changeset 0 40261b775718
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-1:000000000000 0:40261b775718
     1 // Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include "ImageClientMain.h"
    17 #include "GenThreadRelay.h"
    18 #include <ecom/ecom.h>
    20 _LIT(KSubThreadName,"ICLThread");
    22 //
    23 // CThreadRelay
    24 //
    25 /**
    26  * Constructor for this class.
    27  *
    28  */
    29 CThreadRelay::CThreadRelay()
    30 	{
    31 	}
    33 /**
    34  * Construct for client side threaded relay. Create a thread and wait for the thread
    35  * to start up or panic. If the thread is successfully created start an undertaker
    36  * that listens for panics in the thread.
    37  * 
    38  * @param	"CSubThreadRelay* (*aFactoryFunctionL)(TThreadId aMainThreadId, TAny* aCodecParam)"
    39  *			A Facory function that will create a CSubThread derived object.
    40  * @param	"TAny* aCodecParam"
    41  *			Parameters to be used during the threaded relay's construction.
    42  *
    43  */
    44 void CThreadRelay::ConstructL(CSubThreadRelay* (*aFactoryFunctionL)(TThreadId aMainThreadId, TAny* aCodecParam), TAny* aCodecParam)
    45 	{
    46 	//Get a pointer to this thread's heap
    47 	RHeap& thisHeap = User::Heap();
    49 	//Parameters to send to the sub thread
    50 	TThreadRelayParam param;
    52 	//Add the parameters for the codec
    53 	param.iCodecParam = aCodecParam;
    55 	//Add the factory function to create a CSubThreadDecoderRelay derived object
    56 	param.iFactoryFunctionL = aFactoryFunctionL;
    58 	//The sub thread must return a pointer for us to allow direct calls
    59 	param.iSubThreadRelay = &iSubRelay;
    61 	//Get the id of this thread
    62 	RThread thisThread;
    63 	TThreadId thisThreadId = thisThread.Id();
    64 	param.iMainThreadId = thisThreadId;
    66 	//Get a request to signal us after setup is complete
    67 	TRequestStatus setupComplete = KRequestPending;
    68 	param.iSetupComplete = &setupComplete;
    70 	//current time and the "this" pointer for a unique key
    71 	_LIT(KFormatString,"%S.%020Lu.%08X");
    72    	TName threadName;
    74 	TTime now;
    75 	now.HomeTime();
    77 	threadName.Format(KFormatString, &KSubThreadName, now.Int64(), reinterpret_cast<TUint>(this));
    79 	//Create a new thread for CSubThreadRelay using the same heap as this thread
    80 	TInt result = iSubThread.Create(threadName,
    81 		ThreadFunction,
    82 		KSubThreadStackSize,
    83 		&thisHeap,
    84 		&param);
    85 	if(result != KErrNone)
    86 		User::Leave(result);
    88 	//Run the thread under a lower priority
    89 	iSubThread.SetPriority(KSubThreadPriority); 
    91 	//Wait for thread startup to complete
    92 	TRequestStatus threadStatus = KRequestPending;
    93 	iSubThread.Logon(threadStatus);
    95 	//Start the sub thread
    96 	iSubThread.Resume();
    98 	User::WaitForRequest(threadStatus, setupComplete);
   100 	if(threadStatus!=KRequestPending)
   101 		{
   102 		//Thread creation failed
   103 		TExitType type = iSubThread.ExitType();
   104 		TInt reason = iSubThread.ExitReason();
   105 		if(type==EExitKill)
   106 			User::Leave(reason);
   107 		else
   108 			{
   109 			ASSERT(type==EExitPanic);
   110 			TExitCategoryName category = iSubThread.ExitCategory();
   111 			User::Panic(category,reason);
   112 			}
   113 		}
   115 	// Thread creation was successfull
   116 	TInt error = iSubThread.LogonCancel(threadStatus);
   117 	if(error != KErrNone)
   118 		User::Leave(error); // There is no outstanding request
   120 	User::WaitForRequest(threadStatus); //Eat the signal
   122 	ASSERT(iSubRelay!=NULL);
   123 	iSubRelay->SetSubThread(&iSubThread);
   125 	iThreadCreated = ETrue;
   126 	User::LeaveIfError(setupComplete.Int());
   128 	//Create a listener that will monitor the thread
   129 	iSubThreadUndertaker = CSubThreadUndertaker::NewL(iSubThread);
   130 	}
   133 /**
   134  * Destructor for this class. Calls the shutdown function for the thread.
   135  *
   136  */
   137 CThreadRelay::~CThreadRelay()
   138 	{
   139 	Shutdown();
   140 	}
   142 /**
   143  * Terminate the thread. Since the WaitForRequest() suspend the thread, the undertaker
   144  * is terminated and logon to the thread locally. Send a shutdown message to the thread
   145  * and wait for it to terminate.
   146  *
   147  */
   148 void CThreadRelay::Shutdown()
   149 	{
   150 	if(iThreadCreated)
   151 		{
   152 		ASSERT(iSubRelay!=NULL);
   153     	TRequestStatus functionRequest = KRequestPending;
   154 	    TRequestStatus threadRequest = KRequestPending;
   156 	    /*While a function call is in progress this thread is suspended
   157     	 *and the undertaker will not catch panics, listen for these here
   158 	     */
   159 	    iSubThread.Logon(threadRequest);
   161 	    iSubRelay->RunFunctionInThread(functionRequest, KTerminationFunction, NULL);
   162     	TRequestStatus* functionCallRequest = iSubRelay->Status();
   163 	    iSubThread.RequestComplete(functionCallRequest, KErrNone);
   164     	User::WaitForRequest(functionRequest); //At this stage the thread termination signal has been completed
   165     	User::WaitForRequest(threadRequest); //Eat the thread termination signal
   167         iThreadCreated = EFalse;
   168 		}
   170     if(iSubThreadUndertaker)
   171 		{
   172 		iSubThreadUndertaker->Cancel();
   173 		delete iSubThreadUndertaker; iSubThreadUndertaker = NULL;
   174 		}
   176     iSubThread.Close();
   177 	}
   179 /**
   180  * Request a function to be executed in the codec thread. Wait for the function to
   181  * complete or a panic, since the WaitForRequest() suspend the thread(including the
   182  * undertaker).
   183  *
   184  * @param	"TInt aFunctionCode"
   185  *			The number of the function to execute in the codec thread.
   186  * @param	"TAny* aParameters"
   187  *			Parameters for function to be executed in the codec thread.
   188  * @return	"TInt"
   189  *			The leave code of the function in the sub thread.
   190  */
   191 TInt CThreadRelay::RunFunction(TInt aFunctionCode, TAny* aParameters)
   192 	{
   193 	ASSERT(iSubRelay!=NULL);
   194 	TRequestStatus functionRequest = KRequestPending;
   195 	TRequestStatus threadRequest = KRequestPending;
   197 	/*While a function call is in progress this thread is suspended
   198 	 *and the undertaker will not catch panics, listen for these here
   199 	 */
   200 	iSubThread.Logon(threadRequest);
   202 	iSubRelay->RunFunctionInThread(functionRequest, aFunctionCode, aParameters);
   203 	TRequestStatus* functionCallRequest = iSubRelay->Status();
   204 	iSubThread.RequestComplete(functionCallRequest, KErrNone);
   205 	User::WaitForRequest(threadRequest, functionRequest);
   207 	if(threadRequest!=KRequestPending)
   208 		{
   209 		TInt reason = iSubThread.ExitReason();
   210 		TExitCategoryName category = iSubThread.ExitCategory();
   211 		User::Panic(category,reason);
   212 		}
   214 	// Thread is still alive and well
   215 	iSubThread.LogonCancel(threadRequest);
   216 	User::WaitForRequest(threadRequest); //Eat the signal
   218 	ASSERT(functionRequest!=KRequestPending);
   220 	return functionRequest.Int();
   221 	}
   224 /**
   225  * Return a pointer to the sub thread relay object.
   226  *
   227  * @return	"CSubThreadRelay*"
   228  *			A pointer to the sub thread relay object.
   229  */
   230 CSubThreadRelay* CThreadRelay::SubThreadRelay()
   231 	{
   232 	return iSubRelay;
   233 	}
   235 /**
   236  * Return a pointer to the sub thread.
   237  *
   238  * @return	"RThread*"
   239  *			A pointer to the sub thread.
   240  */
   241 const RThread* CThreadRelay::SubThread() const
   242 	{
   243 	return &iSubThread;
   244 	}
   247 /**
   248  * Change the sub thread's priority.
   249  *
   250  * @param	"TThreadPriority aPriority"
   251  *			The new priority for the sub thread.
   252  */
   253 void CThreadRelay::SetPriority(TThreadPriority aPriority) const
   254 	{
   255 	iSubThread.SetPriority(aPriority);
   256 	}
   258 /**
   259  * Main thread entry point for the codec thread.
   260  * Create a cleanup stack for the thread and process the codec
   261  * inside a trap for cleanup behaviour.
   262  *
   263  * @param	"TAny* aPtr"
   264  *			Parameters to be used for creating the thread.
   265  * @return	"TInt"
   266  *			The error code for thread termination.
   267  */
   268 TInt CThreadRelay::ThreadFunction(TAny* aPtr)
   269 	{
   270 	TInt error = KErrNone;
   272 	// Create a cleanup stack for the thread
   273 	CTrapCleanup* cleanupStack = CTrapCleanup::New();
   274 	if(cleanupStack)
   275 		{
   276 		//Connnect to the bitmap server
   277 		error = RFbsSession::Connect();
   279 		if(error==KErrNone)
   280 			{
   281 			//Run the plugin in a trap
   282 			TRAP(error, ThreadTrapFunctionL(aPtr));
   283 			RFbsSession::Disconnect();
   284 			}
   285 		}
   286 	else
   287 		error = KErrNoMemory;
   289 	delete cleanupStack;
   291 	return error;
   292 	}
   294 /**
   295  * Function for codec thread execution. Create an active scheduler for the thread
   296  * and start the function call listener. If the thread is successfully created signal
   297  * the main thread that the thread creation was successfull.
   298  *
   299  * @param	"TAny* aPtr"
   300  *			A pointer to a TThreadRelayParam object containing the startup parameters
   301  *          for the thread.
   302  */
   303 void CThreadRelay::ThreadTrapFunctionL(TAny* aPtr)
   304 	{
   305 	//Create an active scheduler for the thread
   306 	CActiveScheduler* scheduler = new (ELeave) CActiveScheduler;
   307 	CleanupStack::PushL(scheduler);
   308 	CActiveScheduler::Install( scheduler );
   310 	//Call a Factory function to create a CSubThreadRelay derived object
   311 	TThreadRelayParam* threadRelayParam;
   312 	threadRelayParam = STATIC_CAST(TThreadRelayParam*, aPtr);
   314 	//A factory function that will create a CSubThreadRelay derived object
   315 	CSubThreadRelay* (*FactoryFunctionL) (TThreadId aMainThreadId, TAny* aCodecParam);
   316 	FactoryFunctionL = threadRelayParam->iFactoryFunctionL;
   318 	CSubThreadRelay* subThreadRelay;
   319 	//Call the factory function
   320 	subThreadRelay = FactoryFunctionL(threadRelayParam->iMainThreadId, threadRelayParam->iCodecParam);
   321 	CleanupStack::PushL(subThreadRelay);
   323 	//Send a pointer to the sub thread relay back to the main thread
   324 	*threadRelayParam->iSubThreadRelay = subThreadRelay;
   326 	subThreadRelay->Prime();
   328 	// Send a signal to the main thread that the setup was completed
   329 	subThreadRelay->SignalSetupComplete(threadRelayParam->iSetupComplete);
   331 	CActiveScheduler::Start();	
   333 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2,scheduler); //subThreadRelay, scheduler
   334 	REComSession::FinalClose();
   335 	}
   337 //
   338 // CSubThreadRelay
   339 //
   340 /**
   341  * Open a connection to the main (caller) thread.
   342  *
   343  */
   344 void CSubThreadRelay::ConstructL(TThreadId aMainThreadId)
   345 	{
   346 	User::LeaveIfError(iMainThread.Open(aMainThreadId));
   347 	}
   349 /**
   350  * Constructor for this class.
   351  * Add the function call listener to the active scheduler.
   352  *
   353  */
   354 CSubThreadRelay::CSubThreadRelay():
   355 	CActive(EPriorityStandard)
   356 	{
   357 	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
   358 	}
   360 /**
   361  * Destructor for this class.
   362  * Close the connection to the main thread.
   363  *
   364  */
   365 CSubThreadRelay::~CSubThreadRelay()
   366 	{
   367 	iMainThread.Close();
   368 	}
   370 /**
   371  * Cancel the function call listener.
   372  *
   373  */
   374 void CSubThreadRelay::DoCancel()
   375 	{
   376 	}
   378 /**
   379  * Send a signal to the main thread to indicate that the thread startup
   380  * was successfull.
   381  *
   382  */
   383 void CSubThreadRelay::SignalSetupComplete(TRequestStatus* aSetupComplete)
   384 	{
   385 	iMainThread.RequestComplete(aSetupComplete, KErrNone);
   386 	}
   388 /**
   389  * Prime the function call listener.
   390  *
   391  */
   392 void CSubThreadRelay::Prime()
   393 	{
   394 	ASSERT(IsActive() == EFalse);
   395 	iStatus = KRequestPending;
   396 	SetActive();
   397 	}
   399 /**
   400  * Execute a function in the sub thread. Signal the leave result of the function
   401  * to the main thread. If the termination function is called stop the active
   402  * scheduler for the sub thread. (This will cause the thread to terminate)
   403  *
   404  */
   405 void CSubThreadRelay::RunL()
   406 	{
   407 	ASSERT(iStatus == KErrNone);
   409 	TInt error = KErrNone;
   410 	//Thread termination function called
   411 	if(iFunctionCode == KTerminationFunction)
   412 		CActiveScheduler::Stop();
   413 	else
   414 		{
   415 		Prime();
   416 		TRAP(error, RunFunctionL(iFunctionCode, iFunctionParams));
   417 		}
   418 	TRequestStatus *status = iCallingStatus;
   419 	iMainThread.RequestComplete(status, error);
   420 	}
   422 /**
   423  * Save the function number and parameters for an outstanding function call in the
   424  * codec thread.
   425  *
   426  * @param	"TRequestStatus& aCallingStatus"
   427  *			Request to signal the main thread when the function call has completed.
   428  * @param	"TInt aFunctionCode"
   429  *			The function number to execute.
   430  * @param	"TAny* aParameters"
   431  *			Parameters to the function to execute.
   432  */
   433 void CSubThreadRelay::RunFunctionInThread(TRequestStatus& aCallingStatus, TInt aFunctionCode, TAny* aParameters)
   434 	{
   435 	iCallingStatus = &aCallingStatus;
   436 	iFunctionCode = aFunctionCode;
   437 	iFunctionParams = aParameters;
   438 	}
   440 /**
   441  * Store a pointer to the codec thread object.
   442  *
   443  * @param	"RThread* aSubThread"
   444  *			A pointer to the codec thread object.
   445  */
   446 void CSubThreadRelay::SetSubThread(RThread* aSubThread)
   447 	{
   448 	iSubThread = aSubThread;
   449 	}
   451 /**
   452  * Return a pointer to the function call listener's request status.
   453  * Signal this from the main thread to request a function to be executed 
   454  * in the thread after a call to RunFunctionInThread().
   455  *
   456  * @return	"TRequestStatus*"
   457  *			Request to signal the start of execution of a function in the thread.
   458  */
   459 TRequestStatus* CSubThreadRelay::Status()
   460 	{
   461 	return &iStatus;
   462 	}
   464 //
   465 //CSubThreadUndertaker
   466 //
   467 /**
   468  * Factory function for the class.
   469  * 
   470  * @param	"RThread& aSubThread"
   471  *			A thread to monitor for panics
   472  */
   473 CSubThreadUndertaker* CSubThreadUndertaker::NewL(RThread& aSubThread)
   474 	{
   475 	CSubThreadUndertaker* self;
   476 	self = new (ELeave) CSubThreadUndertaker(&aSubThread);
   477 	return self;
   478 	}
   480 /**
   481  * Constructor for the class.
   482  * Add the object to the active scheduler, activate and logon to the
   483  * thread to monitor for panics
   484  * 
   485  * @param	"RThread* aSubThread"
   486  *			A thread to monitor for panics
   487  */
   488 CSubThreadUndertaker::CSubThreadUndertaker(RThread* aSubThread) :
   489 	CActive(CActive::EPriorityIdle),
   490 	iSubThread(aSubThread)
   491 	{
   492 	//Add ourself to the active scheduler
   493 	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
   495 	iSubThread = aSubThread;
   497 	ASSERT(IsActive()==EFalse);
   498 	iStatus = KRequestPending;
   499 	SetActive();
   501 	//Logon to the thread so we will receive signals
   502 	iSubThread->Logon(iStatus);
   503 	}
   505 /**
   506  * Destructor for this class.
   507  * Make sure that the undertaker was cancelled before deleted. 
   508  */
   509 CSubThreadUndertaker::~CSubThreadUndertaker()
   510 	{
   511 	Cancel();
   512 	}
   514 /**
   515  * This function is triggered when the thread being monitored terminates.
   516  * If the thread being monitored panic, panic this thread.
   517  *
   518  */
   519 void CSubThreadUndertaker::RunL()
   520 	{
   521 	ASSERT(iSubThread != NULL);
   522 	//If we got here the thread has exited
   523 	TInt reason = iSubThread->ExitReason();
   524 	TExitCategoryName category = iSubThread->ExitCategory();
   525 	User::Panic(category, reason);
   526 	}
   528 /**
   529  * Stop monitoring the thread for panics. This function is executed by
   530  * calling Cancel() and has to be done before the object is deleted.
   531  *
   532  */
   533 void CSubThreadUndertaker::DoCancel()
   534 	{
   535 	iSubThread->LogonCancel(iStatus);
   536 	}