changeset 0 40261b775718
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:40261b775718
     1 // Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 NAME TIDS
    18 #include <techview/eikon.rh>
    20 #include "TImageDisplay.hrh"
    22 #include <techview/eikon.rsg>
    26 RESOURCE TBUF { buf=""; }
    29 	{
    30 	menubar=r_video_menubar;
    31 	hotkeys=r_video_hotkeys;
    32 	}
    34 RESOURCE HOTKEYS r_video_hotkeys
    35 	{
    36 	control=
    37 		{
    38 		HOTKEY { command=EVideoCmdSaveAs; key='a'; },
    39 		HOTKEY { command=EVideoCmdBackgroundColor; key='b'; },
    40 		HOTKEY { command=EVideoCmdDisplayMode; key='d'; },
    41 		HOTKEY { command=EVideoCmdScalingQuality; key='s'; },
    42 		HOTKEY { command=EEikCmdExit; key='e'; },
    43 		HOTKEY { command=EVideoCmdExtractFrame; key='f'; },
    44 		HOTKEY { command=EVideoCmdFrameInfo; key='i'; },
    45 		HOTKEY { command=EVideoCmdMask; key='k'; },
    46 		HOTKEY { command=EVideoCmdZoomIn; key='m'; },
    47 		HOTKEY { command=EVideoCmdOpenFile; key='o'; },
    48 		HOTKEY { command=EVideoCmdPause; key='p'; },
    49 		HOTKEY { command=EVideoCmdPlay; key='l'; },
    50 		HOTKEY { command=EVideoCmdRotateClockwise; key='q'; },
    51 		HOTKEY { command=EVideoCmdRefresh; key='r'; },
    52 		HOTKEY { command=EVideoCmdDecodeThumbnail; key='t'; },
    53 		HOTKEY { command=EVideoCmdToggleFrameDump; key='u'; },
    54 		HOTKEY { command=EVideoCmdFlipVertical; key='v'; },
    55 		HOTKEY { command=EVideoCmdFlipHorizontal; key='h'; },
    56 		HOTKEY { command=EVideoCmdClipRectParams; key='c'; }
    57 		};
    58 	shift_control=
    59 		{
    60 		HOTKEY { command=EVideoCmdAutoRotate; key='a';},
    61 		HOTKEY { command=EVideoCmdZoomOut; key='m'; },
    62 		HOTKEY { command=EVideoCmdResetZoom; key='r'; },
    63 		HOTKEY { command=EVideoCmdRotateAntiClockwise; key='q'; },
    64 		HOTKEY { command=EVideoCmdMaxReduction; key='t'; },
    65 		HOTKEY { command=EVideoCmdPauseAfterEachFrame; key='p'; }
    66 		};
    67 	}
    69 RESOURCE MENU_BAR r_video_menubar
    70 	{
    71 	titles=
    72 		{
    73 		MENU_TITLE { menu_pane=r_video_file_menu; txt="File"; },
    74 		MENU_TITLE { menu_pane=r_video_view_menu; txt="View"; },
    75 		MENU_TITLE { menu_pane=r_video_clip_menu; txt="Image"; },
    76 		MENU_TITLE { menu_pane=r_options_menu; txt="Setup"; }
    77 		};
    78 	}
    80 RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_video_file_menu
    81 	{
    82 	items=
    83 		{
    84 		MENU_ITEM { command=EVideoCmdOpenFile; txt="Open file…"; },
    85 		MENU_ITEM { command=EVideoCmdDrmParams; txt="Set DRM params…"; },
    86 		MENU_ITEM { command=EVideoCmdOpenFolder; txt="Open folder…"; flags=EEikMenuItemSeparatorAfter;},
    87 		//MENU_ITEM { command=EVideoCmdSaveAs; txt="Save as…"; flags=EEikMenuItemSeparatorAfter; },
    88 		MENU_ITEM { command=EEikCmdExit; txt="Close"; }
    89 		};
    90 	}
    92 RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_video_view_menu
    93 	{
    94 	items=
    95 		{
    96 		MENU_ITEM { command=EVideoCmdDecodeThumbnail; txt="Decode thumbnail"; flags=EEikMenuItemCheckBox;},
    97 		MENU_ITEM { command=EVideoCmdZoomIn; txt="Zoom in"; },
    98 		MENU_ITEM { command=EVideoCmdZoomOut; txt="Zoom out"; },
    99 		MENU_ITEM { command=EVideoCmdResetZoom; txt="Original size"; },
   100 		MENU_ITEM { command=EVideoCmdRotateClockwise; txt="Rotate clockwise"; flags=EEikMenuItemCheckBox;},
   101 		MENU_ITEM { command=EVideoCmdRotateAntiClockwise; txt="Rotate anti-clockwise"; flags=EEikMenuItemCheckBox;},
   102 		MENU_ITEM { command=EVideoCmdFlipVertical; txt="Flip Vertical"; flags=EEikMenuItemCheckBox;},
   103 		MENU_ITEM { command=EVideoCmdFlipHorizontal; txt="Flip Horizontal"; flags=EEikMenuItemCheckBox;},
   104 		MENU_ITEM { command=EVideoCmdAutoRotate; txt="Auto Rotation"; flags=EEikMenuItemCheckBox;}
   105 		};
   106 	}
   108 RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_video_clip_menu
   109 	{
   110 	items=
   111 		{
   112 		MENU_ITEM { command=EVideoCmdPlay; txt="Play"; },
   113 		MENU_ITEM { command=EVideoCmdPause; txt="Pause"; },
   114 		MENU_ITEM { command=EVideoCmdRefresh; txt="Restart"; flags=EEikMenuItemSeparatorAfter; },
   115 		MENU_ITEM { command=EVideoCmdToggleFrameDump; txt="Dump frames to c:\\temp\\"; flags=EEikMenuItemCheckBox;},
   116 		MENU_ITEM { command=EVideoCmdPauseAfterEachFrame; txt="Pause after frame"; flags=EEikMenuItemCheckBox|EEikMenuItemSeparatorAfter; },
   117 		MENU_ITEM { command=EVideoCmdFrameInfo; txt="Image Information…"; }
   118 		//MENU_ITEM { command=EVideoCmdExtractFrame; txt="Extract frame…"; }
   119 		};
   120 	}
   122 RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_options_menu
   123 	{
   124 	items=
   125 		{
   126 		MENU_ITEM { command=EVideoCmdMask; txt="Toggle mask"; flags=EEikMenuItemSeparatorAfter;},
   127 		MENU_ITEM { command=EVideoCmdDisplayMode; txt="Display mode…"; },
   128 		MENU_ITEM { command=EVideoCmdScalingQuality; txt="Scaling quality…"; },
   129 		MENU_ITEM { command=EVideoCmdBackgroundColor; txt="Background color…"; },
   130 		MENU_ITEM { command=EVideoCmdClipRectParams; txt="Clip rect setup…"; },
   131 		MENU_ITEM { command=EVideoCmdMaxReduction; txt="Set Max. reduction…"; }
   132 		};
   133 	}
   135 RESOURCE DIALOG r_video_display_mode_dialog
   136 	{
   137     title="Set display mode";
   138     flags=EEikDialogFlagWait;
   139     buttons=R_EIK_BUTTONS_CANCEL_OK;
   140     items=
   141         {
   142 		DLG_LINE
   143 			{
   144 			prompt="Display mode";
   145             type=EEikCtChoiceList;
   146 			id=EVideoIdDisplayMode;
   147 			control=CHOICELIST { array_id=r_video_display_mode_array; };
   148 			}
   149 		};
   150 	}
   152 RESOURCE DIALOG r_video_background_color_dialog
   153 	{
   154     title="Set background color";
   155     flags=EEikDialogFlagWait;
   156     buttons=R_EIK_BUTTONS_CANCEL_OK;
   157     items=
   158         {
   159         DLG_LINE
   160             {
   161 			type=EEikCtCheckBox;
   162             prompt="Override background color";
   163 			id=EVideoIdOverrideBackgroundColor;
   164             },
   165 		DLG_LINE
   166 			{
   167 			prompt="Use color";
   168             type=EEikCtChoiceList;
   169 			id=EVideoIdBackgroundColor;
   170 			control=CHOICELIST { array_id=r_video_background_color_array; };
   171 			}
   172 		};
   173 	}
   175 RESOURCE DIALOG r_video_frame_dialog
   176 	{
   177     title="Set current frame";
   178     flags=EEikDialogFlagWait;
   179     buttons=R_EIK_BUTTONS_CANCEL_OK;
   180     items=
   181         {
   182 		DLG_LINE
   183 			{
   184 			prompt="Number of frames";
   185             type=EEikCtNumberEditor;
   186 			id=EVideoIdNumberOfFrames;
   187 			control=NUMBER_EDITOR
   188 				{
   189 				min=0;
   190 				max=999999;
   191 				};
   192 			},
   193 		DLG_LINE
   194 			{
   195 			prompt="Current frame number";
   196             type=EEikCtNumberEditor;
   197 			id=EVideoIdCurrentFrameNumber;
   198 			control=NUMBER_EDITOR
   199 				{
   200 				min=0;
   201 				max=999999;
   202 				};
   203 			}
   204 		};
   205 	}
   207 RESOURCE ARRAY r_video_display_mode_array
   208 	{
   209 	items=
   210 		{
   211 		LBUF { txt="EGray2"; },
   212 		LBUF { txt="EGray4"; },
   213 		LBUF { txt="EGray16"; },
   214 		LBUF { txt="EGray256"; },
   215 		LBUF { txt="EColor16"; },
   216 		LBUF { txt="EColor256"; },
   217 		LBUF { txt="EColor4K"; },
   218 		LBUF { txt="EColor64K"; },
   219 		LBUF { txt="EColor16M"; },
   220 		LBUF { txt="EColor16MU"; }
   221 		};
   222 	}
   224 RESOURCE ARRAY r_video_full_display_mode_array // same order as TDisplayMode
   225 	{
   226 	items=
   227 		{
   228 		LBUF { txt="ENone"; },
   229 		LBUF { txt="EGray2"; },
   230 		LBUF { txt="EGray4"; },
   231 		LBUF { txt="EGray16"; },
   232 		LBUF { txt="EGray256"; },
   233 		LBUF { txt="EColor16"; },
   234 		LBUF { txt="EColor256"; },
   235 		LBUF { txt="EColor64K"; },
   236 		LBUF { txt="EColor16M"; },
   237 		LBUF { txt="ERgb"; },
   238 		LBUF { txt="EColor4K"; },
   239 		LBUF { txt="EColor16MU"; }
   240 		};
   241 	}
   243 RESOURCE ARRAY r_video_background_color_array
   244 	{
   245 	items=
   246 		{
   247 		LBUF { txt="Black"; },
   248 		LBUF { txt="Dark Gray"; },
   249 		LBUF { txt="Dark Red"; },
   250 		LBUF { txt="Dark Yellow"; },
   251 		LBUF { txt="Dark Green"; },
   252 		LBUF { txt="Red"; },
   253 		LBUF { txt="Yellow"; },
   254 		LBUF { txt="Green"; },
   255 		LBUF { txt="Magenta"; },
   256 		LBUF { txt="Blue"; },
   257 		LBUF { txt="Cyan"; },
   258 		LBUF { txt="Dark Magenta"; },
   259 		LBUF { txt="Dark Blue"; },
   260 		LBUF { txt="Dark Cyan"; },
   261 		LBUF { txt="Gray"; },
   262 		LBUF { txt="White"; }
   263 		};
   264 	}
   266 RESOURCE DIALOG r_video_file_saveas_dialog
   267     {
   268     flags=EEikDialogFlagWait;
   269     title="Save as";
   270     buttons=r_video_format_browse_cancel_ok_buttons;
   271     items=
   272         {
   273         DLG_LINE
   274             {
   275             prompt="Name";
   276             type=EEikCtFileNameEd;
   277             id=EEikCidFileNameEd;
   278             control=FILENAMEEDITOR {};
   279             },
   280         DLG_LINE
   281             {
   282             prompt="Folder";
   283             type=EEikCtFolderNameSel;
   284             id=EEikCidFolderNameSel;
   285             control=FOLDERNAMESELECTOR {};
   286             },
   287         DLG_LINE
   288             {
   289             prompt="Disk";
   290             type=EEikCtDriveNameSel;
   291             id=EEikCidDriveNameSel;
   292             control=DRIVENAMESELECTOR {};
   293             },
   294         DLG_LINE
   295             {
   296 			type=EEikCtCheckBox;
   297             prompt="Use new file";
   298 			id=EEikCidUseNewFileChbx;
   299             },
   300         DLG_LINE
   301             {
   302 			prompt="Format";
   303             type=EEikCtLabel;
   304 			id=EVideoIdSaveAsFormat;
   305 			control=LABEL { txt="Compuserve gif"; }; // Longest possible choice
   306             }
   307         };
   308     }
   310 RESOURCE DLG_BUTTONS r_video_format_browse_cancel_ok_buttons
   311     {
   312     buttons=
   313 		{
   314 		DLG_BUTTON { id=EVideoBidFormat; button=CMBUT {txt="Format…";}; hotkey='F'; },
   315 		DLG_BUTTON { id=EEikBidBrowse; button=CMBUT {txt="Browse…";}; hotkey='B'; },
   316 		DLG_BUTTON { id=EEikBidCancel; button=CMBUT {txt="Cancel";}; hotkey=EEikBidCancel; flags=0;},
   317 		DLG_BUTTON { id=EEikBidOk; button=CMBUT {txt="OK";}; hotkey=EEikBidOk; flags=0; }
   318 		};
   319     }
   321 RESOURCE ARRAY r_scaling_quality_array
   322 	{
   323 	items=
   324 		{
   325 		LBUF { txt="Low (fast)"; },
   326 		LBUF { txt="Medium"; },
   327 		LBUF { txt="High (slow)"; }
   328 		};
   329 	}
   331 RESOURCE DIALOG r_scaling_quality_dialog
   332     {
   333     flags=EEikDialogFlagWait;
   334     title="Scaling quality";
   335     buttons=R_EIK_BUTTONS_CANCEL_OK;
   336     items=
   337         {
   338         DLG_LINE
   339             {
   340             type=EEikCtChoiceList;
   341             prompt="Colour";
   342 			id=EImageScalingQuality;
   343             control=CHOICELIST { array_id=r_scaling_quality_array; };
   344             }
   345 		};
   346 	}
   348 RESOURCE DIALOG r_drm_content_params_dialog
   349     {
   350     flags=EEikDialogFlagWait;
   351     title="DRM Content Id";
   352     buttons=R_EIK_BUTTONS_CANCEL_OK;
   353     items=
   354         {
   355         DLG_LINE
   356             {
   357             type=EEikCtEdwin;
   358             control=EDWIN {lines=1; width=15;};
   359 			id=EImageDrmContentId;
   360             }
   361 		};
   362 	}
   364 RESOURCE DIALOG r_image_max_reduction_factor
   365     {
   366     flags=EEikDialogFlagWait;
   367     title="Maximum reduction factor";
   368     buttons=R_EIK_BUTTONS_CANCEL_OK;
   369     items=
   370         {
   371         DLG_LINE
   372             {
   373 			type=EEikCtNumberEditor;
   374 			prompt="Maxi. reduction";
   375 			id=EImageMaxAllowedReduction;
   376 			control=
   378 				{
   379 				min=0;
   380 				max=3;
   381 				};
   382             }
   383 		};
   384 	}
   386 RESOURCE DIALOG r_image_clip_rect_dialog
   387     {
   388     flags=EEikDialogFlagWait;
   389     title="Clip rect params";
   390     buttons=R_EIK_BUTTONS_CANCEL_OK;
   391     items=
   392         {
   393         DLG_LINE
   394             {
   395 			type=EEikCtCheckBox;
   396             prompt="Use clip rect";
   397 			id=EImageUseClipRect;
   398             },
   399         DLG_LINE
   400             {
   401 			type=EEikCtNumberEditor;
   402 			prompt="Top-left X";
   403 			id=EImageClipRectTlx;
   404 			control=
   406 				{
   407 				min=0;
   408 				max=327680;
   409 				};
   410             },
   411         DLG_LINE
   412             {
   413 			type=EEikCtNumberEditor;
   414 			prompt="Top-left Y";
   415 			id=EImageClipRectTly;
   416 			control=
   418 				{
   419 				min=0;
   420 				max=327680;
   421 				};
   422             },
   423         DLG_LINE
   424             {
   425 			type=EEikCtNumberEditor;
   426 			prompt="Bottom-right X";
   427 			id=EImageClipRectBrx;
   428 			control=
   430 				{
   431 				min=0;
   432 				max=327680;
   433 				};
   434             },
   435         DLG_LINE
   436             {
   437 			type=EEikCtNumberEditor;
   438 			prompt="Bottom-right Y";
   439 			id=EImageClipRectBry;
   440 			control=
   442 				{
   443 				min=0;
   444 				max=327680;
   445 				};
   446             }
   447 		};
   448 	}
   450 RESOURCE DIALOG r_video_file_format_dialog
   451     {
   452     flags=EEikDialogFlagWait;
   453     title="File format";
   454     buttons=R_EIK_BUTTONS_CANCEL_OK;
   455     items=
   456         {
   457         DLG_LINE
   458             {
   459             type=EEikCtChoiceList;
   460             prompt="Type";
   461 			id=EVideoIdFileFormatType;
   462             control=CHOICELIST {};
   463             },
   464         DLG_LINE
   465             {
   466             type=EEikCtChoiceList;
   467             prompt="Format";
   468 			id=EVideoIdFileFormatBpp;
   469             control=CHOICELIST { array_id=r_video_file_format_bpp_array; };
   470             },
   471         DLG_LINE
   472             {
   473             type=EEikCtChoiceList;
   474             prompt="Colour";
   475 			id=EVideoIdFileFormatColor;
   476             control=CHOICELIST { array_id=r_video_file_format_color_array; };
   477             },
   478         DLG_LINE
   479             {
   480 			type=EEikCtNumberEditor;
   481 			prompt="Quality";
   482 			id=EVideoIdFileFormatFactor;
   483 			control=
   485 				{
   486 				min=1;
   487 				max=100;
   488 				};
   489             },
   490         DLG_LINE
   491             {
   492             type=EEikCtChoiceList;
   493             prompt="Sampling";
   494 			id=EVideoIdFileFormatSampling;
   495             control=CHOICELIST { array_id=r_video_file_format_sampling_array; };
   496             },
   497 		DLG_LINE
   498 			{
   499 			type=EEikCtChoiceList;
   500 			prompt="Compression";
   501 			id=EVideoIdFileFormatCompression;
   502 			control=CHOICELIST { array_id=r_video_file_format_compression_array; };
   503 			}
   504         };
   505     }
   507 RESOURCE ARRAY r_video_file_format_bpp_array
   508 	{
   509 	items=
   510 		{
   511 		LBUF { txt="1"; },
   512 		LBUF { txt="2"; },
   513 		LBUF { txt="4"; },
   514 		LBUF { txt="8"; },
   515 		LBUF { txt="12"; },
   516 		LBUF { txt="16"; },
   517 		LBUF { txt="24"; },
   518 		LBUF { txt="32"; }
   519 		};
   520 	}
   522 RESOURCE ARRAY r_video_file_format_color_array
   523 	{
   524 	items=
   525 		{
   526 		LBUF { txt="No"; },
   527 		LBUF { txt="Yes"; }
   528 		};
   529 	}
   531 RESOURCE ARRAY r_video_file_format_sampling_array
   532 	{
   533 	items=
   534 		{
   535 		LBUF { txt="4:4:4"; },
   536 		LBUF { txt="4:2:2"; },
   537 		LBUF { txt="4:2:0"; }
   538 		};
   539 	}
   541 RESOURCE ARRAY r_video_file_format_compression_array
   542 	{
   543 	items=
   544 		{
   545 		LBUF { txt="Default"; },
   546 		LBUF { txt="No compression"; },
   547 		LBUF { txt="Best speed"; },
   548 		LBUF { txt="Best compression"; }
   549 		};
   550 	}
   552 RESOURCE TBUF r_video_server_starting { buf="Server starting..."; }
   553 RESOURCE TBUF r_video_server_started { buf="Server started"; }
   554 RESOURCE TBUF r_video_server_failed { buf="Server failed to start (%S)"; }
   555 RESOURCE TBUF r_video_file_format_bmp { buf="Windows bmp"; }
   556 RESOURCE TBUF r_video_file_format_gif { buf="Compuserve gif"; }
   557 RESOURCE TBUF r_video_file_format_jpeg { buf="Jpeg (jfif)"; }
   558 RESOURCE TBUF r_video_file_format_mbm { buf="Symbian mbm"; }
   559 RESOURCE TBUF r_video_file_format_png { buf="PNG"; }
   560 RESOURCE TBUF r_video_file_format_custom { buf="Custom format"; }
   562 RESOURCE TBUF r_video_select_folder { buf="Select folder to open"; }
   563 RESOURCE TBUF r_video_open_ota { buf="Open OTA file"; }
   564 RESOURCE TBUF r_video_open_wbmp { buf="Open WBMP file"; }
   566 RESOURCE TBUF r_video_empty_folder { buf ="Empty folder"; }
   568 RESOURCE TBUF r_video_unknown { buf = "unknown command"; }
   571 RESOURCE ARRAY r_properties_lines
   572 	{
   573 	items=
   574 		{
   575 	    DLG_LINE
   576 		    {
   577 			type=EEikCtEdwin;
   578 			control=EDWIN {lines=10; flags=EEikEdwinReadOnly | EEikEdwinNoAutoSelection; width=15;};
   579 			id=EFramePropertiesPage;
   580 	        }
   581 		};
   582 	}
   585 RESOURCE ARRAY r_video_info_pages
   586 	{
   587 	items = 
   588 		{
   589 		PAGE {text="Properties"; lines=r_properties_lines;}
   590 		};
   591 	}
   593 RESOURCE DIALOG r_video_info_dialog
   594     {
   595     flags=EEikDialogFlagWait;
   596     title="Image information";
   597     buttons=R_EIK_BUTTONS_CONTINUE;
   598 	pages=r_video_info_pages;
   599     }