changeset 0 40261b775718
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:40261b775718
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  This class provides an interface for accessing the Radio Data System (RDS)
    15 *                for FM sound broadcasting. CRadioRdsUtility can also be used with
    16 *                Radio Broadcast Data System (RDBS). Client must first instantiate
    17 *                a tuner control implementing this interface before this class can be used.
    18 *
    19 *
    20 */
    24 #ifndef M_RADIORDSCONTROL_H
    25 #define M_RADIORDSCONTROL_H
    27 #include <e32base.h>
    29 /**
    30  *  RDS control error definitions.
    31  *  In addition to the standard system error code, the following error codes may
    32  *  be returned.
    33  */
    34 typedef TInt TRdsControlError;
    35 const TRdsControlError KRdsErrHardwareFaulty                = -13050;
    36 const TRdsControlError KRdsErrNotPermittedInCurrentState    = -13051;
    37 const TRdsControlError KRdsErrDuplicateRequest              = -13052;
    39 /**
    40  * RDS Programme Type.
    41  *
    42  * The interpretation of values of this type depends on the origin of the RDS
    43  * broadcast: in North America, a slightly different standard, RBDS, is used.
    44  * These PTY codes are defined by static values KRbdsPtyXxxxx, for example
    45  * KRbdsPtySoftRock.
    46  *
    47  * Elsewhere, including Europe, the RDS standard is used. In these areas, the
    48  * PTY codes are defined by static values KRdsPtyXxxxx, for example
    49  * KRdsPtyChildrensProgrammes.
    50  *
    51  * In all other important aspects, the European RDS and North American RBDS
    52  * standards are identical.
    53  */
    54 typedef TInt TRdsProgrammeType;
    56 const TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyNone                = 0;
    57 const TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyNews                = 1;
    58 const TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyCurrentAffairs      = 2;
    59 const TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyInformation         = 3;
    60 const TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtySport               = 4;
    61 const TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyEducation           = 5;
    62 const TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyDrama               = 6;
    63 const TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyCulture             = 7;
    64 const TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyScience             = 8;
    65 const TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyVariedSpeech        = 9;
    66 const TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyPopMusic            = 10;
    67 const TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyRockMusic           = 11;
    68 const TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyEasyListening       = 12;
    69 const TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyLightClassical      = 13;
    70 const TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtySeriousClassical    = 14;
    71 const TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyOtherMusic          = 15;
    72 const TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyWeather             = 16;
    73 const TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyFinance             = 17;
    74 const TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyChildrensProgrammes = 18;
    75 const TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtySocialAffairs       = 19;
    76 const TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyReligion            = 20;
    77 const TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyPhoneIn             = 21;
    78 const TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyTravel              = 22;
    79 const TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyLeisure             = 23;
    80 const TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyJazzMusic           = 24;
    81 const TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyCountryMusic        = 25;
    82 const TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyNationalMusic       = 26;
    83 const TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyOldiesMusic         = 27;
    84 const TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyFolkMusic           = 28;
    85 const TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyDocumentary         = 29;
    86 const TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyAlarmTest           = 30;
    87 const TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyAlarm               = 31;
    89 const TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyNone               = 0;
    90 const TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyNews               = 1;
    91 const TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyInformation        = 2;
    92 const TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtySports             = 3;
    93 const TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyTalk               = 4;
    94 const TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyRock               = 5;
    95 const TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyClassicRock        = 6;
    96 const TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyAdultHits          = 7;
    97 const TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtySoftRock           = 8;
    98 const TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyTop40              = 9;
    99 const TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyCountry            = 10;
   100 const TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyOldies             = 11;
   101 const TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtySoft               = 12;
   102 const TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyNostalgia          = 13;
   103 const TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyJazz               = 14;
   104 const TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyClassical          = 15;
   105 const TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyRhythmAndBlues     = 16;
   106 const TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtySoftRhythmAndBlues = 17;
   107 const TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyLanguage           = 18;
   108 const TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyReligiousMusic     = 19;
   109 const TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyReligiousTalk      = 20;
   110 const TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyPersonality        = 21;
   111 const TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyPublic             = 22;
   112 const TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyCollege            = 23;
   113 const TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyUnassigned1        = 24;
   114 const TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyUnassigned2        = 25;
   115 const TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyUnassigned3        = 26;
   116 const TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyUnassigned4        = 27;
   117 const TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyUnassigned5        = 28;
   118 const TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyWeather            = 29;
   119 const TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyEmergencyTest      = 30;
   120 const TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyEmergency          = 31;
   123 /**
   124  *  Table 1: Class codes for RTplus content types
   125  *  Defined in Radiotext plus (RTplus) Specification Version 2.1
   126  *  RDS Forum 2006-07-21 - R06/040_1
   127  */
   128 enum TRdsRTplusClass
   129     {
   130     // Category: Item (0 - 10)
   131     ERTplusItemDummy = 0,
   132     ERTplusItemTitle,
   133     ERTplusItemAlbum,
   134     ERTplusItemTrackNumber,
   135     ERTplusItemArtist,
   136     ERTplusItemComposition,
   137     ERTplusItemMovement,
   138     ERTplusItemConductor,
   139     ERTplusItemComposer,
   140     ERTplusItemBand,
   141     ERTplusItemComment,
   142     ERTplusItemGenre,
   143     // Category: Info (12 - 30)
   144     ERTplusInfoNews,
   145     ERTplusInfoNewsLocal,
   146     ERTplusInfoStockMarket,
   147     ERTplusInfoSport,
   148     ERTplusInfoLottery,
   149     ERTplusInfoHoroscope,
   150     ERTplusInfoDailyDiversion,
   151     ERTplusInfoHealth,
   152     ERTplusInfoEvent,
   153     ERTplusInfoSzene,
   154     ERTplusInfoCinema,
   155     ERTplusInfoTV,
   156     ERTplusInfoDateTime,
   157     ERTplusInfoWeather,
   158     ERTplusInfoTraffic,
   159     ERTplusInfoAlarm,
   160     ERTplusInfoAdvisertisement,
   161     ERTplusInfoURL,
   162     ERTplusInfoOther,
   163     // Category: Programme (31 - 40)
   164     ERTplusStationNameShort,
   165     ERTplusStationNameLong,
   166     ERTplusProgramNow,
   167     ERTplusProgramNext,
   168     ERTplusProgramPart,
   169     ERTplusProgramHost,
   170     ERTplusProgramEditorialStaff,
   171     ERTplusStationFrequency,
   172     ERTplusProgramHomepage,
   173     ERTplusProgramSubChannel,
   174     // Category: Interactivity (41 - 53)
   175     ERTplusPhoneHotline,
   176     ERTplusPhoneStudio,
   177     ERTplusPhoneOther,
   178     ERTplusSmsStudio,
   179     ERTplusSmsOther,
   180     ERTplusEmailHotline,
   181     ERTplusEmailStudio,
   182     ERTplusEmailOther,
   183     ERTplusMmsOther,
   184     ERTplusChat,
   185     ERTplusChatCenter,
   186     ERTplusVoteQuestion,
   187     ERTplusVoteCenter,
   188     // Category: Reserved for future (54 - 55)
   189     ERTplusRfuClass54,
   190     ERTplusRfuClass55,
   191     // Category: Private classes (56 - 58)
   192     ERTplusPrivateClass56,
   193     ERTplusPrivateClass57,
   194     ERTplusPrivateClass58,
   195     // Category: Descriptor (59 - 63)
   196     ERTplusPlace,
   197     ERTplusAppointment,
   198     ERTplusIdentifier,
   199     ERTplusPurchase,
   200     ERTplusGetData
   201     };
   204 /**
   205  *  RDS Function Bit Flags used by TRdsCapabilities and TRdsData.
   206  *
   207  *  @since S60 3.2
   208  */
   209 enum TRdsFeatures
   210     {
   211     ERdsProgrammeIdentification  = 0x001,
   212     ERdsProgrammeType            = 0x002,
   213     ERdsProgrammeService         = 0x004,
   214     ERdsRadioText                = 0x008,
   215     ERdsRadioTextPlus            = 0x010,
   216     ERdsClockTime                = 0x020,
   217     ERdsTrafficProgramme         = 0x040,
   218     ERdsTrafficAnnouncement      = 0x080,
   219     ERdsAlternateFrequency       = 0x100
   220     };
   223 /**
   224  *  The RDS Capabilities class defines the capabilities of the RDS control on the
   225  *  device, as retrieved using the function GetCapabilities.
   226  *
   227  *  @since S60 3.2
   228  */
   229 class TRdsCapabilities
   230     {
   231 public:
   232     // Bitfield as defined by TRdsFeatures with the bits of the supported functions set
   233     // Valid bitfieds are:
   234     //    ERdsProgrammeIdentification | ERdsProgrammeType | ERdsProgrammeService |
   235     //    ERdsRadioText | ERdsRadioTextPlus | ERdsClockTime | ERdsTrafficProgramme |
   236     //    ERdsTrafficAnnouncement | ERdsAlternateFrequency
   237     TUint32 iRdsFunctions;
   238     // Reserved for future
   239     TUint32 iAdditionalFunctions1;
   240     // Reserved for future
   241     TUint32 iAdditionalFunctions2;
   242 	};
   245 /**
   246  *  This class provides RDS features that can be enabled or disabled. Used in
   247  *  function NotifyRdsDataChange.
   248  *
   249  *  @since S60 3.2
   250  */
   251 class TRdsData
   252     {
   253 public:
   254     // A value indicating a set containing all RDS data encapsulated by class TRdsData.
   255     static const TUint32 KAllRdsData = ( ERdsProgrammeIdentification | ERdsProgrammeType |
   256           ERdsProgrammeService | ERdsRadioText | ERdsClockTime | ERdsTrafficAnnouncement );
   258 public:
   259 	// Bitfield as defined by TRdsDataFeatures with the bits of the supported functions set
   260     // Valid bitfieds are:
   261     //    ERdsProgrammeIdentification | ERdsProgrammeType | ERdsProgrammeService |
   262     //    ERdsRadioText | ERdsClockTime | ERdsTrafficAnnouncement
   263 	TUint32 iRdsFunctions;
   264 	// Reserved for future
   265 	TUint32 iAdditionalFunctions1;
   266 	// Reserved for future
   267 	TUint32 iAdditionalFunctions2;
   268 	};
   271 /**
   272  *  This class provides RT+ tags.
   273  *
   274  *  @since S60 3.2
   275  */
   276 class TRdsRTplusTag
   277     {
   278 public:
   279 	// Specifies the content type according to the class code
   280 	TRdsRTplusClass iContentType;
   281 	// Indicates the position of the first character within the Radio Text
   282 	// (Start marker 0: means first character in RT)
   283 	TUint32 iStart;
   284 	// Length (number of characters) of the RTplus tag.
   285 	TUint32 iLength;
   286 	};
   289 /** Programme Service name, 8 characters */
   290 typedef TBuf8<8> TRdsPSName;
   291 /** Radio Text, 64 characters */
   292 typedef TBuf8<64> TRdsRadioText;
   295 /**
   296  *  This class provides the interface class to be implemented by object receiving request
   297  *  complete notification from RDS control. These functions are called once the asynchronous
   298  *  request completes successfully or with an error.
   299  *
   300  *  In addition, this class provides the interface for receiving events from RDS control.
   301  *
   302  *  @since S60 3.2
   303  */
   304 class MRdsControlObserver
   305 	{
   306 public:
   308     /**
   309      * Station seek by Programme Type(PTY) complete event. This event is asynchronous and
   310      * is received after a call to MRdsControl::StationSeekByPTY.
   311      *
   312      * @since S60 3.2
   313      * @param aError A standard system error code or RDS control error (TRdsControlError).
   314      * @param aFrequency The frequency(Hz) of the radio station that was found.
   315      */
   316     virtual void StationSeekByPTYComplete( TInt aError, TInt aFrequency ) = 0;
   318     /**
   319      * Station seek by Traffic Announcement(TA) complete event. This event is asynchronous
   320      * and is received after a call to MRdsControl::StationSeekByTA.
   321      *
   322      * @since S60 3.2
   323      * @param aError A standard system error code or RDS control error (TRdsControlError).
   324      * @param aFrequency The frequency(Hz) of the radio station that was found.
   325      */
   326     virtual void StationSeekByTAComplete( TInt aError, TInt aFrequency ) = 0;
   328     /**
   329      * Station seek by Traffic Programme(TP) complete event. This event is asynchronous and
   330      * is received after a call to MRdsControl::StationSeekByTP.
   331      *
   332      * @since S60 3.2
   333      * @param aError A standard system error code or RDS control error (TRdsControlError).
   334      * @param aFrequency The frequency(Hz) of the radio station that was found.
   335      */
   336     virtual void StationSeekByTPComplete( TInt aError, TInt aFrequency ) = 0;
   338     /**
   339      * Get frequencies by Programme Type(PTY) complete event. This event is asynchronous
   340      * and is received after a call to MRdsControl::GetFreqByPTY.
   341      *
   342      * Client takes ownership of the array and therefore is responsible for deallocating it.
   343      *
   344      * @since S60 3.2
   345      * @param aError A standard system error code or RDS control error (TRdsControlError).
   346      * @param aFreqList Array of frequencies (Hz), valid only if aError is KErrNone.
   347      */
   348     virtual void GetFreqByPTYComplete( TInt aError, RArray<TInt>& aFreqList ) = 0;
   350     /**
   351      * Get frequencies by Traffic Announcement(TA) complete event. This event is asynchronous
   352      * and is received after a call to MRdsControl::GetFreqByTA.
   353      *
   354      * Client takes ownership of the array and therefore is responsible for deallocating it.
   355      *
   356      * @since S60 3.2
   357      * @param aError A standard system error code or RDS control error (TRdsControlError).
   358      * @param aFreqList Array of frequencies (Hz), valid only if aError is KErrNone.
   359      */
   360     virtual void GetFreqByTAComplete( TInt aError, RArray<TInt>& aFreqList ) = 0;
   362     /**
   363      * Get Programme Service names (PS) by Programme Type(PTY) complete event. This event is
   364      * asynchronous and is received after a call to MRdsControl::GetPSByPTY.
   365      *
   366      * Client takes ownership of the array and therefore is responsible for deallocating it.
   367      *
   368      * @since S60 3.2
   369      * @param aError A standard system error code or RDS control error (TRdsControlError).
   370      * @param aPsList Array of programme service names, valid only if aError is KErrNone.
   371      */
   372     virtual void GetPSByPTYComplete( TInt aError, RArray<TRdsPSName>& aPsList ) = 0;
   374     /**
   375      * Get Programme Service names (PS) by Traffic Announcement(TA) complete event. This event is
   376      * asynchronous and is received after a call to MRdsControl::GetPSByTA.
   377      *
   378      * Client takes ownership of the array and therefore is responsible for deallocating it.
   379      *
   380      * @since S60 3.2
   381      * @param aError A standard system error code or RDS control error (TRdsControlError).
   382      * @param aPsList Array of programme service names, valid only if aError is KErrNone.
   383      */
   384     virtual void GetPSByTAComplete( TInt aError, RArray<TRdsPSName>& aPsList ) = 0;
   386     /**
   387      * New Programme Identification(PI) is available. This event is asynchronous and is
   388      * received after a call to MRdsControl::NotifyRdsDataChange. Client will continue to
   389      * receive this notification whenever new PI is available until clients unsubscribes.
   390      *
   391      * @since S60 3.2
   392      * @param aPi Programme identification
   393      */
   394     virtual void RdsDataPI( TInt aPi ) = 0;
   396     /**
   397      * New Programme Type (PTY) is available. This event is asynchronous and is received after
   398      * a call to MRdsControl::NotifyRdsDataChange. Client will continue to receive this
   399      * notification whenever new PTY is available until client cancels notification request.
   400      *
   401      * @since S60 3.2
   402      * @param aPty Programme type
   403      */
   404     virtual void RdsDataPTY( TRdsProgrammeType aPty ) = 0;
   406     /**
   407      * New Programme Service name (PS) is available. This event is asynchronous and is received
   408      * after a call to MRdsControl::NotifyRdsDataChange. Client will continue to receive this
   409      * notification whenever new PS is available until client cancels notification request.
   410      *
   411      * @since S60 3.2
   412      * @param aPs Programme service
   413      */
   414     virtual void RdsDataPS( TRdsPSName& aPs ) = 0;
   416     /**
   417      * New Radio Text (RT) is available. This event is asynchronous and is received after
   418      * a call to MRdsControl::NotifyRdsDataChange. Client will continue to receive this
   419      * notification whenever new RT is available until client cancels notification request.
   420      *
   421      * If RT+ is supported, RT+ tags information is sent along with the RT. Client takes
   422      * ownership of the array and therefore is responsible to deallocate it.
   423      *
   424      * @since S60 3.2
   425      * @param aRt Radio text
   426      * @param aRTplusTags RTplus tags
   427      */
   428     virtual void RdsDataRT( TRdsRadioText& aRt, RArray<TRdsRTplusTag>& aRTplusTags ) = 0;
   430     /**
   431      * Clock Time (CT) is available. This event is asynchronous and is received after a call
   432      * to MRdsControl::NotifyRdsDataChange. Client will continue to receive this notification
   433      * whenever new CT is available until client cancels notification request.
   434      *
   435      * @since S60 3.2
   436      * @param aCt Clock time
   437      */
   438     virtual void RdsDataCT( TDateTime& aCt ) = 0;
   440     /**
   441      * Called when Traffice Announcement (TA) status changes. This event is asynchronous
   442      * and is received after a call to MRdsControl::NotifyRdsDataChange. Client will continue
   443      * to receive this notification whenever TA status changes until client cancels notification request.
   444      *
   445      * @since S60 3.2
   446      * @param aTaOn ETrue indicates that Traffic Announcement is on.
   447      */
   448     virtual void RdsDataTA( TBool aTaOn ) = 0;
   450     /**
   451      * Called when tuner starts to search for an Alternate Frequency (AF) with stronger signal.
   452      * This event is asynchronous and is received after a call to MRdsControl::SetAutomaticSwitching.
   453      * Client will continue to receive this notification whenever new search is started
   454      * until clients turns automatic switching off.
   455      *
   456      * @since S60 3.2
   457      */
   458     virtual void RdsSearchBeginAF() = 0;
   460     /**
   461      * Called when search for an Alternate Frequency (AF) ends. This event is asynchronous and
   462      * is received after a call to MRdsControl::SetAutomaticSwitching. Client will continue
   463      * to receive this notification until clients turns automatic switching off.
   464      *
   465      * Most common error codes:
   466      * KErrNone - Successful, new frequency found
   467      * KErrNotFound - Ended, but frequency hasn't changed
   468      * KErrCancel - Cancelled
   469      *
   470      * @since S60 3.2
   471      * @param aError A standard system error code or RDS control error (TRdsControlError).
   472      * @param aFrequency The frequency (Hz) of the radio station that was found.
   473      */
   474     virtual void RdsSearchEndAF( TInt aError, TInt aFrequency ) = 0;
   476 	/**
   477 	 * Called when the tuner has re-tuned to another frequency that is broadcasting
   478 	 * Traffic Announcement (TA). This notification sent only when the client has turned the
   479 	 * automatic traffic announcement on.
   480 	 *
   481 	 * @since S60 3.2
   482      * @param aFrequency The frequency (Hz) of the radio station that was found.
   483 	 */
   484 	virtual void RdsStationChangeTA( TInt aFrequency ) = 0;
   486     /**
   487      * Called when RDS signal status change (i.e. signal is lost/restored).
   488      *
   489      * @since S60 3.2
   490      * @param aSignal ETrue indicates that RDS signal is available in the tuned frequency.
   491      */
   492     virtual void RdsEventSignalChange( TBool aSignal ) = 0;
   493     };
   496 /**
   497 *  This class provides the interface class to be implemented by object implementing RDS control.
   498 *
   499 *  @since S60 3.2
   500 */
   501 class MRdsControl
   502     {
   503 public:
   505     /**
   506      * Get the capabilities of the RDS control on the device.
   507      *
   508      * @since S60 3.2
   509      * @param aCaps The capabilities object to fill
   510      * @return A standard system error code or RDS control error (TRdsControlError).
   511      */
   512     IMPORT_C virtual TInt GetCapabilities( TRdsCapabilities& aCaps ) const = 0;
   514     /**
   515      * Get the status of the RDS reception.
   516      *
   517      * @since S60 3.2
   518      * @param aRdsSignal On return, will be ETrue if RDS signal can be recepted, EFalse otherwise.
   519      * @return A standard system error code or RDS control error (TRdsControlError).
   520      */
   521     IMPORT_C virtual TInt GetRdsSignalStatus( TBool& aRdsSignal ) const = 0;
   523     /**
   524      * Subscribe for notification for the specified RDS data. Client should first check
   525      * the capabilities to see if a feature is supported.
   526      * Request for notification for non-supported features will simply be ignored.
   527      *
   528      * For example, if the client wishes to be notified when new Programme Type and
   529      * Traffic Announcement is available:
   530      *      iRdsData = ERdsProgrammeType | ERdsTrafficAnnouncement;
   531      *      iRdsUtility->NotifyRdsDataChange(iRdsData);
   532      *
   533      * @since S60 3.2
   534      * @param aRdsData Bitfield indicating notification request.
   535      * @see MRdsControlObserver::RdsDataPI
   536      * @see MRdsControlObserver::RdsDataPTY
   537      * @see MRdsControlObserver::RdsDataPS
   538      * @see MRdsControlObserver::RdsDataRT
   539      * @see MRdsControlObserver::RdsDataCT
   540      * @see MRdsControlObserver::RdsDataTA
   541      */
   542     IMPORT_C virtual TInt NotifyRdsDataChange( TRdsData aRdsData ) = 0;
   544     /**
   545      * Cancel NotifyRdsDataChange request.
   546      *
   547      * @since S60 3.2
   548      */
   549     IMPORT_C virtual void CancelNotifyRdsDataChange() = 0;
   551     /**
   552      * Turn on/off automatic switching of frequency based on Alternate Frequency.
   553      * This will cause RDS device to search for alternate frequency when the signal strength
   554      * deteriorates. User should be ready to receive RdsSearchBeginAF and RdsSearchEndAF.
   555      * Automatic switching is off by default.
   556      *
   557      * Client should first check the capabilities to see if ERdsAlternateFrequency is
   558      * supported. Will return KErrNotSupported if this feature is not supported.
   559      *
   560      * @since S60 3.2
   561      * @param aAuto ETrue to turn automatic switching on, EFalse to turn it off.
   562      * @return A standard system error code or RDS control error (TRdsControlError).
   563      * @see MRdsControlObserver::RdsSearchBeginAF
   564      * @see MRdsControlObserver::RdsSearchEndAF
   565      */
   566     IMPORT_C virtual TInt SetAutomaticSwitching( TBool aAuto ) = 0;
   568     /**
   569      * Find out whether automatic switching is on or off.
   570      *
   571      * @since S60 3.2
   572      * @param aAuto ETrue indicates that automatic switching is enabled.
   573      * @return A standard system error code or RDS control error (TRdsControlError).
   574      */
   575     IMPORT_C virtual TInt GetAutomaticSwitching( TBool& aAuto ) = 0;
   577     /**
   578      * Cancel ongoing search for an Alternate Frequency (AF) with stronger signal.
   579      *
   580      * Client can issue this request to interrupt the search indicated with
   581      * MRdsControlObserver::RdsSearchBeginAF.
   582      *
   583      * @since S60 3.2
   584      */
   585     IMPORT_C virtual void CancelAFSearch() = 0;
   587     /**
   588      * Turns on/off automatic switching of frequency based on Traffic Announcement.
   589      * This will cause RDS device to search for frequencies broadcasting traffic announcement.
   590      * This feature is based on TP/TA fields and/or EON. It is up to the client to return to
   591      * the previous frequency when the traffic announcement is finished.
   592      *
   593      * NOTE: This is only supported in dual tuner configuration since the secondary tuner
   594      * needs to perform continuous scanning for frequencies broadcasting traffic announcement,
   595      * while the primary tuner is used for normal tuner activities.
   596      * Client should first check the tuner capabilities. Will return KErrNotSupported if
   597      * this feature is not supported.
   598      *
   599      * @since S60 3.2
   600      * @param aAuto ETrue indicates that automatic switching is on.
   601      * @return A standard system error code or RDS control error (TRdsControlError).
   602      */
   603     IMPORT_C virtual TInt SetAutomaticTrafficAnnouncement( TBool aAuto ) = 0;
   605     /**
   606      * Find out whether automatic traffic announcement is enabled.
   607      *
   608      * @since S60 3.2
   609      * @param aAuto ETrue indicates that automatic traffic announcement is on.
   610      * @return A standard system error code or RDS control error (TRdsControlError).
   611      */
   612     IMPORT_C virtual TInt GetAutomaticTrafficAnnouncement( TBool& aAuto ) = 0;
   614     /**
   615      * Asynchronous request to find a radio station with the specified Programme Type (PTY),
   616      * starting from the currently tuned frequency and searching in the direction specified
   617      * (i.e. up or down). User must be ready to receive callback method StationSeekByPTYComplete
   618      * The station found is returned in the callback.
   619      *
   620      * @since S60 3.2
   621      * @param aPty The type of programme to search for.
   622      * @param aSeekUp The direction to search in. Searches upwards if set to ETrue.
   623      * @see MRdsControlObserver::StationSeekByPTYComplete
   624      */
   625     IMPORT_C virtual void StationSeekByPTY( TRdsProgrammeType aPty, TBool aSeekUp ) = 0;
   627     /**
   628      * Asynchronous request to find a radio station with Traffic Announcement (TA),
   629      * starting from the currently tuned frequency and searching in the direction specified
   630      * (i.e. up or down). User must be ready to receive callback method StationSeekByTAComplete
   631      * The station found is returned in the callback.
   632      *
   633      * @since S60 3.2
   634      * @param aSeekUp The direction to search in. Searches upwards if set to ETrue.
   635      * @see MRdsControlObserver::StationSeekByTAComplete
   636      */
   637     IMPORT_C virtual void StationSeekByTA( TBool aSeekUp ) = 0;
   639     /**
   640      * Asynchronous request to find a radio station with Traffic Programme (TP),
   641      * starting from the currently tuned frequency and searching in the direction specified
   642      * (i.e. up or down). User must be ready to receive callback method StationSeekByTPComplete
   643      * The station found is returned in the callback.
   644      *
   645      * @since S60 3.2
   646      * @param aSeekUp The direction to search in. Searches upwards if set to ETrue.
   647      * @see MRdsControlObserver::StationSeekByTPComplete
   648      */
   649     IMPORT_C virtual void StationSeekByTP( TBool aSeekUp ) = 0;
   651     /**
   652      * Cancels an ongoing retune operation, as initiated by a call to StationSeekByPTY,
   653      * StationSeekByTA, or StationSeekByTP.
   654      * The usual callback will not occur if this has been called.
   655      *
   656      * @since S60 3.2
   657      */
   658     IMPORT_C virtual void CancelRdsStationSeek() = 0;
   660     /**
   661      * Asynchronous request to find all frequencies sending the given Programme Type (PTY).
   662      * User must be ready to receive callback method GetFreqByPTYComplete.
   663      *
   664      * NOTE: This is only supported in dual tuner configuration since the secondary tuner
   665      * needs to perform continuous scanning for frequencies broadcasting given Programme Type
   666      * while the primary tuner is used for normal tuner activities.
   667      * Client should first check the tuner capabilities. Will return KErrNotSupported in
   668      * callback method if this feature is not supported.
   669      *
   670      * @since S60 3.2
   671      * @param aPty The type of programme to search for
   672      * @see MRdsControlObserver::GetFreqByPTYComplete
   673      */
   674     IMPORT_C virtual void GetFreqByPTY( TRdsProgrammeType aPty ) = 0;
   676     /**
   677      * Cancels an ongoing request to find all frequencies sending a given Programme Type (PTY).
   678      * The usual callback will not occur if this has been called.
   679      *
   680      * @since S60 3.2
   681      */
   682     IMPORT_C virtual void CancelGetFreqByPTY() = 0;
   684     /**
   685      * Asynchronous request to find all frequencies sending Traffic Announcement (TA). User must
   686      * be ready to receive callback method GetFreqByTAComplete.
   687      *
   688      * NOTE: This is only supported in dual tuner configuration since the secondary tuner
   689      * needs to perform continuous scanning for frequencies broadcasting given Traffic Announcement
   690      * while the primary tuner is used for normal tuner activities.
   691      * Client should first check the tuner capabilities. Will return KErrNotSupported in
   692      * callback method if this feature is not supported.
   693      *
   694      * @since S60 3.2
   695      * @see MRdsControlObserver::GetFreqByTAComplete
   696      */
   697     IMPORT_C virtual void GetFreqByTA() = 0;
   699     /**
   700      * Cancels an ongoing request to find all frequencies sending Traffic Announcement.
   701      * The usual callback will not occur if this has been called.
   702      *
   703      * @since S60 3.2
   704      */
   705     IMPORT_C virtual void CancelGetFreqByTA() = 0;
   707     /**
   708      * Asynchronous request to find all Programme Service names (PS) sending the given Programme
   709      * Type (PTY). User must be ready to receive callback method GetPSByPTYComplete.
   710      *
   711      * NOTE: This is only supported in dual tuner configuration since the secondary tuner
   712      * needs to perform continuous scanning for frequencies broadcasting given Programme Type
   713      * while the primary tuner is used for normal tuner activities.
   714      * Client should first check the tuner capabilities. Will return KErrNotSupported in
   715      * callback method if this feature is not supported.
   716      *
   717      * @since S60 3.2
   718      * @param aPty The type of programme to search for
   719      * @see MRdsControlObserver::GetPSByPTYComplete
   720      */
   721     IMPORT_C virtual void GetPSByPTY( TRdsProgrammeType aPty ) = 0;
   723     /**
   724      * Cancels an ongoing request to find all Programme Service names (PS) sending a given
   725      * Programme Type (PTY). The usual callback will not occur if this has been called.
   726      *
   727      * @since S60 3.2
   728      */
   729     IMPORT_C virtual void CancelGetPSByPTY() = 0;
   731     /**
   732      * Asynchronous request to find all Programme Service names (PS) sending Traffic Announcement (TA).
   733      * User must be ready to receive callback method GetPSByTAComplete.
   734      *
   735      * NOTE: This is only supported in dual tuner configuration since the secondary tuner
   736      * needs to perform continuous scanning for frequencies broadcasting given Traffic Announcement
   737      * while the primary tuner is used for normal tuner activities.
   738      * Client should first check the tuner capabilities. Will return KErrNotSupported in
   739      * callback method if this feature is not supported.
   740      *
   741      * @since S60 3.2
   742      * @see MRdsControlObserver::GetPSByTAComplete
   743      */
   744     IMPORT_C virtual void GetPSByTA() = 0;
   746     /**
   747      * Cancels an ongoing request to find all Programme Service names (PS) sending Traffic Announcement.
   748      * The usual callback will not occur if this has been called.
   749      *
   750      * @since S60 3.2
   751      */
   752     IMPORT_C virtual void CancelGetPSByTA() = 0;
   754     /**
   755      * Get the current Programme Identification code.
   756      * RDS data is received over the air and may not be available immediately following
   757      * tune operation. If a value is returned, this is the last known value, which may
   758      * not be up to date.
   759      * To be notified of the most recent value, client should use NotifyRdsDataChange.
   760      *
   761      * @since S60 3.2
   762      * @param aPi On return contains Programme Identification code
   763      * @return A standard system error code or RDS control error (TRdsControlError).
   764      */
   765     IMPORT_C virtual TInt GetProgrammeIdentification( TInt& aPi ) = 0;
   767     /**
   768      * Get the current Programme Type.
   769      * RDS data is received over the air and may not be available immediately following
   770      * tune operation. If a value is returned, this is the last known value, which may
   771      * not be up to date.
   772      * To be notified of the most recent value, client should use NotifyRdsDataChange.
   773      *
   774      * @since S60 3.2
   775      * @param aPty On return contains Programme Type
   776      * @return A standard system error code or RDS control error (TRdsControlError).
   777      */
   778     IMPORT_C virtual TInt GetProgrammeType( TRdsProgrammeType& aPty ) = 0;
   780     /**
   781      * Get the current Programme Service name.
   782      * RDS data is received over the air and may not be available immediately following
   783      * tune operation. If a value is returned, this is the last known value, which may
   784      * not be up to date.
   785      * To be notified of the most recent value, client should use NotifyRdsDataChange.
   786      *
   787      * The maximum possible length for Programme Service name is 8 characters.
   788      *
   789      * @since S60 3.2
   790      * @param aPs On return contains Programme Service name
   791      * @return A standard system error code or RDS control error (TRdsControlError).
   792      */
   793     IMPORT_C virtual TInt GetProgrammeService( TRdsPSName& aPs ) = 0;
   795     /**
   796      * Get the current Radio Text.
   797      * RDS data is received over the air and may not be available immediately following
   798      * tune operation. If a value is returned, this is the last known value, which may
   799      * not be up to date.
   800      * To be notified of the most recent value, client should use NotifyRdsDataChange.
   801      *
   802      * The maximum possible length for radio text is 64 characters.
   803      *
   804      * If RT+ is supported, RT+ tags information is returned along with the RT. Array is
   805      * owned by the client.
   806      *
   807      * @since S60 3.2
   808      * @param aRt On return contains Radio Text
   809      * @param aRTplusTags RTplus tags
   810      * @return A standard system error code or RDS control error (TRdsControlError).
   811      */
   812     IMPORT_C virtual TInt GetRadioText( TRdsRadioText& aRt, RArray<TRdsRTplusTag>& aRTplusTags ) = 0;
   814     /**
   815      * Get the current Clock Time and date.
   816      * RDS data is received over the air and may not be available immediately following
   817      * tune operation. If a value is returned, this is the last known value, which may
   818      * not be up to date.
   819      * To be notified of the most recent value, client should use NotifyRdsDataChange.
   820      *
   821      * The RDS standard states that this is broadcast within 0.1s of the start of a minute,
   822      * and is accurate to one minute. The latency of the notification reaching the application
   823      * cannot be guaranteed.
   824      *
   825      * @since S60 3.2
   826      * @param aCt On return contains current time and date
   827      * @return A standard system error code or RDS control error (TRdsControlError).
   828      */
   829     IMPORT_C virtual TInt GetClockTime( TDateTime& aCt ) = 0;
   831     /**
   832      * Get Traffic Announcement status at the current station.
   833      *
   834      * @since S60 3.2
   835      * @param aTaStatus On return, will be ETrue if current station has ongoing traffic announcement
   836      * @return A standard system error code or RDS control error (TRdsControlError).
   837      */
   838     IMPORT_C virtual TInt GetTrafficAnnouncementStatus( TBool& aTaStatus ) = 0;
   840     /**
   841      * Get Traffic Programme status at the current station.
   842      *
   843      * @since S60 3.2
   844      * @param aTpStatus On return, will be ETrue if current station supports traffic programme
   845      * @return A standard system error code or RDS control error (TRdsControlError).
   846      */
   847     IMPORT_C virtual TInt GetTrafficProgrammeStatus( TBool& aTpStatus ) = 0;
   848 	};
   850 #endif      // M_RADIORDSCONTROL_H