changeset 0 40261b775718
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     1 // Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #ifndef __MIDICLIENTUTILITY_H__
    17 #define __MIDICLIENTUTILITY_H__
    19 #include <e32std.h>
    20 #include <e32base.h>
    21 #include <bamdesca.h> 
    22 #include <mmf/common/mmfcontroller.h>
    23 #include <mmf/common/mmfstandardcustomcommands.h>
    24 #include <mmf/common/mmfdrmcustomcommands.h>
    25 #include <mmf/common/mmfmididatacommon.h>
    28 /**
    29 General utility class to hold instrument information.
    31 @publishedAll
    32 @released
    33 */
    34 class TInstrumentInfo
    35 	{
    36 public:
    37 	/**
    38 	 *Identifier of sound bank to reference.
    39 	 */
    40 	TInt iBankId;
    42 	/**
    43 	 * Specifies whether to reference a custom or standard sound bank.
    44 	 */
    45 	TBool iCustom;
    47 	/**
    48 	 * Identifier of specified instrument.
    49 	 */
    50 	TInt iInstrumentId;
    51 	};
    53 /**
    54 Defines the state of the MIDI client utility with regard to the MIDI resource.
    56 @publishedAll
    57 @released
    58 */
    59 enum TMidiState
    60 	{
    61 	/**
    62 	 * No MIDI resource is currently open. 
    63 	 * The MIDI engine is not processing midi events.
    64 	 */
    65 	EMidiStateClosedDisengaged,  
    68 	/**
    69 	 * A MIDI resource is open and primed but not playing.
    70 	 * The MIDI engine is not processing midi events.
    71 	 */
    72 	EMidiStateOpenDisengaged,
    74 	/**
    75 	 * A MIDI resource is open and currently playing.
    76 	 * The MIDI engine is currently processing midi events.
    77 	 */
    78 	EMidiStateOpenPlaying,  
    80 	/**
    81 	 * Not able to play full SP-MIDI or DLS content, but attempting best-effort playback.
    82 	 */
    83 	EMidiStatePlaybackIncompatible,
    85 	/**
    86 	 * Due to system resource constraints and SP-MIDI content constraints,
    87 	 * there is no audible MIDI content during playback currently.
    88 	 * The situation may change if resources are freed later.
    89 	 */
    90 	EMidiStatePlaybackSilent,
    92 	/**
    93 	 * No MIDI resource is currently open. 
    94 	 * The MIDI engine is currently processing midi events. 
    95 	 */
    96 	EMidiStateClosedEngaged, 
    98 	/**
    99 	 * A MIDI resource is open and primed but not playing. 
   100 	 * The MIDI engine is currently processing MIDI events. 
   101 	 * The transition to this state is only possible from EMidiStateOpenPlaying state, 
   102 	 * when the 'playback head' reaches the end of media data or the playback
   103 	 * stops due to stop time set.
   104 	 */
   105 	EMidiStateOpenEngaged,
   106 	};
   108 /**
   109 Active object utility class to allow MIDI events to be signalled asynchronously.
   110 @see CMidiClientUtility::NewL().
   112 @publishedAll
   113 @released
   114 */
   115 class MMidiClientUtilityObserver
   116 	{
   117 public:
   118     /**
   119     A state change has occurred in the MIDI client utility.
   121     @param aOldState 
   122 	       Old state.
   123     @param aNewState 
   124 	       New state.	 
   125     @param aTime 
   126 	       The time in microseconds at which playback stopped relative to the start of the MIDI resource.	
   127     @param aError	
   128 	       Error code.
   129     */
   130 	virtual void MmcuoStateChanged(TMidiState aOldState,TMidiState aNewState,const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTime,TInt aError) = 0;
   131     /**
   132     The MIDI resource has encountered a tempo change message in the MIDI data stream.
   134     @param aMicroBeatsPerMinute 
   135 	       New tempo value in micro beats per minute (BPM*1000000).
   136     */
   137 	virtual void MmcuoTempoChanged(TInt aMicroBeatsPerMinute) = 0;
   138     /**
   139     The MIDI resource has encountered a volume change message in the MIDI data stream.
   141     @param aChannel 
   142 	       Logical channel to which the message applies. 0 <= aChannel < ChannelsSupportedL().
   143     @param aVolumeInDecibels 
   144 	       New volume setting being used.
   145     */
   146 	virtual void MmcuoVolumeChanged(TInt aChannel,TReal32 aVolumeInDecibels) = 0;
   147     /**
   148     The MIDI resource has encountered a mute message in the MIDI data stream.
   150     @param aChannel
   151 	       Logical channel to which the message applies. 0 <= aChannel < ChannelsSupportedL().
   152     @param aMuted 
   153 	       New muting state of the channel - ETrue is muted, EFalse is unmuted.
   154     */
   155 	virtual void MmcuoMuteChanged(TInt aChannel,TBool aMuted) = 0;
   156     /**
   157     Callback in response to a call to CMIDIClientUtility::SetSyncUpdateCallbackIntervalL().
   158 	By default there are no callbacks. Otherwise the callback is called at an interval set by the client. 
   160     @param aMicroSeconds 
   161 	       Position in microseconds relative to the start of the resource - only set if 
   162 	       the sync update set function was called with the microseconds parameter set.
   163     @param aMicroBeats 
   164 	       Position in microbeats relative to the start of the resource - only set if
   165 	       the sync update set function was called with the microbeats parameter set and
   166 	       the microseconds parameter set to 0.
   167     */
   168 	virtual void MmcuoSyncUpdate(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aMicroSeconds,TInt64 aMicroBeats) = 0;
   169     /**
   170     A timed meta data entry has been found in the MIDI data stream, eg a timed song lyric in an SMF file.
   172     @param aMetaDataEntryId 
   173 	       Index of the meta data entry - if this entry has not been encountere before,
   174 	       it will be added to the list of meta data entries. Previously encountered timed 
   175 		   entries still generate this callback. 
   176     @param aPosition
   177 	       Position in microseconds relative to the start of the MIDI resource that the MIDI
   178 	       meta data entry was found at.
   179     */
   180 	virtual void MmcuoMetaDataEntryFound(const TInt aMetaDataEntryId,const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aPosition) = 0;
   181     /**
   182     A MIP message has been found in the MIDI data stream.
   184     @param aMessage 
   185 	       Reference to an array of MIP message entries (logical {channel, MIP} value pairs) 
   186 	       contained in the message.
   187     */
   188 	virtual void MmcuoMipMessageReceived(const RArray<TMipMessageEntry>& aMessage) = 0;
   189     /**
   190     The polyphony of the MIDI engine has changed.
   192     @param aNewPolyphony 
   193 	       The new polyphony value.
   194     */
   195 	virtual void MmcuoPolyphonyChanged(TInt aNewPolyphony) = 0;
   196     /**
   197     An instrument has been changed on a channel.
   199     @param aChannel 
   200 	       Channel where the change of instrument occurred. 0 <= aChannel < ChannelsSupportedL().
   201     @param aBankId 
   202 	       Identifier of the bank that the instrument belongs to, occupying no more than 14 bits. 
   203 	       The bank ID is a concatenation of MIDI bank MSB and LSB values.
   204     @param aInstrumentId 
   205 	       Identifier of the instrument that has been changed. 0 <= aInstrumentId <= 127.
   206     */
   207 	virtual void MmcuoInstrumentChanged(TInt aChannel,TInt aBankId,TInt aInstrumentId) = 0;
   208 	};
   211 /**
   212 Utility class to provide a standard client interface to a MIDI controller.
   214 @publishedAll
   215 @released
   216 */
   217 class CMidiClientUtility : public CBase
   218 	{
   219 	class CBody;
   220 public:
   221 	IMPORT_C static CMidiClientUtility* NewL(MMidiClientUtilityObserver& aObserver,
   222 											 TInt aPriority = EMdaPriorityNormal,
   223 											 TInt aPref = EMdaPriorityPreferenceTimeAndQuality);
   225 	// alternative NewL for selecting shared/separate controller heap(s)
   226 	IMPORT_C static CMidiClientUtility* NewL(MMidiClientUtilityObserver& aObserver,
   227 											 TInt aPriority,
   228 											 TInt aPref,
   229 											 TBool aUseSharedHeap);
   231 	/**	Destructor */
   232 	virtual ~CMidiClientUtility();
   233 	IMPORT_C TMidiState State() const;
   234 	IMPORT_C void OpenFile(const TDesC& aFileName);
   235 	IMPORT_C void OpenFile(const RFile& aFile);
   237 	IMPORT_C void OpenFile(const TMMSource& aSource);
   239 	IMPORT_C void OpenDes(const TDesC8& aDescriptor);
   240 	IMPORT_C void OpenUrl(const TDesC& aUrl,TInt aIapId = KUseDefaultIap,const TDesC8& aMimeType=KNullDesC8);
   241 	IMPORT_C void Close();
   242 	IMPORT_C void Play();
   243 	IMPORT_C void Stop(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aFadeOutDuration);
   244 	IMPORT_C void PlayNoteL(TInt aChannel,TInt aNote,const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aDuration,TInt aNoteOnVelocity,TInt aNoteOffVelocity);
   245 	IMPORT_C void PlayNoteL(TInt aChannel,TInt aNote,const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aStartTime,const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aDuration,TInt aNoteOnVelocity,TInt aNoteOffVelocity);
   246 	IMPORT_C void StopNotes(TInt aChannel);
   247 	IMPORT_C void NoteOnL(TInt aChannel,TInt aNote,TInt aVelocity);
   248 	IMPORT_C void NoteOffL(TInt aChannel,TInt aNote,TInt aVelocity);
   249 	IMPORT_C TInt PlaybackRateL() const;
   250 	IMPORT_C void SetPlaybackRateL(TInt aRate);
   251 	IMPORT_C TInt MaxPlaybackRateL() const;
   252 	IMPORT_C TInt MinPlaybackRateL() const;
   253 	IMPORT_C TInt TempoMicroBeatsPerMinuteL() const;
   254 	IMPORT_C void SetTempoL(TInt aMicroBeatsPerMinute);
   255 	IMPORT_C TInt PitchTranspositionCentsL() const;
   256 	IMPORT_C TInt SetPitchTranspositionL(TInt aCents);
   257 	IMPORT_C TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds DurationMicroSecondsL() const;
   258 	IMPORT_C TInt64 DurationMicroBeatsL() const;
   259 	IMPORT_C TInt NumTracksL() const;
   260 	IMPORT_C void SetTrackMuteL(TInt aTrack,TBool aMuted) const;
   261 	IMPORT_C const TDesC8& MimeTypeL();
   262 	IMPORT_C TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds PositionMicroSecondsL() const;
   263 	IMPORT_C void SetPositionMicroSecondsL(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aPosition);
   264 	IMPORT_C TInt64 PositionMicroBeatsL() const;
   265 	IMPORT_C void SetPositionMicroBeatsL(TInt64 aMicroBeats);
   266 	IMPORT_C void SetSyncUpdateCallbackIntervalL(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aMicroSeconds, TInt64 aMicroBeats=0);		
   267 	IMPORT_C TInt SendMessageL(const TDesC8& aMidiMessage);
   268 	IMPORT_C TInt SendMessageL(const TDesC8& aMidiMessage,const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTime);
   269 	IMPORT_C void SendMipMessageL(const RArray<TMipMessageEntry>& aEntry);
   270 	IMPORT_C TInt NumberOfBanksL(TBool aCustom) const;
   271 	IMPORT_C TInt GetBankIdL(TBool aCustom,TInt aBankIndex) const;
   272 	IMPORT_C void LoadCustomBankL(const TDesC& aFileName,TInt& aBankCollectionIndex);
   273 	IMPORT_C void LoadCustomBankDataL(const TDesC8& aBankData,TInt& aBankCollectionIndex);
   274 	IMPORT_C void UnloadCustomBankL(TInt aBankCollectionIndex);
   275 	IMPORT_C TBool CustomBankLoadedL(TInt aBankCollectionIndex) const;
   276 	IMPORT_C void UnloadAllCustomBanksL();
   277 	IMPORT_C TInt NumberOfInstrumentsL(TInt aBankId,TBool aCustom) const;
   278 	IMPORT_C TInt GetInstrumentIdL(TInt aBankId,TBool aCustom,TInt aInstrumentIndex) const;
   279 	IMPORT_C HBufC* InstrumentNameL(TInt aBankId, TBool aCustom, TInt aInstrumentId) const;
   280 	IMPORT_C void GetInstrumentL(TInt aChannel, TInt& aInstrumentId, TInt& aBankId);
   281 	IMPORT_C void SetInstrumentL(TInt aChannel,TInt aBankId,TInt aInstrumentId);
   282 	IMPORT_C void LoadCustomInstrumentL(const TDesC& aFileName,TInt aFileBankId,TInt aFileInstrumentId,TInt aMemoryBankId,TInt aMemoryInstrumentId);
   283 	IMPORT_C void LoadCustomInstrumentDataL(const TDesC8& aInstrumentData, TInt aBankDataId, TInt aInstrumentDataId, TInt aMemoryBankId, TInt aMemoryInstrumentId);
   284 	IMPORT_C void UnloadCustomInstrumentL(TInt aCustomBankId,TInt aInstrumentId);
   285 	IMPORT_C HBufC* PercussionKeyNameL(TInt aNote, TInt aBankId, TBool aCustom, TInt aInstrumentId) const;
   286 	IMPORT_C void StopTimeL(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aStopTime) const;
   287 	IMPORT_C void SetStopTimeL(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aStopTime);
   288 	IMPORT_C void SetRepeatsL(TInt aRepeatNumberOfTimes, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTrailingSilence);
   289 	IMPORT_C TInt GetRepeats() const;
   290 	IMPORT_C TInt PolyphonyL() const;
   291 	IMPORT_C void SetMaxPolyphonyL(TInt aMaxNotes);
   292 	IMPORT_C TInt ChannelsSupportedL() const;
   293 	IMPORT_C TReal32 ChannelVolumeL(TInt aChannel) const;
   294 	IMPORT_C TReal32 MaxChannelVolumeL() const;
   295 	IMPORT_C void SetChannelVolumeL(TInt aChannel,TReal32 aVolumeInDecibels);
   296 	IMPORT_C void SetChannelMuteL(TInt aChannel,TBool aMuted);
   297 	IMPORT_C TInt VolumeL() const;
   298 	IMPORT_C TInt MaxVolumeL() const;
   299 	IMPORT_C void SetVolumeL(TInt aVolume);
   300 	IMPORT_C void SetVolumeRampL(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aRampDuration);
   301 	IMPORT_C TInt GetBalanceL() const;
   302 	IMPORT_C void SetBalanceL(TInt aBalance = KMMFBalanceCenter);
   303 	IMPORT_C void SetPriorityL(TInt aPriority, TInt aPref);
   304 	IMPORT_C TInt NumberOfMetaDataEntriesL() const;
   305 	IMPORT_C CMMFMetaDataEntry* GetMetaDataEntryL(TInt aMetaDataIndex) const;
   306 /**
   307  * @deprecated SetBankL is deprecated due to Mobile XMF specification requirement that user instruments (custom instruments) override standard instruments.
   308  */
   309 	IMPORT_C void SetBankL(TBool aCustom);
   310 	IMPORT_C TBool IsTrackMuteL(TInt aTrack) const;
   311 	IMPORT_C TBool IsChannelMuteL(TInt aChannel) const;
   312 	IMPORT_C void CustomCommandSyncL(const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination, TInt aFunction, const TDesC8& aDataTo1, const TDesC8& aDataTo2, TDes8& aDataFrom);
   313 	IMPORT_C void CustomCommandSyncL(const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination, TInt aFunction, const TDesC8& aDataTo1, const TDesC8& aDataTo2);
   314 	IMPORT_C void CustomCommandAsync(const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination, TInt aFunction, const TDesC8& aDataTo1, const TDesC8& aDataTo2, TDes8& aDataFrom, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   315 	IMPORT_C void CustomCommandAsync(const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination, TInt aFunction, const TDesC8& aDataTo1, const TDesC8& aDataTo2, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   316 	IMPORT_C TInt MaxPolyphonyL() const;
   318 	IMPORT_C MMMFDRMCustomCommand* GetDRMCustomCommand();
   320 private:
   321 	/**
   322 	 * a pointer to the implementation.
   323 	 */
   324 	CBody* iBody;	
   325 	friend class CBody;
   326 	}; 
   328 #endif