changeset 0 40261b775718
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:40261b775718
     1 // Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    17 #include <mmf/server/mmfformat.h>
    18 #include <mmf/server/mmfclip.h>
    19 #include <mdaaudiosampleeditor.h>
    20 #include <mmfcontrollerimplementationuids.hrh>
    21 #include <mmf/common/mmffourcc.h>
    22 #include <mmf/common/mmfpaniccodes.h>
    23 #include "MmfAudioController.h"
    24 #include <mmf/server/mmffile.h>
    25 #include <mmf/server/mmfformatstandardcustominterfaces.h>
    26 #include <mmf/server/devsoundstandardcustominterfaces.h>
    27 #include <mmf/server/mmfdatapath2.h>
    29 const TUint KSampleRate8000Hz = 8000;
    30 const TUint KSampleRate11025Hz = 11025;
    31 const TUint KSampleRate12000Hz = 12000;
    32 const TUint KSampleRate16000Hz = 16000;
    33 const TUint KSampleRate22050Hz = 22050;
    34 const TUint KSampleRate24000Hz = 24000;
    35 const TUint KSampleRate32000Hz = 32000;
    36 const TUint KSampleRate44100Hz = 44100;
    37 const TUint KSampleRate48000Hz = 48000;
    38 const TUint KSampleRate64000Hz = 64000;
    39 const TUint KSampleRate88200Hz = 88200;
    40 const TUint KSampleRate96000Hz = 96000;
    41 const TUint KNumChannelsMono = 1;
    42 const TUint KNumChannelsStereo = 2;
    44 /*
    45  TMmfAudioControllerPanics is an enumeration with the following entries:
    46  EBadArgument indicates a bad argument
    47  EBadState indicates a state viaolation
    48  EBadInvariant indicates an invariant violation
    49  EBadReset indicates failed reset
    50  EPostConditionViolation indicates a post condition violation
    51 */
    52 enum TMmfAudioControllerPanics
    53 	{
    54 	EBadArgument,
    55 	EBadState,
    56 	EBadInvariant,
    57 	EBadReset,
    58 	EPostConditionViolation,
    59 	EStateNotConstructed,
    60 	EBadStateToGetDataSource,
    61 	ENoAudioInput,
    62 	EBadStateToGetDataSink,
    63 	ENoAudioOutput,
    64 	EBadStateForPrime,
    65 	ENoDataSource,
    66 	ENoDataSink,
    67 	EStateNotPrimed,
    68 	EBadResetState,
    69 	EBadStateToReset,
    70 	EStateNotReadyToPlay,
    71 	EBadPlayState,
    72 	EBadPauseState,
    73 	EBadStateToPause,
    74 	EBadStateToStop,
    75 	EBadStopState,
    76 	EBadStateToPosition,
    77 	EBadStatePosition,
    78 	EBadStateToSetPosition,
    79 	EBadStateSetPosition,
    80 	EBadStateToDuration,
    81 	EBadStateDuration,
    82 	EBadStateToGetNumberOfMetaDataEntries,
    83 	EBadStateGetNumberOfMetaDataEntries,
    84 	EBadStateToGetMetaDataEntries,
    85 	EBadStateGetMetaDataEntries,
    86 	EMetaEntryIsNull,
    87 	ENotReadyForDataSourceRemoval,
    88 	EBadDataSourceRemoval,
    89 	ENotReadyForDataSinkRemoval,
    90 	EBadDataSinkRemoval,
    91 	ENotReadyForCustomCommand,
    92 	EBadStateAfterNegotiate,
    93 	EBadStateToNegotiate,
    94 	EBadStateToSetPriority,
    95 	EBadPriorityState,
    96 	EBadStateToSendEventToClient,
    97 	EBadStateAfterSendEventToClient,
    98 	EBadStateToSetVolume,
    99 	EBadStateAfterVolumeSet,
   100 	EBadStateToGetMaxVolume,
   101 	EBadStateAfterGetMaxVolume,
   102 	EBadStateToGetVolume,
   103 	EBadStateAfterGetVolume,
   104 	EBadStateToSetVolumeRamp,
   105 	EBadStateAfterSetVolumeRamp,
   106 	EBadStateToSetBalance,
   107 	EBadStateAfterSetBalance,
   108 	EBadStateToGetBalance,
   109 	EBadStateAfterGetBalance,
   110 	EBadStateToSetGain,
   111 	EBadStateAfterGainSet,
   112 	EBadStateToGetMaxGain,
   113 	EBadStateAfterGetMaxGain,
   114 	EBadStateToGetGain,
   115 	EBadStateAfterGetGain,
   116 	EBadStateToGetRecordTimeAvailable,
   117 	EBadStateAfterGetRecordTimeAvailable,
   118 	ENoMemoryToRecord,
   119 	EBadStateToGetMaxFileSize,
   120 	EBadStateAfterGetMaxFileSize,
   121 	EBadStateToCrop,
   122 	EBadStateAfterCrop,
   123 	EBadStateToAddMetaDataEntry,
   124 	EBadStateAfterAddMetaDataEntry,
   125 	EBadStateToRemoveMetaDataEntry,
   126 	EBadStateAfterRemoveMetaDataEntry,
   127 	EBadStateToReplaceMetaDataEntry,
   128 	EBadStateAfterReplaceMetaDataEntry,
   129 	EBadStateToSetSourceSampleRate,
   130 	EBadStateAfterSetSourceSampleRate,
   131 	EBadStateToSetSourceNumChannels,
   132 	EBadStateAfterSetSourceNumChannels,
   133 	EBadStateToSetSourceFormat,
   134 	EBadStateAfterSetSourceFormat,
   135 	EBadStateToSetSinkSampleRate,
   136 	EBadStateAfterSetSinkSampleRate,
   137 	EBadStateToSetSinkNumChannels,
   138 	EBadStateAfterSetSinkNumChannels,
   139 	EBadStateToSetSinkFormat,
   140 	EBadStateAfterSetSinkFormat,
   141 	EBadStateToSetCodec,
   142 	EBadStateAfterSetCodec,
   143 	EBadStateToSetSourceBitRate,
   144 	EBadStateAfterSetSourceBitRate,
   145 	EBadStateToSetSinkBitRate,
   146 	EBadStateAfterSetSinkBitRate,
   147 	ESetRateIsNotSameAsBitRate,
   148 	EBadStateToGetSourceSampleRate,
   149 	EBadStateAfterGetSourceSampleRate,
   150 	EBadStateToGetSourceBitRate,
   151 	EBadStateAfterGetSourceBitRate,
   152 	EBadStateToGetSourceNumChannels,
   153 	EBadStateAfterGetSourceNumChannels,
   154 	EBadStateToGetSourceFormat,
   155 	EBadStateAfterGetSourceFormat,
   156 	EInvalidState,
   157 	EBadStateToRegisterAsClient,
   158 	EBadStateAfterRegisterAsClient,
   159 	EBadStateToCancelRegisterAsClient,
   160 	EBadStateAfterCancelRegisterAsClient,
   161 	EBadStateToGetResourceNotificationData,
   162 	EBadStateAfterGetResourceNotificationData,
   163 	EBadStateToResumePlay,
   164 	EBadStateAfterResumePlay,
   165 	};
   167 /**
   168 This method generates a panic
   170 @param aPanicCode
   171 */
   172 void Panic(TInt aPanicCode)
   173 	{
   174 	_LIT(KMMFAudioControllerPanicCategory, "MMFAudioController");
   175 	User::Panic(KMMFAudioControllerPanicCategory, aPanicCode);
   176 	}
   178 /**
   179  * Static NewL
   180  *
   181  * @return CMMFAudioController*
   182  */
   183 CMMFController* CMMFAudioController::NewL()
   184 	{
   185 	CMMFAudioController* self = new(ELeave) CMMFAudioController;
   186 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   187 	self->ConstructL();
   188 	CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   189 	return STATIC_CAST( CMMFController*, self );
   190 	}
   192 /**
   193 * ConstructL 
   194 * 
   195 */
   196 void CMMFAudioController::ConstructL()
   197 	{
   198 	iDataSource         = NULL;
   199 	iDataSink           = NULL;
   200 	iDataPath           = CMMFDataPath2::NewL(iMediaId, *this);
   201 	iSourceFormat       = NULL;
   202 	iSinkFormat         = NULL;
   203 	iSourceAndSinkAdded = EFalse;
   204 	iStoppingRecording  = EFalse;
   207 	//iMediaId has already been set up 
   208 	SetState( EStopped );
   209 	//iPrioritySettings  not initialised because they are held by the controller framework
   211 	// Construct custom command parsers
   212 	CMMFAudioPlayDeviceCustomCommandParser* audPlayDevParser = CMMFAudioPlayDeviceCustomCommandParser::NewL(*this);
   213 	CleanupStack::PushL(audPlayDevParser);
   214 	AddCustomCommandParserL(*audPlayDevParser);
   215 	CleanupStack::Pop( audPlayDevParser );
   217 	CMMFAudioRecordDeviceCustomCommandParser* audRecDevParser = CMMFAudioRecordDeviceCustomCommandParser::NewL(*this);
   218 	CleanupStack::PushL(audRecDevParser);
   219 	AddCustomCommandParserL(*audRecDevParser);
   220 	CleanupStack::Pop(audRecDevParser);
   222 	CMMFAudioPlayControllerCustomCommandParser* audPlayConParser = CMMFAudioPlayControllerCustomCommandParser::NewL(*this);
   223 	CleanupStack::PushL(audPlayConParser);
   224 	AddCustomCommandParserL(*audPlayConParser);
   225 	CleanupStack::Pop(audPlayConParser);
   227 	CMMFAudioRecordControllerCustomCommandParser* audRecConParser = CMMFAudioRecordControllerCustomCommandParser::NewL(*this);
   228 	CleanupStack::PushL(audRecConParser);
   229 	AddCustomCommandParserL(*audRecConParser);
   230 	CleanupStack::Pop(audRecConParser);
   232 	CMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandParser* audConParser = CMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandParser::NewL(*this);
   233 	CleanupStack::PushL(audConParser);
   234 	AddCustomCommandParserL(*audConParser);
   235 	CleanupStack::Pop(audConParser);
   237 	CMMFDRMCustomCommandParser* drmParser = CMMFDRMCustomCommandParser::NewL(*this);
   238 	CleanupStack::PushL(drmParser);
   239 	AddCustomCommandParserL(*drmParser);
   240 	CleanupStack::Pop(drmParser);
   242 	CMMFResourceNotificationCustomCommandParser* NotiParser = CMMFResourceNotificationCustomCommandParser::NewL(*this);
   243 	CleanupStack::PushL(NotiParser);
   244 	AddCustomCommandParserL(*NotiParser);
   245 	CleanupStack::Pop(NotiParser);//audio resource Notification Parser
   247 	CMMFAudioPlayControllerSetRepeatsCustomCommandParser* audPlayConSetRepeatsParser = CMMFAudioPlayControllerSetRepeatsCustomCommandParser::NewL(*this);
   248 	CleanupStack::PushL(audPlayConSetRepeatsParser);
   249 	AddCustomCommandParserL(*audPlayConSetRepeatsParser);
   250 	CleanupStack::Pop(audPlayConSetRepeatsParser);
   253 	// [ assert the invariant now that we are constructed ]
   254 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EStateNotConstructed));
   255 	}
   257 /**
   258 *
   259 * CMMFAudioController
   260 *
   261 */
   263 CMMFAudioController::CMMFAudioController() 
   264 	: iMediaId(KUidMediaTypeAudio),
   265 	  iDisableAutoIntent(EFalse),
   266 	  iState(EStopped)
   267 	{
   268 	}
   270 /**
   271 *
   272 * ~CMMFAudioController
   273 *
   274 */
   276 CMMFAudioController::~CMMFAudioController()
   277 	{
   278 	// [ ensure we have logged off the thread ]
   279 	if( iDataPath ) 	
   280 		{
   281 		iDataPath->ResetL();	// this does not leave
   282 		}
   283 	delete iDataPath;
   284 	delete iSourceFormat;
   285 	delete iSinkFormat;
   286 	delete iStoppingMessage;
   287 	}
   289 /**
   290  *  AddDataSourceL
   291  *
   292  *	Adds a data source to the controller
   293  *
   294  *	@param aSource
   295  * Preconditions:
   296  * We are stopped
   297  * Source does not already exist
   298  * Postconditions:
   299  * iDataSource != NULL
   300  * iDataSourceAdded == ETrue
   301  */
   302 void CMMFAudioController::AddDataSourceL(MDataSource& aSource)
   303 	{
   304 	//[ assert the invariant ]
   305 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateToGetDataSource));
   307 	// [ precondition that the controller is stopped ]
   308     if( State() != EStopped )
   309 		User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
   311 	//[ precondition iData source is not already configured ]
   312 	if (iDataSource)
   313 		User::Leave(KErrAlreadyExists);
   315 	// Note that this code is not generic for sources
   316 	// It it only checks for file, des clips and audio inputs
   317 	// If a new source type eg a Url Clip then this needs to be added to the supported source Uids
   318 	if ( SourceFormatRequired( aSource) ) 
   319 		{
   320 		// Get the format from the Source if possible from no specific supplier
   321 		TRAPD(err, iSourceFormat = CMMFFormatDecode::NewL(&aSource, KNullDesC, iSourceFormatSupportsCustomInterfaces));
   322 		//[ we want to complete silently for KErrNotSupported
   323 		// because there is a possibility that the client
   324 		// wants to add the data format later, see audio api for
   325 		// a description of this feature]
   326 		if ((err != KErrNotSupported) && (err != KErrNone))
   327 			{
   328 			User::Leave(err);
   329 			}
   330 		}
   331 	else if (aSource.DataSourceType()==KUidMmfAudioInput)
   332 		{
   333 		//[ ensure that the audio input has a pointer to dev sound ]
   334 		CMMFAudioInput* audioInput = STATIC_CAST(CMMFAudioInput*, &aSource);
   335 		__ASSERT_ALWAYS( audioInput, Panic(ENoAudioInput));
   336 		// [ lets load dev sound ]
   337 		User::LeaveIfError(audioInput->SourceThreadLogon( *this ));
   338 		}
   339 	else
   340 		{
   341 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   342 		}
   344 	//[ its now safe to set the source ]
   345 	iDataSource = &aSource ;
   347 	//[ assert the post condition ]
   348 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDataSource, Panic(EMMFAudioControllerPanicDataSourceDoesNotExist));
   350 	iDataSource->SetSourcePrioritySettings(iPrioritySettings);
   351 	}
   353 /**
   354  *  AddDataSinkL
   355  *
   356  *	Adds a data sink to the controller
   357  *
   358  *	@param aSink
   359  *
   360  */
   361 void CMMFAudioController::AddDataSinkL(MDataSink& aSink)
   362 	{
   363 	//[ assert the invariant ]
   364 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateToGetDataSink));
   366 	// [ precondition that the controller is stopped ]
   367     if( State() != EStopped )
   368 		User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
   370 	// [ assert precondition that sink does not exist ]
   371 	if (iDataSink)
   372 		User::Leave(KErrAlreadyExists);
   375 	// Note that this code is not generic for sinks
   376 	// It it only checks for file,des clips and audio outputs
   377 	// If a new sink type eg a Url Clip then this needs to be added to the supported source Uids
   378 	if ( SinkFormatRequired( aSink ) )
   379 		{//the sink is a clip
   381 		// Get the format from the Sink if possible from no specific supplier
   382 		TRAPD(err, iSinkFormat = CMMFFormatEncode::NewL(&aSink, KNullDesC));
   383 		//[ we want to complete silently for KErrNotSupported
   384 		// because there is a possibility that the client
   385 		// wants to add the data format later, see audio api for
   386 		// a description of this feature]
   387 		if ((err != KErrNotSupported) && (err != KErrNone))
   388 			{
   389 			User::Leave(err);
   390 			}
   391 		}
   392 	else if (aSink.DataSinkType()==KUidMmfAudioOutput)
   393 		{
   395 		//[ ensure that the audio output has a pointer to dev sound ]
   396 		CMMFAudioOutput* audioOutput = STATIC_CAST(CMMFAudioOutput*, &aSink);
   397 		__ASSERT_ALWAYS( audioOutput, Panic(ENoAudioOutput));
   398 		// [ lets load dev sound ]
   399 		User::LeaveIfError(audioOutput->SinkThreadLogon( *this ));
   400 		if (IsSecureDrmModeL())
   401     		{
   402     		User::LeaveIfError(audioOutput->SoundDevice().SetClientThreadInfo(ClientThreadIdL()));
   403     		} 
   404 		}
   405 	else
   406 		{
   407 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   408 		}
   410 	//[ now that we are sure we have not left we can update the sink
   411 	// transactionally ]
   412 	iDataSink = &aSink;
   414 	// [ assert post conditions that a sink has been added ]
   415 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDataSink, Panic(EMMFAudioControllerPanicDataSinkDoesNotExist));
   417 	iDataSink->SetSinkPrioritySettings(iPrioritySettings);
   418 	}
   420 /**
   421  *  PrimeL
   422  *
   423  *  If Prime fails the client should reset the controller
   424  *  because as noted below this code is not transactional.
   425  *
   426  */
   427 void CMMFAudioController::PrimeL()
   428 	{
   429 	//[ assert the invariant ]
   430 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateForPrime));
   432 	//[ assert the precondition ( in a friendly way for this api 
   433 	// that we are either stopped or primed already ]
   434 	if(!(( State() == EStopped ) || (State() == EPrimed )))
   435 		User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
   437 	// [ precondition we have a data source & sink ]
   438 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( iDataSource, Panic( ENoDataSource));
   439 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( iDataSink, Panic( ENoDataSink));
   442 	//[ precondition that we need a source format ]
   443 	if ( SourceFormatRequired(*iDataSource) && !(iSourceFormat))
   444 		User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
   446 	// [ check the precondition if we need a data sink format ]
   447 	if ( SinkFormatRequired(*iDataSink) && !( iSinkFormat ))
   448 		{
   449 		User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
   450 		}
   452 	// [ ideally this code should be transaction based and
   453 	//   if failure occurs we roll back to the previous state
   454 	// in the code below this is not the case and the controller
   455 	// can be left in an unstable state should any part of prime fail]
   456 	if (iState == EStopped)
   457 		{ //datapath propagates prime to sink & source
   459 		NegotiateL();
   461 		if (!iSourceAndSinkAdded)
   462 			{
   463 			//add data source and sinks to datapath - Note cant do this in AddDataSource/Sink
   464 			//because the sources and sinks aren't configured at this point
   465 			if (iSourceFormat)
   466 				iDataPath->AddDataSourceL(iSourceFormat);
   467 			else if (iDataSource)
   468 				iDataPath->AddDataSourceL(iDataSource);
   469 			if (iSinkFormat)
   470 				iDataPath->AddDataSinkL(iSinkFormat);
   471 			else if (iDataSink)
   472 				iDataPath->AddDataSinkL(iDataSink);
   473 			iSourceAndSinkAdded = ETrue ;
   474 			}
   476 		iDataPath->PrimeL();
   478 		if (iSourceFormat)
   479 			{
   480 			//in case of imaadpcm format set the output block length
   482 			TFourCC sourceFourCC = iSourceFormat->SourceDataTypeCode(TMediaId(KUidMediaTypeAudio));
   483 			if ((sourceFourCC == KMMFFourCCCodeIMAD) && iSourceFormatSupportsCustomInterfaces)
   484 				{
   485 				CMMFFormatDecode2* decode2 = static_cast<CMMFFormatDecode2*>(iSourceFormat);
   486 				MMMFDecodeCustomInterfaceBlockLength* formatBlockLengthCI = static_cast<MMMFDecodeCustomInterfaceBlockLength*>(decode2->CustomInterface(KUidCustomInterfaceMmfDecodeBlockLength));
   487 				if (formatBlockLengthCI)
   488 					{
   489 					TInt blockLength = formatBlockLengthCI->FileBlockLength();
   490 					TInt err = iDataPath->SetBlockLength(blockLength);
   492 					if ((err != KErrNone) && (iDataSink))
   493 						{
   494 						MMMFAudioOutput* audioOutput = static_cast<MMMFAudioOutput*>(iDataSink);
   495 						MMMFDevSoundCustomInterfaceFileBlockLength* fileBlockLengthCI = static_cast<MMMFDevSoundCustomInterfaceFileBlockLength*>(audioOutput->SoundDevice().CustomInterface(KUidCustomInterfaceDevSoundFileBlockLength));
   497 						if (fileBlockLengthCI)
   498 							{
   499 							fileBlockLengthCI->SetFileBlockLength(blockLength);
   500 							err = KErrNone;
   501 							}
   502 						}
   503 					User::LeaveIfError(err);
   504 					}
   505 				}
   506 			}
   508 		if ((iSinkFormat) && (!iSourceFormat))
   509 			{//we are recording to a clip so the data path position is the sink
   510 			//need to set datapath position to end of format pos (incase sink clip already exists
   511 			TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds duration = iSinkFormat->Duration(iMediaId);
   512 			if (duration != TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds(0))
   513 				{//the file already exists and has a duration so set data path position to the end of the file
   514 				iDataPath->SetPositionL(duration);
   515 				}
   516 			}
   517 		//[ it is now safe to make the transition to primed ]
   518 		SetState( EPrimed );		
   519 		}
   520 	else if (State() == EPrimed)
   521 		{ //controller is already primed so just pass prime onto DP
   522 		iDataPath->PrimeL();
   523 		}
   525 	if (iDataSource->DataSourceType()==KUidMmfFileSource)
   526 		{
   527 		CMMFFile* file = static_cast<CMMFFile*>(iDataSource);
   528 		// we only support protected files for playback
   529 		if (iDataSink->DataSinkType()!=KUidMmfAudioOutput && file->IsProtectedL())
   530 			User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   531 		}
   533 	//[ assert the post condition that we are in the state primed]
   534 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( SetState( EPrimed ), Panic( EPostConditionViolation ));
   535 	// [ assert the invariant]
   536 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EStateNotPrimed ) );
   537 	}
   539 /**
   540  *  ResetL
   541  *  This method resets the controller
   542  *
   543  */
   544 void CMMFAudioController::ResetL()
   545 	{
   546 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateToReset ) );
   547 	iIsPreemptionPause = EFalse;
   548 	// Stop recording if it's not stopped,
   549 	if (State() != EStopped)
   550 		{
   551 		iDataPath->Stop();
   552 		SetState(EStopped);
   553 		}
   554 	iIsPaused = EFalse;
   556 	// Remove references to source and sink
   557 	iDataPath->ResetL();
   559 	delete iSourceFormat; iSourceFormat = NULL  ;
   560 	delete iSinkFormat;	iSinkFormat = NULL  ;
   562 	//[ ensure loggoff of source and sink ]
   563 	iDataSource = NULL ;
   564 	iDataSink = NULL ;
   565 	iSourceAndSinkAdded = EFalse;
   567 	// [ assert the invariant]
   568 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadResetState ) );
   570 	// [ assert the post condition
   571 	//   state == stopped
   572 	//   iDataSource is NULL
   573 	//   iSourceFormat is NULL
   574 	//   iSinkFormat is NULL ]
   575 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( ResetPostCondition(), Panic( EBadReset ));
   576 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadState));
   577 	}
   579 /**
   580 * ResetPostCondition
   581 * This function determnines if the reset post condition is valid
   582 * @internalTechnology
   583 */
   584 TBool CMMFAudioController::ResetPostCondition() const
   585 	{
   587      TBool result = EFalse ;
   588 	if((iSourceFormat     == NULL)  &&
   589 	(iDataSink            == NULL)  &&
   590 	(iDataSource          == NULL)  && 
   591 	(iSinkFormat          == NULL)  &&
   592 	(State() == EStopped))
   593 		{
   594          result = ETrue;
   595 		}
   597     return result;
   598 	}
   601 /**
   602  *
   603  * PlayL
   604  *
   605  */
   606 void CMMFAudioController::PlayL()
   607 	{
   608 	// [ assert the precondition that the
   609 	//   play command is only activated in the primed state]
   610 	if ( State() != EPrimed)
   611 		{
   612 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
   613 		}
   615 	// [ assert the Invariant ]
   616 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EStateNotReadyToPlay));
   618 	// if the position has already been set to the file's duration or 
   619 	// beyond, then don't bother getting the datapath to play - this 
   620 	// avoids sending empty buffers to DevSound
   621 	if (iDataSink->DataSinkType() == KUidMmfAudioOutput && 
   622 		PositionL() >= DurationL())
   623 		{
   624 		SendEventToClient(TMMFEvent(KMMFEventCategoryPlaybackComplete, KErrNone));
   625 		return;
   626 		}
   628 	// Execute play intent
   629 	// This must be done after PlayL, as the file might not be open yet
   630 	if(!iIsPreemptionPause)
   631 		{
   632 		if (!iDisableAutoIntent && iDataSource->DataSourceType()==KUidMmfFileSource )
   633 			{
   634 			CMMFFile* file = static_cast<CMMFFile*>(iDataSource);
   635 			TInt err = file->ExecuteIntent(iIsPaused? ContentAccess::EContinue : ContentAccess::EPlay);
   636 			if (err != KErrNone)
   637 				{
   638 				User::Leave(err);
   639 				}
   640 			}
   641 		}
   642 	//[datapath propogates play to sink & source]
   643 	iDataPath->PlayL();
   644 	iIsPreemptionPause = EFalse;
   645 	iIsPaused = EFalse;
   646 	SetState( EPlaying );
   648 	//[ assert the post condition we are playing ]
   649 	//No - this assumption is not always true if an error occurs eg OOM
   650 	//the state could be EStopped
   651 	//	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( (State() == EPlaying ), Panic( EBadState));
   652 	//[ assert the invariant ]
   653 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadPlayState));
   654 	}
   656 /**
   657  *  PauseL
   658  *
   659  */
   660 void CMMFAudioController::PauseL()
   661 	{
   662 	// [ assert the invariant ]
   663 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToPause));
   665 	//[ assert the precondition that we are playing ]
   666 	if ( State() != EPlaying)
   667 		{
   668 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
   669 		}
   670 	if(!iIsPreemptionPause)
   671 		{
   672 		if (!iDisableAutoIntent && iDataSource->DataSourceType()==KUidMmfFileSource)
   673 			{
   674 			CMMFFile* file = static_cast<CMMFFile*>(iDataSource);
   675 			TInt err = file->ExecuteIntent(ContentAccess::EPause);
   676 			if (err != KErrNone)
   677 				{
   678 				User::Leave(err);
   679 				}
   680 			}
   681 		}
   682 	iIsPaused = ETrue;
   683 	//[ datapath propogates pause to sink & source ]
   684 	if(iIsPreemptionPause)
   685 	    {
   686 	    iDataPath->PreEmptionPause();
   687 	    }
   688 	else
   689 	    {
   690 	    iDataPath->Pause();
   691 	    }
   692 	SetState(EPrimed);
   694 	//[ assert the post condition we are primed ]
   695 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( (State() == EPrimed ), Panic( EBadState));
   696 	//[ assert the invariant ]
   697 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadPauseState));
   698 	}
   700 /**
   701  *  StopL
   702  *
   703  */
   704 void CMMFAudioController::StopL(TMMFMessage& aMessage)
   705 	{
   706 	//[ assert the invariant ]
   707 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToStop));
   708 	// [ precondition that we are not already stopped 
   709 	// && if we are stopped do nothing.
   710 	//If we are stopping a recording, we need to give the datapath chance to 
   711 	//process that data which has already been captured. We therefore stay in the EPlaying
   712 	//state, but use iStoppingRecording to indicate that we are stopping.
   714 	if ((State() != EStopped) && !iStoppingRecording)
   715 		{
   716 		if((State() == EPlaying) && (iDataSource->DataSourceType()==KUidMmfAudioInput)) //we are recording
   717 			{
   718 			// datapath is requested to stop recording but process any alreay captured buffers,
   719 			// the pause method is used for this purpose and as such, the data path must 
   720 			// determine that it is recording to be able to act accordingly.
   721 			// aMessgae is not completed until datapath advises that it has completed.
   722 			iDataPath->Pause();
   723 			iStoppingMessage = CMMFMessageHolder::NewL(aMessage);
   724 			iStoppingRecording = ETrue;
   725 			}
   726 		else if(((State() == EPlaying) || iIsPaused) && (iDataSink->DataSinkType()==KUidMmfAudioOutput)) //we are playing
   727 			{
   728 			if (!iDisableAutoIntent && iDataSource->DataSourceType()==KUidMmfFileSource)
   729 					{
   730 					CMMFFile* file = static_cast<CMMFFile*>(iDataSource);
   731 					file->ExecuteIntent(ContentAccess::EStop);
   732 					}
   733 			//  datapath propogates stop to sink & source
   734 			iDataPath->Stop();
   735 			SetState(EStopped);
   736 			}
   738 		else
   739 			{
   740 			//  datapath propogates stop to sink & source
   741 			iDataPath->Stop();
   742 			SetState(EStopped);
   743 			}
   744 		}
   745 	iIsPaused = EFalse;
   746 	iIsPreemptionPause = EFalse;
   747 	//complete message as request is complete.
   748 	if(State() == EStopped && !IsUnderTest())
   749 		{
   750 		aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
   751 		}
   753 	//[ assert the invariant ]
   754 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStopState));
   755 	}
   757 /**
   758  *  PositionL
   759  * Preconditions:
   760  * The Controller is in the state EPrimed
   761  * @return TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds
   762  *
   763  */
   764 TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds CMMFAudioController::PositionL() const
   765 	{
   766 	//[ assert the invariant ]
   767 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToPosition));
   768 	// [ precondition that we are playing or primed ]
   769 	if( !((State() == EPrimed) || (State() == EPlaying)))
   770 			User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
   772     TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds position = iDataPath->Position();
   774 	//[ assert the invariant ]
   775 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStatePosition));
   777 	return position;
   778 	}
   780 /**
   781 * SetPositionL
   782 *
   783 * @param aPosition
   784 *
   785 */
   786 void CMMFAudioController::SetPositionL(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aPosition)
   787 	{
   788 	//[ assert the invariant ]
   789 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToSetPosition));
   791 	// [ precondition that we are not already stopped ]
   792 	if (iState == EStopped)
   793 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
   795 	//[ precondition that the position is >= 0 && <= Duration ]
   796 		{
   797 		TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds theDuration(0);
   798 		if (iSourceFormat)
   799 			{ //if the source is a clip then the duration always refers to the source - even if the sink is a clip
   800 			theDuration = iSourceFormat->Duration(iMediaId);
   801 			}
   802 		else if (iSinkFormat)
   803 			{ //duration of recorded clip
   804 			theDuration = iSinkFormat->Duration(iMediaId);
   805 			}
   806 		TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds theStart(0);
   807 		if( ( aPosition < theStart) || ( aPosition > theDuration) )
   808 			//[ invalid position before start and after end]
   809 			User::Leave(KErrArgument); 
   810 		}
   812 	//[ set the position on the data path ]
   814 	// if we're already playing, flush all the buffers by calling Stop(), 
   815 	// PrimeL() and then PlayL() - otherwise we could be waiting a long time.
   816 	if (iDataSink->DataSinkType() == KUidMmfAudioOutput && iState == EPlaying)
   817 		{
   818 		CMMFAudioOutput* audioOutput = static_cast<CMMFAudioOutput*>(iDataSink);
   819 		if(!audioOutput->IsResumeSupported())
   820 			{
   821 			iDataPath->Stop();
   822 			SetState(EStopped);
   823 			PrimeL();
   824 			iDataPath->SetPositionL(aPosition);
   825 			iDataPath->RetainRepeatInfo();
   826 			PlayL();
   827 			}
   828 		else
   829 			{
   830 			iDataPath->Pause();
   831 			// This empty buffers
   832 			User::LeaveIfError(audioOutput->SoundDevice().EmptyBuffers());
   833 			iDataPath->SetPositionL(aPosition);
   834 			iDataPath->RetainRepeatInfo();
   835 			// This does a DevSound resume 
   836 			iDataPath->PlayL(); 
   837 			}
   838 		}
   839 	else
   840 		iDataPath->SetPositionL(aPosition);
   842 	//[ assert the invariant ]
   843 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateSetPosition));
   845     // [ post condition not checked ]
   846 	//[ we do not compare the set position with get postion
   847     //  because the interface to do so is poor ]
   848 	}
   850 /**
   851 *
   852 * DurationL
   853 *
   854 * @returns TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds 
   855 *
   856 */
   857 TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds CMMFAudioController::DurationL() const
   858 	{
   859 	//[ assert the invariant ]
   860 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToDuration));
   863 	// [ assert we have a format that supports duration ]
   864 	if( !( iSourceFormat || iSinkFormat ) )
   865 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   867 	//[ now do the real work of getting the duration ]
   868 	// ------------------------------------------------
   869 	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds theDuration(0);
   870 	if (iSourceFormat)
   871 		{ //if the source is a clip then the duration always refers to the source - even if the sink is a clip
   872 		theDuration = iSourceFormat->Duration(iMediaId);
   873 		}
   874 	else if (iSinkFormat)
   875 		{ //duration of recorded clip
   876 		theDuration = iSinkFormat->Duration(iMediaId);
   877 		}
   879 	//[ assert the invariant ]
   880 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateDuration));
   882 	return theDuration; 
   883 	}
   885 /**
   886 *
   887 * GetNumberOfMetaDataEntriesL
   888 *
   889 * @param "TInt"
   890 *
   891 */
   892 void CMMFAudioController::GetNumberOfMetaDataEntriesL(TInt& aNumberOfEntries )
   893 	{
   895 	//[ assert the invariant ]
   896 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToGetNumberOfMetaDataEntries));
   898 	//[ precondition that we are in the primed state or stopped ]
   899 	if( !((State() == EPrimed) || ( State() == EStopped)))
   900 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
   902     // [ precondition there is a sink format ]
   903 	if (!iDataSink)
   904 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   906 	// [ precondition the sink format is an encode format ]
   907 	if ((iDataSink->DataSinkType()!=KUidMmfAudioOutput) &&
   908 		(iDataSource->DataSourceType()!= KUidMmfAudioInput) )
   909 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   911 	if (iDataSink->DataSinkType()==KUidMmfAudioOutput)
   912 		{
   914 		//[ precondition the format exists ]
   915 		if( !iSourceFormat )
   916 			User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   918 		//[ Get the Number of meta data entries from the sink format ]
   919 		iSourceFormat->GetNumberOfMetaDataEntriesL( aNumberOfEntries );
   920 		}
   921 	else if (iDataSource->DataSourceType()==KUidMmfAudioInput)
   922 		{
   923 		if( !iSinkFormat )
   924 			User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   926 		iSinkFormat->GetNumberOfMetaDataEntriesL( aNumberOfEntries );
   927 		}
   929 	//[ assert the invariant ]
   930 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateGetNumberOfMetaDataEntries));
   932 	}
   934 /**
   935 * GetMetaDataEntryL
   936 * @param aIndex
   937 * @returns "CMMFMetaDataEntry*"
   938 */
   939 CMMFMetaDataEntry* CMMFAudioController::GetMetaDataEntryL(TInt aIndex )
   940 	{
   941 		//[ assert the invariant ]
   942 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToGetMetaDataEntries));
   944 	//[ precondition that we are in the primed state or stopped ]
   945 	if( !((State() == EPrimed) || ( State() == EStopped)))
   946 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
   948     // [ precondition there is a sink format ]
   949 	if (!iDataSink)
   950 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   952 	iDataSink->DataSinkType();
   953 	iDataSource->DataSourceType();
   955 	// [ precondition the sink or source is either an audio output or input ]
   956 	if ((iDataSink->DataSinkType()!= KUidMmfAudioOutput) &&
   957 		(iDataSource->DataSourceType()!= KUidMmfAudioInput ))
   958 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   960 	//[ Get the meta data entry from the sink format ]
   961 	CMMFMetaDataEntry*  theEntry = NULL;
   963 	if (iDataSink->DataSinkType()==KUidMmfAudioOutput)
   964 		{ 
   965 		//[ precondition the format exists ]
   966 		if( !iSourceFormat )
   967 			User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   969 		//[ Get the Number of meta data entries from the sink format ]
   970 		theEntry = iSourceFormat->MetaDataEntryL(aIndex);
   971 		}
   972 	else if (iDataSource->DataSourceType()==KUidMmfAudioInput)
   973 		{
   974 		//[ precondition the format exits ]
   975 		if( !iSinkFormat )
   976 			User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   977 		theEntry = iSinkFormat->MetaDataEntryL(aIndex);
   978 		}
   980 	//[ assert the post condition that the entry is not null ]
   981 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( theEntry, Panic(EMetaEntryIsNull));
   983 	//[ assert the invariant ]
   984 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateGetMetaDataEntries));
   986 	return theEntry;
   987 	}
   989 /**
   990 * RemoveDataSourceL
   991 * @param aDataSource
   992 * 
   993 */
   994 void CMMFAudioController::RemoveDataSourceL(MDataSource& aDataSource )
   995 	{
   996 	//[ assert the invariant ]
   997 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(ENotReadyForDataSourceRemoval) );
   999 	//[ precondition is that we have a data source ]
  1000 	if( !iDataSource )
  1001 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
  1003 	//[precondition the data source is the data source we have]
  1004 	if( iDataSource != &aDataSource )
  1005 		User::Leave(KErrArgument);
  1007 	//[ the controller is in the stopped state ]
  1008 	if(State() != EStopped)
  1009 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
  1011 	//[ remove the data sink from the controller and delete the format]
  1012      if( iSourceAndSinkAdded )
  1013 		 {
  1014          __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iDataPath, Panic( EBadState )); 
  1015 	     //[ Remove references to source and sink ]
  1016 	     iDataPath->ResetL();
  1017 		 iSourceAndSinkAdded = EFalse ;
  1018 		 }
  1020 	 // [ delete the data sink and format ]
  1021 	 iDataSource = NULL ;
  1022 	 delete iSourceFormat;
  1023 	 iSourceFormat = NULL;
  1025 	// [ assert postcondition we are stopped ]
  1026 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( (State() == EStopped), Panic(EPostConditionViolation) );
  1028 	//[ assert postcondition the SourceAndSinkAdded is false ]
  1029 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( !iSourceAndSinkAdded, Panic( EPostConditionViolation ));
  1031 	//[ assert postcondition the data sinkformat  is null ]
  1032 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( (iSourceFormat == NULL ), Panic( EPostConditionViolation ));
  1034 	//[ assert postcondition the data sink  is null ]
  1035 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( (iDataSource == NULL ), Panic( EPostConditionViolation ));
  1037 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1038 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadDataSourceRemoval));
  1040 	}
  1042 /**
  1043 * RemoveDataSinkL
  1044 * 
  1045 * @param aDataSink
  1046 *
  1047 */
  1048 void CMMFAudioController::RemoveDataSinkL(MDataSink& aDataSink )
  1049 	{
  1050 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1051 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(ENotReadyForDataSinkRemoval) );
  1053 	//[ precondition is that we have a data sink ]
  1054 	if( !iDataSink )
  1055 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  1057 	//[precondition the data sink is the data sink we have]
  1058 	if( iDataSink != &aDataSink )
  1059 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  1061 	//[ the controller is in the stopped state ]
  1062 	if(State() != EStopped)
  1063 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
  1065 	//[ remove the data sink from the controller and delete the format]
  1066      if( iSourceAndSinkAdded )
  1067 		 {
  1068          __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iDataPath, Panic( EBadState ));
  1069          //[ Remove references to source and sink ]
  1070 	     iDataPath->ResetL();
  1071 		 iSourceAndSinkAdded = EFalse ;
  1072 		 }
  1074 	 // [ reset data sink referenece and remove the format ]
  1075 	 iDataSink = NULL ;
  1076 	 delete iSinkFormat;
  1077 	 iSinkFormat = NULL;
  1079 	// [ assert postcondition we are stopped ]
  1080 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( (State() == EStopped), Panic(EPostConditionViolation) );
  1082 	//[ assert postcondition the SourceAndSinkAdded is false ]
  1083 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( !iSourceAndSinkAdded, Panic( EPostConditionViolation ));
  1085 	//[ assert postcondition the data sinkformat  is null ]
  1086 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( (iSinkFormat == NULL ), Panic( EPostConditionViolation ));
  1088 	//[ assert postcondition the data sink  is null ]
  1089 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( (iDataSink == NULL ), Panic( EPostConditionViolation ));
  1091 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1092 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadDataSinkRemoval));
  1093 	}
  1095 /**
  1096  *  CustomCommand
  1097  *  @param aMessage
  1098  */
  1099 void CMMFAudioController::CustomCommand(TMMFMessage& aMessage)
  1100 	{
  1101 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1102 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(ENotReadyForCustomCommand));
  1103 	// [ We do not have any custom commands ]
  1104 	aMessage.Complete(KErrNotSupported);
  1105 	}
  1107 /**
  1108 * NegotiateL
  1109 * 
  1110 */
  1111 void CMMFAudioController::NegotiateL()
  1112 	{
  1113 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1114 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToNegotiate));
  1116 	//utility function used by custom to negotiate source sink settings after a change
  1117 	if ((iSourceFormat)&&(iSinkFormat)) //convert
  1118 		{
  1119 		iSinkFormat->NegotiateL(*iSourceFormat);
  1120 		iSourceFormat->NegotiateSourceL(*iSinkFormat);
  1121 		iSinkFormat->NegotiateL(*iSourceFormat);
  1123 		// check for upsampling attempts
  1124 		if (iSinkFormat->SampleRate() > iSourceFormat->SampleRate())
  1125 			{
  1126 			// we don't support upsampling
  1127 			User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
  1128 			}
  1129 		}
  1130 	else if ((iDataSource)&&(iSinkFormat)) //record
  1131 		{
  1132 		// need two step negotiation for record
  1133 		// first try to set the audio input settings to match the required settings for recording
  1134 		iDataSource->NegotiateSourceL(*iSinkFormat);
  1135 		// now call negotiateL on the sink in order to tell it what the audio input was set to.
  1136 		iSinkFormat->NegotiateL(*iDataSource);
  1137 		}
  1138 	else if ((iSourceFormat)&&(iDataSink)) //play
  1139 		{	
  1140 		iDataSink->NegotiateL(*iSourceFormat);
  1141 		}
  1142 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1143 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateAfterNegotiate));
  1144 	}
  1146 /**
  1147  *  SetPrioritySettings
  1148  *
  1149  *	@param aPrioritySettings
  1150  */
  1151 void CMMFAudioController::SetPrioritySettings(const TMMFPrioritySettings& aPrioritySettings)
  1152 	{
  1153 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1154 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToSetPriority));
  1156 	//[ update the priority settings of the controller]
  1157 	iPrioritySettings = aPrioritySettings;
  1159 	//pass settings on to source and sink
  1160 	if (iDataSource)
  1161 		{
  1162 		iDataSource->SetSourcePrioritySettings(iPrioritySettings);
  1163 		}
  1164 	if (iDataSink)
  1165 		{
  1166 		iDataSink->SetSinkPrioritySettings(iPrioritySettings);
  1167 		}
  1169     // assert the post condition
  1170 	//__ASSERT_ALWAYS( (iPrioritySettings == aPrioritySettings), Panic( ));
  1171 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1172 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadPriorityState));
  1173 	}
  1175 /**
  1176  *  SendEventToClient
  1177  *
  1178  *	@param aEvent
  1179  */
  1180 TInt CMMFAudioController::SendEventToClient(const TMMFEvent& aEvent)
  1181 	{
  1182 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1183 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToSendEventToClient));
  1185 	TMMFEvent controllerEvent;
  1186 	//Were going to stop playing, force event type to be the correct type
  1187 	controllerEvent.iEventType = KMMFEventCategoryPlaybackComplete;
  1188 	controllerEvent.iErrorCode = aEvent.iErrorCode;
  1192 	//If we receive KErrNone from the DataPath, it indicates that it has 
  1193 	//successfully completed playing/converting/recording.
  1194 	if ((aEvent.iEventType == KMMFEventCategoryPlaybackComplete) && 
  1195 		(aEvent.iErrorCode == KErrNone))
  1196 		{
  1197 		if(iStoppingRecording)
  1198 			{
  1199 			iStoppingRecording = EFalse;
  1200 			iDataPath->Stop();
  1201 			SetState( EStopped );
  1203 			//complete the clients stop request
  1204 			iStoppingMessage->Complete(KErrNone);
  1205 			delete iStoppingMessage; iStoppingMessage=NULL;
  1207 			//we don't want to send an event to the client
  1208 			return KErrNone;
  1209 			}
  1210 		else
  1211 			{//datapath has reached end of file so set internal state to primed
  1212 			SetState( EPrimed );
  1213 			}
  1214 		}
  1215     //DevCR KEVN-7T5EHA
  1216     //If the client has not registered for the ARN, 
  1217     //and a pre-emption happens we need to goto the Pause state
  1218     //instead of the Stop state. this should happen only in the case of playback. 
  1219 	//In case of recoding we goto the stop state.
  1220 	else if(!iRegisterARN && 
  1221         (aEvent.iErrorCode == KErrAccessDenied || aEvent.iErrorCode == KErrInUse ||aEvent.iErrorCode == KErrDied)
  1222         &&  (iDataSink->DataSinkType()==KUidMmfAudioOutput))
  1223         {
  1224         //setting iIsPreemptionPause to true so that PauseL can make differentiate it from normal pause.
  1225         iIsPreemptionPause = ETrue;
  1226 		TRAPD(err,PauseL());
  1227 		if(err != KErrNone)
  1228 		    {
  1229 			iDataPath->Stop();
  1230 			SetState( EStopped );
  1231 			iIsPreemptionPause = EFalse;
  1232 		    }
  1233         }
  1234 	else
  1235 		{
  1236 		if ( State()!= EStopped)
  1237 			{
  1238 			//datapath propogates stop to sink & source
  1239 			iDataPath->Stop();
  1240 			SetState( EStopped );
  1242 			if(iStoppingRecording)
  1243 				{// an error has occurred while we were waiting for recording to stop, 
  1244 				 //must complete clients request
  1245 				iStoppingRecording = EFalse;
  1246 				iStoppingMessage->Complete(aEvent.iErrorCode);
  1247 				delete iStoppingMessage; iStoppingMessage=NULL;
  1248 				}
  1249 			}
  1250 		}
  1251 	if(!iIsPreemptionPause)
  1252 		{
  1253 		//should call ExecuteIntent to tell the DRM agent that playback has stopped 	
  1254 		if (aEvent.iEventType == KMMFEventCategoryPlaybackComplete) 
  1255 			{
  1256 			if ((iDataSink->DataSinkType() == KUidMmfAudioOutput)) 
  1257 				{		
  1258 				if (!iDisableAutoIntent && iDataSource->DataSourceType()==KUidMmfFileSource)
  1259 					{
  1260 					CMMFFile* file = static_cast<CMMFFile*>(iDataSource);
  1261 					file->ExecuteIntent(ContentAccess::EStop);
  1262 					}
  1263 				}
  1264 			}
  1265 		}
  1267 	//now send event to client...
  1268 	TInt result = KErrNone;
  1269 	if(aEvent.iEventType == KMMFEventCategoryAudioResourceAvailable)
  1270 		{
  1271 		result = DoSendEventToClient(aEvent);	
  1272 		}
  1273 	else
  1274 		{
  1275 		result = DoSendEventToClient(controllerEvent);
  1276 		}
  1278 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1279 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateAfterSendEventToClient));
  1281 	return result;
  1282 	}
  1285 /**
  1286 * MapdSetVolumeL
  1287 *
  1288 *  @param aVolume
  1289 *
  1290 */
  1291 void CMMFAudioController::MapdSetVolumeL(TInt aVolume)
  1292 	{
  1293 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1294 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToSetVolume));
  1296 	// [  precondition is true for state 
  1297 	//    we can set the volume in any state ]
  1299 	//[ precondition we have a data sink ]
  1300 	if (!iDataSink)
  1301 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
  1303     // [ precondition that the data sink is an audio output ]
  1304 	// Make sure that iDataSink is an Audio Output
  1305 	if (iDataSink->DataSinkType() != KUidMmfAudioOutput)
  1306 				User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  1308 	MMMFAudioOutput* audioOutput = STATIC_CAST(MMMFAudioOutput*, iDataSink);
  1310 	// [ assert the precondition that aVolume is in range ]
  1311 	TInt maxVolume = audioOutput->SoundDevice().MaxVolume();
  1312 	if( ( aVolume < 0 ) || ( aVolume > maxVolume ))
  1313 			User::Leave(KErrArgument);
  1315 	//[ set the volume on the device ]
  1316 	audioOutput->SoundDevice().SetVolume(aVolume);
  1318 	//[ assert the post condition volume is equal to a volume]
  1319 	TInt soundVolume = 0;
  1320 	soundVolume = audioOutput->SoundDevice().Volume();
  1322     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( ( soundVolume == aVolume), Panic(EPostConditionViolation));
  1324 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1325 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateAfterVolumeSet));
  1326 	}
  1328 /**
  1329 *
  1330 * MapdGetMaxVolumeL
  1331 *
  1332 * @param aMaxVolume
  1333 *
  1334 */
  1335 void CMMFAudioController::MapdGetMaxVolumeL(TInt& aMaxVolume)
  1336 	{
  1337 	// [ assert the invariant ]
  1338 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToGetMaxVolume));
  1340 	//[ we can get max volume in any state ]
  1342 	// [ precondition we must have a data sink ]
  1343 	if (!iDataSink)
  1344 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
  1346 	//[ precondition the sink must be an audio output]
  1347 	// Make sure that iDataSink is an Audio Output
  1348 	if (iDataSink->DataSinkType() != KUidMmfAudioOutput)
  1349 			User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  1351 	//[ get the volume from the device ]
  1352 	MMMFAudioOutput* audioOutput = STATIC_CAST(MMMFAudioOutput*, iDataSink);	
  1353 	aMaxVolume = audioOutput->SoundDevice().MaxVolume();
  1355 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1356 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateAfterGetMaxVolume));
  1358 	}
  1361 /**
  1362 *
  1363 * MapdGetVolumeL
  1364 *
  1365 * @param aVolume
  1366 *
  1367 */
  1368 void CMMFAudioController::MapdGetVolumeL(TInt& aVolume)
  1369 	{
  1370 	// [ assert the invariant ]
  1371 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToGetVolume));
  1373 	//[  precondition that we have a data sink ]
  1374 	if (!iDataSink)
  1375 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
  1377 	//[ precondition iDataSink is an Audio Output ]
  1378 	if (iDataSink->DataSinkType() != KUidMmfAudioOutput)
  1379 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  1381 	// [ get the volume ]
  1382 	MMMFAudioOutput* audioOutput = STATIC_CAST(MMMFAudioOutput*, iDataSink);
  1383 	aVolume = audioOutput->SoundDevice().Volume();
  1385 	// [ assert precondition that the volume is in range
  1386 	//     0.. aMaxVolume ]
  1387 	TInt aMaxVolume = audioOutput->SoundDevice().MaxVolume();
  1388 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( (aVolume <= aMaxVolume), Panic(EBadState));
  1389 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( (aVolume >= 0), Panic(EBadState));
  1391 	// [ assert the invariant ]
  1392 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateAfterGetVolume));
  1394 	}
  1396 /**
  1397 *
  1398 * MapdSetVolumeRampL
  1399 *
  1400 * @param aRampDuration
  1401 *
  1402 */
  1403 void CMMFAudioController::MapdSetVolumeRampL(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aRampDuration)
  1404 	{
  1405      // [ assert the invariant ]
  1406 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToSetVolumeRamp));
  1408 	//[ precondition that we have a data sink ]
  1409 	if (!iDataSink)
  1410 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
  1412 	// [ precondition iDataSink is an Audio Output ]
  1413 	if (iDataSink->DataSinkType() != KUidMmfAudioOutput)
  1414 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  1416 	//[ set the volume ramp ]
  1417 	MMMFAudioOutput* audioOutput = STATIC_CAST(MMMFAudioOutput*, iDataSink);
  1418 	audioOutput->SoundDevice().SetVolumeRamp(aRampDuration);
  1420 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1421 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateAfterSetVolumeRamp));
  1423 	}
  1426 /**
  1427 *
  1428 * MapdSetBalanceL
  1429 *
  1430 * @param aBalance
  1431 *
  1432 */
  1433 void CMMFAudioController::MapdSetBalanceL(TInt aBalance)
  1434 	{
  1435 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1436 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateToSetBalance));
  1438 	// [ precondition is that we have a data sink ]
  1439 	if (!iDataSink)
  1440 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
  1442 	// [ precondition is that the data sink is an audio output]
  1443 	if (iDataSink->DataSinkType() != KUidMmfAudioOutput)
  1444 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  1446 	//[ get the audio output ]
  1447 	MMMFAudioOutput* audioOutput = STATIC_CAST(MMMFAudioOutput*, iDataSink);
  1449 	// [ separate out left and right balance ]
  1450 	TInt left  = 0;
  1451 	TInt right = 0;
  1452 	CalculateLeftRightBalance( left, right, aBalance );
  1454 	//[ set the balance ]
  1455 	audioOutput->SoundDevice().SetPlayBalanceL(left, right); 
  1457 	// [assert the post condition that the balance is set correctly]
  1458 	TInt rightBalance = 0;
  1459 	TInt leftBalance  = 0;
  1460 	audioOutput->SoundDevice().GetPlayBalanceL(leftBalance, rightBalance); 
  1462 	//[ assert post condition holds]
  1463 	TBool postCondition = (( rightBalance == right) && ( leftBalance == left));
  1464 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( postCondition, Panic( EPostConditionViolation ) );
  1466 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1467 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateAfterSetBalance));
  1468 	}
  1470 /**
  1471 * CalculateLeftRightBalance
  1472 * @internalTechnology
  1473 * @param aLeft
  1474 * @param aRight
  1475 * @param aBalance
  1476 * Preconditions:
  1477 * !(aBalance < KMMFBalanceMaxLeft || aBalance > KMMFBalanceMaxRight)
  1478 * y = m x + c
  1479 * aLeft = m ( aBalance ) + c
  1480 * when aBalance = KMMFBalanceMaxLeft   aLeft = 100
  1481 * when aBalance = KMMFBalanceMaxRight  aLeft = 0
  1482 * 100 = m( KMMFBalanceMaxLeft ) + c
  1483 * 0   = m( KMMFBalanceMaxRight ) + c 
  1484 * c = -(KMMFBalanceMaxRight) m
  1485 * 100 = m(KMMFBalanceMaxLeft ) - m(KMMFBalanceMaxRight)
  1486 * m = 100/(KMMFBalanceMaxLeft - KMMFBalanceMaxRight )
  1487 * c = -(KMMFBalanceMaxRight) * 100 /(KMMFBalanceMaxLeft - KMMFBalanceMaxRight )
  1488 * aLeft = ( aBalance - KMMFBalanceMaxRight ) * 100 /( KMMFBalanceMaxLeft - KMMFBalanceMaxRight )
  1489 */
  1490 void CMMFAudioController::CalculateLeftRightBalance( TInt& aLeft, TInt& aRight, TInt aBalance ) const
  1491 	{
  1492 	// Check the balance is within limits & modify to min or max values if necessary
  1493 	if (aBalance < KMMFBalanceMaxLeft)
  1494 		aBalance = KMMFBalanceMaxLeft;
  1495 	if (aBalance > KMMFBalanceMaxRight)
  1496 		aBalance = KMMFBalanceMaxRight;
  1498 	//[ Now separate percentage balances out from aBalance ]
  1499 	 aLeft = (100 * (aBalance-KMMFBalanceMaxRight)) / (KMMFBalanceMaxLeft-KMMFBalanceMaxRight);
  1500      aRight = 100 - aLeft;
  1502 	 //[ assert post condition that left and right are within range ]
  1503 	 __ASSERT_ALWAYS( ( (aLeft <= 100) && (aLeft >= 0) ), Panic(EPostConditionViolation));
  1504 	 __ASSERT_ALWAYS( ( (aRight <= 100) && (aRight >= 0) ), Panic(EPostConditionViolation));
  1505 	}
  1508 /**
  1509 * MapdGetBalanceL
  1510 * @param aBalance
  1511 *
  1512 */
  1513 void CMMFAudioController::MapdGetBalanceL(TInt& aBalance)
  1514 	{
  1515 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1516 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToGetBalance));
  1518 	//[ precondition that we have a sink]
  1519 	if (!iDataSink)
  1520 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
  1522 	// [ iDataSink is an Audio Output ]
  1523 	if (iDataSink->DataSinkType() != KUidMmfAudioOutput)
  1524 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  1526 	// [ get the play balance ]
  1527 	MMMFAudioOutput* audioOutput = STATIC_CAST(MMMFAudioOutput*, iDataSink);
  1528 	TInt left = 50; // arbitrary values 
  1529 	TInt right = 50;
  1530 	audioOutput->SoundDevice().GetPlayBalanceL(left, right); 
  1531     CalculateBalance( aBalance, left, right );
  1533 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1534 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateAfterGetBalance));
  1535 	}
  1537 /**
  1538 * CalculateBalance
  1539 * @param aBalance
  1540 * @param aLeft
  1541 * @param aRight
  1542 *
  1543 * follows a simple straight line transformation
  1544 * y = m x + c
  1545 * m = (KMMFBalanceMaxLeft-KMMFBalanceMaxRight)/ 100 
  1546 * c = KMMFBalanceMaxRight
  1547 * by substitution
  1548 * when aLeft = 0
  1549 *   KMMFBalanceMaxRight = m * 0 + c
  1550 *   c = KMMFBalanceMaxRight
  1551 * when aLeft = 100
  1552 * KMMFBalanceMaxLeft = m * 100 + KMMFBalanceMaxRight
  1553 * m = ( KMMFBalanceMaxLeft - KMMFBalanceMaxRight ) /100
  1554 */
  1555 void CMMFAudioController::CalculateBalance( TInt& aBalance, TInt aLeft, TInt aRight ) const
  1556 	{
  1557 	//[ assert pre conditions ]
  1558 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( (( 0 <= aLeft) && ( 100 >= aLeft)), Panic( EBadArgument) );
  1559 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( (( 0 <= aRight) && ( 100 >= aRight)), Panic( EBadArgument) );
  1561 	if ((aLeft > 0) && (aRight > 0))
  1562 		{
  1563 		__ASSERT_ALWAYS( (( aLeft + aRight ) == 100 ), Panic( EBadArgument ));
  1564 		aBalance = (aLeft * (KMMFBalanceMaxLeft-KMMFBalanceMaxRight))/100 + KMMFBalanceMaxRight;
  1565 		}
  1566 	else if ((aLeft == 0) && (aRight == 0))
  1567 		{
  1568 		aBalance = 0;
  1569 		}
  1570 	else if ((aLeft == 0) && (aRight > 0))
  1571 		{
  1572 		aBalance = 100;
  1573 		}
  1574 	else if ((aLeft > 0) && (aRight == 0))
  1575 		{
  1576 		aBalance = -100;
  1577 		}
  1579     //[ assert post condition that aBalance is within limits ]
  1580 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( !(aBalance < KMMFBalanceMaxLeft || aBalance > KMMFBalanceMaxRight), Panic(EBadArgument));
  1582 	}
  1584 /**
  1585 * MardSetGainL
  1586 * @param aGain
  1587 *
  1588 */
  1589 void CMMFAudioController::MardSetGainL(TInt aGain)
  1590 	{
  1591 	// [ assert the invariant ]
  1592 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToSetGain));
  1594 	//[ precondition we are in the state stopped ]
  1595 	if(State() != EStopped)
  1596 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
  1598 	// [ assert the precondition that we have a data sink ]
  1599 	if (!iDataSource)
  1600 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  1602 	//[ assert the precondition that the data sink is an audio input ]
  1603 	if (iDataSource->DataSourceType() != KUidMmfAudioInput)
  1604 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
  1606 	// Set gain of sound device
  1607 	MMMFAudioInput* audioInput = STATIC_CAST(MMMFAudioInput*, iDataSource);
  1608 	audioInput->SoundDevice().SetGain(aGain);
  1610 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1611 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateAfterGainSet));
  1613 	}
  1615 /**
  1616 * MardGetMaxGainL
  1617 * @param aMaxGain
  1618 *
  1619 */
  1620 void CMMFAudioController::MardGetMaxGainL(TInt& aMaxGain)
  1621 	{
  1622 	// [ assert the invariant ]
  1623 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToGetMaxGain));
  1625 	// [ assert the precondition that we have a source ]
  1626 	if (!iDataSource)
  1627 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
  1629 	//[ assert the precondition that iDataSink is an Audio Input]
  1630 	if (iDataSource->DataSourceType() != KUidMmfAudioInput)
  1631 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  1633 	MMMFAudioInput* audioInput = STATIC_CAST(MMMFAudioInput*, iDataSource);
  1634 	aMaxGain = audioInput->SoundDevice().MaxGain();
  1636 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1637 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateAfterGetMaxGain));
  1639 	}
  1641 /**
  1642 * MardGetGainL
  1643 * @param aGain
  1644 *
  1645 */
  1646 void CMMFAudioController::MardGetGainL(TInt& aGain)
  1647 	{
  1648 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1649 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToGetGain));
  1651 	// [ assert the precondition that we have a sink ]
  1652 	if (!iDataSource)
  1653 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
  1655 	// [ assert the precondition that we have an audio input sink]
  1656 	if (iDataSource->DataSourceType() != KUidMmfAudioInput)
  1657 			User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  1659 	MMMFAudioInput* audioInput = STATIC_CAST(MMMFAudioInput*, iDataSource);
  1660 	aGain = audioInput->SoundDevice().Gain();
  1662 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1663 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateAfterGetGain));
  1664 	}
  1667 /**
  1668  *
  1669  * MardSetBalanceL
  1670  *   @param aBalance
  1671  */
  1672 void CMMFAudioController::MardSetBalanceL(TInt aBalance)
  1673 	{
  1674 	// [ assert the invaraiant ]
  1675 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToSetGain));
  1677 	// [ precondition is that we have a data source ]
  1678 	if (!iDataSource)
  1679 		{
  1680 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
  1681 		}
  1683 	// [ precondition is that the balance is in range ]
  1684 	// Make sure aBalance is in the range -100 <-> 100
  1685 	if (aBalance < KMMFBalanceMaxLeft || aBalance > KMMFBalanceMaxRight)
  1686 		User::Leave(KErrArgument);
  1688 	// [ precondition is that the data sink is an audio output]
  1689 	if (iDataSource->DataSourceType() != KUidMmfAudioInput)
  1690 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  1693 	//[ get the audio output ]
  1694 	MMMFAudioInput* audioInput = STATIC_CAST(MMMFAudioInput*, iDataSource);
  1696 	// [ separate out left and right balance ]
  1697 	TInt left  = 0;
  1698 	TInt right = 0;
  1699 	CalculateLeftRightBalance( left, right, aBalance );
  1701 	//[ set the balance ]
  1702 	audioInput->SoundDevice().SetRecordBalanceL(left, right); 
  1704 	// [assert the post condition that the balance is set correctly]
  1705 	TInt rightBalance = 0;
  1706 	TInt leftBalance  = 0;
  1707 	audioInput->SoundDevice().GetRecordBalanceL(leftBalance, rightBalance); 
  1709 	//[ assert post condition holds]
  1710 	TBool postCondition = (( rightBalance == right) && ( leftBalance == left));
  1711 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( postCondition, Panic( EPostConditionViolation ) );
  1713 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1714 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateAfterGainSet));
  1716 	}
  1718 /**
  1719 *
  1720 * MardGetBalanceL
  1721 * @param aBalance
  1722 *
  1723 */
  1724 void CMMFAudioController::MardGetBalanceL(TInt& aBalance)
  1725 	{
  1726 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1727 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToGetBalance));
  1729 	// [ precondition is that we have a data source ]
  1730 	if (!iDataSource)
  1731 		{
  1732 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
  1733 		}		
  1735 	// [ iDataSink is an Audio Output ]
  1736 	if (iDataSource->DataSourceType() != KUidMmfAudioInput)
  1737 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  1739 	// [ get the play balance ]
  1740 	MMMFAudioInput* audioInput = STATIC_CAST(MMMFAudioInput*, iDataSource);
  1741 	TInt left = 50; // arbitrary values 
  1742 	TInt right = 50;
  1743 	audioInput->SoundDevice().GetRecordBalanceL(left, right); 
  1744     CalculateBalance( aBalance, left, right );
  1746 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1747 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateAfterGetBalance));
  1749 	}
  1751 /**
  1752 * MapcSetPlaybackWindowL
  1753 * @param aStart
  1754 * @param aEnd
  1755 *
  1756 */
  1757 void CMMFAudioController::MapcSetPlaybackWindowL(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aStart, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aEnd)
  1758 	{
  1759 	iDataPath->SetPlayWindowL(aStart, aEnd);
  1760 	}
  1762 /**
  1763 * MapcDeletePlaybackWindowL
  1764 */
  1765 void CMMFAudioController::MapcDeletePlaybackWindowL()
  1766 	{
  1767 	iDataPath->ClearPlayWindowL();
  1768 	}
  1771 /**
  1772 * MapcSetRepeatsL
  1773 * @param aRepeatNumberOfTimes
  1774 * @param aTrailingSilence
  1775 *
  1776 */
  1778 TInt CMMFAudioController::MapcSetRepeats(TInt aRepeatNumberOfTimes, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTrailingSilence)
  1779 	{
  1780 	TInt err = KErrNone;
  1781 	if (!iDataSink)
  1782 		{
  1783 		err = KErrNotReady;
  1784 		}		
  1785 	else if (iDataSink->DataSinkType() != KUidMmfAudioOutput)
  1786 		{
  1787 		err = KErrNotSupported;
  1788 		}
  1789 	else
  1790 		{
  1791 		MMMFAudioOutput* audioOutput = static_cast<MMMFAudioOutput*>(iDataSink);
  1792 		if(audioOutput->SoundDevice().QueryIgnoresUnderflow())
  1793 			{
  1794 			iDataPath->SetRepeats(aRepeatNumberOfTimes,aTrailingSilence);
  1795 			iDataPath->SetDrmProperties(iDataSource, &iDisableAutoIntent);
  1796 			}
  1797 		else
  1798 			{
  1799 			err = KErrNotSupported;
  1800 			}
  1801 		}
  1802 	return err;
  1803 	}
  1806 /**
  1807 * MapcGetLoadingProgressL
  1808 */
  1809 void CMMFAudioController::MapcGetLoadingProgressL(TInt& /*aPercentageComplete*/)
  1810 	{
  1811 	User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  1812 	}
  1815 /**
  1816 * MarcGetRecordTimeAvailableL
  1817 * @param aTime
  1818 *
  1819 */
  1820 void CMMFAudioController::MarcGetRecordTimeAvailableL(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTime)
  1821 	{
  1822 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1823 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToGetRecordTimeAvailable));
  1825 	//[ assert the precondition ( in a friendly way for this api 
  1826 	// that we minimally have a data sink ]
  1827 	if( !iDataSink )
  1828 		User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
  1830 	// Use the FormatEncode to get the bytes per second and the sink (clip) to get the bytes available
  1831 	// return the calculated value.
  1832 	if	((iDataSink->DataSinkType() != KUidMmfFileSink) && (iDataSink->DataSinkType() != KUidMmfDescriptorSink))
  1833 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported) ;
  1835 	// [ max file size ]
  1836 	//[ pre condition is that we have a sink ]
  1838 	// In order to get the record time available we need to take into consideration
  1839 	// that there may be a max file size ]
  1840 	TInt64 bytesFree       = STATIC_CAST(CMMFClip*, iDataSink)->BytesFree() ;
  1841 	TInt64 bytesPerSecond  = TInt64(0);
  1842 	//[ set default time available ]
  1843 	       aTime           = TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds( 0 ) ; // just return zero
  1845 	if( iSinkFormat )
  1846 		{
  1847 		TInt maxFileSize = STATIC_CAST(CMMFFormatEncode*, iSinkFormat)->MaximumClipSize();
  1848 		//[ if maxFileSize > 0 we need to limit the bytes free to this value - size ]
  1849 		if( maxFileSize > 0 )
  1850 			{
  1851 			// [ strangely the size of data written is a TInt ]
  1852 			TInt fileSize = STATIC_CAST(CMMFClip*, iDataSink)->Size();
  1853 			bytesFree = maxFileSize - fileSize;
  1854 			// [ note it can occur that the fileSize id greater than the MaxFileSize
  1855 			//  due to someone setting the max file size on an existing file ]
  1856 			if( bytesFree < 0 ) bytesFree = 0;
  1857 			__ASSERT_DEBUG( ( bytesFree <= maxFileSize), Panic(	ENoMemoryToRecord) );
  1858 			}		
  1859 		bytesPerSecond = STATIC_CAST(CMMFFormatEncode*, iSinkFormat)->BytesPerSecond() ;
  1860 		}
  1862 	//[ now lets perform the calculation of time available ]
  1863 	if ( bytesPerSecond != TInt64(0) )
  1864 		{
  1865 		aTime = TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds( bytesFree * KOneSecondInMicroSeconds / bytesPerSecond ) ;
  1866 		}
  1868 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1869 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateAfterGetRecordTimeAvailable));
  1870 	}
  1872 /**
  1873 * MarcSetMaxDurationL
  1874 * @param aMaxDuration
  1875 */
  1876 void CMMFAudioController::MarcSetMaxDurationL(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& )
  1877 	{
  1878 	//[ this method is deprecated and no longer supported ]
  1879 	User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  1880 	}
  1882 /**
  1883 * MarcSetMaxFileSizeL
  1884 * @param aFileSize
  1885 * @precondition 
  1886 * The argument aFileSize must be greater than -1
  1887 * zero is used as a sentinel value which means that the file
  1888 * can grow without limit
  1889 */
  1890 void CMMFAudioController::MarcSetMaxFileSizeL(TInt aFileSize )
  1891 	{
  1892 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1893 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToGetMaxFileSize));
  1895 	//[ assert the state is not playing since this opens open 
  1896 	// nefarious posibilities
  1897 	if(State() == EPlaying )
  1898 		User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
  1900 	//[ assert we have a sink format ]
  1901 	if( !iSinkFormat )
  1902 		User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
  1904 	//[ assert file size > -2, as a basic sanity filter
  1905 	// 0 is the sentinel value which allows a file to grow
  1906 	// as needed.]
  1907 	// [We use -1 to reset the value set earlier.]
  1908 	if( aFileSize < -1 )
  1909 		{
  1910 		User::Leave( KErrArgument );
  1911 		}
  1913     //[ pre condition is that we have a sink ]
  1914     STATIC_CAST(CMMFFormatEncode*, iSinkFormat)->SetMaximumClipSizeL( aFileSize );
  1916 	// [ assert the post condition ]
  1917 	// [since we have no means of querying the value
  1918 	// we have to assume all went well for now or we left]
  1920 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1921 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateAfterGetMaxFileSize));
  1922 	}
  1924 /**
  1925 * MarcCropL
  1926 * @param aToEnd
  1927 */
  1928 void CMMFAudioController::MarcCropL(TBool aToEnd)
  1929 	{
  1930 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1931 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToCrop));
  1933 	//[ precondition there is a sink format]
  1934 	if (!iSinkFormat)
  1935 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  1937 	iSinkFormat->CropL( PositionL(), aToEnd );
  1939 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1940 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateAfterCrop));
  1941 	}
  1943 /**
  1944 * MarcAddMetaDataEntryL
  1945 * @param aNewEntry
  1946 */
  1947 void CMMFAudioController::MarcAddMetaDataEntryL(const CMMFMetaDataEntry& aNewEntry )
  1948 	{
  1949 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1950 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToAddMetaDataEntry));
  1952 	//[ precondition the format exists ]
  1953 	if( !iSinkFormat )
  1954 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  1956 	//[ Add the meta data entry ]
  1957 	iSinkFormat->AddMetaDataEntryL( aNewEntry );
  1959 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1960 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateAfterAddMetaDataEntry));
  1962 	}
  1964 /**
  1965 * MarcRemoveMetaDataEntryL
  1966 * @param aIndex
  1967 */
  1968 void CMMFAudioController::MarcRemoveMetaDataEntryL(TInt aIndex)
  1969 	{
  1970 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1971 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToRemoveMetaDataEntry));
  1973 	//[ precondition that we are in the primed state ]
  1974 	if( State() != EPrimed)
  1975 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
  1977     //[ precondition the format exists ]
  1978 	if( !iSinkFormat )
  1979 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  1981 	//[ remove the meta data entry ]
  1982 	iSinkFormat->RemoveMetaDataEntry( aIndex );
  1984 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1985 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateAfterRemoveMetaDataEntry));
  1987 	}
  1989 /**
  1990 * MarcReplaceMetaDataEntryL
  1991 * @param aIndex
  1992 * @param aNewEntry
  1993 */
  1994 void CMMFAudioController::MarcReplaceMetaDataEntryL(TInt aIndex, const CMMFMetaDataEntry& aNewEntry)
  1995 	{
  1996 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  1997 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToReplaceMetaDataEntry));
  1999 	//[ precondition that we are in the primed state ]
  2000 	if( State() != EPrimed)
  2001 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
  2003    	//[ precondition the format exists ]
  2004 	if( !iSinkFormat )
  2005 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  2007 	//[ replace meta data entry ]
  2008 	iSinkFormat->ReplaceMetaDataEntryL( aIndex, aNewEntry );
  2010 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  2011 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateAfterReplaceMetaDataEntry));
  2013 	}
  2015 /**
  2016 * MacSetSourceSampleRateL
  2017 * @param aSampleRate
  2018 */
  2019 void CMMFAudioController::MacSetSourceSampleRateL(TUint aSampleRate)
  2020 	{
  2021 	// [ assert the invariant ]
  2022 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateToSetSourceSampleRate));
  2024 	// [ assert the precondition we are stopped ]
  2025 	if( State() != EStopped )
  2026 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
  2029 	if (iSourceFormat)
  2030 		{//only applicable to formats
  2031 		// don't throw an error if the clip already exists with a different sample rate
  2032 		TInt error = iSourceFormat->SetSampleRate(aSampleRate);
  2033 		if (error != KErrNone && error != KErrAlreadyExists)
  2034 			User::Leave(error);
  2035 		}
  2036 	else 
  2037 		{//during recording, sample rate cannot be set directly on the datasource. It is set via NegotiateL
  2038 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  2039 		}
  2041 	// [assert the post condition ]
  2042 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateAfterSetSourceSampleRate));
  2044 	}
  2046 /**
  2047 * MacSetSourceNumChannelsL
  2048 * @param aNumChannels
  2049 */
  2050 void CMMFAudioController::MacSetSourceNumChannelsL(TUint aNumChannels)
  2051 	{
  2052 	// [ assert the invariant ]
  2053 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateToSetSourceNumChannels));
  2055 	// [assert the precondition that we are stopped ]
  2056 	if( State() != EStopped )
  2057 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
  2059 	if (iSourceFormat)
  2060 		{//only applicable to formats
  2061 		// don't throw an error if the clip already exists with a different number of channels
  2062 		TInt error = iSourceFormat->SetNumChannels(aNumChannels);
  2063 		if (error != KErrNone && error != KErrAlreadyExists)
  2064 			User::Leave(error);
  2065 		}
  2066 	else 
  2067 		{//during recording, channels cannot be set directly on the datasource. It is set via NegotiateL
  2068 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  2069 		}
  2071 	// [ assert the invariant ]
  2072 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateAfterSetSourceNumChannels)); 
  2074 	}
  2076 /**
  2077 * MacSetSourceFormatL
  2078 * @param aFormatUid
  2079 *
  2080 */
  2081 void CMMFAudioController::MacSetSourceFormatL(TUid aFormatUid)
  2082 	{
  2083      //[ assert the invaraint ]
  2084 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateToSetSourceFormat)); 
  2086 	// [ precondition that the controller is stopped ]
  2087     if( State() != EStopped )
  2088 		User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
  2090 	//[ precondition that the data source exists]
  2091 	if (!iDataSource)
  2092 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
  2094 	//[ precondition that we need a format ]
  2095 	if( !SourceFormatRequired( *iDataSource ) )
  2096 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported); //cant set source format if source isn't a clip
  2098 	//[ if the format exists and the uid of the requested
  2099 	//	format is the same as the existing format then simply 
  2100 	// return otherwise create a new format ]
  2101 	if( !((iSourceFormat) && ( iSourceFormat->ImplementationUid() == aFormatUid)))
  2102 		{
  2103 		// [ delete the old format regardless ]
  2104 		delete iSourceFormat;
  2105 		iSourceFormat = NULL;
  2106 		iSourceFormat = CMMFFormatDecode::NewL(aFormatUid, iDataSource);
  2107 		}
  2109 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  2110 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateAfterSetSourceFormat)); 
  2112 	//[ assert the post condition that a source format has been constructed ]
  2113 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( (iSourceFormat != NULL), Panic( EPostConditionViolation ));
  2114 	}
  2116 /**
  2117 * MacSetSinkSampleRateL
  2118 * @param aSampleRate
  2119 */
  2120 void CMMFAudioController::MacSetSinkSampleRateL(TUint aSampleRate)
  2121 	{
  2122 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  2123 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateToSetSinkSampleRate));
  2125 	// [ assert the precondition that we are stopped ]
  2126 	if (State() != EStopped )
  2127 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
  2129 	if (iSinkFormat)
  2130 		{//only applicable to formats
  2131 		// don't throw an error if the clip already exists with a different sample rate
  2132 		TInt error = iSinkFormat->SetSampleRate(aSampleRate);
  2133 		if (error != KErrNone && error != KErrAlreadyExists)
  2134 			User::Leave(error);
  2135 		}
  2136 	else 
  2137 		{//during playing, sample rate cannot be set directly on the datasink. It is set via NegotiateL
  2138 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  2139 		}
  2141 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  2142 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateAfterSetSinkSampleRate));
  2143 	}
  2145 /**
  2146 * MacSetSinkNumChannelsL
  2147 * @param aNumChannels
  2148 *
  2149 */
  2150 void CMMFAudioController::MacSetSinkNumChannelsL(TUint aNumChannels)
  2151 	{
  2152 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  2153 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateToSetSinkNumChannels));
  2155 	// [ assert the precondition that we are stopped ]
  2156 	if (State() != EStopped )
  2157 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
  2159 	if (iSinkFormat)
  2160 		{//only applicable to formats
  2161 		// don't throw an error if the clip already exists with a different number of channels
  2162 		TInt error = iSinkFormat->SetNumChannels(aNumChannels);
  2163 		if (error != KErrNone && error != KErrAlreadyExists)
  2164 			User::Leave(error);
  2165 		}
  2166 	else 
  2167 		{//during playing, channels cannot be set directly on the datasink. It is set via NegotiateL
  2168 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  2169 		}
  2171 	// [assert the invariant ]
  2172 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateAfterSetSinkNumChannels));
  2174 	}
  2176 /**
  2177 * MacSetSinkFormatL 
  2178 * @param aFormatUid
  2179 *
  2180 */
  2181 void CMMFAudioController::MacSetSinkFormatL(TUid aFormatUid)
  2182 	{
  2183     //[ assert the invariant ]
  2184 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateToSetSinkFormat));
  2186 	// [ precondition that the controller is stopped ]
  2187     if( State() != EStopped )
  2188 		User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
  2190 	//[ precondition that the data sink exists]
  2191 	if (!iDataSink)
  2192 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
  2194 	//[ precondition that we need a format ]
  2195 	if (!SinkFormatRequired( *iDataSink))
  2196 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  2198 	//[ if the format exists and the uid of the requested
  2199 	//	format is the same as the existing format then simply 
  2200 	// return ]
  2201 	if( !((iSinkFormat) && ( iSinkFormat->ImplementationUid() == aFormatUid)))
  2202 		{
  2203 		// [ delete the old format regardless ]
  2204 		delete iSinkFormat;
  2205 		iSinkFormat = NULL;
  2206 		iSinkFormat = CMMFFormatEncode::NewL(aFormatUid, iDataSink);
  2207 		}
  2209 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  2210 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateAfterSetSinkFormat));
  2212 	//[ assert the post condition that a sink format has been constructed ]
  2213 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( (iSinkFormat != NULL), Panic( EPostConditionViolation ));
  2214 	}
  2217 /**
  2218 * MacSetCodecL
  2219 * @param aSourceDataType
  2220 * @param aSinkDataType
  2221 *
  2222 */
  2223 void CMMFAudioController::MacSetCodecL(TFourCC aSourceDataType, TFourCC aSinkDataType)
  2224 	{
  2225 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  2226 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToSetCodec));
  2228 	//[ assert the precondition ]
  2229 	if(State() != EStopped)
  2230 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
  2232 	//pre condition that we have a source format or sink format
  2233 	if (!iSourceFormat && !iSinkFormat)
  2234 		{
  2235 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  2236 		}
  2237 	//don't set codec directly  -just set source & sink fourCC codes
  2238 	//[  ]
  2239 	TInt error(KErrNone);
  2240 	if ((iSinkFormat)&&(aSinkDataType != KMMFFourCCCodeNULL))
  2241 		{
  2242 		error = iSinkFormat->SetSinkDataTypeCode(aSinkDataType,iMediaId);
  2243 		}
  2244 	if ((iSourceFormat)&&(!error)&&(aSourceDataType != KMMFFourCCCodeNULL))
  2245 		{
  2246 		error = iSourceFormat->SetSourceDataTypeCode(aSourceDataType,iMediaId);
  2247 		}
  2249 	//[ leave if we are not ready or there was an error ]
  2250 	User::LeaveIfError(error);
  2252 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  2253 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateAfterSetCodec));
  2254 	}
  2256 /**
  2257 * MacSetSourceBitRateL
  2258 * @param "TUint"
  2259 * Sets the source bit rate
  2260 *
  2261 */
  2262 void CMMFAudioController::MacSetSourceBitRateL(TUint aBitRate)
  2263 	{
  2264 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  2265 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToSetSourceBitRate));
  2267 	//[ assert the precondition ]
  2268 	if(State() != EStopped)
  2269 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
  2271 	//[ pre condition  that we have a source format]
  2272 	if (!iSourceFormat)
  2273 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  2275 	//only applicable to formats
  2276 	User::LeaveIfError(iSourceFormat->SetBitRate(aBitRate));
  2278 	//[ assert the set bit rate is the bit rate ]
  2279 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( (aBitRate == iSourceFormat->BitRate()), Panic( EPostConditionViolation ));
  2281 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  2282 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateAfterSetSourceBitRate));
  2283 	}
  2286 /**
  2287 *
  2288 * MacSetSourceDataTypeL
  2289 * @param "TFourCC"
  2290 *
  2291 */
  2292 void CMMFAudioController::MacSetSourceDataTypeL(TFourCC aDataType)
  2293 	{
  2294 	//pre condition we have a source format
  2295 	if (!iSourceFormat)
  2296 		{
  2297 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  2298 		}
  2300 	MacSetCodecL(aDataType, KMMFFourCCCodeNULL);
  2301 	}
  2303 /**
  2304 *
  2305 * MacSetSinkBitRateL
  2306 * @param "TUint"
  2307 *
  2308 */
  2309 void CMMFAudioController::MacSetSinkBitRateL(TUint aRate)
  2310 	{
  2311 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  2312 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateToSetSinkBitRate));
  2314     // [ assert we are stopped ]
  2315 	if( State() != EStopped)
  2316 		User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
  2318 	//[ pre condition we have a sink format ]
  2319 	if (!iSinkFormat)
  2320 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  2322 	//only applicable to formats
  2323 	User::LeaveIfError(iSinkFormat->SetBitRate(aRate));
  2325 	//[ assert the set bit rate is the bit rate ]
  2326 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( (aRate == iSinkFormat->BitRate()), Panic( ESetRateIsNotSameAsBitRate));
  2328 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  2329 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateAfterSetSinkBitRate));
  2330 	}
  2332 /**
  2333 *
  2334 * MacSetSinkDataTypeL
  2335 * @param "TFourCC"
  2336 *
  2337 */
  2338 void CMMFAudioController::MacSetSinkDataTypeL(TFourCC aDataType)
  2339 	{
  2340 	//precondition is that we have a sink format
  2341 	if (!iSinkFormat)
  2342 		{
  2343 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  2344 		}
  2346 	MacSetCodecL(KMMFFourCCCodeNULL, aDataType);
  2347 	}
  2349 /**
  2350 *
  2351 * MacGetSourceSampleRateL
  2352 * @param "TUint"
  2353 * 
  2354 */
  2355 void CMMFAudioController::MacGetSourceSampleRateL(TUint& aRate)
  2356 	{
  2357 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  2358 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateToGetSourceSampleRate));
  2360 	//precondition is that we have a source format
  2361 	if (!iSourceFormat)
  2362 		{
  2363 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  2364 		}
  2366 	aRate = iSourceFormat->SampleRate();
  2368 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  2369 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateAfterGetSourceSampleRate));
  2370 	}
  2372 /**
  2373 *
  2374 * MacGetSourceBitRateL
  2375 * @param "TUint"
  2376 *
  2377 */
  2378 void CMMFAudioController::MacGetSourceBitRateL(TUint& aRate)
  2379 	{
  2380 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  2381 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateToGetSourceBitRate));
  2383 	// Can only query formats for bit rate - devsound doesn't do bit rates.
  2384 	if (!iSourceFormat)
  2385 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  2387 	aRate = iSourceFormat->BitRate();
  2389 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  2390 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateToGetSourceBitRate));
  2392 	}
  2394 /**
  2395 *
  2396 * MacGetSourceNumChannelsL
  2397 * @param "TUint&"
  2398 *
  2399 */
  2400 void CMMFAudioController::MacGetSourceNumChannelsL(TUint& aNumChannels)
  2401 	{
  2402 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  2403 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateToGetSourceNumChannels));
  2405 	//precondition is that we have a source format
  2406 	if (!iSourceFormat)
  2407 		{
  2408 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  2409 		}
  2411 	aNumChannels = iSourceFormat->NumChannels();
  2413 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  2414 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateAfterGetSourceNumChannels));
  2416 	}
  2418 /**
  2419 *
  2420 * MacGetSourceFormatL
  2421 * @param "TUid"
  2422 */
  2423 void CMMFAudioController::MacGetSourceFormatL(TUid& aFormat)
  2424 	{
  2425 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  2426 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateToGetSourceFormat));
  2428 	//[ precondition we have a format ]
  2429 	if (!iSourceFormat)
  2430 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  2432 	// [ get the source format uid ]
  2433 	aFormat = iSourceFormat->ImplementationUid();
  2435 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  2436 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateAfterGetSourceFormat));
  2438 	}
  2440 /**
  2441 *
  2442 * MacGetSourceDataTypeL
  2443 * @param "TFourCC&"
  2444 *
  2445 */
  2446 void CMMFAudioController::MacGetSourceDataTypeL(TFourCC& aDataType)
  2447 	{
  2448 	//precondition is that we have a source format
  2449 	if (!iSourceFormat)
  2450 		{
  2451 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  2452 		}
  2454 	aDataType = iSourceFormat->SourceDataTypeCode(TMediaId(KUidMediaTypeAudio));
  2455 	}
  2457 /**
  2458 *
  2459 * MacGetSinkSampleRateL
  2460 * @param "TUint&"
  2461 *
  2462 */
  2464 void CMMFAudioController::MacGetSinkSampleRateL(TUint& aRate)
  2465 	{
  2466 	//precondition is that we have a sink format
  2467 	if (!iSinkFormat)
  2468 		{
  2469 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  2470 		}
  2472 	aRate = iSinkFormat->SampleRate();
  2473 	}
  2475 /**
  2476 *
  2477 * MacGetSinkBitRateL
  2478 * @param "TUint&"
  2479 *
  2480 */
  2481 void CMMFAudioController::MacGetSinkBitRateL(TUint& aRate)
  2482 	{
  2483 	if (iSinkFormat)
  2484 		aRate = iSinkFormat->BitRate();
  2485 	else
  2486 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  2487 	}
  2489 /**
  2490 *
  2491 * MacGetSinkNumChannelsL
  2492 * @param "TUint&"
  2493 *
  2494 */
  2495 void CMMFAudioController::MacGetSinkNumChannelsL(TUint& aNumChannels)
  2496 	{
  2497 	//precondition is that we have a sink format
  2498 	if (!iSinkFormat)
  2499 		{
  2500 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  2501 		}
  2503 	aNumChannels = iSinkFormat->NumChannels();
  2504 	}
  2506 /**
  2507 *
  2508 * MacGetSinkFormatL
  2509 * @param "TUid&"
  2510 *
  2511 */
  2512 void CMMFAudioController::MacGetSinkFormatL(TUid& aFormat)
  2513 	{
  2514 	if (iSinkFormat)
  2515 		aFormat = iSinkFormat->ImplementationUid();
  2516 	else 
  2517 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  2518 	}
  2520 /**
  2521 *
  2522 * MacGetSinkDataTypeL
  2523 * @param "TFourCC&"
  2524 *
  2525 */
  2526 void CMMFAudioController::MacGetSinkDataTypeL(TFourCC& aDataType)
  2527 	{
  2528 	//precondition is that we have a sink format
  2529 	if (!iSinkFormat)
  2530 		{
  2531 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  2532 		}
  2534 	aDataType = iSinkFormat->SinkDataTypeCode(TMediaId(KUidMediaTypeAudio));
  2535 	}
  2537 /**
  2538 * 
  2539 * MacGetSupportedSourceSampleRatesL
  2540 * @param "RArray<TUint>&"
  2541 * 
  2542 */
  2543 void CMMFAudioController::MacGetSupportedSourceSampleRatesL(RArray<TUint>& aSupportedRates)
  2544 	{
  2545 	//precondition is that we have a source format
  2546 	if (!iSourceFormat)
  2547 		{
  2548 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  2549 		}
  2551 	aSupportedRates.Reset();
  2552 	iSourceFormat->GetSupportedSampleRatesL(aSupportedRates);
  2553 	}
  2555 /**
  2556 *
  2557 * MacGetSupportedSourceBitRatesL
  2558 * @param "RArray<TUint>&"
  2559 *
  2560 */
  2561 void CMMFAudioController::MacGetSupportedSourceBitRatesL(RArray<TUint>& aSupportedRates)
  2562 	{
  2563 	aSupportedRates.Reset();
  2564 	if (iSourceFormat)
  2565 		iSourceFormat->GetSupportedBitRatesL(aSupportedRates);
  2566 	else
  2567 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  2568 	}
  2570 /***
  2571 *
  2572 * MacGetSupportedSourceNumChannelsL
  2573 * @param "RArray<TUint>&"
  2574 *
  2575 */
  2576 void CMMFAudioController::MacGetSupportedSourceNumChannelsL(RArray<TUint>& aSupportedChannels)
  2577 	{
  2578 	//precondition is that we have a source format
  2579 	if (!iSourceFormat)
  2580 		{
  2581 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  2582 		}
  2584 	aSupportedChannels.Reset();
  2585 	iSourceFormat->GetSupportedNumChannelsL(aSupportedChannels);
  2586 	}
  2588 /***
  2589 *
  2590 * MacGetSupportedSourceDataTypesL
  2591 * @param "RArray<TFourCC>&"
  2592 *
  2593 */
  2594 void CMMFAudioController::MacGetSupportedSourceDataTypesL(RArray<TFourCC>& aSupportedDataTypes)
  2595 	{
  2596 	//precondition is that we have a source format
  2597 	if (!iSourceFormat)
  2598 		{
  2599 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  2600 		}
  2602 	aSupportedDataTypes.Reset();
  2603 	iSourceFormat->GetSupportedDataTypesL(TMediaId(KUidMediaTypeAudio), aSupportedDataTypes);
  2604 	}
  2606 /***
  2607 *
  2608 * MacGetSupportedSinkSampleRatesL
  2609 * @param "RArray<TUint>& "
  2610 *
  2611 */
  2612 void CMMFAudioController::MacGetSupportedSinkSampleRatesL(RArray<TUint>& aSupportedRates)
  2613 	{
  2614 	//precondition is that we have a sink format
  2615 	if (!iSinkFormat)
  2616 		{
  2617 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  2618 		}
  2620 	aSupportedRates.Reset();
  2621 	iSinkFormat->GetSupportedSampleRatesL(aSupportedRates);	
  2622 	}
  2624 /***
  2625 *
  2626 * MacGetSupportedSinkBitRatesL
  2627 * @param RArray<TUint>& 
  2628 *
  2629 */
  2630 void CMMFAudioController::MacGetSupportedSinkBitRatesL(RArray<TUint>& aSupportedRates)
  2631 	{
  2632 	if (iSinkFormat)
  2633 		iSinkFormat->GetSupportedBitRatesL(aSupportedRates);
  2634 	else
  2635 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  2636 	}
  2638 /***
  2639 *
  2640 * MacGetSupportedSinkNumChannelsL
  2641 * @param RArray<TUint>&
  2642 *
  2643 */
  2644 void CMMFAudioController::MacGetSupportedSinkNumChannelsL(RArray<TUint>& aSupportedChannels)
  2645 	{
  2646 	//precondition is that we have a sink format
  2647 	if (!iSinkFormat)
  2648 		{
  2649 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  2650 		}
  2652 	aSupportedChannels.Reset();
  2653 	iSinkFormat->GetSupportedNumChannelsL(aSupportedChannels);
  2654 	}
  2656 /***
  2657 *
  2658 * MacGetSupportedSinkDataTypesL
  2659 * @param "RArray<TFourCC>&"
  2660 */
  2661 void CMMFAudioController::MacGetSupportedSinkDataTypesL(RArray<TFourCC>& aSupportedDataTypes)
  2662 	{
  2663 	//precondition is that we have a sink format
  2664 	if (!iSinkFormat)
  2665 		{
  2666 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  2667 		}
  2669 	aSupportedDataTypes.Reset();
  2670 	iSinkFormat->GetSupportedDataTypesL(TMediaId(KUidMediaTypeAudio), aSupportedDataTypes);
  2671 	}
  2673 /**
  2674 *
  2675 * ConvertFromDevSoundCapsToSampleRatesL
  2676 * @param "const TMMFCapabilities& "
  2677 * @param "RArray<TUint>&"
  2678 *
  2679 */
  2680 void CMMFAudioController::ConvertFromDevSoundCapsToSampleRatesL(const TMMFCapabilities& aDevSoundCaps, RArray<TUint>& aSampleRates)
  2681 	{
  2682 	if (aDevSoundCaps.iRate & EMMFSampleRate8000Hz)
  2683 		User::LeaveIfError(aSampleRates.Append(KSampleRate8000Hz));
  2684 	if (aDevSoundCaps.iRate & EMMFSampleRate11025Hz)
  2685 		User::LeaveIfError(aSampleRates.Append(KSampleRate11025Hz));
  2686 	if (aDevSoundCaps.iRate & EMMFSampleRate12000Hz)
  2687 		User::LeaveIfError(aSampleRates.Append(KSampleRate12000Hz));
  2688 	if (aDevSoundCaps.iRate & EMMFSampleRate16000Hz)
  2689 		User::LeaveIfError(aSampleRates.Append(KSampleRate16000Hz));
  2690 	if (aDevSoundCaps.iRate & EMMFSampleRate22050Hz)
  2691 		User::LeaveIfError(aSampleRates.Append(KSampleRate22050Hz));
  2692 	if (aDevSoundCaps.iRate & EMMFSampleRate24000Hz)
  2693 		User::LeaveIfError(aSampleRates.Append(KSampleRate24000Hz));
  2694 	if (aDevSoundCaps.iRate & EMMFSampleRate32000Hz)
  2695 		User::LeaveIfError(aSampleRates.Append(KSampleRate32000Hz));
  2696 	if (aDevSoundCaps.iRate & EMMFSampleRate44100Hz)
  2697 		User::LeaveIfError(aSampleRates.Append(KSampleRate44100Hz));
  2698 	if (aDevSoundCaps.iRate & EMMFSampleRate48000Hz)
  2699 		User::LeaveIfError(aSampleRates.Append(KSampleRate48000Hz));
  2700 	if (aDevSoundCaps.iRate & EMMFSampleRate64000Hz)
  2701 		User::LeaveIfError(aSampleRates.Append(KSampleRate64000Hz));
  2702 	if (aDevSoundCaps.iRate & EMMFSampleRate88200Hz)
  2703 		User::LeaveIfError(aSampleRates.Append(KSampleRate88200Hz));
  2704 	if (aDevSoundCaps.iRate & EMMFSampleRate96000Hz)
  2705 		User::LeaveIfError(aSampleRates.Append(KSampleRate96000Hz));
  2706 	}
  2708 /**
  2709 *
  2710 * ConvertFromDevSoundCapsToNumChannelsL
  2711 * @param "const TMMFCapabilities&"
  2712 * @param "RArray<TUint>&"
  2713 *
  2714 */
  2715 void CMMFAudioController::ConvertFromDevSoundCapsToNumChannelsL(const TMMFCapabilities& aDevSoundCaps, RArray<TUint>& aNumChannels)
  2716 	{
  2717 	if (aDevSoundCaps.iChannels & EMMFMono)
  2718 		User::LeaveIfError(aNumChannels.Append(KNumChannelsMono));
  2719 	if (aDevSoundCaps.iChannels & EMMFStereo)
  2720 		User::LeaveIfError(aNumChannels.Append(KNumChannelsStereo));
  2721 	}
  2723 /**
  2724 *
  2725 * ConvertFromDevSoundCapsToDataTypesL
  2726 * @param "const TMMFCapabilities&"
  2727 * @param "TMMFCapabilities& aDevSoundCaps, RArray<TFourCC>&"
  2728 *
  2729 */
  2730 void CMMFAudioController::ConvertFromDevSoundCapsToDataTypesL(const TMMFCapabilities& aDevSoundCaps, RArray<TFourCC>& aDataTypes)
  2731 	{
  2732 	if (aDevSoundCaps.iEncoding & EMMFSoundEncoding8BitPCM)
  2733 		User::LeaveIfError(aDataTypes.Append(KMMFFourCCCodePCM8));
  2734 	if (aDevSoundCaps.iEncoding & EMMFSoundEncoding16BitPCM)
  2735 		User::LeaveIfError(aDataTypes.Append(KMMFFourCCCodePCM16));
  2736 	if (aDevSoundCaps.iEncoding & EMMFSoundEncoding8BitALaw)
  2737 		User::LeaveIfError(aDataTypes.Append(KMMFFourCCCodeALAW));
  2738 	if (aDevSoundCaps.iEncoding & EMMFSoundEncoding8BitMuLaw)
  2739 		User::LeaveIfError(aDataTypes.Append(KMMFFourCCCodeMuLAW));
  2740 	}
  2742 /**
  2743 *
  2744 * ConvertFromSampleRateToDevSoundCapsL
  2745 * @param "TUint"
  2746 * @param "TMMFCapabilities&"
  2747 *
  2748 */
  2749 void CMMFAudioController::ConvertFromSampleRateToDevSoundCapsL(TUint aSampleRate, TMMFCapabilities& aDevSoundCaps)
  2750 	{
  2751 	if (aSampleRate == KSampleRate8000Hz)
  2752 		aDevSoundCaps.iRate = EMMFSampleRate8000Hz;
  2753 	else if (aSampleRate == KSampleRate11025Hz)
  2754 		aDevSoundCaps.iRate = EMMFSampleRate11025Hz;
  2755 	else if (aSampleRate == KSampleRate12000Hz)
  2756 		aDevSoundCaps.iRate = EMMFSampleRate12000Hz;
  2757 	else if (aSampleRate == KSampleRate16000Hz)
  2758 		aDevSoundCaps.iRate = EMMFSampleRate16000Hz;
  2759 	else if (aSampleRate == KSampleRate22050Hz)
  2760 		aDevSoundCaps.iRate = EMMFSampleRate22050Hz;
  2761 	else if (aSampleRate == KSampleRate24000Hz)
  2762 		aDevSoundCaps.iRate = EMMFSampleRate24000Hz;
  2763 	else if (aSampleRate == KSampleRate32000Hz)
  2764 		aDevSoundCaps.iRate = EMMFSampleRate32000Hz;
  2765 	else if (aSampleRate == KSampleRate44100Hz)
  2766 		aDevSoundCaps.iRate = EMMFSampleRate44100Hz;
  2767 	else if (aSampleRate == KSampleRate48000Hz)
  2768 		aDevSoundCaps.iRate = EMMFSampleRate48000Hz;
  2769 	else if (aSampleRate == KSampleRate64000Hz)
  2770 		aDevSoundCaps.iRate = EMMFSampleRate64000Hz;
  2771 	else if (aSampleRate == KSampleRate88200Hz)
  2772 		aDevSoundCaps.iRate = EMMFSampleRate88200Hz;
  2773 	else if (aSampleRate == KSampleRate96000Hz)
  2774 		aDevSoundCaps.iRate = EMMFSampleRate96000Hz;
  2775 	else
  2776 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  2777 	}
  2779 /**
  2780 *
  2781 * ConvertFromNumChannelsToDevSoundCapsL
  2782 * @param "TUint"
  2783 * @param  "TMMFCapabilities&"
  2784 *
  2785 */
  2786 void CMMFAudioController::ConvertFromNumChannelsToDevSoundCapsL(TUint aNumChannels, TMMFCapabilities& aDevSoundCaps)
  2787 	{
  2788 	if (aNumChannels == KNumChannelsMono)
  2789 		aDevSoundCaps.iChannels = EMMFMono;
  2790 	else if (aNumChannels == KNumChannelsStereo)
  2791 		aDevSoundCaps.iChannels = EMMFStereo;
  2792 	else
  2793 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  2794 	}
  2796 /**
  2797 *
  2798 * ConvertFromDataTypeToDevSoundCapsL
  2799 * @param "TFourCC"
  2800 * @param "TMMFCapabilities&"
  2801 *
  2802 */
  2803 void CMMFAudioController::ConvertFromDataTypeToDevSoundCapsL(TFourCC aDataType, TMMFCapabilities& aDevSoundCaps)
  2804 	{
  2805 	if (aDataType == KMMFFourCCCodePCM8)
  2806 		aDevSoundCaps.iEncoding = EMMFSoundEncoding8BitPCM;
  2807 	else if (aDataType == KMMFFourCCCodePCM16)
  2808 		aDevSoundCaps.iEncoding = EMMFSoundEncoding16BitPCM;
  2809 	else if (aDataType == KMMFFourCCCodeALAW)
  2810 		aDevSoundCaps.iEncoding = EMMFSoundEncoding8BitALaw;
  2811 	else if (aDataType == KMMFFourCCCodeMuLAW)
  2812 		aDevSoundCaps.iEncoding = EMMFSoundEncoding8BitMuLaw;
  2813 	else
  2814 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  2815 	}
  2817 /**
  2818 * IsValidStateTransition
  2819 * The function validates a state transition from iState to aState
  2820 * and returns ETrue if the transition is allowed.
  2821 * @internalTechnology
  2822 * @param TControllerState
  2823 * @returns "TBool"
  2824 */
  2825 TBool CMMFAudioController::IsValidStateTransition( TControllerState aState ) const
  2826 	{
  2827 	 TBool result = ETrue ;
  2828 	//[ assert the precondition that aState is a valid State ]
  2829 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( IsValidState(aState), Panic( EBadArgument ) );
  2830 	//[ assert the invariant that iState is a valid State ]
  2831 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EInvalidState ));
  2833 	// [ check the valid state transitions ]
  2834 	  // the only invalid transition is
  2835 	  // stopped to playing
  2836 	if( ( iState == EStopped ) && ( aState == EPlaying ))
  2837 		{
  2838          result = EFalse ;
  2839 		}
  2841 	//[ assert the invariant that iState is a valid State ]
  2842 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EInvalidState ));
  2844 	return result ;
  2845 	}
  2847 /*
  2848 * Invariant
  2849 * @internalTechnology
  2850 * @returns "TBool"
  2851 * This function returns whether the invariant is valid
  2852 */
  2853 TBool  CMMFAudioController::Invariant() const
  2854 	{
  2855 	//[ The invariant is for now defined 
  2856 	// as simply being in the correct state and
  2857 	// having iDataPath defined ]
  2858 	return ( iDataPath )&& IsValidState( iState);
  2859 	}
  2861 /*
  2862 * SetState
  2863 *  This function sets the state of the controller.
  2864 * @internalTechnology
  2865 * @returns "TBool"
  2866 */
  2867 TBool CMMFAudioController::SetState(TControllerState aState)
  2868 	{
  2869 	TBool result = ETrue;
  2870 	//[ assert the precondition that the state is a valid state ]
  2871    	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( IsValidState( aState),  Panic( EBadArgument ) );
  2872 	//[ assert the invariant the current state is valid ]
  2873 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(),  Panic( EBadState ) );
  2874     //[ only allow valid state transitions ]
  2875 	if( IsValidStateTransition( aState ) )	
  2876 		{
  2877 		//[ valid state transition set the state]
  2878 		iState = aState ;
  2879 		}
  2880 	else
  2881 		{
  2882 		//[ invalid state transition return EFalse ]
  2883 		result = EFalse;         
  2884 		}
  2885 	// [ assert the invariant on the state ]
  2886 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadState ));
  2888 	return result ;
  2889 	}
  2891 /*
  2892 * IsValidState 
  2893 * checks whether a state is a valid 
  2894 * @internalTechnology
  2895 * @returns "TBool"
  2896 * @param TControllerState
  2897 */
  2898 TBool  CMMFAudioController::IsValidState( TControllerState aState ) const 
  2899 	{
  2900 	TBool result = EFalse;
  2901      if(( aState >= EStopped ) && ( aState <= EPlaying ))
  2902 		 {
  2903           result = ETrue;
  2904 		 }
  2905 	 return result;
  2906 	}
  2908 /**
  2909 * State
  2910 * The function State returns the current state of the audio controller
  2911 * @internalTechnology
  2912 * @returns "TControllerState"
  2913 */
  2914 CMMFAudioController::TControllerState CMMFAudioController::State() const
  2915 	{
  2916 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadState ) );
  2917 	return iState;
  2918 	}
  2920 /**
  2921 *
  2922 * SinkFormatRequired
  2923 *
  2924 */
  2925 TBool CMMFAudioController::SinkFormatRequired( MDataSink& aDataSink ) const
  2926 	{
  2927      return (aDataSink.DataSinkType()==KUidMmfFileSink || 
  2928 		     aDataSink.DataSinkType()==KUidMmfDescriptorSink);
  2929 	}
  2931 /**
  2932 *
  2933 * SourceFormatRequired
  2934 *
  2935 */
  2937 TBool CMMFAudioController::SourceFormatRequired(MDataSource& aDataSource) const
  2938 	{
  2939 	return (aDataSource.DataSourceType()==KUidMmfFileSource || 
  2940 		    aDataSource.DataSourceType()==KUidMmfDescriptorSource);
  2941 	}
  2943 TInt CMMFAudioController::MdcEvaluateIntent(ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent) 
  2944 	{
  2945 	if (iDataSource->DataSourceType()==KUidMmfFileSource)
  2946 		{
  2947 		CMMFFile* file = static_cast<CMMFFile*>(iDataSource);
  2948 		TInt err = file->EvaluateIntent(aIntent);
  2949 		return err;
  2950 		}
  2951 	else
  2952 		{
  2953 		// Evaluating intent will always succeed on sinks that 
  2954 		// don't support DRM
  2955 		return KErrNone;
  2956 		}
  2958 	}
  2960 TInt CMMFAudioController::MdcExecuteIntent(ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent)
  2961 	{
  2962 	if (iDataSource->DataSourceType()==KUidMmfFileSource)
  2963 		{
  2964 		CMMFFile* file = static_cast<CMMFFile*>(iDataSource);
  2965 		TInt err = file->ExecuteIntent(aIntent);
  2966 		return err;
  2967 		}
  2968 	else
  2969 		{
  2970 		// Executing intent will always succeed on sinks that 
  2971 		// don't support DRM
  2972 		return KErrNone;
  2973 		}
  2974 	}
  2976 TInt CMMFAudioController::MdcDisableAutomaticIntent(TBool aDisableAutoIntent)
  2977 	{
  2978 	iDisableAutoIntent = aDisableAutoIntent;
  2979 	return KErrNone;
  2980 	}
  2983 TInt CMMFAudioController::MdcSetAgentProperty(ContentAccess::TAgentProperty aProperty, TInt aValue)
  2984 	{
  2985 	if (iDataSource->DataSourceType()==KUidMmfFileSource)
  2986 		{
  2987 		CMMFFile* file = static_cast<CMMFFile*>(iDataSource);
  2988 		TInt err = file->SetAgentProperty(aProperty, aValue);
  2989 		return err;
  2990 		}
  2991 	else
  2992 		{
  2993 		return KErrNone;
  2994 		}
  2995 	}
  2997 void CMMFAudioController::MarnRegisterAsClientL(TUid aEventType,const TDesC8& aNotificationRegistrationData)
  2998 	{
  2999 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  3000 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToRegisterAsClient));
  3001 	//[ precondition that we have a sink]
  3002 	if (!iDataSink)
  3003 		{	
  3004 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
  3005 		}
  3006 	//[register the notification ]
  3007 	MMMFAudioOutput* audioOutput = static_cast<MMMFAudioOutput*>(iDataSink);
  3008 	TInt err = audioOutput->SoundDevice().RegisterAsClient(aEventType, aNotificationRegistrationData);
  3009 	User::LeaveIfError(err);
  3010 	iRegisterARN = ETrue;
  3011 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  3012 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateAfterRegisterAsClient));
  3013 	}
  3015 void CMMFAudioController::MarnCancelRegisterAsClientL(TUid aEventType)
  3016 	{
  3017 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  3018 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToCancelRegisterAsClient));
  3019 	//[ precondition that we have a sink]
  3020 	if (!iDataSink)
  3021 		{
  3022 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);			
  3023 		}
  3024 	//[cancel the notification ]
  3025 	MMMFAudioOutput* audioOutput = static_cast<MMMFAudioOutput*>(iDataSink);
  3026 	TInt err = audioOutput->SoundDevice().CancelRegisterAsClient(aEventType);
  3027 	User::LeaveIfError(err);
  3028     iRegisterARN = EFalse;
  3029 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  3030 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateAfterCancelRegisterAsClient));
  3031 	}
  3033 void CMMFAudioController::MarnGetResourceNotificationDataL(TUid aEventType,TDes8& aNotificationData)
  3034 	{
  3035 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  3036 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToGetResourceNotificationData));
  3037 	//[ precondition that we have a sink]
  3038 	if (!iDataSink)
  3039 		{
  3040 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
  3041 		}
  3042 	//[get the notification data]
  3043 	MMMFAudioOutput* audioOutput = static_cast<MMMFAudioOutput*>(iDataSink);
  3044 	TMMFTimeIntervalMicroSecondsPckg pckg;
  3045 	TInt err = audioOutput->SoundDevice().GetResourceNotificationData(aEventType, pckg);
  3046 	User::LeaveIfError(err);
  3048 	// aNotificationData is a package buffer returned as TMMFTimeIntervalMicroSecondsPckg,
  3049 	// but the contents should be converted to an integer and interpreted as the 
  3050 	// data returned is samples played, but not as a microsecond value.
  3051 	// As the client expects a position (in microseconds from the beginning
  3052 	// of the clip) we need to convert the data depending on the sample rate
  3053 	// Potential issue if using the number of samples played with VBR sampling.
  3054 	RArray<TUint> array;
  3055 	CleanupClosePushL(array);
  3056 	ConvertFromDevSoundCapsToSampleRatesL(audioOutput->SoundDevice().Config(), array);
  3057 	// Should only ever have 1 entry in the array
  3058 	ASSERT(array.Count() == 1);
  3059 	TUint rate = array[0];
  3060 	if (rate)
  3061 		{
  3062 		// Convert the given number of samples using the sample rate
  3063 		const TInt KMicroSecsInOneSec = 1000000;
  3064 		TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds value = pckg();
  3065 		value = TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds(value.Int64() * KMicroSecsInOneSec / rate);
  3066 		pckg() = value;
  3067 		}
  3068 	else
  3069 		{
  3070 		User::Leave(KErrArgument);
  3071 		}
  3072 	aNotificationData = pckg;
  3073 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//array
  3075 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  3076 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateAfterGetResourceNotificationData));
  3077 	}
  3079 void CMMFAudioController::MarnWillResumePlayL()
  3080 	{
  3081 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  3082 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToResumePlay));
  3083 	//[ precondition that we have a sink]
  3084 	if (!iDataSink)
  3085 		{
  3086 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
  3087 		}
  3088 	//[wait for the client to resume ]
  3089 	MMMFAudioOutput* audioOutput = static_cast<MMMFAudioOutput*>(iDataSink);
  3090 	TInt err = audioOutput->SoundDevice().WillResumePlay();
  3091 	User::LeaveIfError(err);
  3092 	//[ assert the invariant ]
  3093 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateAfterResumePlay));
  3094 	}