		No plugin loaded.
   360 */
   361 EXPORT_C TUint CImageDisplay::ImageStatus() const
   362 	{
   363 	ASSERT(iBody);
   364 	return iBody->ImageStatus();
   365 	}
   367 /**
   368 returns the number of frames (if known) or an error code if unknown.
   369 @param  aNumFrames
   370 		 a reference to frame number parameter which has meaning only if retrun value is KErrNone
   372 @return KErrNotSupported if a plug-in can't determine number of frames
   374 @panic	ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence
   375 		No plugin loaded.
   376 */
   377 EXPORT_C TInt CImageDisplay::NumFrames(TInt& aNumFrames) const
   378 	{
   379 	ASSERT(iBody);
   380 	return iBody->NumFrames(aNumFrames);
   381 	}
   383 const ContentAccess::TIntent KCCaccesUnknown=ContentAccess::EUnknown; 
   385 /**
   386 Constructor for the descriptor-based image datasource.
   387 NOTE: Data is not copied, so the original buffer must be kept during image processing
   388 @param  aData
   389 		 a reference to the pointer containing an image data
   391 */
   392 EXPORT_C 
   393 TDescriptorDataSource::TDescriptorDataSource(const TPtrC8& aData):
   394  TMMSource(KUidDescDataSource, ContentAccess::KDefaultContentObject, KCCaccesUnknown),
   395    iData(aData)
   396 	{
   397 	}
   399 /**
   400 Returns a reference to the pointer containing an image data. Data is not owned by this object.
   401 @return a reference to the data pointer
   402 */
   403 EXPORT_C 
   404 const TPtrC8& TDescriptorDataSource::DataBuf() const
   405 	{
   406 	return iData;
   407 	}