1 // Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). |
2 // All rights reserved. |
3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available |
4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" |
5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available |
6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". |
7 // |
8 // Initial Contributors: |
9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
10 // |
11 // Contributors: |
12 // |
13 // Description: |
14 // |
15 |
16 #include "subtitlegraphicteststep.h" |
17 #include "subtitlecommonutils.h" |
18 |
19 _LIT(KTestBitmap1, "c:\\mm\\mmf\\testfiles\\subtitlegraphic\\subtitletestdata.png"); |
20 _LIT(KTestBitmap2, "c:\\mm\\mmf\\testfiles\\subtitlegraphic\\subtitletestdata2.png"); |
21 _LIT(KTestBitmap3, "c:\\mm\\mmf\\testfiles\\subtitlegraphic\\subtitletestdata3.png"); |
22 |
23 const TInt KTestBitmap1XSize(200); |
24 const TInt KTestBitmap1YSize(151); |
25 |
26 const TInt KTestBitmap2XSize(193); |
27 const TInt KTestBitmap2YSize(151); |
28 |
29 const TInt KTestBitmap3XSize(32); |
30 const TInt KTestBitmap3YSize(32); |
31 |
32 const TInt KSubtitleRegionXPos(0); |
33 const TInt KSubtitleRegionYPos(50); |
34 |
35 // Enable to draw a crosshatch over the main window. |
36 //#define DEBUG_MARK_WINDOW 1 |
37 |
38 RSubtitleGraphicTestStep::RSubtitleGraphicTestStep(const TDesC& aStepName) : |
39 iCRPId(TWsGraphicId::EUninitialized) |
40 { |
41 iTestStepName = aStepName; |
42 } |
43 |
44 TVerdict RSubtitleGraphicTestStep::DoTestStepPreambleL() |
45 { |
46 User::LeaveIfError(iFs.Connect()); |
47 |
48 // Install the Active Scheduler |
49 iActiveScheduler = new(ELeave) CActiveScheduler; |
50 CActiveScheduler::Install(iActiveScheduler); |
51 iActiveSchedulerStarted = EFalse; |
52 |
53 InitWservL(); |
54 |
55 InitCrpL(); |
56 |
57 User::LeaveIfError(RFbsSession::Connect()); |
58 |
59 return EPass; |
60 } |
61 |
62 TVerdict RSubtitleGraphicTestStep::DoTestStepPostambleL() |
63 { |
64 RFbsSession::Disconnect(); |
65 |
66 iFs.Close(); |
67 |
68 // Destroy Window server objects |
69 DeInitWserv(); |
70 |
71 DestroyBitmap1(); |
72 DestroyBitmap2(); |
73 DestroyBitmap3(); |
74 DestroyCrp(); |
75 |
76 CActiveScheduler::Install(NULL); |
77 delete iActiveScheduler; |
78 iActiveScheduler = NULL; |
79 |
80 return EPass; |
81 } |
82 |
83 void RSubtitleGraphicTestStep::InitWservL() |
84 { |
85 TInt err = iWs.Connect(); |
86 |
87 if (err != KErrNone) |
88 { |
89 // Access violation if ws is null |
90 ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Cannot test, no window server available")); |
91 User::Leave(err); |
92 } |
93 |
94 iScreen = new (ELeave) CWsScreenDevice(iWs); // make device for this session |
95 User::LeaveIfError(iScreen->Construct()); // and complete its construction |
96 |
97 iRootWindow = RWindowGroup(iWs); |
98 User::LeaveIfError(iRootWindow.Construct((TUint32)this, ETrue)); |
99 |
100 iWindow = new(ELeave) RWindow(iWs); |
101 User::LeaveIfError(((RWindow*)iWindow)->Construct(iRootWindow,((TUint32)(this)) + 1)); |
102 iWindow->SetExtent(TPoint(0,0), iScreen->SizeInPixels()); |
103 iWindow->SetVisible(ETrue); |
104 iWindow->SetRequiredDisplayMode(EColor16MA); |
105 |
106 // Setup transparency |
107 TInt errorCode = iWindow->SetTransparencyAlphaChannel(); |
108 TRgb backgroundColour = TRgb(0, 255, 255); |
109 backgroundColour.SetAlpha(0); |
110 iWindow->SetBackgroundColor(backgroundColour); |
111 |
112 iGc=new(ELeave) CWindowGc(iScreen); |
113 User::LeaveIfError(iGc->Construct()); |
114 |
115 iWindow->Activate(); |
116 iWs.Flush(); |
117 } |
118 |
119 void RSubtitleGraphicTestStep::DeInitWserv() |
120 { |
121 if (iWindow) |
122 { |
123 iWindow->Close(); |
124 delete iWindow; |
125 iWindow = NULL; |
126 } |
127 |
128 iRootWindow.Close(); |
129 delete iScreen; |
130 iScreen = NULL; |
131 |
132 delete iGc; |
133 iGc = NULL; |
134 |
135 iWs.Flush(); |
136 iWs.Close(); |
137 } |
138 |
139 TVerdict RSubtitleGraphicTestStep::StartCrpDrawL() |
140 { |
141 PrepGc(); |
142 |
143 // Draw the CRP |
144 TPoint regionTl(KSubtitleRegionXPos,KSubtitleRegionYPos); |
145 TPoint regionBr(iScreen->SizeInPixels().iWidth, iScreen->SizeInPixels().iHeight); |
146 |
147 iGc->DrawWsGraphic(iCRPGraphic->Id(), TRect(regionTl, regionBr)); |
148 |
149 TInt width=iScreen->SizeInPixels().iWidth; |
150 TInt height=iScreen->SizeInPixels().iHeight; |
151 |
152 #ifdef DEBUG_MARK_WINDOW |
153 // Draw a square border |
154 iGc->SetPenColor(TRgb(255,0,0)); |
155 iGc->DrawLine(TPoint(0,0),TPoint(0,height-1)); |
156 iGc->DrawLine (TPoint (0, height-1), TPoint (width-1, height-1)); |
157 iGc->DrawLine(TPoint(width-1,height-1),TPoint(width-1,0)); |
158 iGc->DrawLine (TPoint (width-1, 0), TPoint (0, 0)); |
159 |
160 // Draw a line between the corners of the window |
161 iGc->DrawLine(TPoint(0,0),TPoint(width, height)); |
162 iGc->DrawLine (TPoint (0, height), TPoint (width, 0)); |
163 #endif |
164 |
165 // Draw a box around the display region |
166 iGc->SetPenColor(TRgb(255,0,0)); |
167 iGc->DrawLine(regionTl, TPoint(width, height)); |
168 |
169 iGc->DrawLine(TPoint(KSubtitleRegionXPos, height), TPoint(width, KSubtitleRegionYPos)); |
170 |
171 RetireGc(); |
172 |
173 return iTestStepResult; |
174 } |
175 |
176 // |
177 // CWsGraphicBase::PrepGc |
178 // activate a gc & clear the two rects |
179 // |
180 void RSubtitleGraphicTestStep::PrepGc() |
181 { |
182 iGc->Activate(*iWindow); |
183 iWindow->Invalidate(); |
184 iWindow->BeginRedraw(); |
185 iGc->Clear(TRect(iScreen->SizeInPixels())); |
186 iWs.Flush(); |
187 } |
188 |
189 // |
190 // CWsGraphicBase::RetireGc |
191 // deactivate a gc & flush any outstanding RWindow requests |
192 void RSubtitleGraphicTestStep::RetireGc() |
193 { |
194 iGc->Deactivate(); |
195 iWindow->EndRedraw(); |
196 iWs.Flush(); |
197 } |
198 |
199 void RSubtitleGraphicTestStep::InitCrpL() |
200 { |
201 iCRPGraphic = CMMFSubtitleGraphic::NewL(); |
202 } |
203 |
204 void RSubtitleGraphicTestStep::DestroyCrp() |
205 { |
206 delete iCRPGraphic; |
207 iCRPGraphic = NULL; |
208 } |
209 |
210 TBool RSubtitleGraphicTestStep::CreateBitmap1L() |
211 { |
212 if ( iBitmap1 ) |
213 { |
214 User::Invariant(); |
215 } |
216 |
217 iBitmap1 = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap(); |
218 TSize testBitmap1Size(KTestBitmap1XSize, KTestBitmap1YSize); |
219 |
220 // Load test bitmap data |
221 TInt err = iBitmap1->Create(testBitmap1Size, EColor16MA); |
222 |
223 if ( err != KErrNone ) |
224 { |
225 ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Failed on iBitmap1->Create(KTestBitmap1Size, EColor16MA) error code %d"), err); |
226 delete iBitmap1; |
227 iBitmap1=NULL; |
228 return EFalse; |
229 } |
230 |
231 TRAP(err, SubtitleCommonUtils::Png2BmpL(iFs, KTestBitmap1, *iBitmap1)); |
232 |
233 if ( err != KErrNone ) |
234 { |
235 ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Failed on SubtitleCommonUtils::Png2BmpL(iFs, KTestBitmap1, *iBitmap1) error code %d"), err); |
236 delete iBitmap1; |
237 iBitmap1=NULL; |
238 return EFalse; |
239 } |
240 |
241 return ETrue; |
242 } |
243 |
244 TBool RSubtitleGraphicTestStep::CreateBitmap2L() |
245 { |
246 if ( iBitmap2 ) |
247 { |
248 User::Invariant(); |
249 } |
250 |
251 iBitmap2 = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap(); |
252 TSize testBitmap2Size(KTestBitmap2XSize, KTestBitmap2YSize); |
253 |
254 // Load test bitmap data |
255 TInt err = iBitmap2->Create(testBitmap2Size, EColor16MA); |
256 |
257 if ( err != KErrNone ) |
258 { |
259 ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Failed on iBitmap2->Create(KTestBitmap2Size, EColor16MA) error code %d"), err); |
260 delete iBitmap2; |
261 iBitmap2=NULL; |
262 return EFalse; |
263 } |
264 |
265 TRAP(err, SubtitleCommonUtils::Png2BmpL(iFs, KTestBitmap2, *iBitmap2)); |
266 |
267 if ( err != KErrNone ) |
268 { |
269 ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Failed on SubtitleCommonUtils::Png2BmpL(iFs, KTestBitmap1, *iBitmap2) error code %d"), err); |
270 delete iBitmap2; |
271 iBitmap2=NULL; |
272 return EFalse; |
273 } |
274 |
275 return ETrue; |
276 } |
277 |
278 TBool RSubtitleGraphicTestStep::CreateBitmap3L() |
279 { |
280 if ( iBitmap3 ) |
281 { |
282 User::Invariant(); |
283 } |
284 |
285 iBitmap3 = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap(); |
286 TSize testBitmap3Size(KTestBitmap3XSize, KTestBitmap3YSize); |
287 |
288 // Load test bitmap data |
289 TInt err = iBitmap3->Create(testBitmap3Size, EColor16MA); |
290 |
291 if ( err != KErrNone ) |
292 { |
293 ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Failed on iBitmap3->Create(KTestBitmap3Size, EColor16MA) error code %d"), err); |
294 delete iBitmap3; |
295 iBitmap3=NULL; |
296 return EFalse; |
297 } |
298 |
299 TRAP(err, SubtitleCommonUtils::Png2BmpL(iFs, KTestBitmap3, *iBitmap3)); |
300 |
301 if ( err != KErrNone ) |
302 { |
303 ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Failed on SubtitleCommonUtils::Png2BmpL(iFs, KTestBitmap3, *iBitmap3) error code %d"), err); |
304 delete iBitmap3; |
305 iBitmap3=NULL; |
306 return EFalse; |
307 } |
308 |
309 return ETrue; |
310 } |
311 |
312 void RSubtitleGraphicTestStep::DestroyBitmap1() |
313 { |
314 delete iBitmap1; |
315 iBitmap1 = NULL; |
316 } |
317 |
318 |
319 void RSubtitleGraphicTestStep::DestroyBitmap2() |
320 { |
321 delete iBitmap2; |
322 iBitmap2 = NULL; |
323 } |
324 |
325 void RSubtitleGraphicTestStep::DestroyBitmap3() |
326 { |
327 delete iBitmap3; |
328 iBitmap3 = NULL; |
329 } |