changeset 0 40261b775718
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     1 // Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // source\server\mmfdatapath.h
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 #ifndef MMFDATAPATH_H
    19 #define MMFDATAPATH_H
    21 #include <mmf/common/mmfcontroller.h>
    22 #include <mmf/server/mmfdatasource.h>
    23 #include <mmf/server/mmfdatasink.h>
    24 #include <mmf/server/mmfcodec.h>
    25 #include <mmf/server/mmfbuffer.h>
    26 #include <mmf/common/mmfutilities.h>
    27 #include <mmf/server/mmfformat.h>
    28 #include <mmf/server/mmfsubthreadbase.h>
    30 /**
    31  * @publishedAll
    32  * @deprecated
    33  *
    34  * Datapath general error code used when sending events to clients
    35  */
    36 const TUid KMMFErrorCategoryDataPathGeneralError = {0x101F76DC};
    40 /**
    41 @publishedAll
    42 @deprecated
    44 Abstract utility class that moves data from a single data source to a single data sink, via a codec if required.
    46 All functions are exported form the DLL and are virtual to allow plugins to define their own data paths.
    47 */
    48 class CMMFDataPath : public CActive,
    49 					 public MDataSink,
    50 					 public MDataSource, 
    51 					 public MAsyncEventHandler
    52 	{ 
    53 public:
    55 	//CMMFDataPath constructor if codec Uid is not already known by CMMFController
    56 	//and there is no data path ambiguity - ie only one data path is possible
    57 	IMPORT_C static CMMFDataPath* NewL(MAsyncEventHandler& aEventHandler); 
    59 	//CMMFDataPath constructor if codec Uid is not already known by CMMFController
    60 	//and there is ambiguity ie more than one possible data path TMediaId used to select path 
    61 	IMPORT_C static CMMFDataPath* NewL(TMediaId aMediaId, MAsyncEventHandler& aEventHandler); 
    63 	//CMMFDataPath constructor if codec Uid is already known by CMMFController
    64 	//and there is no data path ambiguity - ie only one data path is possible
    65 	IMPORT_C static CMMFDataPath* NewL(TUid aCodecUid, MAsyncEventHandler& aEventHandler); 
    67 	//CMMFDataPath constructor if codec Uid is already known by CMMFController
    68 	//and there is ambiguity ie more than one possible data path TMediaId used to select path 
    69 	IMPORT_C static CMMFDataPath* NewL(TUid aCodecUid, TMediaId aMediaId, MAsyncEventHandler& aEventHandler);
    71 	IMPORT_C virtual ~CMMFDataPath();
    73 	// Called when source and sink needs to be de-referenced
    74 	IMPORT_C virtual void ResetL();
    76 	//from MDataSink - CMMFData path is a sink to its MDataSource
    77 	IMPORT_C virtual void EmptyBufferL(CMMFBuffer* aBuffer, MDataSource* aSupplier, TMediaId aMediaId); //only required for an active push MDataSource requesting a buffer empty - not implemented
    78 	IMPORT_C virtual void BufferFilledL(CMMFBuffer* aBuffer); //called by the CMMFDataPath's MDataSource when it has filled the buffer
    79 	IMPORT_C virtual TBool CanCreateSinkBuffer(); //from both MDataSource & MDataSink?
    80 	IMPORT_C virtual CMMFBuffer* CreateSinkBufferL(TMediaId aMediaId); //CMMFDataPath can't create buffers
    81 	IMPORT_C virtual CMMFBuffer* CreateSinkBufferL(TMediaId aMediaId, TBool &aReference); //CMMFDataPath can't create buffers
    83 	IMPORT_C virtual TFourCC SinkDataTypeCode(TMediaId aMediaId);
    85 	//from MDataSource
    86 	IMPORT_C virtual void FillBufferL(CMMFBuffer* aBuffer, MDataSink* aConsumer, TMediaId aMediaId); //only required for an active pull MDataSink requesting buffer fill - not implementated
    87 	IMPORT_C virtual void BufferEmptiedL(CMMFBuffer* aBuffer);//called by the CMMFDataPath's MDataSink when it has emptied the buffer
    88 	IMPORT_C virtual TBool CanCreateSourceBuffer(); //from both MDataSource & MDataSink?
    89 	IMPORT_C virtual CMMFBuffer* CreateSourceBufferL(TMediaId aMediaId); //CMMFDataPath can't create buffers
    90 	IMPORT_C virtual CMMFBuffer* CreateSourceBufferL(TMediaId aMediaId, TBool &aReference); //CMMFDataPath can't create buffers
    91 	IMPORT_C virtual TFourCC SourceDataTypeCode(TMediaId aMediaId);
    93 	IMPORT_C virtual void AddDataSourceL(MDataSource* aSource);
    94 	IMPORT_C virtual void AddDataSinkL(MDataSink* aSink);
    96 	//could derive these from a mixin eg MMMFControle later for active MDataSource/Sinks
    97 	IMPORT_C virtual void PrimeL();
    98 	IMPORT_C virtual void PlayL();
    99 	IMPORT_C virtual void Pause();
   100 	IMPORT_C virtual void Stop();
   102 	IMPORT_C virtual TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds Position() const;
   103 	IMPORT_C virtual void SetPositionL(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aPosition);
   105 	// Play Window.
   106 	IMPORT_C virtual void SetPlayWindowL( const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aStart, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aEnd ) ;
   107 	IMPORT_C virtual void ClearPlayWindowL() ;
   109 	//State
   110 	IMPORT_C virtual TInt State();
   112 	//CActive implementations
   113 	IMPORT_C void RunL();
   114 	IMPORT_C void DoCancel();
   115 	IMPORT_C TInt RunError(TInt aError);
   117 	//error handling
   118 	IMPORT_C TInt DoSendEventToClient(TUid aEventType, TInt aErrorCode);
   120 	IMPORT_C TInt SetBlockLength(TUint aBlockLength);
   121 	/**
   123 	Indicates the state of the data path.
   125 	Mimics typical MultiMedia behaviour of stopped, primed and playing
   126 	*/
   127 	enum TDataPathState
   128 		{
   129 		/** Stopped.
   130 		*/
   131 		EStopped,
   132 		/** Primed.
   133 		*/
   134 		EPrimed,
   135 		/** Playing.
   136 		*/
   137 		EPlaying,
   138 		/** Recording.
   139 		*/
   140 		ERecording,
   141 		/** Converting.
   142 		*/
   143 		EConverting
   144 		};
   146 	/**
   147 	@internalComponent
   148 	*/
   149 	class CCompleteCallback : public CActive
   150 		{
   151 	public:
   152 		CCompleteCallback(CMMFDataPath& aDataPath, TBool aWaitForSink);
   153 		~CCompleteCallback();
   155 		void SignalDataPathComplete(TInt aDataPathError);
   156 		void SignalSinkComplete(TInt aSinkError);
   157 		TRequestStatus& ActiveStatus();
   159 		void DoCancel();
   160 	private:
   161 		void RunL();
   162 		CMMFDataPath& iDataPath;
   163 		TBool iDataPathComplete;
   164 		TBool iSinkComplete;
   165 		TBool iWaitForSink;
   167 		TInt iSinkError;
   168 		TInt iDataPathError;
   169 		};
   170 	friend class CCompleteCallback;
   171 	friend class CMMFDataPath2;
   172 protected:
   174 	/**
   175 	Indicates the transfer state.
   177 	Buffers maybe be filled, emptied, or have "one" shot initialisatings performed upon them.
   179 	TTransferState is used within the datapath RunL which drives databuffer exchange.
   180 	*/
   181 	enum TTransferState
   182 		{
   183 		/** Waiting on a BufferEmptied callback from sink
   184 		*/
   185 		EWaitSink,
   186 		/** Waiting on a BufferFilled callback from source
   187 		*/
   188 		EWaitSource,
   189 		/** Initialize the sink.
   190 		*/
   191 		EInitializeSink,
   192 		/** Initialize the source.
   193 		*/
   194 		EInitializeSource,
   195 		/** Source buffer does not contain data.
   196 		*/
   197 		ENeedSourceData,
   198 		/** Sink buffer does not contain data.
   199 		*/
   200 		ENeedSinkData,
   201 		/** There is more source data to send to the sink and need to match sink and source.
   202 		*/
   203 		ENeedToMatchSourceToSink,
   204 		/** Outstanding data to send to sink.
   205 		*/
   206 		ESendDataToSink,
   207 		/** End of data.
   208 		*/
   209 		EEndOfData //indicates that the datapath has transferred all the data to the sink
   210 		};
   215 protected:
   216 	CMMFDataPath(TMediaId aMediaId, MAsyncEventHandler& aEventHandler) : 
   217 		CActive(EPriorityStandard), MDataSink(KUidMmfDataPath), MDataSource(KUidMmfDataPath),
   218 		iEventHandler(aEventHandler), iMediaId(aMediaId), iState(EStopped) 
   219 			{CActiveScheduler::Add(this);};
   221 	IMPORT_C void ConstructL(TUid aCodecUid = KNullUid);
   222 	IMPORT_C virtual void ConstructSourceL( const TDesC8& aInitData ) ;
   223 	IMPORT_C virtual void ConstructSinkL( const TDesC8& aInitData ) ;
   224 	IMPORT_C virtual void EndOfData();
   226 	//These methods use API on DevSound to determine how many samples have been played/recorded
   227 	//and thereby determine the real position.
   228 	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds CalculateAudioOutputPosition() const;
   229 	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds CalculateAudioInputPosition() const;
   231 	//These methods determine the position of either the input or the output.
   232 	//The position may come from a format or from an audio input/output depending on 
   233 	//the operation the datapath is doing (Playing (output), Recording & Converting (input))
   234 	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds OutputPosition() const;
   235 	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds InputPosition() const;
   238 	//Determines what buffers are required (see TNeedBuffer)
   239 	//May leave KErrNotSupported if source/sinks can't supply the necessary buffers
   240 	TInt DetermineBuffersToUseL(void) const; 
   242 	//Determines how many samples have been played by DevSound
   243 	TInt AudioSamplesPlayed() const;
   245 	//Determines how many samples have been recorded by DevSound
   246 	TInt AudioSamplesRecorded() const;
   249 private:
   250 	void ChangeDataPathTransferState(TTransferState aNewDataPathTransferState);
   251 	void CreateDataPathL(MDataSource* aSource, MDataSink* aSink);
   253 	void InitializeSinkL();
   254 	void InitializeSourceL();
   255 	void FillSourceBufferL();
   256 	void FillSinkBufferL();
   257 	void EmptySinkBufferL();
   258 	void DoCleanupBuffers();
   259 	void ObtainSyncBuffersL(); //tries to obtain synchronous data buffers from src/snk
   261 	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds Duration() const;
   263 	void DoStopL();
   264 	void DoPauseL();
   265 	void DoEndOfDataL();
   267 	IMPORT_C TInt SendEventToClient(const TMMFEvent& aEvent);
   269 	void SetBuffersAvailable();
   270 	void ResetRefBuffers();
   274 protected:
   275 	/**
   276     Event handler.
   277 	*/
   278 	MAsyncEventHandler& iEventHandler;
   280 	/** 
   281 	The source of data to which the CMMFDataPath is a MDataSink for.
   282 	*/
   283 	MDataSource* iDataSource;
   284 	/** 
   285 	The sink of data for which the CMMFDataPath is a MDataSource for
   286 	*/
   287 	MDataSink* iDataSink;
   288 	/** 
   289 	Set to true when the sink is able to accept data. EFalse otherwise.
   290 	*/
   291 	TBool iSinkCanReceive;
   292 	/**
   293 	The sink's data type. Same as the codec input data type.
   294 	*/
   295 	TFourCC iSinkFourCC;
   296 	/** 
   297 	The source's data type. Same as the codec output data type.
   298 	*/
   299 	TFourCC iSourceFourCC;
   300 	/** 
   301 	Identifies which media type and stream within MDataSource.
   302 	*/
   303 	TMediaId iMediaId;
   304 	/** 
   305 	Codec in use. Null Codec is signified by == NULL
   306 	*/
   307 	CMMFCodec* iCodec;
   309 	/**
   310     Result of processing the codec.
   311 	*/
   312 	TCodecProcessResult iCodecProcessResult;
   314 	/**
   315 	Set to ETrue when the data path has a source and a sink and can send data from the source to the sink.
   316 	*/
   317 	TBool iDataPathCreated;
   319 	/**
   320 	Current data path state. 
   321 	@see TDataPathState	
   322 	*/
   323 	TDataPathState iState;
   325 	/**
   326     Current transfer state.
   327 	@see TTransferState
   328 	*/
   329 	TTransferState iTransferState;
   331 	/**
   332 	Set to true if data path has to use a supplied codec in its construction.
   333 	*/
   334 	TBool iUseSuppliedCodecUid;
   336 	/** 
   337 	This is set to point to whichever sink buffer is in use.
   338 	*/
   339 	CMMFBuffer* iSinkBuffer;
   341 	/**
   342 	This is the pointer to whichever source buffer is in use
   343 	*/
   344 	CMMFBuffer* iSourceBuffer;
   346 	/**
   347 	The source's position in terms of frames or some other time fixed parameter.
   348 	*/
   349 	TUint iCurrentSourceFrameNumber;
   351 	/**
   352 	The sink's position in terms of frames or some other time fixed parameter.
   353 	*/
   354 	TUint iCurrentSinkFrameNumber;
   356 	/**
   357 	Indicates that all data has been obtained from the source (ETrue if there is no more source data).
   358 	*/
   359 	TBool iNoMoreSourceData;
   361 	/** 
   362 	Indicates that all data has been sent to the sink.
   363 	*/
   364 	TBool iAllDataSentToSink;
   366 	/** 
   367 	Datapath completed because of an error; usually KErrNone.
   368 	*/
   369 	TUint iDataPathCompletedErrorCode;
   371 	/**
   372 	Start position of the play window.
   373 	*/
   374 	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iPlayWindowStartPosition ;
   376 	/**
   377 	End position of the play window.
   378 	*/
   379 	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iPlayWindowEndPosition ;
   381 	/**	
   382 	The position audio will start playing from.
   383 	When stopping, this is set to iPlayWindowStartPosition.
   384 	When pausing, this is set to the current position.
   385 	*/
   386 	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iStartPosition;
   388 	/**	
   389 	This value can be used to obtain the duration of the source when playing or converting.
   390 	This is an optimisation as this value will not change if we are playing or converting.
   391 	*/
   392 	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iCachedSourceDuration;
   395 	/** 
   396 	ETrue if the source buffer is reference to object owned by someone else.
   397 	*/
   398 	TBool iSrcBufRef;
   400 	/**
   401 	ETrue if sink buffer is reference to object owned by someone else
   402 	*/
   403 	TBool iSnkBufRef;
   405 	/**
   406 	Indicates asynchrous buffers from AudioInput.
   407 	*/
   408 	TBool iObtainingAsyncSourceBuffer;
   410 	/**
   411 	Indicates asynchrous buffers from AudioOutput.
   412 	*/
   413 	TBool iObtainingAsyncSinkBuffer;
   415 	/** 
   416 	Indicates DoPauseL() has been called.
   417 	*/
   418 	TBool iPauseCalled;
   420 	/**	
   421 	Flag to indicate that a buffer is with the source.
   423 	This is necessary as it is imperrative that when a buffer is with the source, it must
   424 	not be referenced in any way. The reason for this is that it is not mandated that sources
   425 	maintain buffer references. For example, it is valid for DevSound to return recorded data in a
   426 	different buffer to the one supplied to it.
   427     */
   428 	TBool iSourceBufferWithSource;
   430 	/**
   431 	Flag to indicate that a buffer is with the sink.
   433 	This are necessary as it is imperrative that when a buffer is with the sink, it must
   434 	not be referenced in any way. The reason for this is that it is not mandated that sinks
   435 	maintain buffer references. For example, it is valid for DevSound to request more audio data in a
   436 	different buffer to the one supplied to it.
   437 	*/
   438 	TBool iSinkBufferWithSink;
   441 	/** 
   442 	Holds the number of samples played on audio output at a point where we
   443 	want to reference play duration from.
   444 	*/
   445 	TInt iReferenceAudioSamplesPlayed;
   447 	/** 
   448 	Holds the number of samples recorded from audio input at a point where we
   449 	want to reference record duration from.
   450 	*/
   451 	TInt iReferenceAudioSamplesRecorded;
   453 	/** 
   454 	Pointer to internal callback completion class
   455 	*/
   456 	CCompleteCallback * iCompleteCallback;
   458 	/**
   459 	This indicates what buffers are required in order to operate.
   460 	If a real Codec is in use, buffers are required from both source and sink,
   461 	else only one is required and source is preferred.
   462 	*/
   463 	enum TNeedBuffer
   464 		{
   465 		/** No buffers needed.
   466 		*/
   467 		ENoBuffers = 0x0,
   468 		/** Sink buffer needed.
   469 		*/
   470 		ENeedSinkBuffer = 0x01,
   471 		/** Source buffer needed.
   472 		*/
   473 		ENeedSourceBuffer = 0x10
   474 		};
   476 	/** Holds the outcome of the call to DetermineBuffersToUseL
   477 	*/
   478 	TInt iBuffersToUse;
   479 	};
   481 #endif