changeset 0 40261b775718
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     1 // Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include <midiclientutility.h>
    17 #include "midiclientutilitybody.h"
    20 /**
    21 Static factory function for creating a MIDI client utility object.
    22 This function is synchronous, unlike the other factory functions,
    23 because it doesn't need to perform any MIDI resource initialisation.
    25 @param aObserver
    26        Reference to an object to receive callbacks on completion of asynchronous functions.
    27 @param aPriority
    28        The Priority Value - this client's relative priority. This is a value between EMdaPriorityMin and 
    29        EMdaPriorityMax and represents a relative priority. A higher value indicates a more important request.
    30 @param aPref
    31        The Priority Preference - an additional audio policy parameter. The suggested default is 
    32        EMdaPriorityPreferenceNone. Further values are given by TMdaPriorityPreference, and additional 
    33        values may be supported by given phones and/or platforms, but should not be depended upon by 
    34        portable code.
    35 @param aUseSharedHeap
    36 	   Select if the underlying controller will have its own heap or share a single heap with other
    37 	   controller instances.
    38 	   The default behaviour, or if this value is EFalse, is that each controller is created with
    39 	   its own heap. The alternative, if the value is ETrue, is that controllers share a special
    40 	   heap with other controllers created the same way. Each heap uses a chunk, so this avoids
    41 	   situations where the number of chunks per process is limited. The default behaviour is
    42 	   generally to be preferred, and should give lower overall memory usage. However, if many
    43 	   controllers are to be created for a particular thread, then ETrue should be provided to
    44 	   prevent running out of heaps or chunks.
    45 @return Fully constructed utility object ready to have an OpenXxxx() function called.
    47 Note: The Priority Value and Priority Preference are used primarily when deciding what to do when
    48 several audio clients attempt to play or record simultaneously. In addition to the Priority Value and Preference, 
    49 the adaptation may consider other parameters such as the SecureId and Capabilities of the client process. 
    50 Whatever, the decision  as to what to do in such situations is up to the audio adaptation, and may
    51 vary between different phones. Portable applications are advised not to assume any specific behaviour. 
    52 */
    53 EXPORT_C CMidiClientUtility* CMidiClientUtility::NewL(MMidiClientUtilityObserver& aObserver, TInt aPriority, TInt aPref, TBool aUseSharedHeap)
    54 	{
    55 	CMidiClientUtility* self = new(ELeave) CMidiClientUtility();
    56 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    57 	self->iBody = CMidiClientUtility::CBody::NewL(self, aObserver, aPriority, aPref, aUseSharedHeap );
    58 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    59 	return self;
    60 	}
    62 /**
    63 Static factory function for creating a MIDI client utility object.
    64 This function is synchronous, unlike the other factory functions,
    65 because it doesn't need to perform any MIDI resource initialisation
    66 The underlying controller that is created will be given its own heap.
    68 @param aObserver
    69        Reference to an object to receive callbacks on completion of asynchronous functions.
    70 @param aPriority
    71        The Priority Value - this client's relative priority. This is a value between EMdaPriorityMin and 
    72        EMdaPriorityMax and represents a relative priority. A higher value indicates a more important request.
    73 @param aPref
    74        The Priority Preference - an additional audio policy parameter. The suggested default is 
    75        EMdaPriorityPreferenceNone. Further values are given by TMdaPriorityPreference, and additional 
    76        values may be supported by given phones and/or platforms, but should not be depended upon by 
    77        portable code.
    78 @return Fully constructed utility object ready to have an OpenXxxx() function called.
    80 Note: The Priority Value and Priority Preference are used primarily when deciding what to do when
    81 several audio clients attempt to play or record simultaneously. In addition to the Priority Value and Preference, 
    82 the adaptation may consider other parameters such as the SecureId and Capabilities of the client process. 
    83 Whatever, the decision  as to what to do in such situations is up to the audio adaptation, and may
    84 vary between different phones. Portable applications are advised not to assume any specific behaviour. 
    85 */
    86 EXPORT_C CMidiClientUtility* CMidiClientUtility::NewL(MMidiClientUtilityObserver& aObserver, TInt aPriority, TInt aPref)
    87 	{
    88 	return NewL( aObserver, aPriority, aPref, EFalse );
    89 	}
    91 CMidiClientUtility::~CMidiClientUtility()
    92 	{
    93 	delete iBody;
    94 	}
    96 /**
    97 Asynchronous function to open a file containing MIDI data and perform
    98 initialisation ready for playback
   100 @param aFileName Name of the MIDI file to open
   101 */
   102 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::OpenFile(const TDesC& aFileName)
   103 	{
   104 	iBody->OpenFile(aFileName);
   105 	}
   107 /**
   108 Asynchronous function to open a file containing MIDI data and perform
   109 initialisation ready for playback
   111 @param aFile Open shared protected session handle to the midi file to read
   112 */
   113 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::OpenFile(const RFile& aFile)
   114 	{
   115 	iBody->OpenFile(const_cast<RFile&>(aFile));
   116 	}
   118 /**
   119 Asynchronous function to open a file containing MIDI data and perform
   120 initialisation ready for playback
   122 @param aFileSource TFileSource object which references either a filename or a
   123 file handle to the midi file to read
   124 */
   125 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::OpenFile(const TMMSource& aSource)
   126 	{
   127 	iBody->OpenFile(aSource);
   128 	}
   130 /**
   131 Asynchronous function to open a descriptor containing MIDI data and perform
   132 initialisation ready for playback
   134 @param aDescriptor descriptor containing MIDI data
   135 */
   136 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::OpenDes(const TDesC8& aDescriptor)
   137 	{
   138 	iBody->OpenDes(aDescriptor);
   139 	}
   141 /**
   142 Asynchronous function to open a URL containing MIDI data and perform
   143 initialisation ready for playback
   145 @param  aUrl
   146         Uniform Resource Locator for a MIDI data stream
   147 @param  aIapId
   148         Identifier of the Internet Access Point to use -
   149         available from CommDB, the comms connections database.
   150         Defaults to using the default access point, as defined by CommDB
   151 @param  aMimeType
   152         Mime type of the MIDI data stream to be played.
   153         Defaults to nothing in which case the an attempt will be made to recognise the type of the MIDI data automatically.
   154 */
   155 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::OpenUrl(const TDesC& aUrl,TInt aIapId,const TDesC8& aMimeType)
   156 	{
   157 	iBody->OpenUrl(aUrl, aIapId, aMimeType);
   158 	}
   160 /**
   161 Asynchronous function to initiate or resume playback of a previously opened resource.
   162 Also used to start an internal timer to establish a zero-time for the media stream
   163 time relative to which commands with timestamps are timed against
   164 */
   165 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::Play()
   166 	{
   167 	iBody->Play();
   168 	}
   170 /**
   171 Stops playback of a resource but does not change the current position or release any resources.
   172 Pauses the internal timer if no resource is open
   174 @param aFadeOutDuration
   175        Length of time over which the volume is faded out from the current settings to zero.
   176 */
   177 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::Stop(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aFadeOutDuration)
   178 	{
   179 	iBody->Stop(aFadeOutDuration);
   180 	}
   182 /**
   183 Asynchronous function which closes any currently open resources, such as files, descriptors or URLs in use.
   184 Does nothing if there is nothing currently open.
   185 */
   186 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::Close()
   187 	{
   188 	iBody->Close();
   189 	}
   191 /**
   192 Gets the current state of the MIDI client utility with regard to MIDI resources
   194 @return The current state of the utility
   195 */
   196 EXPORT_C TMidiState CMidiClientUtility::State() const
   197 	{
   198 	return iBody->State();
   199 	}
   201 /**
   202 Synchronous function to play a single note.
   203 Multiple calls to this function will be accommodated as far as the MIDI engine can
   204 manage. The same functionality could be implemented using the SendMessage function
   206 @param aChannel 
   207        Logical channel to play note on. 0 <= aChannel <= 15.
   208 @param aNote 
   209        Note to play. 0 <= aNote <= 127
   210 @param aDuration 
   211        Length of time to play note for.
   212 @param aNoteOnVelocity 
   213        Velocity with which to start the note. 0 <= aNoteOnVelocity <= 127.
   214 @param aNoteOffVelocity 
   215        Velocity with which to stop the note. 0 <= aNoteOffVelocity <= 127.
   216 */
   217 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::PlayNoteL(TInt aChannel,TInt aNote,const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aDuration,TInt aNoteOnVelocity,TInt aNoteOffVelocity)
   218 	{
   219 	iBody->PlayNoteL(aChannel, aNote, aDuration, aNoteOnVelocity, aNoteOffVelocity);
   220 	}
   222 /**
   223 Synchronous function to play a single note at a specified time.
   224 Multiple calls to this function will be accommodated as far as the MIDI engine can
   225 manage. The same functionality could be implemented using the SendMessage function
   227 @param aChannel 
   228        Logical channel to play note on. 0 <= aChannel <= 15.
   229 @param aNote 
   230        Note to play. 0 <= aNote <= 127
   231 @param aStartTime 
   232        specifies the time at which to start playing the note,
   233        relative to the MIDI resource playing time or the time elapsed since Play() was called if no resource is present
   234 @param aDuration
   235        Length of time to play note for.
   236 @param aNoteOnVelocity 
   237        Velocity with which to start the note. 0 <= aNoteOnVelocity <= 127.
   238 @param aNoteOffVelocity
   239        Velocity with which to stop the note. 0 <= aNoteOffVelocity <= 127.
   240 */
   241 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::PlayNoteL(TInt aChannel,TInt aNote,const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aStartTime,const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aDuration,TInt aNoteOnVelocity,TInt aNoteOffVelocity)
   242 	{
   243 	iBody->PlayNoteL(aChannel, aNote, aStartTime, aDuration, aNoteOnVelocity, aNoteOffVelocity);
   244 	}
   246 /**
   247 Stops the playback of all notes on the given channel,
   248 by means of an All Notes Off MIDI message
   250 @param aChannel 
   251        Logical channel to stop notes on. 0 <= aChannel <= 15
   252 */
   253 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::StopNotes(TInt aChannel)
   254 	{
   255 	iBody->StopNotes(aChannel);
   256 	}
   258 /**
   259 Synchronous function to commence playback of a note.
   260 Multiple calls to this function will be accommodated as far as the MIDI engine can manage
   262 @param aChannel 
   263        Logical channel to play note on. 0 <= aChannel <= 15
   264 @param aNote 
   265        Note to play. 0 <= aNote <= 127
   266 @param aVelocity 
   267        Velocity with which to start the note.
   268        The legal integer range is 0 <= aVelocity <= 127, but the value zero
   269        actually causes the message to be interpreted as a Note Off message
   270        instead of a Note On.
   271 */
   272 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::NoteOnL(TInt aChannel,TInt aNote,TInt aVelocity)
   273 	{
   274 	iBody->NoteOnL(aChannel, aNote, aVelocity);
   275 	}
   277 /**
   278 Synchronous function to terminate playback of a note. If no corresponding note
   279 is found then no error is raised.
   281 @param aChannel 
   282        Logical channel on which the note is playing. 0 <= aChannel <= 15.
   283 @param aNote 
   284        Note to terminate. 0 <= aNote <= 127.
   285 @param aVelocity 
   286        Velocity with which to stop the note. 0 <= aVelocity <= 127. There is no 
   287 	   standard behaviour corresponding with note off velocity.
   288 */
   289 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::NoteOffL(TInt aChannel,TInt aNote,TInt aVelocity)
   290 	{
   291 	iBody->NoteOffL(aChannel, aNote, aVelocity);
   292 	}
   294 /**
   295 Gets the current playback rate factor of the currently open MIDI resource.
   296 The playback rate is independent from tempo,
   297 i.e., it can be used to give an overall speed factor for playback
   299 @return Current playback rate in percent times 1000,
   300         i.e., 100000 means original playback speed, 200000 means double speed,
   301         and 50000 means half speed playback
   302 */
   303 EXPORT_C TInt CMidiClientUtility::PlaybackRateL() const
   304 	{
   305 	return iBody->PlaybackRateL();
   306 	}
   308 /**
   309 Sets the playback rate for the playback of the current MIDI resource.
   310 The playback rate is independent from tempo,
   311 i.e., it can be used to give an overall speed factor for playback.
   312 May be called whether playback is in progress or not.
   314 @param aRate 
   315        Playback rate in percent times 1000,
   316        i.e., 100000 means original playback speed, 200000 means double speed,
   317        and 50000 means half speed playback
   318 */
   319 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::SetPlaybackRateL(TInt aRate)
   320 	{
   321 	iBody->SetPlaybackRateL(aRate);
   322 	}
   324 /**
   325 Gets the maximum playback rate in milli-percentage from the MIDI engine.
   326 @see SetPlaybackRate() for milli-percentage details
   328 @return Maximum playback rate supported by MIDI player
   329 */
   330 EXPORT_C TInt CMidiClientUtility::MaxPlaybackRateL() const
   331 	{
   332 	return iBody->MaxPlaybackRateL();
   333 	}
   335 /**
   336 Gets the minimum playback rate in milli-percentage from the MIDI engine.
   337 @see SetPlaybackRate() for milli-percentage details.
   339 @return Minimum playback rate supported by MIDI player.
   340 */
   341 EXPORT_C TInt CMidiClientUtility::MinPlaybackRateL() const
   342 	{
   343 	return iBody->MinPlaybackRateL();
   344 	}
   346 /**
   347 Gets the current tempo of the currently open MIDI resource. The tempo is independent
   348 from the playback rate, i.e., the resulting playback speed will be affected by both.
   350 @return Tempo at the current position of the currently open resource in microbeats per minute,
   351         i.e. BPM * 1000000. Filled in by the controller framework
   352 */
   353 EXPORT_C TInt CMidiClientUtility::TempoMicroBeatsPerMinuteL() const
   354 	{
   355 	return iBody->TempoMicroBeatsPerMinuteL();
   356 	}
   358 /**
   359 Sets the tempo at which the current MIDI resource should be played.
   360 May be called whether playback is in progress or not.
   361 The tempo is independent from the playback rate,
   362 i.e., the resulting playback speed will be affected by both
   364 @param aMicroBeatsPerMinute 
   365        Tempo in microbeats per minute (BPM*1000000) to set
   366 */
   367 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::SetTempoL(TInt aMicroBeatsPerMinute)
   368 	{
   369 	iBody->SetTempoL(aMicroBeatsPerMinute);
   370 	}
   372 /**
   373 Gets the pitch shift in use for the currently open MIDI resource
   375 @return Pitch shift in cents, i.e. semitones * 100. One octave equals 1200 cents
   376 */
   377 EXPORT_C TInt CMidiClientUtility::PitchTranspositionCentsL() const
   378 	{
   379 	return iBody->PitchTranspositionCentsL();
   380 	}
   382 /**
   383 Sets the pitch shift to apply to the currently open MIDI resource.
   384 May be called during playback
   385 aCents parameter is not checked - if the value is out of range, it is expected KErrArgument is return by MIDI engine.
   387 @param aCents 
   388        Pitch shift in cents, i.e. semitones * 100. One octave equals 1200 cents
   389 @return Actual pitch shift applied -
   390         may differ from the requested value due to limitations of the MIDI engine
   391 */
   392 EXPORT_C TInt CMidiClientUtility::SetPitchTranspositionL(TInt aCents)
   393 	{
   394 	return iBody->SetPitchTranspositionL(aCents);
   395 	}
   397 /**
   398 Gets the length of the currently open MIDI resource in micro-seconds
   400 @return Duration in microseconds (seconds * 1000000).
   401 */
   402 EXPORT_C TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds CMidiClientUtility::DurationMicroSecondsL() const
   403 	{
   404 	return iBody->DurationMicroSecondsL();
   405 	}
   407 /**
   408 Gets the length of the currently open MIDI resource in micro-beats
   410 @return Duration in microbeats (beats * 1000000).
   411 */
   412 EXPORT_C TInt64 CMidiClientUtility::DurationMicroBeatsL() const
   413 	{
   414 	return iBody->DurationMicroBeatsL();
   415 	}
   417 /**
   418 Gets the number of tracks present in the currently open MIDI resource
   420 @return Number of tracks
   421 */
   422 EXPORT_C TInt CMidiClientUtility::NumTracksL() const
   423 	{
   424 	return iBody->NumTracksL();
   425 	}
   427 /**
   428 Mutes or unmutes a particular track
   430 @param aTrack
   431        Index of the track to mute - 0 <= aTrack < NumTracksL().
   432 @param aMuted
   433        ETrue to mute the track, EFalse to unmute it.
   434 */
   435 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::SetTrackMuteL(TInt aTrack,TBool aMuted) const
   436 	{
   437 	iBody->SetTrackMuteL(aTrack, aMuted);
   438 	}
   441 /**
   442 Gets the MIME type of the MIDI resource currently open
   444 @return Descriptor containing the MIDI mime type
   445 */
   446 EXPORT_C const TDesC8& CMidiClientUtility::MimeTypeL()
   447 	{
   448 	return iBody->MimeTypeL();
   449 	}
   451 /**
   452 Gets the current temporal position of the MIDI resource being played.
   454 @return Microseconds relative to the start of the resource
   455 */
   456 EXPORT_C TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds CMidiClientUtility::PositionMicroSecondsL() const
   457 	{
   458 	return iBody->PositionMicroSecondsL();
   459 	}
   461 /**
   462 Change the position of the currently playing MIDI resource to the given position.
   463 May be called whenever a MIDI resource is open
   465 @param aPosition
   466        Temporal position to move to. Clamped to (0, DurationMicroSecondsL()).
   467 */
   468 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::SetPositionMicroSecondsL(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aPosition)
   469 	{
   470 	iBody->SetPositionMicroSecondsL(aPosition);
   471 	}
   473 /**
   474 Gets the current metrical position of the MIDI resource being played
   476 @return Microbeats (BPM*1000000) relative to the start of the resource
   477 */
   478 EXPORT_C TInt64 CMidiClientUtility::PositionMicroBeatsL() const
   479 	{
   480 	return iBody->PositionMicroBeatsL();
   481 	}
   483 /**
   484 Change the position of the currently playing MIDI resource to the given position.
   485 May be called whenever a MIDI resource is open.
   487 @param aMicroBeats 
   488        Metrical position to move to. Clamped to (0, DurationMicroBeatsL()).
   489 */
   490 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::SetPositionMicroBeatsL(TInt64 aMicroBeats)
   491 	{
   492 	iBody->SetPositionMicroBeatsL(aMicroBeats);
   493 	}
   495 /**
   496 Sets the frequency at which MMIDIClientUtilityObserver::MmcuoSyncUpdateL(…) is called
   497 to allow other components to synchronise with playback of this MIDI resource
   499 @param aMicroSeconds 
   500        Temporal interval to callback at. Used in preference to aMicroBeats if both are set
   501 @param aMicroBeats 
   502        Metrical interval to callback at. Set both parameters to zero to cancel.
   503 */
   504 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::SetSyncUpdateCallbackIntervalL(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aMicroSeconds,TInt64 aMicroBeats)
   505 	{
   506 	iBody->SetSyncUpdateCallbackIntervalL(aMicroSeconds, aMicroBeats);
   507 	}
   509 /**
   510 Sends a single MIDI message to the MIDI engine
   512 @param aMidiMessage 
   513        Descriptor containing the MIDI message data.
   514        If there are several MIDI messages in the buffer, only the first one is processed
   515 */
   516 EXPORT_C TInt CMidiClientUtility::SendMessageL(const TDesC8& aMidiMessage)
   517 	{
   518 	return iBody->SendMessageL(aMidiMessage);
   519 	}
   521 /**
   522 Sends a single MIDI message, with time stamp, to the MIDI engine
   524 @param aMidiMessage 
   525        Descriptor containing the MIDI message data.
   526        If there are several MIDI messages in the buffer, only the first one is processed
   527 @param aTime 
   528        The time at which to execute the message, relative to the MIDI resource playing
   529        time or the time elapsed since Play() was called if no resource is present
   530 */
   531 EXPORT_C TInt CMidiClientUtility::SendMessageL(const TDesC8& aMidiMessage,const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTime)
   532 	{
   533 	return iBody->SendMessageL(aMidiMessage, aTime);
   534 	}
   536 /**
   537 Sends a mip message to the MIDI engine. This is a convenience function,
   538 because the same functionality could be achieved with the SendMessage() function
   540 @param aEntry 
   541        Array of logical {channel, MIP} value pairs to send, highest priority first
   542 */
   543 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::SendMipMessageL(const RArray<TMipMessageEntry>& aEntry)
   544 	{
   545 	iBody->SendMipMessageL(aEntry);
   546 	}
   548 /**
   549 Gets the number of standard or custom sound banks currently available
   551 @param aCustom 
   552        Specifies whether to reference a custom or standard sound bank
   553 @return Number of custom or standard sound banks available
   554 */
   555 EXPORT_C TInt CMidiClientUtility::NumberOfBanksL(TBool aCustom) const
   556 	{
   557 	return iBody->NumberOfBanksL(aCustom);
   558 	}
   560 /**
   561 Gets the identifier of a sound bank. Bank identifier (aka bank number) is a
   562 14-bit value consisting of MIDI bank MSB and LSB values
   564 @param  aCustom 
   565         Specifies whether to reference a custom or standard sound bank
   566 @param  aBankIndex
   567         Index of sound bank where 0 <= aBankIndex < NumberOfBanksL(…)
   568 @return Identifier of the specified bank occupying, at most, 14 bits
   569 */
   570 EXPORT_C TInt CMidiClientUtility::GetBankIdL(TBool aCustom, TInt aBankIndex) const
   571 	{
   572 	return iBody->GetBankIdL(aCustom, aBankIndex);
   573 	}
   575 /**
   576 Loads one or more custom sound banks from a file into memory for use.
   577 If several banks are loaded with consequent LoadCustomBanksL() function calls,
   578 the banks are combined if the bank sets have colliding bank numbers
   580 @param aFileName 
   581        Name of the file containing the custom sound bank
   582 @param aBankCollectionIndex 
   583        Identifier of the custom sound bank loaded, occupying no more than 14 bits
   584 */
   585 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::LoadCustomBankL(const TDesC& aFileName, TInt& aBankCollectionIndex)
   586 	{
   587 	iBody->LoadCustomBankL(aFileName, aBankCollectionIndex);
   588 	}
   590 /**
   591 Removes a custom sound bank from memory.
   592 Only valid for sound banks previously loaded from file.
   593 Once unloaded the custom sound bank is no longer available for use.
   595 @param aBankCollectionIndex 
   596        Identifier of the custom sound bank to unload,
   597        occupying no more than 14 bits
   598 */
   599 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::UnloadCustomBankL(TInt aBankCollectionIndex)
   600 	{
   601 	iBody->UnloadCustomBankL(aBankCollectionIndex);
   602 	}
   604 /**
   605 Query if a bank has been loaded to the memory
   607 @param aBankCollectionIndex 
   608        Identifier of the custom sound bank to check if it's in memory or not
   609 @return ETrue if the specified bank is in memory, EFalse otherwise
   610 */
   611 EXPORT_C TBool CMidiClientUtility::CustomBankLoadedL(TInt aBankCollectionIndex) const
   612 	{
   613 	return iBody->CustomBankLoadedL(aBankCollectionIndex);
   614 	}
   616 /**
   617 Removes all custom sound banks from memory.
   618 */
   619 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::UnloadAllCustomBanksL()
   620 	{
   621 	iBody->UnloadAllCustomBanksL();
   622 	}
   624 /**
   625 Gets the number of instruments available in a given sound bank
   627 @param aBankId 
   628        Identifier of sound bank to reference, occupying no more than 14 bits
   629 @param aCustom 
   630        Specifies whether to reference a custom or standard sound bank
   631 @return Count of the number of instruments available for the specified sound bank
   632 */
   633 EXPORT_C TInt CMidiClientUtility::NumberOfInstrumentsL(TInt aBankId,TBool aCustom) const
   634 	{
   635 	return iBody->NumberOfInstrumentsL(aBankId, aCustom);
   636 	}
   638 /**
   639 Gets the identifier of an instrument.
   641 @param aBankId 
   642        Identifier of the sound bank to reference, occupying no more than 14 bits.
   643 @param aCustom 
   644        Specifies whether to reference a custom or standard sound bank.
   645 @param aInstrumentIndex 
   646        Index of the instrument to reference where 0 <= aInstrumentIndex < NumberOfInstrumentsL(). 
   647 @return Identifier of specified instrument.
   648         This may differ from the index since the index simply enumerates the instruments,
   649         whereas identifiers may not be contiguous, especially where certain instruments
   650         correspond to General MIDI-defined instruments but not all instruments are
   651         present. Instrument identifiers are between 0 and 127 inclusive.
   652 */
   653 EXPORT_C TInt CMidiClientUtility::GetInstrumentIdL(TInt aBankId,TBool aCustom,TInt aInstrumentIndex) const
   654 	{
   655 	return iBody->GetInstrumentIdL(aBankId, aCustom, aInstrumentIndex);
   656 	}
   658 /**
   659 Gets the name of the given instrument.
   661 @param  aBankId
   662         Identifier of the bank that the instrument belongs to, occupying no more than 14 bits
   663 @param  aCustom
   664         Specifies whether to reference a custom or standard sound bank
   665 @param  aInstrumentId
   666         Identifier of the instrument under scrutiny. 0 <= iInstrumentId <= 127.
   667 @return Buffer containing the name of the specified instrument.
   668         If it has no name then an empty descriptor is returned
   669 */
   670 EXPORT_C HBufC* CMidiClientUtility::InstrumentNameL(TInt aBankId, TBool aCustom, TInt aInstrumentId) const
   671 	{
   672 	return iBody->InstrumentNameL(aBankId, aCustom, aInstrumentId);
   673 	}
   675 /**
   676 Sets a logical channel to use the given instrument.
   678 @param aChannel 
   679        Logical channel to set the instrument for. 0 <= aChannel <= 15
   680 @param aBankId 
   681        Identifier of the bank that the instrument belongs to,
   682        occupying no more than 14 bits.
   683        The bank ID is a concatenation of MIDI bank MSB and LSB values
   684 @param aInstrumentId 
   685        Identifier of the instrument under scrutiny. 0 <= iInstrumentId <= 127.
   686 */
   687 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::SetInstrumentL(TInt aChannel,TInt aBankId,TInt aInstrumentId)
   688 	{
   689 	iBody->SetInstrumentL(aChannel, aBankId, aInstrumentId);
   690 	}
   692 /**
   693 Loads an individual instrument from file into custom sound bank memory for use.
   694 The bank and instrument ids given in the file can be mapped into different bank
   695 and instrument ids in memory
   697 @param aFileName 
   698        Name of the file containing the instrument
   699 @param aFileBankId 
   700        Identifier of the bank in the file from which to load the instrument,
   701        occupying no more than 14 bits
   702 @param aFileInstrumentId 
   703        Identifier of the instrument to load. 0 <= aInstrumentId <= 127
   704 @param aMemoryBankId 
   705        Identifier of the custom bank in memory to load the instrument into,
   706        occupying no more than 14 bits.
   707 @param aMemoryInstrumentId 
   708        Identifier of the instrument in memory to load the new
   709        instrument into. 0 <= aInstrumentId <= 127.
   710 */
   711 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::LoadCustomInstrumentL(const TDesC& aFileName,TInt aFileBankId,TInt aFileInstrumentId,TInt aMemoryBankId,TInt aMemoryInstrumentId)
   712 	{
   713 	iBody->LoadCustomInstrumentL(aFileName, aFileBankId, aFileInstrumentId, aMemoryBankId, aMemoryInstrumentId);
   714 	}
   716 /**
   717 Removes an instrument from custom sound bank memory.
   718 Only valid for instruments previously loaded from file.
   719 Once unloaded the instrument is no longer available for use
   721 @param aCustomBankId 
   722        Identifier of the custom sound bank containing
   723        the instrument to unload, occupying no more than 14 bits.
   724 @param aInstrumentId 
   725        Identifier of the instrument to unload. 0 <= aInstrumentId <= 127
   726 */
   727 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::UnloadCustomInstrumentL(TInt aCustomBankId,TInt aInstrumentId)
   728 	{
   729 	iBody->UnloadCustomInstrumentL(aCustomBankId, aInstrumentId);
   730 	}
   732 /**
   733 Gets the name of a particular percussion key corresponding to a given note.
   735 @param aNote 
   736        Note to query. 0 <= aNote <= 127
   737 @param aBankId 
   738        Identifier of the bank that the instrument belongs to, occupying no more than 14 bits.
   739        The bank ID is a concatenation of MIDI bank MSB and LSB values.
   740 @param aCustom 
   741        Specifies whether to reference a custom or standard sound bank
   742 @param aInstrumentId 
   743        Identifier of an instrument
   744 @return Descriptor containing the name of the percussion key.
   745         If the key does not have a name then an empty descriptor is returned
   746 */
   747 EXPORT_C HBufC* CMidiClientUtility::PercussionKeyNameL(TInt aNote, TInt aBankId, TBool aCustom, TInt aInstrumentId) const
   748 	{
   749 	return iBody->PercussionKeyNameL(aNote, aBankId, aCustom, aInstrumentId);
   750 	}
   752 /**
   753 Get the stop time currently set for the MIDI resource
   755 @param aStopTime 
   756        Time at which playback will stop, relative to the start of the resource
   757 */
   758 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::StopTimeL(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aStopTime) const
   759 	{
   760 	iBody->StopTimeL(aStopTime);
   761 	}
   763 /**
   764 Sets the stop time to use for the currently open MIDI resource
   766 @param aStopTime 
   767        Time at which playback will stop, relative to the start of the resource.
   768        Clamped to 0 and the duration of the resource
   769 */
   770 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::SetStopTimeL(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aStopTime)
   771 	{
   772 	iBody->SetStopTimeL(aStopTime);
   773 	}
   775 /**
   776 Set the number of times to repeat the current MIDI resource.
   777 After Stop() has been called, repeat number of times and the trailing silence are reset
   779 @param aRepeatNumberOfTimes 
   780        Number of time to repeat the resource during playback.
   781        This includes the first playing
   782 @param aTrailingSilence 
   783        Time in microseconds to pause between repeats
   784 */
   785 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::SetRepeatsL(TInt aRepeatNumberOfTimes, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTrailingSilence)
   786 	{
   787 	iBody->SetRepeatsL(aRepeatNumberOfTimes, aTrailingSilence);
   788 	}
   790 /**
   791 Gets the number of currently active voices.
   793 @return The number of currently active voices
   794 */
   795 EXPORT_C TInt CMidiClientUtility::PolyphonyL() const
   796 	{
   797 	return iBody->PolyphonyL();
   798 	}
   800 /**
   801 Gets the maximum number of logical channels supported by the MIDI engine.
   803 @return  The maximum number of logical channels that the MIDI engine supports, 0 <= aChannels <=15.
   804 */
   805 EXPORT_C TInt CMidiClientUtility::ChannelsSupportedL() const
   806 	{
   807 	return iBody->ChannelsSupportedL();
   808 	}
   810 /**
   811 Get the current volume setting of a logical channel
   813 @param aChannel 
   814        Logical channel to query. 0 <= aChannel <= 15.
   815 @return Volume currently set on the specified channel in decibels
   816 */
   817 EXPORT_C TReal32 CMidiClientUtility::ChannelVolumeL(TInt aChannel) const
   818 	{
   819 	return iBody->ChannelVolumeL(aChannel);
   820 	}
   822 /**
   823 Gets the Maximum volume setting that may be applied to a logical channel
   825 @return Maximum volume setting. Minimum value is -infinity dB, which is the
   826        smallest possible value that TReal32 supports.
   827 */
   828 EXPORT_C TReal32 CMidiClientUtility::MaxChannelVolumeL() const
   829 	{
   830 	return iBody->MaxChannelVolumeL();
   831 	}
   833 /**
   834 Set the volume of a channel.
   836 @param aChannel 
   837        Logical channel to set the volume on. 0 <= aChannel <= 15
   838 @param aVolume 
   839        Volume currently set on the specified channel in decibels. The minimum
   840        channel volume supported value is -infinity dB, which is the smallest
   841        possible value that TReal32 supports. 
   842 	   The maximum channel volume can be set via MaxChannelVolumeL()
   843 */
   844 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::SetChannelVolumeL(TInt aChannel,TReal32 aVolume)
   845 	{
   846 	iBody->SetChannelVolumeL(aChannel, aVolume);
   847 	}
   849 /**
   850 Set the muting state of a channel without changing its volume setting.
   851 When unmuted the channel goes back to its previous volume setting
   853 @param aChannel 
   854        Logical channel to set the mute state of. 0 <= aChannel <= 15.
   855 @param aMuted 
   856        ETrue to mute the channel, EFalse to unmute it.
   857 */
   858 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::SetChannelMuteL(TInt aChannel,TBool aMuted)
   859 	{
   860 	iBody->SetChannelMuteL(aChannel, aMuted);
   861 	}
   863 /**
   864 Gets the overall volume of the MIDI client.
   866 @return The current overall volume setting
   867 */
   868 EXPORT_C TInt CMidiClientUtility::VolumeL() const
   869 	{
   870 	return iBody->VolumeL();
   871 	}
   873 /**
   874 Maximum volume setting that may be applied overall.
   876 @return Maximum volume setting. Minimum value is always zero which is silent
   877 */
   878 EXPORT_C TInt CMidiClientUtility::MaxVolumeL() const
   879 	{
   880 	return iBody->MaxVolumeL();
   881 	}
   883 /**
   884 Set the overall volume of the MIDI client.
   885 This setting scales all channel volumes respectively so the actual volume
   886 that a channel is played at is (overall volume * channel volume / max volume).
   888 @param aVolume 
   889        Overall volume setting to use
   890 */
   891 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::SetVolumeL(TInt aVolume)
   892 	{
   893 	iBody->SetVolumeL(aVolume);
   894 	}
   896 /**
   897 Length of time over which the volume is faded up from zero to the current settings
   898 when playback is started.
   900 @param aRampDuration 
   901        Duration of the ramping period.
   902 */
   903 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::SetVolumeRampL(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aRampDuration)
   904 	{
   905 	iBody->SetVolumeRampL(aRampDuration);
   906 	}
   908 /**
   909 Get the current stereo balance value
   911 @return Balance value ranging from KMMFBalanceMaxLeft to KMMFBalanceMaxRight
   912 */
   913 EXPORT_C TInt CMidiClientUtility::GetBalanceL() const
   914 	{
   915 	return iBody->GetBalanceL();
   916 	}
   918 /**
   919 Set the current stereo balance value
   921 @param aBalance 
   922        Balance value to set. Defaults to KMMFBalanceCenter to restore equal left-right balance
   923 */
   924 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::SetBalanceL(TInt aBalance)
   925 	{
   926 	iBody->SetBalanceL(aBalance);
   927 	}
   929 /**
   930 Set the priority with which this client plays MIDI data
   932 @param  aPriority
   933         The Priority Value.
   934 @param  aPref
   935         The Priority Preference.
   937 @see CMidiClientUtility::NewL()
   938 */
   939 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::SetPriorityL(TInt aPriority, TInt aPref)
   940 	{
   941 	iBody->SetPriorityL(aPriority, aPref);
   942 	}
   944 /**
   945 Get the number of meta data entries currently known about in the currently open
   946 resource. XMF,SMF meta data are part of the XMF,SMF file header and can thus be examined
   947 before playback. If there is no XMF,SMF resource open, will return zero.
   948 Standard MIDI file meta data entries encountered during playback will be passed back
   949 via MMIDIClientUtilityObserver::MmcuoMetaDataEntryFound()
   951 @return Number of XMF meta data entries currently known about
   952 */
   953 EXPORT_C TInt CMidiClientUtility::NumberOfMetaDataEntriesL() const
   954 	{
   955 	return iBody->NumberOfMetaDataEntriesL();
   956 	}
   958 /**
   959 Retrieve the specified XMF,SMF meta data entry.
   961 @param aMetaDataIndex 
   962        Index of the meta data entry to retrieve
   963 @return Meta data entry. Ownership is passed to the client.
   964 */
   965 EXPORT_C CMMFMetaDataEntry* CMidiClientUtility::GetMetaDataEntryL(TInt aMetaDataIndex) const
   966 	{
   967 	return iBody->GetMetaDataEntryL(aMetaDataIndex);
   968 	}
   970 /**
   971 Synchronously pass implementation-specific commands to the MIDI engine
   972 and receive a response
   974 @param aDestination 
   975        Recipient of the message. Should be initialised with KUidInterfaceMIDI
   976        and a TInt describing the server-side object to which the command should be delivered.
   977        The TInt will usually be KMMFObjectHandleController, to deliver the message to the
   978        controller plugin, which is the default value.
   979 @param aFunction 
   980        Index of the function to perform
   981 @param aDataTo1 
   982        First command data buffer to send, eg command parameters
   983 @param aDataTo2 
   984        Second command data buffer to send, eg data parameters
   985 @param aDataFrom 
   986        Buffer to receive data in response to the command.
   987        The user must ensure that it is large enough to hold all the data returned.
   988 */
   989 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::CustomCommandSyncL(const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination, TInt aFunction, const TDesC8& aDataTo1, const TDesC8& aDataTo2, TDes8& aDataFrom)
   990 	{
   991 	iBody->CustomCommandSyncL(aDestination, aFunction, aDataTo1, aDataTo2, aDataFrom);
   992 	}
   994 /**
   995 Synchronously pass implementation-specific commands to the MIDI engine.
   997 @param aDestination 
   998        Recipient of the message. Should be initialised with KUidInterfaceMIDI
   999        and a TInt describing the server-side object to which the command should be delivered.
  1000        The TInt will usually be KMMFObjectHandleController, to deliver the message to the
  1001        controller plugin, which is the default value.
  1002 @param aFunction 
  1003        Index of the function to perform
  1004 @param aDataTo1 
  1005        First command data buffer to send, eg command parameters
  1006 @param aDataTo2 
  1007        Second command data buffer to send, eg data parameters
  1008 */
  1009 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::CustomCommandSyncL(const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination, TInt aFunction, const TDesC8& aDataTo1, const TDesC8& aDataTo2)
  1010 	{
  1011 	iBody->CustomCommandSyncL(aDestination, aFunction, aDataTo1, aDataTo2);
  1012 	}
  1014 /**
  1015 Asynchronously pass implementation-specific commands to the MIDI engine
  1016 and receive a response
  1018 @param aDestination 
  1019        aDestination Recipient of the message. Should be initialised with KUidInterfaceMIDI
  1020        and a TInt describing the server-side object to which the command should be delivered.
  1021        The TInt will usually be KMMFObjectHandleController, to deliver the message to the
  1022        controller plugin, which is the default value.
  1023 @param aFunction 
  1024        Index of the function to perform
  1025 @param aDataTo1 
  1026        First command data buffer to send, eg command parameters
  1027 @param aDataTo2 
  1028        Second command data buffer to send, eg data parameters
  1029 @param aDataFrom 
  1030        Buffer to receive data in response to the command.
  1031        The user must ensure that it is large enough to hold all the data returned.
  1032 @param aStatus
  1033        Status flag belonging to an active object that will have it's RunL() called
  1034        when this request complete
  1035 */
  1036 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::CustomCommandAsync(const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination, TInt aFunction, const TDesC8& aDataTo1, const TDesC8& aDataTo2, TDes8& aDataFrom, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
  1037 	{
  1038 	iBody->CustomCommandAsync(aDestination, aFunction, aDataTo1, aDataTo2, aDataFrom, aStatus);
  1039 	}
  1041 /**
  1042 Asynchronously pass implementation-specific commands to the MIDI engine
  1044 @param aDestination 
  1045        aDestination Recipient of the message. Should be initialised with KUidInterfaceMIDI
  1046        and a TInt describing the server-side object to which the command should be delivered.
  1047        The TInt will usually be KMMFObjectHandleController, to deliver the message to the
  1048        controller plugin, which is the default value.
  1049 @param aFunction 
  1050        Index of the function to perform
  1051 @param aDataTo1 
  1052        First command data buffer to send, eg command parameters
  1053 @param aDataTo2 
  1054        Second command data buffer to send, eg data parameters
  1055 @param aStatus 
  1056        Status flag belonging to an active object that will have it's RunL() called
  1057        when this request complete
  1058 */
  1059 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::CustomCommandAsync(const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination, TInt aFunction, const TDesC8& aDataTo1, const TDesC8& aDataTo2, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
  1060 	{
  1061 	iBody->CustomCommandAsync(aDestination, aFunction, aDataTo1, aDataTo2, aStatus);
  1062 	}
  1064 /**
  1065 Gets a controller's DRM custom command implementation.
  1067 @return A pointer to a controller's DRM custom command implementation or NULL
  1068 		if the interface can not be obtained
  1069 */
  1070 EXPORT_C MMMFDRMCustomCommand* CMidiClientUtility::GetDRMCustomCommand()
  1071 	{
  1072 	return iBody->GetDRMCustomCommand();
  1073 	}
  1075 /**
  1076 Set the max polyphony the engine can handle
  1078 @param aMaxNotes 
  1079        Max polyphony level,  0 <= PolyphonyL() <= aMaxNotes
  1080 */
  1081 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::SetMaxPolyphonyL(TInt aMaxNotes)
  1082 	{
  1083 	iBody->SetMaxPolyphonyL(aMaxNotes);
  1084 	}
  1086 /**
  1087 Gets the number of times the current opened resources has to be repeated
  1089 @return The number of time the current opened resources has to be repeated
  1090 */
  1091 EXPORT_C TInt CMidiClientUtility::GetRepeats() const
  1092 	{
  1093 	return iBody->GetRepeats();
  1094 	}
  1096 /**
  1097 Loads one or more custom sound banks from a descriptor into memory for use.
  1098 If several banks are loaded with consequent LoadCustomBanksL() function calls,
  1099 the banks are combined if the bank sets have colliding bank numbers
  1101 @param aBankData 
  1102        Descriptor containing the custom sound bank
  1103 @param aBankId 
  1104        Identifier of the custom sound bank loaded, occupying no more than 14 bits.
  1105 */
  1106 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::LoadCustomBankDataL(const TDesC8& aBankData,TInt& aBankId)
  1107 	{
  1108 	iBody->LoadCustomBankDataL(aBankData, aBankId);
  1109 	}
  1111 /**
  1112 Loads an individual instrument from descriptor into custom sound bank memory for use.
  1113 The bank and instrument ids given in the descriptor can be mapped into different bank
  1114 and instrument ids in memory
  1116 @param aInstrumentData 
  1117        Descriptor containing the instrument
  1118 @param aBankDataId 
  1119        Identifier of the bank in the descriptor from which to load the instrument,
  1120        occupying no more than 14 bits
  1121 @param aInstrumentDataId 
  1122        Identifier of the instrument to load. 0 <= aInstrumentId <= 127
  1123 @param aMemoryBankId 
  1124        Identifier of the custom bank in memory to load the instrument into,
  1125        occupying no more than 14 bits
  1126 @param aMemoryInstrumentId 
  1127        Identifier of the instrument in memory to load the new
  1128        instrument into. 0 <= aInstrumentId <= 127.
  1129 */
  1130 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::LoadCustomInstrumentDataL(const TDesC8& aInstrumentData, TInt aBankDataId, TInt aInstrumentDataId, TInt aMemoryBankId, TInt aMemoryInstrumentId)
  1131 	{
  1132 	iBody->LoadCustomInstrumentDataL(aInstrumentData, aBankDataId, aInstrumentDataId, aMemoryBankId, aMemoryInstrumentId);
  1133 	}
  1135 /**
  1136 Tell the MIDI engine to use a custom bank or a standard bank
  1138 @param aCustom 
  1139        If Etrue the custom bank in memory is used otherwise the standard bank
  1140        is used leaving the custom bank in memory
  1141 */
  1142 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::SetBankL(TBool aCustom)
  1143 	{
  1144 	iBody->SetBankL(aCustom);
  1145 	}
  1147 /**
  1148 Gets the muting status of a specific track
  1150 @param aTrack 
  1151        The track to query
  1152 @return The mute status of the track.
  1153 */
  1154 EXPORT_C TBool CMidiClientUtility::IsTrackMuteL(TInt aTrack) const
  1155 	{
  1156 	return iBody->IsTrackMuteL(aTrack);
  1157 	}
  1159 /**
  1160 Gets the muting status of a specific channel
  1162 @param aChannel 
  1163        The channel to query
  1164 @return The mute status of the channel
  1165 */
  1166 EXPORT_C TBool CMidiClientUtility::IsChannelMuteL(TInt aChannel) const
  1167 	{
  1168 	return iBody->IsChannelMuteL(aChannel);
  1169 	}
  1171 /**
  1172 Gets the instrument assigned to a specified channel
  1174 @param aChannel 
  1175        Logical channel, 0 <= aChannel <= 15.
  1176 @param aInstrumentId 
  1177        Identifier of the instrument assigned to aChannel. 0 <= iInstrumentId <= 127
  1178 @param aBankId 
  1179        Identifier of the bank that the instrument belongs to, occupying no more than 14 bits
  1180 */
  1181 EXPORT_C void CMidiClientUtility::GetInstrumentL(TInt aChannel, TInt& aInstrumentId, TInt& aBankId)
  1182 	{
  1183 	iBody->GetInstrumentL(aChannel, aInstrumentId, aBankId);
  1184 	}
  1186 /**
  1187 Get the maximum polyphony level that the engine can handle
  1189 @return The maximum number of simultaneous notes the engine can handle.
  1190 		0 <= PolyphonyL() <= MaxPolyphonyL()
  1191 */
  1192 EXPORT_C TInt CMidiClientUtility::MaxPolyphonyL() const
  1193 	{
  1194 	return iBody->MaxPolyphonyL();
  1195 	}