changeset 0 40261b775718
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-1:000000000000 0:40261b775718
     1 // Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 /** @file
    17 	@internalComponent */
    18 #include <ecom/ecom.h>
    19 #include <ecom/ecomerrorcodes.h>
    20 #include <ecom/implementationinformation.h>
    22 #include "ImageDisplayResolver.h"
    23 #include "ImageDisplayResolvrUtils.h"
    25 _LIT(KIclResolverPanicCategory, "ImageDisplayResolver");
    27 // To save some space, we don't support IdentifyImplementationL()
    29 GLDEF_C void Panic(TInt aReason)
    30 	{
    31 	User::Panic(KIclResolverPanicCategory, aReason);
    32 	}
    34 /** 
    35  * Constructs and initialises a new instance of CImageDisplayResolver.
    36  *
    37  * @param     "MPublicRegistry& aRegistry"
    38  *            A reference to the registry on which it will operate
    39  * @return    "CImageDisplayResolver*"
    40  *            A pointer to the newly constructed resolver
    41  */
    42 CImageDisplayResolver* CImageDisplayResolver::NewL(MPublicRegistry& aRegistry)
    43 	{
    44 	return new(ELeave) CImageDisplayResolver(aRegistry);
    45 	}
    47 /** 
    48  *
    49  * Default destructor
    50  *
    51  */
    52 CImageDisplayResolver::~CImageDisplayResolver()
    53 	{
    54 	}
    56 /** 
    57  *
    58  * Default constructor
    59  *
    60  * @param     "MPublicRegistry& aRegistry"
    61  *            A reference to the registry on which it will operate
    62  */
    63 CImageDisplayResolver::CImageDisplayResolver(MPublicRegistry& aRegistry)
    64 	: CResolver(aRegistry)
    65 	{
    66 	}
    68 /** 
    69  *
    70  * Request that the resolver identify the most appropriate interface
    71  * implementation.
    72  *
    73  * @param     "TUid aInterfaceUid"
    74  *            The Uid of the interface you want to match against
    75  * @param     "const TEComResolverParams& aAdditionalParameters"
    76  *            A passed in reference to the parameters on which to match
    77  * @return    "TUid"
    78  *            The implementation Uid of the single best match found
    79  */
    80 TUid CImageDisplayResolver::IdentifyImplementationL(TUid /*aInterfaceUid*/, const TEComResolverParams& /*aAdditionalParameters*/) const
    81 	{
    82 	// To save some space, we don't support IdentifyImplementationL()
    83 	return KNullUid;
    84 	}
    86 /**
    87  *
    88  * List all the implementations which satisfy the specified interface, ignoring 
    89  * any implementations that have their Disabled flag set or are not of the 
    90  * current framework version.
    91  *
    92  * The list is sorted:
    93  * 1) For EMatchString in desending order of number of bytes matched and version number.
    94  * 2) For EMatchMIMEType in asending order of the MIME position that matched and
    95  *    desending version number.
    96  * 3) All others - desending version numbers.
    97  *
    98  * @param     "TUid aInterfaceUid"
    99  *            The Uid of the interface you want to match against
   100  * @param     "const TEComResolverParams& aAdditionalParameters"
   101  *            A passed in reference to the parameters on which to match
   102  * @return    "RImplInfoArray*"
   103  *            The list of matches found
   104  */
   105  RImplInfoArray* CImageDisplayResolver::ListAllL(TUid aInterfaceUid, const TEComResolverParams& aAdditionalParameters) const
   106 	{
   108 	// Retrieve the match data from the descriptor
   109 	CCustomMatchData* customMatch = CCustomMatchData::NewLC(aAdditionalParameters.DataType());
   111 	TResolverMatchType matchType = customMatch->MatchType();
   112 	// get the flags that the plugin must support
   113 	TPluginFlagsNeeded pluginFlagsNeeded = customMatch->PluginFlagsNeeded();
   115 	TUid baseType = customMatch->BaseType();
   116 	TUid subType = customMatch->SubType();
   117 	TUid implementationUid = customMatch->ImplementationType();
   118 	HBufC8* matchString = customMatch->MatchString().AllocLC();
   119 	HBufC* fileSuffix = customMatch->FileSuffix().AllocLC();
   121 	// Use the member var to create the array so that we get proper cleanup behaviour
   122 	RImplInfoArray& fullList = iRegistry.ListImplementationsL(aInterfaceUid);
   124 	RArray<TSortImplInfo> sortList;
   125 	CleanupClosePushL(sortList);
   127 	TInt matchLevel = 0;
   129 	// Loop through the implementations matching on appropriate info
   130 	const TInt count = fullList.Count();
   131 	TInt index;
   133 	for(index = 0; index < count; index++)
   134 		{
   135 		const CImplementationInformation& impData = *(fullList[index]);
   136 		COpaqueDataParse* parse = NULL;
   137 		TRAPD(error, parse = COpaqueDataParse::NewL(impData.OpaqueData()));
   138 		if (error!=KErrNone)
   139 			{
   140 			if (error==KErrNotSupported)
   141 				{
   142 				// means that the resource entry was not valid
   143 				continue;
   144 				}
   145 			else
   146 				User::Leave(error);
   147 			}
   149 		CleanupStack::PushL(parse);
   151 		// we can assume the version is valid as it is checked in 
   152 		// COpaqueDataParse::ConstructL() which leaves if not valid
   153 		ASSERT(parse->Version() <= KIclPluginFrameworkVersionMax);
   155 		// get the plugin's flags
   156 		TBool flagsSupported = ETrue;
   157 		if ((pluginFlagsNeeded & ESetSourceRectSupportNeeded) &&
   158 			!parse->IsSetSourceRectSupported())
   159 			{
   160 			flagsSupported = EFalse;
   161 			}
   163 		if (!impData.Disabled() && flagsSupported)
   164 			{
   165 			TBool matchFound = EFalse;
   166 			switch(matchType)
   167 				{
   168 				case EMatchMIMEType:
   169 					{
   170 					if(!parse->OnlyUidsAvail())
   171 						{ //If codec has no MIME types ignore it
   172 						parse->EnsureMIMETypesReadL();
   173 						const TInt numMimeTypes = parse->MIMETypesCount();
   174 						for (TInt index2 = 0; index2 < numMimeTypes; index2++)
   175 							{
   176 							const TDesC8& mimeType = parse->MIMEType(index2);
   177 							if (COpaqueDataParse::CompareMIMETypes(*matchString, mimeType))
   178 								{
   179 								matchFound = ETrue;
   180 								matchLevel = index2;
   181 								break;
   182 								}
   183 							}
   184 						}
   186 					break;
   187 					}
   189 				case EMatchString:
   190 					{ // Match the match strings
   191 					if (CImageDisplayResolverUtils::Match(*matchString, impData.DataType(), matchLevel))
   192 						matchFound = ETrue;
   193 					break;
   194 					}
   196 				case EMatchUids:
   197 					{ // match on UIDs
   198 					if (implementationUid != KNullUid)
   199 						{// We're matching on codec implementation uid
   200 						if (implementationUid == impData.ImplementationUid())
   201 							matchFound = ETrue;
   202 						}
   203 					else
   204 						{ // We're matching on image type (and sub-type)
   205 						if (parse->CompareUids(baseType, subType))
   206 							matchFound = ETrue;
   207 						}
   208 					break;
   209 					}
   211 				case EMatchFileSuffix:
   212 					{
   213 					if(!parse->OnlyUidsAvail() && parse->IsOpenAgainstSuffix())
   214 						{ //If codec has file extensions and allow matching on them
   215 						parse->EnsureExtnsReadL();
   216 						const TInt numExtns = parse->ExtnsCount();
   217 						for (TInt index2 = 0; index2 < numExtns; index2++)
   218 							{
   219 							const TDesC8& extn = parse->Extn(index2);
   220 							if (COpaqueDataParse::CompareFileSuffixL(*fileSuffix, extn))
   221 								{
   222 								matchFound = ETrue;
   223 								matchLevel = index2;
   224 								break;
   225 								}
   226 							}
   227 						}
   229 					break;
   230 					}
   232 				default:
   233 					{//unknown match type
   234 					Panic(KErrArgument);
   235 					}
   236 				}
   237 			if (matchFound)
   238 				{
   239 				TSortImplInfo sortInfo(fullList[index],matchLevel);
   240 				User::LeaveIfError(sortList.Append(sortInfo));
   241 				}
   242 			}
   243 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(parse);
   244 		}
   246 	TLinearOrder<TSortImplInfo>* sortFunction = NULL;
   247 	if(matchType==EMatchMIMEType)
   248 		sortFunction = new (ELeave) TLinearOrder<TSortImplInfo>(SortAsending);
   249 	else
   250 		sortFunction = new (ELeave) TLinearOrder<TSortImplInfo>(SortDesending);
   252 	sortList.Sort(*sortFunction);
   253 	delete sortFunction;
   255 	RImplInfoArray* retList = new (ELeave) RImplInfoArray;
   256 	CleanupStack::PushL(retList);
   257 	// coverity[double_push]
   258 	CleanupClosePushL(*retList); // note the double PushL - will Close and delete on PopAndDestroy(2)
   260 	TInt noEntries = sortList.Count();
   261 	for(index = 0; index < noEntries; index++)
   262 		User::LeaveIfError(retList->Append(sortList[index].iImplInfo));
   264 	CleanupStack::Pop(2, retList); // retList x2
   266 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4, customMatch); //sortList, fileSuffix, matchString, customMatch
   268 	return retList;
   269 	}
   271 /**
   272  * Function to sort an array of TSortImplInfo in asending order of the match level and
   273  * then in desending order of version numbers.
   274  *
   275  * @param	"const TSortImplInfo& aImpInfo1"
   276  *			First element.
   277  * @param	"const TSortImplInfo& aImpInfo2"
   278  *			Second element.
   279  * @return	"TInt"
   280  *			Indication of element swapping order.
   281  */
   282 TInt CImageDisplayResolver::SortAsending(const TSortImplInfo& aImpInfo1, const TSortImplInfo& aImpInfo2)
   283 	{
   284 	TInt result = aImpInfo1.iMatchLevel - aImpInfo2.iMatchLevel;
   286 	if(result == 0)
   287 		result = aImpInfo2.iImplInfo->Version() - aImpInfo1.iImplInfo->Version();
   289 	return result;
   290 	}
   292 /**
   293  * Function to sort an array of TSortImplInfo in desending order of the match level 
   294  * and version numbers.
   295  *
   296  * @param	"const TSortImplInfo& aImpInfo1"
   297  *			First element.
   298  * @param	"const TSortImplInfo& aImpInfo2"
   299  *			Second element.
   300  * @return	"TInt"
   301  *			Indication of element swapping order.
   302  */
   303 TInt CImageDisplayResolver::SortDesending(const TSortImplInfo& aImpInfo1, const TSortImplInfo& aImpInfo2)
   304 	{
   305 	TInt result = aImpInfo2.iMatchLevel - aImpInfo1.iMatchLevel;
   307 	if(result == 0)
   308 		result = aImpInfo2.iImplInfo->Version() - aImpInfo1.iImplInfo->Version();
   310 	return result;
   311 	}
   313 /**
   314  * Construtor for the TSortImplInfo class
   315  *
   316  * @param	"CImplementationInformation *const aImplInfo"
   317  *			A implementation information element to be soreted.
   318  * @param	"TInt aMatchLevel"
   319  *			The matching level of the entry
   320  */
   321 TSortImplInfo::TSortImplInfo(CImplementationInformation *const aImplInfo, TInt aMatchLevel):
   322 	iImplInfo(aImplInfo),
   323 	iMatchLevel(aMatchLevel)
   324 	{
   325 	}