changeset 0 40261b775718
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:40261b775718
     1 // Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include "BitmapTransformsPlugin.h"
    18 #include "BitmapConverter.h"
    19 #include <bitmtrans/bitmtranspanic.h>
    20 #include <e32math.h>
    22 const TInt KFixedPointBits = 4;
    23 const TInt KFixedPointScale = (1 << KFixedPointBits);
    24 const TInt KLinesPerCall = 10;
    25 const TInt KBitsPerByte = 8;
    27 /*
    28 *The function NewL constructs a CBitmapScalerPlugin
    29 *
    30 *@return CBitmapScalerPlugin* 
    31 */
    32 MBitmapScalerPlugin* CBitmapScalerPlugin::NewL()
    33 	{
    34 	CBitmapScalerPlugin* self = new(ELeave) CBitmapScalerPlugin();
    35 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    36 	self->ConstructL();
    37 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    38 	return self;
    39 	}
    41 /*
    42 *
    43 *CBitmapScalerPlugin()
    44 *Constructor for this class. Adds itself to CActiveScheduler.
    45 */
    46 CBitmapScalerPlugin::CBitmapScalerPlugin()
    47 	: CActive(CActive::EPriorityIdle), iOrigDes(NULL, 0), iDestDes(NULL, 0),
    48 	iQualityLevel(CBitmapScaler::EMaximumQuality)
    49 	{
    50 	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
    51 	}
    53 /*
    54 *
    55 *ConstructL()
    56 *Performs second phase of construction.
    57 */
    58 void CBitmapScalerPlugin::ConstructL()
    59 	{
    60 	iScanlineBitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
    62 	SetPostProcessingEnabled(ETrue);	
    63 	ASSERT( GetCurrentState() == EInactiveState );
    64 	}
    67 /*
    68 *
    69 *~CBitmapScalerPlugin
    70 *This is the destructor for the CBitmapScalerPlugin 
    71 *and is resposible for deallocating all resources 
    72 *allocated by the CBitmapScalerPlugin.
    73 */
    74 CBitmapScalerPlugin::~CBitmapScalerPlugin()
    75 	{
    76 	Cancel();
    77 	Cleanup();
    79 	delete iScanlineBitmap;
    81 	// should have been deleted by cleanup
    82 	ASSERT(iScaleBitmap==NULL || !(iFlags & EScaleBitmapIsOwned));
    83 	ASSERT(iFilterIndexTable==NULL);
    84 	ASSERT(iFilterCoeffsTable==NULL);
    85 	ASSERT(iDevice==NULL);
    86 	ASSERT(iGc==NULL);
    87 	ASSERT(iPostProcessBitmap == NULL );
    88 	ASSERT(iBitmapConverter == NULL );
    89 	ASSERT( GetCurrentState() == EInactiveState );
    90 	}
    92 /*
    93 *This function performs deallocation of memory allocated by the class
    94 *which is allocated on each scale as opposed to the entire liftime
    95 *of the scaler object.
    96 */
    97 void CBitmapScalerPlugin::Cleanup()
    98 	{
    99 	delete[] iFilterIndexTable; 
   100 	iFilterIndexTable = NULL;
   101 	delete[] iFilterCoeffsTable; 
   102 	iFilterCoeffsTable = NULL;
   104 	if (iOrigDes.Length() != 0)	// Test is required to avoid PANIC 45
   105 		{
   106 		User::Free( reinterpret_cast<TAny*>( const_cast<TUint8*>( iOrigDes.Ptr() ) ) );
   107 		iOrigDes.SetLength(0);
   108 		}
   110 	if (iDestDes.Length() != 0)	// Test is required to avoid PANIC 45
   111 		{
   112 		User::Free( reinterpret_cast<TAny*>( const_cast<TUint8*>( iDestDes.Ptr() ) ) );
   113 		iDestDes.SetLength(0);
   114 		}
   116 	if (iFlags & ECreatedTempBitmap)
   117 		{
   118 		delete iTempBitmap; 
   119 		iTempBitmap = NULL;
   120 		iFlags &= ~ECreatedTempBitmap;
   121 		}
   123 	// Reset the EIsSourceBitmapResized flag here
   124 	if (iFlags & EIsSourceBitmapResized)
   125 		{
   126 		iFlags &= ~EIsSourceBitmapResized;
   127 		ASSERT((iFlags & EIsSourceBitmapResized) == 0);
   128 		}
   130 	// Only delete the scale bitmap if we created it.
   131 	if (iFlags & EScaleBitmapIsOwned)
   132 		{
   133 		delete iScaleBitmap;
   134 		iFlags &= ~EScaleBitmapIsOwned;
   135 		}
   136 	iScaleBitmap = NULL;
   138 	delete iGc; 
   139 	iGc = NULL;
   140 	delete iDevice; 
   141 	iDevice = NULL;
   142 	iDestBmpPtr = NULL; // we don't own it
   143 	delete iPostProcessBitmap; 
   144 	iPostProcessBitmap = NULL;
   145 	delete iBitmapConverter;
   146 	iBitmapConverter = NULL;
   147 	SetCurrentState( EInactiveState );
   148 	}
   150 /*
   151 * Allocates some memory and assigns a pointer to it.
   152 * @param aPtr Pointer to the allocated memory
   153 * @param aAllocSize The size in bytes of the memory to allocate
   154 * @pre aAllocSize >= 0
   155 * @pre InVariant
   156 */
   157 TInt CBitmapScalerPlugin::AllocPtr( TPtr8& aPtr, TInt aAllocSize )
   158 	{
   159 	//[ preconditions ]
   160 	ASSERT(aAllocSize >= 0 );
   161 	ASSERT(InVariant());
   163 	TInt rc = KErrNone;
   165 	// User::Alloc() returns NULL if no memory
   166 	TUint8* addr = static_cast<TUint8*>(User::Alloc(aAllocSize + sizeof(TUint32) ));
   167 	if (addr)
   168 		{
   169 		// coverity [memory_leak]
   170 		addr = reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>( _ALIGN_UP(TLinAddr(addr), sizeof(TUint32)) );
   171 		aPtr.Set(addr, aAllocSize, aAllocSize);
   172 		}
   173 	else
   174 		{
   175 		rc = KErrNoMemory;
   176 		}
   178 	return rc;
   179 	}
   181 // MBitmapScalerPlugin::Cancel() calls CActive::Cancel()
   182 void CBitmapScalerPlugin::Cancel()
   183 	{
   184 	CActive::Cancel();
   185 	}
   187 /*
   188 *
   189 * ScaleRequestPostcondition
   190 * @return 'ETrue' when post conditions for scale request are 
   191 * correct
   192 *
   193 */
   194 TBool CBitmapScalerPlugin::ScaleRequestPostcondition() const 
   195 	{
   196 	TBool result = ETrue;
   198 	if (QualityAlgorithm() != CBitmapScaler::EMaximumQuality )
   199 		{
   200 		if(	( iFinalOffset != iDestSize.iHeight ) ||
   201 			( iFilterIndexTable != NULL ) ||
   202 			( iFilterCoeffsTable != 0 ) )
   203 			{
   204 			result = EFalse;
   205 			}
   206 		}
   207 	else
   208 		{
   209 		// Using the original (maximum quality) algorithm
   210 		if(	( iFlags & EVerticalScan) ||
   211 			( iFilterIndexTable == NULL ) ||
   212 			( iFinalOffset != iOrigSize.iHeight ) ||
   213 			( iFilterCoeffsTable == 0 ) )
   214 			{
   215 			result = EFalse;
   216 			}
   218 	if (( iDevice == NULL ) ||
   219 		( iScanlineBitmap->Handle() == 0 ) ||
   220 		( iCurOffset != 0 ))
   221 		{
   222 		result = EFalse;
   223 			}			
   224 		}
   226 	return result;
   227 	}
   229 /**
   230  *
   231  * Begins the bitmap re-scaling operation.
   232  *
   233  * The scaling factor is based on the relative value of the source bitmap
   234  * size and the explicitly supplied size. The operation is asynchronous.
   235  * When it is complete, successfully or otherwise, the
   236  * <code>TRequestStatus</code>& is set, passing the state of the operation.
   237  *
   238  * @param     "TRequestStatus* aRequestStatus"
   239  *
   240  * @param     "CFbsBitmap& aBitmap"
   241  *            The bitmap to be re-scaled. This reference is also the
   242  *            target location for the re-scaled bitmap.
   243  * @param     "const TSize& aDestinationSize"
   244  *            The requested target size for the re-scaled bitmap.
   245  * @param     "TBool aMaintainAspectRatio = ETrue"
   246  *            <code>ETrue</code> - the aspect ratio is retained;
   247  *            this is the default. The same scaling factor is
   248  *            applied in both the horizontal and vertical
   249  *            directions. This is the smaller of the horizontal
   250  *            scaling factor and the vertical scaling factor.
   251  *            <code>EFalse</code> - the aspect ratio need not be
   252  *            retained.
   253  *
   254  */
   255 void CBitmapScalerPlugin::Scale(TRequestStatus* aRequestStatus,
   256 									 CFbsBitmap& aBitmap,
   257 									 const TSize& aDestinationSize,
   258 									 TBool aMaintainAspectRatio)
   259 	{
   260 	//[ assert preconditions ]
   261 	// [ panic if aRequestStatus is NULL ]
   262 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( (aRequestStatus != NULL), Panic( EBadArgumentScale ) );
   264 	//[ panic if the src has not been created]
   265 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( (aBitmap.Handle() != 0), Panic( ENoSourceBitmap ) );
   267 	iScaleStatus = aRequestStatus;
   268 	*iScaleStatus = KRequestPending;
   270 	if(aBitmap.ExtendedBitmapType()!=KNullUid)
   271         {
   272         RequestComplete(KErrNotSupported);
   273         return;
   274         }
   276 	// Set up the sizes before they're lost
   277 	iOrigSize = aBitmap.SizeInPixels();
   278 	iDestSize = aDestinationSize;
   280 	// Dithering is not required if the tgt's display mode
   281 	// is none of EGray256, EColor16M, EColor16MU, EColor16MA
   282 	TBool dither = ETrue;
   283 	iTgtDisplayMode = aBitmap.DisplayMode();
   284 	if ((iTgtDisplayMode == EGray256) ||
   285 		(iTgtDisplayMode == EColor16M) ||
   286 		(iTgtDisplayMode == EColor16MA)||
   287 		(iTgtDisplayMode == EColor16MU) )
   288 		{
   289 		dither = EFalse;
   290 		}
   292 	// Create a temporary bitmap if we're not using the low memory algorithm
   293 	// OR if we're using the low memory algorithm AND dithering
   294 	TInt leaveErr = KErrNone;
   295 	if (!UseLowMemoryAlgorithm() || 
   296 		(UseLowMemoryAlgorithm() && dither) )
   297 		{
   298 		if (iFlags & ECreatedTempBitmap)
   299 			{
   300 			delete iTempBitmap;
   301 			iTempBitmap = NULL;
   302 			iFlags &= ~ECreatedTempBitmap;
   303 			}
   305 		iTempBitmap = new CFbsBitmap;
   307 		if (iTempBitmap != NULL)
   308 			{
   309 			// iTempBitmap has been created so flag that it needs to be deleted
   310 			iFlags |= ECreatedTempBitmap;
   311 			leaveErr = iTempBitmap->Create(aDestinationSize, iTgtDisplayMode);
   312 			}
   313 		else
   314 			{
   315 			// No memory to new the temp bitmap
   316 			leaveErr = KErrNoMemory;
   317 			}
   318 		}
   320 	if (leaveErr == KErrNoMemory ||
   321 		(UseLowMemoryAlgorithm() && !dither) )
   322 		{
   323 		// Either failed to create the tempbitmap OR
   324 		// we explicitly want to use the low-memory algorithm.
   325 		// Either way use the source directly in the manner of the low-memory algorithm.
   326 		// Check if we need to delete the tempbitmap 
   327 		if (iFlags & ECreatedTempBitmap)
   328 			{
   329 			delete iTempBitmap;
   330 			iTempBitmap = NULL;
   331 			iFlags &= ~ECreatedTempBitmap;
   332 			}
   333 		iTempBitmap = &aBitmap;
   334 		iFlags |= EIsSourceBitmapResized;
   335 		}
   336 	else if (leaveErr != KErrNone)
   337 		{
   338 		iScaleStatus = aRequestStatus;
   339 		*iScaleStatus = KRequestPending;
   340 		ProcessError(leaveErr);
   341 		return;
   342 		}
   344 	Scale(aRequestStatus, aBitmap, *iTempBitmap, aMaintainAspectRatio);
   345 	}
   347 /*
   348  *
   349  * Begins the bitmap re-scaling operation.
   350  *
   351  * The scaling factor is based on the relative sizes of the source
   352  * and target bitmaps. The operation is asynchronous. When it is
   353  * complete, successfully or otherwise, the TRequestStatus &
   354  * aStatus is set, passing the state of the operation.
   355  *
   356  * @param     TRequestStatus* aRequestStatus
   357  *
   358  * @param     "CFbsBitmap& aSrcBitmap"
   359  *            The bitmap to be re-scaled.
   360  * @param     "CFbsBitmap& aTgtBitmap"
   361  *            The target location for the re-scaled bitmap.
   362  * @param     "TBool aMaintainAspectRatio = ETrue"
   363  *            ETrue  - the aspect ratio is retained;
   364  *            this is the default. The same scaling factor is
   365  *            applied in both the horizontal and vertical
   366  *            directions. This is the smaller of the horizontal
   367  *            scaling factor and the vertical scaling factor.
   368  *             EFalse  - the aspect ratio need not be
   369  *            retained.
   370  *
   371  *
   372  */
   373 void CBitmapScalerPlugin::Scale(TRequestStatus* aRequestStatus,
   374 							  CFbsBitmap& aSrcBitmap,
   375 							  CFbsBitmap& aTgtBitmap,
   376 							  TBool aMaintainAspectRatio)
   377 	{
   378 	// [ precondition checking on arguments ]
   379 	// [ panic if aRequestStatus is NULL ]
   380 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( (aRequestStatus != NULL), Panic( EBadArgumentScale ) );
   382 	//[ panic if the src has not been created]
   383 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( (aSrcBitmap.Handle() != 0), Panic( ENoSourceBitmap ) );
   385 	//[ panic if the tgt has not been created]
   386 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( (aTgtBitmap.Handle() != 0), Panic( ENoDestinationBitmap ) );
   388 	iScaleStatus = aRequestStatus;
   389 	*iScaleStatus = KRequestPending;
   391 	//[ current state must be inactive ]
   392 	if( GetCurrentState() != EInactiveState )
   393 		{
   394 		ProcessError( KErrGeneral );
   395 		return;
   396 		}
   398 	ASSERT(iDevice==NULL);
   400 	if(aSrcBitmap.ExtendedBitmapType()!=KNullUid || aTgtBitmap.ExtendedBitmapType()!=KNullUid)
   401         {
   402         RequestComplete(KErrNotSupported);
   403         return;
   404         }
   406 	iSrcBitmap = &aSrcBitmap;
   407 	iTgtBitmap = &aTgtBitmap;
   409 	if (!(iFlags & EIsSourceBitmapResized))
   410 		{
   411 		// As we're not scaling directly to the source bitmap
   412 		// we can determine the scaling sizes here (otherwise
   413 		// we'd overwrite the values that we got prior to setting
   414 		// the tgtBitmap to the srcBitmap!!)
   415 		iOrigSize = iSrcBitmap->SizeInPixels();
   416 		iDestSize = iTgtBitmap->SizeInPixels();
   417 		}
   419 	TInt err = KErrNone;
   421 	// Target's colour depth
   422 	iTgtDisplayMode = iTgtBitmap->DisplayMode();
   424 	// Check the aspect ratio and adjust the resolution if needed
   425 	if (aMaintainAspectRatio)
   426 		{
   427 		//[ update destination height to preserve aspect ratio ]
   428 	    HeightAndWidthPreservingAspectRatio( iDestSize, iOrigSize );
   429 		}
   431 	iIntermediateSize.iWidth = iDestSize.iWidth;
   432 	if ( QualityAlgorithm() != CBitmapScaler::EMaximumQuality )
   433 		{
   434 		// Using one of the lower quality algorithms so use the destination size
   435 		// that we are scaling to.
   436 		iIntermediateSize.iHeight = iDestSize.iHeight;
   437 		}
   438 	else
   439 		{
   440 		// Using the original algorithm (which firstly scales horizontally to
   441 		// an intermediate bitmap), so the intermediate size requires the original
   442 		// height unchanged.
   443 		iIntermediateSize.iHeight = iOrigSize.iHeight;
   444 		}
   446 	// if either of the destination dimension is zero then 
   447 	// complete with KErrNone
   448 	if ((iDestSize.iWidth == 0) ||
   449 		(iDestSize.iHeight == 0))
   450 		{
   451 		ProcessError(KErrNone);
   452 		return;
   453 		}
   455 	// if either of the source dimension is zero then send back an error 
   456 	if ((iOrigSize.iWidth == 0) || 
   457 		(iOrigSize.iHeight == 0)) 
   458 		{
   459 		ProcessError( KErrArgument );
   460 		return;
   461 		}
   463 	// Scale to bitmap of display mode EColor16M except for 
   464 	// target bitmaps of EGray256, EColor16MU and EColor16MA
   465 	if ( (iTgtDisplayMode == EGray256) || (iTgtDisplayMode == EColor16MU) 
   466 			|| (iTgtDisplayMode == EColor16MA))
   467 		{
   468 		iLocalDisplayMode = iTgtDisplayMode;
   469 		}
   470 	else
   471 		{
   472 		iLocalDisplayMode = EColor16M;
   473 		}
   475 	if (iTgtDisplayMode != EColor16M && iTgtDisplayMode != EColor16MA && iTgtDisplayMode != EColor16MU)
   476 		{
   477 		// Create an intermediate bitmap to scale to for cases other than EColor16M
   478 		if (iScaleBitmap == NULL)
   479 			{
   480 			// Only want one instance of iScaleBitmap
   481 			iScaleBitmap = new CFbsBitmap;
   482 			iFlags |= EScaleBitmapIsOwned;	// flag that we're the owner of the scale bitmap
   483 			if (iScaleBitmap == NULL)
   484 				{
   485 				err = KErrNoMemory;
   486 				}
   487 			}
   488 		if( err != KErrNone )
   489 			{
   490 			ProcessError( err );
   491 			return;
   492 			}
   494 		err = iScaleBitmap->Create(iIntermediateSize, iLocalDisplayMode);
   496 		if( err != KErrNone )
   497 			{
   498 			ProcessError( err );
   499 			return;
   500 			}
   502 		iDestBmpPtr = iScaleBitmap;
   503 		}
   504 	else
   505 		{
   506 		// For EColor16M scale directly to TgtBitmap
   507 		iScaleBitmap = iTgtBitmap;
   509 		// Downscaling one bitmap to another requires 
   510 		// the scale bitmap to be resized to ensure that
   511 		// the correct amount of data is read from the source.
   512 		if (!(iFlags & EIsSourceBitmapResized))
   513 			{
   514 			err = iScaleBitmap->Resize(iIntermediateSize);
   515 			if (err != KErrNone)
   516 				{
   517 				ProcessError(err);
   518 				return;
   519 				}
   520 			}
   521 		}
   523 	iComponentsPerPixel = TDisplayModeUtils::NumDisplayModeBitsPerPixel(iLocalDisplayMode) / KBitsPerByte;
   524 	if (iComponentsPerPixel == 0)
   525 		{
   526 		iComponentsPerPixel = 1;
   527 		}
   529 		iSrcY = 0;
   530 	if (iDestSize.iHeight < iOrigSize.iHeight)
   531 		{
   532 		iCurY = 0;
   533 		}
   534 	else
   535 		{
   536 		iCurY = (iOrigSize.iHeight << KFixedPointScale);
   537 		}
   539 	if (QualityAlgorithm() == CBitmapScaler::EMaximumQuality)
   540 		{
   541 		// Try to create and size the scanline bitmap here instead of in the ConstructL
   542 	if ((err = iScanlineBitmap->Create(TSize(1, iDestSize.iHeight), iLocalDisplayMode)) != KErrNone)
   543 		{
   544 		ProcessError(err);
   545 		return;
   546 		}
   547 		}
   549 	// Upscaling so ensure we're writing to a suitably
   550 	// large target
   551 	TInt newWidth = iTgtBitmap->SizeInPixels().iWidth;
   552 	TInt newHeight = iTgtBitmap->SizeInPixels().iHeight;
   554 	TBool needsResize = EFalse;
   555 	if(iDestSize.iWidth > iOrigSize.iWidth)
   556 		{
   557 		newWidth = iDestSize.iWidth;
   558 		needsResize = ETrue;
   559 		}
   561 	if(iDestSize.iHeight > iOrigSize.iHeight)
   562 		{
   563 		newHeight = iDestSize.iHeight;	
   564 		needsResize = ETrue;
   565 		}
   567 	if(needsResize)
   568 		{
   569 		err = iTgtBitmap->Resize(TSize(newWidth, newHeight));
   571 		if( err != KErrNone )
   572 			{
   573 			ProcessError(err);
   574 			return;
   575 			}	
   576 		}
   578 	if (QualityAlgorithm() == CBitmapScaler::EMaximumQuality)
   579 		{
   580 		// [Create device for normal condition where target bitmap is the
   581 		// destination]
   582 	TRAP(err, iDevice = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL(iTgtBitmap));
   583 	if( err != KErrNone )
   584 		{
   585 		ProcessError(KErrNoMemory);
   586 		return;
   587 			}
   588 		}
   590 	iDestBmpPtr = iTgtBitmap;
   592 	SetProcessingNeeded( EFalse );
   594 	//[ Is Post processing required ]
   595 	if( ( iTgtDisplayMode != EColor16M) && 
   596 		( iTgtDisplayMode != EColor16MU) &&
   597 		( iTgtDisplayMode != EColor16MA) &&
   598 		( iTgtDisplayMode != EGray256) &&
   599 		(! IsPostProcessingDisabled() )  ||
   600 		((iTgtDisplayMode == EGray256) && (QualityAlgorithm() != CBitmapScaler::EMaximumQuality) &&
   601 											(iLocalDisplayMode != EGray256))
   602 		)
   603 		{
   604 		SetProcessingNeeded( ETrue );	
   606 		//[ create a bitmap converter to colour quantize the image
   607 		// to the number of colours available in the output
   608 		// note CFbsBitmap has a private constructor whence new is not
   609 		//used ]
   610 		TRAP(err, iBitmapConverter = CBitmapConverter::NewL());
   611 		if(err != KErrNone )
   612 			{
   613 			ProcessError(err);
   614 			return;
   615 			}
   617 		//[ create a post processing bitmap]
   618 		iPostProcessBitmap = new CFbsBitmap;
   619 		if( iPostProcessBitmap == NULL )
   620 			{
   621 			err = KErrNoMemory;
   622 			ProcessError(err);
   623 			return;
   624 			}
   626 		//[ size the post processing bitmap ]
   627 		if ((err = iPostProcessBitmap->Create(iDestSize, EColor16M )) != KErrNone)
   628 			{
   629 			ProcessError(err);
   630 			return;
   631 			}
   633 		// Create device with post processing bitmap as the target
   634 		delete iDevice;
   635 		iDevice = NULL;
   636 		iDestBmpPtr = NULL;
   637 		if (QualityAlgorithm() == CBitmapScaler::EMaximumQuality)
   638 			{
   639 		TRAP(err, iDevice = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL(iPostProcessBitmap));
   640 		if( err != KErrNone )
   641 			{
   642 			ProcessError(err);
   643 			return;
   644 				}			
   645 			}
   646 		iDestBmpPtr = iPostProcessBitmap;
   647 		}
   649 	iCurOffset = 0;
   650 	iCurOffsetUp = iDestSize.iHeight;
   651 	if (QualityAlgorithm() != CBitmapScaler::EMaximumQuality)
   652 		{
   653 		// Using one of the lower quality algorithms
   654 		iFinalOffset = iDestSize.iHeight;
   655 		if (iTgtBitmap->SizeInPixels() != iDestSize && iTgtBitmap->Handle() != iSrcBitmap->Handle())
   656 			{
   657 			err = iTgtBitmap->Resize(iDestSize);
   658 			if( err != KErrNone )
   659 				{
   660 				ProcessError(err);
   661 				return;
   662 				}
   663 			}
   664 		}
   665 	else
   666 		{
   667 		// We're using the original scaling algorithm
   668 		// Set Horizontal Scan flag
   669 		iFlags &= ~EVerticalScan;
   670 		iFinalOffset = iOrigSize.iHeight;
   671 		iCurLineSize = iOrigSize.iWidth;
   673 		// Set up filter tables
   674 		err = FilterTables();
   675 		if( err != KErrNone )
   676 			{
   677 			ProcessError( err );
   678 			return;
   679 			}
   680 		}
   682 	// Allocate the buffers
   683 	TInt allocErr = AllocPtr( iOrigDes, iOrigSize.iWidth * iComponentsPerPixel );
   684 	if (allocErr == KErrNone)
   685 		{
   686 		allocErr = AllocPtr( iDestDes, iDestSize.iWidth * iComponentsPerPixel );
   687 		}
   689 	if( allocErr != KErrNone )
   690 		{
   691 		ProcessError(allocErr);
   692 		return;
   693 		}
   695 	if (QualityAlgorithm() == CBitmapScaler::EMaximumQuality)
   696 		{
   697 		err = iDevice->CreateContext(iGc);
   698 		}
   700 	if (err != KErrNone)
   701 		{
   702 		ProcessError(err);
   703 		return;
   704 		}
   706 	//[ set state to scaling ]
   707 	SetCurrentState(EScalingState);
   709 	//[ assert post conditions of scale request ]
   710 	ASSERT( ScaleRequestPostcondition() );
   712 	// Start the active object
   713 	SelfComplete(KErrNone);
   714 	}
   716 /*
   717 *
   718 * FilterTables
   719 * Initialise the filter tables
   720 *
   721 */
   722 TInt CBitmapScalerPlugin::FilterTables()
   723 	{
   724 	TInt result = KErrNone;
   726 	ASSERT(iFilterCoeffsTable==NULL);
   727 	ASSERT(iFilterIndexTable==NULL);
   729 	if (iDestSize.iWidth > iDestSize.iHeight)
   730 		{
   731 		iFilterIndexNum = 2 * iDestSize.iWidth;
   732 		}
   733 	else
   734 		{
   735 		iFilterIndexNum = 2 * iDestSize.iHeight;
   736 		}
   738 	if (iDestSize.iWidth > iOrigSize.iWidth) 
   739 		{
   740 		iFilterCoeffsNum = iDestSize.iWidth;
   741 		}
   742 	else
   743 		{
   744 		iFilterCoeffsNum = 2 * iOrigSize.iWidth;
   745 		}
   747 	TInt filterCoeffsNumVert;
   749 	if (iDestSize.iHeight > iOrigSize.iHeight)
   750 		{
   751 		filterCoeffsNumVert = iDestSize.iHeight;
   752 		}
   753 	else
   754 		{
   755 		filterCoeffsNumVert = 2 * iOrigSize.iHeight;
   756 		}
   758 	if (filterCoeffsNumVert > iFilterCoeffsNum)
   759 		{
   760 		iFilterCoeffsNum = filterCoeffsNumVert;
   761 		}
   763 	//[ allocate a filter index table and check for memory alloc failure]
   764 	iFilterIndexTable = new TInt[iFilterIndexNum];
   765 	if( iFilterIndexTable  == NULL )
   766 		{
   767 		return KErrNoMemory;
   768 		}
   770 	//[ alloc filter coefficient table and check for memory alloc failure]
   771 	iFilterCoeffsTable = new TInt[iFilterCoeffsNum];
   772 	if( iFilterCoeffsTable == NULL )
   773 		{
   774 		return KErrNoMemory;
   775 		}
   777 	// Calculate filter tables for horizontal scaling
   778 	iFilterIndexTablePtr = iFilterIndexTable;
   779 	iFilterCoeffsTablePtr = iFilterCoeffsTable;
   780 	result = CalcFilterTables(iOrigSize.iWidth, iDestSize.iWidth, iFilterIndexTablePtr, iFilterCoeffsTablePtr);
   782 	return result;
   783 	}
   785 /*
   786 *
   787 * DoScale
   788 * This function does the scaling of a bitmap in chunks
   789 *
   790 */
   791 void CBitmapScalerPlugin::DoScale()
   792 	{
   793 	//[assert the invariant ]
   794 	__ASSERT_DEBUG( InVariant(), Panic( EBadInvariant ) );
   796 	switch( iCurrentState )
   797 		{
   798 		case EScalingState:
   799 			{
   800 			//[ we are scaling the image]
   801 			if (QualityAlgorithm() != CBitmapScaler::EMaximumQuality)
   802 				{
   803 				FastScale();
   804 				}
   805 			else
   806 				{
   807 				Scale();
   808 				}
   809 			break;
   810 			}
   811 		case EStartPostProcessState:
   812 			{
   813 			//[ we are setting up post processing]
   814 			StartPostProcessing();
   815 			break;
   816 			}
   817 		case ECleanUpState:
   818 			{
   819 			//[ cleaning up ]
   820 			ScaleCleanUp();
   821 			break;
   822 			}
   823 		default:
   824 			{
   825 			//[we can never get here
   826 			// because the invariant has been asserted
   827 			//assert the invariant ]
   828 			__ASSERT_DEBUG( InVariant(), Panic( EBadInvariant ) );
   829 			}
   830 		}
   832 	//[assert the invariant ]
   833 	__ASSERT_DEBUG( InVariant(), Panic( EBadInvariant ) );
   834 	}
   836 /**
   837 *
   838 * Scale
   839 * This method does the scaling
   840 * @pre current state is ScalingState
   841 */
   842 void CBitmapScalerPlugin::Scale()
   843 	{
   844 #if defined (__SCALING_PROFILING)
   845 	RDebug::ProfileStart(7);
   846 #endif // __SCALING_PROFILING
   848 	//[ assert precondition ]
   849     ASSERT( GetCurrentState() == EScalingState );
   850 	//[ assert invariant ]
   851 	ASSERT( InVariant() );
   853 	TInt linesLeftPerCall = KLinesPerCall;
   855 	while (linesLeftPerCall>0 && iCurOffset<iFinalOffset)
   856 		{
   857 		if (!(iFlags & EVerticalScan))
   858 			{
   859 			//
   860 			// Get current scan line
   861 			#if defined (__SCALING_PROFILING)
   862 				RDebug::ProfileStart(8);
   863 			#endif // __SCALING_PROFILING
   864 			iSrcBitmap->GetScanLine(iOrigDes, TPoint(0, iCurOffset), iOrigSize.iWidth, iLocalDisplayMode);
   865 			#if defined (__SCALING_PROFILING)
   866 				RDebug::ProfileEnd(8);
   867 			#endif // __SCALING_PROFILING
   868 			}
   869 		else
   870 			{
   871 			#if defined (__SCALING_PROFILING)
   872 				RDebug::ProfileStart(11);
   873 			#endif // __SCALING_PROFILING
   874 			// Get the vertical scan line...
   875 			iScaleBitmap->GetVerticalScanLine(iOrigDes, iCurOffset, iLocalDisplayMode);
   876 			#if defined (__SCALING_PROFILING)
   877 				RDebug::ProfileEnd(11);
   878 			#endif // __SCALING_PROFILING
   879 			}
   881 		if (!(iFlags & EVerticalScan))
   882 			{
   883 			// Scale the scan line horizontally
   884 			for (TInt i=0; i < iComponentsPerPixel; i++)
   885 				{
   886 				ScaleLine(iOrigDes, iDestDes, i, iOrigSize.iWidth, iDestSize.iWidth, iFilterIndexTable, iFilterCoeffsTable);
   887 				}
   888 			}
   889 		else
   890 			{
   891 			//
   892 			// Scale vertically
   893 			for (TInt i=0; i < iComponentsPerPixel; i++)
   894 				{
   895 				ScaleLine(iOrigDes, iDestDes, i, iOrigSize.iHeight, iDestSize.iHeight, iFilterIndexTable, iFilterCoeffsTable);
   896 				}
   897 			}
   899 #if defined (__SCALING_PROFILING)
   900 	RDebug::ProfileStart(10);
   901 #endif //__SCALING_PROFILING
   903 		if (!(iFlags & EVerticalScan))
   904 			{
   905 			// Set the scaled horizontal line back into the bitmap
   906 			iScaleBitmap->SetScanLine(iDestDes, iCurOffset);
   907 			}
   908 		else
   909 			{
   910 			// Write to output bitmap
   911 			// Lock & unlock the heap to prevent the Font & Bitmap server moving the bitmap around
   912 			// Now writing to iScaleBitmap
   913 			if (iDestBmpPtr->DisplayMode()==EColor16MA && iLocalDisplayMode==EColor16MA)
   914 				{
   915 				TUint8* dataAddress = reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>( iDestBmpPtr->DataAddress());
   916 				dataAddress +=iCurOffset*iComponentsPerPixel;
   917 				const TInt scanLineLength = iDestBmpPtr->ScanLineLength(iDestBmpPtr->SizeInPixels().iWidth, iDestBmpPtr->DisplayMode() );
   919 				const TInt limit = iDestSize.iHeight * iComponentsPerPixel;
   920 				const TUint8* ptr = iDestDes.Ptr();
   921 				for (TInt y = 0; y < limit; y += iComponentsPerPixel, dataAddress += scanLineLength)
   922 					{
   923 					CopyPixel(dataAddress,ptr);
   924 					ptr += iComponentsPerPixel;
   925 					}
   926 				}
   927 			else
   928 				{
   929 				TUint8* dataAddress = reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>( iScanlineBitmap->DataAddress());
   930 				ASSERT( iScanlineBitmap->SizeInPixels().iWidth==1 ); // that must be a "column"
   931 				const TInt scanLineLength = iScanlineBitmap->ScanLineLength(1, iScanlineBitmap->DisplayMode() );
   933 				const TInt limit = iDestSize.iHeight * iComponentsPerPixel;
   934 				const TUint8* ptr = iDestDes.Ptr();
   935 				for (TInt y = 0; y < limit; y += iComponentsPerPixel, dataAddress += scanLineLength)
   936 					{
   937 					CopyPixel(dataAddress, ptr);
   938 					ptr += iComponentsPerPixel;					
   939 					}
   941 				iGc->BitBlt(TPoint(iCurOffset, 0), iScanlineBitmap);
   942 				}
   943 			}
   945 #if defined (__SCALING_PROFILING)
   946 		RDebug::ProfileEnd(10);
   947 #endif //__SCALING_PROFILING
   949 		linesLeftPerCall--;
   950 		iCurOffset++;
   951 		}
   953 	if ( IsScalingComplete() && !(iFlags & EVerticalScan))
   954 		{
   955 		iCurLineSize = iOrigSize.iHeight;
   956 		iCurOffset = 0;
   957 		iFinalOffset = iDestSize.iWidth;
   958 		iFlags |= EVerticalScan;
   959 		// Finished the horizontal scaling so now need to setup descriptors
   960 		// for the intermediate size as we're now longer using an intermediate
   961 		// bitmap.
   962 		iOrigSize = iIntermediateSize;
   964 		User::Free( reinterpret_cast<TAny*>( const_cast<TUint8*>( iOrigDes.Ptr() ) ) );
   965 		iOrigDes.SetLength(0);
   967 		TInt allocErr = AllocPtr(iOrigDes, iOrigSize.iHeight * iComponentsPerPixel);
   968 		if( allocErr != KErrNone )
   969 			{
   970 			ProcessError( allocErr );
   971 			return;
   972 			}
   974 		User::Free( reinterpret_cast<TAny*>( const_cast<TUint8*>( iDestDes.Ptr() ) ) );
   975 		iDestDes.SetLength(0);
   977 		allocErr = AllocPtr(iDestDes, iDestSize.iHeight * iComponentsPerPixel);
   978 		if( allocErr != KErrNone )
   979 			{
   980 			ProcessError( allocErr );
   981 			return;
   982 			}
   983 		iFilterIndexTablePtr = iFilterIndexTable;
   984 		iFilterCoeffsTablePtr = iFilterCoeffsTable;
   985 		TInt err = CalcFilterTables(iOrigSize.iHeight, iDestSize.iHeight, iFilterIndexTablePtr, iFilterCoeffsTablePtr);
   986 		if( err != KErrNone )
   987 			{
   988 			ProcessError(err);
   989 			return;
   990 			}
   991 		}
   992 	else if ( IsScalingComplete() )
   993 		{
   994 		// Finished the vertical scaling so, as the tgtbitmap has been scaled in place (ie
   995 		// to the intermediate size) we need to resize it to the true destination size
   996 		TInt err = iTgtBitmap->Resize(iDestSize);
   997 		if( err != KErrNone )
   998 			{
   999 			ProcessError(err);
  1000 			return;
  1001 			}
  1003 		if( IsPostProcessingNeeded() )
  1004 			{
  1005 			//[ transition to start post processing state]
  1006 			SetCurrentState( EStartPostProcessState );
  1007 			}
  1008 		else
  1009 			{
  1010 			//[ transition to cleanup state ]
  1011 			SetCurrentState( ECleanUpState );
  1012 			}
  1013 		}
  1015 	// Start the active object
  1016 	SelfComplete(KErrNone);
  1018 #if defined (__SCALING_PROFILING)
  1019 	RDebug::ProfileEnd(7);
  1020 #endif // __SCALING_PROFILING
  1022 	//[ assert invariant ]
  1023 	ASSERT( InVariant() );
  1024 	}
  1026 /*
  1027 *
  1028 * StartPostProcessing
  1029 *
  1030 */
  1031 void CBitmapScalerPlugin::StartPostProcessing()
  1032 	{
  1033 	ASSERT( InVariant() );
  1034 	ASSERT( GetCurrentState() == EStartPostProcessState );
  1035 	// set state to post processing in progress
  1036 	// lauch async post process operation
  1037 	SetCurrentState(ECleanUpState);	
  1039 	iBitmapConverter->Convert( &iStatus, *iTgtBitmap, *iDestBmpPtr);	
  1041 	SetActive();
  1042 	ASSERT( InVariant() );
  1043 	ASSERT( GetCurrentState() == ECleanUpState );
  1044 	}
  1046 /*
  1047 *
  1048 * GetCurrentState
  1049 * @return CBitmapScalerPlugin::TScaleState The current state
  1050 * of the state machine
  1051 *
  1052 */
  1053 CBitmapScalerPlugin::TScaleState CBitmapScalerPlugin::GetCurrentState() const
  1054 	{
  1055 	return iCurrentState;
  1056 	}
  1058 /*
  1059 *
  1060 * SetCurrentState
  1061 * @param aState
  1062 * @pre aState <= CleanUpState
  1063 * @pre aState >= InactiveState
  1064 * @post Invariant
  1065 *
  1066 */
  1067 void CBitmapScalerPlugin::SetCurrentState( TScaleState aState )
  1068 	{
  1069 	iCurrentState = aState;
  1070 	}
  1072 /*
  1073 *
  1074 * CleanUp
  1075 *
  1076 */
  1077 void CBitmapScalerPlugin::ScaleCleanUp()
  1078 	{
  1079 	TInt errStatus = iStatus.Int();
  1081 	if( errStatus == KErrNone )
  1082 		{
  1083 		if ((iFlags & ECreatedTempBitmap) != 0)
  1084 			{
  1085 			if (iTempBitmap)
  1086 				{
  1087 				TInt handle = 0;
  1088 				if (QualityAlgorithm() != CBitmapScaler::EMaximumQuality)
  1089 					{
  1090 					// medium OR min qualitity algorithm
  1091 					handle = iDestBmpPtr->Handle();
  1092 					}
  1093 				else
  1094 					{
  1095 					// Normal (maximum quality) algorithm
  1096 					handle = iTgtBitmap->Handle();
  1097 					}
  1098 				errStatus = iSrcBitmap->Duplicate(handle);
  1099 				}
  1100 			}
  1101 		}
  1103 	ProcessError( errStatus );
  1104 	}
  1106 /*
  1107 *
  1108 * ProcessError
  1109 * @param aErrorStatus
  1110 *
  1111 */
  1112 void CBitmapScalerPlugin::ProcessError( TInt aErrorStatus )
  1113 	{
  1114 	if( iPostProcessBitmap )
  1115 		{
  1116 		iPostProcessBitmap->Reset();
  1117 		}
  1118 	Cleanup();
  1119 	RequestComplete( aErrorStatus );
  1120 	}
  1122 /*
  1123 *
  1124 * IsScalingComplete
  1125 * @return TBool scaling process has been completed
  1126 *
  1127 */
  1128 TBool CBitmapScalerPlugin::IsScalingComplete() const
  1129 	{
  1130 	TBool result = EFalse ;
  1131 	if(iCurOffset == iFinalOffset || iCurOffsetUp == 0) 
  1132 		{
  1133 		result = ETrue;
  1134 		}
  1135 	return result;
  1136 	}
  1138 /*
  1139 *
  1140 * RunL
  1141 * Handles an active object’s request completion event.
  1142 * The function is called by the active scheduler 
  1143 * when a request completion event occurs.
  1144 */
  1145 void CBitmapScalerPlugin::RunL()
  1146 	{
  1147 	DoScale();
  1148 	}
  1150 /*
  1151 *
  1152 * DoCancel
  1153 * Called by active object to prematurely terminate this bitmap scaling.
  1154 *
  1155 */
  1156 void CBitmapScalerPlugin::DoCancel()
  1157 	{
  1158 	ASSERT( InVariant());
  1160 	if( iBitmapConverter )
  1161 		{
  1162 		iBitmapConverter->Cancel();
  1163 		}
  1165 	Cleanup();
  1166 	ASSERT( GetCurrentState() == EInactiveState );
  1167 	ASSERT( InVariant());
  1168 	RequestComplete(KErrCancel);
  1169 	}
  1171 /*
  1172 * 
  1173 * RequestComplete
  1174 * @param "TInt aReason"
  1175 *
  1176 */
  1177 void CBitmapScalerPlugin::RequestComplete(TInt aReason)
  1178 	{
  1179 	ASSERT(iScaleStatus);
  1180 	TRequestStatus* status = iScaleStatus;
  1181 	User::RequestComplete(status, aReason);
  1182 	}
  1184 /*
  1185 *
  1186 * SelfComplete
  1187 * This function activates the active object and 
  1188 * signals completion of the current asynchronous operation
  1189 *
  1190 * @param "TInt aReason"
  1191 *
  1192 */
  1193 void CBitmapScalerPlugin::SelfComplete(TInt aReason)
  1194 	{
  1195 	SetActive();
  1196 	TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
  1197 	User::RequestComplete(status, aReason);
  1198 	}
  1200 /*
  1201 *
  1202 * This function calculates the filter tables for scaling
  1203 * CalcFilterTables
  1204 * @param "TInt aOrigWidth"
  1205 * @param "TInt aDestWidth"
  1206 * @param "TInt*& aFilterCoeffsTablePtr"
  1207 *
  1208 */
  1209 TInt CBitmapScalerPlugin::CalcFilterTables(TInt aOrigWidth, TInt aDestWidth, TInt*& aFilterIndexTablePtr, TInt*& aFilterCoeffsTablePtr)
  1210 	{
  1211 	TInt inputWidth = aOrigWidth;
  1212 	TInt scaledWidth = aDestWidth;
  1213 	//this is added since to test indX<< KFixedPointBits for overflow 
  1214 	TInt fixedPointsVal = 1<<KFixedPointBits;
  1216 	if ( (MAKE_TUINT64(0,inputWidth) * MAKE_TUINT64(0,scaledWidth)) > KMaxTInt )
  1217     	{
  1218     	return KErrOverflow;	
  1219     	}
  1220 	//Checking OverFlow for ((indX << KFixedPointBits) * inputWidth) 
  1221     if ( (MAKE_TUINT64(0,inputWidth) * MAKE_TUINT64(0,scaledWidth) * MAKE_TUINT64(0,fixedPointsVal)) > KMaxTInt )
  1222     	{
  1223     	return KErrOverflow;	
  1224     	}
  1225 	if ( scaledWidth > inputWidth )
  1226 		{
  1227 		// Calculate tables for interpolation (scaling up)
  1228 		for (TInt indX = 0; indX < scaledWidth; indX++)
  1229 			{
  1230 			const TInt indFilt = ((indX << KFixedPointBits) * inputWidth) / scaledWidth;
  1231 			const TInt firstX  = indFilt >> KFixedPointBits;
  1232 			const TInt lastX = (firstX >= inputWidth - 1) ? firstX : firstX+1;
  1234 			*aFilterIndexTablePtr++ = firstX;
  1235 			*aFilterIndexTablePtr++ = lastX;
  1236 			*aFilterCoeffsTablePtr++ = indFilt - (firstX << KFixedPointBits);
  1237 			}
  1238 		}
  1239 	else
  1240 		{
  1241 		// Calculate tables for decimation (scaling down)		
  1242 		const TInt ftNew = (inputWidth << KFixedPointBits)/scaledWidth;
  1243 		TInt firstX = 0;
  1244 		TInt lastX = 0;
  1245 		for (TInt indX = 0; indX < scaledWidth; indX++)
  1246 			{
  1247 			firstX = lastX;
  1248 			lastX = ((indX + 1) * inputWidth) / scaledWidth;
  1250 			*aFilterIndexTablePtr++ = firstX;
  1251 			*aFilterIndexTablePtr++ = lastX;
  1253 			const TInt indOrig	= ((indX << KFixedPointBits) * inputWidth) / scaledWidth;
  1254 			const TInt indOrigInt = indOrig >> KFixedPointBits;
  1255 			for (TInt indFilt = firstX; indFilt <= lastX; indFilt++)
  1256 				{
  1257 				TInt fixTap;
  1258 				if(indFilt <= indOrigInt)
  1259 					{
  1260 					fixTap = ftNew - (indOrig - (indFilt << KFixedPointBits));
  1261 					}
  1262 				else
  1263 					{
  1264 					fixTap = ftNew - ((indFilt << KFixedPointBits) - indOrig);
  1265 					}
  1267 				if (fixTap < 0) 
  1268 					{
  1269 					fixTap = 0;
  1270 					}
  1271 				*aFilterCoeffsTablePtr++ = (fixTap << KFixedPointBits) / ftNew;
  1272 				}
  1273 			}
  1274 		}
  1275 	return KErrNone;
  1276 	}
  1279 /*
  1280 * This function calculates the filter tables for scaling
  1281 * ScaleLine
  1282 * @param "const TDesC8& aInDes"
  1283 * @param "TDes8& aOutDes" 
  1284 * @param "TInt* aTableCoeffsPtr"
  1285 *
  1286 */
  1287 void CBitmapScalerPlugin::ScaleLine(const TDesC8& aInDes,
  1288 								  TDes8& aOutDes,
  1289 								  TInt aStartIndex,
  1290 								  TInt aInputWidth,
  1291 								  TInt aOutputWidth,
  1292 								  TInt* aTableIndexPtr, TInt* aTableCoeffsPtr)
  1293 	{
  1294 #if defined (__SCALING_PROFILING)
  1295 	RDebug::ProfileStart(9);
  1296 #endif // __SCALING_PROFILING
  1298 	// Initialize variables
  1299 	TInt* tableIndexesPtr = aTableIndexPtr;
  1300 	TInt* tableCoeffsPtr  = aTableCoeffsPtr;
  1302 	if (aOutputWidth == aInputWidth)
  1303 		{
  1304 		aOutDes = aInDes;
  1305 		}
  1306 	else if (aOutputWidth > aInputWidth)
  1307 		{
  1308 		// Perform interpolation when scaling up
  1309 		const TInt startIndex = aStartIndex;
  1310 		const TUint8* inputDesPtr = aInDes.Ptr();
  1311 		TUint8* outputDesPtr = const_cast<TUint8*>( aOutDes.Ptr() );
  1313 		for (TInt indX = 0; indX < aOutputWidth; indX++, aStartIndex += iComponentsPerPixel)
  1314 			{
  1315 			TInt firstX = *tableIndexesPtr++;
  1316 			TInt lastX  = *tableIndexesPtr++;
  1317 			TInt fixTap = *tableCoeffsPtr++;
  1319 			// Stay in bounds
  1320 			if (firstX >= aInputWidth)
  1321 				{
  1322 				firstX = aInputWidth - 1;	
  1323 				}
  1324 			// Factor for aggregated colour component
  1325 			firstX *= iComponentsPerPixel;
  1326 			firstX += startIndex;
  1328 			// Stay in bounds
  1329 			if (lastX >= aInputWidth)
  1330 				{
  1331 				lastX = aInputWidth - 1;	
  1332 				}
  1333 			lastX *= iComponentsPerPixel;
  1334 			lastX += startIndex;
  1336 			// Filtering
  1337 			outputDesPtr[aStartIndex] = 
  1338 				TUint8(((fixTap * TInt(inputDesPtr[lastX])+ 
  1339 						 (KFixedPointScale - fixTap) * TInt(inputDesPtr[firstX])) 
  1340 						 >> KFixedPointBits));
  1341 			}
  1342 		}
  1343 	else
  1344 		{
  1345 		// Perform decimation if scaling down requested
  1346 		const TInt startIndex = aStartIndex;
  1347 		const TInt widthLimit = iComponentsPerPixel * aInputWidth;
  1348 		const TInt16 startWidthlimit = widthLimit - iComponentsPerPixel + startIndex;
  1349 		const TUint8* inputDesPtr = aInDes.Ptr();
  1350 		TUint8* outputDesPtr = const_cast<TUint8*>( aOutDes.Ptr() );
  1352 		for (TInt indX = 0; indX < aOutputWidth; indX++, aStartIndex += iComponentsPerPixel)
  1353 			{
  1354 			TInt firstX = *tableIndexesPtr++;
  1355 			firstX *= iComponentsPerPixel;
  1356 			firstX += startIndex;
  1358 			TInt lastX  = *tableIndexesPtr++;
  1359 			if (lastX >= aInputWidth)
  1360 				{
  1361 				lastX = aInputWidth - 1;	
  1362 				}
  1363 			lastX *= iComponentsPerPixel;
  1364 			lastX += startIndex;
  1366 			// Filtering
  1367 			TInt sum       = 0;
  1368 			TInt fixTapSum = 0;
  1369 			for(TInt indFilt = firstX; indFilt <= lastX; indFilt += iComponentsPerPixel)
  1370 				{
  1371 				TInt fixTap = *tableCoeffsPtr++;
  1372 				TInt indIn;
  1373 				if (indFilt < 0)
  1374 					{
  1375 					indIn = startIndex;
  1376 					}
  1377 				else if (indFilt >= widthLimit )
  1378 					{
  1379 					indIn = startWidthlimit;
  1380 					}
  1381 				else
  1382 					{
  1383 					indIn = indFilt;
  1384 					}
  1386 				sum += fixTap * TInt(inputDesPtr[indIn]);
  1387 				fixTapSum = TInt(fixTapSum + fixTap);
  1388 				}
  1390 			// Let's not divide by zero
  1391 			if (fixTapSum == 0)
  1392 				{
  1393 				outputDesPtr[aStartIndex] = TUint8(sum);
  1394 				}
  1395 			else
  1396 				{
  1397 				outputDesPtr[aStartIndex] = TUint8(sum/fixTapSum);	
  1398 				}
  1399 			}
  1400 		}
  1401 #if defined (__SCALING_PROFILING)
  1402 	RDebug::ProfileEnd(9);
  1403 #endif // __SCALING_PROFILING
  1404 	}
  1407 /*
  1408 *
  1409 * InVariant
  1410 * Used to determine the state of health of the scaler body
  1411 *
  1412 */
  1413 TBool CBitmapScalerPlugin::InVariant() const
  1414 	{
  1415     return ((iCurrentState <= ECleanUpState ) && (iCurrentState >= EInactiveState ));
  1416 	}
  1418 /**
  1419 *
  1420 * SetProcessingNeeded
  1421 * @param aStatus ETrue EFalse
  1422 *
  1423 */
  1424 void CBitmapScalerPlugin::SetProcessingNeeded( TBool aStatus )
  1425 	{
  1426 	if(aStatus)
  1427 		{
  1428 		iFlags |= EIsPostProcessingNeeded;
  1429 		}
  1430 	else
  1431 		{
  1432 		iFlags &= ~EIsPostProcessingNeeded;
  1433 		}
  1434 	}
  1436 /**
  1437 *
  1438 * SetDisablePostProcessing
  1439 * @param aStatus ETrue EFalse
  1440 *
  1441 */
  1442 void CBitmapScalerPlugin::SetDisablePostProcessing( TBool aIsDisabled )
  1443 	{
  1444 	if(aIsDisabled)
  1445 		{
  1446 		iFlags |= EDisablePostProcessing;
  1447 		}
  1448 	else
  1449 		{
  1450 		iFlags &= ~EDisablePostProcessing;
  1451 		}
  1452 	}
  1454 /**
  1455 *
  1456 * IsPostProcessingDisabled
  1457 * @return ETrue, EFalse
  1458 *
  1459 */
  1460 TBool CBitmapScalerPlugin::IsPostProcessingDisabled()
  1461 	{
  1462 	return ((iFlags & EDisablePostProcessing) != 0);
  1463 	}
  1465 /**
  1466 *
  1467 * IsPostProcessingNeeded
  1468 * @return TBool scaling process has been completed
  1469 *
  1470 */
  1471 TBool CBitmapScalerPlugin::IsPostProcessingNeeded() const
  1472 	{
  1473 	return ((iFlags & EIsPostProcessingNeeded) != 0);
  1474 	}
  1476 /*
  1477 *
  1478 * HeightAndWidthPreservingAspectRatio
  1479 * @param aDestSize
  1480 * @param aOrigSize
  1481 * Calculates the destination bitmap size based on preserving
  1482 * the aspect ratio of the original bitmap
  1483 * @pre aOrigSize is not zero in any dimension
  1484 */
  1485 void CBitmapScalerPlugin::HeightAndWidthPreservingAspectRatio( TSize& aDestSize, const TSize& aOrigSize ) const
  1486     {
  1488     if ((aOrigSize.iWidth == 0) || (aOrigSize.iHeight == 0))
  1489         {
  1490         return;
  1491         }
  1493     // no need to optimise, it is not a kernal function which may get called many times
  1494     TReal widthRatio = (TReal)aDestSize.iWidth / (TReal)aOrigSize.iWidth;
  1495     TReal heightRatio = (TReal)aDestSize.iHeight / (TReal)aOrigSize.iHeight;
  1497     // choose the smaller ratio to use
  1498     if(widthRatio < heightRatio)
  1499         {
  1500         TReal height;
  1501         Math::Round(height, aOrigSize.iHeight * widthRatio, 0);
  1502         aDestSize.iHeight = static_cast<TInt>(height);
  1503         }
  1504     else
  1505         {
  1506         TReal width;
  1507         Math::Round(width, aOrigSize.iWidth * heightRatio, 0);
  1508         aDestSize.iWidth = static_cast<TInt>(width);
  1509         }
  1510     }
  1512 /*
  1513 *
  1514 * IsPostProcessingEnabled
  1515 * @return 'TBool'
  1516 * 
  1517 */
  1518 TBool CBitmapScalerPlugin::IsPostProcessingEnabled() const
  1519 	{
  1520 	return ((iFlags & EPostProcessingEnabled) != 0);
  1521 	}
  1523 /*
  1524 *
  1525 * SetPostProcessingEnabled
  1526 * @param aIsEnabled
  1527 * 
  1528 */
  1529 void CBitmapScalerPlugin::SetPostProcessingEnabled( TBool aIsEnabled )
  1530 	{
  1531 	if(aIsEnabled)
  1532 		{
  1533 		iFlags |= EPostProcessingEnabled;
  1534 		}
  1535 	else
  1536 		{
  1537 		iFlags &= ~EPostProcessingEnabled;
  1538 		}
  1539 	}
  1541 /*
  1542 *
  1543 * CustomCommand
  1544 * @param aUid
  1545 * @param aParam
  1546 * @return 'TInt' an error code indicating success or failure of the 
  1547 * command
  1548 *
  1549 */
  1550 TInt CBitmapScalerPlugin::CustomCommand(TUid aUid, TAny* aParam)
  1551 	{
  1552 	TInt status = KErrNotSupported;
  1553 	if( ( aUid == KICLUidPostProcessCommand ) && ( aParam != NULL ) )
  1554 		{
  1555 		TBool postProcess = *( reinterpret_cast<TBool*>(aParam));
  1556 		SetDisablePostProcessing( postProcess ); 
  1557 		status = KErrNone;
  1558 		}
  1559 	else if( ( aUid == KICLUidUseLowMemoryAlgorithmCommand ) && ( aParam != NULL ) )
  1560 		{
  1561 		TBool useLowMemAlgorithm = *( reinterpret_cast<TBool*>(aParam) );
  1562 		SetUseLowMemoryAlgorithm( useLowMemAlgorithm );
  1563 		status = KErrNone;
  1564 		}
  1565 	else if( ( aUid == KICLUidSetQualityAlgorithmCommand ) && ( aParam != NULL ) )
  1566 		{
  1567 		CBitmapScaler::TQualityAlgorithm quality = *( reinterpret_cast<CBitmapScaler::TQualityAlgorithm*>(aParam) );
  1568 		SetQualityAlgorithm(quality);
  1569 		status = KErrNone;
  1570 		}
  1572 	return status;
  1573 	}
  1575 /*
  1576 *
  1577 * UseLowMemoryAlgorithm
  1578 * @return 'TBool'
  1579 * 
  1580 */
  1581 TBool CBitmapScalerPlugin::UseLowMemoryAlgorithm() const
  1582 	{
  1583 	return ((iFlags & EUseLowMemoryAlgorithm) != 0);
  1584 	}
  1586 /*
  1587 *
  1588 * SetUseLowMemoryAlgorithm
  1589 * @param aUseLowMemoryAlgorithm
  1590 * 
  1591 */
  1592 void CBitmapScalerPlugin::SetUseLowMemoryAlgorithm(TBool aUseLowMemoryAlgorithm)
  1593 	{
  1594 	if(aUseLowMemoryAlgorithm)
  1595 		{
  1596 		iFlags |= EUseLowMemoryAlgorithm;
  1597 		}
  1598 	else
  1599 		{
  1600 		iFlags &= ~EUseLowMemoryAlgorithm;
  1601 		}
  1602 	}
  1604 /*
  1605 *
  1606 * SetQualityAlgorithm
  1607 * @param CBitmapScaler::TQualityAlgorithm aQuality
  1608 * 
  1609 */
  1610 void CBitmapScalerPlugin::SetQualityAlgorithm( CBitmapScaler::TQualityAlgorithm aQuality)
  1611 	{
  1612 	iQualityLevel = aQuality;
  1613 	}
  1615 /*
  1616 *
  1617 *	QualityAlgorithm
  1618 *	@return CBitmapScaler::TQualityAlgorithm
  1619 *
  1620 */
  1621 CBitmapScaler::TQualityAlgorithm CBitmapScalerPlugin::QualityAlgorithm() const
  1622 	{
  1623 	return iQualityLevel;
  1624 	}
  1626 /**
  1627 *	This function is called when the state iCurrentState == EScalingState 
  1628 *	and either the UseMediumQualityAlgorithm or the UseMinimumQualityAlgorithm custom
  1629 *	commands have been invoked.
  1630 *	In terms of speed and quality, the normal algorithm, as implemented in Scale(),
  1631 *	is the slowest / highest quality, whereas the fastest / lowest quality
  1632 *	implementation is for the case when UseMinimumQualityAlgorithm is specified.
  1633 *	The difference between the minimum quality and fast algorithms is that
  1634 *	the fast algorithm forms the destination value from weighted averages of
  1635 *	the x values prior to and proceeding the value under consideration.
  1636 */
  1637 void CBitmapScalerPlugin::FastScale()
  1638 	{
  1639 #if defined (__SCALING_PROFILING)
  1640 	RDebug::ProfileStart(7);
  1641 #endif // __SCALING_PROFILING
  1642 	TInt linesLeftPerCall = KLinesPerCall;
  1644 	// Height and width to scale to
  1645 	const TInt maxX = iDestSize.iWidth * iComponentsPerPixel;
  1646 	const TInt stepY = (iOrigSize.iHeight << KFixedPointScale) / iDestSize.iHeight;
  1647 	const TInt destBufferLength = iDestDes.Length();
  1648 	const TInt divisor = (destBufferLength < iDestSize.iWidth ? destBufferLength : iDestSize.iWidth);
  1649 	const TInt stepX = (iOrigSize.iWidth << KFixedPointScale) / divisor;
  1650 	TInt sourceX = 0;	// x
  1651 	const TInt roundVal = 1;
  1652 	if (iDestSize == iOrigSize)
  1653 		{
  1654 		// Same size so just directly copy values.
  1655 		while(linesLeftPerCall > 0 && iCurOffset < iFinalOffset)
  1656 			{
  1657 			iSrcBitmap->GetScanLine(iOrigDes, TPoint(0, iCurOffset), iOrigSize.iWidth, iLocalDisplayMode);
  1658 			iDestBmpPtr->SetScanLine(iOrigDes, iCurOffset);
  1659 			linesLeftPerCall--;
  1660 			iCurOffset++;
  1661 			}
  1662 		}
  1663 	else if (iDestSize.iHeight < iOrigSize.iHeight)
  1664 		{
  1665 		TInt currentX = 0;
  1666 		// For downscaling (destination bitmap size is smaller than the original bitmap size)
  1667 		while(linesLeftPerCall > 0 && iCurOffset < iFinalOffset)
  1668 			{
  1669 			sourceX = 0;			
  1670 			// Fetch the relevant row from the source bitmap
  1671 			iSrcBitmap->GetScanLine(iOrigDes, TPoint(0, iSrcY), iOrigSize.iWidth, iLocalDisplayMode);
  1673 			// Get each colour component of each relevant pixel
  1674 			for (TInt x = 0; x < maxX; x += iComponentsPerPixel)
  1675 				{
  1676 				//Line scaling
  1677 				ScaleBitmapLine(x,sourceX);
  1678 				// Increment to the next pixel
  1679 				currentX += stepX;
  1680 				// Avoid TInt rounding error
  1681 				sourceX = ( currentX + (roundVal << KFixedPointScale - 1) ) >> KFixedPointScale;
  1682 				// Factor for the number of components
  1683 				sourceX *= iComponentsPerPixel;
  1684 				// Stay in bounds
  1685 				if (sourceX >= iOrigDes.Length())
  1686 					{
  1687 					sourceX = iOrigDes.Length() - iComponentsPerPixel;
  1688 					}
  1689 				}
  1690 			currentX = 0;	// reset the x counter
  1691 			iDestBmpPtr->SetScanLine(iDestDes, iCurOffset);	// set the scaled line into the target
  1693 			// increment to the next row
  1694 			iCurY += stepY;
  1695 			// avoiding any rounding errors (using TInt = (TInt + 0.5) )
  1696 			iSrcY = (iCurY + (roundVal << KFixedPointScale - 1) ) >> KFixedPointScale;
  1697 			// Stay in bounds
  1698 			if (iSrcY >= iOrigSize.iHeight)
  1699 				{
  1700 				iSrcY = iOrigSize.iHeight - 1;
  1701 				}
  1702 			linesLeftPerCall--;
  1703 			iCurOffset++;
  1704 			}
  1705 		}
  1706 	else
  1707 		{
  1708 		TInt currentX = 0;
  1709 		//For upscaling (Destination bitmap size is bigger than the original bitmap size)
  1710 		while(linesLeftPerCall > 0 && iCurOffsetUp !=0 )
  1711 			{
  1712 			sourceX = 0;			
  1713 			// avoiding any rounding errors (using TInt = (TInt + 0.5) )
  1714 			iSrcY = (iCurY + (roundVal << KFixedPointScale - 1) ) >> KFixedPointScale;
  1715 			// Fetch the relevant row from the source bitmap
  1716 			iSrcBitmap->GetScanLine(iOrigDes, TPoint(0, iSrcY), iOrigSize.iWidth, iLocalDisplayMode);
  1718 			// Get each colour component of each relevant pixel
  1719 			for (TInt x = 0; x < maxX; x += iComponentsPerPixel)
  1720 				{
  1721 				//Line scaling
  1722 				ScaleBitmapLine(x,sourceX);
  1723 				// Increment to the next pixel
  1724 				currentX += stepX;
  1725 				// Avoid TInt rounding error
  1726 				sourceX = ( currentX + (roundVal << KFixedPointScale - 1) ) >> KFixedPointScale;
  1727 				// Factor for the number of components
  1728 				sourceX *= iComponentsPerPixel;
  1729 				// Stay in bounds
  1730 				if (sourceX >= iOrigDes.Length())
  1731 					{
  1732 					sourceX = iOrigDes.Length() - iComponentsPerPixel;
  1733 					}
  1734 				}
  1735 			currentX = 0;	// reset the x counter
  1736 			iDestBmpPtr->SetScanLine(iDestDes, iCurOffsetUp);	// set the scaled line into the target				
  1737 			// Decrement to the next row from the end
  1738 			iCurY -= stepY;	
  1739 			// Stay in bounds
  1740 			if (iSrcY >= iOrigSize.iHeight)
  1741 				{
  1742 				iSrcY = iOrigSize.iHeight - 1;
  1743 				}
  1744 			linesLeftPerCall--;
  1745 			iCurOffsetUp--;
  1746 			}
  1747 		}
  1748 	if (IsScalingComplete())
  1749 		{
  1750 		// in case of low memory algo and 1 bitmap we have to resize the resulting bitmap
  1751 		if (iDestBmpPtr->Handle() == iSrcBitmap->Handle()
  1752 				&& iDestBmpPtr->SizeInPixels() != iDestSize )
  1753 			{
  1754 			TInt err=iDestBmpPtr->Resize(iDestSize);
  1755 			if (err != KErrNone)
  1756 				{
  1757 				ProcessError( err );
  1758 				return;
  1759 				}
  1760 			}		
  1761 		if( IsPostProcessingNeeded() )
  1762 			{
  1763 			//[ transition to start post processing state]
  1764 			SetCurrentState( EStartPostProcessState );
  1765 			}
  1766 		else
  1767 			{
  1768 			//[ transition to cleanup state ]
  1769 			SetCurrentState( ECleanUpState );
  1770 			}
  1771 		}
  1772 	// Start the active object
  1773 	SelfComplete(KErrNone);
  1774 #if defined (__SCALING_PROFILING)
  1775 	RDebug::ProfileEnd(7);
  1776 #endif // __SCALING_PROFILING
  1777 	}
  1779 /*
  1780 *
  1781 * ScaleBitmapLine
  1782 * @param aX
  1783 * @param aSourceX
  1784 *
  1785 */
  1786 void CBitmapScalerPlugin::ScaleBitmapLine(TInt aX,TInt aSourceX)
  1787 	{
  1788 	TUint8* destDesPtr = const_cast<TUint8*>( iDestDes.Ptr() );
  1789 	const TUint8* orgDesPtr = iOrigDes.Ptr();
  1791 	if (QualityAlgorithm() == CBitmapScaler::EMinimumQuality)
  1792 		{
  1793 		CopyPixel(destDesPtr + aX,orgDesPtr + aSourceX);
  1794 		}
  1795 	else	// must be CBitmapScaler::EMediumQuality
  1796 		{
  1797 		// Better quality
  1798 		TInt nextValue = 0;
  1799 		TInt prevValue = 0;
  1800 		TInt value = 0;
  1801 		// eg weightedAv. = (w1*v1 + w2*v2 + w3*v3) / (w1 + w2 + w3)
  1802 		// so if w1=w3=8 and w2=16
  1803 		// (v1 * 2<<3 + v2 * 2<<4 + v3 * 2<<3) >> 2 * 5
  1804 		const TInt minorShift = 3;	// prev and next value weighting
  1805 		const TInt majorShift = 4;	// current value weighting
  1806 		const TInt backShift = 5;	// average
  1808 		for (TInt i = 0; i < iComponentsPerPixel; i++)
  1809 			{
  1810 			// Get the previous value
  1811 			TInt index = aSourceX - iComponentsPerPixel;
  1812 			if (index < 0)
  1813 				{
  1814 				index = i;
  1815 				}
  1816 			else
  1817 				{
  1818 				index += i;
  1819 				}
  1820 			prevValue = TInt(orgDesPtr[index]);
  1822 			// Weight the previous value
  1823 			prevValue = prevValue << minorShift;
  1824 			// Get the next value
  1825 			index = aSourceX;
  1826 			if (index  + iComponentsPerPixel >= iOrigDes.Length())
  1827 				{
  1828 				index += i;
  1829 				}
  1830 			else
  1831 				{
  1832 				index += (i + iComponentsPerPixel);
  1833 				}
  1834 			nextValue = TInt(orgDesPtr[index]);
  1836 			// Weight the next value
  1837 			nextValue = nextValue << minorShift;
  1838 			// Weight the current value
  1839 			value = TInt(orgDesPtr[aSourceX+ i]);
  1841 			value = value << majorShift;
  1842 			// Sum all values
  1843 			value += prevValue;
  1844 			value += nextValue;
  1845 			// Average
  1846 			value = value >> backShift;
  1847 			destDesPtr[aX + i] = TUint8(value);
  1848 			}
  1849 		}
  1850 	}