changeset 0 40261b775718
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     1 // Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #ifndef TIMAGEDISPLAY_H
    17 #define TIMAGEDISPLAY_H
    19 #include <eikappui.h>
    20 #include <eikapp.h>
    22 #include <eikdoc.h>
    24 #include <imageconversion.h>
    25 #include <imagedisplay.h>
    26 #include "app_uid.h"
    28 const TUid KUidTVideo={ APPUID };
    30 // class CImgDisplayAppView
    31 class CImageDisplay;
    32 class CDisplayModeDialog;
    33 class CImgDisplayAppView;
    35 class CVideoWalker;
    37 // CImgDisplAppUi
    39 class CImgDisplAppUi : public CEikAppUi, public MIclImageDisplayObserver
    40     {
    41 	friend class CVideoWalker;
    42 private:
    43 	enum TFileType
    44 		{
    45 		EFileTypeUnknown,
    46 		EFileTypeWbmp,
    47 		EFileTypeOta
    48 		};
    49 	enum TState
    50 		{
    51 		EIdle,
    52 		ELoading,
    53 		EPlaying,
    54 		EPlayPaused,
    55 		EPlayingWait,
    56 		ESaving,
    57 		EFolderWait
    58 		};
    59 public:
    60     void ConstructL();
    61 	CImgDisplAppUi();
    62 	~CImgDisplAppUi();
    63 protected:
    64 	virtual void MiidoImageReady(const CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, TUint aStatus, const TRect& aUpdatedArea, TInt aError) ;
    65 private:
    66 	// From CCoeAppUi
    67 	virtual TKeyResponse HandleKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType);
    68 	// From CEikAppUi
    69 	virtual void HandleCommandL(TInt aCommand);
    70 	virtual TBool ProcessCommandParametersL(TApaCommand aCommand,TFileName& aDocumentName,const TDesC8& aTail);
    71 	void DynInitMenuPaneL(TInt aResourceId,CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane);
    72 	TBool CheckHotKeyNotDimmedL(TInt aCommandId);
    73 	TUint ImageOptions() const;
    75 	void OpenFileL(TFileType aFileType);
    76 	void LoadFileL();
    77 	void SaveAsL();
    78 	void DisplayModeL();
    79 	void ScalingQualityL();
    80 	void ClipRectParamsL();
    81 	void DrmParamsL();
    82 	void BackgroundColorL();
    83 	void ExtractFrameL();
    84 	void Pause();
    85 	void PlayClipL();
    86 	void NextFrameL();
    87 	void StreamPlayL(TFileType aFileType = EFileTypeUnknown, TBool aMultiFrameStreaming=EFalse);
    88 	void FrameInfoL();
    89 	void FrameRotateL(TBool aClockwise);
    90 	void FrameFlipL(TBool aVertical);
    91 	void AutoRotateL();
    92 	void MaxReductionL();
    94 	void RunL(CVideoWalker* aWalker, TInt aStatus);
    95 	void DoCancel(CVideoWalker* aWalker);
    96 	void Cancel();
    98 	void HandleNewlyOpenedImageL();
    99 	void HandleConvertCompleteL();
   100 	void DrawConvertedFrame();
   101 	void ResizeBitmapsToSuitL();
   102 	void StartFrameOpen(TState aNextState);
   103 	void StartFrameSave();
   105 	void HandleRunError(CVideoWalker* aWalker, TInt aError);
   107 	void OpenFolderL();
   108 	void LoadFolderWait();
   109 	void LoadFolderL(const TDesC& aFolderName);
   110 	void OpenNextFolderEntry();
   112 	void MakeName(const TDesC& aDir, TBool aIsMask, TDes& aFileName) const;
   114 	static void ReplaceNewlinesWithLineBreaks(TDes& aDes);
   116 private:
   117 	CImageDisplay* iImageDisplay;
   118 	const CFbsBitmap* iFrame;	// not owned
   119 	const CFbsBitmap* iMask;	// not owned
   120 	TSize iImageDisplaySize;
   121 	TPoint iOffset;
   122 	TInt iFrameNumber;
   123 	TInt iPrevFrameNumber;
   124 	TInt iRotationAngle;
   125 	TUint iLatestStatus;
   126 	TInt iLatestError;
   127 	TBool iUseThumbnail;
   128 	TBool iPauseAfterEachFrame;
   129 	TFileName iDrmContentId;
   130 	ContentAccess::TIntent iDrmIntent;
   131 	TBool iClippingSet;
   132 	TRect iClipRect;
   133 	TInt  iScalingQuality;
   134     CImgDisplayAppView* iAppView;
   135 	TInt iZoomFactor;
   136 	TFileName iLoadFileName;
   137 	TFileName iSaveFileName;
   138 	TFileSaveInfo iSaveInfo;
   139 	TTime iTime;
   140 	TInt iBackgroundColor;
   141 	TBool iOverrideBackgroundColor;
   142 	TSize iOverallSize;
   143 	TFileType iLastFileType;
   144 	TUint32 iLastFrameFlags;
   145 	TSize iScaleSize;
   146 	TBool iViewResized;
   147 	TBool iDisableMask;
   148 	TBool iDumpFrames;
   149 	TInt  iMaxReduction;
   151 	CImageEncoder* iSaveUtil;
   152 	CFrameImageData* iFrameImageData; 
   153 	TState iState;
   154 	CVideoWalker* iWalker;
   155 	RTimer iTimer;
   157 	// for folder opens
   158 	TFileName iDirName;
   159 	CDir* iDir;
   160 	TInt iDirIndex;
   161 	TBool iOpeningFolder;
   162     };
   164 // CImgDisplDocument
   166 class CImgDisplDocument : public CEikDocument
   167 	{
   168 public:
   169 	CImgDisplDocument(CEikApplication& aApp);
   170 private:
   171 	 // from CEikDocument
   172 	CEikAppUi* CreateAppUiL();
   173 	};
   175 // CImgDisplApp
   177 class CImgDisplApp : public CEikApplication
   178 	{
   179 private:
   180 	// from CApaApplication
   181 	CApaDocument* CreateDocumentL();
   182 	TUid AppDllUid() const;
   183 	};
   185 #endif