changeset 0 40261b775718
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:40261b775718
     1 // Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    17 #include <mmf/common/mmfstandardcustomcommands.h>  
    18 #include <mmf/common/mmfvideo.h>
    19 #include <mmf/common/mmfpaniccodes.h>
    20 #include <mmf/server/mmfdes.h>
    21 #include <mmf/server/mmffile.h>
    22 #include <videoplayer.h>
    23 #include "mmfvideocallback.h"
    24 #include "VideoPlayerBody.h"
    25 #include "mmfvideopaniccodes.h"
    26 #include "mmfclientvideocommon.h"
    29 void Panic(TInt aPanicCode)
    30 	{
    31 	_LIT(KMMFMediaClientVideoPanicCategory, "MMFVideoClient");
    32 	User::Panic(KMMFMediaClientVideoPanicCategory, aPanicCode);
    33 	}
    35 /**
    36 Constructs and initialises a new instance of the video player utility.
    38 This function leaves if the video player utility object cannot be created.
    40 @param  aObserver
    41         A client class to receive notifications from the video player.
    42 @param  aPriority
    43         The Priority Value - this client's relative priority. This is a value between EMdaPriorityMin and 
    44         EMdaPriorityMax and represents a relative priority. A higher value indicates a more important request.
    45 @param  aPref
    46         The Priority Preference - an additional audio policy parameter. The suggested default is 
    47         EMdaPriorityPreferenceNone. Further values are given by TMdaPriorityPreference, and additional 
    48         values may be supported by given phones and/or platforms, but should not be depended upon by 
    49         portable code.
    50 @param  aWs
    51         The window server session id.
    52 @param  aScreenDevice
    53         The software device screen.
    54 @param  aWindow
    55         The display window.
    56 @param  aScreenRect
    57         The dimensions of the display window.
    58 @param  aClipRect
    59         The area of the video clip to display in the window.
    61 @return A pointer to the new video player utility object.
    63 @since 7.0s
    65 Note: The Priority Value and Priority Preference are used primarily when deciding what to do when
    66 several audio clients attempt to play or record simultaneously. In addition to the Priority Value and Preference, 
    67 the adaptation may consider other parameters such as the SecureId and Capabilities of the client process. 
    68 Whatever, the decision  as to what to do in such situations is up to the audio adaptation, and may
    69 vary between different phones. Portable applications are advised not to assume any specific behaviour. 
    70 */
    71 EXPORT_C CVideoPlayerUtility* CVideoPlayerUtility::NewL(MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver& aObserver,
    72 														TInt aPriority,
    73 														TInt aPref,
    74 														RWsSession& aWs,
    75 														CWsScreenDevice& aScreenDevice,
    76 														RWindowBase& aWindow,
    77 														const TRect& aScreenRect,
    78 														const TRect& aClipRect)
    79 	{
    80 	CVideoPlayerUtility* s = new(ELeave) CVideoPlayerUtility();
    81 	CleanupStack::PushL(s);
    82 	s->iBody = CBody::NewL(s, aObserver, aPriority, aPref, aWs, aScreenDevice,
    83 												aWindow, aScreenRect, aClipRect);
    84 	CleanupStack::Pop();
    85 	return s;
    86 	}
    88 /**
    89 Destructor. Closes any open video clips and frees any resources held by the Video Player.
    91 @since  7.0s
    92 */
    93 CVideoPlayerUtility::~CVideoPlayerUtility()
    94 	{
    95 	delete iBody;
    96 	}
    98 /**
    99 Opens a video clip from a file.
   101 This function opens a video clip from a file using an optionally specified plugin. If no controller
   102 plugin is specified, this function searches through a list of all available plugins and attempts to 
   103 use each one until successful or the end of the list is reached.
   105 Once the opening of the video clip is complete, successfully or otherwise, the callback function 
   106 MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver::MvpuoOpenComplete() is called.
   108 This function leaves if errors are encountered opening the specified video clip file, or in initialising a 
   109 specified/unspecified controller plugin.
   111 This function can leave with one of the specified error codes. Most open failures
   112 will however be reported through the MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver interface.
   114 From Symbian release v9.5 onwards, this function will enable graphics surface use if the controller supports it. 
   115 If this function is called through an instance of the derived class CVideoPlayerUtility2 and the controller doesn't support graphics surfaces, 
   116 it fails with KErrNotSupported.
   118 @param  aFileName
   119         The full path name of the file containing the video data.
   120 @param  aControllerUid
   121         If specified, it will force the video player to use the
   122 		controller with the given UID.
   124 @since  7.0s
   125 */
   126 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::OpenFileL(const TDesC& aFileName, TUid aControllerUid)
   127 	{
   128 	iBody->OpenFileL(aFileName, aControllerUid);
   129 	}
   131 /**
   132 Opens a video clip from a file.
   134 This function opens a video clip from a file using an optionally specified plugin. If no controller
   135 plugin is specified, this function searches through a list of all available plugins and attempts to 
   136 use each one until successful or the end of the list is reached.
   138 Once the opening of the video clip is complete, successfully or otherwise, the callback function 
   139 MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver::MvpuoOpenComplete() is called.
   141 This function leaves if errors are encountered opening the specified video clip file, or in initialising a 
   142 specified/unspecified controller plugin.
   144 This function can leave with one of the specified error codes. Most open failures
   145 will however be reported through the MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver interface.
   147 From Symbian release v9.5 onwards, this function will enable graphics surface use if the controller supports it. 
   148 If this function is called through an instance of the derived class CVideoPlayerUtility2 and the controller doesn't support graphics surfaces, 
   149 it fails with KErrNotSupported.
   151 @param  aFile
   152         An open handle to a file containing the video clip
   153 @param  aControllerUid
   154         If specified, it will force the video player to use the
   155 		controller with the given UID.
   157 @since  7.0s
   158 */
   159 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::OpenFileL(const RFile& aFile, TUid aControllerUid)
   160 	{
   161 	iBody->OpenFileL(aFile, aControllerUid);
   162 	}
   165 /**
   166 Opens a video clip from a file.
   168 This function opens a video clip from a file using an optionally specified plugin. If no controller
   169 plugin is specified, this function searches through a list of all available plugins and attempts to 
   170 use each one until successful or the end of the list is reached.
   172 Once the opening of the video clip is complete, successfully or otherwise, the callback function 
   173 MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver::MvpuoOpenComplete() is called.
   175 This function leaves if errors are encountered opening the specified video clip file, or in initialising a 
   176 specified/unspecified controller plugin.
   178 This function can leave with one of the specified error codes. Most open failures
   179 will however be reported through the MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver interface.
   181 From Symbian release v9.5 onwards, this function will enable graphics surface use if the controller supports it. 
   182 If this function is called through an instance of the derived class CVideoPlayerUtility2 and the controller doesn't support graphics surfaces, 
   183 it fails with KErrNotSupported.
   185 @param  aSource
   186         A filename or an open handle to a file containing the video clip
   187 @param  aControllerUid
   188         If specified, it will force the video player to use the
   189 		controller with the given UID.
   190 */
   191 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::OpenFileL(const TMMSource& aSource, TUid aControllerUid)
   192 	{
   193 	iBody->OpenFileL(aSource, aControllerUid);
   194 	}
   196 /**
   197 Opens a video clip contained in a descriptor.
   199 This function opens a video clip contained as binary data in a descriptor using an optionally specified 
   200 plugin. If no controller plugin is specified, this function searches through a list of all available 
   201 plugins and attempts to use each one until successful or the end of the list is reached.
   203 Once the opening of the video clip is complete, successfully or otherwise, the callback function 
   204 MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver::MvpuoOpenComplete() is called.
   206 This function can leave with one of the specified error codes. Most open failures will however be
   207 reported through the interface.
   209 From Symbian release v9.5 onwards, this function will enable graphics surface use if the controller supports it. 
   210 If this function is called through an instance of the derived class CVideoPlayerUtility2 and the controller doesn't support graphics surfaces, 
   211 it fails with KErrNotSupported.
   213 @param  aDescriptor
   214         The descriptor containing the video clip
   215 @param  aControllerUid
   216         If specified, it will force the video player to use the
   217         controller with the given UID.
   219 @since  7.0s
   220 */
   221 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::OpenDesL(const TDesC8& aDescriptor, TUid aControllerUid)
   222 	{
   223 	iBody->OpenDesL(aDescriptor, aControllerUid);
   224 	}
   226 /**
   227 Opens a video clip from a URL.
   229 This function opens a video clip stored at a specified URL and identified by a MIME type. In addition
   230 a plugin can be specified if necessary. If no controller plugin is specified, this function searches 
   231 through a list of all available plugins and attempts to use each one until successful or the end 
   232 of the list is reached.
   234 Once the opening of the video clip is complete, successfully or otherwise, the callback function 
   235 MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver::MvpuoOpenComplete() is called.
   237 This function can leave with one of the specified error codes. Most open failures
   238 will however be reported through the MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver interface.
   240 From Symbian release v9.5 onwards, this function will enable graphics surface use if the controller supports it. 
   241 If this function is called through an instance of the derived class CVideoPlayerUtility2 and the controller doesn't support graphics surfaces, 
   242 it fails with KErrNotSupported.
   244 @param  aUrl
   245         The URL of the video clip to open.
   246 @param  aIapId
   247         The Id of the internet access point to use
   248 @param  aMimeType
   249         The MIME type associated with this video clip. This is
   250         used to determine the format of the video clip.
   251 @param  aControllerUid
   252         If specified, it will force the video player to use the controller with the given Uid.
   254 @since  7.0s
   255 */
   256 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::OpenUrlL(const TDesC& aUrl, TInt aIapId, const TDesC8& aMimeType, TUid aControllerUid)
   257 	{
   258 	iBody->OpenUrlL(aUrl, aIapId, aMimeType, aControllerUid);
   259 	}
   261 /**
   262 Closes the video clip.
   264 @since 7.0s
   265 */
   266 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::Close()
   267 	{
   268 	iBody->Close();
   269 	}
   271 /**
   272 Begins playback of the initialised video sample at the current volume and priority levels.
   274 When playing of the video sample is complete, successfully or otherwise, the callback function
   275 MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver::MvpuoPlayComplete() is called.
   277 @since 7.0s
   278 */
   279 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::Play()
   280 	{
   281 	iBody->Play();
   282 	}
   284 /**
   285 Begins playback of the initialised video sample at the specified start and end points.
   287 When playing of the video sample is complete, successfully or otherwise, the callback function
   288 MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver::MvpuoPlayComplete() is called.
   290 @param  aStartTime
   291         The point at which to start playback.
   292 @param  aEndTime
   293         The point at which to terminate playback.
   295 @since 7.0s
   296 */
   297 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::Play(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aStartTime, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aEndTime)
   298 	{
   299 	iBody->Play(aStartTime, aEndTime);
   300 	}
   302 /**
   303 Stops playback of the video sample as soon as is possible. 
   305 If the video sample is playing, playback is stopped as soon as possible.
   307 If playback is already complete, this function has no effect.
   309 The position is reset to the beginning of the file.
   311 @return An error code indicating if the function call was successful. KErrNone on success, otherwise
   312         another of the system-wide error codes.
   314 @since  7.0s
   315 */
   316 EXPORT_C TInt CVideoPlayerUtility::Stop()
   317 	{
   318 	return iBody->Stop();
   319 	}
   321 /**
   322 Video playback is paused. The current position is maintained and playback can be
   323 resumed by calling Play.
   325 @since 7.0s
   326 */
   327 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::PauseL()
   328 	{
   329 	iBody->PauseL();
   330 	}
   332 /**
   333 Sets the playback volume for the audio track of the video clip.
   335 The volume can be changed before or during playback and is effective immediately. The volume can
   336 be set to any value between zero (mute) and the maximum permissible volume
   337 (determined using MaxVolume()).
   339 To determine if the current video clip contains an audio track, use AudioEnabledL().
   342 @param  aVolume
   343         The volume, between 0 and MaxVolume().
   345 @since 7.0s
   346 */
   347 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::SetVolumeL(TInt aVolume)
   348 	{
   349 	iBody->SetVolumeL(aVolume);
   350 	}
   353 //
   354 // Sends custom command to the plugin controller.
   355 // Passes handle and size of the drawable window.
   356 //
   357 /**
   358 Sets the display window. This is used to provide the video controller with an area of
   359 the display to render the current video frame.
   361 From Symbian release 9.5 onwards this method is not supported when called on an instance of CVideoPlayerUtility2, and will always 
   362 leave with KErrNotSupported.
   365 @param  aWs
   366         The window server session ID.
   367 @param  aScreenDevice
   368         The software device screen.
   369 @param  aWindow
   370         The window to display.
   371 @param  aScreenRect
   372         The dimensions of the display window.
   373 @param  aClipRect
   374         The area of the video clip to display in the window.
   376 @since 7.0s
   377 */
   378 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::SetDisplayWindowL(RWsSession& aWs, CWsScreenDevice& aScreenDevice,
   379 													 RWindowBase& aWindow, const TRect& aScreenRect,
   380 													 const TRect& aClipRect)
   381 	{
   382 	iBody->SetDisplayWindowL(aWs, aScreenDevice, aWindow, aScreenRect, aClipRect);
   383 	}
   385 /**
   386 Returns the video frame rate in frames/second.
   388 @return The video frame rate (frames/second).
   390 @since  7.0s
   391 */
   392 EXPORT_C TReal32 CVideoPlayerUtility::VideoFrameRateL() const
   393 	{
   394 	return iBody->VideoFrameRateL();
   395 	}
   397 /**
   398 Gets the video frame size.
   400 @param  aSize
   401         The video frame size
   403 @since 7.0s
   404 */
   405 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::VideoFrameSizeL(TSize& aSize) const
   406 	{
   407 	iBody->VideoFrameSizeL(aSize);
   408 	}
   410 /**
   411 Returns the current playback volume for the audio track of the video clip.
   413 @return A value between 0 (mute) and the maximum volume returned by MaxVolume().
   415 @since  7.0s
   416 */
   417 EXPORT_C TInt CVideoPlayerUtility::Volume() const
   418 	{
   419 	return iBody->Volume();
   420 	}
   422 /**
   423 Sets the current playback balance for the audio track of the video clip.
   425 The balance can be any value between KMMFBalanceMaxLeft and KMMFBalanceMaxRight,
   426 the default value being KMMFBalanceCenter.
   428 @param  aBalance
   429         The balance value to set.
   431 @since 7.0s
   432 */
   433 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::SetBalanceL(TInt aBalance)
   434 	{
   435 	iBody->SetBalanceL(aBalance);
   436 	}
   438 /**
   439 Returns the current balance setting for the audio track of the video clip.
   441 @return A balance value between KMMFBalanceMaxLeft and KMMFBalanceMaxRight.
   443 @since  7.0s
   444 */
   445 EXPORT_C TInt CVideoPlayerUtility::Balance() const
   446 	{
   447 	return iBody->Balance();
   448 	}
   450 /**
   451 Returns the video format's MIME type.
   453 @return The video clip's MIME type.
   455 @since  7.0s
   456 @see    NumberOfMetaDataEntriesL
   457 */
   458 EXPORT_C const TDesC8& CVideoPlayerUtility::VideoFormatMimeType() const
   459 	{
   460 	return iBody->VideoFormatMimeType();
   461 	}
   463 /**
   464 Returns the number of meta data entries associated with this clip.
   466 @return The number of meta data entries.
   468 @since 7.0s
   469 */
   470 EXPORT_C TInt CVideoPlayerUtility::NumberOfMetaDataEntriesL() const
   471 	{
   472 	return iBody->NumberOfMetaDataEntriesL();
   473 	}
   475 /**
   476 Returns a meta data entry from the clip.
   478 @param  aMetaDataIndex
   479         The index of the meta data entry to retrieve.
   481 @return The metadata entry requested.
   483 @since  7.0s
   484 @see    NumberOfMetaDataEntriesL
   485 */
   486 EXPORT_C CMMFMetaDataEntry* CVideoPlayerUtility::MetaDataEntryL(TInt aMetaDataIndex) const
   487 	{
   488 	return iBody->MetaDataEntryL(aMetaDataIndex);
   489 	}
   491 /**
   492 Sets the playback priority. 
   494 This is used to arbitrate between multiple objects simultaneously trying to accesses
   495 the sound hardware.
   497 @param  aPriority
   498         The Priority Value.
   499 @param  aPref
   500         The Priority Preference.
   502 @see CVideoPlayerUtility::NewL()
   504 @since 7.0s
   506 */
   507 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::SetPriorityL(TInt aPriority, TInt aPref)
   508 	{
   509 	iBody->SetPriorityL(aPriority, aPref);
   510 	}
   512 /**
   513 Get the current playback priority. This is used to arbitrate between simultaneous accesses of
   514 the sound hardware.
   516 @param  aPriority
   517         On return, contains the priority level, EMdaPriorityMin client can be interrupted by any
   518         other client, EMdaPriorityNormal client can only be interrupted by a client with a higher 
   519         priority or EMdaPriorityMax client cannot be interrupted by other clients.
   520 @param  aPref
   521         On return, contains the time and quality preferences, enumerated in TMdaPriorityPreference.
   523 @since 7.0s
   524 */
   525 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::PriorityL(TInt& aPriority, TMdaPriorityPreference& aPref) const 
   526 	{
   527 	iBody->PriorityL(aPriority, aPref);
   528 	}
   530 /**
   531 Sets the position within the video clip from where to start playback.
   533 @param  aPosition
   534         Position from start of clip in microseconds.
   536 @since 7.0s
   537 */
   538 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::SetPositionL(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aPosition)
   539 	{
   540 	iBody->SetPositionL(aPosition);
   541 	}
   543 /**
   544 Returns the duration of video clip in mircoseconds.
   546 @return The duration of clip in microseconds.
   548 @since  7.0s
   549 */
   550 EXPORT_C TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds CVideoPlayerUtility::DurationL() const
   551 	{
   552 	return iBody->DurationL();
   553 	}
   555 /**
   556 Returns the current playback position.
   558 @return The current position from the start of the clip in microseconds.
   560 @since  7.0s
   561 */
   562 EXPORT_C TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds CVideoPlayerUtility::PositionL() const
   563 	{
   564 	return iBody->PositionL();
   565 	}
   567 /**
   568 Returns an integer representing the maximum volume that the audio track can support.
   570 This is the maximum value that can be passed to SetVolumeL(). This value is platform 
   571 independent, but is always greater than or equal to one.
   573 @return The naximum playback volume.
   575 @since  7.0s
   576 */
   577 EXPORT_C TInt CVideoPlayerUtility::MaxVolume() const
   578 	{
   579 	return iBody->MaxVolume();
   580 	}
   582 /**
   583 Gets the current frame. The current frame is requested, and will be sent to
   584 the client asynchrynously via the MvpuoFrameReady callback.
   586 @param  aDisplayMode
   587         The display mode for the retrieved frame.
   589 @since  7.0s
   590 */
   591 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::GetFrameL(TDisplayMode aDisplayMode)
   592 	{
   593 	iBody->GetFrameL(aDisplayMode);
   594 	}
   596 /**
   597 Gets the current frame. The current frame is requested, and will be sent to
   598 the client asynchrynously via the MvpuoFrameReady callback.
   600 @param  aDisplayMode
   601         The display mode for the retrieved frame.
   602 @param  aIntent
   603         The DRM Intent to pass to the controller.
   604 */
   605 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::GetFrameL(TDisplayMode aDisplayMode, ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent)
   606 	{
   607 	iBody->GetFrameL(aDisplayMode, ETrue, aIntent);
   608 	}
   610 /**
   611 Returns the video bit rate.
   613 @return The video bit rate in bits/second.
   615 @since  7.0s
   616 */
   617 EXPORT_C TInt CVideoPlayerUtility::VideoBitRateL() const
   618 	{
   619 	return iBody->VideoBitRateL();
   620 	}
   622 /**
   623 Returns the audio bit rate in bits/second.
   625 @return The audio bit rate (bits/second).
   627 @since  7.0s
   628 */
   629 EXPORT_C TInt CVideoPlayerUtility::AudioBitRateL() const
   630 	{
   631 	return iBody->AudioBitRateL();
   632 	}
   634 /**
   635 Returns whether the current clip has an audio stream and audio playback
   636 is enabled. This method will return EFalse if the clip does no have an
   637 audio track or if audio playback has been disabled with
   638 SetAudioEnabledL().
   640 @return ETrue if an audio track is present and audio playback is
   641         enabled, otherwise EFalse.
   643 @since  7.0s
   644 */
   645 EXPORT_C TBool CVideoPlayerUtility::AudioEnabledL() const
   646 	{
   647 	return iBody->AudioEnabledL();
   648 	}
   650 EXPORT_C void Reserved2()
   651 	{
   652 	// reserved function replacing removed VideoTypeL() method
   653 	// this function should never be called hence generate a
   654 	// panic with code ENoVideoTypeL
   655 	Panic( ENoVideoTypeL );
   656 	}
   658 /**
   659 Returns the codec used for the audio component of the video clip.
   661 @return The four character code representing the audio codec.
   663 @since  7.0s
   664 */
   665 EXPORT_C TFourCC CVideoPlayerUtility::AudioTypeL() const
   666 	{
   667 	return iBody->AudioTypeL();
   668 	}
   670 /**
   671 Gets the progress of video clip loading/rebuffering.
   673 @param aPercentageProgress
   674        The percentage of loading/rebuffering complete. The parameter
   675        is zero if loading has not begun and 100 if loading has already completed.
   677 @since 7.0s
   678 */
   679 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::GetVideoLoadingProgressL(TInt& aPercentageProgress)
   680 	{
   681 	iBody->GetVideoLoadingProgressL(aPercentageProgress);
   682 	}
   684 /**
   685 Sends a synchronous custom command to the controller.
   687 @param  aDestination
   688         The destination of the message, consisting of the UID of
   689         the interface of this message.
   690 @param  aFunction
   691         The function number to indicate which function is to be called
   692         on the interface defined in the aDestination parameter.
   693 @param  aDataTo1
   694         A reference to the first chunk of data to be copied to the controller
   695         framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
   696         interface being called.  Can be KNullDesC8.
   697 @param  aDataTo2
   698         A reference to the second chunk of data to be copied to the controller
   699         framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
   700         interface being called.  Can be KNullDesC8.
   701 @param  aDataFrom
   702         A reference to an area of memory to which the controller framework will
   703         write any data to be passed back to the client.  Can't be KNullDesC8.
   705 @return The result of the request. The exact range of values is dependent on the interface.
   707 @since  7.0s
   708 */
   709 EXPORT_C TInt CVideoPlayerUtility::CustomCommandSync(const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination, TInt aFunction, const TDesC8& aDataTo1, const TDesC8& aDataTo2, TDes8& aDataFrom)
   710 	{
   711 	return iBody->CustomCommandSync(aDestination, aFunction, aDataTo1, aDataTo2, aDataFrom);
   712 	}
   714 /**
   715 Sends a synchronous custom command to the controller.
   717 @param  aDestination
   718         The destination of the message, consisting of the uid of
   719         the interface of this message.
   720 @param  aFunction
   721         The function number to indicate which function is to be called
   722         on the interface defined in the aDestination parameter.
   723 @param  aDataTo1
   724         A reference to the first chunk of data to be copied to the controller
   725         framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
   726         interface being called.  Can be KNullDesC8.
   727 @param  aDataTo2
   728         A reference to the second chunk of data to be copied to the controller
   729         framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
   730         interface being called.  Can be KNullDesC8.
   732 @return The result of the request. The exact range of values is dependent on the interface.
   734 @since  7.0s
   735 */
   736 EXPORT_C TInt CVideoPlayerUtility::CustomCommandSync(const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination, TInt aFunction, const TDesC8& aDataTo1, const TDesC8& aDataTo2)
   737 	{
   738 	return iBody->CustomCommandSync(aDestination, aFunction, aDataTo1, aDataTo2);
   739 	}
   741 /**
   742 Sends an asynchronous custom command to the controller.
   744 Note: 
   745 This method will return immediately.  The RunL of the active object owning the
   746 aStatus parameter will be called when the command is completed by the
   747 controller framework.
   749 @param  aDestination
   750         The destination of the message, consisting of the uid of
   751         the interface of this message.
   752 @param  aFunction
   753         The function number to indicate which function is to be called
   754         on the interface defined in the aDestination parameter.
   755 @param  aDataTo1
   756         A reference to the first chunk of data to be copied to the controller
   757         framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
   758         interface being called.  Can be KNullDesC8.
   759 @param  aDataTo2
   760         A reference to the second chunk of data to be copied to the controller
   761         framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
   762         interface being called.  Can be KNullDesC8.
   763 @param  aDataFrom
   764         A reference to an area of memory to which the controller framework will
   765         write any data to be passed back to the client.  Can't be KNullDesC8.
   766 @param  aStatus
   767         The TRequestStatus of an active object.  This will contain the
   768         result of the request on completion.  The exact range of
   769         result values is dependent on the interface.
   771 @since  7.0s
   772 */
   773 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::CustomCommandAsync(const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination, TInt aFunction, const TDesC8& aDataTo1, const TDesC8& aDataTo2, TDes8& aDataFrom, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
   774 	{
   775 	iBody->CustomCommandAsync(aDestination, aFunction, aDataTo1, aDataTo2, aDataFrom, aStatus);
   776 	}
   778 /**
   779 Send a asynchronous custom command to the controller.
   781 Note: 
   782 This method will return immediately.  The RunL of the active object owning the
   783 aStatus parameter will be called when the command is completed by the
   784 controller framework.
   786 @param  aDestination
   787         The destination of the message, consisting of the uid of
   788         the interface of this message.
   789 @param  aFunction
   790         The function number to indicate which function is to be called
   791         on the interface defined in the aDestination parameter.
   792 @param  aDataTo1
   793         A reference to the first chunk of data to be copied to the controller
   794         framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
   795         interface being called.  Can be KNullDesC8.
   796 @param  aDataTo2
   797         A reference to the second chunk of data to be copied to the controller
   798         framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
   799         interface being called.  Can be KNullDesC8.
   800 @param  aStatus
   801         The TRequestStatus of an active object.  This will contain the
   802         result of the request on completion.  The exact range of
   803         result values is dependent on the interface.
   805 @since  7.0s
   806 */
   807 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::CustomCommandAsync(const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination, TInt aFunction, const TDesC8& aDataTo1, const TDesC8& aDataTo2, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
   808 	{
   809 	iBody->CustomCommandAsync(aDestination, aFunction, aDataTo1, aDataTo2, aStatus);
   810 	}
   812 /**
   813 Register to receive notifications of video clip loading/rebuffering.
   815 When a video clip is being streamed in, it may require rebuffering from time to time. This function 
   816 "switches on" callbacks that report the status of the rebuffering.
   818 The two callbacks that can be sent are MVideoLoadingObserver::MvloLoadingStarted() and 
   819 MVideoLoadingObserver::MvloLoadingComplete().
   821 @param  aCallback
   822         The object to receive video loading notifications.
   824 @since 7.0s
   825 */
   826 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::RegisterForVideoLoadingNotification(MVideoLoadingObserver& aCallback)
   827 	{
   828 	iBody->RegisterForVideoLoadingNotification(aCallback);
   829 	}
   831 /**
   832 Sets the video frame rate.
   834 @param  aFramesPerSecond
   835         The number of frames per second to request.
   837 @since 7.0s
   838 */
   839 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::SetVideoFrameRateL(TReal32 aFramesPerSecond)
   840 	{
   841 	iBody->SetVideoFrameRateL(aFramesPerSecond);
   842 	}
   844 /**
   845 Requests the video controller to redraw the current frame.
   847 @since 7.0s
   848 */
   849 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::RefreshFrameL()
   850 	{
   851 	iBody->RefreshFrameL();
   852 	}
   854 /**
   855 Rotates the video image on the screen.
   857 @param  aRotation
   858         The desired rotation to apply in 90 degree increments.
   860 @see    RotationL
   861 @since  7.0s
   862 */
   863 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::SetRotationL(TVideoRotation aRotation)
   864 	{
   865 	iBody->SetRotationL(aRotation);
   866 	}
   868 /**
   869 Query the rotation that is currently applied to the video image.
   871 @return The applied rotation
   873 @since 7.0s
   874 @see   SetRotationL
   875 */
   876 EXPORT_C TVideoRotation CVideoPlayerUtility::RotationL() const
   877 	{
   878 	return iBody->RotationL();
   879 	}
   881 /**
   882 Scales the video image to a specified percentage of its original size.
   884 @param  aWidthPercentage
   885         The percentage (100 = original size) to be used to scale the width of the video image
   886 @param  aHeightPercentage
   887         The percentage (100 = original size) to be used to scale the height of the video image. 
   888         If this is not equal to aWidthPercentage then the image may be distorted.
   889 @param  aAntiAliasFiltering
   890         A boolean specifying if anti-aliasing should be used. True if anti-aliasing filtering 
   891         should be used.  If the plugin does not	support this kind of processing, 
   892         this value will be ignored.
   894 @since  7.0s
   895 @see    GetScaleFactorL
   896 */
   897 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::SetScaleFactorL(TReal32 aWidthPercentage, TReal32 aHeightPercentage, TBool aAntiAliasFiltering)
   898 	{
   899 	iBody->SetScaleFactorL(aWidthPercentage, aHeightPercentage, aAntiAliasFiltering);
   900 	}
   902 /**
   903 Gets the scale factor currently applied to the video image.
   905 @param  aWidthPercentage
   906         On function return, contains the current scaling percentage applied to the width of the
   907         video image (100 = original size).
   908 @param  aHeightPercentage
   909         On function return, contains the current scaling percentage applied to the height of the
   910         of the video image (100 = original size).
   911 @param  aAntiAliasFiltering
   912         The boolean specifying if anit-aliasing is being used.
   914 @since  7.0s
   915 @see    SetScaleFactorL
   916 */
   917 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::GetScaleFactorL(TReal32& aWidthPercentage, TReal32& aHeightPercentage, TBool& aAntiAliasFiltering) const
   918 	{
   919 	iBody->GetScaleFactorL(aWidthPercentage, aHeightPercentage, aAntiAliasFiltering);
   920 	}
   922 /**
   923 Selects a region of the video image to be displayed.
   925 @param  aCropRegion
   926         The dimensions of the crop region, relative to the video image.
   928 @since 7.0s
   929 @see   GetCropRegionL
   930 */
   931 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::SetCropRegionL(const TRect& aCropRegion)
   932 	{
   933 	iBody->SetCropRegionL(aCropRegion);
   934 	}
   936 /**
   937 Gets the crop region currently applied to the image.
   939 @param  aCropRegion
   940         The dimensions of the crop region, relative to the video image. If no
   941         crop region has been applied, the full dimensions of the video image will
   942         be returned.
   944 @since 7.0s
   945 @see   SetCropRegionL
   946 */
   947 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::GetCropRegionL(TRect& aCropRegion) const
   948 	{
   949 	iBody->GetCropRegionL(aCropRegion);
   950 	}
   952 /**
   953 Prepares the video clip to be accessed.
   955 A call to this method tells the loaded controller plugin to finalise its configuration
   956 and to prepare to start reading the video clip.  It is not possible to play the video clip
   957 or query any of its properties (e.g. duration, meta data etc.) until this method has signalled
   958 its completion (successful or otherwise) via the callback MvpuoPrepareComplete.
   960 @since  7.0s
   961 */
   962 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::Prepare()
   963 	{
   964 	iBody->Prepare();
   965 	}
   967 /**
   968 Returns the controller implementation information associated with the current controller.
   970 @return The controller implementation structure associated with the controller.
   972 @since 7.0s
   973 */
   974 EXPORT_C const CMMFControllerImplementationInformation& CVideoPlayerUtility::ControllerImplementationInformationL()
   975 	{
   976 	return iBody->ControllerImplementationInformationL();
   977 	}
   979 /**
   980 Gets a controller's DRM custom command implementation.
   982 @return A pointer to a controller's DRM custom command implementation, or NULL
   983 if the controller does not support it.
   984 */
   985 EXPORT_C MMMFDRMCustomCommand* CVideoPlayerUtility::GetDRMCustomCommand()
   986 	{
   987 	return iBody->GetDRMCustomCommand();
   988 	}
   991 /**
   992 Enables a client application to stop the video player from using direct screen access (DSA).
   994 From Symbian release 9.5 onwards this method is not supported when called on an instance of CVideoPlayerUtility2, and will always 
   995 leave with KErrNotSupported.
   997 This function leaves if errors are encountered when trying to stop DSA.
   998 */
   999 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::StopDirectScreenAccessL()
  1000 	{
  1001 	iBody->StopDirectScreenAccessL();
  1002 	}
  1004 /**
  1005 Enables a client application to start the video player using direct screen access (DSA).
  1007 From Symbian release 9.5 onwards this method is not supported when called on an instance of CVideoPlayerUtility2, and will always 
  1008 leave with KErrNotSupported.
  1010 This function leaves if errors are encountered when trying to start DSA.
  1011 */
  1012 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::StartDirectScreenAccessL()
  1013 	{
  1014 	iBody->StartDirectScreenAccessL();
  1015 	}
  1017 /**
  1018 Registers for notification, when audio resource is available.
  1020 @param	aCallback
  1021       	Observer interface for audio resource notification event
  1023 @param 	aNotificationEventId
  1024  		The Event for which the client registers.
  1026 @param 	aNotificationRegistrationData
  1027 		Data specific to notification registration.This has been reserved for future use and its value should be NULL.
  1029 @return An error code indicating if the registration is successful. KErrNone on success, 
  1030 	otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
  1031 */
  1032 EXPORT_C TInt CVideoPlayerUtility::RegisterAudioResourceNotification(MMMFAudioResourceNotificationCallback& aCallback, TUid aNotificationEventId, const TDesC8& aNotificationRegistrationData)
  1033 	{
  1034 	return iBody->RegisterAudioResourceNotification(aCallback, aNotificationEventId, aNotificationRegistrationData);	
  1035 	}
  1037 /**
  1038 Cancels the registration for audio resource notification.
  1040 @param  aNotificationEventId
  1041 	The Event to be cancellled.
  1043 @return An error code indicating if the cancellation is successful. KErrNone on success, 
  1044 	otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
  1045 */
  1046 EXPORT_C TInt CVideoPlayerUtility::CancelRegisterAudioResourceNotification(TUid aNotificationEventId)
  1047 	{
  1048 	return iBody->CancelRegisterAudioResourceNotification(aNotificationEventId);
  1049 	}
  1051 /**
  1052 Waits for the client to resume the play even after the default timer expires.
  1053 Unless the client completes the play no other client gets notification.
  1055 @return An error code indicating if the function call is successful. KErrNone on success, 
  1056 		otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
  1057 */
  1058 EXPORT_C TInt CVideoPlayerUtility::WillResumePlay()
  1059 	{
  1060 	return iBody->WillResumePlay();	
  1061 	}
  1063 /**
  1064 Sets the initial screen to be used for the video display.
  1066 From Symbian release 9.5 onwards this method is not supported when called on an instance of CVideoPlayerUtility2, and will always 
  1067 leave with KErrNotSupported.
  1069 @param  aScreenNumber
  1070         The screen number of the device.
  1072 @return KErrNotSupported if the secondary screen display is not supported in Multimedia Framework or 
  1073 from Symbian release 9.5 onwards when called on an instance of CVideoPlayerUtility2. KErrNone on success.
  1074 */
  1075 EXPORT_C TInt CVideoPlayerUtility::SetInitScreenNumber(TInt aScreenNumber)
  1076 	{
  1077 	return iBody->SetInitScreenNumber(aScreenNumber);
  1078 	}
  1080 _LIT(KMMFMediaClientVideoPanicCategory, "MediaClientVideo");
  1081 GLDEF_C void Panic(TMmfVideoPanic aError)
  1082 	{
  1083 	User::Panic(KMMFMediaClientVideoPanicCategory, aError);
  1084 	}
  1086 /**
  1087 Set video playback velocity relative to the normal video clip speed.
  1088 This method can be used for fast forward, rewind, and slow-motion
  1089 playback, depending on the capabilities of the underlying play-controller
  1090 implementation and the characteristics of the video clip. Velocity set
  1091 in this call will take effect immediately. Additionally,
  1092 playback velocity cannot be changed for streamed video. Use
  1093 GetPlayRateCapabilitiesL() to determine what playback modes are
  1094 available.
  1096 Note that due to performance reasons, it may not be possible to perform
  1097 fast forward or rewind at the requested speed. If that happens, the
  1098 play-controller will use the nearest available velocity. This is not
  1099 considered an error and the method will not leave. User can query
  1100 velocity in effect by calling PlayVelocityL().
  1102 The default playback velocity is 100.
  1103 Play velocity is persistent across stop play calls on utility. 
  1104 That is SetPlayVelocityL(),call StopL(),then PlayL() will play with 
  1105 the velocity set in most recent call. On opening different
  1106 file the velocity will default to 100.
  1108 This function quits or exits leaving any of the system wide error codes.
  1109 Common error codes are listed below.
  1111 @param aVelocity Playback velocity as a percentage relative to the
  1112                  normal video clip speed. Use 100 for normal-speed
  1113                  forward playback and negative value for reverse. Values above
  1114                  100 and below 0 correspond to fast forward and
  1115                  rewind respectively, while values 1 to 100 represent
  1116                  slow-motioned playback.
  1118 @pre Playback has been started, but may be paused.
  1120 @see CVideoPlayerUtility::GetPlayRateCapabilitiesL()
  1122 @leave KErrNotSupported The requested playback velocity is not
  1123          supported.
  1124 @leave KErrNotReady Playback has not yet been started
  1126 @publishedPartner
  1127 */
  1128 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::SetPlayVelocityL(TInt aVelocity)
  1129 	{
  1130 	iBody->SetPlayVelocityL(aVelocity);
  1131 	}
  1133 /**
  1134 Returns the current playback velocity. If setting play velocity is
  1135 not supported or velocity is not set this will return default play velocity
  1136 100 corresponding to normal playback.
  1138 If implementation is not supporting the velocity set with SetPlayVelocityL
  1139 it will default to the nearest velocity. In this case this API will return
  1140 the value it has defaulted to.
  1142 If an error occurs, this function leaves with any of the system
  1143 wide error codes. Common error codes are listed below.
  1145 @return The current playback velocity as a percentage relative to the
  1146         normal video clip speed.
  1148 @pre Playback has been started, but may be paused.
  1150 @see CVideoPlayerUtility::SetPlayVelocityL()
  1152 @leave KErrNotReady Playback has not yet been started
  1154 @publishedPartner
  1155 */
  1156 EXPORT_C TInt CVideoPlayerUtility::PlayVelocityL() const
  1157 	{
  1158 	return iBody->PlayVelocityL();
  1159 	}
  1161 /**
  1162 Steps the current video playback position forward or backward by a
  1163 number of frames. Frame step is only available when playback is paused.
  1165 Support for frame stepping may depend on the underlying play-controller
  1166 implementation and the video clip open. Additionally, frame step is
  1167 typically not available in streamed playback. Use GetPlayRateCapabilitiesL()
  1168 to query if frame step is currently possible. Application may check the
  1169 value of the current positon after stepping through several frames by calling
  1170 PositionL() API.
  1172 Implementations may not be able to step exactly the number of frames
  1173 requested, especially when stepping backwards. If this happens, the
  1174 play-controller will step to a frame close to the one requested. This is
  1175 not considered an error.
  1177 This function quits or exits leaving any of the system wide error codes.
  1178 Common error codes are listed below.
  1180 @param aStep The number of frames to step. Use positive values for
  1181              stepping forward and negative values for stepping
  1182              back.
  1184 @pre Playback has been started and is currently paused. 
  1185 	 That means this API can be called only in paused state.
  1187 @see CVideoPlayerUtility::GetPlayRateCapabilitiesL()
  1189 @leave KErrNotSupported Frame step is not supported. Note that some
  1190          implementations may support step forward but not step backward.
  1191 @leave KErrNotReady Playback has not yet been started or is not in paused state.
  1193 @publishedPartner
  1194 */
  1195 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::StepFrameL(TInt aStep)
  1196 	{
  1197 	iBody->StepFrameL(aStep);
  1198 	}
  1200 /**
  1201 Queries the current playback rate capabilities. The capabilities
  1202 describe whether fast forward, reverse playback, slow motion, or
  1203 step backward or forward is possible. The capabilities may depend on
  1204 the controller implementation and the video clip. Additionally,
  1205 only normal-speed forward playback is typically possible in streamed playback.
  1207 This function quits or exits leaving any of the system wide error codes.
  1208 Common error codes are listed below.
  1210 @param aCapabilities Playback rate capabilities
  1212 @pre The video clip has been opened
  1214 @leave KErrNotReady The video clip has not yet been opened
  1216 @publishedPartner
  1217 */
  1218 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::GetPlayRateCapabilitiesL(TVideoPlayRateCapabilities& aCapabilities)const
  1219 	{
  1220 	iBody->GetPlayRateCapabilitiesL(aCapabilities);
  1221 	}
  1223 /**
  1224 Enables or disables video playback. This function is used to disable
  1225 video playback in a video clip to play only the audio track. By default
  1226 video playback is always enabled if the clip has a video track.
  1228 This method can be called after the video clip has been opened, but
  1229 only before calling Prepare().
  1231 This function quits or exits leaving any of the system wide error codes.
  1232 Common error codes are listed below.
  1234 @param aVideoEnabled ETrue to enable video playback, EFalse to disable
  1236 @pre The video clip has been opened by the client and Prepare() has not been called.
  1238 @leave KErrNotSupported This method is not supported -- video playback
  1239          is always enabled. 
  1240 @leave KErrNotReady The clip has not been opened or the client has
  1241          already called Prepare().
  1243 @publishedPartner
  1244 */
  1245 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::SetVideoEnabledL(TBool aVideoEnabled)
  1246 	{
  1247 	iBody->SetVideoEnabledL(aVideoEnabled);
  1248 	}
  1250 /**
  1251 Queries whether video playback is currently enabled or not.
  1252 If an error occurs, this function leaves with any of the system
  1253 wide error codes. Common error codes are listed below.
  1255 @return ETrue if video playback is enabled, EFalse if not.
  1257 @publishedPartner
  1258 */
  1259 EXPORT_C TBool CVideoPlayerUtility::VideoEnabledL() const
  1260 	{
  1261 	return iBody->VideoEnabledL();
  1262 	}
  1264 /**
  1265 Enables or disables audio playback. This function is used to disable
  1266 audio playback in a video clip to play only the video track. By default
  1267 audio playback is always enabled if the clip has an audio track.
  1269 This method can be called after the video clip has been opened, but
  1270 only before calling Prepare().
  1272 This function quits or exits leaving any of the system wide error codes.
  1273 Common error codes are listed below.
  1275 @param aAudioEnabled ETrue to enable audio playback, EFalse to disable
  1277 @pre The video clip has been opened by the client and Prepare() has not been called.
  1279 @leave KErrNotSupported This method is not supported -- audio playback
  1280          is always enabled
  1281 @leave KErrNotReady The clip has not been opened or the client has
  1282          already called Prepare().
  1284 @publishedPartner
  1285 */
  1286 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::SetAudioEnabledL(TBool aAudioEnabled)
  1287 	{
  1288 	iBody->SetAudioEnabledL(aAudioEnabled);
  1289 	}
  1291 /** 
  1292 Set video automatic scaling. When automatic scaling is active, the
  1293 video picture is scaled automatically to match the video window,
  1294 based on the scaling type. This variant of SetAutoScaleL() will
  1295 always center the picture in the window.
  1297 Calling SetAutoScaleL() will override any scaling factors set with
  1298 SetScaleFactorL(). Calling SetScaleFactorL() will disable automatic
  1299 scaling.
  1301 Not all video controllers support automatic scaling. 
  1303 This function quits or exits leaving any of the system wide error codes.
  1304 Common error codes are listed below.
  1306 @see TAutoScaleType, THorizontalAlign, TVerticalAlign
  1308 @param aScaleType Automatic scaling type
  1310 @pre The video clip has been opened by the client
  1312 @leave KErrNotSupported Automatic scaling is not supported
  1313 */
  1314 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::SetAutoScaleL(TAutoScaleType aScaleType)
  1315 	{
  1316 	iBody->SetAutoScaleL(aScaleType);
  1317 	}
  1319 /** 
  1320 Set video automatic scaling. When automatic scaling is active, the
  1321 video picture is scaled automatically to match the video window,
  1322 based on the scaling type, and positioned according to the
  1323 parameters.
  1325 Calling SetAutoScaleL() will override any scaling factors set with
  1326 SetScaleFactorL(). Calling SetScaleFactorL() will disable automatic
  1327 scaling.
  1329 Not all video controller support automatic scaling. 
  1331 This function quits or exits leaving any of the system wide error codes.
  1332 Common error codes are listed below.
  1334 @see TAutoScaleType, THorizontalAlign, TVerticalAlign
  1336 @param aScaleType Automatic scaling type
  1337 @param aHorizPos Video picture horizontal position, relative to the
  1338                  video window. The value can be either a pixel offset
  1339                  (positive or negative) from the top left corner of the
  1340                  window to the top left corner of the picture, or an
  1341                  alignment constant from enum THorizontalAlign.
  1342 @param aVertPos Video picture vertical position, relative to the
  1343                  video window. The value can be either a pixel offset
  1344                  (positive or negative) from the top left corner of the
  1345                  window to the top left corner of the picture, or an
  1346                  alignment constant from enum TVerticalAlign.
  1348 @pre The video clip has been opened by the client.
  1350 @leave KErrNotSupported Automatic scaling is not supported
  1351 */
  1352 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::SetAutoScaleL(TAutoScaleType aScaleType, TInt aHorizPos, TInt aVertPos)
  1353 	{
  1354 	iBody->SetAutoScaleL(aScaleType, aHorizPos, aVertPos );
  1355 	}
  1357 /**
  1358 When enabled sets automatic switching of surface to/from external display when it is connected/disconnected from the device.
  1360 Automatic switching is enabled by default, but only if the client thread that created this utility has an Active Scheduler
  1361 installed and the device supports external display switching.
  1363 To use this function the client thread must have an Active Scheduler installed otherwise it will leave with KErrNotReady.
  1365 @param  aControl
  1366         ETrue to enable. EFalse to disable.
  1367 @param  aDisplay
  1368         Display id of display to enable external switching for.
  1369 @leave  KErrNotSupported Device does not support external displays
  1370 @leave  KErrNotReady CActiveScheduler is not installed
  1371 */
  1372 EXPORT_C void CVideoPlayerUtility::SetExternalDisplaySwitchingL(TInt aDisplay, TBool aControl)
  1373     {
  1374     iBody->SetExternalDisplaySwitchingL(aDisplay, aControl);
  1375     }